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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07131, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422303


Laminitis is a disease that affects the dermis and epidermis of the bovine hoof, generating changes in the hoof capsule. This study evaluated the effects of clinical laminitis diagnosed after the adaptation phase to confinement on the morphology, density, and mineral composition of the hoof of Nellore cattle after finishing. The animals were separated in the first weeks of confinement into a sick group (SG), with clinical laminitis, and a healthy group (HG). SG animals had higher heel length, dorsal wall length, toe height, and diagonal hoof length (p<0.05) than healthy animals. The dermal laminae had similar measurements for thickness, length, and spacing between them between SG and HG. Animals with laminitis showed congestion, hemorrhage, and basement membrane irregularities on histology. Computed microtomography (µCT) revealed that the hoof density of sick animals is lower than healthy ones. According to the mineral composition by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometry, the hooves of animals with laminitis (SG) and healthy ones (HG) were not biochemically different. Therefore, the occurrence of clinical laminitis in Nellore cattle in the first weeks of confinement causes an increase in the morphometric parameters of the hoof capsule and a reduction in the density of the abaxial hoof wall evaluated after the finishing period. This disease does not promote changes in the histomorphometric parameters of the dermal laminae and the percentage of minerals in the abaxial hoof wall.

A laminite é uma doença que afeta a derme e epiderme do casco de bovinos gerando alterações no estojo córneo. O estudo avaliou os efeitos da laminite clínica diagnosticada após a fase de adaptação ao confinamento na morfologia, densidade e composição mineral do casco de bovinos da raça Nelore após terminação. Nas primeiras semanas de confinamento, os animais foram separados em um grupo doente (GD) com laminite clínica e em um grupo saudável (GS). Os animais do GD apresentaram maior comprimento de talão, comprimento da parede dorsal, altura da pinça e comprimento diagonal do casco (p<0,05) do que os saudáveis. As lâminas dérmicas tiveram medidas semelhantes para espessura, comprimento e espaçamento entre elas entre GD e GS. Animais doentes apresentaram congestão, hemorragia e irregularidades da membrana basal na histologia. A microtomografia computadorizada (µCT) revelou que a densidade do casco de animais doentes é menor do que o saudável. Para a composição mineral por meio da espectrometria de fluorescência de raio-X por dispersão de energia (ED-XRF), o casco dos animais doentes (GD) e dos saudáveis (GS), não se mostraram diferentes bioquimicamente. Conclui-se que a ocorrência de laminite clínica em bovinos da raça Nelore nas primeiras semanas de confinamento ocasiona aumento de parâmetros morfométricos do estojo córneo e redução da densidade da parede abaxial do casco, avaliados após o período de terminação. Essa enfermidade não promove modificações nos parâmetros histomorfométricos das lâminas dérmicas e na porcentagem de minerais da parede abaxial do casco.

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologia , Casco e Garras/patologia , Coxeadura Animal , Bovinos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(4): e210155, 2022. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418099


Fish are often used as bioindicators of the presence of potentially toxic metals in aquatic ecosystems. The objective of these study was to quantify the levels of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn in water and sediment samples from the Sorocaba River and musculature and gill samples of seven species of fish (Hoplosternum littorale, Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii, Hypostomus ancistroides, Geophagus iporangensis, Prochilodus lineatus, Psalidodon cf. fasciatus, and Rhamdia quelen. In addition, the Bioaccumulation factor and Bioconcentration factor were obtained. The water and sediment analysis indicates average concentrations of metals below the maximum limit allowed by Brazilian legislation. Results above the legislation were found for chromium, in 18 samples: eight gills and 10 muscles. The trophic group that presented the highest contamination was the iliophages, followed by insectivores. There were no significant differences between the trophic groups in the absorption of the analyzed metals except for Zn and Hg in fish gills. The bioaccumulation factor in the gills and muscles showed that Hg and Zn had the highest values for the sediment in most species studied. Future research is needed to broaden the assessment as fish are consumed and water collection for supply has recently started downstream of the studied area.(AU)

