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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1667, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419084


The objective was to evaluate whether space allowance during pre-slaughter transport of European breeding quail affects welfare, carcass traits and meat quality. A total of 248 quails (body weight = 344.90 ± 2.09 g) were used. During pre-transport, the quails were fasted for 5 hours and 30 minutes. The poultry were caught and placed in plastic transport crates with an area of 0.40 m2. The treatments consisted of a different space allowance in each crate: 22, 28, 34 or 40 quails per crate. Immediately upon arrival at the slaughterhouse, the quails were stunned. During bleeding, blood samples were collected. The carcasses were individually weighed. The meat quality was measured. Data were analysed using the effects of space allowance during transport of quails and pickup truck as dependent variables. Death on arrival increased as the space allowance in transport crates decreased (p=0.08). Glucose and uric acid levels were not significantly different between groups (p≥0.14). The cold carcass weight presented the maximum value when the crates contained 31 quails (p=0.03). The meat pH, intensity of red, intensity of yellow and cooking losses were not different between groups (p≥0.12). The meat lightness value presented the maximum value when the crates contained 31 quails (p=0.04). In view of the above, the number of European breeding quails transported in crates must not exceed 30 animals.(AU)

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne/análise , Colinus/fisiologia , Abate de Animais
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-75400E, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447904


The aim of this study was to predict production indicators and to determine their potential economic impact on a poultry integration system using artificial neural networks (ANN) models. Forty zootechnical and production parameters from broiler breeder farms, one hatchery, broiler production flocks, and one slaughterhouse were selected as variables. The ANN models were established for four output variables: "saleable hatching", "weight at the end of week 5," "partial condemnation," and "total condemnation" and were analyzed in relation to the coefficient of multiple determination (R2), correlation coefficient (R), mean error (E), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE). The production scenarios were simulated and the economic impacts were estimated. The ANN models were suitable for simulating production scenarios after validation. For "saleable hatching", incubator and egg storage period are likely to increase the financial gains. For "weight at the end of the week 5" the lineage (A) is important to increase revenues. However, broiler weight at the end of the first week may not have a significant influence. Flock sex (female) may influence the "partial condemnation" rates, while chick weight at first day may not. For "total condemnation", flock sex and type of chick may not influence condemnation rates, but mortality rates and broiler weight may have a significant impact.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer os indicadores de produção e determinar o seu potencial impacto econômico em um sistema de integração utilizando as redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Quarenta parâmetros zootécnicos e de produção de granjas de matrizes e de frango de corte, um incubatório e um abatedouro foram selecionados como variáveis. Os modelos de RNA foram estabelecidos para quatro variáveis de saída ("eclosão vendável", "peso ao final da quinta semana", "condenações parciais" e "condenações totais") e foram analisados em relação ao coeficiente de determinação múltipla (R2), coeficiente de correlação (R), erro médio (E), erro quadrático médio (EQM) e raiz do erro quadrático médio (REQM). Os cenários produtivos foram simulados e os impactos foram estimados. Os modelos de RNA gerados foram adequados para simular diferentes cenários produtivos após o treinamento. Para "eclosão vendável", o modelo de incubadora e o período de incubação aumentaram os ganhos financeiros. Para "peso ao final da quinta semana", a linhagem também demonstrou influencia no retorno financeiro, o que não aconteceu com o peso ao final da primeira semana. O sexo do lote possui influência nas taxas de "condenação parcial", ao contrário do peso do frango no primeiro dia. As taxas de mortalidade e o peso do frango apresentaram influência na "condenação total", mas o sexo do lote e o tipo de pinto não tiverem influência.

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Inteligência Artificial , Redes Neurais de Computação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 852, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418139


Background: A cutaneous or superficial myxoma is a benign neoplasm of dermal or subcutaneous fibroblast origin. Although rare, it has been previously described in several species, including poultry. It presents as a single node or soft mass with a gelatinous cut surface. Histopathological analysis is essential for diagnosis and to differentiate it from other mesenchymal neoplasms and inflammatory or degenerative processes. Microscopically, it consists of dermal or subcutaneous lobules of plump, stellate, or spindle-shaped, bland-looking cells embedded in a basophilic myxoid matrix. This report describes the pathological findings in a rare case of cutaneous myxoma in a 42-day-old broiler flock. Cases: During ante mortem inspection of a 42-day-old broiler flock at a slaughterhouse under the authority of the Federal Inspection Service (southern Brazil), nodular lesions or encrusted areas with yellow and black areas were observed in the head skin of less than 1% of animals. These lesions, approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, were observed on the comb, in the periocular skin region, and close to the animals' nostrils. During the breeding period, no health or epidemiological events were observed. Fragments of the lesions in the comb and periocular skin were collected and fixed in buffered 10% formalin. The samples were sent to the laboratory, routinely processed, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Alcian blue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of irregular multifocal proliferation of connective tissue showing spindle cells with poorly demarcated borders and scarce cytoplasm in a slightly basophilic myxoid aspect matrix. The adjacent epidermis is compressed due to neoplastic proliferation. No areas of epithelial hyperplasia or inclusion bodies were observed. According to the pathologic description and considering its descriptive epidemiology, our main clinical suspicion was cutaneous fowl pox, a pathology characterized by the appearance of nodules in regions devoid of feathers. However, the microscopic changes observed were compatible with those described for cutaneous myxomas. In addition, the extracellular matrix was positive for Alcian Blue staining, which is an indicator of myxoma. In the present case, the SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same origin. Discussion: Connective tissue tumors, including myxomas, occur considerably less frequently under field conditions. In addition, these neoplasms are more frequent in mature birds and are not usually described in broilers, as observed in this report. The cutaneous myxoma described in broilers is usually a sporadic neoplasm that does not cause zootechnical losses, as observed in the case report. Its etiology is unknown and has been associated with various factors, such as local trauma and foreign bodies. Some fragments of plant material from the breeding environment were microscopically detected in the encrusted areas, which may indicate previous trauma or a foreign body. Myxoma has been associated with avian leukosis virus (ALV) subgroup A, but SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same breeder hen's origin in the present case. Furthermore, sporadic connective tissue tumors associated with the virus occur in mature chickens but not in broilers. Myxoma lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other connective tissue tumors and infectious agents that cause lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Animais , Galinhas/lesões , Mixoma/veterinária , Abate de Animais , Neoplasias de Tecido Conjuntivo/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1555, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382111


