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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e271781, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439627


Due to the complex nature of pain and the participation of physical, cognitive, psychological and behavioral aspects, pain management has several approaches. The use of medicinal plants in developing countries is quite expressive. Seeking new options for the treatment of emerging or debilitating diseases. Therefore, the present study seeks to elucidate the effects of the monoterpene, citronellal, differentiating its activity by isomers (R)-(+) and (S)-(-) citronellal. The study used several methods to evaluate the effects of citronellal isomers on motor coordination, nociceptive response, and the involvement of opioid, glutamatergic, and transient receptor pathways. The methods included rota-rod, hot-plate, and formalin tests, as well as the use of specific inhibitors and agonists. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics with a 95% confidence level. Both isomers did not significantly affect the motor coordination of the studied animals. The isomer (S)-(-) citronellal showed better results in relation to its structural counterpart, managing to have an antinociceptive effect in the formalin and hot plate tests with a lower concentration (100 mg/kg) and presenting fewer side effects, however, the this study was not able to elucidate the mechanism of action of this isomer despite having activity in studies with substances that act on specific targets such as glutamate and capsaicin, its activity was not reversed with the use of antagonists for pathways related to nociception. While the (R)-(+) citronellal isomer, despite showing total activity only at a concentration of 150 mg/kg, was able to determine its mechanism of action related to the opioid pathway by reversing its activity by the antagonist naloxone, being this is a pathway already correlated with nociception control treatments, however, it is also related to some unwanted side effects. In this way, new studies are sought to elucidate the mechanism related to the isomer (S)-(-) citronellal and a possibility of use in other areas related to the treatment of pain or inflammation.

Devido à natureza complexa da dor e a sua participação de aspectos físicos, cognitivos, psicológicos e comportamentais, o manejo da dor possui diversas abordagens. O uso de plantas medicinais em países em desenvolvimento é bastante expressivo. Buscando novas opções para o tratamento de denças emergentes ou debilitantes. Portanto, o presente estudo busca elucidar os efeitos do monoterpeno, citronelal, diferenciando sua atividade pelos isômeros (R)-(+) e (S)-(-) citronelal. O estudo utilizou diversos métodos para avaliar os efeitos dos isômeros de citronelal na coordenação motora, resposta nociceptiva e o envolvimento de vias opioides, glutamatérgicas e de receptores transitórios. Os métodos incluíram testes de rota-rod, placa quente e formalina, além do uso de inibidores e agonistas específicos. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Ambos os isomeros não afetaram significativamente a coordenação motora dos animais em estudo. O isômero (S)-(-) citronelal apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao seu homólogo estrutural, conseguindo ter um efeito antinociceptivo nos testes de formalina e placa quente com menor concentração (100 mg/kg) e apresentando menos efeitos colaterais, entretanto, o presente estudo não foi capaz de elucidar o mecanismo de ação deste isomero apesar de ter atividadade em estudos com substancias que agem em alvos específicos como glutamato e capsaicina, sua atividade não foi revertida com a utilização de antagonistas para as vias relacionadas à nocicepção. Enquanto o isômero (R)-(+) citronelal, apesar de apresentar de apresentar total atividade somente na concentração de 150 mg/kg, foi capaz de determinar seu mecanismo de ação relacionado à via opióide pela reversão da sua atividade pelo antagonista naloxona, sendo esta uma via já correlacionada com os tratamentos de controle da a nocicepção, no entanto, também está relacionada a alguns efeitos colaterais indesejados. Desta forma busca-se novos estudos para elucidação do mecanismo relacionados ao isomero (S)-(-) citronellal e uma possibilidade de utilização em outras areas relacionadas ao tratamento da dor ou inflamação.

Dor , Plantas Medicinais , Monoterpenos , Inflamação/terapia
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-6, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451088


A síndrome da hiperestesia felina é uma doença ainda pouco compreendida, normalmente de caráter idiopático, que pode ocasionar vários sinais clínicos, relacionados a sensibilidade extrema em uma área da coluna, quase sempre no dorso do animal. O diagnóstico baseia-se na exclusão principalmente de alterações dermatológicas e neurológicas, e apresenta uma diversidade de medicações como terapêutica. Objetivou-se neste trabalho relatar um caso de hiperestesia felina, em um macho, castrado, de dois anos de idade, que não respondeu satisfatoriamente aos tratamentos convencionais, sendo necessária a implementação de opções terapêuticas integrativas, como aromaterapia e óleo de Cannabis.

Feline hyperesthesia syndrome is a disease that is still poorly understood, usually of an idiopathic nature, which can cause several clinical signs, related to extreme sensitivity in an area of the column, almost always on the animal's back. The diagnosis is based on the exclusion mainly of dermatological and neurological alterations, and presents a variety of medications as therapy. The present study described a case of feline hyperesthesia in a two-year-old male, castrated, which did not respond satisfactorily to conventional treatments, requiring the implementation of integrative therapeutic options, such as aromatherapy and Cannabis oil.

El síndrome de hiperestesia felina es una enfermedad aún poco conocida, generalmente de carácter idiopático, que puede provocar varios signos clínicos, relacionados con una sensibilidad extrema en una zona de la columna, casi siempre en la espalda del animal. El diagnóstico se basa en la exclusión principalmente de alteraciones dermatológicas y neurológicas, y presenta una variedad de medicamentos como terapia. El presente trabajo describe un caso de hiperestesia felina en un macho de dos años, castrado, que no respondió satisfactoriamente a los tratamientos convencionales, requiriendo la implementación de opciones terapéuticas integradoras, como la aromaterapia y el aceite de Cannabis.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Canabidiol/administração & dosagem , Canabidiol/química , Dor Crônica/terapia , Dor Crônica/veterinária , Hiperestesia/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20210711, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418166


Intra-abdominal or intrascrotal testicular torsion in dogs occurs due to spermatic cord rotation. Dogs with testicular torsion commonly present severe pain and require surgical intervention. Torsion of intra-abdominal retained testicles in cryptorchid adult dogs is often associated with the presence of testicular neoplasia. Herein, we reported the case of a 5-year-old male poodle with uncommon intra-abdominal testicular torsion (ITT) of a non-neoplastic testicle. The dog was referred to the veterinary hospital with acute abdominal pain in the hypogastric region. An intra-abdominal gonad and alterations compatible with testicular torsion were visualized during ultrasound examination. Orchiectomy and histopathological analysis of the testes confirmed the diagnosis of ITT in the absence of neoplasia. The patient recovered uneventfully from the situation. This report showed that ITT can occur in adult dogs in the absence of testicular neoplasia and reinforce the message that it should be included as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain in cryptorchid dogs. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination in this case of pain in the hypogastric region was decisive for the diagnosis of ITT.