Peixes são frequentemente usados como bioindicadores da presença de metais potencialmente tóxicos em ecossistemas aquáticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar as concentrações de Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb e Zn em amostras de água e sedimento do rio Sorocaba e em amostras de musculatura e brânquias de sete espécies de peixes (Hoplosternum littorale, Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii, Hypostomus ancistroides, Geophagus iporangensis, Prochilodus lineatus, Psalidodon cf. fasciatus e Rhamdia quelen), pertencentes a diferentes níveis tróficos. Além disso, foi obtido o fator de bioacumulação e o fator de bioconcentração. A análise de água e sedimento indicaram concentrações médias de metais abaixo do limite máximo permitido pela legislação brasileira. Foram encontrados valores acima da legislação principalmente para o cromo: oito brânquias e 10 músculos. O grupo trófico que apresentou maior contaminação foi o iliófago, seguido pelos insetívoros. Não foi verificado diferenças significativas entre os grupos tróficos na absorção dos metais analisados, exceto para zinco e mercúrio em brânquias de peixes. O fator de bioacumulação nas brânquias e músculos mostrou que Hg e Zn apresentaram os maiores valores para o sedimento na maioria das espécies estudadas. Pesquisas futuras são necessárias para ampliar a avaliação à medida que os peixes são consumidos e a coleta de água para abastecimento começou recentemente a jusante da área de estudo.(AU)

Animais , Peixes , Intoxicação por Metais Pesados , Química da Água , Bioacumulação
Acta amaz ; 52(1): 60-68, 2022. mapas, graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437377


The Machado River is the main tributary of the Madeira River in the state of Rondônia, a region that has been impacted by deforestation, livestock, urban development, alluvial gold mining and urban and industrial effluents that likely contribute to the introduction of mercury (Hg) in the aquatic system. We aimed to determine the concentrations of total Hg (THg) in muscle and liver of Plagioscion squamosissimus, a main fishing resource in the region. Fish were sampled for two years at five sites, along a 90-km stretch of the middle Machado River. THg concentrations were analyzed in 64 muscle and 54 liver samples by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FIMS-400). THg levels were related with fish size and sex and with periods of the hydrological cycle. THg concentrations in both organs were positively and significantly related with fish body size. There was no significant variation in THg among periods of the hydrological cycle. Mean THg concentrations in muscle (1.09 ± 0.72 mg kg-1) and liver (1.28 ± 1.23 mg kg-1) were higher than the limit established by the WHO. Our results suggest that residual mercury from former alluvial gold extraction and lixiviation of mercury naturally occurring in the soil due to large-scale deforestaion is accumulating in the aquatic food chain in the Machado River. We conclude that it is necessary to monitor the levels of mercury in commercially important fish species in the region.(AU)

O Rio Machado é o principal afluente do Rio Madeira no estado de Rondônia, uma região impactada por desmatamento, pecuária, desenvolvimento urbano, mineração de ouro e efluentes urbanos e industriais, que provavelmente contribuem para a introdução de mercúrio (Hg) no sistema aquático. Nosso objetivo foi determinar as concentrações de Hg total (THg) em músculo e fígado de Plagioscion squamosissimus, um importante recurso pesqueiro na região. Os peixes foram amostrados durante dois anos em cinco locais ao longo de 90 km no médio Rio Machado. As concentrações de THg foram analisadas em 64 amostras de músculos e 54 de fígado por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica com vapor frio (FIMS-400). As concentrações de mercúrio foram relacionadas ao tamanho e sexo dos peixes, e com períodos do ciclo hidrológico. As concentrações de THg em ambos os órgãos foram relacionadas positiva e significativamente com o tamanho corporal dos peixes. Não houve variação significativa do THg entre os períodos do ciclo hidrológico. As concentrações médias de THg no músculo (1,09 ± 0,72 mg kg-1) e no fígado (1,28 ± 1,23 mg kg-1) foram superiores ao limite estabelecido pela OMS. Os resultados sugerem que o mercúrio residual da extração de ouro e lixiviação de mercúrio que ocorre naturalmente no solo desmatado está se acumulando na cadeia alimentar aquática do Rio Machado. Concluímos que é necessário monitorar os níveis de mercúrio em espécies de peixes comerciais na região.(AU)

Poluição Química da Água/análise , Perciformes/fisiologia , Intoxicação por Mercúrio/veterinária , Brasil
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 483-489, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383779


Due to the conditions in which traditional sheep production systems operate, the evaluation of animal growth from live weight (LW) is limited by the high cost of the livestock scale as well as the sophisticated maintenance required. In this scenario, in recent years, biometric measurements have been investigated as an accurate indirect method to predict the LW of farm animals. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine different models for predicting the body weight of growing lambs using the body volume (BV) formula. Body volume, heart girth (HG) and body length (BL) data of 290 lambs aged between two and eight months were recorded. Body volume was calculated from HG and BL data using a formula that calculates the volume of a cylinder. The estimation of LW from the BV formula was achieved through regression equations using three mathematical models (linear, quadratic and exponential). The mean values of LW, HG, BL and BV of the lambs were 29.12±12.04kg, 70.00±11.69cm, 38.40±6.43cm and 23.93±9.90dm3, respectively. The correlation coefficient between LW and BV was r = 0.96 (P<0.001). The quadratic model showed the highest coefficient of determination (0.93) and the lowest prediction error (3.29kg). Under the experimental conditions adopted in this study, it is possible to predict the live weight of growing lambs using the body volume formula.