The objective of this study was evaluate whether pretransport feed withdrawal affects welfare, carcass, and meat characteristics of European quails. A total of 120 European quails were used, with an initial age of 15 days. Bird feed was removed before transport to the slaughterhouse at the following times, which characterised the different treatments: zero hours, three hours, six hours, nine hours and twelve hours. The transport took 54 minutes to cover 27 kilometres to a commercial slaughterhouse. The birds were slaughtered at 41 days of age. During bleeding, blood samples were collected. Blood glucose, total protein, albumin, uric acid, and corticosterone concentrations were measured. The carcasses and meat characteristics were measured. Poultry body weight decreased and blood glucose concentrations increased with the increase in feed withdrawal time. The treatments did not affect carcass weights. Carcass yields after three hours fasting were similar to those in the six hours and nine hours groups, indicating that gastrointestinal tracts were empty after the third hour. Meat quality was negatively affected (pH, lightness, water holding capacity, cooking loss) by the increase in feed withdrawal time; integrated parameters that characterise dark, firm, dry meat. Pre transport feed withdrawal time should be three hours to empty the gastrointestinal tract and minimise losses in meat quality of European quails. It is necessary to adjust feed withdrawal so that it does not exceed this time, since there is no technical justification for supporting it.(AU)

Animais , Colinus/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Carne , Bem-Estar do Animal
Ars vet ; 38(3): 91-93, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417094


A síndrome ascítica, ou síndrome de hipertensão pulmonar, pode ser definida como uma condição patológica caracterizada pelo acúmulo de líquido na cavidade abdominal em virtude da maior velocidade de crescimento e ganho de peso dos frangos, levando a maior necessidade de suprimento de oxigênio para os tecidos, geralmente ocorre a partir da terceira semana de vida da ave. As altas taxas de crescimento e ganho de peso implicaram no aumento da demanda de oxigênio para suprir os tecidos causando falhas na resposta fisiológica em órgãos como o coração e o pulmão. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a frequência de carcaças acometidas de forma parcial ou total pela síndrome ascítica em frangos de corte abatidos em um frigorífico sob inspeção estadual localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, e estimar o impacto econômico decorrente. Foram inspecionadas 2.067.645 aves, das quais, em 6.855 (0,33%) foram identificadas com esse distúrbio metabólico. Em todas as modalidades as carcaças tiveram o encaminhamento específico de destino, de acordo com a legislação vigente, resultando em uma perda econômica de no mínimo R$19.905,00 (U$ 3,790.06) durante o período aproximado de três meses (período de realização do estudo). Assim, conlui-se que para evitar a recorrência desse problema, deve-se conhecer todos os fatores de risco que podem levar a essa condição patológica, para estabelecer medidas eficazes para seu controle, fazendo com que a avicultura brasileira continue em grande desenvolvimento e que ocorra redução das perdas economicas para essa cadeia produtiva.

Ascitic syndrome, or pulmonary hypertension syndrome, can be defined as a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to the higher growth rate and weight gain of chickens, leading to a greater need for oxygen supply to the tissues, usually occurring from the third week of the bird's life. The high rates of growth and weight gain implied an increase in the demand for oxygen to supply the tissues, causing failures in the physiological response in organs such as the heart and the lungs. Thus, this study aims to report the frequency of carcasses partially or totally affected by ascitic syndrome in broilers slaughtered in an abattoir under state inspection located in the State of Espírito Santo, and to estimate the resulting economic losses. A total of 2,067,645 birds were inspected, of which 6,855 (0.33%) were identified with this metabolic disorder. In all modalities, the carcasses were sent to a specific destination, in accordance with current legislation, resulting in an economic loss of at least U$ 3,790.06 (R$19.905,00) during the period of approximately three months (period of the study). Thus, it is concluded that to avoid this problem, all the risk factors that can lead to this pathological condition must be known, to establish effective measures for its control, making the Brazilian poultry industry able to continue in great development and to reduce the economic losses for this production chain.

Animais , Ascite/veterinária , Líquido Ascítico/patologia , Galinhas , Hipertensão Pulmonar/veterinária , Brasil , Matadouros , Inspeção Sanitária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(3): eRBCA-2021-1505, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378234


Chicken meat is an important source of foodborne pathogens, including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium perfringens. These bacteria can occur in the intestinal microbiota of broilers and contaminate chicken carcasses in industrial meat processing. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a procedure based on real-time PCRs for the direct detection and quantification of these three bacteria in broilers' ceca collected in poultry slaughter houses and demonstrate the occurrence of these important foodborne pathogens in Brazilian poultry production flocks. Cecal contents were collected from 45 different broiler flocks in three different slaughterhouses in the state of Paraná, Brazil, totaling 45 samples (in pools of 10 different ceca/chickens per broiler flock). Then, these samples were tested for the detection and quantification of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium perfringens by real-time PCRs. The results demonstrated the occurrence of three (6.7%) positive pools for Salmonella, 20 (44.4%) for Campylobacter, and 32 (71.1%) for C. perfringens. Mean bacterial concentrations in the positive samples were 4.3log10 cells/g for Salmonella, 6.4 log10 cells/g for Campylobacter, and 5.5 log10 cells/g for C. perfringens. In conclusion, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and C. perfringens could be detected and quantified directly from the broilers cecal contents collected in the slaughter line. This procedure will be certainly useful to more quickly detect these foodborne pathogens and prevent their occurrence in chicken meat and other poultry food products.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/diagnóstico , Salmonelose Animal/diagnóstico , Infecções por Campylobacter/diagnóstico , Galinhas/microbiologia , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Carne/análise , Salmonella/patogenicidade , Brasil , Campylobacter/patogenicidade , Ceco/microbiologia , Matadouros , Clostridium/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(4): eRBCA-2021-1504, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765869


