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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20220008, 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418142


We verified the spatial and temporal distribution of the olive leaf moth (Palpita forficifera Munroe, 1959) in a new potential region for olive cultivation and evaluated the bioinsecticides effectiveness to control this pest. The experimental orchard composed by Koroneiki and Arbequina cultivars was planted in Pato Branco, Southwest region of Paraná, Brazil. In the field, larvae counts were performed weekly on 25 plants of each cultivar, for 12 months, to verify the spatial and temporal distribution. Furthermore, in laboratory conditions, second instar larvae of P. forficifera were fed with olive leaves treated with Azadirachta indica oil, Bacillus thuringiensis, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, and the effectiveness in the larvae mortality was used to compare four bioinsecticides and control. The P. forficifera larvae occurred mainly during the three summer months, had a host preference for the 'Arbequina' (68.9% of total larvae) and occurred at random distribution patterns throughout the orchard. The A. indica oil and B. thuringiensis both caused almost 100% larvae mortality under laboratory conditions.

Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a distribuição espacial e temporal da lagarta-da-oliveira (Palpita forficifera Munroe, 1959) em uma nova região com potencial de cultivo de oliveira e avaliar a eficiência de controle desta praga com bioinseticidas. O pomar experimental com as cultivares Koroneiki e Arbequina foi implantado em Pato Branco, região Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil. No pomar foram realizadas contagens semanais de lagartas em 25 plantas de cada cultivar, durante 12 meses, para verificar a distribuição espacial e temporal. Além disso, em condições de laboratório, larvas de segundo instar foram submetidas à alimentação com folhas de oliveira tratadas com óleo de neem (Azadirachta indica), Bacillus thuringiensis, Metarhizium anisopliae e Beauveria bassiana, e a efetividade de mortalidade das larvas foi utilizada para comparação entre os quatro bioinseticidas e a testemunha. As lagartas de P. forficifera ocorreram concentradas durante os três meses de verão, tiveram preferência hospedeira pela cultivar Arbequina (68,9% do total de larvas registradas), e ocorreram em padrão de distribuição aleatório ao longo do pomar. A aplicação de óleo de neem (A. indica) ou de B. thuringiensis causaram quase 100% de mortalidade das larvas em condições de laboratório.

Controle de Pragas , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Olea
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451778


On page 1, where the text reads:Luisa Cunha Carneiro1; João Paulo Elsen Saut2; Mariana de Oliveira Almeida2; Sara Pedrosa Franco Barbosa2; Erin Jane Williams3; Eneiva Carla Carvalho Celeghini11 Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Reprodução Animal, Campus Fernando Costa, Pirassununga ­ SP, Brazil2 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia ­ MG, Brazil3 University of Edinburgh, Roslin Institute e The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, ScotlandIt should read:Luisa Cunha Carneiro1; João Paulo Elsen Saut2,3; Mariana de Oliveira Almeida2; Sara Pedrosa Franco Barbosa2; Erin Jane Williams4; Hévila Dutra Barbosa de Cerqueira3; Eneiva Carla Carvalho Celeghini11 Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Reprodução Animal, Campus Fernando Costa, Pirassununga ­ SP, Brazil2 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia ­ MG, Brazil3 Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Instituto de Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias,Valdivia, Chile4 University of Edinburgh, Roslin Institute and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, ScotlandOn page 2, where the text reads:How to cite: Carneiro LC, Saut JPE, Almeida MO, Barbosa SPF, Williams EJ, Celeghini ECC. The in vitro effects of n-3 fatty acids on immune response regulation of bovine ex vivo endometrial explants. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci. 2023;60:e202442. should read:How to cite: Carneiro LC, Saut JPE, Almeida MO, Barbosa SPF, Williams EJ, Cerqueira HDB, Celeghini ECC. The in vitro effects of n-3 fatty acids on immune response regulation of bovine ex vivo endometrial explants. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci. 2023;60:e202442. authors apologize for the errors.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363032, 2023. mapas, graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509975


