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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1639, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416181


An experiment was conducted to assess how hatchability performance of eggs is affected by line and age of female broiler breeders. Response variables analyzed were hatchability, infertility, pipping (i.e., pipped shell but not emerged), embryonic mortality (1st, 2nd, and 3rd wk), and embryonic malposition. The trials involved a total of 2,880 fertile eggs from two broiler breeder lines (Ross 308 and Cobb 500) at two different ages (30 and 50 wk). A 2 x 2 factorial design was used, where the broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age were the main effects. The hatchability in the Ross 308 line was higher than the Cobb 500 line, but its infertility was higher than the Ross 308 line. Hatchability in interaction (50 wk age of the hen in the Cobb 500 line) was less, and their infertility was higher. Embryonic mortality, pipping, and embryonic malposition did not present differences for the interaction between factors. The results suggest that hatchability performance of eggs can be improved, if egg management and incubation procedures are adjusted to account for the interaction between broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1728, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434068


We assessed the extent to which CO2 levels altered different hatching and chick parameters. In Experiments 1 and 2, a total of 16,184 eggs from Cobb 500 breeders were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON, Exp.1 and 2); (b) increasing CO2 levels during the first 10 days of incubation until 0.7% (V7000, Exp. 1) and (c) until 0.8% (V8000, Exp. 2). High levels of CO2 improved hatchability, possibly due to lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal and external pipping in experiment V8000 started later than in CON; nevertheless, the hatch still occurred before in V8000 as a result of the shorter durations of external pipping and hatch. In Experiment 3, a total of 12,138 eggs from Cobb 500 were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON); (b) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% with ventilation (V10000); and (c) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% without ventilation (NV10000). Hypercapnic conditions led to better hatchability and lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal pipping started earlier in NV10000, but only V10000 differed from CON in terms of the average time for hatch. Hypercapnic groups also showed shorter durations of external pipping and hatch when compared to CON. Post-hatch analysis revealed no differences among incubation conditions in terms of body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality by sudden death syndrome, and production factor. Nevertheless, V10000 showed a lower mortality by ascites and a better viability when compared to CON, while NV10000 presented a higher mortality by other causes. Altogether, our findings indicate that in addition to not being detrimental to embryo survival, high CO2 levels reduce embryonic mortality at 18-21 days of incubation and increase hatchability.(AU)

Animais , Embrião de Galinha/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mortalidade Fetal , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468732


Abstract Mosquito-borne diseases result in the loss of life and economy, primarily in subtropical and tropical countries, and the emerging resistance to insecticides is increasing this threat. Botanical insecticides are promising substitutes for synthetic insecticides. This study evaluated the larvicidal and growth index of Culex pipiens of four solvent extracts of Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi, and Peganum harmala against Cx. pipiens. None of the 12 extracts exhibited larvicidal potential against third instars except the ethyl acetate extract of P. harmala. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 value was 314.88 ppm, and the LC90 value was 464.19 ppm. At 320 ppm, the hatchability was 25.83%, and it resulted in 100% mortality. In addition, the eggs treated with the EtOAc extract of P. Harmala exhibited a long larval period compared with the control. The larval period continued for 12 days, and the pupal period took three days in the treatment groups. The growth index data also exhibited a decrease (0.007.53) in the treated groups compare with 8.5 in the control. The transformation of eggs into adults decreased with increasing concentrations. This paper is the first report on the development and growth index of Cx. pipiens potential using P. harmala seeds.

Resumo As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos resultam na perda de vidas e economia, principalmente em países subtropicais e tropicais, e a resistência emergente aos inseticidas está aumentando essa ameaça. Os inseticidas botânicos são substitutos promissores dos inseticidas sintéticos. Este estudo avaliou o índice larvicida e de crescimento de Culex pipiens de quatro extratos solventes de Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi e Peganum harmala contra Cx. pipiens. Nenhum dos 12 extratos exibiu potencial larvicida contra o terceiro ínstar, exceto o extrato de acetato de etila de P. harmala. Após 24 horas de exposição, o valor LC50 era 314,88 ppm e o valor LC90 era 464,19 ppm. A 320 ppm, a eclodibilidade foi de 25,83% e resultou em 100% de mortalidade. Além disso, os ovos tratados com o extrato de EtOAc de P. harmala exibiram um longo período larval em comparação com o controle. O período larval continuou por 12 dias, e o período pupal durou três dias nos grupos de tratamento. Os dados do índice de crescimento também exibiram uma diminuição (0,00-7,53) nos grupos tratados em comparação com 8,5 no controle. A transformação de ovos em adultos diminuiu com o aumento das concentrações. Este artigo é o primeiro relatório sobre o índice de desenvolvimento e crescimento de Cx. potencial de pipiens usando sementes de P. harmala.

Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1381376


A criação de ovinos possui grande importância sócio-econômica e cultural para o estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e vem sendo amplamente explorada, por meio da criação de raças adaptadas ao clima da região e ao mercado consumidor, sendo a produção impulsionada principalmente por meio da necessidade de diversificação das atividades produtivas no meio rural. Apesar do incremento produtivo para o setor, ainda hoje existem entraves à otimização do desempenho global dos rebanhos ovinos, dentre eles está a helmintose e resistência anti-parasitária à alopáticos. Paralelamente a estas, estudos relacionados a utilização de fitoterápicos para o tratamento parasitário estão sendo desenvolvidos e uma planta em especial, Solanum Lycocarpum, desponta para o tratamento anti-helmíntico sendo sua eficiência contra parasitas em animais silvestres e disponibilidade fatores favoráveis. Objetivou-se com a execução deste trabalho realizar a fabricação de extrato aquoso das folhas da planta Solanum Lycocarpum obtido por infusão e testar este frente a eficiência anti-helmíntica por meio da utilização da técnica de inibição da eclodibilidade larvar adaptada às condições de execução. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a viabilidade produtiva do extrato aquoso de folhas da planta Solanum Lycocarpum e a eficiência da utilização deste por meio da técnica de eclodibilidade larvar modificada, possibilitando redução de 83,33% da eclosão dos ovos de parasitas gastrointestinais de um ovino naturalmente infestado de propriedade de Dourados ­ MS.(AU)

Sheep breeding corresponds to a factor of great socio-economic and cultural importance for the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and has been widely exploited, increasing its production chain of sheep breeding breeds adapted to the climate of the region and the consumer market; being the production driven mainly by the need to diversify productive activities in rural areas. Despite the productive increase for the sector, there are still barriers to optimize the overall performance of sheep flocks, among them is helminthosis and antiparasitic resistance to allopaths. Parallel to these, studies related to the use of phytotherapics for parasite treatment are being developed and one plant in particular, Solanum Lycocarpum, stands out for anthelmintic treatment being its efficiency in wild animals and availability favorable factors. The purpose of this work was to manufacture aqueous extracts from the leaves of the Solanum Lycocarpum plant obtained by pressure and to test its anthelmintic efficiency by using the validation of the larval hatchability inhibition technique. The results obtained demonstrate the productive viability of Solanum Lycocarpum aqueous leaf extract and its efficient use by means of the modified larval hatchability technique, enabling an 83.33% reduction in the hatching of eggs from gastrointestinal parasites in a naturally infested sheep owned by Dourados ­ MS.(AU)

La cría de ovinos tiene una gran importancia socio-económica y cultural para el estado de Mato Grosso do Sul y ha sido ampliamente explorada a través de la creación de razas adaptadas al clima de la región y al mercado consumidor, siendo la producción impulsada principalmente por la necesidad de diversificación productiva. actividades en las zonas rurales. A pesar del aumento de la producción para el sector, aún existen obstáculos para optimizar el rendimiento general de los rebaños de ovinos, incluidos los helmintos y la resistencia antiparasitaria a los alopáticos. Paralelamente, se están desarrollando estudios relacionados con el uso de fitoterápicos para el tratamiento parasitario y está emergiendo una planta en particular, Solanum Lycocarpum, para el tratamiento antihelmíntico, su eficacia frente a parásitos en animales silvestres y factores favorables a la disponibilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la fabricación de un extracto acuoso de las hojas de la planta de Solanum Lycocarpum obtenido por infusión y contrastarlo frente a la eficacia antihelmíntica mediante el uso de la técnica de inhibición de la incubabilidad larvaria adaptada a las condiciones de ejecución. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la viabilidad productiva del extracto acuoso de las hojas de la planta de Solanum Lycocarpum y la eficiencia de su uso mediante la técnica de incubabilidad larvaria modificada, permitiendo una reducción del 83,33% de la eclosión de huevos de parásitos gastrointestinales de una oveja infestada naturalmente. propiedad de Dourados - MS.(AU)

Animais , Solanum lycopersicum , Preparações de Plantas/uso terapêutico , Helmintíase Animal/tratamento farmacológico , Fitoterapia/veterinária , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , Ovinos/parasitologia
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 28(1): 1-10, abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395460


This research aimed to investigate the toxic action of Vitex gardneriana on microcrustacean Artemia salina by using hydroalcoholic extract from leaves (EHF) and acute toxicity test (CL50) concentrations of 100, 500, 1.000, 10.000, 20.000, and 50.000/mL. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) at 1% was used as positive control, and saline and 1% DMSO were used as negative control. Vitex gardneriana showed low toxic potential, with 50% mortality in the microcrustacean metanauplii population (concentration: 34.600 mg/mL). A. salina is a seawater microcrustacean widely used in bioassays for determining the toxic dose of bioactive substances because of its low costs and its related simple, aseptic procedures. To determine the toxic action of the hydroalcoholic extract of V. Gardneriana on eggs and larvae of Haemonchus contortus, 2,5mL of EHF with a concentration of 34,600 mg/mL were added into single-species nematode fecal cultures containing approximately 12.000 eggs. Only 26,6% of the eggs hatched, corresponding to an EHF efÀ ciency of 73,3%, whereas the hatchability was 50% in control, with 6.000 larvae recovered. The À ndings show the potential of this plant as an alternative in parasite control.(AU)