The work pace in poultry slaughterhouses is high and the risk of developing upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders is moderate to high. Thus, through risk management and the use of technical, organizational, and administrative means, the employer should ensure the well-being of workers, as well as safe and healthy working environments and conditions. The aim of this study was to identify the self-reported preference of poultry slaughterhouse workers regarding rest break frequency and duration, and to verify the reasons for their choice. The participants in the study included 311 workers from four poultry slaughterhouses. The workers were asked what rest break schemes they preferred: 6x10 min, 3x20 min, 4x15 min or another schedule, as well as the reasons for their selection. According to the workers opinions, 3x20 min was the best break schedule (90.7%), mainly because it allowed time to rest (64.5%), as they had more time to carry out their activities calmly. Unanimously, these workers responded that a 10-min break is very short, which only allows one to reach the rest area or the bathroom and return, no time to rest. Only 8.7% of workers wanted to have a higher rest break frequency (6 or 4 times per day) to leave the sector more, go to the bathroom often, have shorter work intervals, in addition to warming up the body and resting more. This paper provides guidelines for slaughterhouse managers to determine the best rest break schedules for their workers to promote health and safety.(AU)

Humanos , Condições de Trabalho , Estresse Ocupacional , Matadouros , Aves
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(4): eRBCA, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490899


The work pace in poultry slaughterhouses is high and the risk of developing upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders is moderate to high. Thus, through risk management and the use of technical, organizational, and administrative means, the employer should ensure the well-being of workers, as well as safe and healthy working environments and conditions. The aim of this study was to identify the self-reported preference of poultry slaughterhouse workers regarding rest break frequency and duration, and to verify the reasons for their choice. The participants in the study included 311 workers from four poultry slaughterhouses. The workers were asked what rest break schemes they preferred: 6x10 min, 3x20 min, 4x15 min or another schedule, as well as the reasons for their selection. According to the workers’ opinions, 3x20 min was the best break schedule (90.7%), mainly because it allowed time to rest (64.5%), as they had more time to carry out their activities calmly. Unanimously, these workers responded that a 10-min break is very short, which only allows one to reach the rest area or the bathroom and return, no time to rest. Only 8.7% of workers wanted to have a higher rest break frequency (6 or 4 times per day) to leave the sector more, go to the bathroom often, have shorter work intervals, in addition to warming up the body and resting more. This paper provides guidelines for slaughterhouse managers to determine the best rest break schedules for their workers to promote health and safety.

Humanos , Estresse Ocupacional , Local de Trabalho , Matadouros , Aves
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06685, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279539


To increase the amount of meat produced, researchers have promoted intensive genetic selection for growth rate and muscling and have improved nutrition and management conditions. However, there has been an increase in the number of reports of breast muscle myopathies observed in poultry processing plants, including white striping (WS) and wooden breast (WB). This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the occurrence of WS and WB myopathies in three poultry processing plants and to perform an anatomopathological characterization, including macroscopic and microscopic analyses. A total of 408,334 carcasses were condemned or downgraded due to the presence of WB or WS, which represents 0.73% of the total number of slaughtered animals during the evaluated period. WB was more frequent than WS, but the occurrence of each myopathy varied significantly according to each establishment. WB was more frequent in the establishment which includes only male flocks, an average age of 45 days, and an average live weight of 2775g (B). WS was more frequent in establishment with male, female and mixed flocks, average ages ranging from 41 to 44 days, and average live weight 1731g-2830g (A). It is probably related with specific condition of each poultry company, including genetics, age, nutrition and management conditions. Macroscopically, WB and WS lesions are characterized by hypertrophy and stiffness of the pectoralis major muscle. Under microscopy, the myopathies showed similarities regarding the detected histological abnormalities, characterized by a process of myodegeneration, although the connective tissue infiltrate was more severe in the breasts with WB than in those with WS myopathy. The results found in this study demonstrate that the rates of condemnation for these myopathies are high, vary significantly among the analyzed companies and may cause major economic losses for the productive sector in the region.(AU)

Para melhorar a quantidade de carne produzida, os pesquisadores têm promovido ao longo dos anos uma seleção genética intensiva para a taxa de crescimento e desenvolvimento de músculos, além de melhorias nas condições nutricionais, sanitárias e de manejo. No entanto, houve um aumento no número de relatos de miopatias dos músculos do peito observados em abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves, incluindo white striping (WS) e wooden breast (WB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de WB e WS em três abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves e realizar uma caracterização anatomopatológica, incluindo análises macroscópicas e microscópicas. Um total de 408.334 carcaças foi condenado (total ou parcialmente) devido à presença WB ou WS, o que representou 0,73% do número total de animais abatidos durante o período avaliado. Apesar de a ocorrência de WB ter sido maior do que a de WS, a frequência de cada uma variou significativamente de acordo com o estabelecimento. WB foi mais frequente no estabelecimento que incluía apenas lotes de machos, com média de 45 dias de idade e peso médio ao abate de 2775g (B). WS foi mais frequente no estabelecimento com lotes de machos, fêmeas e mistos, com idade entre 41 e 44 dias e peso médio ao abate entre 1731g-2830g (A). Isto pode ser justificado por condições específicas de cada empresa, incluindo genética, idade das aves, nutrição e condições de manejo. Macroscopicamente, as lesões de WB e de WS foram caracterizadas principalmente por hipertrofia e rigidez do músculo pectoralis major. À microscopia, ambas as miopatias mostraram semelhanças em relação às anormalidades histológicas detectadas, caracterizadas principalmente por um processo de miodegeneração. Nos músculos apresentando WB, o infiltrado de tecido conjuntivo foi mais intenso quando comparado àqueles com WS. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram que os índices de condenação por essas miopatias são altos, variam significativamente entre as empresas analisadas e podem causar grandes perdas econômicas para o setor produtivo da região.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/lesões , Organizações/economia , Matadouros/organização & administração , Aves Domésticas/anatomia & histologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06685, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31740