A torção testicular intra-abdominal ou intra-escrotal em cães ocorre devido à rotação do cordão espermático. Os cães com torção testicular apresentam comumente dor intensa e necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica. Em cães adultos, a torção de testículos retidos no abdômen está geralmente associada à presença de neoplasia testicular. Este relato descreve um caso incomum de cão macho, de cinco anos de idade, da raça Poodle, encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário com dor abdominal aguda na região hipogástrica. Durante o exame ecográfico, foi possível evidenciar um testículo e alterações compatíveis com torção testicular. A orquiectomia intra-abdominal e posterior análise histopatológica confirmaram a ITT sem neoplasia associada. O paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória. Este relato mostra que a ITT na ausência de neoplasia pode ocorrer em cães adultos, reforçando a mensagem de que deve ser considerada como um diferencial diagnóstico em casos de dor abdominal aguda. Além disso, o exame ultrassonográfico realizado neste caso de dor na região hipogástrica foi decisivo para o diagnóstico de ITT.

Animais , Cães , Testículo/anormalidades , Dor Abdominal/veterinária , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 45-58, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433847


A Cannabis sativa é uma planta que apresenta vários benefícios terapêuticos para animais, como tratamento da dor neuropática, inflamatória e osteoartrose. A dor é bastante recorrente na rotina clínica, sendo importante seu manejo para que seja ofertada uma melhor qualidade e conforto de vida para o paciente. O estudo objetivou identificar, a partir de evidências científicas, as características da utilização medicinal do uso de Cannabis Sativa no tratamento da dor crônica no cão, utilizando um dos seus princípios ativos, canabidiol (CBD). Foi feito uma revisão bibliográfica onde foi realizada a busca de estudos experimentais e relatos de caso em bases de dados eletrônicos, sendo incluídas fontes contendo a utilização do CBD em animais, que abordaram controle da dor, assim como escore avaliativo da dor antes, durante e após o tratamento proposto. Após eleger e analisar 54 estudos percebe-se que na medicina veterinária o uso do canabidio é insuficiente, uma vez que o foco da maior parte dos estudos clínicos é voltado para medicina humana. Ainda assim, a utilização de CBD mostrou-se eficaz, confirmando uma nova alternativa para o controle da dor em animais.(AU)

Cannabis sativa is a plant that has several therapeutic benefits for animals, such as the treatment of neuropathic and inflammatory pain and osteoarthritis. Pain is quite recurrent in the clinical routine, and its management is important to offer a better quality and comfort of life for the patient. The study aimed to identify, based on scientific evidence, the characteristics of the medicinal use of Cannabis Sativa in the treatment of chronic pain in dogs, using one of its active principles, cannabidiol (CBD). A bibliographical review was carried out in which experimental studies and case reports were searched in electronic databases, including sources containing the use of CBD in animals, which addressed pain control, as well as pain assessment score before, during and after the proposed treatment. After choosing and analyzing 54 studies, it is clear that in veterinary medicine the use of CBD is few, and the focus of clinical studies is on human medicine. The use of CBD proved to be effective, thus confirming a new alternative for pain control in animals.(AU)

El cannabis sativa es una planta que tiene varios beneficios terapéuticos para los animales, como el tratamiento del dolor neuropático e inflamatorio y la osteoartritis. El dolor es bastante recurrente en la rutina clínica, y su manejo es importante para ofrecer una mejor calidad y comodidad de vida al paciente. El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar, con base en la evidencia científica, las características del uso medicinal de Cannabis Sativa en el tratamiento del dolor crónico en perros, utilizando uno de sus principios activos, el cannabidiol (CBD). Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la que se buscaron estudios experimentales y reportes de casos en bases de datos electrónicas, incluyendo fuentes que contengan el uso de CBD en animales, que abordaran el control del dolor, así como la puntuación de evaluación del dolor antes, durante y después del tratamiento propuesto. Después de elegir y analizar 54 estudios, queda claro que en medicina veterinaria el uso de cannabidio es insuficiente, ya que el foco de la mayoría de los estudios clínicos está en la medicina humana. Aun así, el uso de CBD demostró ser efectivo, confirmando una nueva alternativa para el control del dolor en animales.(AU)

Animais , Osteoartrite/tratamento farmacológico , Cães , Dor Crônica/terapia , Uso da Maconha/efeitos adversos
Hig. aliment ; 37(296): e1125, jan.-jun. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434245


O crescimento do setor de panificação traz consigo a importância, bem como a obrigatoriedade, em produzirem os alimentos levando em consideração as Boas Práticas de Fabricação. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou verificar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de padarias no município de GuanambiBA, por meio da aplicação de uma lista de verificação conforme a Resolução- RDC Nº 216, de 15 de setembro de 2004. De acordo com os resultados, nenhuma das padarias apresentaram resultados 100% satisfatórios, ou seja, muitos dos procedimentos avaliados devem ser adaptados para que atendam às normas previstas nos dispositivos legais. A padaria B apresentou 66,2% dos itens em conformidade, seguido das padarias A (58,3%), D (33,%8) e C (32,8%). Entre os meios de enfrentamento dessa problemática, um relatório informativo, de forma individual para cada estabelecimento foi elaborado a fim de incentivar os proprietários a adequarem os procedimentos às normas legais.(AU)

The growth of the bakery sector brings with it the importance, as well as the obligation, of producing food taking into account Good Manufacturing Practices. In this sense, the present study aimed to verify the hygienic-sanitary conditions of bakeries in the municipality of GuanambiBA, through the application of a checklist according to Resolution-RDC Nº 216, of September 15, 2004. According to the results, none of the bakeries presented 100% satisfactory results, that is, many of the evaluated procedures must be adapted to meet the standards provided for in the legal provisions. Bakery B presented 66.2% of items in conformity, followed by bakeries A (58.3%), D (33.8%) and C (32.8%). Among the means of coping with this problem, an informative report, individually for each establishment, was prepared in order to encourage owners to adapt procedures to legal standards.(AU)