Devido às condições dos sistemas tradicionais de produção de ovinos, a avaliação do crescimento animal a partir do peso vivo (PV) é limitada pelo alto custo da balança pecuária, bem como pela sofisticada manutenção necessária. Assim, nos últimos anos, as medidas biométricas (MB) têm sido avaliadas como um método indireto e preciso para predizer o PV de animais de criação. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar diferentes modelos de predição do PV de cordeiros em crescimento utilizando-se a fórmula do volume corporal (VC). Foram registrados dados de PV, perímetro torácico (PT) e comprimento corporal (CC) de 290 cordeiros entre dois e oito meses de idade. O VC foi calculado com base nos dados PT e CC, sendo usada uma fórmula que calcula o volume de um cilindro. A previsão do PV a partir da fórmula VC foi estimada por meio de equações de regressão, utilizando-se três modelos matemáticos (linear, quadrático e exponencial). Os valores médios do PV, PT, CC e VC dos cordeiros foram 29,12±12,04kg, 70,00±11,69cm, 38,40±6,43cm e 23,93±9,90 (dm3), respectivamente. O coeficiente de correlação entre PV e VC foi r=0,96 (P<0,001). O modelo quadrático apresentou o maior coeficiente de determinação (0,93) e o menor erro de predição (3,29kg) Nas condições do presente estudo, conclui-se que é possível predizer o peso vivo de cordeiros em crescimento por meio da fórmula de volume corporal.

Animais , Pesos e Medidas , Peso Corporal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biometria/métodos
Acta cir. bras ; 37(1): e370103, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364251


Introduction: Portal hypertension still represents an important health problem worldwide. In the search for knowledge regarding this syndrome, experimental studies with animal models have proven to be useful to point the direction to be taken in future randomized clinical trials. Purpose: To validate the experimental model of portal hypertension and esophagogastric varices in a medium-sized animal. Methods: This study included five minipigs br1. Midline laparotomy with dissection of the portal vein and production of a calibrated stenosis of this vein was performed. Measurement of pressure in the portal venous and digestive endoscopic were performed before and five weeks after the production of a stenosis. Results: All animals were 8 months old, average weight of 17 ± 2.5 kg. The mean pressure of the portal vein immediately before the partial ligation of the portal vein was 8.9 + 1.6 mm Hg, with 26.6 + 5.4 mm Hg in the second measurement five weeks later (p < 0.05). No gastroesophageal varices or hypertensive portal gastropathy were seen at endoscopy procedures in our sample at any time in the study. Conclusion: Portal vein ligation in minipigs has been validated in the production of portal hypertension, but not in the formation of esophageal varices.

Animais , Porco Miniatura/cirurgia , Varizes Esofágicas e Gástricas/cirurgia , Hipertensão Portal/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 811, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401420


Background: Fibroepithelial polyps are benign tumors of mesenchymal and ectodermal origin. Regarding the localization related to the cutaneous region, they may affect the eyelid and periocular area. In veterinary medicine, polyps located in the urethra of dogs and monkeys, vagina of bitches and on the skin have been described. Fibroepithelial polyps may present as single to multiple nodules, exophytic to pedunculated, usually arising on a smooth surface of a common base. The aim of this paper is to describe the ocular and histopathological changes of a corneal fibroepithelial polyp of recurrent character in a dog. Case: A 20-year-old Lhasa Apso dog, with a history of progressive corneal neoformation in the right eye for 4 months. Patient was submitted to routine ophthalmic evaluation. At biomicroscopy, a discrete mucopurulent discharge was observed in the nasal corner, a nodule in the lower eyelid (± 3 mm), moderate conjunctival hyperemia, vascularization and corneal edema between 12 and 5 h, presence of a pinkish proliferative mass in 3 h, affecting the anterior stroma and opacity of the lens, Schirmer's Tear Test (STT) 20 mm/min and intraocular pressure (IOP) 10 mm/Hg. In the left eye, the STT and IOP were within normal range (17 mm/min and 11 mg/Hg, respectively) and at biomicroscopy only lens opacity was observed. Given the presence of the neoformation in the cornea, the patient underwent lamellar keratectomy to excise the mass and third eyelid flap. The tissue was then submitted to histopathology. The histopathological examination showed a proliferation of fibrous component with areas presenting reactive fibroblasts, with acidophilic cytoplasm and with little volume and slight neovascularization, presence of hyperplasia of the lining epithelium and cells with round to oval nuclei, with inconspicuous nucleoli, compatible with fibroepithelial polyp, without evidence of malignancy. After 18 months, the patient presented recurrence of the condition with a history of slow evolution (about ten months). The ophthalmic evaluation showed lesions very similar to the initial one, describing a recurrence of the lesion. Discussion: Corneal neoplasms are uncommon in dogs. The clinical findings in patients with ocular neoplasms include irregular to nodular masses, gray to reddish in color, and typically associated with a vascular supply. These features are related to the type of tumor and its degree of evolution. There are reports in the literature of ocular neoplasms such as squamous cell carcinoma, papilloma, melanocytoma, fibrosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma. Related to fibroepithelial polyp with ocular involvement, there are rare reports in human literature and none in veterinary medicine. There is a human description of the presence of a polyp affecting the cornea associated with a corneal dermoid and e other cases of polyps of conjunctival origin. As far as treatment is concerned, the polyp should be surgically removed because of the possibility of recurrence, tissue metaplasia, or even transformation into a malignant tumor, as seen in the case reported here, in which even with surgical removal there was recurrence and metaplasia of the cells. Based on the histopathological findings, it can be concluded that this is a fibroepithelial polyp with a recidivating characteristic, not well described in the veterinary literature, with an atypical presentation affecting the cornea.

