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Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435716


A infecção no sítio cirúrgico (ISC) é uma complicação grave que pode acontecer em decorrência das cirurgias ortopédicas que demandam a utilização de implantes nos equinos. Morbidade, tratamentos prolongados e, consequentemente, dispendiosos e até mesmo óbito, são decorrências desta complicação. O presente trabalho analisou de forma retrospectiva os equinos submetidos a osteossíntese ou artrodese, que apresentaram ISC no período pós-cirúrgico atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ-USP no período de 2009 a 2021. Sessenta e sete equinos atenderam aos critérios de seleção e, destes, 13 (19,4%) apresentaram ISC no período pós-cirúrgico. Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp. e Enterobacter cloacae complex foram os agentes mais comumente isolados e a remoção dos implantes foi realizada em 76,9% (10/13) dos pacientes. Aminoglicosídeos associados ou não aos beta-lactâmicos foram as classes de antimicrobianos utilizados na terapia prévia em 84,6% (11/13), houve alteração das drogas utilizadas depois do resultado da cultura e antibiograma em todos os casos, devido à resistência antimicrobiana identificada. A incidência de ISC foi similar ao relatado em outros trabalhos, a retirada dos implantes foi uma estratégia eficiente quando o tratamento clínico não surte melhora. A identificação dos agentes envolvidos e o antibiograma se mostraram decisivos para o manejo dos casos.(AU)

Surgical site infection (SSI) is a serious complication that can occur in orthopedic surgeries that require the use of implants in horses. Morbidity, prolonged and consequently expensive treatments, and even death are consequences of this complication. This paper retrospectively analyzed horses undergoing osteosynthesis or arthrodesis, which presented SSI in the post-surgical period, treated at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of FMVZ-USP from 2009 to 2021. Sixty-seven horses met the selection criteria and of these, 13 (19.4%) had SSI in the postoperative period. Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp, and Enterobacter cloacae complex were the most commonly isolated agents and implant removal was performed in 76.9% (10/13) of patients. Aminoglycosides associated or not with beta-lactams were the classes of antimicrobials used in previous therapy in 84.6% (11/13), and in all cases there was a change in the drugs used after the result of the culture and antibiogram, due to antimicrobial resistance identified. The incidence of SSI was similar as reported in other studies, and implant removal was an efficient strategy when clinical treatment fails to improve. The identification of the agents involved and the antibiogram was decisive for cases management.(AU)

Animais , Ortopedia/veterinária , Infecção da Ferida Cirúrgica/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Enfermagem em Pós-Anestésico
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344674


Surgical arthrodesis is effective for treating proximal interphalangeal joint (PIJ) injuries in horses. Despite several techniques described so far, the use of a 3-hole, 4.5mm-locking compression plate, associated with two 5.5-mm transarticular cortex screws, is currently considered the "gold standard." This review describes the anatomy of the pastern, as well as causes, indications, and possibilities for arthrodesis in the equine PIJ. A description of the current surgical technique for joint fixation is also presented.(AU)

A artrodese cirúrgica é efetiva para o tratamento de condições da articulação interfalangeana proximal (AIP) em equinos. Diversas técnicas são descritas, e o uso de uma placa de compressão bloqueada de três orifícios e 4,5 mm associada com dois parafusos corticais transarticulares de 5,5 mm é atualmente o padrão ouro. Esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever a anatomia da região da quartela, bem como as causas, indicações e possibilidades para a artrodese da AIP nos equinos. É apresentada também a descrição da técnica cirúrgica atualmente utilizada para realização da fixação da articulação.(AU)

Animais , Osteoartrite/cirurgia , Artrodese/classificação , Artrodese/métodos , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Claudicação Intermitente
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e178586, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764805


Surgical arthrodesis is effective for treating proximal interphalangeal joint (PIJ) injuries in horses. Despite several techniques described so far, the use of a 3-hole, 4.5mm-locking compression plate, associated with two 5.5-mm transarticular cortex screws, is currently considered the "gold standard." This review describes the anatomy of the pastern, as well as causes, indications, and possibilities for arthrodesis in the equine PIJ. A description of the current surgical technique for joint fixation is also presented.(AU)

