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Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-005], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434189


Allergy to milk is the only auto-allergic disease in cattle. It is characterized by the retention and absorption of milk itself, making milk proteins, especially alpha casein, have access to the bloodstream, resulting in a type I hypersensitivity. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of auto-allergic disease in cattle. Here we report the case of a four-year-old Jersey female bovine, which was pregnant and weighing 400Kg. The animal was being treated at (hidden for revision)and had a history of an acute allergic reaction. Its owner reported sudden onset of skin lesions, salivation, and difficulty breathing. As the animal was participating in an agricultural exhibition, it was not being milked to generate mammary gland engorgement (milk retention). Inphysical examination findings wherein there is presence of multifocal urticarial papules and plaques, mainly on the sides and right and left flanks, besides the absence of pruritus, edema in mucocutaneous regions of the upper and lower eyelids of the right and left eyes, submandibular edema, excessive salivation, inspiratory dyspnea with half-open mouth breathing, respiratory distress, apathy, cough, tachycardia tachypnea, ruminal hypomotility and increased volume of the mammary gland, characterizing milk retention. Clinical suspicion was milk allergy with anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity). Treatment was based on promethazine administration (1mg/kg; IV) and immediate full milking of the mammary gland. After 12 h of treatment, clinical respiratory signs resolved, and after 24 h, skin changes resolved completely. Based on clinical signs and treatment success, the clinical suspicion of milk allergy causing anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity) was confirmed.(AU)

A alergia ao leite é a única doença auto-alérgica em bovinos. Caracteriza-se pela retenção e absorção do próprio leite, fazendo com que as proteínas do leite, principalmente a alfa caseína, tenham acesso à corrente sanguínea, resultando em uma hipersensibilidade do tipo I. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de doença autoalérgica em bovinos. Relatamos o caso de uma fêmea bovina da raça Jersey, com quatro anos de idade, prenhe e pesando 400Kg. O animal estava em tratamento (oculto para revisão)e tinha histórico de reação alérgica aguda. Proprietário relatou aparecimento súbito de lesões na pele, salivação e dificuldade respiratória. Oanimal estava participando de uma exposição agrícola, e não estava sendo ordenhado para gerar ingurgitamento da glândula mamária (retenção de leite). No exame físico identificou-sepápulas e placas urticariformes multifocais, principalmente nas laterais e flancos direito e esquerdo, ausência de prurido, edema em regiões mucocutâneas das pálpebras superior e inferior dos olhos direito e esquerdo, edema submandibular, salivação excessiva, dispneia inspiratória com respiração de boca entreaberta, desconforto respiratório, apatia, tosse, taquicardia, taquipneia, hipomotilidade ruminal e aumento do volume da glândula mamária, caracterizando retenção de leite. A suspeita clínica foi alergia ao leite com reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I). O tratamento baseou-se na administração de prometazina (1mg/kg; IV) e ordenha completa imediata da glândula mamária. Após 12 h de tratamento, os sinais clínicos respiratórios foram resolvidos e, após 24 h, as alterações cutâneas desapareceram completamente. Com base nos sinais clínicos e no sucesso do tratamento, confirmou-sea suspeita de alergia ao leite causando reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I).(AU)