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliais/veterinária , Doenças da Córnea/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4)out./dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491720


This study has as objective to determine total mercury (Total Hg) levels by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 134 individuals edible part of Mullus argentinae, in two different fishing areas and two seasons in Rio de Janeiro State. Also, proximate composition was performed. Total Hg results in wet weight basis ranged from 0.0867 to 0.7476 µg.g-1 in muscle; 0.0023 to 0,1034 µg.g-1 in flippers; and 0.0177 to 0.1849 µg.g-1 in skin. Mean evaluated moisture was 73.39%; protein was 18.76%; lipid concentration of 5.36%; carbohydrates of 2.35%; and ashes were 0.85%. Results showed that Total Hg contents was lower than accepted limits established by regulatory organization. Higher averages were observed in muscle (0.2441 µg.g-1) when compared with skin (0.2386 µg.g-1) and flippers (0.0195 µg.g-1). In general, samples collected on summer showed higher values of total Hg when comparing to winter. Regarding beach areas there was no significant difference (p>0.05). We can conclude that this specie should be cautious consumed because of total Hg bioaccumulation characteristics, although neither levels were above limits established.

This study has as objective to determine total mercury (Total Hg) levels by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 134 individuals edible part of Mullus argentinae, in two different fishing areas and two seasons in Rio de Janeiro State. Also, proximate composition was performed. Total Hg results in wet weight basis ranged from 0.0867 to 0.7476 µg.g-1 in muscle; 0.0023 to 0,1034 µg.g-1 in flippers; and 0.0177 to 0.1849 µg.g-1 in skin. Mean evaluated moisture was 73.39%; protein was 18.76%; lipid concentration of 5.36%; carbohydrates of 2.35%; and ashes were 0.85%. Results showed that Total Hg contents was lower than accepted limits established by regulatory organization. Higher averages were observed in muscle (0.2441 µg.g-1) when compared with skin (0.2386 µg.g-1) and flippers (0.0195 µg.g-1). In general, samples collected on summer showed higher values of total Hg when comparing to winter. Regarding beach areas there was no significant difference (p>0.05). We can conclude that this specie should be cautious consumed because of total Hg bioaccumulation characteristics, although neither levels were above limits established.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 225-231, out./dez. 2021. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363787


This study has as objective to determine total mercury (Total Hg) levels by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 134 individuals edible part of Mullus argentinae, in two different fishing areas and two seasons in Rio de Janeiro State. Also, proximate composition was performed. Total Hg results in wet weight basis ranged from 0.0867 to 0.7476 µg.g-1 in muscle; 0.0023 to 0,1034 µg.g-1 in flippers; and 0.0177 to 0.1849 µg.g-1 in skin. Mean evaluated moisture was 73.39%; protein was 18.76%; lipid concentration of 5.36%; carbohydrates of 2.35%; and ashes were 0.85%.Results showed that Total Hg contents was lower than accepted limits established by regulatory organization. Higher averages were observed in muscle (0.2441 µg.g-1) when compared with skin (0.2386 µg.g-1) and flippers (0.0195 µg.g-1). In general, samples collected on summer showed higher values of total Hg when comparing to winter. Regarding beach areas there was no significant difference (p>0.05). We can conclude that this specie should be cautious consumed because of total Hg bioaccumulation characteristics, although neither levels were above limits established.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o teor de mercúrio no tecido comestível de Mullus argentinae, conhecido como peixe trilha, espécie amplamente consumida no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foi determinado o teor de mercúrio total (Hg total) por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica em 134 amostras, coletados em duas áreas e estações climáticas diferentes. Além disso, foi avaliada a composição centesimal das amostras. Os resultados de Hg total em peso úmido variaram de 0,0867 a 0,7476 µg.g-1 no músculo; 0,0023 a 0,1034 µg.g-1 nas nadadeiras; e 0,0177 a 0,1849 µg.g-1 na pele. Os valores médios da composição centesimal foram de 73,30% de umidade, 18,76% de proteína, 5,36% de lipídios, 2,35% de carboidratos e 0,85% de matéria mineral. Os resultados das 134 amostras analisadas demostraram que os teores de Hg Total apresentam concentração inferior aos limites aceitos pelos órgãos reguladores. As maiores médias foram observadas no músculo (0,2441 µg.g-1) quando comparadas à pele (0,2386 µg.g-1) e nadadeiras (0,0195 µg.g-1). Em geral, as amostras coletadas no verão apresentaram maiores valores de Hg total em relação ao inverno. Em relação aos locais de coleta não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05). Podemos concluir que esta espécie deve ser consumida com cautela devido às características de bioacumulação do Hg total, apesar das médias apresentadas estarem abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação.