To increase the amount of meat produced, researchers have promoted intensive genetic selection for growth rate and muscling and have improved nutrition and management conditions. However, there has been an increase in the number of reports of breast muscle myopathies observed in poultry processing plants, including white striping (WS) and wooden breast (WB). This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the occurrence of WS and WB myopathies in three poultry processing plants and to perform an anatomopathological characterization, including macroscopic and microscopic analyses. A total of 408,334 carcasses were condemned or downgraded due to the presence of WB or WS, which represents 0.73% of the total number of slaughtered animals during the evaluated period. WB was more frequent than WS, but the occurrence of each myopathy varied significantly according to each establishment. WB was more frequent in the establishment which includes only male flocks, an average age of 45 days, and an average live weight of 2775g (B). WS was more frequent in establishment with male, female and mixed flocks, average ages ranging from 41 to 44 days, and average live weight 1731g-2830g (A). It is probably related with specific condition of each poultry company, including genetics, age, nutrition and management conditions. Macroscopically, WB and WS lesions are characterized by hypertrophy and stiffness of the pectoralis major muscle. Under microscopy, the myopathies showed similarities regarding the detected histological abnormalities, characterized by a process of myodegeneration, although the connective tissue infiltrate was more severe in the breasts with WB than in those with WS myopathy. The results found in this study demonstrate that the rates of condemnation for these myopathies are high, vary significantly among the analyzed companies and may cause major economic losses for the productive sector in the region.(AU)

Para melhorar a quantidade de carne produzida, os pesquisadores têm promovido ao longo dos anos uma seleção genética intensiva para a taxa de crescimento e desenvolvimento de músculos, além de melhorias nas condições nutricionais, sanitárias e de manejo. No entanto, houve um aumento no número de relatos de miopatias dos músculos do peito observados em abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves, incluindo white striping (WS) e wooden breast (WB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de WB e WS em três abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves e realizar uma caracterização anatomopatológica, incluindo análises macroscópicas e microscópicas. Um total de 408.334 carcaças foi condenado (total ou parcialmente) devido à presença WB ou WS, o que representou 0,73% do número total de animais abatidos durante o período avaliado. Apesar de a ocorrência de WB ter sido maior do que a de WS, a frequência de cada uma variou significativamente de acordo com o estabelecimento. WB foi mais frequente no estabelecimento que incluía apenas lotes de machos, com média de 45 dias de idade e peso médio ao abate de 2775g (B). WS foi mais frequente no estabelecimento com lotes de machos, fêmeas e mistos, com idade entre 41 e 44 dias e peso médio ao abate entre 1731g-2830g (A). Isto pode ser justificado por condições específicas de cada empresa, incluindo genética, idade das aves, nutrição e condições de manejo. Macroscopicamente, as lesões de WB e de WS foram caracterizadas principalmente por hipertrofia e rigidez do músculo pectoralis major. À microscopia, ambas as miopatias mostraram semelhanças em relação às anormalidades histológicas detectadas, caracterizadas principalmente por um processo de miodegeneração. Nos músculos apresentando WB, o infiltrado de tecido conjuntivo foi mais intenso quando comparado àqueles com WS. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram que os índices de condenação por essas miopatias são altos, variam significativamente entre as empresas analisadas e podem causar grandes perdas econômicas para o setor produtivo da região.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/lesões , Organizações/economia , Matadouros/organização & administração , Aves Domésticas/anatomia & histologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(12): e20200320, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339651


ABSTRACT: The generation of wastes in poultry abattoirs has increased considerably in recent years due to the growing demand for chicken meat. This fact, combined with the current need for developing new forms of renewable energy from biomass, and the lack of disposal facilities, motivated this study. We determined the technical feasibility of the barbecue charcoal production using briquettes produced with different blends containing sludge from a poultry abattoir and Pinus spp. shavings. To that end, we have mixed both residues by gradually adding 10 to 90 % of sludge in the blends, which resulted in 9 treatments containing sludge, and 1 containing only shavings. After that, we produced four briquettes of each treatment and charred them by using a heating ramp. After charring, we submitted the charcoal to the analyzes of Moisture Content (MC), Bulk Density (BD), Compressive Resistance (CR), Gross Calorific Value (GCV), and Proximate Analysis (PA). We calculated the Gravimetric Yield (GY) and the Energy Density (ED) by using the results from the other analyzes. Results showed that the CR, the GCV, the Volatile Matter (VM), and the Fixed Carbon Content (FC) of the charcoals decreased by increasing the proportion of sludge in the blends. However, the charcoals' bulk density (BD) increased, which also increased its energy density (ED) and ash content (AC). The best blend to produce charcoal for household use was the one containing 90 % of sludge and 10 % of Pinus spp. shavings.

RESUMO: A geração de efluentes nos abatedouros de aves aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos devido à crescente demanda por carne de frango. Esse fato, combinado com a atual necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas formas de energia renovável a partir da biomassa e a falta de instalações de descarte para isso, motivou este estudo. O objetivo foi determinar a viabilidade técnica da produção de carvão para churrasco, usando briquetes produzidos com diferentes misturas contendo lodo de abatedouro de aves e maravalha de Pinus spp. Para determinar a viabilidade técnica, misturou-se os dois resíduos adicionando gradualmente 10-90 % de lodo nas misturas, o que resultou em nove tratamentos contendo lodo e um contendo apenas maravalha. Depois disso, quatro briquetes de cada tratamento foram produzidos e carbonizados. Após a carbonização, os carvões foram submetidos às análises de teor de umidade (MC), densidade a granel (BD), resistência à compressão (CS), poder calorífico superior (GCV) e análise imediata (PA). O Rendimento Gravimétrico (GY) e a Densidade Energética (DE) de cada tratamento foram calculados usando os resultados das outras análises. A resistência à compressão (CR), o poder calorífico superior (GCV), o teor de voláteis (VM) e o teor de carbono fixo (FC) do carvão diminuiu com o aumento da proporção de lodo nas misturas. A densidade aparente (BD), o teor de cinzas (AC) e a densidade energética (ED) aumentaram com o acréscimo de lodo na mistura. A melhor mistura para a produção de carvão de briquetes para uso doméstico foi a que teve 90 % de lodo e 10 % de partículas de Pinus.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487619