La alergia a la leche es la única enfermedad autoalérgica en el ganado bovino. Se caracteriza por la retención y absorción de la propia leche, provocando que las proteínas de la leche, especialmente la alfa caseína, tengan acceso al torrente sanguíneo, dando lugar a una hipersensibilidad tipo I. El objetivo de este reporte es describir un caso de enfermedad autoalérgica en bovinos. Presentamos el caso de una vaca Jersey hembra de cuatro años, gestante y de 400 kg de peso. El animal estaba siendo atendido en el (oculto para revision)y tenía antecedentes de reacción alérgica aguda. Propietario refirió aparición repentina de lesiones en la piel, salivación y dificultad respiratoria. Como el animal participaba en una exhibición agrícola, no estaba siendo ordeñado para generar congestión de la glándula mamaria (retención de leche). En examen físico en los que se observan pápulas y placas urticariales multifocales, principalmente en costados y flancos derecho e izquierdo, además de ausencia de prurito, edema en las regiones mucocutáneas de los párpados superior e inferior del lado derecho e ojos izquierdos, edema submandibular, salivación excesiva, disnea inspiratoria con respiración con la boca abierta, dificultad respiratoria, apatía, tos, taquicardia (frecuencia cardíaca 88 latidos/minuto), taquipnea (100 movimientos/minuto), normotermia (39,0°C), hipomotilidad ruminal (2 movimientos ruminales/5 minutos) y aumento de volumen de la glándula mamaria, caracterizando la retención de leche. La sospecha clínica fue alergia a la leche con reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I). El tratamiento se basó en la administración de prometazina (1 mg/kg; IV) y ordeño completo inmediato de la glándula mamaria. Después de 12 h de tratamiento, los signos clínicos respiratorios se resolvieron y, después de 24 h, los cambios en la piel desaparecieron por completo. Sobre la base de los signos clínicos y el éxito del tratamiento, se confirmó la sospecha clínica de alergia a la leche que causaba una reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I).(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Prometazina/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Prenhez
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(6): 1346-1350, Nov.-Dec. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355683


A case of a donkey attacked by Africanized honeybee is reported here with clinical signs of agitation, dehydration, congestion of the ocular mucous membranes, tongue edema, tachycardia and inspiratory dyspnea, and progression to death. At necropsy, diffuse, severe subcutaneous edema at face and cervical regions and severe diffuse pulmonary hyperemia with abundant edema without parenchymal collapse were observed. Microscopically, marked, diffuse deep dermis and panniculus carnosus edema and marked diffuse alveolar edema, with moderate population of eosinophils predominantly around larger caliber vessels were noted. The final diagnosis of anaphylactic shock was supported by history, clinical signs, and anatomic pathology findings. This is the first report of a honeybee attack with pulmonary eosinophilic infiltration in a mammal.(AU)

Descreve-se um caso de ataque de abelha africanizada em um burro, com sinais clínicos de agitação, desidratação, mucosas oculares congestas, edema de língua, taquicardia e dispneia inspiratória, com progressão e morte. Na necropsia, foram verificados edema subcutâneo difuso grave nas regiões de face e cervical, hiperemia pulmonar difusa grave com edema abundante e sem colapso do parênquima. Microscopicamente, foram observados edema marcado difuso na derme profunda e panículo carnoso e edema alveolar difuso acentuado, com população moderada de eosinófilos predominantemente em torno de vasos de maior calibre. O diagnóstico de choque anafilático foi baseado no histórico, em sinais clínicos e em achados anatomopatológicos. Este é o primeiro relato de ataque de abelhas com infiltração eosinofílica pulmonar em um mamífero.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Abelha/toxicidade , Equidae , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Meliteno/efeitos adversos , Abelhas , Eosinófilos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.401-2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458165


Background: Snakebites occur frequently among humans and animals. In Brazil, about 23,000 cases of snakebite involving humans were recorded in 2016, 11% of them caused by venomous snakes. In the region of Cuiabá, capital of MatoGrosso, the highest occurrence is of snakes of the genus Bothrops (81%), followed by Crotalus (4%). Bothrops venom hasproteolytic, coagulant, and hemorrhagic effects, whereas Crotalus venom is neurotoxic, myotoxic and nephrotoxic. Thispaper reports on three cases of Bothrops snakebites in dogs treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Universityof Mato Grosso in 2017.Cases: Three dogs were treated showing clinical signs of snakebite, possibly by Bothrops, since their owners reportedthat these are the snakes most frequently found where they live. This information is consistent with the known geographicdistribution of snakes of the genus Bothrops in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. In the first report (Case 11), the patientwas bitten on two different occasions in a five-month interval, and died presumably due to anaphylactic shock causedby the venom injected by a second snakebite (Case 12). In both episodes, the animal presented a swollen face and neck,dyspnea and eye bleeding, and these signs were more severe in the second episode. Case 2 was a dog with severe neckand chest swelling and pain. The owner of this dog reported that he had taken his dog for a walk in the countryside, alongwith the dog of Case 1, and had returned home with both dogs about three hours before the consultation. Case 3 was aRottweiler living at a small family farm located 67 km from Cuiabá. The animal presented slight swelling and pain in theleft forelimb, and puncture wounds on the lower limb. Neutrophilic leukocytosis was observed in cases 1 and 3. In addition, Case 12 (the second episode of Case 1) presented thrombocytopenia and increased prothrombin time and activatedpartial...