Pão/análise , Higiene dos Alimentos , Boas Práticas de Fabricação , Brasil
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(1): e2023009, Jan. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434670


This study aimed to evaluate the thermal response of the eyelids and lacrimal gland of the left eye (LETG) through infrared thermography (IRT), cardiorespiratory parameters, and their association with nociception and pain in bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy (OVH) anesthetized with isoflurane and epidural analgesia. Twenty-one healthy bitches of different breeds were randomized into three groups receiving epidural blocks: GL (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ); GLF (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ) and fentanyl (3 µg Kg-1 ); and GLM (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ) with morphine (0.1 mg Kg-1 ). IRT and cardiorespiratory parameters were evaluated at baseline (Ebasal), thirty minutes before anesthetic premedication, and at different surgical events: first incision (EInc), ligature and section of the left (ELoV), and right (ERoV) ovarian pedicle, ligature, and re-section of the cervix (EUt), and skin suture (ESut). The assessment of acute pain in the immediate post-operative period was registered at E1h, E2h, and E3h using IRT, the Dynamic Interactive Visual Analogic Scale (DIVAS), and the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) scales. The results showed a statistically significant decrease in the lower eyelid surface temperature (LELT) during EInc for GL (32.9°C ± 0.62), in comparison to GLF (34.2°C ± 0.62) and GLM (35.3°C ± 0.62) (P = 0.006). Regarding LETG, a significant increase (P = 0.03) in the IRT of Ebasal (36.8°C ± 0.63) and EInc (36.1°C ± 0.63) for GLM was observed in comparison to the thermographic values for both perioperative events and groups. The GLM showed a significant decrease in IRT values of ERoV at E3h in the upper and lower eyelids (P = 0.03 and P = 0.01, respectively). A progressive and significant reduction of the IRT values of LETG was also recorded in GLM, with differences in ERoV (35.2 °C ± 0.63) (P = 0.02) and E3h (35.3 °C ± 0.63) (P = 0.01). The cardiovascular parameters (SAP, DAP, and MAP) did not differ between treatments, but in GL, there was a significant difference (P = 0.01) during EInc and ESut, compared to Ebasal. In the body temperature, EInc and ESut gradually decreased in all treatment groups (P = 0.01). In conclusion, hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory stability was associated with IRT readings and the absence of nociception. Changes in superficial temperature in the immediate post-operative period were lessened using isoflurane and epidural analgesia of lidocaine alone or in combination with pure opioids. These findings were clinically validated to the DIVAS and UMPS acute pain assessment scales.

Animais , Cães , Ovário/cirurgia , Doenças do Cão , Histerectomia/veterinária , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1901, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415221


Background: The treatments of osteoarthritis (OA) are commonly conservative and multimodal to relieve pain and improve movement. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (IAHA) has been studied as a treatment option for OA in dogs. IAHA helps restore the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid and relieves the clinical symptoms of OA. However, the efficacy of IAHA in dogs is still a controversial subject. This study aims to confirm the IAHA effect in dogs with spontaneous OA and to compare the effectiveness depending on the number of injections. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty dogs with spontaneous OA were assigned to a single injection group (n=17) and a 3-weekly injections group (n=13). Dogs weighing less than 10 kg were injected 1 mL of HA to the OA joint, and more than 10 kg dogs were injected 2 mL of HA. In the case of the 3-weekly injections group, the same amount was administered 3 times at 1-week intervals. After the injection, physical and orthopedic examinations were performed to check for complications. Radiographic OA score was evaluated before and 3 months after the injection to confirm and to evaluate the progression of OA. Clinical symptom evaluations were performed on pre-injection, 1-, 2-, and 3-months post-injection. They consisted of the clinical lameness score by veterinarians and Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) by owners. Results were compared with unpaired t-test, repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey's or Sidak's multiple comparison test, or Wilcoxon test, with P < 0.05. Patients had a median age of 9 years (range 3 to 16 years) and a bodyweight of 4.8 kg (range 2 to 48 kg). No systemic side effects or major complications were detected during the trial period. IAHA produced temporary pain and discomfort in 6 cases. There was no change in the radiographic OA score before and 3 months after injections in both groups, and the difference between groups was not confirmed. In both groups, the clinical lameness score significantly decreased at 1, 2, 3 months after injection compared with pre-injection. The score was lower at 3 months after the injection than at 1 month. The clinical lameness score had no significant difference between the groups. Similarly, CBPI was all decreased in the single injection group and 3-weekly injections group compared to pre-injection, and the score at 3 months post-injection was lower than at 1 month. No significant differences between the groups were found in CBPI. Discussion: Most studies on the efficacy of IAHA in canine OA have been conducted using an experimental model, so studies on spontaneous canine OA are insufficient. This study confirmed that IAHA improves clinical symptoms such as pain relief and movement improvement in spontaneous OA dogs using CBPI and clinical lameness score. In order to confirm the optimal IAHA protocol, a single IAHA and 3-weekly IAHA were compared. The result shows that clinical symptoms improved in both single and 3-weekly injections groups, but no significant difference was confirmed during the 3-month study period. These findings may suggest that a single IAHA may have a similar effect to multiple IAHA, and repeated injections are unnecessary. In humans and canine OA models, it is reported that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 6 months. This study showed that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 3 months study period and that clinical symptoms improved at 3 months than at 1 month. In conclusion, these findings suggested that IAHA improves clinical symptoms in dogs with spontaneous OA, and a single IAHA showed a similar effect to 3 weekly IAHA.