A artrodese cirúrgica é efetiva para o tratamento de condições da articulação interfalangeana proximal (AIP) em equinos. Diversas técnicas são descritas, e o uso de uma placa de compressão bloqueada de três orifícios e 4,5 mm associada com dois parafusos corticais transarticulares de 5,5 mm é atualmente o padrão ouro. Esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever a anatomia da região da quartela, bem como as causas, indicações e possibilidades para a artrodese da AIP nos equinos. É apresentada também a descrição da técnica cirúrgica atualmente utilizada para realização da fixação da articulação.(AU)

Animais , Osteoartrite/cirurgia , Artrodese/classificação , Artrodese/métodos , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Claudicação Intermitente
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 695, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363484


Background: Radio-carpal dislocations are normally related to situations of trauma and may be treated with open or closed reduction, reconstruction of injured structures or arthrodesis. The treatment aims to eliminate pain, abnormal joint movement and restore member functions, avoiding or minimizing the development of arthrosis. Notwithstanding the literature on the treatment options, few of them explain the restorative technical applications and their evolution in a later postoperative period. The aim of the present report is to discuss extra-articular joint reconstruction with nylon wire in a canine patient with radio-carpal joint dislocation and ligament rupture. Case: A 10-year-old mixed-breed bitch, weighing 10 kg, after an 8-meter fall, received care at Animal Care Barueri Clínica Veterinária. The animal presented left thoracic member functional impotence and radio-carpal joint valgus dislocation, pain and joint swelling. The patient was sedated and medium-lateral and dorso-palmar X-rays of the distal area of the thoracic member were performed, showing radio-carpal dislocation and a slight radiotransparent line in caudal cortical of the middle third of the left radium, possibly related to an incomplete fracture due to compaction. At this point, the choice was for a closed reduction performed by means of traction followed by internal rotation of the distal extremity of the member. An immobilization device was placed using a vinyl splint for 4 days, until the date of the surgery. For the surgical procedure, a dorso-medial access was opened in the left radio-carpal joint, restoring the short radium collateral joint with nylon 0 suture, anchored on 3 pathways opened in the bones (2 pathways in the radium and 1 in the carpo-radial bone), forming one knot. The subcutaneous tissue was closed and sutured using absorbable wire of 2-0 polyglycolic acid. The skin was sutured using nonabsorbable wire of 3-0 nylon. The immediate postoperative X-rays showed the pathways created, conservation of the bone structures and restoration of the anatomic axis of the radio-carpal joint. The member was again immobilized for 70 days and, 30 days after removal of the splint, the animal could already bear load over the member, without lameness. At 10 months after the surgery, the patient performed X-rays of the medium-lateral and dorso-palmar projections, showing absence of the signs of arthrosis or any joint impairment. There was also absence of lameness and pain, however with reduction in joint movement amplitude, with total extension but more limited flexion. Discussion: Through comparison with the literature it was possible to find similarities with the joint injury approach reported, mainly regarding the form of the suture and the clinical alterations observed, such as short radium collateral ligament rupture related to joint valgus deviation. The treatment strategy in the case combined temporary closed reduction of the joint, immobilization, later joint access and restoration with synthetic wire and long-term immobilization. The postoperative results obtained showed favorable evolution, without signs of joint degeneration, pain or lameness. Possible unwanted consequences related to arthrodesis make the options for reconstruction techniques seem more interesting; however, further information of their application and the combination of its variations in a more directed fashion are still required. Understanding the types of injuries, together with the development of research that assess their diagnosis and evolution, may help treatments to show even better perspectives.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Fios Ortopédicos/veterinária , Carpo Animal/lesões , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Artrodese/veterinária , Artroplastia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.618-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458481