Animais , Cães , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Bothrops , Mordeduras de Serpentes/diagnóstico , Mordeduras de Serpentes/veterinária , Brasil
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 401, July 10, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21272


Background: Snakebites occur frequently among humans and animals. In Brazil, about 23,000 cases of snakebite involving humans were recorded in 2016, 11% of them caused by venomous snakes. In the region of Cuiabá, capital of MatoGrosso, the highest occurrence is of snakes of the genus Bothrops (81%), followed by Crotalus (4%). Bothrops venom hasproteolytic, coagulant, and hemorrhagic effects, whereas Crotalus venom is neurotoxic, myotoxic and nephrotoxic. Thispaper reports on three cases of Bothrops snakebites in dogs treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Universityof Mato Grosso in 2017.Cases: Three dogs were treated showing clinical signs of snakebite, possibly by Bothrops, since their owners reportedthat these are the snakes most frequently found where they live. This information is consistent with the known geographicdistribution of snakes of the genus Bothrops in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. In the first report (Case 11), the patientwas bitten on two different occasions in a five-month interval, and died presumably due to anaphylactic shock causedby the venom injected by a second snakebite (Case 12). In both episodes, the animal presented a swollen face and neck,dyspnea and eye bleeding, and these signs were more severe in the second episode. Case 2 was a dog with severe neckand chest swelling and pain. The owner of this dog reported that he had taken his dog for a walk in the countryside, alongwith the dog of Case 1, and had returned home with both dogs about three hours before the consultation. Case 3 was aRottweiler living at a small family farm located 67 km from Cuiabá. The animal presented slight swelling and pain in theleft forelimb, and puncture wounds on the lower limb. Neutrophilic leukocytosis was observed in cases 1 and 3. In addition, Case 12 (the second episode of Case 1) presented thrombocytopenia and increased prothrombin time and activatedpartial...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Mordeduras de Serpentes/diagnóstico , Mordeduras de Serpentes/veterinária , Bothrops , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Brasil
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(12): 1209-1214, Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842026


Lymphatic mapping has been performed in humans and dogs. Although several cases of anaphylaxis have been reported in humans, there are no such reports in dogs. The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence of adverse reactions to patent blue V dye in bitches undergoing uterine lymphatic mapping procedures using cardiovascular and hematological evaluations. The experiment was performed in 14 mongrel bitches without any reproductive disease, randomly assigned into two equal groups (PBV- uterine lynphatic mapping and OHE; Control - OHE only). The animals were submitted to pre- and postoperative hematological and serum biochemistry exams (7 days). The anesthetic protocol was: sedation (morphine and acepromazine), induction (propofol), maintenance (isoflurane), transoperative analgesia (fentanyl). Systolic blood pressure was monitored throughout the procedure and arterial blood gas analysis was performed immediate pre and postoperatively. For lymphatic mapping was injected patent blue V in the uterine wall, 10 minutes before OEH. Comparisons between the pre- and postoperative parameters within the same animal were performed using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. To compare the values between control and PBV group was obtaining the difference between the pre and post of each group, subjected to the Mann-Whitney test (significance of 5%). Differences were observed (P<0.05) between the pre- and postoperative evaluations in the PBV (total protein and the albumin serum), in both groups (arterial partial pressure of oxygen) and in the Control (arterial oxygen saturation). There were no signs of adverse reactions to the patent blue V dye in the healthy bitches submitted to lymphatic uterine mapping.(AU)