Técnicas In Vitro , Vitex/toxicidade , Ovos/toxicidade , Hemoncose , Haemonchus/imunologia , Larva
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e71762, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384501


Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa, a vine plant found in Brazil, has been correlated to outbreaks of poisoning in cattle and buffaloes, generating economic losses related to the death due to heart failure, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality. The aim of this study was to examine the embryotoxic potential of the aqueous plant extract on in vitro bovine embryos. In vitro study was performed in five replicates of bovine embryo culture assigned in two groups: control, in vitro embryo culture medium without the aqueous plant extract; treated group, with addition of 2.7mg/mL of aqueous plant extract (10%) to the embryo culture on the sixth day of culture. Cleavage rate was evaluated at day 2 of the cell culture. Viability, hatchability and underdevelopment of blastocysts on the seventh, eighth, and ninth days (D7, D8, and D9, respectively) of culture were assessed under stereoscopic microscope. On day 7, blastocysts were submitted to TUNEL assay to determine apoptotic index. In vitro exposure of bovine embryos to of N. multiglandulosa resulted in reduced embryo development and survival, evaluated by dark cytoplasm indicating poor morphology and poor quality with marked reduction of hatchability. We observed a significant reduction of blastocyst production/number of cleaved embryos (60.6% vs 41.5%); reduction of blastocysts production/total number of matured bovine oocytes (35.1% vs 21.3%); and embryonic hatching rates (38.0% vs 10.0%). However, no effects were observed on the apoptotic rate. In conclusion, aqueous extract of N. multiglandulosa leaves reduces bovine embryo viability in vitro, suggesting possible detrimental effects on embryo development.(AU)

Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa, uma videira encontrada no Brasil, tem sido correlacionada a surtos de intoxicações em bovinos e búfalos, gerando perdas econômicas relacionadas à morte por insuficiência cardíaca, aborto, natimorto e mortalidade neonatal. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o potencial embriotóxico do extrato vegetal aquoso em embriões bovinos in vitro. O estudo in vitro foi realizado em cinco repetições de cultura de embriões bovinos distribuídos em dois grupos: controle, meio de cultura de embriões in vitro sem o extrato aquoso da planta; grupo tratado, com adição de 2,7mg / mL de extrato vegetal aquoso (10%) à cultura do embrião no sexto dia de cultivo. A taxa de clivagem foi avaliada no dia 2 da cultura de células. Viabilidade, eclodibilidade e subdesenvolvimento de blastocistos no sétimo, oitavo e nono dia (D7, D8 e D9, respectivamente) de cultura foram avaliados em microscópio estereoscópico. No dia 7, os blastocistos foram submetidos ao ensaio TUNEL para determinar o índice apoptótico. Observamos redução significativa da produção de blastocisto / número de embriões clivados (60,6% vs 41,5%); redução da produção de blastocistos / número total de oócitos bovinos maturados (35,1% vs 21,3%); e taxas de eclosão embrionária (38,0% vs 10,0%). No entanto, nenhum efeito foi observado na taxa de apoptose. Em conclusão, o extrato aquoso das folhas de N. multiglandulosa reduz a viabilidade do embrião bovino in vitro, sugerindo possíveis efeitos prejudiciais no desenvolvimento embrionário.(AU)

Animais , Oócitos , Intoxicação , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468545


Mosquito-borne diseases result in the loss of life and economy, primarily in subtropical and tropical countries, and the emerging resistance to insecticides is increasing this threat. Botanical insecticides are promising substitutes for synthetic insecticides. This study evaluated the larvicidal and growth index of Culex pipiens of four solvent extracts of Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi, and Peganum harmala against Cx. pipiens. None of the 12 extracts exhibited larvicidal potential against third instars except the ethyl acetate extract of P. harmala. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 value was 314.88 ppm, and the LC90 value was 464.19 ppm. At 320 ppm, the hatchability was 25.83%, and it resulted in 100% mortality. In addition, the eggs treated with the EtOAc extract of P. Harmala exhibited a long larval period compared with the control. The larval period continued for 12 days, and the pupal period took three days in the treatment groups. The growth index data also exhibited a decrease (0.00–7.53) in the treated groups compare with 8.5 in the control. The transformation of eggs into adults decreased with increasing concentrations. This paper is the first report on the development and growth index of Cx. pipiens potential using P. harmala seeds.

As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos resultam na perda de vidas e economia, principalmente em países subtropicais e tropicais, e a resistência emergente aos inseticidas está aumentando essa ameaça. Os inseticidas botânicos são substitutos promissores dos inseticidas sintéticos. Este estudo avaliou o índice larvicida e de crescimento de Culex pipiens de quatro extratos solventes de Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi e Peganum harmala contra Cx. pipiens. Nenhum dos 12 extratos exibiu potencial larvicida contra o terceiro ínstar, exceto o extrato de acetato de etila de P. harmala. Após 24 horas de exposição, o valor LC50 era 314,88 ppm e o valor LC90 era 464,19 ppm. A 320 ppm, a eclodibilidade foi de 25,83% e resultou em 100% de mortalidade. Além disso, os ovos tratados com o extrato de EtOAc de P. harmala exibiram um longo período larval em comparação com o controle. O período larval continuou por 12 dias, e o período pupal durou três dias nos grupos de tratamento. Os dados do índice de crescimento também exibiram uma diminuição (0,00-7,53) nos grupos tratados em comparação com 8,5 no controle. A transformação de ovos em adultos diminuiu com o aumento das concentrações. Este artigo é o primeiro relatório sobre o índice de desenvolvimento e crescimento de Cx. potencial de pipiens usando sementes de P. harmala.