Animais , Peixes , Bioacumulação , Mercúrio , Análise Espectral , Proteínas de Peixes/análise
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e200155, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340228


In South America, mercury contamination due to gold mining operations is a threat to both biodiversity and human health. We examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fishes that constitute important subsistence fisheries from mined and non-mined tributaries in the middle Mazaruni River, Guyana. Mercury concentrations and trophic food web structure (based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes) were characterized for primary basal sources and 39 fish species representing seven trophic guilds. Fishes collected at mined sites had higher mercury concentrations; piscivores and carnivores had the highest Hg concentrations and exhibited significant Hg biomagnification. Our results showed that medium- to large-bodied fishes commonly eaten by local people contained Hg values that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, and pose a health concern for riverine communities along the Mazaruni River that depend on fish as their main source of protein. Further research to determine the sources of Hg contamination and how it affects human health in this neotropical river must become a top priority. In addition, more research on how Hg contamination impacts the fishes themselves and overall aquatic biodiversity is also needed in the Mazaruni River which has both high fish endemism and diversity.(AU)

Na América do Sul, a contaminação por mercúrio devido às operações de mineração de ouro é uma ameaça à biodiversidade e à saúde humana. Nós examinamos as concentrações de mercúrio (Hg) em peixes que constituem importantes pescarias de subsistência em afluentes minerados e não minerados no médio rio Mazaruni, Guiana. As concentrações de mercúrio e a estrutura trófica da teia alimentar (baseada em isótopos estáveis ​​de carbono e nitrogênio) foram caracterizadas para fontes basais primárias e 39 espécies de peixes representando sete guildas tróficas. Os peixes coletados em locais minerados tiveram maiores concentrações de mercúrio; piscívoros e carnívoros tiveram as maiores concentrações de Hg e exibiram biomagnificação significativa de Hg. Nossos resultados mostraram que peixes de corpo médio a grande comumente consumidos pela população local continham valores de Hg que excedem os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e representam uma preocupação para a saúde das comunidades ribeirinhas ao longo do rio Mazaruni que dependem dos peixes como sua principal fonte de proteína. Outras pesquisas para determinar as fontes de contaminação por Hg e como isso afeta a saúde humana neste rio neotropical devem se tornar uma prioridade. Além disso, mais pesquisas sobre como a contaminação por Hg impacta os próprios peixes e a biodiversidade aquática em geral também são necessárias no rio Mazaruni, que tem alto endemismo e diversidade de peixes.(AU)

Animais , Contaminação Química , Peixes/fisiologia , Mercúrio/toxicidade , Cadeia Alimentar , Bioacumulação , Isótopos de Mercúrio/química
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e200155, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32703


In South America, mercury contamination due to gold mining operations is a threat to both biodiversity and human health. We examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fishes that constitute important subsistence fisheries from mined and non-mined tributaries in the middle Mazaruni River, Guyana. Mercury concentrations and trophic food web structure (based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes) were characterized for primary basal sources and 39 fish species representing seven trophic guilds. Fishes collected at mined sites had higher mercury concentrations; piscivores and carnivores had the highest Hg concentrations and exhibited significant Hg biomagnification. Our results showed that medium- to large-bodied fishes commonly eaten by local people contained Hg values that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, and pose a health concern for riverine communities along the Mazaruni River that depend on fish as their main source of protein. Further research to determine the sources of Hg contamination and how it affects human health in this neotropical river must become a top priority. In addition, more research on how Hg contamination impacts the fishes themselves and overall aquatic biodiversity is also needed in the Mazaruni River which has both high fish endemism and diversity.(AU)