Animais , Cães , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Ácido Hialurônico/uso terapêutico , Injeções Intra-Articulares/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 415-424, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436915


The present study investigated the influence of oral health on horses' facial expression, reactivity of the acupuncture points and the perception of trainers and owners. We investigated 87 adult horses involved in sports or working activities. Pain was scored in person and by photography by an evaluator "blinded" to the animals' dental condition, using the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS). The acupuncture examination was performed by the same evaluator. Animals were evaluated before (T0) and 15 days (T1) after dental treatment. All horses included in the study had dental disorders. Statistically significant results were seen in median HGS scoring (3 vs. 1, p = 0.001) and number of reactive acupoints (11.2±5.6 vs. 4±2.9, p = 0.001). Additionally, complaints by the trainers/owners were lower at T1 compared with T0. There was a reduction in the pain reaction to application of pressure on following acupoints: dental point (44 vs. 4), Stomach-7 (31 vs. 3), Tiple-Heater (TH)-17 (27 vs. 4), and TH-16 (22 vs. 4). We concluded that acupuncture can be an adjunct method for diagnosis of dental disorders and treatment follow-up.

Este estudo avaliou a influência da saúde bucal na saúde geral de cavalos, por meio da expressão facial, do exame de acupuntura e da percepção geral dos treinadores/proprietários. Avaliaram-se 87 cavalos adultos, envolvidos em atividades esportivas ou de trabalho. A dor foi avaliada pela Horse Grimace Scale, presencialmente e por fotografia, por um avaliador que desconhecia a condição dos animais. Os exames de acupuntura foram realizados sempre pelo mesmo avaliador. As avaliações ocorreram antes (T0) e 15 dias (T1) após o tratamento odontológico. Todos os cavalos estudados apresentavam alterações odontológicas. Observou-se redução significativa na mediana do escore de dor (3 vs. 1, P = 0,001), no número de acupontos reativos (11,2±5,6 vs. 4±2,9, P = 0,001) e nas reclamações dos responsáveis em T1 em relação a T0. Também houve redução na sensibilidade nos acupontos 'ponto do dente' (44 vs. 4), estômago-7 (31 vs. 3), triplo aquecedor (TA)-17 (27 vs. 4) e TA-16 (22 vs. 4). Concluindo, o presente estudo mostrou que a acupuntura pode auxiliar no diagnóstico de problemas odontológicos e no acompanhamento pós-tratamento da cavidade bucal.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Saúde Bucal , Acupuntura , Expressão Facial , Cavalos
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 275-285, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435390


A presente revisão tem por objetivo abordar aspectos relacionados ao bem-estar animal na produção in vivo de embriões ovinos. A cobrança da sociedade tem impulsionado o uso de práticas que atendam os preceitos de bem-estar na produção animal. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a necessidade de aprimoramento de procedimentos menos invasivos, como a coleta não cirúrgica de embriões. Avanços recentes nos protocolos de dilatação cervical melhoraram os resultados e tornaram essa técnica uma alternativa viável na espécie ovina. No entanto, a avaliação do estado de bem-estar das doadoras submetidas à coleta transcervical mostra a necessidade de melhor controle da dor durante a sua realização. Assim, acreditamos que a associação dos esforços de diferentes pesquisas pode proporcionar a resolução desses entraves e possibilitar maior aplicabilidade comercial da biotécnica.(AU)

This review aims to address aspects related to animal welfare in the in vivo production of ovine embryos. The use of practices that meet the precepts of welfare in animal production has been driven by demands from society. In this context, there is a need to improve less invasive procedures, such as nonsurgical embryo collection. Recent advances in cervical dilation protocols have improved results and made this technique a viable alternative in sheep. However, the assessment of the state of welfare of donors undergoing transcervical collection shows the need for better pain control during its performance. Thus, the association of different research efforts can provide the resolution of these obstacles and enable greater commercial applicability of the biotechnique.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/métodos , Bem-Estar do Animal
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-6, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427340


A Osteopatia craniomandibular (OCM) é uma doença rara, autolimitante que acomete animais jovens, entre três a oito meses e não tem caráter neoplásico. É caracterizada pela proliferação óssea que atinge os ossos da mandíbula, mas também pode envolver outras estruturas como articulação temporomandibular, ossos do crânio e ossos longos, causando dor e desconforto. Foi atendido um cão, fêmea com quatro meses de idade com algia mandibular antes e após ter sofrido queda de altura. Com os exames foram observadas alterações condizentes com OCM. Diante do caso, foi estabelecido tratamento analgésico e acompanhamento com exames de imagem e exames de sangue. O animal teve boa resposta ao tratamento e não necessitou de outras intervenções.(AU)

Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a rare, non-neoplastic self-limiting disease, that affects young animals, aged between three to eight months.It is characterized by bone proliferation that reaches the jaw bones, but it can also involve other structures such as temporomandibular joint, skull and long bones, causing pain and discomfort. A four-month-old female dog was treated with mandibular pain before and after having suffered a fall from height. With the exams, alterations consistent with CMO were observed.The treatment was set by usinganalgesicand the follow-up with imaging and blood tests were established. The animal had a good response to the treatment and did not need other interventions.(AU)

La Osteopatía Craneomandibular (OMC) es una enfermedad rara, autolimitada, que afecta a animales jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los ocho meses y no es neoplásica. Se caracteriza por una proliferación ósea que alcanza los huesos de la mandíbula, pero también puede comprometer otras estructuras como la articulación temporomandibular, los huesos del cráneo y los huesos largos, causando dolor y molestias. Una perra de cuatro meses de edad fue atendida por dolor mandibular antes y después de haber sufrido una caída desde una altura. Con los exámenes se observaron alteraciones compatibles con OCM. Ante el caso se instauró tratamiento analgésico y seguimiento con estudios de imagen y hemograma. El animal respondió bien al tratamiento y no necesitó de otras intervenciones.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/tratamento farmacológico , Osteopatia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Cães
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 888, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444107