Animais , Culex/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inseticidas/administração & dosagem , Peganum/efeitos adversos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e241338, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278470


Mosquito-borne diseases result in the loss of life and economy, primarily in subtropical and tropical countries, and the emerging resistance to insecticides is increasing this threat. Botanical insecticides are promising substitutes for synthetic insecticides. This study evaluated the larvicidal and growth index of Culex pipiens of four solvent extracts of Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi, and Peganum harmala against Cx. pipiens. None of the 12 extracts exhibited larvicidal potential against third instars except the ethyl acetate extract of P. harmala. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 value was 314.88 ppm, and the LC90 value was 464.19 ppm. At 320 ppm, the hatchability was 25.83%, and it resulted in 100% mortality. In addition, the eggs treated with the EtOAc extract of P. Harmala exhibited a long larval period compared with the control. The larval period continued for 12 days, and the pupal period took three days in the treatment groups. The growth index data also exhibited a decrease (0.00­7.53) in the treated groups compare with 8.5 in the control. The transformation of eggs into adults decreased with increasing concentrations. This paper is the first report on the development and growth index of Cx. pipiens potential using P. harmala seeds.

As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos resultam na perda de vidas e economia, principalmente em países subtropicais e tropicais, e a resistência emergente aos inseticidas está aumentando essa ameaça. Os inseticidas botânicos são substitutos promissores dos inseticidas sintéticos. Este estudo avaliou o índice larvicida e de crescimento de Culex pipiens de quatro extratos solventes de Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi e Peganum harmala contra Cx. pipiens. Nenhum dos 12 extratos exibiu potencial larvicida contra o terceiro ínstar, exceto o extrato de acetato de etila de P. harmala. Após 24 horas de exposição, o valor LC50 era 314,88 ppm e o valor LC90 era 464,19 ppm. A 320 ppm, a eclodibilidade foi de 25,83% e resultou em 100% de mortalidade. Além disso, os ovos tratados com o extrato de EtOAc de P. harmala exibiram um longo período larval em comparação com o controle. O período larval continuou por 12 dias, e o período pupal durou três dias nos grupos de tratamento. Os dados do índice de crescimento também exibiram uma diminuição (0,00-7,53) nos grupos tratados em comparação com 8,5 no controle. A transformação de ovos em adultos diminuiu com o aumento das concentrações. Este artigo é o primeiro relatório sobre o índice de desenvolvimento e crescimento de Cx. potencial de pipiens usando sementes de P. harmala.

Animais , Aedes , Culex , Peganum , Inseticidas , Anopheles , Sementes , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Larva
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 48: e705, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401023


Apistogramma agassizii is a native fish from the Amazon basin, which is of great interest for fishkeeping and is supplied to the retail trade from extractivism. Knowledge about the reproductive characteristics of this fish is fundamental to successful breeding. Objective: This work aimed to study the behavior and reproductive performance of this species in white and black aquariums. A total of 16 pairs were used, 8 in each treatment. The system had water recirculation, with fresh and inert food supply. Result: The fish demonstrated parental care, more accentuated by the female and partial spawning. The same coloration pattern was observed in both treatments, with coloration intensifying only during spawning. The eggs were adhesive and U-shaped/oval. The females followed the larvae, even after they left the nests, and attacked the males when they approached the offspring. Males exhibited territorial behavior. No significant differences were observed for the following parameters studied: largest and smallest egg size, spawning weight, absolute fecundity, number of hatched larvae, and hatchability rate. Conclusion: This study found that the fish are prolific and show good reproductive rates in conditions of captivity; thus, they are suitable to rear for the ornamental fish trade.

Apistograma agassizzi é um peixe nativo da bacia amazônica muito apreciado pela aquariofilia; seu comércio é oriundo do extrativismo. Conhecer os aspectos reprodutivos desse peixe é fundamental para o sucesso da criação. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o comportamento e o desempenho reprodutivo dessa espécie, para isso utilizaram-se aquários brancos e pretos, nos quais foram aloja-dos 16 casais, oito em cada tratamento. O sistema adotado foi o de recirculação de água, com oferta de alimento inerte e fresco. Os peixes apresentaram cuidado parental acentuado pela fêmea e desova parcelada; o mesmo padrão de coloração para ambos os tratamentos pôde ser observado, intensificando-se na reprodução. Os ovos eram adesivos e em forma de U/ovais. As fêmeas acompanhavam as larvas, mesmo após a saída do ninho, chegando a agredir os machos quando estes se aproximavam da prole. Os machos apresentaram comportamento territorialista. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para os seguintes parâmetros estudados: comprimento maior e menor do ovo, peso da desova, fecundidade absoluta, número de larvas eclodidas e taxa de eclodibilidade. Pôde-se ainda concluir que os peixes são prolíficos e apresentam bons índices reprodutivos em condições de cativeiro, portanto aptos para o cultivo visando ao comércio de peixes ornamentais.

Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Ciclídeos , Pesqueiros , Ecossistema Amazônico
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e267629, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1420669


The current study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of certain insect growth regulators (IGRs), buprofezin, hexaflumuron, and lufenuron, at different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 ppm) against Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat grains. Our data showed that the three IGRs tested at different concentrations significantly affected the mortality of adults to varying extents. The percentage mortality of adults increased with increasing concentrations and time of exposure. After 21 days of treatment, the highest mortality (80.00%, 78.33%, and 60.00%) was observed at the highest concentration (0.8 ppm) and the lowest mortality (58.33%, 46.66%, and 30.00%) was observed at the lowest concentration (0.2 ppm) of lufenuron, buprofezin, and hexaflumuron, respectively. The tested IGRs reduced fecundity, hatchability, adult emergence, and weight loss in treated wheat grains and increased the developmental period of R. dominica compared with the control.

O presente estudo foi realizado para avaliar a eficácia de certos Reguladores de Crescimento de Insetos (RCIs), buprofezin, hexaflumuron e lufenuron, em diferentes concentrações (0,2, 0,4 e 0,8 ppm) contra Rhyzopertha dominica em grãos de trigo. Nossos dados mostraram que os três RCIs, testados em diferentes concentrações, afetaram significativamente a mortalidade de adultos em graus variados. A mortalidade percentual de adultos cresceu com o aumento das concentrações e do tempo de exposição. Após 21 dias de tratamento, a maior mortalidade (80,00%, 78,33% e 60,00%) foi observada na maior concentração (0,8 ppm) e a menor mortalidade (58,33%, 46,66% e 30,00%) foi observada na menor concentração (0,2 ppm) de lufenuron, buprofezin e hexaflumuron, respectivamente. Os RCIs testados reduziram a fecundidade, eclodibilidade, emergência de adultos e perda de peso em grãos de trigo tratados, bem como aumentaram o período de desenvolvimento de R. dominica em comparação com o controle.

Animais , Besouros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fertilidade , Hormônios Juvenis/análise
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18640


Mosquito-borne diseases result in the loss of life and economy, primarily in subtropical and tropical countries, and the emerging resistance to insecticides is increasing this threat. Botanical insecticides are promising substitutes for synthetic insecticides. This study evaluated the larvicidal and growth index of Culex pipiens of four solvent extracts of Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi, and Peganum harmala against Cx. pipiens. None of the 12 extracts exhibited larvicidal potential against third instars except the ethyl acetate extract of P. harmala. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 value was 314.88 ppm, and the LC90 value was 464.19 ppm. At 320 ppm, the hatchability was 25.83%, and it resulted in 100% mortality. In addition, the eggs treated with the EtOAc extract of P. Harmala exhibited a long larval period compared with the control. The larval period continued for 12 days, and the pupal period took three days in the treatment groups. The growth index data also exhibited a decrease (0.00–7.53) in the treated groups compare with 8.5 in the control. The transformation of eggs into adults decreased with increasing concentrations. This paper is the first report on the development and growth index of Cx. pipiens potential using P. harmala seeds.(AU)

As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos resultam na perda de vidas e economia, principalmente em países subtropicais e tropicais, e a resistência emergente aos inseticidas está aumentando essa ameaça. Os inseticidas botânicos são substitutos promissores dos inseticidas sintéticos. Este estudo avaliou o índice larvicida e de crescimento de Culex pipiens de quatro extratos solventes de Terminalia chebula, Aloe perryi e Peganum harmala contra Cx. pipiens. Nenhum dos 12 extratos exibiu potencial larvicida contra o terceiro ínstar, exceto o extrato de acetato de etila de P. harmala. Após 24 horas de exposição, o valor LC50 era 314,88 ppm e o valor LC90 era 464,19 ppm. A 320 ppm, a eclodibilidade foi de 25,83% e resultou em 100% de mortalidade. Além disso, os ovos tratados com o extrato de EtOAc de P. harmala exibiram um longo período larval em comparação com o controle. O período larval continuou por 12 dias, e o período pupal durou três dias nos grupos de tratamento. Os dados do índice de crescimento também exibiram uma diminuição (0,00-7,53) nos grupos tratados em comparação com 8,5 no controle. A transformação de ovos em adultos diminuiu com o aumento das concentrações. Este artigo é o primeiro relatório sobre o índice de desenvolvimento e crescimento de Cx. potencial de pipiens usando sementes de P. harmala.(AU)

Animais , Culex/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peganum/efeitos adversos , Inseticidas/administração & dosagem
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(4): eRBCA-2020-1423, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765871


