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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58593, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428362


The mule is a sterile hybrid domestic animal that results from the breeding of a male donkey with a female horse, understanding the reproductive biology of these species is very critical. The goal of this paper was to perform a comparative and more accurate histomorphometric of the testicles in Barb horse, donkeys and mules. Microscopic examinations and histological description were carried on genital tract of horses, donkeys and mules healthy and mature; this study was conducted during April-May 2018. The histological and the morphological results shows a similarity between the two equine species and the infertile hybrid for the testicles, the epididymis and the vas deferens. However, the difference was presented on the morphometric data; vas deferens was more voluminous in the horse and donkey than a mule. Moreover, the differences were significantly higher for the surface of the seminiferous tubules and for the epididymis. The lumen of the seminiferous tubules in mule was significantly higher than in the horse and donkey. Absence of gametes in the epididymal cavity and lower number of gametes in the mule. Furthermore, we have noted the presence of spermatozoa in one mule 16.67%. Therefore, the mule could complete development of spermatogenesis.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Equidae/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Saúde Reprodutiva
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469160


Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.

Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249158, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339346


Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters' turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens' present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.

Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Characidae , Oócitos , Oogênese , Ovário , Testículo , Gônadas
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468944


The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters’ turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens’ present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.

O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Espermatogênese , Oogênese
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765521


The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.(AU)

O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Oogênese , Espermatogênese
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e381423, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1429537


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the protective and antioxidative effects of intensive exercise on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced testicular damage, apoptotic spermatognial cells death, and oxidative stress. Methods: 36 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups: control, diabetes, and diabetes+intensive exercise (IE) groups. Testicular tissues were examined histopathologically and antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity, as well as serum testosterone level, were measured. Results: Seminiferous tubules and germ cells were found to be better in the testis tissue of the intense exercise group than in the diabetes group. Diabetes suppressed antioxidant enzymes CAT, SOD, GPx and testosterone levels were significantly decreased, and increased MDA level in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.001). Following four weeks of treatment, intensive exercise improved the antioxidant defense, significantly decreased MDA activity, and increased testosterone levels in testicular tissue in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.01). Conclusion: STZ-induced diabetes causes damage to the testis tissue. In order to prevent these damages, exercise practice has become very popular nowadays. In present study, our intensive exercise protocol, histological, and biochemical analysis of the effect of diabetes on the testicular tissues is shown.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , Antioxidantes
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20210124, set. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403209


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) reproductive alterations and the influence of antioxidant treatments may aid in understanding morphometry testicular quantification. In this context, the aim of the present study was to characterize the intertubular compartment (ITC) morphometry of animal testes in mdx mice supplemented with ascorbic acid (AA). Sixteen mice were used, namely the C57BL/10 (non-dystrophic) and C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic) lineages, distributed into the following groups: Control (C60), Dystrophic (D60), Control supplemented with AA (CS60), Dystrophic supplemented with AA (DS60). A total of 200 mg/kg of AA were administered to mice for 30 days. Subsequently, the testicles were collected, weighed, and fragmented. The obtained fragments were fixed in Karnovsky's solution (pH 7.2) and embedded in historesin for morphometric and transmission electron microscopy assessments. Leydig cells were hypertrophic in the D60 group, but was reverted by AA supplementation in the DS60 group. The DS60 group also exhibited increased intertubular volume compared to the CS60 group. The ultrastructural images identified multilamellar bodies in dystrophic animals (lipid storage) and telocyte cells (transport substances) in both control and dystrophic animals. Morphometric alterations were, therefore, noted in the intertubular compartment due to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), with AA administration capable of altering Leydig cells in this condition.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Túbulos Seminíferos/fisiopatologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos mdx/fisiologia , Células Intersticiais do Testículo/fisiologia , Doenças Musculares/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20220038, set. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396870