O mapeamento linfático tem sido realizado em humanos e cães. Embora inúmeros casos de anafilaxia já tenham sido relatados em humanos, não existem tais relatos em cães. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a ocorrência de reações adversas ao corante azul patente V em cadelas submetidas ao mapeamento linfático uterino, usando avaliações cardiovasculares e hematológicas. O experimento foi realizado em 14 cadelas mestiças, divididas igualmente em dois grupos (PBV- mapeamento linfático uterino e OEH; Controle - apenas OEH). Os animais foram submetidos a exames hematológicos e bioquímicos séricos no pré e pós-operatório (7 dias). O protocolo anestésico foi: sedação (morfina e acepromazina), indução (propofol), manutenção (isoflurano), analgesia trans-operatória (fentanil). A pressão arterial sistólica foi monitorada durante todo o procedimento e hemogasometria arterial no pré e pós-operatório imediato. Para o mapeamento linfático foi injetado azul patente V na parede uterina, 10 minutos antes de realizar a OEH. Comparações entre os valores do pré e pós-operatório do mesmo animal foram realizados pelo teste Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. Para a comparação dos valores entre Controle e PBV foi realizado a obtenção da diferença entre os valores pré e pós de cada grupo, submetidas ao teste de Mann-Whitney (significância de 5%). Diferenças foram observadas (p<0,05) entre as avaliações pré e pós-operatórias no PBV (proteína total e albumina), ambos os grupos (pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial) e no Controle (saturação de oxigênio arterial). Não houve sinais de reação adversa ao corante azul patente V em cadelas saudáveis submetidas ao mapeamento linfático uterino.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Corantes , Linfonodos/patologia , Vasos Linfáticos/patologia , Padrões de Referência/análise , Útero/fisiologia , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(12): 1209-1214, dez. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-684040


Lymphatic mapping has been performed in humans and dogs. Although several cases of anaphylaxis have been reported in humans, there are no such reports in dogs. The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence of adverse reactions to patent blue V dye in bitches undergoing uterine lymphatic mapping procedures using cardiovascular and hematological evaluations. The experiment was performed in 14 mongrel bitches without any reproductive disease, randomly assigned into two equal groups (PBV- uterine lynphatic mapping and OHE; Control - OHE only). The animals were submitted to pre- and postoperative hematological and serum biochemistry exams (7 days). The anesthetic protocol was: sedation (morphine and acepromazine), induction (propofol), maintenance (isoflurane), transoperative analgesia (fentanyl). Systolic blood pressure was monitored throughout the procedure and arterial blood gas analysis was performed immediate pre and postoperatively. For lymphatic mapping was injected patent blue V in the uterine wall, 10 minutes before OEH. Comparisons between the pre- and postoperative parameters within the same animal were performed using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. To compare the values between control and PBV group was obtaining the difference between the pre and post of each group, subjected to the Mann-Whitney test (significance of 5%). Differences were observed (P 0.05) between the pre- and postoperative evaluations in the PBV (total protein and the albumin serum), in both groups (arterial partial pressure of oxygen) and in the Control (arterial oxygen saturation). There were no signs of adverse reactions to the patent blue V dye in the healthy bitches submitted to lymphatic uterine mapping.(AU)

O mapeamento linfático tem sido realizado em humanos e cães. Embora inúmeros casos de anafilaxia já tenham sido relatados em humanos, não existem tais relatos em cães. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a ocorrência de reações adversas ao corante azul patente V em cadelas submetidas ao mapeamento linfático uterino, usando avaliações cardiovasculares e hematológicas. O experimento foi realizado em 14 cadelas mestiças, divididas igualmente em dois grupos (PBV- mapeamento linfático uterino e OEH; Controle - apenas OEH). Os animais foram submetidos a exames hematológicos e bioquímicos séricos no pré e pós-operatório (7 dias). O protocolo anestésico foi: sedação (morfina e acepromazina), indução (propofol), manutenção (isoflurano), analgesia trans-operatória (fentanil). A pressão arterial sistólica foi monitorada durante todo o procedimento e hemogasometria arterial no pré e pós-operatório imediato. Para o mapeamento linfático foi injetado azul patente V na parede uterina, 10 minutos antes de realizar a OEH. Comparações entre os valores do pré e pós-operatório do mesmo animal foram realizados pelo teste Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. Para a comparação dos valores entre Controle e PBV foi realizado a obtenção da diferença entre os valores pré e pós de cada grupo, submetidas ao teste de Mann-Whitney (significância de 5%). Diferenças foram observadas (p 0,05) entre as avaliações pré e pós-operatórias no PBV (proteína total e albumina), ambos os grupos (pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial) e no Controle (saturação de oxigênio arterial). Não houve sinais de reação adversa ao corante azul patente V em cadelas saudáveis submetidas ao mapeamento linfático uterino.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Vasos Linfáticos/patologia , Linfonodos/patologia , Corantes , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Útero/fisiologia , Padrões de Referência/análise , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18452