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of storage time on albumen quality, incubation yield, and hatch window in Pekin ducks (Anas boschas). A total of 1302 eggs were randomly distributed to seven treatments according to the storage time with durations ranging from 1 to 14 days. Each treatment consisted of 186 eggs with a two-day storage interval between treatments. The pH and Haugh unit (HU) of the albumen, egg weight loss during incubation (WL), hatchability (HTCH), incubation duration (ID), hatch window, asymmetry (ASS), percentile kurtosis (PK), and embryonic mortality were analyzed. A linear effect was observed forthe WL, ID, and PK and a quadratic effect forpH, HU, and HTCH over time. No significant effect of storage time was observed on ASS. Post-pipping embryonic mortality was linearly affected by storage time. Prolonging the storage period above 10 days reduces albumen quality and hatchability, delays the hatch of Pekins, and results in a higher percentage of post-pipping mortality.(AU)

Animais , Patos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovos/análise , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(4): eRBCA, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490901


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of storage time on albumen quality, incubation yield, and hatch window in Pekin ducks (Anas boschas). A total of 1302 eggs were randomly distributed to seven treatments according to the storage time with durations ranging from 1 to 14 days. Each treatment consisted of 186 eggs with a two-day storage interval between treatments. The pH and Haugh unit (HU) of the albumen, egg weight loss during incubation (WL), hatchability (HTCH), incubation duration (ID), hatch window, asymmetry (ASS), percentile kurtosis (PK), and embryonic mortality were analyzed. A linear effect was observed forthe WL, ID, and PK and a quadratic effect forpH, HU, and HTCH over time. No significant effect of storage time was observed on ASS. Post-pipping embryonic mortality was linearly affected by storage time. Prolonging the storage period above 10 days reduces albumen quality and hatchability, delays the hatch of Pekins, and results in a higher percentage of post-pipping mortality.

Animais , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Ovos/análise , Patos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1137-1146, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345273


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ultraviolet light in reducing bacterial load of eggshells and the impact of experimental disinfection on hatching, embryo mortality, and time-borne distribution using broiler breeder hens of different ages (38, 42, and 48 weeks old). Fertile eggs were subjected to different exposure periods (5, 7, and 9 minutes) of UV light (UV-C) with a 254 nm wavelength. For controls, eggs disinfected with paraformaldehyde (5.3 g/m3) and eggs not disinfected (NC). After subjection to disinfection protocols, the eggs were placed into sterile plastic bags containing 20 mL of peptone saline solution (0.1% m:v) and massaged for 1 minute to release the bacterial load. Aliquots of this solution were incubated in specific medium for bacterial growth for 48 hours at 37ºC for subsequent CFU counts. To evaluate the effects of disinfection on production, eggs previously disinfected by UV-C (9 min) and paraformaldehyde and NC eggs were candled between incubation days 10 and 13 and at the end of the incubation period to assess embryonic mortality. Hatchability distribution was performed every 8 hours. The 9 minutes 254nm UV-C light exposure was able to disinfect viable eggs and matched the effectiveness of the paraformaldehyde technique.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia da luz ultravioleta na redução da carga bacteriana de cascas de ovos e o impacto na eclosão e na mortalidade embrionária observando-se a idade das matrizes (38, 42 e 48 semanas). Os ovos foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de exposição (cinco, sete e nove minutos) à luz UV (UV-C) com comprimento de onda de 254nm. Os controles foram ovos desinfetados com paraformaldeído (5,3g/m³) e ovos não desinfetados (NC). Após a desinfecção, os ovos foram colocados em sacos plásticos estéreis contendo 20mL de solução salina peptonada (0,1% m:v) e massageados por um (1) minuto para descolamento das bactérias. Alíquotas dessa solução foram incubadas em meio para crescimento bacteriano por 48 horas a 37ºC e contagem de UFC. Para avaliar os efeitos da desinfecção, ovos previamente desinfetados por UV-C (nove minutos) e ovos com paraformaldeído e NC foram submetidos à ovoscopia entre os dias 10 e 13 de incubação e ao final do período de incubação, para avaliação da mortalidade embrionária. A distribuição da eclodibilidade foi realizada a cada oito horas. A exposição à luz UV-C de 25nm de nove minutos desinfetou os ovos férteis e coincidiu com a eficácia do paraformaldeído.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas , Desinfecção/métodos , Ovos/efeitos da radiação , Ovos/microbiologia , Raios Ultravioleta
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(1): eRBCA-2020-1333, fev. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30225


Objectives of the present study were to assess the hatchery based interventions and their impact on hatching traits and subsequent performance of broilers. In total, 3000 eggs of Hubbard broiler breeders were equally divided into Small (50-55 g), Medium (56-61 g) and Large (62-70 g) eggs. The eggs from each category were distributed into 20 trays each containing 50 eggs. Each tray was considered as a replicate. At the end of the 18th day of incubation, the eggs of each weight category were divided into four different patio strategies i.e. P0, P3, P5 and P7 where feed and water were provided to the chicks for 0, 3, 5 and 7 days in the hatcher followed by conventional rearing. Data were collected for hatch window, hatching traits, growth, physical asymmetry, welfare and blood profile in broilers. Statistical analysis showed that the smaller eggs had significantly (P 0.05) shorter hatch window compared to larger and medium eggs. Hatching traits were significantly (p 0.05) better in medium eggs but the embryonic mortalities did not differ (p>0.05). The post-hatch performance was significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium eggs. Physical asymmetry and scores of feather and gait were not affected by both treatments (p>0.05). Blood profile was also significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium-size eggs. It was recommended that the eggs of 56-61g should be selected for better hatchability and the chicks should be provided with feed and water within the hatcher for at-least three days for optimum performance on rearing facility.(AU)