ABSTRACT: To increase the amount of meat produced, researchers have promoted intensive genetic selection for growth rate and muscling and have improved nutrition and management conditions. However, there has been an increase in the number of reports of breast muscle myopathies observed in poultry processing plants, including white striping (WS) and wooden breast (WB). This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the occurrence of WS and WB myopathies in three poultry processing plants and to perform an anatomopathological characterization, including macroscopic and microscopic analyses. A total of 408,334 carcasses were condemned or downgraded due to the presence of WB or WS, which represents 0.73% of the total number of slaughtered animals during the evaluated period. WB was more frequent than WS, but the occurrence of each myopathy varied significantly according to each establishment. WB was more frequent in the establishment which includes only male flocks, an average age of 45 days, and an average live weight of 2775g (B). WS was more frequent in establishment with male, female and mixed flocks, average ages ranging from 41 to 44 days, and average live weight 1731g-2830g (A). It is probably related with specific condition of each poultry company, including genetics, age, nutrition and management conditions. Macroscopically, WB and WS lesions are characterized by hypertrophy and stiffness of the pectoralis major muscle. Under microscopy, the myopathies showed similarities regarding the detected histological abnormalities, characterized by a process of myodegeneration, although the connective tissue infiltrate was more severe in the breasts with WB than in those with WS myopathy. The results found in this study demonstrate that the rates of condemnation for these myopathies are high, vary significantly among the analyzed companies and may cause major economic losses for the productive sector in the region.

RESUMO: Para melhorar a quantidade de carne produzida, os pesquisadores têm promovido ao longo dos anos uma seleção genética intensiva para a taxa de crescimento e desenvolvimento de músculos, além de melhorias nas condições nutricionais, sanitárias e de manejo. No entanto, houve um aumento no número de relatos de miopatias dos músculos do peito observados em abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves, incluindo white striping (WS) e wooden breast (WB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de WB e WS em três abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves e realizar uma caracterização anatomopatológica, incluindo análises macroscópicas e microscópicas. Um total de 408.334 carcaças foi condenado (total ou parcialmente) devido à presença WB ou WS, o que representou 0,73% do número total de animais abatidos durante o período avaliado. Apesar de a ocorrência de WB ter sido maior do que a de WS, a frequência de cada uma variou significativamente de acordo com o estabelecimento. WB foi mais frequente no estabelecimento que incluía apenas lotes de machos, com média de 45 dias de idade e peso médio ao abate de 2775g (B). WS foi mais frequente no estabelecimento com lotes de machos, fêmeas e mistos, com idade entre 41 e 44 dias e peso médio ao abate entre 1731g-2830g (A). Isto pode ser justificado por condições específicas de cada empresa, incluindo genética, idade das aves, nutrição e condições de manejo. Macroscopicamente, as lesões de WB e de WS foram caracterizadas principalmente por hipertrofia e rigidez do músculo pectoralis major. À microscopia, ambas as miopatias mostraram semelhanças em relação às anormalidades histológicas detectadas, caracterizadas principalmente por um processo de miodegeneração. Nos músculos apresentando WB, o infiltrado de tecido conjuntivo foi mais intenso quando comparado àqueles com WS. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram que os índices de condenação por essas miopatias são altos, variam significativamente entre as empresas analisadas e podem causar grandes perdas econômicas para o setor produtivo da região.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06806, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351278


Over the last decade, Brazil registered a 10.56% increase in the number of poultry slaughtered in establishments registered under the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" (SIF - Federal Inspection Service), as a result of technological advances in management, health and genetics applied to national aviculture. At slaughter, during post-mortem inspection, carcasses can be totally or partially condemned for various reasons, including ascitic syndrome. This syndrome has economic implications for the industry, in addition to being a problem for the health and welfare of poultry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the historical series (2010-2019) of partial and total condemnations of poultry carcasses due to ascitic syndrome in slaughterhouses registered under the SIF and located in the main poultry-producing states. Through official data, the condemnation occurrence index (COI) and the adjusted seasonal index (ASI) were calculated. The condemnation rate was 1,140 carcasses condemned, totally or partially, for ascitic syndrome for every 1,000,000 poultry slaughtered. The smallest and largest COIs were found in São Paulo (February 2010) and in Goiás (January 2017), respectively. The occurrence of condemnations for this syndrome was cyclical throughout the historical series, showing peaks of condemnation in all years evaluated, with the highest ASIs in July, August and September, and with rates varying between 1.24 and 1.54 in these months. Considering the period of pre-slaughter housing, the highest ASIs coincide with the coldest period of the year (May to August) for all analyzed states. The results show that ascitic syndrome is a growing problem in Brazil, with greater occurrence during the coldest months of the year, having a negative impact on animal health and the profitability of producers and industries in the poultry production chain.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a série histórica (2010-2019) de condenações parciais e totais de carcaças de aves por síndrome ascítica em abatedouros registrados no SIF localizados nos principais estados produtores de carne de frango. Através de dados oficiais, foram calculados o índice de ocorrência de condenações (IOC) e o índice de sazonalidade ajustado (ISA). A taxa de condenação foi de 1.140 carcaças condenadas total ou parcialmente por síndrome ascítica a cada 1.000.000 de aves abatidas. O menor e maior IOCs foram encontrados em São Paulo (fevereiro/2010) e em Goiás (janeiro/2017), respectivamente. A ocorrência de condenações por esta síndrome teve comportamento cíclico ao longo da série histórica, apresentando picos de condenação em todos os anos avaliados, sendo os maiores ISAs encontrados nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro, com índices variando entre 1,24 e 1,54 nestes meses. Considerando o período de alojamento pré-abate, os maiores valores de ISAs coincidiram com o período mais frio do ano (Maio a Agosto) para todos os estados analisados. Os resultados mostram que síndrome ascítica é um problema crescente no Brasil, com maior ocorrência durante os meses frios do ano, impactando negativamente a saúde dos animais e a lucratividade dos produtores e indústrias da cadeia produtiva de frango de corte.(AU)

Animais , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aves , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Matadouros , Indústrias
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06806, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765231