Photoperiod is an important environmental factor affecting animal physiological function. Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that plays an important role in circadian and seasonal (or cyclical) rhythms and seasonal reproduction in mammals. To investigate the effects of melatonin on the reproductive performance of adult male mice under different photoperiods, sixty mice were randomly allotted to six groups: control (Light Dark, 12 L:12 D), control plus melatonin (MLD, 12 L:12 D), 24-hour continuous light (LL, 24 L:0 D), 24-hour continuous light plus melatonin (MLL 24 L:0 D), constant darkness (DD, 0 L:24 D), and constant darkness plus melatonin (MDD, 0 L:24 D). Normal saline (100 µL) was injected into the LD, LL, and DD groups at noon each day; the MLD, MLL, and MDD groups were injected with melatonin (1 mg/mL; 2 mg/kg·body weigh). After 24 hours of prolonged light exposure, testis morphology decreased, convoluted seminiferous tubules became sparse, the diameter of convoluted seminiferous tubules decreased, and the level of sex hormones decreased. After the administration of exogenous melatonin, testicular morphology and sex hormone levels decreased in the MLD group under normal light conditions. In the MLL group, the testicular tissue morphology returned to normal, the diameter of convoluted tubules increased, the hormone levels of LH (Luteinizing hormone) and MTL (melatonin) significantly increased (P<0.05), and th0e gene expressions of LHß and Mtnr1A (Melatonin receptors 1A) increased. There was almost no difference in the MDD group under continuous darkness. In conclusion, melatonin can damage the reproductive performance of male mice under normal light conditions, while exogenous melatonin can alleviate and protect the testicular injury of male mice under continuous light conditions.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Testículo/fisiologia , Fotoperíodo , Melatonina/efeitos adversos
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(3): 308-316, jul.-set. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414925


O procedimento de imunocastração vem sendo utilizado como técnica alternativa amplamente favorável ao bem-estar animal, por ser indolor, pouco invasiva e com eficácia semelhante à da castração cirúrgica, que causa maior estresse aos animais, principalmente quando realizada de forma inadequada. A imunocastração estimula a produção de anticorpos contra o Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotrofina (GnRH), bloqueando temporariamente a produção da testosterona pelas gônadas masculinas. Face a escassez de informações sobre este procedimento em touros bubalinos, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos da imunocastração no parênquima testicular de búfalos. Vinte touros bubalinos, com idade entre 2 a 3 anos, oriundos da ilha do Marajó ­ PA, foram avaliados e divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos composto por dez animais no grupo controle (GC) e dez do grupo imunocastrado (GIM). O produto utilizado foi a vacina anti-GnRH Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brasil). O GIM recebeu duas doses de 1,0ml contendo 400µg da vacina Bopriva ® com intervalo de 8 semanas entre as aplicações e o grupo controle recebeu 1,0 ml de solução fisiológica. Após 14 dias da última dose, os animais foram abatidos e coletado os 20 pares de testículos para analises de parâmetros macroscópicos como: comprimento, largura, circunferência e peso. Além disso, foi realizada a retirada de fragmentos do parênquima testicular para confecção de lâminas histológicas. Para comparação dos dados foi aplicado o teste t de Student (Nonparametric Test) considerando a significância com p<0,05 e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Foi observado diferença significativa entre os dois grupos para grupos para peso (direto p<0001; esquerdo p≤ 0,0001), circunferência (direita p< <0,0001), 1; esquerda p<0,0001), ), largura (somente lado direito p<0,0372) e comprimento (direita p≤ 0,0013; esquerda p<0,0437). Na avaliação microscópica, os animais do GC não apresenteram alterações. Nos animais do GIM houve degeneração em todas as amostras, sendo visualizado descamação, tortuosidade e espessamento da membrana basal do túbulo seminífero, assim como vacuolização e atrofia das células de Sertoli. Foi observado também uma redução do número de células de Leydig, fibrose intertubular pronunciada, núcleos picnóticos, azoospermia e células multinucleadas no interior dos túbulos. Conclui-se a vacina anti-GnRH mostrou-se eficaz em provocar lesões no parênquima testicular, comprometendo significativamente a espermatogênese a partir da possível supressão de testosterona.(AU)

The immunocastration procedure has been used as an alternative technique widely favorable to animal welfare, as it is painless, minimally invasive and with similar efficacy to surgical castration, which causes greater stress to animals, especially when performed improperly. Immunocastration stimulates the production of antibodies against Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), temporarily blocking the production of testosterone by the male gonads. Due to the scarcity of information about this procedure in buffalo bulls, the study aimed to analyze the possible effects of immunocastration on the testicular parenchyma of buffaloes. Twenty buffalo bulls, aged between 2 and 3 years, from the island of Marajó - PA, were evaluated and randomly divided into two groups consisting of ten animals in the control group (CG) and ten from the immunocastrated group (GIM). The product used was the anti-GnRH vaccine Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brazil). The GIM received two doses of 1.0ml containing 400µg of Bopriva ® vaccine with an interval of 8 weeks between applications and the control group received 1.0 ml of saline solution. After 14 days of the last dose, the animals were slaughtered and the 20 pairs of testes were collected for analysis of macroscopic parameters such as: length, width, circumference and weight. In addition, fragments of the testicular parenchyma were removed for the preparation of histological slides. To compare the data, Student's t test (Nonparametric Test) was applied, considering the significance with p< 0.0372) and length (right p≤ 0.0013; left p<0.0437). In the microscopic evaluation, the animals of the CG showed no alterations. In the GIM animals there was degeneration in all samples, with desquamation, tortuosity and thickening of the seminiferous tubule basement membrane, as well as vacuolization and atrophy of Sertoli cells. A reduction in the number of Leydig cells, pronounced intertubular fibrosis, pyknotic nuclei, azoospermia and multinucleated cells within the tubules were also observed. In conclusion, the anti-GnRH vaccine proved to be effective in causing lesions in the testicular parenchyma, significantly compromising spermatogenesis from the possible suppression of testosterone.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Búfalos/fisiologia , Castração/veterinária , Receptores LHRH/imunologia , Epitélio Seminífero/imunologia , Bem-Estar do Animal
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 2204, jan. 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438204


The present study investigated the toxic effect of a mixture of three pesticides (cypermethrin, mancozeb, and metalaxyl) on reproduction and oxidative stress parameters in male Wistar rats. Animals were treated at doses 1/60, 1/30, and 1/10 LD50 of each pesticide daily in the diet for 08 weeks. At the end of the treatment period, animals were sacrificed by decapitation. The results indicate a decrease in the absolute weight of testes and epididymis, the serum of testosterone hormone, and cholesterol levels. These parameters were significant reduced in males exposed to the mixed pesticides. A reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and viability also was observed. Besides, the ingestion of mixed pesticides at all three concentrations caused a significant decrease in GSH, GPx levels and an increase in MDA levels compared to the control group. This was accompanied by histopathological changes in testis and epididymis of rats such as seminiferous tubules degeneration, decreasing number of spermatogenic cells, edema, expansion of interstitial spaces, cell necrosis, and reducing the diameter of the epididymal tube compared to the control group. Thus, we strongly suggest that the mixture of pesticides causes damages to the male reproductive system.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Praguicidas/efeitos adversos , Ratos/fisiologia , Estresse Oxidativo
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(2): e20200025, mai. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374255


The Ziwuling black goat is an indigenously in China, their offspring are frequently affected by congenital cryptorchidism. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains cytokines and growth factors that regulate the development of the testis, and component changes often result in pathological changes. Cryptorchidism is closely related to structural changes in ECM. In this study, the histochemical staining, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and Western blot combined with semi-quantitative analysis was used to describe the distribution of the important ECM components Collagen type IV (Col IV), laminin (LN)and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in the normal and cryptorchid testes of Ziwuling black goats. Results showed that: The histochemical staining showed that the dysplasia of seminiferous tubules and decreased number of Sertoli cells in cryptorchidism, as well as sparse collagen fiber. Meanwhile, the distribution of reticular fibers is relatively rich. Furthermore, the PAS and AB staining in the interstitial vessels and lamina propria of seminiferous tubules is weak. The immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence revealed that Col IV, LN was strongly expressed in Leydig, Sertoli cells of normal testes and moderately positive in the spermatogonia and spermatids, but HSPG was not expressed in the spermatogonia. However, cryptorchidism, the expression of Col IV, LN and HPSG in Leydig, Sertoli cells significantly decreased, as well as the expression of Col IV and LN in capillary endothelial cells, but HSPG was moderately expressed in spermatogonia. Based on these data, the underdevelopment of spermatogenic epithelium, decreased synthesis function of collagen fibers and Leydig cells develop usually in the cryptorchidism were shown to be closely related to the abnormal metabolism of Col IV and LN. The positive expressed of HSPG in the spermatogonia of cryptorchid testes is related to the compensatory development of spermatogonia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovulação/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Glicerol/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1596, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416050


This study was carried out to investigate the morphological and histological structures of the testis, epididymis and vas deferens of the Al-Ahsa native rooster (ANR). There were two types of ANR; the brown feather one with light yellow shank and the black feather one with grey or dark grey shank. Their body weight was 1840.88± 92.13 g and 1555.66± 82.83g, respectively. The morphology of the testes showed that the black rooster has larger testes than the brown rooster and there was asymmetry in size between the right and left testis in both. They were grey yellowish in color and oval-shaped, situated in the abdomen dorsal to the proventriculus, the liver and the gizzard, cranial to the lungs, caudal to the abdominal sac and ventral to the kidneys. The histology of the testes revealed the capsule, the different cells of the lining epithelium of the seminiferous tubules and the interstitial tissue. The morphology of the epididymis was revealed pseudostratified columnar epithelium, light brown in color with c to L-shaped, located cranial to the testis and extended caudally to continue with vas deferens. The latter has columnar epithelium, light grey in color, run caudally medial to the kidneys and opened in the cloaca.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Ducto Deferente/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Arábia Saudita
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(2): e20220005, mai. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374254


The Ziwuling black goat is an indigenously in China, their offspring are frequently affected by congenital cryptorchidism. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains cytokines and growth factors that regulate the development of the testis, and component changes often result in pathological changes. Cryptorchidism is closely related to structural changes in ECM. In this study, the histochemical staining, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and Western blot combined with semi-quantitative analysis was used to describe the distribution of the important ECM components Collagen type IV (Col IV), laminin (LN)and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in the normal and cryptorchid testes of Ziwuling black goats. Results showed that: The histochemical staining showed that the dysplasia of seminiferous tubules and decreased number of Sertoli cells in cryptorchidism, as well as sparse collagen fiber. Meanwhile, the distribution of reticular fibers is relatively rich. Furthermore, the PAS and AB staining in the interstitial vessels and lamina propria of seminiferous tubules is weak. The immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence revealed that Col IV, LN was strongly expressed in Leydig, Sertoli cells of normal testes and moderately positive in the spermatogonia and spermatids, but HSPG was not expressed in the spermatogonia. However, cryptorchidism, the expression of Col IV, LN and HPSG in Leydig, Sertoli cells significantly decreased, as well as the expression of Col IV and LN in capillary endothelial cells, but HSPG was moderately expressed in spermatogonia. Based on these data, the underdevelopment of spermatogenic epithelium, decreased synthesis function of collagen fibers and Leydig cells develop usually in the cryptorchidism were shown to be closely related to the abnormal metabolism of Col IV and LN. The positive expressed of HSPG in the spermatogonia of cryptorchid testes is related to the compensatory development of spermatogonia.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Testículo/fisiologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Matriz Extracelular/fisiologia , Western Blotting/métodos , Imunofluorescência/métodos , Laminina/química , Proteoglicanas de Heparan Sulfato/química , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Colágeno Tipo IV/química
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 1-9, jan. 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484121


The present study investigated the toxic effect of a mixture of three pesticides (cypermethrin, mancozeb, and metalaxyl) on reproduction and oxidative stress parameters in male Wistar rats. Animals were treated at doses 1/60, 1/30, and 1/10 LD50 of each pesticide daily in the diet for 08 weeks. At the end of the treatment period, animals were sacrificed by decapitation. The results indicate a decrease in the absolute weight of testes and epididymis, the serum of testosterone hormone, and cholesterol levels. These parameters were significant reduced in males exposed to the mixed pesticides. A reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and viability also was observed. Besides, the ingestion of mixed pesticides at all three concentrations caused a significant decrease in GSH, GPx levels and an increase in MDA levels compared to the control group. This was accompanied by histopathological changes in testis and epididymis of rats such as seminiferous tubules degeneration, decreasing number of spermatogenic cells, edema, expansion of interstitial spaces, cell necrosis, and reducing the diameter of the epididymal tube compared to the control group. Thus, we strongly suggest that the mixture of pesticides causes damages to the male reproductive system.

Masculino , Animais , Ratos , Agroquímicos/administração & dosagem , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Espermatozoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Reprodução/efeitos dos fármacos , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Ratos Wistar
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(2): e20200029, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285131


Abstract Letrozole is used as a therapeutic agent in reproductive disorders caused by high estrogen levels. Letrozole inhibits cytochrome P450 aromatase and reduces estrogen levels. However, the effects of long-term use on reproductive traits are unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prolonged use of letrozole in the gonads of rodents (Spix's yellow-toothed cavy; Galea spixii). Forty-eight rodents (24 males and 24 females) were randomly divided into the treated and control groups. Letrozole administration started at 15 days of age and continued weekly until 30, 45, 90, and 120 days of age. The body, testis, and ovary weights were analyzed, as well as the morphological progression of spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis. Macroscopically, body weight gain and gonads weight were increased in the letrozole group. Microscopically, the ovaries of treated females showed stratified epithelium and a cellular disorder of the tunica albuginea. In the testes of treated males, the development of seminiferous tubules was delayed and sperm was absent. The collective findings indicate that the prolonged use of letrozole alters secondary sexual characteristics, and causes weight gain, reproductive changes, and male infertility.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(2): e20200051, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285133


Abstract Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487676


ABSTRACT: The morphology of the male reproductive tract of Tomodon dorsatus was described in the austral seasons of the year considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. For this purpose, 56 specimens from the herpetological collection of the Instituto Butantan were used. Fragments of the testes, kidneys and ductus deferens were collected and submitted to histological routine. The peak of the testicular volume was observed in the summer and the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules had higher height in the summer (p=0.001). The testes were active throughout the year, however, the spermiogenesis peaked in the summer. There were spermatozoa in the lumen of the ductus deferens in all seasons of the year. Renal length was higher in autumn (p=0.027), and renal width did not show a significant increase (p=0.237). The diameter and epithelial height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) showed hypertrophy in winter and spring, coinciding with the mating period. Based on findings of this study, we can suggest that, at the population level, the reproductive cycle of T. dorsatus can be considered seasonal semi-synchronous, due to the peak of spermiogenic activity in the hot season, and discontinuous at the individual level.

RESUMO: A morfologia do trato reprodutivo do macho de Tomodon dorsatus foi descrita nas estações climáticas do ano com base em variáveis macroscópicas e microscópicas. Para isto, foram usados 56 espécimes oriundos da coleção herpetológica do Instituto Butantan. Fragmentos dos testículos, rins e ductos deferentes foram coletados e submetidos à rotina histológica. O volume testicular foi maior no verão e o epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos mostrou uma maior altura no verão (p=0.001). Os testículos estavam ativos durante todo o ano, contudo, a espermiogênese foi maior no verão. Espermatozoides foram encontrados no lúmen do ducto deferente em todas as estações do ano. O comprimento renal foi maior no outono (p=0.027), e a largura renal não mostrou um aumento significativo (p=0.237). O diâmetro e a altura epitelial do segmento sexual do rim (SSR) mostrou hipertrofia nas estações inverno e primavera, coincidindo com o período reprodutivo. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se sugerir que, em nível populacional, o ciclo reprodutivo de T. dorsatus possa ser considerado semi-sincrônico sazonal, devido à atividade espermiogênica na estação quente, e descontínuo em nível individual.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(3): e20210035, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349954


Abstract Spirulina (Spirulina platensis), has numerous health benefits including antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities, works against heavy metal toxicity, and is often used as a food supplement in human, animals, birds and fishes. This study aimed to evaluate the protective ability of the dietary spirulina against the toxic effects of inorganic arsenic (iAs) on male reproductive parameters in rats. Seventy-two mature Long-Evans male rats, dividing into six groups (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) (12 rats/group) were included in this study. The T3, T4 and T5 group rats were treated with three consecutive doses (1.0 g, 1.5 g and 2.0 g/kg feed) of spirulina in feed along with 3.0 mg NaAsO2/kg body weight (BW) in drinking water (DW) daily for 90 days. Each rat of group T1 received NaAsO2 (3.0 mg/kg BW) in DW, and those of T2 group were fed with spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) daily for 90 days. The rats of group T0 served as the control with normal feed and water. Total arsenic (tAs) contents, reproductive parameters (testicular weight, sperm motility and morphology), and histological changes in the testicles were evaluated in these rats. Arsenic dosing significantly (p=0.003, Kruskal-Wallis test) increased the tAs contents in the testicles, decreased testes weight, sperm morphology and motility compared to the controls. The effect of arsenic dosing was also evidenced by the histological changes like decreased germinal layers in the seminiferous tubules of the treated rats. Moreover, dietary spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) supplementation significantly (p=0.011, Kruskal-Wallis test) lowered tAs contents in testicles and increases testes weights, sperm motility and morphology. Therefore, spirulina can be used as an effective dietary supplement to ameliorate the adverse effects of arsenic induced reproductive toxicities. However, further study is required to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of reduction of arsenic induced reproductive toxicity by spirulina.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06725, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279528