Animais , Óvulo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Período de Incubação de Doenças Infecciosas , Bioquímica , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(1): eRBCA, fev. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490833


Objectives of the present study were to assess the hatchery based interventions and their impact on hatching traits and subsequent performance of broilers. In total, 3000 eggs of Hubbard broiler breeders were equally divided into Small (50-55 g), Medium (56-61 g) and Large (62-70 g) eggs. The eggs from each category were distributed into 20 trays each containing 50 eggs. Each tray was considered as a replicate. At the end of the 18th day of incubation, the eggs of each weight category were divided into four different patio strategies i.e. P0, P3, P5 and P7 where feed and water were provided to the chicks for 0, 3, 5 and 7 days in the hatcher followed by conventional rearing. Data were collected for hatch window, hatching traits, growth, physical asymmetry, welfare and blood profile in broilers. Statistical analysis showed that the smaller eggs had significantly (P 0.05) shorter hatch window compared to larger and medium eggs. Hatching traits were significantly (p 0.05) better in medium eggs but the embryonic mortalities did not differ (p>0.05). The post-hatch performance was significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium eggs. Physical asymmetry and scores of feather and gait were not affected by both treatments (p>0.05). Blood profile was also significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium-size eggs. It was recommended that the eggs of 56-61g should be selected for better hatchability and the chicks should be provided with feed and water within the hatcher for at-least three days for optimum performance on rearing facility.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bioquímica , Período de Incubação de Doenças Infecciosas , Óvulo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Galinhas
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(4): 2569-2584, jul.-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371016


Birds develop thermoregulatory control during the last days of incubation. Different temperature conditioning programs have been proposed to prepare broiler chicks for post-hatch life. This study aimed to investigate the effects of short-term temperature (STT) stimulation and breeder age on hatching performance, embryo development, yolk absorption, and post-hatch performance of male and female broilers. A 2 × 2 factorial completely randomized design was used, with two breeder ages (30 and 60 wk), two temperature incubation programs (control and STT), and 2,520 eggs per treatment. Eggs were distributed in two large-scale commercial incubators with a capacity of 120,960 eggs. The control group was subjected to a standard single-stage incubation program (37.2-37.4 °C), whereas the STT group was subjected to a temperature increment of 1 °C for 4 h on embryonic days 16, 17, 18, and 19. Embryos were analyzed at 16 and 19 days of incubation, and chicks at hatch. At 19 days of incubation, STT conditioning resulted in lower yolk sac weight in embryos from 60-wk-old breeders and higher relative weight of the gastrointestinal tract in embryos from 30-wk-old breeders. At hatch, males had lower residual yolk weight, females had greater length, and chicks from 60-wk-old breeders subjected to STT had higher body weight and relative weight of the gastrointestinal tract. Eggs from 30-wk-old breeders showed higher fertility and hatchability and lower infertility, mortality, and second-grade chick percentages. Regarding performance, it was found that males had higher body weight from 7 to 42 days of age and higher whole leg yields. Females, on the other hand, had higher fat yields. Breeder age and sex influenced gastrointestinal tract development, carcass yield, and performance. A 1 °C increase in incubation temperature for 4 h from days 16 to 19 of incubation affected yolk absorption and digestive tract development in chicks from 60-wk-old breeders without, however, influencing performance results.(AU)

As aves desenvolvem o controle do sistema termorregulatório durante os últimos dias de incubação, dessa forma, diferentes programas temperatura de incubação têm sido descritos para preparar os pintos de corte para a vida pós-eclosão. Objetivou-se nesse estudo, estabelecer os efeitos de alterações curtas na temperatura de incubação e da idade da matriz no desempenho de eclosão, desenvolvimento embrionário, absorção da gema e desempenho pós-eclosão de frangos de corte machos e fêmeas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em fatorial 2 x 2 com 2 idades de matriz (30 e 60 semanas) e 2 programas de incubação de temperatura, controle (CT) e grupo de treinamento de temperatura de curto prazo (STT) e 2.520 ovos em cada tratamento. Os ovos foram distribuídos em 2 incubadoras comerciais de grande escala com capacidade para 120.960 ovos. O grupo CT seguiu um programa de incubação de estágio único padrão (37,2-37,4°C) e o STT teve um incremento em + 1 ° C por 4 hs nos dias 16, 17, 18 e 19 de incubação. Os embriões foram analisados aos 16 e 19 dias e pintinhos na eclosão. Aos 19 dias de incubação, embriões de matrizes com 60 semanas apresentaram menor peso do saco vitelino e embriões de matrizes com 30 semanas apresentaram maior porcentagem de trato gastrointestinal quando em STT. Na eclosão, os machos apresentaram menor vitelo residual, e as fêmeas apresentaram maior comprimento, pintinhos mais pesados e maior trato gastrointestinal quando originárias de matrizes de 60 semanas de idade e expostos ao STT. Na eclosão, os ovos com 30 semanas de idade apresentaram maior porcentagem de fertilidade e eclodibilidade e menor infertilidade, mortalidade e pintos de secunda categoria. No desempenho, os machos apresentaram maior peso corporal do 7° ao 42° dia e maiores valores de porcentagem de pernas e as fêmeas maiores valores de porcentagem de gordura. A idade das matrizes e o sexo influenciaram o desenvolvimento visceral, o rendimento de carcaça e o desempenho dos frangos de corte. O aumento de 1°C durante 4 horas entre os dias 16 e 19 de incubação afetou a absorção da gema e o trato digestivo em pintos de matrizes com 60 semanas de idade, sem refletir nos resultados de desempenho.(AU)