Over the last decade, Brazil registered a 10.56% increase in the number of poultry slaughtered in establishments registered under the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" (SIF - Federal Inspection Service), as a result of technological advances in management, health and genetics applied to national aviculture. At slaughter, during post-mortem inspection, carcasses can be totally or partially condemned for various reasons, including ascitic syndrome. This syndrome has economic implications for the industry, in addition to being a problem for the health and welfare of poultry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the historical series (2010-2019) of partial and total condemnations of poultry carcasses due to ascitic syndrome in slaughterhouses registered under the SIF and located in the main poultry-producing states. Through official data, the condemnation occurrence index (COI) and the adjusted seasonal index (ASI) were calculated. The condemnation rate was 1,140 carcasses condemned, totally or partially, for ascitic syndrome for every 1,000,000 poultry slaughtered. The smallest and largest COIs were found in São Paulo (February 2010) and in Goiás (January 2017), respectively. The occurrence of condemnations for this syndrome was cyclical throughout the historical series, showing peaks of condemnation in all years evaluated, with the highest ASIs in July, August and September, and with rates varying between 1.24 and 1.54 in these months. Considering the period of pre-slaughter housing, the highest ASIs coincide with the coldest period of the year (May to August) for all analyzed states. The results show that ascitic syndrome is a growing problem in Brazil, with greater occurrence during the coldest months of the year, having a negative impact on animal health and the profitability of producers and industries in the poultry production chain.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a série histórica (2010-2019) de condenações parciais e totais de carcaças de aves por síndrome ascítica em abatedouros registrados no SIF localizados nos principais estados produtores de carne de frango. Através de dados oficiais, foram calculados o índice de ocorrência de condenações (IOC) e o índice de sazonalidade ajustado (ISA). A taxa de condenação foi de 1.140 carcaças condenadas total ou parcialmente por síndrome ascítica a cada 1.000.000 de aves abatidas. O menor e maior IOCs foram encontrados em São Paulo (fevereiro/2010) e em Goiás (janeiro/2017), respectivamente. A ocorrência de condenações por esta síndrome teve comportamento cíclico ao longo da série histórica, apresentando picos de condenação em todos os anos avaliados, sendo os maiores ISAs encontrados nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro, com índices variando entre 1,24 e 1,54 nestes meses. Considerando o período de alojamento pré-abate, os maiores valores de ISAs coincidiram com o período mais frio do ano (Maio a Agosto) para todos os estados analisados. Os resultados mostram que síndrome ascítica é um problema crescente no Brasil, com maior ocorrência durante os meses frios do ano, impactando negativamente a saúde dos animais e a lucratividade dos produtores e indústrias da cadeia produtiva de frango de corte.(AU)

Animais , Ascite/diagnóstico , Aves , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Matadouros , Indústrias
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(12): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480277


The generation of wastes in poultry abattoirs has increased considerably in recent years due to the growing demand for chicken meat. This fact, combined with the current need for developing new forms of renewable energy from biomass, and the lack of disposal facilities, motivated this study. We determined the technical feasibility of the barbecue charcoal production using briquettes produced with different blends containing sludge from a poultry abattoir and Pinus spp. shavings. To that end, we have mixed both residues by gradually adding 10 to 90 % of sludge in the blends, which resulted in 9 treatments containing sludge, and 1 containing only shavings. After that, we produced four briquettes of each treatment and charred them by using a heating ramp. After charring, we submitted the charcoal to the analyzes of Moisture Content (MC), Bulk Density (BD), Compressive Resistance (CR), Gross Calorific Value (GCV), and Proximate Analysis (PA). We calculated the Gravimetric Yield (GY) and the Energy Density (ED) by using the results from the other analyzes. Results showed that the CR, the GCV, the Volatile Matter (VM), and the Fixed Carbon Content (FC) of the charcoals decreased by increasing the proportion of sludge in the blends. However, the charcoals’ bulk density (BD) increased, which also increased its energy density (ED) and ash content (AC). The best blend to produce charcoal for household use was the one containing 90 % of sludge and 10 % of Pinus spp. shavings.

A geração de efluentes nos abatedouros de aves aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos devido à crescente demanda por carne de frango. Esse fato, combinado com a atual necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas formas de energia renovável a partir da biomassa e a falta de instalações de descarte para isso, motivou este estudo. O objetivo foi determinar a viabilidade técnica da produção de carvão para churrasco, usando briquetes produzidos com diferentes misturas contendo lodo de abatedouro de aves e maravalha de Pinus spp. Para determinar a viabilidade técnica, misturou-se os dois resíduos adicionando gradualmente 10-90 % de lodo nas misturas, o que resultou em nove tratamentos contendo lodo e um contendo apenas maravalha. Depois disso, quatro briquetes de cada tratamento foram produzidos e carbonizados. Após a carbonização, os carvões foram submetidos às análises de teor de umidade (MC), densidade a granel (BD), resistência à compressão (CS), poder calorífico superior (GCV) e análise imediata (PA). O Rendimento Gravimétrico (GY) e a Densidade Energética (DE) de cada tratamento foram calculados usando os resultados das outras análises. A resistência à compressão (CR), o poder calorífico superior (GCV), o teor de voláteis (VM) e o teor de carbono fixo (FC) do carvão diminuiu com o aumento da proporção de lodo nas misturas. A densidade aparente (BD), o teor de cinzas (AC) e a densidade energética (ED) aumentaram com o acréscimo de lodo na mistura. A melhor mistura para a produção de carvão de briquetes para uso doméstico foi a que teve 90 % de lodo e 10 % de partículas de Pinus.