Background: The treatment of glaucoma often requires numerous therapeutic modalities to achieve the desired reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP). Cyclodestructive procedures or ciliary body destruction have been performed using techniques with considerable differences in efficacy and complication rates. Among these methods, cyclocryotherapy is non-invasive and simple for the management of uncontrolled glaucoma in dogs and cats. The objective of this case report is to describe the technique of carbon dioxide cyclocryotherapy to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs and cats with glaucoma. Cases: Nine canine patients and one cat with glaucoma were treated with cyclocryotherapy performed under general anaesthesia. Clinical signs patients included blepharospasm, ocular pain, episcleral congestion and ocular hypertension. The patients showed higher levels of IOP, higher than 30 mmHg. Surgical treatment with general anaesthesia was applied. The pre-anaesthesia protocol included acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg with methadone 0.2 mg/kg, followed by intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane and oxygen. An ophthalmological cryocautery unit was used with carbon dioxide as the cryogenic agent and a retinal cryoprobe of 3.2 mm diameter tip for the procedure. The method used was a double cycle of freezing and thawing for 60 s in each site. The cryoprobe was centred approximately 5 mm posterior to the corneoscleral limbus over the ciliary body. The temperature of each cyclocryotherapy spot was between -60°C and -80°C and each site was maintained in place for 60 s; 4 to 6 spots of the double freeze-thaw cycle were made. This technique did not have any serious complications during or after the application of cryotherapy, but chemosis and hyperaemia of the bulbar conjunctiva developed. Subconjunctival anti-inflammatory steroids were injected to minimise swelling and patient discomfort. Satisfactory results were observed; in all cases, the intraocular pressure decreased, with the usual result being a cosmetic and painless eye. Discussion: Even with recent surgical and medical advances, pain and blindness are still common occurrences in glaucoma in human and veterinary practice. The cyclodestructive procedures included cyclodialysis, cyclodiathermy, cyclocryotherapy, and cyclophotocoagulation. The cryosurgery in veterinary ophthalmology has many indications for the treatment of ocular diseases and is effective at decreasing intraocular pressure in patients with persistent uncontrolled glaucoma. Cyclocryotherapy has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs, cats, rabbits and humans with normotensive and glaucomatous eyes. The application of a cryoprobe over the ciliary processes results in ablating ciliary tissue so that aqueous humour inflow is reduced to acceptable levels. In the clinical cases evaluated, there was a reduction in intraocular pressure reaching acceptable levels, with the usual result being cosmetic and painless eye. Medical therapy remains the predominant method for treating glaucoma in veterinary patients; therefore, cyclocryotherapy is an effective, simple way to lower IOP and is a reasonable treatment option for glaucoma management. Cyclocryotherapy has shown good results, with a low learning curve and it can also be repeated if necessary.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Glaucoma/terapia , Glaucoma/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Pressão Intraocular
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 848, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416636


Background: Myelitis is the inflammation of the spinal cord parenchyma alone, whereas meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges. Steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) is a meningomyelitis in which the major lesions involve the meninges, not the spinal cord parenchyma, and respond well to glucocorticoid treatment. However, myelitis in dogs has rarely been reported, and myelitis with a good response to glucocorticoid treatment without relapse has not been reported. This report describes 5 cases of steroid-responsive myelitis (SRM) in dogs. Cases: Case 1. A 8-year-old intact female Cocker Spaniel presented with progressive nonambulatory paraplegia. Whole spinal parenchymal lesions were identified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Mononuclear pleocytosis with increased total protein levels was the only abnormal finding on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Prednisolone (PDS) was administered followed by dose tapering according to therapeutic response. Cyclosporine was administered until the termination of PDS. Since then, no recurrence of neurological symptoms has been observed. Follow-up MRI and CSF analysis revealed resolution of previously observed abnormal findings. Case 2. A 2-year-old intact female Maltese presented with non-progressive paraparesis. A spinal parenchymal lesion in the lumbosacral region was observed on MRI. PDS was administered and slowly tapered at approximately 3-week intervals. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after the treatment. Case 3. A 6-year-old intact female Miniature Pinscher presented with neck pain, along with leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Cervical spinal parenchyma lesions were revealed through MRI. Increased total protein concentration with mixed cell pleocytosis was observed on CSF analysis. Immunomodulatory therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. A second MRI and CSF analysis revealed an improvement in the previously observed abnormalities. Case 4. A 2-year-old, intact female Toy Poodle presented with acute paraplegia and back pain. Lesions were observed in the spinal parenchyma at the T12-L3 levels on MRI. The treatment was conducted as in case 2. During treatment, neurological symptoms, including paraplegia and back pain, were not observed. Follow-up MRI revealed improvement in the spinal lesion. Case 5. A 6-month-old, castrated male Standard Poodle presented with progressive paraparesis. On MRI, lesions were observed in the T11-T13 regions. Immunomodulation therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after treatment initiation Discussion: SRM is similar to SRMA in terms of good steroid-responsiveness and noninfectious inflammation etiology; however, it does not exactly satisfy the diagnostic criteria for SRMA, nor does it progress similarly. The characteristics of SRM that do not satisfy the diagnostic criteria of SRMA include the absence of fever, C-reactive protein elevation, hyperglobulinemia, and relapse, and the presence of spinal parenchymal lesions without parenchymal or meningeal enhancement on MRI. It is also a seemingly different from spinal cord-only meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin due to its better treatment response and prognosis. However, the dogs in the present report with SRM satisfied the diagnostic criteria for transverse myelitis in human patients. Therefore, SRM, including good steroid responsiveness and good prognosis without relapse, may represent a novel type of meningomyelitis.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias/veterinária , Meningite/tratamento farmacológico , Mielite/tratamento farmacológico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 853, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418147


Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis causes several clinical signs, such as lymphadenomegaly, exfoliative dermatitis, ulcerative skin lesions, and lameness. The most commonly reported locomotor changes are claudication, edema, arthralgia, joint stiffness, and muscle atrophy. Radiographic exam revealed cortical and medullary destruction, increase, or decrease in medullary opacity, proliferative periosteal reaction, osteolysis, collapse of joint spaces and soft tissue edema are observed. The aim of this report is to describe the clinical and radiographic evolution of a case of erosive polyarthritis associated with leishmaniasis in a dog before, during and after treatment with miltefosine. Case: A 7-month-old mixed-breed dog was attended due pain and limited mobility. In the orthopedic evaluation, joint swelling, stiffness, and increased pain sensitivity of the four limbs, as well as neck stiffness, were noted. Radiographic examination showed joint changes compatible with edema, with increased volume and radiopacity of the soft tissues adjacent to the joints. The segments of the patient's spine showed more severe bone alterations, the cervical spine being one of the most affected regions, with multiple bone proliferations throughout the vertebral body, especially in the ventral portion (spondylosis), compatible with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. Due to the suspicion, lymph node and spleen cytology was performed, confirming the diagnosis. Hematological examination revealed anemia, leukopenia due to lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia in addition to increased AST (79,4 U/L; reference: 6,2 - 13 U/L), creatine kinase (517,6 U/L; reference: 1,5 - 28,4 U/L), lactate dehydrogenase (688,4 IU/L; reference: 45 - 233 IU/L) and hyperproteinemia (7,34 g/dL; reference: 5,4 - 7,1 g/dL). Treatment with miltefosine, allopurinol, domperidone, prednisone, gabapentin and dipyrone was started. Reassessments were performed monthly for 3 consecutive months. Hematological examinations showed improvement, with resolution of anemia and thrombocytopenia, and a marked decrease in creatine kinase values. Thus, it is evident that the dog did not develop liver or kidney changes during treatment. During the treatment and monitoring in this period, the dog had a clinical improvement, which started to walk without pain. In addition, joint swellings were no longer present, however, there was no improvement in the radiographic evaluation of the joints. Discussion: Clinical signs of the locomotor system are compatible with those described in animals that had osteoarticular manifestations associated with leishmaniasis, such as arthralgia, edema, and joint stiffness. In the present report, treatment with miltefosine associated with allopurinol resulted in an improvement in the clinical picture, and this therapy is therefore promising in dogs with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. A case published in human medicine demonstrated the intra-articular absorption capacity of this drug. There is only one study to date that describes the radiographic evolution of a dog with arthritis due to leishmaniasis after treatment with miltefosine and allopurinol. In this case described, the dog reported remained with the osteoarticular lesions after treatment, although clinical improvement was observed, as in our report. The use of miltefosine and allopurinol are in accordance with stage II staging for leishmaniasis. In this study, although there was no improvement in the radiographic examinations, the treatment was effective in the remission of the animal's clinical condition.

Animais , Cães , Artrite/terapia , Artrite/veterinária , Leishmania , Leishmaniose Visceral/tratamento farmacológico , Alopurinol/uso terapêutico , Domperidona/uso terapêutico
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 145-151, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434525


A tungíase é uma infecção parasitária causada pela fêmea da pulga Tunga penetrans, que penetra na pele do hospedeiro para se alimentar e desenvolver seus ovos, gerando lesões que provocam prurido e dor. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de tungíase em um cão domiciliado em uma comunidade rural de Colinas, Maranhão. Em julho de 2020, um cachorro da raça American Pit Bull Terrier, com um ano e oito meses de idade, foi levado a uma clínica veterinária apresentando irritação e incômodo nas patas, o que dificultava sua locomoção. O cão vivia em uma residência com solo de chão batido, com acesso à rua e o tutor não possuía outros animais. Ao exame físico, constatou-se a presença de ectoparasitos nos coxins palmares e plantares, que foram retirados com auxílio de pinça cirúrgica e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia da UFPI para identificação, confirmando tratar-se de pulgas da espécie Tunga penetrans. O cão recebeu tratamento à base de ivermectina 1%, 0,5mL via subcutânea, dose única, apresentando melhora no quadro clínico, e o tutor recebeu orientações sobre a desinfestação do ambiente. Conclui-se que a tungíase pode acometer cães em áreas rurais de um município do Maranhão, sendo importante o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento adequado.

Tungiasis is a parasitic infection caused by the female flea Tunga penetrans, which penetrates the host's skin to feed and develop its eggs, generating lesions that provoke itching and pain. Thus, this study aimed to report a case of tungiasis in a dog domiciled in a rural community in Colinas, Maranhão. In july 2020, an American Pit Bull Terrier dog, one year and eight months old, was taken to a veterinary clinic with irritation and discomfort in the paws, which made it difficult to move. The dog lived in a house with beaten ground soil, had access to the street, and the tutor had no other animals. The physical examination showed the presence of ectoparasites on the palm and plantar pads, which were removed with surgical tweezers and sent to the UFPI Parasitology Laboratory for identification, confirming that they were Tunga penetrans fleas. The dog received a treatment based on ivermectin 1%, 0.5mL subcutaneously, single dose, showing improvement in the clinical picture, and the tutor received guidance on the disinfection of the environment. It is concluded that tungiasis can affect dogs in rural areas of a city in Maranhão, being important the early diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Tunga/patogenicidade , Tungíase/veterinária , Zona Rural
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 187-195, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434553


Em guaxinins, comumente se observa a presença de osteoartrites acometendo a articulação coxofemoral. Em carnívoros domésticos, o tratamento pode ser conservativo ou cirúrgico e, dentre as técnicas cirúrgicas, cita-se a colocefalectomia. Por ser um procedimento que provoca dor moderada a severa, um protocolo de anestesia balanceada se faz necessário, podendo associar a técnicas de bloqueio locorregional, como a epidural. Protocolos descritos para a espécie são limitados, porém comumente empregados para contenções químicas, avaliações físicas e exames de imagem. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a o protocolo anestésico realizado em guaxinim (Procyon cancrivorus) submetido à colocefalectomia. Foram utilizados dexmedetomidina (5µg/kg), cetamina (5mg/kg) e diazepam (0,3mg/kg) por via intramuscular como medicação pré-anestésica, indução com propofol e manutenção por anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Para execução da anestesia epidural, realizou-se uma abordagem na região lombossacral, sendo administrados bupivacaína (1mg/kg) e morfina (0,1mg/kg). Não houve intercorrências e os parâmetros fisiológicos mantiveram-se estáveis. Descartou-se a necessidade de resgate analgésico e a recuperação anestésica foi rápida. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o manejo anestésico proposto promoveu estabilidade hemodinâmica e recuperação satisfatórias para a espécie.

In raccoons, the presence of osteoarthritis affecting the hip joint is commonly observed. In domestic carnivores, the treatment can be conservative or surgical and, among the surgical techniques, colocephalectomy is mentioned. Since it is a procedure that causes moderate to severe pain, a balanced anesthesia protocol is necessary, which can be associated with locoregional block techniques such as the epidural. Protocols described for the species are limited, being commonly used for chemical restraints, physical assessments, and imaging exams. Therefore, this work aims to report the anesthetic protocol performed on a raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) submitted to colocephalectomy. Dexmedetomidine (5µg/kg), ketamine (5mg/kg), and diazepam (0.3mg/kg) were used intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, in addition to induction with propofol, and the maintenance by inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane. For epidural anesthesia, an approach was performed in the lumbosacral region, with the administration of bupivacaine (1mg/kg) and morphine (0.1mg/kg). There were no complications and the physiological parameters remained stable. The need for analgesic rescue was ruled out and the anesthetic recovery was fast. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed anesthetic management promoted hemodynamic stability and a satisfactory recovery for the species.