Green areas in urban landscapes are under strong anthropogenic pressure, and, at the same time are fundamen-tal to maintaining biodiversity, as they provide resources for many animal and plant species. Knowing these species is funda-mental for its maintenance and conservation, and inventories are extremely important for monitoring fauna and conserving it. Therefore, the goal of this research is to inventory the butterflies species in the park of the Instituto Butantan (Ibu), locat-ed in an urban area in the city of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. The surveys of butterflies were conducted through visual census-es from August 2017 to July 2019 and recorded a total of 324 butterfly species. The most speciose family was Hesperiidae, fol-lowed by Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, and Papilionidae. Among the sampled species, there is Euselasia zarawhich is a new record for the state of São Paulo. Neither the species accumulation nor the richness estimator curves tended to reach an asymptote, suggesting that additional butterflies' species will be recorded with more sampling effort on the site. Even with a flora composed mainly of exotic and ornamental plants, the park of Instituto Butantan exhibits a very rich butter-fly community. This community exhibits a pattern of seasonally variation, with the peak of species richness related to the rainy season. When compared with Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira (USP), another nearby urban green area, which is larger, more heterogeneous and sampled over a longer period, it is possible to notice that the Ibu butterfly community is a subsample of this larger one. These results highlight the potential that urban parks have for the maintenance and conserva-tion of butterfly species.(AU)

Animais , Borboletas , Distribuição Animal , Parques Recreativos , Brasil , Área Urbana , Fauna
Cad. téc. vet. zootec ; (105): 169-185, jan. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436004


Historicamente a atividade agropecuária é relacionada à produção de alimentos e de outros gêneros de primeira necessidade para as sociedades. Desse modo, a atividade rural foi sendo concebida como atividade rústica, primária, em que seus produtos, destituídos de beleza ou senso estético, destinaram-se ao consumo alimentar ou teriam um fim utilitário de primeira necessidade e de baixa elaboração. Nesse mesmo sentido, o processo de modernização agrícola, guiada pelos princípios da Revolução Verde, nas décadas de 1950 e 1960, buscou a elevação da produtividade das culturas em processo de crescente padronização, o que, alinhado à crescente globalização das economias, fez com que os artigos agrícolas se comportassem como commodities nos mercados internacionais. Sob esse aspecto, os produtos agropecuários foram perdendo suas características individuais, específicas, regionais, em prol da crescente padronização e uniformização. Criou-se, com isso, um modelo de produção agrícola hegemônico em escala global, sob a ideologia produtivista, que se convencionou chamar no Brasil de agronegócio (Oliveira et al., 2019a). Porém, esse modelo agrícola, que se difundiu em todo o mundo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, gerou importantes impactos sociais e ambientais ligados à produção agrícola. À medida que a modernização agrícola avançou, essa foi associada à devastação ambiental e à dispensa crescente de mão de obra (Pessôa e Matos, 2005). Por outro lado, o desenvolvimento das sociedades capitalistas urbano-industriais fez com que importante parcela da população mundial residisse em áreas urbanas, tendo pouco contato com a natureza. Adicionalmente, o aumento da população humana foi associado à redução dos espaços de habitação e à verticalização desses (Santos et al., 2015).(AU)

Animais , Aquicultura/métodos , Peixes , Animais de Estimação
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 112: e2022018, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1421635


We provide herein the first report of a nest of Ceratina (Ceratinula) fioreseana Oliveira, 2020, a species that was recently described for the Cerrado domain. The nest was collected in a Passiflora edulis Sims (Passifloraceae) plantation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil and was built in a trap nest, a dry petiole of Cecropia pachystachya Trécul (Urticaceae). Within the nest there was a living female and a brood cell without partition containing a pupa, whose adult female emerged 28 days after pupation. Pollen analysis revealed the dominance of Emilia fosbergii Nicolson (Asteraceae) pollen grains, a weed recorded a few meters from the nest. The record of an adult female within the nest with a pupa and the absence of nest partition might suggest social behavior in this bee species.(AU)