Agricultura Sustentável/economia , Matadouros , Águas Residuárias/análise , Aves , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais
Ci. Rural ; 51(12): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32304


The generation of wastes in poultry abattoirs has increased considerably in recent years due to the growing demand for chicken meat. This fact, combined with the current need for developing new forms of renewable energy from biomass, and the lack of disposal facilities, motivated this study. We determined the technical feasibility of the barbecue charcoal production using briquettes produced with different blends containing sludge from a poultry abattoir and Pinus spp. shavings. To that end, we have mixed both residues by gradually adding 10 to 90 % of sludge in the blends, which resulted in 9 treatments containing sludge, and 1 containing only shavings. After that, we produced four briquettes of each treatment and charred them by using a heating ramp. After charring, we submitted the charcoal to the analyzes of Moisture Content (MC), Bulk Density (BD), Compressive Resistance (CR), Gross Calorific Value (GCV), and Proximate Analysis (PA). We calculated the Gravimetric Yield (GY) and the Energy Density (ED) by using the results from the other analyzes. Results showed that the CR, the GCV, the Volatile Matter (VM), and the Fixed Carbon Content (FC) of the charcoals decreased by increasing the proportion of sludge in the blends. However, the charcoals bulk density (BD) increased, which also increased its energy density (ED) and ash content (AC). The best blend to produce charcoal for household use was the one containing 90 % of sludge and 10 % of Pinus spp. shavings.(AU)

A geração de efluentes nos abatedouros de aves aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos devido à crescente demanda por carne de frango. Esse fato, combinado com a atual necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas formas de energia renovável a partir da biomassa e a falta de instalações de descarte para isso, motivou este estudo. O objetivo foi determinar a viabilidade técnica da produção de carvão para churrasco, usando briquetes produzidos com diferentes misturas contendo lodo de abatedouro de aves e maravalha de Pinus spp. Para determinar a viabilidade técnica, misturou-se os dois resíduos adicionando gradualmente 10-90 % de lodo nas misturas, o que resultou em nove tratamentos contendo lodo e um contendo apenas maravalha. Depois disso, quatro briquetes de cada tratamento foram produzidos e carbonizados. Após a carbonização, os carvões foram submetidos às análises de teor de umidade (MC), densidade a granel (BD), resistência à compressão (CS), poder calorífico superior (GCV) e análise imediata (PA). O Rendimento Gravimétrico (GY) e a Densidade Energética (DE) de cada tratamento foram calculados usando os resultados das outras análises. A resistência à compressão (CR), o poder calorífico superior (GCV), o teor de voláteis (VM) e o teor de carbono fixo (FC) do carvão diminuiu com o aumento da proporção de lodo nas misturas. A densidade aparente (BD), o teor de cinzas (AC) e a densidade energética (ED) aumentaram com o acréscimo de lodo na mistura. A melhor mistura para a produção de carvão de briquetes para uso doméstico foi a que teve 90 % de lodo e 10 % de partículas de Pinus.(AU)

Águas Residuárias/análise , Matadouros , Agricultura Sustentável/economia , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Aves
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1844, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363585


Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogenic bacterium that can contaminate food and cause public health problems due its ability to form biofilms and resistance to sanitizers, it is responsible for sanitary and economic losses in food producing establishments. The difficulties in controlling biofilms and increasing resistance to traditional antibacterial agents is motivating studies of alternative potential biological agents for the control of pathogenic biofilms, among which lactic acid bacteria (LABs) are included. The objective of this work was to evaluate the activity of LABs against Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation on polystyrene plates, a surface commonly used in the food industry. Lyophilized commercial strains of Bifidobacterium animalis, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivaris and Lactobacillus acidophilus were used. The strain of Listeria monocytogenes (L4) was isolated from polystyrene mats from a poultry slaughterhouse cutting room and demonstrated the ability to attach to microplates and resistance to sanitizers (sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide) at all times, temperatures and tested surfaces. The antimicrobial activity of LABs was evaluated by the agar diffusion method. The LABs that presented action on Listeria monocytogenes were selected for the inhibition and/or removal of biofilms in microplates, and all experiments were carried out in triplicate. Only Bifidobacterium animalis and Lactobacillus plantarum demonstrated action against Listeria monocytogenes in the agar diffusion assays and were selected for inhibition and competition assays. Furthermore, competition of LABs against Listeria monocytogenes adhesion was evaluated. There was no significant difference between LABs and L. monocytogenes, alone or in combination, at temperatures of 30ºC and 37ºC in the Listeria monocytogenes inhibition assays on polystyrene surface. The lactic acid bacteria evaluated did not demonstrate inhibition of L. monocytogenes adhesin testes with optical density visualization, however, it was possible to identify a reduction in L. monocytogenes counts with the application of Bifidobacterium animals and Lactobacillus plantarum in the testes of competition against biofilm formation. In competition tests Bifidobacterium animalis and Lactobacillus plantarum have an injunction in Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that these lactic acid bacteria can retard Listeria biofilm formation on polystyrene surfaces and thus help control the pathogen in the food industry. A potential mechanism to control biofilm adhesion and formation of pathogens for nutrients and fixation on surfaces, multiplication factors and surfaces are a challenge in controlling biofilms of pathogenic microorganisms, alternative measures to traditional methods for inactivating pathogens and biofilm formers bacteria are necessary. In this sense, lactic acid bacteria generate high levels of bacteriocin and are effective in inhibiting the biofilm of pathogenic bacteria, however, our study did not reveal this. We verified that Bifidobacterium animalis and Lactobacillus plantarum have an inhibitory action on Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that these lactic acid bacteria can be used to delay the formation of biofilms by Listeria on polystyrene surfaces, helping to control this pathogen in food industry.(AU)

Animais , Contaminação de Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Biofilmes/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Láctico/antagonistas & inibidores , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação , Antibacterianos/análise , Poliestirenos , Listeriose
Ars vet ; 36(4): 218-229, 2020.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463554


A carne de aves e seus derivados estão entre os principais alimentos incriminados nos surtos de doenças veiculadas por alimentos (DVA) devido ao risco de veiculação de Salmonella spp. O controle é complexo porque existem inúmeras vias pelas quais essa bactéria pode contaminar a carne de aves e derivados, com várias possibilidades ao longo da cadeia produtiva. Falhas nas condições de manejo durante a criação de frangos de corte e nos procedimentos higiênicosanitários durante as operações de abate e manipulação das carcaças influenciam na contaminação por esse microrganismo nas indústrias. Abatedouros frigoríficos de aves são altamente automatizados e, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, a carne de frango ainda é passível de contaminação, uma vez que lotes negativos podem se tornar positivos para Salmonella spp. devido a contaminação cruzada provocada por lotes infectados abatidos no mesmo dia ou devido à utilização de equipamentos e utensílios compartilhados. O extravasamento de conteúdo gastrointestinal durante a evisceração é a principal fonte de contaminação das carcaças por Salmonella spp. nos abatedouros. Na presente revisão, foram abordados aspectos gerais sobre o gênero Salmonella spp., com ênfase nas etapas do processamento de aves que propiciam contaminação de carcaças e nas respectivas estratégias que visam à mitigação do risco de veiculação desse microrganismo, considerando também a legislação pertinente.

