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Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363027, 2023. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509984


Pantophthalmidae (Diptera) are recorded exclusively in the Neotropical Region. Despite the large size of adults, their species are often rare and poorly represented in entomological collections. Only two genera and 20 species are known, of which 12 are recorded in the five regions of Brazil. In the North region, the family is reported from all states, except in Tocantins. The present work provides the first records of the family for Tocantins, expanding the distribution of two species, Pantophthalmus kerteszianus (Enderlein, 1914) and P. tabaninus Thunberg, 1819. Both species are recorded for the first time in the Cerrado bi-ome. In addition, we provide photographs of the species and a distribution map.(AU)

Animais , Biodiversidade , Dípteros/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363017, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448759


An updated catalog of the Pipunculidae from Chile is provided. We present all valid names and synonyms for the 21 species belonging to six genera and three subfamilies distributed in the country. Information is given on name, author, year of publication, page number, type species, type depository, type locality, Chilean localities, and references. Tomosvaryella Aczél and Eudorylas Aczél are the richest genera in Chile, with eight species each, followed by Protonephrocerus Collin with two species, and Chalarus Walker, Neocephalosphaera De Meyer and Elmohardyia Rafael with one species each. The geographical distribution of the species was compiled from the literature and the retrieval of distributional data from collections.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Dípteros/classificação , Chile
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 113: e2023010, 2023. graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448435


This study is focused on the parasitic wasps Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), a small and poorly represented genus in entomological collections. Herein we report new geographical records to Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. Except for B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 and B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, all other studied species were recorded for the first time to Brazil. Additionally, we provide maps with the geographical distribution of the studied species based on the new records and literature data, and an identification key for the species recorded in Brazil. With these new records there are currently nine species of Bephrata known in Brazil.

O presente estudo tem foco nos Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), um pequeno gênero de vespas parasitoides pouco representado em coleções entomológicas. Aqui relatamos novos registros geográficos para Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. À exceção de B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 e B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, as demais espécies estudadas foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Adicionalmente fornecemos mapas com a distribuição geográfica das espécies estudadas baseados em novos registros e dados da literatura e uma chave de identificação para espécies conhecidas para o Brasil. Com esses novos registros há, na atualidade, nove espécies de Bephrata conhecidas no Brasil.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Himenópteros/classificação
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e64577, 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509405


This study presents a qualitative analysis of endangered species occurrences in conservation units of Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest Brazilian municipalities in population size. Increasing human activities trigger changes in biodiversity, promote fragmentation, and reduce species distribution ranges, which can ultimately lead to declines in population sizes. One of the main goals of protected areas (PAs), such as conservation units, is to protect and conserve biodiversity. Here, we compiled all vascular plant species recorded within Rio de Janeiro PAs by consulting the Reference Center for Environmental Information (SpeciesLink), Flora do Brasil (2020), and primary data records contained in management plans. We compared this compilation with the list of Brazilian endangered plant species, verifying whether the management plans presented specific programs for these species. Of the 60 surveyed PAs, 24 had records of endangered species and only 17 had management plans, 14 of which had a specific program that contemplated the monitoring and/or conservation of endangered species. A total of 70 endangered species were recorded. The highest numbers of endangered species were found in the Tijuca National Park (41) and the Pedra Branca State Park (17), the two largest PAs with the two largest forest fragments. Despite the high number of endangered species and the number of protected areas that harbor them, few internal programs address endangered species conservation and management. Thus, efforts to maintain endangered species in protected areas can be aided by field data collections that confirm their occurrence and maintenance in these PAs.(AU)

Flora , Biodiversidade , Política Ambiental , Brasil , Áreas Protegidas
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e220068, 2023. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435599


Biodiversity baselines are essential subsidies to evaluate how environmental changes and human impacts affect the special and temporal patterns of communities. This information is paramount to promote proper conservation and management for historically impacted environments such as Guanabara Bay, in southeastern Brazil. Here, we propose an ichthyofaunal baseline for this bay using gathered past data from 1889 to 2020, including literature records, scientific collections, biological sampling, and fisheries landing monitoring. A total of 220 species (203 teleosts and 17 elasmobranchs), distributed in 149 genera (136 teleosts and 13 elasmobranchs) and 72 families (61 teleosts and 11 elasmobranchs) were recorded, including the first record of a tiger-shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, in Guanabara Bay. Although the employed sampling effort was sufficient to represent the ichthyofauna in the middle and upper estuary, the Chao2 estimator indicates an even greater richness regarding the bay as a whole. Evidence of reduced abundance and probable local extinction over the decades was found, supporting the importance of implementing management and conservation strategies in the area. The ichthyofaunal distribution analyses revealed that areas close to conservation units are richer compared to their surroundings, indicating that this is an effective strategy to mitigate human impacts in the bay.(AU)