Background: Trauma is the main cause of spinal fractures and dislocations in humans and large animals. Clinical signspresent with acute onset and vary according to the location and severity of the spinal cord injury. The treatment of fractures in large animals depends on economic value, cost of procedures, prognosis, location and type of fracture. However,although spinal fractures in large animals are not uncommon, the literature about their clinical aspects and treatment isscanty. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to describe a surgical stabilization of atlantoaxial subluxation, fracture ofthe third cervical vertebra and C2-C3 subluxation.Case: An approximately 2-year-old Île-de-France sheep, weighing 101 kg, with a history of cervical trauma and nonambulatory tetraparesis was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Institution (UNIPAMPA). During physical examination, the animal presented good general physical condition and heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature was accordingto physiological parameters for the species. The animal remained in lateral decubitus, with minimal head and limb movements, and exhibited deep pain sensitivity. Clinical treatment with dexamethasone, limb physiotherapy and change inlateral decubitus position were employed, but failed to improve the animal’s condition. After five days of unresponsive toclinical treatment, the patient was referred to the neurology department, where it underwent neurological examination andradiographic examination of the cervical region was performed under general anesthesia. The radiographic examinationrevealed atlantoaxial subluxation, by displacement of the odontoid process into the vertebral canal, fracture of the thirdcervical vertebra and C2-C3 vertebral subluxation. The surgical planning aimed cervical vertebral instability repair usingatlantoaxial arthrodesis associated the stabilization of C1-C2 and C2-C3 vertebrae with Schanz pins and bone cement...

Feminino , Animais , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Ovinos/lesões , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral/cirurgia , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Paresia/veterinária , Vértebras Cervicais
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 618, 18 mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30758


Background: Trauma is the main cause of spinal fractures and dislocations in humans and large animals. Clinical signspresent with acute onset and vary according to the location and severity of the spinal cord injury. The treatment of fractures in large animals depends on economic value, cost of procedures, prognosis, location and type of fracture. However,although spinal fractures in large animals are not uncommon, the literature about their clinical aspects and treatment isscanty. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to describe a surgical stabilization of atlantoaxial subluxation, fracture ofthe third cervical vertebra and C2-C3 subluxation.Case: An approximately 2-year-old Île-de-France sheep, weighing 101 kg, with a history of cervical trauma and nonambulatory tetraparesis was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Institution (UNIPAMPA). During physical examination, the animal presented good general physical condition and heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature was accordingto physiological parameters for the species. The animal remained in lateral decubitus, with minimal head and limb movements, and exhibited deep pain sensitivity. Clinical treatment with dexamethasone, limb physiotherapy and change inlateral decubitus position were employed, but failed to improve the animals condition. After five days of unresponsive toclinical treatment, the patient was referred to the neurology department, where it underwent neurological examination andradiographic examination of the cervical region was performed under general anesthesia. The radiographic examinationrevealed atlantoaxial subluxation, by displacement of the odontoid process into the vertebral canal, fracture of the thirdcervical vertebra and C2-C3 vertebral subluxation. The surgical planning aimed cervical vertebral instability repair usingatlantoaxial arthrodesis associated the stabilization of C1-C2 and C2-C3 vertebrae with Schanz pins and bone cement...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/lesões , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral/cirurgia , Traumatismos da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Vértebras Cervicais , Paresia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 696, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363490


Background: Low-intensity laser is effective in cellular metabolism, analgesia, and tissue repair. The bioelectric, bioenergetic, and biochemical effects of laser therapy stimulate local circulation, collagen formation, and epithelization. The objective of this study was to report the use of gallium-aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) laser (830 nm) in healing two woundscaused by necrosis in a dog. Case: An 8-year-old bitch, a rescued victim of animal abuse, had tibiotarsal dislocation in the left posterior limb. Orthopedic surgery was performed with the placement of an external fixation device with six pins in the distal third of the left posterior limb. A radiographic examination performed 42 days after the surgery revealed the loss of the tibiotarsal ratio, decreased radiopacity of the carpal bones, edema, inflammation, muscle atrophy, and the rotation of the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and phalanges. It was then decided to perform a second orthopedic surgery, in which a bone graft and arthrodesis with an 8-screw titanium plate were performed. Four of the plate screws were placed proximally to the tibia and four distally to the tarsus in addition to a screw and a pin transfixed through the distal metaphyseal region of the tibia and calcaneus. Traction was felt during suturing in the dermis and epidermis of the limb, suggesting the possibility of dehiscence of the stitches. After 3 h of surgery, the limb was cold and edematous. After 5 days, the tissue of the medial region of the tarsus developed necrosis, exposing a wound 6 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and 2 mm deep (wound 1). Another necrotic lesion was observed in the dorsal region of the tarsos - 6.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, 3 mm deep, and exposing 5 cm of the titanium plate (wound 2). Therapy with GaAlAs laser was then performed over the entire length of the wounds. In each therapeutic session, the laser was first used in punctual mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 20 s at each point of the length of the lesion and then in scan mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 1000 Hz, and 40 s continuously. Laser therapy sessions were conducted at 2-4 day intervals, with a 12-day interval between the eighth and ninth sessions. During the entire treatment, cleansing and debridement of the wounds were performed every 48 h with saline and chlorhexidine digluconate, using a compression bandage, as described earlier. Wound 1 healed completely after two laser therapy sessions. In wound 2, tissue repair stagnated after the ninth and last laser session, leaving 4 cm of the titanium plate still exposed. The limb could not support the body weight of the patient, and radiographic examination revealed that the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and the phalanges was rotated and bone conformation was poor. Given the anatomical conditions associated with the patient's clinical picture, it was decided to amputate the limb between the femur and tibia. Discussion: Therapeutic lasers act on mitochondrial respiration, increasing respiratory metabolism and stimulating DNA synthesis and tissue proliferation. In the present case, there was a decrease in inflammatory cells, edema, and the size of the wounds. The pathological conditions of the affected site, influence of trauma, and degree of tissue damage affected the results of the laser therapy. Despite the size difference between wounds 1 and 2, the exposed titanium plate was a determining factor for the partial healing of wound 2.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cicatrização/efeitos da radiação , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Reabilitação/métodos , Terapia a Laser/veterinária , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.514-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458341