Na América do Sul, a contaminação por mercúrio devido às operações de mineração de ouro é uma ameaça à biodiversidade e à saúde humana. Nós examinamos as concentrações de mercúrio (Hg) em peixes que constituem importantes pescarias de subsistência em afluentes minerados e não minerados no médio rio Mazaruni, Guiana. As concentrações de mercúrio e a estrutura trófica da teia alimentar (baseada em isótopos estáveis ​​de carbono e nitrogênio) foram caracterizadas para fontes basais primárias e 39 espécies de peixes representando sete guildas tróficas. Os peixes coletados em locais minerados tiveram maiores concentrações de mercúrio; piscívoros e carnívoros tiveram as maiores concentrações de Hg e exibiram biomagnificação significativa de Hg. Nossos resultados mostraram que peixes de corpo médio a grande comumente consumidos pela população local continham valores de Hg que excedem os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e representam uma preocupação para a saúde das comunidades ribeirinhas ao longo do rio Mazaruni que dependem dos peixes como sua principal fonte de proteína. Outras pesquisas para determinar as fontes de contaminação por Hg e como isso afeta a saúde humana neste rio neotropical devem se tornar uma prioridade. Além disso, mais pesquisas sobre como a contaminação por Hg impacta os próprios peixes e a biodiversidade aquática em geral também são necessárias no rio Mazaruni, que tem alto endemismo e diversidade de peixes.(AU)

Animais , Contaminação Química , Peixes/fisiologia , Mercúrio/toxicidade , Cadeia Alimentar , Bioacumulação , Isótopos de Mercúrio/química
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1001-1013, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1345278


The goal of this research was to compare the effect of the following products on dairy cattle, parasitized by Rhipicephalus microplus: organosynthetics - Clorfenvinfós and Ivermectina (OG); phytotherapics - Eucalyptus oil (EG) and Neem cake (NG); Homeopathy (HG); The control group (CG) received no treatment. Infestation was by R. microplus (MIC) and weight gain (GP) were evaluated. The study included 60 animals (5 groups) from ­ Dutch / Zebu, aged between 25-44 months and initial weight between 211-477kg. EG and NG showed MIC 84.9% and 14.0% greater than CG, respectively (P <0.05; P = 0). HG and OG had MIC less than CG 24.4% and 16.9%, respectively (P<0.05; P <0.05). EG, NG and OG obtained GP lower than CG in 7.9%, 8.9% and 8.06% (P <0.05) respectively. The HG GP was 4.9% higher (P <0.05) than CG. This was the first research to prove parasitism control by R. microplus in a field test, using homeopathy. The methodology for choosing Homeopathy for the control of enzooties, developed and tested for the first time in this study, proved to be adequate and efficient, opening the possibility for establishing a new methodology for strategic control of parasitism by R. microplus.(AU)

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar o efeito dos seguintes produtos sobre bovinos leiteiros, parasitados por Rhipicephalus microplus: organossintéticos - clorfenvinfós e ivermectina (OG); fitoterápicos - óleo de eucalipto (EG) e torta de Neem (NG) e homeopatia (HG). O grupo controle (CG) não recebeu tratamento. Foram avaliados infestação por R. microplus (MIC) e ganho de peso/grupo (GP) em 60 animais (5 grupos), a partir de ­ holandês/zebu, com idade entre 25 e 44 meses e peso inicial entre 211 e 477kg. EG e NG apresentaram MIC 84,9% e 14,0% maior que CG, respectivamente (P<0,05; P=0). HG e OG apresentaram MIC menor que CG 24,4% e 16,9%, respectivamente (P<0,05; P<0,05). EG, NG e OG obtiveram GP menor que CG em 7,9%, 8,9% e 8,06% (P<0,05), respectivamente. O GP do HG foi 4,9% maior (P<0,05) que o CG. Esta foi a primeira pesquisa a comprovar controle do parasitismo por R. microplus em teste a campo, usando homeopatia. A metodologia para escolha de medicamentos homeopáticos para controle de enzootias, desenvolvida e testada pela primeira vez neste estudo, mostrou-se adequada e eficiente, abrindo a possibilidade para estabelecimento de nova metodologia para controle estratégico do parasitismo por R. microplus.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Carrapatos , Medicamento Homeopático , Controle de Ácaros e Carrapatos/métodos , Acaricidas
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e53052, 2021. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764616


Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p<0.05) from their corresponding values in other examined crustaceans. The mean values of Cr and Hg were not significantly different across samples. The estimated daily intake of trace element (mg person-1day-1) revealed that Hg (0.000001) in marine crab contributed the lowest daily intake while Zn (0.000226) in lagoon crab contributed the highest daily intake. Total hazard quotient (THQ) values for the trace elements followed descending order of Hg > Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).(AU)