Primeiro registro de um ninho de Ceratina (Ceratinula) fioreseana Oliveira (Hymenoptera: Apidae). É fornecido o primeiro registro de um ninho de Ceratina (Ceratinula) fioreseana Oliveira, 2020, uma espécie que foi recentemente descrita para o domínio do Cerrado. O ninho foi coletado em um cultivo de Passiflora edulis Sims (Passifloraceae) no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil e foi construído em um ninho-armadilha, um pecíolo seco de Cecropia pachystachya Trécul (Urticaceae). Dentro do ninho havia uma fêmea e uma célula de cria sem partição contendo uma pupa, a qual a fêmea adulta emergiu 28 dias após pupação. A análise polínica revelou a dominância de grãos de pólen de Emilia fosbergii Nicolson (Asteraceae), uma espécie ruderal observada a poucos metros do ninho. O registro de uma fêmea adulta dentro do ninho juntamente com uma pupa e a ausência de partição na célula de cria podem sugerir comportamento social nesta espécie de abelha.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Pólen , Asteraceae , Himenópteros/classificação , Brasil
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380771


A platinosomose é uma importante enfermidade hepatobiliar parasitária que acomete felinos, sendo eles de vida livre ou semi domiciliados. O agente etiológico é o trematódeo Platynosomum spp. E a doença é popularmente conhecida como "envenenamento por lagartixa". As manifestações clínicas da platinosomose são inespecíficas assim como é incomum a observação de lesões hepáticas, o que dificulta o diagnóstico. Felinos possuem o hábito de caça e ao ingerir esses pequenos invertebrados, podem dar continuidade ao ciclo da platinosomose, uma vez que esses animais são os hospedeiros definitivos deste parasito. Esse trematódeo se aloja com frequência no trato biliar dos gatos, causando lesões e possível obstrução do ducto biliar. O grau de comprometimento das lesões hepáticas está na dependência tanto da imunidade, quanto da carga parasitária do animal. O diagnóstico de eleição é o exame parasitológico de fezes, embora ainda seja considerado pouco sensível, sendo relevante a utilização de outras ferramentas diagnósticas. O exame ultrassonográfico permite a observação de alterações hepáticas e até mesmo do próprio parasito no interior do ducto biliar, contribuindo para elucidação dessa enfermidade. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário "Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira", um felino com histórico de icterícia, e ao exame clínico observou-se escore corporal magro e desidratação em 8%. Após avaliação clínica do animal, o mesmo foi encaminhado para o setor de Diagnóstico por Imagem para avaliação ultrassonográfica abdominal, durante o exame visibilizou-se aumento das dimensões hepáticas, edema de parede em vesícula biliar e a presença pequena de estrutura filiforme, hiperecogênica, em seu interior.(AU)

Platinosomiasis is an importante parasitic hepatobiliary disease that affects felines, whether they live freely or semi-domiciled. The etiological agent is the trematode Platynosomum spp. And the disease is popularly known as "lizard poisoning". The clinical manifestations of platinosomiasis are non-specific and the observation of liver lesions observed are, which makes the diagnosis difficult. Felines have a hunting habit and by ingesting these small invertebrates, they can continuing the platinosomiasis cycle, since these animals are the definitive hosts of this parasite.This trematode frequently lodges in the biliary tract of cats, causing injury and possible obstruction of the bile duct. The degree of involvement of liver lesions is in dependence on both immunity and the parasite load of the animal. The diagnosis of choice is the parasitological examination of feces, although it is still considered not very sensitive, and the use of other diagnostic tools is relevant. The ultrasonographic examination allows the observation of hepatic alterations and even the parasite itself inside the bile duct, contributing to the elucidation of this disease. He was treated at the "Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira", a feline with a history of jaundice, and the clinical examination showed a lean body score and dehydration of 8%. After clinical evaluation of the animal, he was referred to the Diagnostic Imaging Department for abdominal ultrasonography evaluation, during the exam it was seen an increase in the hepatic dimensions, edema of the gallbladder wall and the small presence of a filiform, hyperecogenic structure inside.(AU)