Asian slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are one of few known venomous mammals, yet until now only one published case report has documented the impact of their venomous bite on humans. We describe the reaction of a patient to the bite of a subadult Nycticebus kayan, which occurred in the Mulu District of Sarawak in 2012.Findings Within minutes of the bite, the patient experienced paraesthesia in the right side of the jaw, ear and right foot. By 40 minutes, swelling of the face was pronounced. The patient was admitted to Mulu National Park Health Clinic/Klinik Kesihatan Taman Mulu Tarikh, at which time he was experiencing: swollen mouth, chest pain, mild abdominal pain, nausea, numbness of the lips and mouth, shortness of breath, weakness, agitation and the sensation of pressure in the ears due to swelling. The blood pressure was 110/76, the heart ratio was 116 and oxygen saturation was 96%. The patient was treated intramuscularly with adrenaline (0.5 mL), followed by intravenous injection of hydrocortisone (400 mg) and then intravenous fluid therapy of normal saline (500 mg). By 8 h10 the next day, the patients condition had significantly improved with no nausea, and with blood pressure and pulse rate stable.Conclusions A handful of anecdotes further support the real danger that slow loris bites pose to humans. As the illegal pet trade is a major factor in the decline of these threatened species, we hope that by reporting on the danger of handling these animals it may help to reduce their desirability as a pet.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Lorisidae , Animais Peçonhentos , Hipersensibilidade , Mordeduras e Picadas/complicações , Anafilaxia , Venenos , Primatas , Malásia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 20: 1-5, 04/02/2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484593


Asian slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are one of few known venomous mammals, yet until now only one published case report has documented the impact of their venomous bite on humans. We describe the reaction of a patient to the bite of a subadult Nycticebus kayan, which occurred in the Mulu District of Sarawak in 2012.Findings Within minutes of the bite, the patient experienced paraesthesia in the right side of the jaw, ear and right foot. By 40 minutes, swelling of the face was pronounced. The patient was admitted to Mulu National Park Health Clinic/Klinik Kesihatan Taman Mulu Tarikh, at which time he was experiencing: swollen mouth, chest pain, mild abdominal pain, nausea, numbness of the lips and mouth, shortness of breath, weakness, agitation and the sensation of pressure in the ears due to swelling. The blood pressure was 110/76, the heart ratio was 116 and oxygen saturation was 96%. The patient was treated intramuscularly with adrenaline (0.5 mL), followed by intravenous injection of hydrocortisone (400 mg) and then intravenous fluid therapy of normal saline (500 mg). By 8 h10 the next day, the patients condition had significantly improved with no nausea, and with blood pressure and pulse rate stable.Conclusions A handful of anecdotes further support the real danger that slow loris bites pose to humans. As the illegal pet trade is a major factor in the decline of these threatened species, we hope that by reporting on the danger of handling these animals it may help to reduce their desirability as a pet.