Animais , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Peso Corporal , Galinhas , Trato Gastrointestinal , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(2): eRBCA-2019-1157, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28657


In order to find out the main factors influenced the hatchability and improve the hatchability of the windowed chicken eggs at stage X, several experiments were made on the basis of the former patent of eggshell windowing methods on equatorial plane, such as cutting and sealing techniques, air cell recovering, laying position immediately after sealing, as well as the injection volumes into the subgerminal cavity of the blastoderm. The result showed that:1) the best sealing material combination was straw powder (SP) and instant glue (IG); 2) there was a highly positive correlation between air cell rate and hatchability; 3) the highest hatchability increased to 71.6% when the eggs were windowed and sealed with IG dropped firstly and then SP sprinkled, finally lay down with the blunt end upward immediately after being sealed; 4) the hatchability was significantly reduced as injection volume (DMEM) was increased (p 0.05 or p 0.01) from 1 µL to 10 1 µL, and the group of injecting 1 µL was the highest (48.4 %). The hatchability and efficiency with such method of windowing, injecting, and sealing was the highest at the present time (more than 30 eggs per hour per person), and it might be broadly used in the fields of avian transgenesis, genetic resources preservation, and embryonic development model of human medicine.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Casca de Ovo , Galinhas
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(2): eRBCA, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490760


In order to find out the main factors influenced the hatchability and improve the hatchability of the windowed chicken eggs at stage X, several experiments were made on the basis of the former patent of eggshell windowing methods on equatorial plane, such as cutting and sealing techniques, air cell recovering, laying position immediately after sealing, as well as the injection volumes into the subgerminal cavity of the blastoderm. The result showed that:1) the best sealing material combination was straw powder (SP) and instant glue (IG); 2) there was a highly positive correlation between air cell rate and hatchability; 3) the highest hatchability increased to 71.6% when the eggs were windowed and sealed with IG dropped firstly and then SP sprinkled, finally lay down with the blunt end upward immediately after being sealed; 4) the hatchability was significantly reduced as injection volume (DMEM) was increased (p 0.05 or p 0.01) from 1 µL to 10 1 µL, and the group of injecting 1 µL was the highest (48.4 %). The hatchability and efficiency with such method of windowing, injecting, and sealing was the highest at the present time (more than 30 eggs per hour per person), and it might be broadly used in the fields of avian transgenesis, genetic resources preservation, and embryonic development model of human medicine.

Feminino , Animais , Casca de Ovo , Galinhas
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(1): eRBCA-2019-1014, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29298


This investigation was carried out to determine the effect of Essential Fatty Acids proportion (EFAs [n-6, n-3]) in feed through the mixture of soy, olive, canola or chia oil on EFA profile in eggs as well as productive and reproductive performance of Japanese quail. We used 120 quail from 7 to 22 weeks of age, in 15 cages in groups of 6 females and 2 males assigned according to the completely randomized design to 3 treatments with 5 replicates. The treatments were n-6:n-3 proportions 10:1 (control), 4:1 and 1:1. FA profile in yolk, feed intake, laying rate, egg weight, fertility, hatchability, and embryonic mortality were measured. In the egg yolk, n-6 content was similar in the proportions (p>0.05), while n-3 content increased (p 0.01) as n-6:n-3 ratio decreased in the feed. Feed consumption per quail was similar between treatments (p>0.05). In 4:1 and 1:1 proportion laying percentage was greater, but egg weight was lower (p 0.01). Fertility and hatchability were similar between proportions n-6, n-3 (p>0.68). Early and total embryonic mortality was lower in 10:1 and 4:1 proportion (p 0.01); while intermediate and late mortality was similar (p>0.30). The results of the experiment indicate that the mixture of soy, olive, canola or chia oil, to obtain n-6:n-3 proportion of 1:1, 4:1 and 10:1 does not modify feed consumption, laying rate, egg weight, fertility, and hatchability; but, 4:1 and 10:1 proportions favor a lower embryonic mortality.(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Ácidos Graxos Essenciais/análise