Animais , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Guaxinins/cirurgia , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 29: e20220085, 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435587


Background: Conotoxins exhibit great potential as neuropharmacology tools and therapeutic candidates due to their high affinity and specificity for ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors or transporters. The traditional methods to discover new conotoxins are peptide purification from the crude venom or gene amplification from the venom duct. Methods: In this study, a novel O1 superfamily conotoxin Tx6.7 was directly cloned from the genomic DNA of Conus textile using primers corresponding to the conserved intronic sequence and 3' UTR elements. The mature peptide of Tx6.7 (DCHERWDW CPASLLGVIYCCEGLICFIAFCI) was synthesized by solid-phase chemical synthesis and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Results: Patch clamp experiments on rat DRG neurons showed that Tx6.7 inhibited peak calcium currents by 59.29 ± 2.34% and peak potassium currents by 22.33 ± 7.81%. In addition, patch clamp on the ion channel subtypes showed that 10 µM Tx6.7 inhibited 56.61 ± 3.20% of the hCaV1.2 currents, 24.67 ± 0.91% of the hCaV2.2 currents and 7.30 ± 3.38% of the hNaV1.8 currents. Tx6.7 had no significant toxicity to ND7/23 cells and increased the pain threshold from 0.5 to 4 hours in the mouse hot plate assay. Conclusion: Our results suggested that direct cloning of conotoxin sequences from the genomic DNA of cone snails would be an alternative approach to obtaining novel conotoxins. Tx6.7 could be used as a probe tool for ion channel research or a therapeutic candidate for novel drug development.(AU)

Animais , Cálcio/isolamento & purificação , Conotoxinas/genética , Caramujo Conus/química
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435714


Varos tibial é um desvio angular decorrente do fechamento precoce parcial da linha fisária de crescimento do osso, levando a um desalinhamento articular com apoio e sobrecarga anormais, causando, secundariamente, osteoartrite, claudicação, luxação de patela, dor e problemas articulares. Neste relato, uma cadela da raça dachshund foi diagnosticada com tal afecção bilateralmente. Foi observado um desvio de ambos os membros posteriores aos 6 meses de idade. A confirmação da deformidade varo foi feita por meio do exame radiográfico e, posteriormente, foi realizada a tomografia e estereolitografia para o planejamento da cirurgia para correção do desvio angular, utilizando a metodologia de correção para desvio angular, denominada de técnica do centro de rotação da angulação (CORA) fechada, removendo uma cunha do osso para a correção da deformidade. A cirurgia foi bem-sucedida, apresentando bons resultados conformacionais, evoluindo sem complicações.(AU)

Tibial pes varus is an angular deviation resulting from the early partial closure of the physeal line of bone growth, leading to joint misalignment with abnormal support and overload, secondarily causing osteoarthritis, claudication, patellar dislocation, pain, among other joint problems. In this report, a female Dachshund canine was diagnosed with this condition bilaterally in the tibias. It was observed a deviation of both hind limbs at 6 months of age. Confirmation of the varus deformity was made through radiographic examination, and later computed tomography and stereolithography were performed to plan the surgery to correct bilateral angular deviation of the tibia, using the angular deviation technique (CORA) closed, removing a wedge from the bone to correct the deviation angular. The surgery was successful, and the angular deviation was correctly corrected, presenting good results to the animal, without complications.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Pé Torto/diagnóstico , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Cães
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 161-166, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434539


Fraturas ósseas e luxações são mais comuns em animais jovens e, na maioria das vezes, essas fraturas ocorrem devido ao manejo incorreto desses animais, podendo levar a uma queda de produção a curto ou longo prazo, gerando perdas econômicas e produtivas de animais de alto padrão genético. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de uma fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo de uma bezerra Gir de 12 dias de idade, causada por uma contenção ineficaz durante a pesagem. O animal proveniente de uma fazenda em Umirim/CE foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais do Centro Universitário INTA em Sobral/CE. Ao passar pelo exame radiográfico, foi constatada a fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo. O animal foi imobilizado de forma manual, seguindo-se métodos semiológicos para minimizar o estresse. Para a imobilização do membro, foi utilizada a muleta de Thomas modificada e bandagens, associadas ao controle da dor com as drogas Flunixin meglumine (1,1mg/kg) e Fenilbutazona (4,4mg/kg). Depois da imobilização, o animal seguiu internado no HOVET-GA e, após 18 dias, foi realizada uma nova radiografia para ver o progresso a partir do tratamento adotado. Constatou-se a formação de um calo ósseo, com a ossificação da fratura, não sendo necessário o encaminhamento cirúrgico do animal. Assim, o tratamento com muleta de Thomas modificada foi efetivo para a recuperação do membro fraturado, além de ser um tratamento de baixo custo e fácil aplicação, tendo o animal apresentado uma boa resposta ao tratamento terapêutico para controle da dor.