Humanos , Animais , Anafilaxia , Animais Peçonhentos , Hipersensibilidade , Lorisidae , Mordeduras e Picadas/complicações , Malásia , Primatas , Venenos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18265


In the present study, a fatal case caused by honeybee (Apis cerana) stings was documented in a female German shepherd dog that was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. Characteristic clinical signs included hematuria, hematemesis, incoordination and convulsions along with evidence of massive honeybee attack supported the diagnosis of envenomation. The dog was treated with dexamethasone and diphenhydramine, but it did not respond to therapy and died. This outcome could be avoided if we had a bee antivenom available for treating envenomated patients.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Venenos de Abelha , Anafilaxia , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/complicações , Doenças do Cão/etiologia , Evolução Fatal , Abelhas
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 20: 1-4, 04/02/2014. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484594


In the present study, a fatal case caused by honeybee (Apis cerana) stings was documented in a female German shepherd dog that was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. Characteristic clinical signs included hematuria, hematemesis, incoordination and convulsions along with evidence of massive honeybee attack supported the diagnosis of envenomation. The dog was treated with dexamethasone and diphenhydramine, but it did not respond to therapy and died. This outcome could be avoided if we had a bee antivenom available for treating envenomated patients.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Anafilaxia , Doenças do Cão/etiologia , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/complicações , Venenos de Abelha , Abelhas , Evolução Fatal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457938


Background: Toxic reactions due bee stings in human, companion animals, food animals and wild animals are sporadically reported. Accidents involving bees have been occurring in urban and rural areas since 1956, when African bees were introduced in Brazil, forming populations of aggressive hybrid Africanized bees. Their sting cause local and systemic reactions, which include dermatologic reactions, anaphylactic reactions and toxic systemic reactions before death. The aim of this article is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of the toxic systemic reactions of two dogs that suffered a massive bee attack in the Federal District, Brazil.Cases: A 8-year-old female Brazilian mastiff, and one female 6-year-old Belgian shepherd were locked in the kennel when they suffered a massive bee attack. The dogs presented ‘apathy, congested mucous membranes, dyspnea, epistaxis, hemoglobinuria, icterus (one of them) and convulsions. Clinical pathology results showed a strong hemolyzed plasma, azotemia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis. Both animals were euthanized due to their critical conditions. At necropsy the dogs showed severe subcutaneous edema in the face, moderate congestion of mucous membranes, hematochezia and hematuria. Both dogs presented kidneys dark brown to blackened colored, urinary bladder replete with dark red fluid, lungs severely congested, intestines with severe mural edema and hyperemia containing bloody fecal matter inside, and the liver of one of the dog moderately icteric. The main histologic findings were the moderate diffuse degeneration of the kidney tubular epithelium with small focal areas of necrosis, countless casts of hemoglobin, granular and hyaline casts inside the renal tubules.[...]

Animais , Cães , Abelhas , Hipersensibilidade/veterinária , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/veterinária , Venenos de Artrópodes
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17752


Background: Toxic reactions due bee stings in human, companion animals, food animals and wild animals are sporadically reported. Accidents involving bees have been occurring in urban and rural areas since 1956, when African bees were introduced in Brazil, forming populations of aggressive hybrid Africanized bees. Their sting cause local and systemic reactions, which include dermatologic reactions, anaphylactic reactions and toxic systemic reactions before death. The aim of this article is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of the toxic systemic reactions of two dogs that suffered a massive bee attack in the Federal District, Brazil.Cases: A 8-year-old female Brazilian mastiff, and one female 6-year-old Belgian shepherd were locked in the kennel when they suffered a massive bee attack. The dogs presented ‘apathy, congested mucous membranes, dyspnea, epistaxis, hemoglobinuria, icterus (one of them) and convulsions. Clinical pathology results showed a strong hemolyzed plasma, azotemia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis. Both animals were euthanized due to their critical conditions. At necropsy the dogs showed severe subcutaneous edema in the face, moderate congestion of mucous membranes, hematochezia and hematuria. Both dogs presented kidneys dark brown to blackened colored, urinary bladder replete with dark red fluid, lungs severely congested, intestines with severe mural edema and hyperemia containing bloody fecal matter inside, and the liver of one of the dog moderately icteric. The main histologic findings were the moderate diffuse degeneration of the kidney tubular epithelium with small focal areas of necrosis, countless casts of hemoglobin, granular and hyaline casts inside the renal tubules.[...](AU)

Animais , Cães , Abelhas , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/veterinária , Hipersensibilidade/veterinária , Venenos de Artrópodes
Acta cir. bras. ; 26(6): 481-489, Nov.-Dec. 2011. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7703


PURPOSE: To verify if the methylene blue (MB) administration prevents and/or reverses the compound 48/80 (C48/80)-induced anaphylactic shock in pigs. METHODS: Female Dalland pigs were anesthetized and had the hemodynamic parameters recorded during the necessary time to administer some drugs and observe their effect. The animals were randomly assigned to one of the five groups: 1) control; 2) MB: the animals received a bolus injection of MB (2 mg/kg) followed by continuous infusion of MB (2.66 mg/Kg/h delivered by syringe infusion pump); 3) C48/80: the animals received a bolus injection of C48/80 (4 mg/kg); 4) C48/80+MB: the animals received a bolus injection of C48/80 (4 mg/kg) and 10 minutes after the C48/80 administration the animals received a bolus injection of MB (2 mg/kg) followed by continuous infusion of MB (2.66 mg/Kg/h delivered by syringe infusion pump); 5) MB+C48/80: the animals received a bolus injection of MB (2 mg/kg) and 3 minutes later they received a bolus injection of C48/80 (4 mg/kg). RESULTS: The intravenous infusion of MB alone caused no changes in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) showing that the administered MB dose was safe in this experimental model. The C48/80 was effective in producing experimental anaphylactic shock since it was observed a decrease in both MAP and cardiac output (CO) after its administration. The MB did not prevent or reverse the C48/80-induced anaphylactic shock in this model. In fact, the MAP of the animals with anaphylactic shock treated with MB decreased even more than the MAP of the animals from the C48/80 group. On the other hand, the C48/80-induced epidermal alterations disappeared after the MB infusion. CONCLUSION: Despite our data, the clinical manifestations improvement brings some optimism and does not allow excluding the MB as a possible therapeutic option in the anaphylactic shock.(AU)

OBJETIVO: Verificar se a administração de azul de metileno (AM) previne e/ou reverte o choque anafilático induzido por composto 48/80 (C48/80) em suínos. MÉTODOS: Porcos fêmeas Dalland foram anestesiados e tiveram os parâmetros hemodinâmicos registados durante o tempo necessário para administrar algumas drogas e observar seu efeito. Os animais foram aleatoriamente destribuídos em um dos cinco grupos: 1) controle, 2) AM: os animais receberam uma injeção em bolus de AM (2mg/kg), seguido de infusão contínua de AM (2,66mg/Kg /h por bomba de infusão de seringa); 3) C48/80: os animais receberam uma injeção em bolus de C48/80 (4mg/kg); 4) C48/80 + AM: os animais receberam uma injeção em bolus de C48/80 (4mg/kg) e 10 minutos após a administração de C48/80 os animais receberam uma injeção em bolus de AM (2mg/kg), seguido de infusão contínua de AM (2,66mg/kg/h por bomba de infusão de seringa); 5) AM+C48/80: os animais receberam uma injeção em bolus de AM (2mg/kg) e três minutos depois, receberam uma injeção em bolus de C48/80 (4mg/kg). RESULTADOS: A infusão intravenosa de AM não causou mudanças na pressão arterial média (PAM), mostrando que a dose de AM administrada foi segura neste modelo experimental. O C48/80 foi eficaz na indução do choque anafilático experimental, uma vez que foi observada redução na PAM e débito cardíaco (DC), após a sua administração. O AM não preveniu ou reverte o choque anafilático induzido por C48/80 neste modelo. Na verdade, a PAM dos animais com choque anafilático tratados com AM diminuiu mais do que o PAM dos animais do grupo C48/80. Por outro lado, as alterações epidérmicas induzidas pelo C48/80 desapareceu após a infusão do AM. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos resultados a melhora clínica das manifestações anafiláticas permite considerar a possibilidade do azul de metileno como opção terapêutica no tratamento do choque anafilático.(AU)