La platinosomosis es una importante enfermedad parasitaria hepatobiliar que afecta a los gatos, ya sean de vida libre o semi-domiciliados. El agente etiológico es el trematodo Platynosomum spp. Y la enfermedad se conoce popularmente como "envenenamiento por gecko". Las manifestaciones clínicas de la platinosomosis son inespecíficas y la observación de lesione hepáticas es poco frecuente, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico. Los felinos tienen el hábito de la caza y al ingerir estos pequeños invertebrados pueden continuar el ciclo de platinosomosis, ya que estos animales son los hospedadores definitivos de este parásito. Este trematodo se aloja con frecuencia en el tracto biliar de los gatos, provocando lesiones y posible obstrucción del conducto biliar. El grado de afectación de las lesiones hepáticas depende tanto de la inmunidad como de la carga parasitaria del animal. El diagnóstico de elección es el examen parasitológico de heces, aunque todavía se considera insensible, siendo relevante el uso de otras herramientas diagnósticas. El examen ecográfico permite la observación de alteraciones hepáticas e incluso del propio parásito fuera de la vía biliar, contribuyendo al esclarecimiento de esta enfermedad. Un felino con antecedentes de ictericia, fue atendido en el Hospital Veterinario "Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira", y el examen clínico mostró un índice corporal magro y deshidratación en 8%. Después de la evaluación clínica del animal, se derivó al sector de Diagnóstico por Imagen para evaluación de ecografía abdominal, durante el examen se observó aumento de las dimensiones hepáticas, edema de la pared vesicular y pequeña presencia de una estructura filiforme hiperecogénica em su interior.(AU)

Animais , Infecções por Trematódeos/diagnóstico por imagem , Gatos/parasitologia , Ultrassonografia , Dicrocoeliidae , Doenças do Sistema Digestório/parasitologia
Sci. agric ; 79(3): e20200308, 2022. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290197


Olive is one of the most important crops in the Mediterranean Basin, because of the olive oil economic value and its role in characterization of the rural landscape. The strong influence of climatic changes on the modern agriculture and the availability of a large source of genetic variability pose as crucial future challenges. Therefore, safeguarding olive genetic resources becomes fundamental, not only in cultivated forms in ex situ collections, but also in terms of wild trees in their natural habitat. In this study, 174 samples of oleaster collected in different parts of Algeria were analyzed by 16 nuclear Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs). The analysis showed a huge genetic variability in the oleaster, and the STRUCTURE and Principal Coordinate Analyses (PCoA) highlighted clusterization of genotypes according to their geographic origin and bioclimatic conditions. Genotypes adapted to harsh climatic conditions were identified, which could be useful to enrich the panel of olive genotypes for breeding purposes and preserve genetic diversity of this species from erosion risks.(AU)

Variação Genética/genética , Olea/genética , Dispersão Vegetal/genética , Biodiversidade , Argélia
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53597, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33233


Waste oil from olive oil extraction industry was used, instead of soybean oil, in heavy roosters diet in order to evaluate birds reproductive parameters. Atotal of forty roosters were housed individually in boxes with 1.2 m². Two experimental diets were used: control diet, based on corn, soybean meal, and soybean oil; and test diet, where soybean oil was totally replaced by waste oil. In order to verify weight gain and feed intake, animals were individually weighed weekly. Seven semen collections were performed with fifteen-day interval. Reproductive variables analyzed sperm volume, motility, concentration, and morphology. No statistical difference (p >0.05) was observed between treatments at the different collection periods for the variables sperm volume, motility, and concentration. There was a statistically significant difference between treatments for body weight in periods three (p =0.04), and seven (p=0.04). Statistical differences (p =0.01) were also observed between treatments for abnormal sperm morphology. Among collection periods, statistical difference was observed for motility (p =0.00), and sperm concentration (p =0.01). Total replacement of soybean oil by waste oil from olive oil extraction in young heavy roosters diets does not affect sperm volume, motility, and concentration; reduces defects in sperm tail, and promotes better weight gain control.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso , Ração Animal/análise , Olea
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 39: e22026, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410375


A new species of Hanshumba Young, 1977 is described and illustrated from the Mantiqueira mountain range (southeastern Brazil), municipalities of Wenceslau Braz (state of Minas Gerais) and São Bento do Sapucaí (state of São Paulo). The new taxon is associated with olive orchards and is considered a potential vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. This bacterium causes a serious disease known in Brazil as olive leaf desiccation syndrome. Hanshumba mariae sp. nov. can be distinguished from the other five known species of the genus by the following combination of features: (1) apical third of ventral margin of male pygofer with small inner process bearing setae; (2) male abdominal segment X (anal tube) without processes; (3) style with apex narrow, obtuse, not foot-shaped; (4) aedeagus with distinct dorsal lobe along basal two-thirds and with apical portion expanded, bearing dorsal projection; (5) paraphyses with distal pair of rami forceps-like, their basal halves divergent from each other, distal halves approximately parallel, apices acute; (6) female sternite VII with posterior margin shallowly emarginate, bearing slight median lobe; and (7) valvula II of ovipositor with approximately 15 low teeth. Both males and females of the new species are described in detail. A key to the six known species of the genus is provided.