Background: The metacarpal/metatarsophalangeal joints, as well as the suspensory apparatus, are usually affected by injuries, due to the intense physical demand during sports and great range of motion, predisposing to degenerative processes,trauma and rupture of the suspensory apparatus. In this case, arthrodesis is the main technique indicated. Such surgicaltechniques have a poor prognosis due to post-surgical complications, such as implant infection. Therefore, the study ofprocedures that promote better joint stabilization is important, with reduced surgical time and tissue exposure, decreasingsignificantly the chance of infection and other possible complications.Case: A 5-year-old male horse was referred to the hospital with a history of trauma and a lacerating wound in the metatarsalplantar region of the left hindlimb. The animal presented grade IV (I-V) claudication of the left hindlimb with hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint and significant pain on palpation, evidencing the rupture of the superficial, deep digitalflexor tendons and suspensory ligament of the fetlock. The initial surgical treatment was performed using the arthrodesistechnique described by [16]. The intramedullary nail was used with fixation of the plate on the plantar face of the first phalanx together with a single plate fused to the pin, adjusted according to size of the first phalanx, 13 mm thick x 15 cm long,forming an angle between 120º and 140º. Twenty-four h after surgery, there was a simple spiral diaphyseal fracture (typeA), in the middle third of the third metatarsal bone in the region of the proximal end, due to the lever held by the short nailagainst the diaphysis cortex. To treat the complication, an intramedullary 316 L surgical steel rod 13 mm thick x 21 cm longwas used, filling the entire spinal canal. The nail had three holes at the proximal end and two holes at the distal end...

Masculino , Animais , Artrodese/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Ossos do Metatarso/lesões
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 514, 25 jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33396


Background: The metacarpal/metatarsophalangeal joints, as well as the suspensory apparatus, are usually affected by injuries, due to the intense physical demand during sports and great range of motion, predisposing to degenerative processes,trauma and rupture of the suspensory apparatus. In this case, arthrodesis is the main technique indicated. Such surgicaltechniques have a poor prognosis due to post-surgical complications, such as implant infection. Therefore, the study ofprocedures that promote better joint stabilization is important, with reduced surgical time and tissue exposure, decreasingsignificantly the chance of infection and other possible complications.Case: A 5-year-old male horse was referred to the hospital with a history of trauma and a lacerating wound in the metatarsalplantar region of the left hindlimb. The animal presented grade IV (I-V) claudication of the left hindlimb with hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint and significant pain on palpation, evidencing the rupture of the superficial, deep digitalflexor tendons and suspensory ligament of the fetlock. The initial surgical treatment was performed using the arthrodesistechnique described by [16]. The intramedullary nail was used with fixation of the plate on the plantar face of the first phalanx together with a single plate fused to the pin, adjusted according to size of the first phalanx, 13 mm thick x 15 cm long,forming an angle between 120º and 140º. Twenty-four h after surgery, there was a simple spiral diaphyseal fracture (typeA), in the middle third of the third metatarsal bone in the region of the proximal end, due to the lever held by the short nailagainst the diaphysis cortex. To treat the complication, an intramedullary 316 L surgical steel rod 13 mm thick x 21 cm longwas used, filling the entire spinal canal. The nail had three holes at the proximal end and two holes at the distal end...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cavalos/cirurgia , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Ossos do Metatarso/lesões , Artrodese/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.462-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458226