Animais , Anafilaxia , Suínos/classificação , Azul de Metileno/administração & dosagem , Óxido Nítrico/química
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443276


Antivenoms have been widely used for more than a century for treating snakebites and other accidents with poisonous animals. Despite their efficacy, the use of heterologous antivenoms involves the possibility of adverse reactions due to activation of the immune system. In this paper, alternatives for antivenom production already in use were evaluated in light of their ability to minimize the occurrence of adverse reactions. These effects were classified according to their molecular mechanism as: anaphylactic reactions mediated by IgE, anaphylactoid reactions caused by complement system activation, and pyrogenic reactions produced mainly by the presence of endotoxins in the final product. In the future, antivenoms may be replaced by humanized antibodies, specific neutralizing compounds or vaccination. Meanwhile, improvements in antivenom quality will be focused on the obtainment of a more purified and specific product in compliance with good manufacturing practices and at an affordable cost.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 14(4): 660-672, 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-500136


Snakebites can present local or systemic envenomation, while neurotoxicity and respiratory paralysis are the main cause of death. The mainstay of management is anti-snake venom (ASV), which is highly effective, but liable to cause severe adverse reactions including anaphylaxis. The types of adverse reaction to polyvalent anti-snake venom have not been previously studied in Bangladesh. In this prospective observational study carried out between 1999 and 2001, in the Snake Bite Study Clinic of Chittagong Medical College Hospital, 35 neurotoxic-snake-bite patients who had received polyvalent anti-snake venom were included while the ones sensitized to different antitoxins and suffering from atopy were excluded. The common neurotoxic features were ptosis (100%), external ophthalmoplegia (94.2%), dysphagia (77.1%), dysphonia (68.5%) and broken neck sign (80%). The percentage of anti-snake venom reaction cases was 88.57%; pyrogenic reaction was 80.64%; and anaphylaxis was 64.51%. The common features of anaphylaxis were urticaria (80%); vomiting and wheezing (40%); and angioedema (10%). The anti-snake venom reaction was treated mainly with adrenaline for anaphylaxis and paracetamol suppository in pyrogenic reactions. The average recovery time was 4.5 hours. Due to the danger of reactions the anti-snake venom should not be withheld from a snakebite victim when indicated and appropriate guidelines should be followed for its administration.(AU)

Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Serpentes , Antitoxinas , Anafilaxia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 58(1): 39-43, fev. 2006. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-6787


Uma cadela da raça Pinscher Miniatura foi medicada pelo proprietário com enrofloxacina, na dose de 50mg/kg, uma vez ao dia, por dois dias (dose diária 10 vezes maior que a prescrita). Ao exame clínico o animal apresentou-se deprimido, em cifose lombar, hipotérmico, com mucosas pálidas, dispnéia, sialorréia, vômitos e anúria, evoluindo para parada respiratória, convulsões e coma. Foi realizado tratamento sintomático. O fluxo urinário retornou ao normal em 12 horas e as convulsões foram controladas, mas o animal permaneceu em coma, morrendo 72 horas após o início do tratamento. A necropsia e o histopatológico confirmaram insuficiência renal e hepática agudas, e choque hipovolêmico, compatível com intoxicação por enrofloxacina.(AU)

A Miniature Pinscher bitch was treated by the owner with enrofloxacin at dose of 50 mg/kg, once a day, for two days (daily dose rate 10 times greater than prescribed). Physical examination showed depression, lumbar cifosis, hipotermia, pale mucosa, dispneia, drewling, vomiting and anuria, followed by respiratory failure, seizures, and coma. Symptomatic treatment was performed, and the urinary flow returned to normal in 12 hours, and seizures were controlled. However, the animal stayed in coma, and died 72 hours after the beginning of the treatment. Acute renal and hepatic failure, and hipovolemic shock, compatible with enrofloxacin intoxication, were observed through necropsia and histopatology.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Antibacterianos , Intoxicação/mortalidade , Intoxicação/veterinária , Anafilaxia/mortalidade , Anafilaxia/veterinária , Fluoroquinolonas/administração & dosagem , Fluoroquinolonas/toxicidade , Cães