Animais , Hemípteros/anatomia & histologia , Hemípteros/classificação , Brasil , Olea
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(3): 147-152, nov. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417390


Primary tracheal neoplasms are uncommon and poorly documented in veterinary medicine, being most frequently reported in domestic cats. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm that originates from the stratified squamous epithelium, considered one of the most common skin neoplasms in dogs and cats. This paper aims to report the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings of a clinical case of primary SCC in the trachea of ​​a female Schnauzer canine, attended at the Veterinary Hospital Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Araçatuba (FMVA ­ UNESP), complaining of choking, coughing and dyspnea for 1 month. The tracheal portion affected by the neoplasm was sent to the Veterinary Pathology department of the FMVA after surgical excision. Fragments of the neoplasm were collected and fixed in 10% formaldehyde for further histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. Microscopically, the neoplasm was well differentiated, being characterized by the presence of keratin pearls, low degree of pleomorphism and rare mitotic figures. In the immunohistochemical analysis, there was immunoexpression of anti-cytokeratin antibodies AE1AE3, 34BE12, CK14 and CK5/6, confirming the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. In about 30% of the cells there was immunostaining for Ki67 antibodies, justifying the low mitotic index of tumor cells and the few images of mitosis seen. Due to the rare occurrence of primary tracheal SCC in dogs, the use of diversified diagnostic techniques is important in order to better understand the biological behavior of this neoplasm in unusual anatomical locations.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias da Traqueia/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico , Cães , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e54091, mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370262


ß-Glucans (ßG) are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature with chemopreventive properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on cell viability and mRNA levels of genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis and antioxidant response. ßG was not cytotoxic. The mRNA levels of CCNA2of cells exposed to ß-glucan was upregulated and the exposure to Dox decreased the expression, while the combination led to an upregulation. Modulation of mRNA levels of CASP9suggest that ßG could inhibit promotion and progression steps of carcinogenesis, eliminatingneoplastic cells. The upregulation of CCNA2gene in combined treatment could be occurred due to ability of ßG in restoring the cell cycle distribution pattern after treatment with Dox. The upregulation of SOD1suggests that ßG can enhance the intracellular antioxidant defense, reducing the levels of superoxide dismutase induced by Dox. This response could reduce oxidative damage and attenuate tissue damage during chemotherapeutic treatment. Our data suggest that the drug combination may be less effective in killing tumor cells than the treatment with Dox alone. Thus, future studies should carefully consider this effect on indication of ßG during chemotherapy.Keywords:caspase-9; cyclin A2; superoxide dismutase 1; cell cycle; antioxidant.Received on July 2, 2020.Accepted on February 7, 2022.IntroductionGlucans are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature and oftenstudied due to chemopreventive properties. They are constituent of the cell wall of plants (oats and barley), algae, bacteria and fungi. ß-glucans (ßG)have a common structure comprising a main chain of ß-(1,3) and/or ß-(1,4) D-glucopyranosyl unit and they differ in length and branching structures. ßG of Saccharomyces cerevisiaehave 1→6 side branches while those of bacteria have 1→4 side branches (Chan, Chan, & Sze, 2009). ßGcan prevent DNA damage induced by chemical and physical agents (Ghavami,Goliaei, Taghizadeh, & Nikoofar, 2014). Some authors showed its significant efficacy in preventing mutagenic effects caused by doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and cisplatin (Tohamy, El-Ghor, El-Nahas, & Noshy, 2003), methyl methanesulfonate (Oliveira et al., 2007)and hydrogen peroxide (Slamenová, 2003). Moreover, some studies have related the antioxidant ability of ßGagainst reactive free radicals formed by endogenous metabolic processes or exogenous chemicals (Tsiapali et al., 2001; Slamenová,2003; Sener, Eksioglu-Demiralp, Cetiner, Ercan, & Yegen, 2006; Guerra Dore et al., 2007; Kofuji et al., 2012; Lei et al., 2015). Yeast-derived ßGhave modulating action of humoral and cellular immune responses (Vetvicka et al., 2007).This activity provides protection to the organism against infections and cancer development (Samuelsen, Schrezenmeir, & Knutsen, 2014; Roudbary, Daneshmand, Hajimorad, Roudbarmohammadip, & Hassan, 2015). Despite postulated modes of action by which ß-glucan works are lacking information about the molecular mechanisms involved in the chemopreventive activity of this polysaccharide. In addition, compounds with chemopreventive properties can contribute to reduce side effects and toxicity during the chemotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on the expression of genes related with apoptosis (CASP9), cell cycle control (CCNA2)and antioxidant defense (SOD1)in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Doxorubicin (Dox) was chosen because it is one of the most used chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment. The limitation on the use of Dox in cancer treatment is the lack of selectivity against cancer cells and, consequently, its toxicity to patients.(AU)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Expressão Gênica , beta-Glucanas , Caspase 9 , Células MCF-7/fisiologia , Superóxido Dismutase-1
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 43: e51158, ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32252