Background: The metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints are very demanded during high intensity exercises,and may be affected by osteoarthritis, fractures, luxations and rupture of the suspensory apparatus. Thus, arthrodesis maybe indicated to restore joint stability and accelerate the ankylosis process. The most commonly used surgical techniqueshave been associated with postoperative complications, including infection and failure of the implants, so it is importantto develop procedures that are less invasive procedures and promoting stable fixation. Therefore, the aim of this work isto report the use of the modified steel basket technique for metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis in a foal with hyperextensionof the joint due to rupture of the digital flexor muscles.Case: A 2-day-old male foal was admitted to clinical care, presenting multiple cutaneous wounds caused by dogs bites,located in the tarsus and thigh of the hindlimb. The animal presented in standing position and had no difficulty of movement,being initially treated through daily cleaning of the cutaneous wounds and systemic antibiotic therapy. Hyperextension ofthe metatarsophalangeal joint was evidenced after 20 days, being approached through tenotomy and tendon shortening,followed by tenorrhaphy and immobilization for 30 days. Due to the failure of the treatment, it was opted for metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis by modified steel basket technique. The procedure involved the implantation of a steel basket of25.0 mm in diameter x 25.0 mm long in a 24.0 mm hole created on the dorsal surface between the third metacarpal andthe proximal phalanx. The basket was filled with bone extracted from drilling and fixed with two cortical screws at anangle of 25° toward proximoplantar and distoplantar direction. Immobilization of the limb was performed postoperativelywith synthetic plaster cast for 45 days and, due to the persistence of lameness...

Masculino , Animais , Articulação Metatarsofalângica/cirurgia , Articulação Metatarsofalângica/lesões , Artrodese/métodos , Artrodese/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Anquilose/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 462, 17 dez. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25684


Background: The metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints are very demanded during high intensity exercises,and may be affected by osteoarthritis, fractures, luxations and rupture of the suspensory apparatus. Thus, arthrodesis maybe indicated to restore joint stability and accelerate the ankylosis process. The most commonly used surgical techniqueshave been associated with postoperative complications, including infection and failure of the implants, so it is importantto develop procedures that are less invasive procedures and promoting stable fixation. Therefore, the aim of this work isto report the use of the modified steel basket technique for metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis in a foal with hyperextensionof the joint due to rupture of the digital flexor muscles.Case: A 2-day-old male foal was admitted to clinical care, presenting multiple cutaneous wounds caused by dogs bites,located in the tarsus and thigh of the hindlimb. The animal presented in standing position and had no difficulty of movement,being initially treated through daily cleaning of the cutaneous wounds and systemic antibiotic therapy. Hyperextension ofthe metatarsophalangeal joint was evidenced after 20 days, being approached through tenotomy and tendon shortening,followed by tenorrhaphy and immobilization for 30 days. Due to the failure of the treatment, it was opted for metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis by modified steel basket technique. The procedure involved the implantation of a steel basket of25.0 mm in diameter x 25.0 mm long in a 24.0 mm hole created on the dorsal surface between the third metacarpal andthe proximal phalanx. The basket was filled with bone extracted from drilling and fixed with two cortical screws at anangle of 25° toward proximoplantar and distoplantar direction. Immobilization of the limb was performed postoperativelywith synthetic plaster cast for 45 days and, due to the persistence of lameness...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Artrodese/métodos , Artrodese/veterinária , Articulação Metatarsofalângica/lesões , Articulação Metatarsofalângica/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Anquilose/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-4, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734034


Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...](AU)

Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-4, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457973


Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...]

Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêutico
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6)nov.-dez. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970336


Objetivou-se com este trabalho comparar biomecanicamente os posicionamentos dorsal e medial da placa bloqueada na artrodese do carpo em cães. Para isso, foram utilizados sete pares de membros torácicos de cães eutanasiados por razões não relacionadas ao estudo, em que sete membros foram estabilizados com placa dorsal, e seus respectivos pares com placa em posicionamento medial. Os membros com as articulações radiocarpometacarpianas estabilizadas cirurgicamente foram submetidos a ensaio de compressão axial em máquina universal de ensaios de materiais, e os dados de limite de elasticidade, rigidez estrutural, carga máxima e carga no momento da fratura dos posicionamentos foram comparados por meio do teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, a um nível de significância de 5%. Todos os membros foram fraturados no terço distal do terceiro metacarpo; nos membros com placa dorsal, a fratura ocorreu distal ao orifício distal e, nos membros com placa medial, a fratura ocorreu no último orifício dos metacarpos dois e três. Não houve dobra ou quebra de placas e parafusos e não houve diferença significativa entre os posicionamentos dorsal e medial dos implantes quanto aos parâmetros avaliados.(AU)

The aim of this study was to compare biomechanically the dorsal and medial positions of the locking plates on carpal arthrodesis in dogs. For this, seven pairs of thoracic limbs of dogs were used, in which seven limbs were stabilized with dorsal plate and seven limbs with plate in medial positioning. The members with the surgically stabilized radiocarpal-metacarpal joints were submitted to axial compression testing in a universal testing machine and the yield load, structural rigidity, maximum load and ultimate load of the positioning were compared by Student-Newman-Keuls test at a significance level of 5%. All members fractured in the distal third of the third metacarpal, in the limbs with dorsal plate the fracture occurred distal to the distal hole and in the members with medial plate the fracture occurred in the last hole of the metacarpals two and three. There was no bending or broken implants. There was no significant biomechanical differencebetween the dorsal and medial positions of the implants.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Cães/anormalidades
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1759-1766, nov.-dez. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21308


Objetivou-se com este trabalho comparar biomecanicamente os posicionamentos dorsal e medial da placa bloqueada na artrodese do carpo em cães. Para isso, foram utilizados sete pares de membros torácicos de cães eutanasiados por razões não relacionadas ao estudo, em que sete membros foram estabilizados com placa dorsal, e seus respectivos pares com placa em posicionamento medial. Os membros com as articulações radiocarpometacarpianas estabilizadas cirurgicamente foram submetidos a ensaio de compressão axial em máquina universal de ensaios de materiais, e os dados de limite de elasticidade, rigidez estrutural, carga máxima e carga no momento da fratura dos posicionamentos foram comparados por meio do teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, a um nível de significância de 5%. Todos os membros foram fraturados no terço distal do terceiro metacarpo; nos membros com placa dorsal, a fratura ocorreu distal ao orifício distal e, nos membros com placa medial, a fratura ocorreu no último orifício dos metacarpos dois e três. Não houve dobra ou quebra de placas e parafusos e não houve diferença significativa entre os posicionamentos dorsal e medial dos implantes quanto aos parâmetros avaliados.(AU)

The aim of this study was to compare biomechanically the dorsal and medial positions of the locking plates on carpal arthrodesis in dogs. For this, seven pairs of thoracic limbs of dogs were used, in which seven limbs were stabilized with dorsal plate and seven limbs with plate in medial positioning. The members with the surgically stabilized radiocarpal-metacarpal joints were submitted to axial compression testing in a universal testing machine and the yield load, structural rigidity, maximum load and ultimate load of the positioning were compared by Student-Newman-Keuls test at a significance level of 5%. All members fractured in the distal third of the third metacarpal, in the limbs with dorsal plate the fracture occurred distal to the distal hole and in the members with medial plate the fracture occurred in the last hole of the metacarpals two and three. There was no bending or broken implants. There was no significant biomechanical differencebetween the dorsal and medial positions of the implants.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Cães/anormalidades
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(2,supl.2): 10-12, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19546


The objective of this work was to report the case of a dog with limb claudication of the right pelvic limb five months ago, using intramedullary pin associated with the LC-LCP plate in the surgical treatment. The surgical approach was made cranial to the tibiotarsal joint, applying the normalized 3mm intramedullary pin through the tibia to the calcaneus. A nine-hole 3.5 mm LC-LCP plate was applied associated with the pin using four proximally locked bolts and three distal locked bolts. On the eighth postoperative day, the animal returned daily activities while maintaining the integrity of the implant. The association of intramedullary pin with LC-LCP plaque promoted additional stability, thus reducing complications, which allowed us to introduce another alternative for the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis in dogs.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Artropatias/cirurgia , Artropatias/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(2,supl.2): 10-12, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472385