Esforços de caracterização da biodiversidade são subsídios essenciais para avaliar como mudanças ambientais e impactos antrópicos afetam os padrões espaciais e temporais das comunidades. Essas informações são essenciais para promover conservação e manejo adequados em ambientes historicamente impactados como a Baía de Guanabara, no sudeste do Brasil. Aqui, nós propomos uma linha de referência da ictiofauna dessa baía utilizando dados pretéritos de 1889 a 2020, incluindo registros de literatura, coleções científicas, coletas biológicas e monitoramento de desembarque pesqueiro. Um total de 220 espécies (203 teleósteos e 17 elasmobrânquios), distribuídas em 149 gêneros (136 teleósteos e 13 elasmobrânquios) e 72 famílias (61 teleósteos e 11 elasmobrânquios) foram registradas, incluindo o primeiro registro de tubarão-tigre, Galeocerdo cuvier, na Baía de Guanabara. Apesar do esforço amostral empregado ter sido suficiente para representar a ictiofauna do médio e alto estuário, o estimador Chao2 indicou uma riqueza ainda maior para a baía como um todo. Evidências de redução de abundância e de provável extinção local de táxons ao longo das décadas foram encontradas, corroborando a importância da implantação de medidas de manejo e conservação para a área. A análise da distribuição da ictiofauna revelou que áreas próximas a unidades de conservação são mais ricas em comparação ao seu entorno, indicando que essa é uma estratégia efetiva para mitigar os impactos antrópicos na baía.(AU)

Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Peixes , Brasil , Equipamentos e Provisões/veterinária
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363003, 2023. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1424796


The present study catalogues exotic and allochthonous fish species found in the three main freshwater river drain-ages of Rio Grande do Sul State using records of scientific collections and literature, and discusses the main impacts caused by their introduction in natural environments. Ten exotic species are found in the area, i.e., Clarias gariepinus, Coptodon ren-dalli, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Ictalurus punctatus, Micropterus salmoides, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Oreochromis niloticus, belonging to five orders, nine genera and seven fami-lies. These fishes are native from African, Asian, European and North American countries. The eight allochthonous species, i.e., Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro, Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, Hoplias lacerdae, Megaleporinus macrocephalus, Piaractus mesopota-micus, Pachyurus bonariensis, Serrasalmus maculatus, and Trachelyopterus lucenai, belong to three orders, eight genera, and six families, are native from the Río La Plata basin, that includes the Río Uruguay, and have been all registered in the Laguna dos Patos. Two of these species are further recorded in the Rio Tramandaí system (A. pantaneiro and T. lucenai). The study also pre-sentes a brief history of the first records of exotic species in the state and in the country, and their main vectors of introduction. According to the records of exotic species in scientific collections, the two exotic species with the highest number of records in the country are tilapias Coptodon rendalii (508 records) and Oreochromis niloticus (376 records), and most records occurred in the last two decades. The two carps Cyprinus carpio and Ctenopharyngodon idella are the only exotic species recorded in the three main drainage basins of the state. In addition, we warn about the importance of studies about the biology and negative impacts of exotic species over native species on the understanding of management in wild environments.(AU)

Animais , Espécies Introduzidas , Peixes/fisiologia , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363033, 2023. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509962


Faunal inventories contribute to our understanding of regional diversity, and are fundamental for policy and de-cision-making regarding the management and conservation of large natural areas. This study aimed to inventory and com-pile information on amphibian species occurring in the North Pantanal region, in the municipal limits of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used three methods to inventory amphibian species: (1) fieldwork, (2) analysis of specimens deposited in scientif-ic collections, and (3) literature reviews. We registered 49 amphibian species in Cáceres. Of them, 48 species belonged to the Anura order and were distributed across eight families and 20 genera, and one species belonged to the Gymnophiona order (Siphonops paulensis). The families Leptodactylidae (20 spp.) and Hylidae (17 spp.) were dominant in terms of richness, ac-counting for 75.5% of all species found in Cáceres. The remaining families had between four and one species each. The mu-nicipality is strongly influenced by non-forested formations (e.g., the Cerrado and Pantanal) and presents a high species rich-ness for a non-forested location in Brazil. Our findings highlight Cáceres as one of the richest areas in amphibian species in the North Pantanal region, expanding our knowledge regarding frog diversity. This study provides a foundation for future conser-vation strategies and additional assessments of amphibian species in light of potential population declines and other emerg-ing threats.(AU)

Biodiversidade , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Anfíbios/classificação , Brasil , Áreas Alagadas
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 530-535, jul.-set. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436655


A relação humano-animal é conhecida desde o período Mesolítico e vem evoluindo ao longo dos anos pela busca de interações cada vez mais positivas. A forma como os animais e os ambientes são tratados abre muitas discussões éticas e morais em várias correntes filosóficas. O fato é que a biodiversidade vem apresentando uma redução expressiva dentro de um contexto de sexta extinção em massa do planeta e, para muitas espécies, trabalhar manejo populacional envolvendo coleções ex situ, seria a única alternativa de sobrevivência. As informações sobre a biologia das espécies selvagens ainda são muito insipientes e, portanto, faz-se necessário desenvolver pesquisas básicas que colaborem com as Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida (ARTs). A possibilidade de se trabalhar dentro do conceito de Conservação Única possibilita uma interconexão entre os planos de ação in situ e ex situ, as ações antrópicas no meio ambiente (sustentabilidade) e as pesquisas que englobam a conservação. Para tanto, utilizar as técnicas de condicionamento, que são prática voltada ao manejo de bem-estar, associadas às biotecnologias reprodutivas tem sido um manejo cada vez mais utilizado, com sucesso para muitas espécies ameaçadas. Animais manejados dentro dos protocolos de boas práticas são grandes candidatos a fazer parte dos programas de conservação integrada.(AU)

The human-animal relationship has been known since the Mesolithic period and has evolved over the years in search of increasingly positive interactions. How animals and environments are treated opens up many ethical and moral discussions in various philosophical currents. The fact is that biodiversity has been showing a significant reduction within the context of the sixth mass extinction on the planet, and, for many species, working on population management involving ex situ collections would be the only alternative for survival. Information on the biology of wild species is still very incipient; therefore, it is necessary to develop basic research that collaborates with Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ARTs). Working within the One Conservation concept enables an interconnection between in situ and ex situ action plans, anthropic environmental actions (sustainability), and research that encompasses conservation. Therefore, using conditioning techniques­a practice aimed at welfare management­associated with reproductive biotechnologies has been increasingly used, with success for many endangered species. Animals handled within suitable practice protocols are great candidates to be part of integrated conservation programs.(AU)

Animais , Técnicas Reprodutivas/ética , Animais Selvagens/embriologia , Bem-Estar do Animal/ética , Biodiversidade
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 39: e21045, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395179


Natural history collections (NHCs) contain valuable information that can be used in different fields of knowledge, and aid in the development of society, science, and technology. The role of curators and taxonomists in maintaining and improving biological collections is essential, as these are fundamental for the understanding of biodiversity. However, the role of taxonomists and the importance of NHCs to society have been undervalued in recent years. We, while attending a graduate program on collections at PUCRS, noted a gap in knowledge about scientific collections. Was this gap, which continued from our undergraduate to graduate years, a mere coincidence or widespread in biological science programs in Brazil? We queried 126 Brazilian institutions of higher education to assess the presence of courses related to natural-history collections and taxonomy. A total of 25 private and 37 public universities from 126 institutions searched, have a program of study in biological sciences in the curriculum on their websites. About 16% offer some course related to NHCs or taxonomy, and all of them are public institutions. Despite the budget cutting made by the Brazilian government that make it even more difficult to recognize NHCs and related areas, we believe that there should be more links among researchers from different areas and especially between the levels of basic and higher education, so that students are exposed to this subject early in their education. We, as Brazilian students, believe that more information on NHC-related issues and taxonomic subjects is urgently needed in biological science programs.(AU)

Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , História Natural/tendências , Coleção , Estudantes , Brasil , Classificação
Colloq. Agrar ; 18(2): 15-25, mar.-abr. 2022. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399096


The aim of this study was to select traditional accessions, compose a core collection of common bean, and assess the representativeness of the collection in relation to the base collection accommodated in the BAG of Embrapa using analysis strategies for multivariate models. We used data characterizing 2903 accessions from collections representing all geographic areas of Brazil regarding three morphologic descriptors (seed color, growth habit type, and seed size) and four ecogeographic descriptors (geographical areas, states, altitudes, and soil classes). A set of 400 accessions were selected using multivariate models applied to the data transformed in multibinary values. The accessions sampled had maximum similarity (100%) to the traditional collection, phenotypic diversity, and representative heterogeneity in relation to the traditional collection. In the core collection, the accessions represented 9.5% of the traditional accessions and were equivalent to 3% of the accessions of the base collection. Thus, it is possible to form a core collection that is representative of the base collection regarding genetic diversity and the conservation of rare alleles.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar acessos tradicionais, compor uma coleção nuclear de feijoeiro comum e avaliar sua representatividade em relação à coleção base de coletas hospedadas no BAG da Embrapa. Utilizando dados de caracterização de 2903 acessos de coletas representando todas as regiões geográficas do Brasil quanto a três descritores morfológicos (cor de semente, tipos de crescimento e tamanho de semente) e quatro descritores ecogeográficos (regiões geográficas, unidades federativas, altitudes e classes de solos), foram selecionados 400 acessos utilizando modelos multivariados aplicados aos dados transformados em valores multibinários. Os acessos amostrados apresentaram similaridade máxima (100%) com a coleção tradicional, diversidade fenotípica e heterogeneidade representativa em relação à coleção tradicional. Na coleção nuclear, os acessos representaram 9,5% dos acessos tradicionais e equivalem a 3% dos acessos da coleção base. Com isso conclui-se que é possível formar uma coleção nuclear representativa da coleção base, no que diz respeito à diversidade genética e a conservação de alelos raros.

Heterogeneidade Genética , Phaseolus/genética , Banco de Sementes , Variação Biológica da População/genética , Análise Multivariada
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262030, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386611


Eurysthea vandenberghei, new species from Nicaragua is described, and E. vandenberghei Santos-Silva, Heffern & Botero, 2021 is considered a nomen nudum.(AU)

Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Coleta de Dados/métodos , Biodiversidade , Terminologia como Assunto
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262025, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386615


The present study aimed to increase knowledge about the diversity and factors that determine the distribution of galling insects in the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (PNI), Southeast, Brazil. For this, collections were performed in April, August and November 2015 and March 2016. Seventy gall morphotypes were found in 12 families, 32 genera and 61 species of host plants. The richness of galls did not vary with altitude, but increased with the richness of plants. The families and genera of plants with greater species richness harbored a greater number of galling insects. The number of gall morphotypes was higher in the autumn than in the other seasons. The spatial distribution of galling insects was better explained by factors such as floristic richness and species composition than by ecological effects, represented here by altitude. Regarding seasonality, the results indicate that the way resources are temporarily distributed to galling insects depends on factors such as the active growth of host plants, making some periods of the year more conducive to the development of galls.(AU)

Biota , Insetos , Brasil , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468639


Abstract Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42 S; 52º 18 W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.

Resumo Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42 S; 52º 18 O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.

Sci. agric ; 79(3): e20200308, 2022. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290197


Olive is one of the most important crops in the Mediterranean Basin, because of the olive oil economic value and its role in characterization of the rural landscape. The strong influence of climatic changes on the modern agriculture and the availability of a large source of genetic variability pose as crucial future challenges. Therefore, safeguarding olive genetic resources becomes fundamental, not only in cultivated forms in ex situ collections, but also in terms of wild trees in their natural habitat. In this study, 174 samples of oleaster collected in different parts of Algeria were analyzed by 16 nuclear Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs). The analysis showed a huge genetic variability in the oleaster, and the STRUCTURE and Principal Coordinate Analyses (PCoA) highlighted clusterization of genotypes according to their geographic origin and bioclimatic conditions. Genotypes adapted to harsh climatic conditions were identified, which could be useful to enrich the panel of olive genotypes for breeding purposes and preserve genetic diversity of this species from erosion risks.(AU)

Variação Genética/genética , Olea/genética , Dispersão Vegetal/genética , Biodiversidade , Argélia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(2): 83-92, jul. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393375


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of stress in bovines submitted to emergency slaughter caused by lengthy transportation to slaughterhouses in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Blood collections were performed individually during exsanguinations.Tissue samples were obtained after evisceration on the slaughter line. The animals were divided into the Experimental Group (EG), with 19 bovines destined for immediate emergency slaughter, and the Control Group (CG), with 24 bovines slaughtered normally at the abattoir flow. The EG showed lower values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets, neutrophilia with band neutrophils, and lymphopenia. Hyperalbuminemia, high levels of total proteins, glucose, and creatinine, and lower urea levels were observed in the EG. The globulins were equal between the groups. Histopathology revealed hepatocytes with vacuolated cytoplasm (87.5% of the cases) and liver congestion (83.33%). Interstitial emphysema (95.65%), alveolar emphysema (65.21%), and congestion (52.17%) were observed in the lungs. The kidneys showed congestion (80.95%) and hyaline casts (100%). The spleens showed rarefaction in the white (70%) and red pulp (65%), in addition to hemosiderosis (10%). This suggests that the animals transported over long distances are submitted to severe stress, with water and food deprivation, resulting in hematological and biochemical changes, with histological lesions and serious bruises affecting the musculoskeletal system. There is loss of homeostasis, severe debilitation, with destination for emergency slaughter with the conditional use of meat for consumption.(AU)

Animais , Estresse Fisiológico , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Bovinos/lesões , Doenças Hematológicas/diagnóstico , Brasil , Abate de Animais
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468452


Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.

Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.

Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Entomologia/classificação , Himenópteros , Miíase/classificação , Controle de Insetos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(4): 731-740, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393899


Rabbit farming is an activity with high growth potential due to its easy handling, high prolificacy, low polluting impact, and easy adaptability to family farming systems, producing meat of high biological value. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate, using von Bertalanffy's nonlinear model, growth curves of weight as a function of age in 'Flemish Giant Rabbits' and 'New Zealand White' crossbred rabbits. Two different data collections were used: the longitudinal method and the cross-sectional method. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Lavras, located in the municipality of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, where 10 crossbred rabbits were evaluated, and animals were weighed from 0 to 150 days of age. Both methods proved to be adequate to describe the development of rabbits and the cross-sectional method proved to be an adequate alternative to obtention of growth curves, saving time in data collection and showing consistent estimates.

A cunicultura é uma atividade com alto potencial de crescimento devido à facilidade em seu manejo e à alta prolificidade, por apresentar baixo impacto poluidor, por se enquadrar bem em sistemas próprios de agricultura familiar, além de produzir carne de alto valor biológico. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio do modelo não linear de von Bertalanffy, curvas de crescimento de coelhos mestiços de Gigante de Flandres e Nova Zelândia Branco, utilizando-se dois métodos distintos da coleta dos dados: o método longitudinal e o método transversal, a fim de estimar o crescimento do peso em função da idade. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Lavras, situado no município de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram avaliados 10 coelhos mestiços, cuja pesagem foi realizada de 0 a 150 dias de idade. Os dois métodos se mostraram adequados para descrever o crescimento de coelhos, e o método transversal se revelou uma boa alternativa, com ganho de tempo na coleta dos dados e apresentando estimativas consistentes.

Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31841


Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.(AU)

Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.(AU)

Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Miíase/classificação , Himenópteros , Entomologia/classificação , Controle de Insetos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238772, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249276


Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.

Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.

Humanos , Animais , Dípteros , Himenópteros , Pupa , Brasil , Bovinos , Cidades
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e62064, mar. 2022. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391293


The rocky outcrops in the municipality of Campo Mourão (Paraná State) are all surrounded by remaining Atlantic Forest, unlike the typical outcrops associated with river courses, fields, or hilltops. Because it is such specific vegetation, it is essential to record the floristic composition, verifying only species and the conservation status of local populations. This study cataloged the species of vascular plants occurring in four rocky outcrops areas of Campo Mourão: Nishida outcrop (1,808 ha); Bica do Rio do Campo outcrop (0.458 ha); Perdoncini outcrop (0.228 ha), and Lago Azul State Park outcrop (0.021 ha). A total of 203 collections were analyzed, representing 152 species (eight exotic to Brazil), distributed in 66 families and 135 genera. The more richness families were Poaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, and Bromeliaceae. The predominant life form was herbs and shrubs, and most species are terrestrial and rupicolous. The rocky outcrops of Campo Mourão, despite the small total area (25,150 m2), have 10 % of the exclusive species in the municipality. Also, 14 species are endemic in Brazil, and two are endemic in Paraná, being Portulaca hatschbachii (Portulacaceae) officially threatened to extinction in Brazil. In these areas, several species found have been little collected in Paraná State and Brazil, in addition to the presence of life forms adapted to survival on the exposed rock. This demonstrates that despite being small, these sites are critical environments for preserving biodiversity in the region.(AU)

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biodiversidade , Dispersão Vegetal , Traqueófitas/classificação , Brasil , Asteraceae/fisiologia , Rubiaceae/fisiologia , Bromeliaceae/fisiologia , Poaceae/fisiologia , Fabaceae/fisiologia