The cultivation of olive trees is expanding in Brazil, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul in order to meet the demand for olive oil, the main product of the industrialization of olives. However, from the extraction, there is a significant generation of waste. This residue has high moisture and an appropriate destination is necessary given its environmental and economic importance. The chemical composition of the residue is similar to other products used in animal feed, such as corn silage or sorghum, in relation to DM, CP and NDF, the differential being high levels of EE and ADL. In order to evaluate the replacement of corn silage by the extraction residue of olive oil (olive pomace), eight Holstein dairy cow, between 90 and 100 days of lactation,were used, making a double Latin square (4x4). Analyzes were made regarding animals, feed and milk product in order to verify the feasibility of the substitution. The inclusion of olive pomace, conserved as silage, to replace corn silage, in the diet of lactating cows up to 15% (dry basis) does not alter milk production, as well as its composition and feed efficiency.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos , Leite , Olea , Ração Animal
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 43: e51158, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459976


The cultivation of olive trees is expanding in Brazil, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul in order to meet the demand for olive oil, the main product of the industrialization of olives. However, from the extraction, there is a significant generation of waste. This residue has high moisture and an appropriate destination is necessary given its environmental and economic importance. The chemical composition of the residue is similar to other products used in animal feed, such as corn silage or sorghum, in relation to DM, CP and NDF, the differential being high levels of EE and ADL. In order to evaluate the replacement of corn silage by the extraction residue of olive oil (olive pomace), eight Holstein dairy cow, between 90 and 100 days of lactation,were used, making a double Latin square (4x4). Analyzes were made regarding animals, feed and milk product in order to verify the feasibility of the substitution. The inclusion of olive pomace, conserved as silage, to replace corn silage, in the diet of lactating cows up to 15% (dry basis) does not alter milk production, as well as its composition and feed efficiency.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Leite , Olea , Ração Animal
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 37: e56795, Feb. 7, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504594


Amblyomma Koch, 1844 is distributed worldwide, with ca. 130 species currently recognized. These ticks are vectors of pathogens to animals and humans, including the causative agent of the New World Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Species of the Amblyomma parasitize a wide range of organisms, especially medium and large terrestrial mammals. Here we report for the first time the association of Myotis lavali Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011, Noctilio albiventris Desmarest, 1818 and Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus, 1758) as hosts for Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888. The ticks were originally identified as Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787), in 2011. However, a later taxonomic review indicated that the species of the A. cajennense complex occurring in the Caatinga is A. sculptum. We also discuss the ecoepidemiological implications of this association.