Animais , Crustáceos , Oligoelementos/análise , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Bioacumulação
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3): 1245-1258, mai.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371260


The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral, productive, reproductive and thermoregulatory performance of ¾ and ⅞ Holstein/Gir (HG) dairy cows to identify which genetic composition suffers the least heat stress. A completely randomized design was adopted involving 20 multiparous, lactating crossbred cows from a dairy farm located in the municipality of Turvânia - GO, Brazil. During the experimental period, data on behavioral, productive, reproductive and thermoregulatory traits were collected every 15 days. Bioestat (5.0) statistical software was used for statistical analysis. The mean temperature-humidity index, ambient temperature and relative humidity obtained throughout the experimental period were 74.45, 30.51 ºC and 63.64%, respectively. In terms of reproductive performance, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the genetic compositions for the time from calving to first service, with a longer period shown by the animals with greater Holstein breed genetic composition. Service period and calving interval differed significantly (p < 0.05) during the experimental period between the genetic compositions. A significant difference (p < 0.05) was also detected between the compositions for respiratory rate, with higher values observed in the animals with higher European genetic composition. Benezra thermal comfort index also differed significantly (p < 0.05), with the ⅞ HG animals showing a higher value. Lactating cows with a ⅞ HG genetic composition achieved better results in milk production, whereas those with ¾ HG genetic composition showed superiority in milk fat composition and reproductive and thermoregulatory performance, indicating greater adaptation to the climatic conditions of the region.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho comportamental, produtivo, reprodutivo e termorregulador de vacas leiteiras ¾ e ⅞ Holandês/Gir (HG), com intuito de identificar qual composição genética sofre menor estresse térmico pelo calor. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizados com 20 vacas mestiças, em lactação, multíparas, pertencentes à propriedade leiteira localizada no município de Turvânia, GO. Durante o período experimental, a cada 15 dias foram coletados dados das características comportamentais, produtivas, reprodutivas e termorreguladoras. Para a realização das análises estatísticas foi utilizado o programa estatístico Bioestat (5.0). Os valores médios obtidos durante todo o período experimental para índice de temperatura e umidade, temperatura ambiente e umidade relativa do ar foram 74,45, 30,51ºC e 63,64%, respectivamente. Quanto ao desempenho reprodutivo, houve diferença significativa (p < 0,05) entre as composições genéticas para o intervalo do parto ao primeiro serviço, observando valor maior para os animais com maior composição genética da raça Holandesa. Para as características período de serviço e intervalo de parto foram constatadas diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) durante o período experimental entre as composições genéticas. Foi encontrado diferença significativa (p < 0,05) entre as composições na característica de frequência respiratória, observando-se maior frequência para os animais com maior composição genética europeia. Foi observado diferença significativa (p < 0,05) na característica índice de conforto de Benezra, onde foi encontrado maior valor para a composição genética ⅞ HG. As vacas em lactação com composição genética ⅞ HG obtiveram melhores resultados na produção de leite, mas em contrapartida a composição genética ¾ HG mostraram superioridade na composição de gordura do leite e no desempenho reprodutivo e termorregulador, evidenciando maior adaptação as condições climáticas da região.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Indústria de Laticínios
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e53052, 2021. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461007


Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).

Animais , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Bioacumulação , Crustáceos , Oligoelementos/análise
Acta cir. bras. ; 36(1): e360104, 2021. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30538


Purpose: To evaluate the protective effect of dexmedetomidine on gastric injury induced by ischemia reperfusion (I/R) in rats. Methods: A total of 18 male albino Wistar rats were divided groups as: gastric ischemia reperfusion (GIR), gastric ischemia reperfusion and 50 g/kg dexmedetomidine (DGIR) and sham operation (HG) group. After the third hour of reperfusion, the biochemical and histopathological examinations were performed on the removed stomach tissue. Results: Malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels were found to be significantly higher in GIR compared to HG (p 0.05). A statistically significant decrease was observed at the DGIR compared to the GIR for oxidants levels. Total glutathione (tGSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were statistically significantly decreased at the GIR, and antioxidants levels were found to be significantly higher in the DGIR (p 0.05) There was no significant difference between HG and DGIR in terms of SOD (p = 0.097). The DGIRs epitheliums, glands and vascular structures were close to normal histological formation. Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine is found to prevent oxidative damage on the stomach by increasing the antioxidant effect. These results indicate that dexmedetomidine may be useful in the treatment of ischemia-reperfusion-related gastric damage.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Isquemia/tratamento farmacológico , Isquemia/veterinária , Traumatismo por Reperfusão/tratamento farmacológico , Traumatismo por Reperfusão/veterinária , Antioxidantes
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360803, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339010