Bone fractures and dislocations are more common in young animals and mostly occur due to incorrect handling of these animals, which can lead to a short or long-term drop in production, generating economic and productive losses of animals of high genetic standard. This study aimed to report the occurrence of a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb of a 12-day-old Gir heifer, caused by an ineffective restraint during weighing. The animal from a farm in Umirim/CE was sent to the Veterinary Hospital of Large Animals of the University Center INTA in Sobral/CE. The radiographic examination found a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb. The animal was manually immobilized following semiological methods to minimize stress. For the limb immobilization, a modified Thomas crutch and bandages associated with pain control with the drugs Flunixin meglumine (1.1mg/kg) and Phenylbutazone (4.4mg/kg) were used. After immobilization, the animal remained hospitalized at HOVET-GA and after 18 days a new radiograph was performed to evaluate the progress achieved with the treatment adopted. It was found the formation of a bone callus with the ossification of the fracture, not requiring the surgical referral of the animal. Thus, the treatment with the modified Thomas crutch was effective for the recovery of the fractured limb, in addition to being a low-cost and easy-to-apply treatment. The animal showed a good response to the therapeutic treatment for pain control.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Extremidade Superior/lesões , Ossos Metacarpais/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 871, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434772


Background: Thermography is a noninvasive, non-contact, painless, and non-ionizing imaging technique that records cutaneous thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of the surface. The surface heat is closely related to dermal microcirculation. Thromboembolism is responsible for important changes in the thermal pattern of the body surface due to physical obstruction of blood flow, being the main complication in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The aim of this paper is to report a dog with thrombus in his left forelimb secondary to idiopathic hemolytic anemia, whose diagnostic screening was performed through infrared thermography. Case: A 9-year-old mixed breed bitch was referred to a veterinary hospital with a history of emesis, diarrhea and dark-colored urine for 2 days. The complete blood count showed hypochromic macrocytic anemia (hematocrit [HTC] 28%, reference: 37 to 55%) with the presence of nucleated erythrocyte (14/100 leukocytes, reference: 0 to 5/100 leukocytes), polychromasia and spherocytes. Leukocytosis (28,300 mm³, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³) by neutrophilia with left deviation and toxic granulations was also present, in addition to hemoglobinuria at urine exam. Therefore, treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) was instituted. After 2 days, the animal returned with acute functional impairment of the left forelimb. Physical examination revealed that the limb was cold, without pulse, proprioception, reflexes, and deep pain. New blood analyses revealed decreased hematocrit (HTC 17%, reference: 37 to 55%), and increased total leukocyte number (57,000 mm3, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³). Infrared thermography revealed an important temperature difference between the limbs, with the affected limb temperature considerably lower (31.3ºC) when compared to the contralateral limb (35.0ºC). Thermography showed the site of the thrombus in the medial portion of the limb (cephalic vein), where the catheter had been placed for fluid therapy. Due to the severity of the condition, the bitch was submitted to amputation surgery, which occurred without complications. The patient had a good response to treatment, with decreased signs of hemolysis and hypercoagulability. The medications were slowly withdrawn, and the clinical discharge occurred after 4 weeks. Discussion: In humans, thermography has been widely used in the assessment of thrombotic diseases, contributing to diagnosis, localization, and prognosis. In veterinary medicine, however, the use of this tool in the diagnosis of thromboembolism is still rare. The difference of 3.7°C between the affected and contralateral limb was objectively verified using thermography. A minimum difference of 2.4°C between limbs has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing thromboembolism and occurs due to the reduction in local blood flow. In the present case this tool was essential for the anatomical location of the thrombus, which was in the middle third of the forearm, and allowed an adequate surgical planning. It is known that the main complication of IMHA is thromboembolism. Its predisposing factors include venous stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability, being exacerbated by cage confinement, decubitus and presence of a peripheral venous catheter. The reported case corroborates at least one of these factors since it had a peripheral venous catheter in the left forelimb, which later showed absence of pulse, spinal reflexes, pain and proprioception. The thermography showed to be an objective, rapid and non-invasive tool to diagnose and precisely locate the thrombus, which allowed for adequate treatment and surgical planning for the case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about use of thermography to diagnose thromboembolism secondary to immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tromboembolia/diagnóstico por imagem , Termografia/veterinária , Trombofilia/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-75114E, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447897


This study describes a corrective procedure for a metatarsal angular malformation using wedge ostectomy in a 41-day-old Thoroughbred filly. A 41.6 °angular malformation of the metatarsus was corrected with wedge ostectomy of the left hindlimb in association with a type II external fixator and methyl methacrylate resin. The animal was subjected to the surgical procedure under general anesthesia. The filly was placed in dorsal recumbency with the left hind limb free for manipulation. A bone saw was used for the wedge ostectomy, while the bars for external fixation were placed using a drill. A Kirschner pin and acrylic resin were then applied. Radiographic images obtained immediately after surgery confirmed a total malformation reduction of 32.6 (from 41.6° to 9°). With medication and a Robert Jones bandage, intensive postoperative care was instituted to ensure that the animal adapted properly to the linear external fixator without overloading the pins and connection bars. No postoperative complications were observed. On the day after surgery, the filly was standing and walking with no signs of pain. After 180 days, total osseous calcification was achieved, and the implants were removed during the second surgery. The filly demonstrated adequate locomotion, performed all the movements, and ran without any difficulty in the paddock. The remaining discrete angular deviations were partially corrected using hoof trimming.

O objetivo desse estudo é descrever o procedimento de correção da malformação de desvio angular metatársico, utilizando ostectomia em cunha, em uma potra puro-sangue de 41 dias de idade. Uma malformação metatársica angular de 41.6º foi corrigida com a técnica de ostectomia em cunha, em associação com fixador externo tipo II e resina de metilmetacrilato, no membro pélvico esquerdo. O animal foi submetido à cirurgia sob protocolo de anestesia geral. A potra foi posicionada em decúbito dorsal, com o membro pélvico esquerdo livre para manipulação. Para a realização da ostectomia em cunha, foi utilizada uma serra óssea. Para a instalação das barras do fixador externo, uma furadeira foi utilizada e, para fixá-los, pinos de Kirschner e resina acrílica foram aplicados. Logo após a cirurgia, imagens radiográficas foram obtidas para confirmar a redução total de 32,6º (de 41,6º para 9º) de angulação. Para garantir que o animal se adaptasse ao fixador externo linear e não sobrecarregasse os pinos e barras, foram instituídos cuidados pós-operatórios intensos, com medicações e bandagem de Robert Jones. Não houve complicações no pós-operatório. No dia seguinte à cirurgia, a potra estava em pé, caminhando e sem sinais de dor. Após 180 dias, alcançou total calcificação óssea e os implantes puderam ser removidos em um segundo tempo cirúrgico. A potra demonstrou locomoção adequada, realizando todos os movimentos normais e pôde correr pelo pasto sem dificuldades. Um discreto desvio angular remanescente foi parcialmente corrigido por casqueamento.

Animais , Deformidades do Pé/veterinária , Metatarso/cirurgia , Doenças dos Cavalos