The objective of this work was to report the case of a dog with limb claudication of the right pelvic limb five months ago, using intramedullary pin associated with the LC-LCP plate in the surgical treatment. The surgical approach was made cranial to the tibiotarsal joint, applying the normalized 3mm intramedullary pin through the tibia to the calcaneus. A nine-hole 3.5 mm LC-LCP plate was applied associated with the pin using four proximally locked bolts and three distal locked bolts. On the eighth postoperative day, the animal returned daily activities while maintaining the integrity of the implant. The association of intramedullary pin with LC-LCP plaque promoted additional stability, thus reducing complications, which allowed us to introduce another alternative for the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis in dogs.

Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Artropatias/cirurgia , Artropatias/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Rev. Educ. Contin. CRMV-SP (Impr.) ; 16(2): 14-19, ago. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488761


Traumatic injuries to the spine and spinal cord occur frequently in veterinary medicine, and motor vehicle trampling is one of the most prevalent causes among dogs. In cases of locomotory disorders, veterinary physiotherapy can be used in conjunction with clinical and surgical treatments. Its main objective is restoring, maintaining and promoting the improvement of the animals physical function and aptitude, welfare, and quality of life, facilitating its fast and even complete recovery. This article is a case report of the physiotherapeutic treatment applied to a dog that presented several complications in pelvic limbs due to spine and spinal cord trauma. It also emphasizes the benefits on rehabilitation associated with clinical and surgical treatments.

Lesões traumáticas em coluna vertebral e medula espinhal ocorrem frequentemente na Medicina Veterinária, e o atropelamento por veículos automotivos é uma das causas mais prevalentes entre os cães. A fisioterapia veterinária, quando relacionada aos distúrbios locomotores e usada em conjunto com os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico, tem o objetivo de restaurar, manter e promover a melhora da função e aptidão física, o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida do animal, facilitando sua rápida, e até completa, recuperação. Este trabalho relata os resultados do tratamento fisioterápico efetuado em um cão que apresentou diversas complicações em membros pélvicos, decorrentes de traumas na coluna vertebral e na medula espinhal, e destaca os benefícios da associação entre reabilitação e os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico.

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/veterinária , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso/veterinária , Artrodese
R. Educ. contin. Med. Vet. Zoot. ; 16(2): 14-19, ago. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19784


Traumatic injuries to the spine and spinal cord occur frequently in veterinary medicine, and motor vehicle trampling is one of the most prevalent causes among dogs. In cases of locomotory disorders, veterinary physiotherapy can be used in conjunction with clinical and surgical treatments. Its main objective is restoring, maintaining and promoting the improvement of the animals physical function and aptitude, welfare, and quality of life, facilitating its fast and even complete recovery. This article is a case report of the physiotherapeutic treatment applied to a dog that presented several complications in pelvic limbs due to spine and spinal cord trauma. It also emphasizes the benefits on rehabilitation associated with clinical and surgical treatments.(AU)

Lesões traumáticas em coluna vertebral e medula espinhal ocorrem frequentemente na Medicina Veterinária, e o atropelamento por veículos automotivos é uma das causas mais prevalentes entre os cães. A fisioterapia veterinária, quando relacionada aos distúrbios locomotores e usada em conjunto com os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico, tem o objetivo de restaurar, manter e promover a melhora da função e aptidão física, o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida do animal, facilitando sua rápida, e até completa, recuperação. Este trabalho relata os resultados do tratamento fisioterápico efetuado em um cão que apresentou diversas complicações em membros pélvicos, decorrentes de traumas na coluna vertebral e na medula espinhal, e destaca os benefícios da associação entre reabilitação e os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/veterinária , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Traumatismos do Sistema Nervoso/veterinária , Artrodese
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734051


Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx.[...](AU)

Animais , Adulto , Ovinos , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Osteomielite/tratamento farmacológico , Osteomielite/veterinária , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/complicações , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico