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Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 33(4): e20160071, Sept. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504412


Several behavioral aspects of the Red-crested Finch Coryphospingus cucullatus (Statius Müller, 1776) are poorly studied. Here we provide reproductive information on 16 active nests. This information may be valuable to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of this bird, and to design plans to manage it. Nesting activities occurred from October to February. Clutches consisted of two to three eggs (2.06 ± 0.25), which were laid on consecutive days. Incubation usually started the morning the females laid their last egg and lasted 11.27 ± 0.47 days. Hatching was synchronous, or happened at a one-day interval. The nestling stage lasted 12 ± 0.89 days. Only females incubated the eggs and they fed the young more often than the males did. Overall nesting success, from incubation to fledging, was 28.2%. Nest architecture and egg color proved to be diagnostic characteristics of Coryphospingus , supporting its maintenance as a distinct genus within the recently proposed sub-family Tachyphoninae. Red-crested Finches showed a preference for certain nesting sites, i.e., forest borders or a Cerrado in late regeneration stage. This information can be useful to programs aiming to release illegally trapped individuals.

Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Comportamento de Nidação , Passeriformes , Comportamento Animal
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 33(4): e20160071, Sept. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21157


Several behavioral aspects of the Red-crested Finch Coryphospingus cucullatus (Statius Müller, 1776) are poorly studied. Here we provide reproductive information on 16 active nests. This information may be valuable to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of this bird, and to design plans to manage it. Nesting activities occurred from October to February. Clutches consisted of two to three eggs (2.06 ± 0.25), which were laid on consecutive days. Incubation usually started the morning the females laid their last egg and lasted 11.27 ± 0.47 days. Hatching was synchronous, or happened at a one-day interval. The nestling stage lasted 12 ± 0.89 days. Only females incubated the eggs and they fed the young more often than the males did. Overall nesting success, from incubation to fledging, was 28.2%. Nest architecture and egg color proved to be diagnostic characteristics of Coryphospingus , supporting its maintenance as a distinct genus within the recently proposed sub-family Tachyphoninae. Red-crested Finches showed a preference for certain nesting sites, i.e., forest borders or a Cerrado in late regeneration stage. This information can be useful to programs aiming to release illegally trapped individuals.(AU)

Animais , Passeriformes , Comportamento de Nidação , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Comportamento Animal
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-221292


A ação antrópica e a destruição das florestas tropicais pode alterar completamente os ecossistemas terrestres, as aves são grandes afetadas e consequentemente as faunas parasitárias relacionadas a estas. A região das Américas com o maior índice de aves em extinção é a Floresta Atlântica, onde restam apenas 10% de áreas nativas preservadas, sofrendo efeitos de fragmentação. As parasitoses podem influenciar na nutrição, comportamento reprodutivo e consequentemente densidade populacional das aves silvestres por favorecerem o aparecimento de infecções secundárias. O ritmo circadiano quando diferenciado nas espécies de coccídios, naturalmente contribui com o aparecimento de infecções múltiplas em Passeriformes, é necessária uma avaliação morfológica cuidadosa na identificação dessas espécies. Sob esta ótica o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar coccídios de aves silvestres de diferentes subfamílias de Thraupidae no Parque Nacional de Itatiaia (PNI), identificando e classificando as espécies, através de novas descrições e/ou novos hospedeiros. Expedições ocorreram no PNI e no seu entorno, os passeriformes foram coletados através de redes de neblina, caracterizados, examinados e soltos em seguida. Amostras com parte fezes e parte solução de dicromato de potásso (K2Cr2O7) a 2,5% foram coletadas e encaminhadas para o laboratório e processadas pelo método de centrífugo-flutuação, quantificadas, fotomicrografadas e caracterizadas morfologicamente. Resultados demonstram a adaptabilidade das aves aos coccídios no ambiente silvestre. No total 13 novos relatos de espécies de coccídios e 36 possíveis novas espécies foram identificadas nas subfamílias Dacninae, Diglossinae, Tachyphoninae, Sporophilinae e Thraupinae, além do anexo de um paralelo ecológico para avalição de impacto ambiental por antropização e altitude em aves do PNI.

Anthropic action and destruction of rainforests can completely change terrestrial ecosystems, birds are very affected and consequently related parasitic faunas. The region of the Americas with the highest rate of endangered birds is the Atlantic Forest, with only 10% of native preserved areas suffering fragmentation effects. Parasitic diseases may influence nutrition, reproductive behavior and consequently the population decrease of wild birds through secondary infections. The circadian rhythm when differentiated in coccidian species, naturally allow multiple infections in passerines, a careful morphological evaluation is necessary to recognize these species. From this perspective the objective of this work was identify and quantify coccidians of wild birds from different Thraupidae subfamilies in Itatiaia National Park (INP), classifying as species, new descriptions and/or new hosts. Expeditions take place in and around the park, the passerines were collected through mist nets, examined and then released. Samples with half part of potassium dichromate 2.5% K2Cr2O7 solution were collected and sent to the laboratory and processed after sporulation period by centrifugal-flotation method, quantified, photomicrographed and morphologically characterized. Results demonstrate an adaptability of the birds to the coccidians in the wild environment. 13 new reports of coccidian species and 36 possible new species were identified in the Dacninae, Diglossinae, Tachyphoninae, Sporophilinae and Thraupinae subfamilies, as well as an ecological parallel for environmental evaluation by anthropization and altitude in birds of the INP.