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the blood flow in the internal thoracic artery when dissected endoscopically in a conventional manner, in addition to develop a reliable experimental training model for the surgical team. Methods: Paired experimental study. Ten pigs were operated and had both internal thoracic arteries dissected, the right with a conventional technique and the left by video endoscopy. The main outcomes to be studied were flow, length, and time of dissection of each vessel. Results: Blood flow measurements were performed with mean heart rate of 100 ± 16 bpm and mean arterial pressure of 89.7 ± 13 mm Hg. The mean blood flow of endoscopic dissection of the internal thoracic artery was 170.2 ± 66.3 mL/min and by direct view was 180.8 ± 70.5 (p = 0.26). Thus, there was no statistically significant difference between the flows, showing no inferiority between the methods. Conclusions: The minimally invasive dissection of the internal thoracic artery was shown to be not inferior to the dissection by open technique in relation to the blood flow in the present experimental model. In addition, the model that we replicated was shown to be adequate for the development of the learning curve and improvement of the endoscopic abilities.

Animais , Artéria Torácica Interna/cirurgia , Suínos , Dissecação , Endoscopia , Hemodinâmica
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200085, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443164


The objective of this study was to estimate the breed, heterosis, and recombination effects on different components of the lactation curve of Girolando cattle. The dataset used consisted of 12,121 purebred cows of Holstein (H) and Gyr (G) breeds, and six H×G crossbred cows (Girolando). The model used presents random effects of herd and cow, regression coefficient associated with linear effect of proportion of H breed, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of heterosis between H and G breeds, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of recombination between H and G breeds, and random effect of residual. Dijkstra's (DJ), Nelder's (ND), Wilmink's (WL), and Wood's (WD) models were tested to fit production records of these different genetic groups. These models were then tested according to evaluation criteria of quality of fit (AIC, BIC, and RMSE), and the two best models (WD and WL) were chosen for estimation of 305-day milk yield (MY305), peak yield, time to peak, and persistency of milk yield. The breed effect was significant for all traits and components of the lactation curve. The heterosis effect was significant for all traits, and was more significant for MY305 (945.62±79.17 kg). Peak yield was the component of lactation curve that presented the most significant heterosis effect, partially explaining the heterosis effect (12 to 21%) found for MY305. The recombination effect was positive only for lactation period and time to peak of lactation in Girolando cows.

Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Lactação/fisiologia , Cruzamentos Genéticos , Vigor Híbrido , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia
Vet. zootec ; 28: 1-14, 13 jan. 2021.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503649


El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...

The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...

Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...

Animais , Hormônios/análise , Jejum/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Epinefrina , Glucagon , Grelina , Hidrocortisona , Insulina , Leptina , Tiroxina , Tri-Iodotironina
Vet. Zoot. ; 28: 1-14, 29 mar. 2021.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32525


El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...(AU)

The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...(AU)

Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...(AU)

Animais , Jejum/metabolismo , Hormônios/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Insulina , Glucagon , Grelina , Leptina , Hidrocortisona , Epinefrina , Tri-Iodotironina , Tiroxina
Acta cir. bras ; 36(10): e361005, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349864


ABSTRACT Purpose: Reactive oxygen species (ROS), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) have been shown in the pathogenesis of acrylamide neurotoxicity. Hippophae rhamnoides L. extract (HRE) has a cytoprotective effect by stabilizing the production of ROS, IL-1β and TNF-α. The objective of the article was to investigate the effect of HRE on acrylamide-induced brain damage in rats biochemically and histopathologically. Methods: To the HRE+acrylamide only (ACR) group (n=6) of the animals, HRE was administered orally at a dose of 50 mg / kg into the stomach by gavage. The same volume of solvent (olive oil) was administered orally to the ACR (n=6) and healthy (HG) (n=6) groups. One hour after HRE administration, acrylamide was given orally at a dose of 20 mg/kg to HRE+ACR and ACR groups in the same way. This procedure was repeated once a day for 30 days. At the end of this period, brain tissues extracted from animals killed with 50 mg/kg thiopental anesthesia were examined biochemically and histopathologically. Results: It has been shown that HRE prevents the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase (MPO), IL-1β and TNF-α with acrylamide and the decrease of total glutathione (tGSH) and glutathione reductase (GSHRd) levels in brain tissue. Conclusions: HRE may be useful in the treatment of acrylamide-induced neurotoxicity.

Animais , Ratos , Lesões Encefálicas/induzido quimicamente , Lesões Encefálicas/tratamento farmacológico , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Hippophae/química , Estresse Oxidativo , Malondialdeído , Antioxidantes/farmacologia