Animais , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Ixodidae , Quirópteros/parasitologia
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 37: e56795, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30525


Amblyomma Koch, 1844 is distributed worldwide, with ca. 130 species currently recognized. These ticks are vectors of pathogens to animals and humans, including the causative agent of the New World Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Species of the Amblyomma parasitize a wide range of organisms, especially medium and large terrestrial mammals. Here we report for the first time the association of Myotis lavali Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011, Noctilio albiventris Desmarest, 1818 and Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus, 1758) as hosts for Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888. The ticks were originally identified as Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787), in 2011. However, a later taxonomic review indicated that the species of the A. cajennense complex occurring in the Caatinga is A. sculptum. We also discuss the ecoepidemiological implications of this association.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros/parasitologia , Ixodidae , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20180300, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443605


The objective of the study was to examine the effects of an alcoholic liquid olive leaf extract (OLE) obtained from fresh leaves on the growth performance, carcass weight, caecal microflora, and some plasma variables, such as triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in broiler chickens. A total of 375 one-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) were randomly divided into five treatments with five replicate pens (15 birds each) per treatment. The birds were fed either a basal diet with no supplement (control), with 75 (OLE75), 150 (OLE150), 300 (OLE300), and 600 (OLE600) mg kg−1 oleuropein, provided by 0.66, 1.33, 2.65, and 5.32 g kg−1 of the OLE. The dietary supplementation of OLE linearly increased daily body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI), and carcass weight and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR). Although the OLE600 broilers had the highest daily FI among the treatments, there were significant increases in their BWG and improvements in FCR compared with the control, OLE75, and OLE150 birds. The carcass weights of OLE150, OLE300, and OLE600 birds were higher than those of the control group. The OLE600 diet increased the dressing percentage compared with the OLE75, OLE150, and OLE300 diets. The abdominal fat weight and the plasma HDL concentration of the control broilers were lower than those of all OLE birds. All doses of OLE supplementation decreased the caecal E. coli content. A growth-promoting effect is obtained from the dietary supplementation of 600 mg kg−1 oleuropein due to its beneficial effect on growth performance and caecal microflora populations of broilers.(AU)

Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/fisiologia , Extratos Vegetais/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Olea/efeitos adversos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/química , Anti-Infecciosos/efeitos adversos
Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(4): 758-759, nov. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17918


Bird frugivory is modulated by environmental variables, wherein some variables are related to plant species and some are related to the surrounding habitat ( Saracco et al., 2005 ; Pizo and Almeida Neto, 2009 ; Gagetti et al., 2016 ). Although several studies have investigated the influence of such variables on fruit removal by birds, no study focused on Cecropia, an emblematic plant genus and one of the most preferred food sources for frugivorous animals in the Neotropical region ( Oniki et al., 1994 ). Cecropia pachystachya Trécul (Urticaceae), as other species of the genus, is a common plant typical of the initial phases of ecological succession that attracts many frugivorous animals. Some studies have investigated the relationship between frugivorous birds and C. paschystachya ( Marcondes-Machado and Oliveira, 1988 ; Gonçalves and Vitorino, 2014 ). Nevertheless, there is a lack of studies that investigate the influence of individual and habitat features on the removal of C. paschystachya fruits by birds. Therefore, our main goal was to record the interactions between birds and C. paschystachya to examine which variables (height, crop size and richness of plant species fruiting nearby) may influence bird frugivory events.(AU)

Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(4): 751-754, nov. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18040


The Neotropical migratory (piracema) fish species Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1850), commonly known as piracanjuba, was once considered one of the most conspicuous resources for fisheries in the La Plata River Basin, the second largest in South America, but today is considered a threatened species, almost extinct in the wild ( Machado et al., 2008 ; Oliveira et al., 2017 ). It suffers from several pressures such as intense hydroelectric exploitation in the basin, pollution, deforestation of riverine vegetation and introduction of species ( Oliveira et al., 2017 ). Its omnivorous habits and fast growth curve under domestication ( Sipaúba-Tavares et al., 2008 ; Nogueira et al., 2014 ) makes this fish a good candidate for the development of aquaculture programs, which could guarantee its ex situ cultivation and help in situ conservation initiatives. Hatchery production of this species, targeting stocking efforts in areas affected by dam introduction, is presumed to be important in helping maintaining small population remnants in some isolated points in the basin, but this is still unaddressed in rigorous scientific studies. Such scenario brings about the importance of the development of tools for the rapid assessment of genetic diversity and structure, in order to identify the impacts over dwindling stocks and to evaluate the efficiency of fish stocking activities, in this important species.(AU)

Animais , Caraciformes/classificação , Caraciformes/microbiologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(3): 552-553, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-742079


The Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) is known to have important participation in the aquatic macroinvertebrates fauna, mainly due to its active participation in the organic matter decomposition ( Esteves et al., 2011 ). Despite its ecological importance, the knowledge about this taxon is still incipient ( Timm et al., 2001 ; Gorni et al., 2015 ). According to Alves et al. (2008) , Petsch et al. (2015) , Maroneze et al. (2011) and Ragonha et al. (2014) , these organisms can be found living on sandy substrates or in organic matter enriched environments ( Behrend et al., 2012 ). In addition, these organisms are also recorded associated with aquatic macrophytes and leaf litter ( Trivinho-Strixino et al., 2000 ; Alves and Gorni, 2007 ; Gorni and Alves, 2007 ; Oliveira et al., 2014 ) with sponges ( Gorni and Alves, 2008 ) gastropods ( Gorni and Alves, 2006 ), insect larvae ( Corbi et al., 2004 ) and amphibians ( Oda et al., 2015 ). Recent studies ( Gorni et al., 2015 ) recorded 75 species of aquatic oligochaetes in the State of São Paulo, in which 64 species (85%) belong to the Naididae family. This family stands out as diverse and abundant, being composed of eight subfamilies totalizing about 50% of the oligofauna described on the Earth. ( Rodriguez and Reynoldson, 2011 ). In this article, we report the first record of Nais schubarti Marcus 1944 for the State of São Paulo ( Figure 1 ). Sediment samples were collected by the Water Communities Sector (ELHC) of CETESB, and are part of the Sediment Quality Monitoring Network Project.(AU)

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(11): e20190322, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480148


Olive is one of the strategic products of Guilan province, northern Iran. Hence, it is very important to determine the optimal production pattern of olive, given the resources scarcity and the assessment of physical and Comparative Advantage (CA). In this study, three physical advantage indices for olive production in Guilan province during 2008-2016 were investigated. Also, the CA, protection and competitiveness indicators of olive production at Guilan province for 2016-17 cultivation years were calculated using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Results showed that Guilan province had scale advantage in olive production. The highest degree of olive plantation concentration was on 2008 with scale advantage index of 2.49. Also, results of efficiency advantage showed that, except for 2008, olive production had efficiency advantage over all under study years at Guilan province. Results of Domestic Resource Costs (DRC) and Social Cost Benefit ratio (SCB) indicators for both traditional and commercial olive plantations revealed the CA of olive production in Guilan province. Also, the competitiveness indices values (UCd and UCx) for both traditional and commercial olive plantations were less than 1. So, the olive production systems in Guilan province had the ability to compete with domestic and international competitors.

A olivicultura é uma produção estratégica da província de Guilan, no Norte do Irã. Por isso, é muito importante determinar o padrão ótimo de produção olivícola, dada a escassez de recursos e a avaliação da vantagem física e comparativa. Neste estudo, foram investigados três índices de vantagem física para a produção olivícola na província de Guilan, durante o período de 2008 a 2016. Além disso, foram calculados os índices de vantagem comparativa, proteção e competitividade da produção olivícola, na província de Guilan, para os anos de agrícolas de 2016 e 2017, usando a Matriz de Análise de Políticas (PAM). Os resultados mostraram que a província de Guilan tinha vantagem de escala na produção olivícola. O maior grau de concentração de olival em 2008 com um índice de vantagem de escala de 2,49. Além disso, os resultados da vantagem de eficiência mostraram que, com exceção de 2008, a produção de azeitona teve vantagem de eficiência em todos os anos em estudo de Guilan. Os resultados dos índices dos Custos dos Recursos Internos (RDC) e do Rácio Custo Social (SCB) para os olivais tradicionais e comerciais revelaram a vantagem comparativa da produção olivícola na província de Guilan. Além disso, os valores de índices de competitividade (UCd e UCx) para olivais tradicionais e comerciais eram inferiores a 1. Assim, os sistemas de produção olivícola na província de Guilan tinham a capacidade de competir com concorrentes nacionais e internacionais.

Fenômenos Físicos/análise , Olea/classificação , Olea/química