Poultry meat and its derivatives are the main food involved in foodborne outbreaks due to the risk of transmitting Salmonella spp. The control is complex because there are several routes in which this bacterium can contaminate poultry meat, with several possibilities along the production chain. Failures in handling conditions during the rearing of broilers and in hygienic-sanitary procedures during slaughter steps and handling of carcasses in industries influence the contamination by this microorganism. Poultry slaughterhouses are highly automated and, despite technological advances, poultry meat is still susceptible to contamination mainly due the fact that negative animals can become contaminated with Salmonella spp. due cross contamination with infected animals when slaughtered at the same day or due the use of contaminated equipment and utensils. The extravasation of gastrointestinal content during evisceration is the main source of contamination of carcasses with Salmonella spp. in poultry slaughterhouses. In this review, general aspects about the genus Salmonella spp. were addressed, with emphasis on the stages of poultry processing that allow contamination of carcasses and the respective strategies used to mitigate the risk of transmitting this microorganism considering the relevant legislation.

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Intoxicação Alimentar por Salmonella , Matadouros , Refrigeração/veterinária
Ars Vet. ; 36(4): 218-229, 2020.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29929


A carne de aves e seus derivados estão entre os principais alimentos incriminados nos surtos de doenças veiculadas por alimentos (DVA) devido ao risco de veiculação de Salmonella spp. O controle é complexo porque existem inúmeras vias pelas quais essa bactéria pode contaminar a carne de aves e derivados, com várias possibilidades ao longo da cadeia produtiva. Falhas nas condições de manejo durante a criação de frangos de corte e nos procedimentos higiênicosanitários durante as operações de abate e manipulação das carcaças influenciam na contaminação por esse microrganismo nas indústrias. Abatedouros frigoríficos de aves são altamente automatizados e, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, a carne de frango ainda é passível de contaminação, uma vez que lotes negativos podem se tornar positivos para Salmonella spp. devido a contaminação cruzada provocada por lotes infectados abatidos no mesmo dia ou devido à utilização de equipamentos e utensílios compartilhados. O extravasamento de conteúdo gastrointestinal durante a evisceração é a principal fonte de contaminação das carcaças por Salmonella spp. nos abatedouros. Na presente revisão, foram abordados aspectos gerais sobre o gênero Salmonella spp., com ênfase nas etapas do processamento de aves que propiciam contaminação de carcaças e nas respectivas estratégias que visam à mitigação do risco de veiculação desse microrganismo, considerando também a legislação pertinente.(AU)

Poultry meat and its derivatives are the main food involved in foodborne outbreaks due to the risk of transmitting Salmonella spp. The control is complex because there are several routes in which this bacterium can contaminate poultry meat, with several possibilities along the production chain. Failures in handling conditions during the rearing of broilers and in hygienic-sanitary procedures during slaughter steps and handling of carcasses in industries influence the contamination by this microorganism. Poultry slaughterhouses are highly automated and, despite technological advances, poultry meat is still susceptible to contamination mainly due the fact that negative animals can become contaminated with Salmonella spp. due cross contamination with infected animals when slaughtered at the same day or due the use of contaminated equipment and utensils. The extravasation of gastrointestinal content during evisceration is the main source of contamination of carcasses with Salmonella spp. in poultry slaughterhouses. In this review, general aspects about the genus Salmonella spp. were addressed, with emphasis on the stages of poultry processing that allow contamination of carcasses and the respective strategies used to mitigate the risk of transmitting this microorganism considering the relevant legislation.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação Alimentar por Salmonella , Aves Domésticas , Matadouros , Refrigeração/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 27(4): 200-203, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30259


Os mercados importadores de carne de frango brasileira estão se tornando cada vez mais exigentes em termos de adesão aos princípios do bem-estar animal na criação e abate dos frangos. Um dos principais problemas relacionados ao bem-estar animal na cadeia de produção do frango de corte é o manejo pré-abate. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi observar as principais causas de perdas e eliminação dos frangos de corte no abate emergencial em um abatedouro comercial e discutir possíveis formas de solucioná-las. Para tanto, foram implantados ábacos nas três linhas de abate ao lado do local da pendura das aves e registrado o número de aves que foram eliminadas ou estavam mortas, durante 10 dias, nos dois turnos de abate em um abatedouro comercial. Foram abatidas no experimento 4.563.293 aves, sendo que o total de perdas foi de 14.046 aves (0,3%). A mortalidade no transporte e/ou galpão de espera foi a principal causa de eliminação no abate emergencial (80,56%), seguida por aves pequenas refugos (19,1%), doentes injuriadas (0,18%) e lesionadas (0,11%). Conclui-se que para reduzir as perdas no pré-abate, os esforços devem ser direcionados principalmente na logística de transporte, visando assim à lucratividade do produto, pautado no contexto atual de bem-estar animal.(AU)

Brazilian chicken import markets are becoming increasingly demanding in terms of adhering to the principles of animal welfare in raising and slaughtering chicken. Thus, adapting the poultry to such requirements requires preslaughter failures control, that are main animal welfare problems in broiler production is preslaughter management. Therefore, the objective of this study wasto establish and quantify the main causes of losses related to pre-slaughter management in a commercial chicken slaughterhouse.In this way, abacuses were implanted next to the hanging in the three slaughter lines and the number of broilers eliminated or that were death on arrivals was recorded, for 10 days, in both slaughter shifts. 4.563.293 broilers were slaughtered in the experiment and the total number of boilers eliminated in the emergency slaughter were 14.039 birds (0.3%). The death on arrivals was the leading cause of elimination in emergency slaughter (80.56%), followed by small broilers (19.1%), injured broilers (0.18%) and fractured broilers (0.11%). It is concluded that to reduce preslaughter losses, efforts should be directed mainly to transport logistics andimprovements in the waiting shed, aiming to decrease mortality losses in this stage.(AU)

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Matadouros/tendências , Abate de Animais , Galinhas