The morphology of the male reproductive tract of Tomodon dorsatus was described in the austral seasons of the year considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. For this purpose, 56 specimens from the herpetological collection of the "Instituto Butantan" were used. Fragments of the testes, kidneys and ductus deferens were collected and submitted to histological routine. The peak of the testicular volume was observed in the summer and the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules had higher height in the summer (p=0.001). The testes were active throughout the year, however, the spermiogenesis peaked in the summer. There were spermatozoa in the lumen of the ductus deferens in all seasons of the year. Renal length was higher in autumn (p=0.027), and renal width did not show a significant increase (p=0.237). The diameter and epithelial height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) showed hypertrophy in winter and spring, coinciding with the mating period. Based on findings of this study, we can suggest that, at the population level, the reproductive cycle of T. dorsatus can be considered seasonal semi-synchronous, due to the peak of spermiogenic activity in the hot season, and discontinuous at the individual level.(AU)

A morfologia do trato reprodutivo do macho de Tomodon dorsatus foi descrita nas estações climáticas do ano com base em variáveis macroscópicas e microscópicas. Para isto, foram usados 56 espécimes oriundos da coleção herpetológica do Instituto Butantan. Fragmentos dos testículos, rins e ductos deferentes foram coletados e submetidos à rotina histológica. O volume testicular foi maior no verão e o epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos mostrou uma maior altura no verão (p=0.001). Os testículos estavam ativos durante todo o ano, contudo, a espermiogênese foi maior no verão. Espermatozoides foram encontrados no lúmen do ducto deferente em todas as estações do ano. O comprimento renal foi maior no outono (p=0.027), e a largura renal não mostrou um aumento significativo (p=0.237). O diâmetro e a altura epitelial do segmento sexual do rim (SSR) mostrou hipertrofia nas estações inverno e primavera, coincidindo com o período reprodutivo. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se sugerir que, em nível populacional, o ciclo reprodutivo de T. dorsatus possa ser considerado semi-sincrônico sazonal, devido à atividade espermiogênica na estação quente, e descontínuo em nível individual.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Estações do Ano , Testículo , Ducto Deferente , Hipertrofia , Espermatogênese , Bothrops , Padrões de Referência
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06725, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32768


The morphology of the male reproductive tract of Tomodon dorsatus was described in the austral seasons of the year considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. For this purpose, 56 specimens from the herpetological collection of the "Instituto Butantan" were used. Fragments of the testes, kidneys and ductus deferens were collected and submitted to histological routine. The peak of the testicular volume was observed in the summer and the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules had higher height in the summer (p=0.001). The testes were active throughout the year, however, the spermiogenesis peaked in the summer. There were spermatozoa in the lumen of the ductus deferens in all seasons of the year. Renal length was higher in autumn (p=0.027), and renal width did not show a significant increase (p=0.237). The diameter and epithelial height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) showed hypertrophy in winter and spring, coinciding with the mating period. Based on findings of this study, we can suggest that, at the population level, the reproductive cycle of T. dorsatus can be considered seasonal semi-synchronous, due to the peak of spermiogenic activity in the hot season, and discontinuous at the individual level.(AU)

A morfologia do trato reprodutivo do macho de Tomodon dorsatus foi descrita nas estações climáticas do ano com base em variáveis macroscópicas e microscópicas. Para isto, foram usados 56 espécimes oriundos da coleção herpetológica do Instituto Butantan. Fragmentos dos testículos, rins e ductos deferentes foram coletados e submetidos à rotina histológica. O volume testicular foi maior no verão e o epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos mostrou uma maior altura no verão (p=0.001). Os testículos estavam ativos durante todo o ano, contudo, a espermiogênese foi maior no verão. Espermatozoides foram encontrados no lúmen do ducto deferente em todas as estações do ano. O comprimento renal foi maior no outono (p=0.027), e a largura renal não mostrou um aumento significativo (p=0.237). O diâmetro e a altura epitelial do segmento sexual do rim (SSR) mostrou hipertrofia nas estações inverno e primavera, coincidindo com o período reprodutivo. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se sugerir que, em nível populacional, o ciclo reprodutivo de T. dorsatus possa ser considerado semi-sincrônico sazonal, devido à atividade espermiogênica na estação quente, e descontínuo em nível individual.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Estações do Ano , Testículo , Ducto Deferente , Hipertrofia , Espermatogênese , Bothrops , Padrões de Referência