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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 882, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437109


Background: Distichiasis is a disease that is rare in cats, but very common in dogs. The term distichiasis may be controversial when used in the feline species, given that they do not possess true cilia, but rudimentary hair along the superior palpebra. The patients may be asymptomatic, though some show signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis. The diagnosis is reached through an ophthalmological exam, and the treatment consists of the removal of the cilium with or without its hair follicle. With this work, we aim to report a series of cases of distichiasis in cats, as it is an uncommon anomaly, and has the potential to cause ocular discomfort in cats. Cases: Two mobile services of veterinary ophthalmology, one in the federal district of Brasília (DF) and the other in the municipality of Valinhos (SP), attended to 9 cats over a period of 5 years (2018 to 2022). The cats (n = 9) attended are of an undefined breed with ages varying from 10 months to 9 years, with an average of 3.9-year-old. The number of distichiasis presented by the animals was classified according to their quantity, being categorized as a mild grade when there was a single cilium, moderate grade when there were 2 to 4 cilia, and severe grade when there were more than 5 cilia. The highest incidence of distichiasis in this study was in males (78%) while females accounted for (22%) of the cases. The clinical changes reported by the owners consisted of signs of ocular discomfort (photophobia, blepharospasm, and periocular itching), ocular discharge and ocular redness. In the ophthalmological evaluations, blepharospasm (22%), serous to mucosal secretion (56%), chemosis (22%), mild (44%) to moderate (11%) conjunctival hyperemia, and ulcerative keratitis (22%) were observed. Distichiasis was more frequent affecting both eyes (56%), while in only (44%) of cases it affected the left eye only. The highest occurrence of cilia was identified in the upper palpebra (78%). Distichiasis was found more often in the temporal palpebral portion (78%), and in 2 patients the identification was more challenging since these cilia lack pigmentation. Single cilium affected (44%) of patients, while 5 cats had multiple distichiasis (56%). A total of 29% of the cats had a mild grade, whereas 14% had a moderated grade, and 57% had a severe grade. The treatments performed consisted of manual epilation (ME) and electroepilation (EE). ME was carried out in 56% of the cats, with relapses occurring in 80% of the patients, while 44% of the cats submitted to EE had a relapse in 20% of the cases. Discussion: Distichiasis is an inherited disorder very frequent in dogs, but considered uncommon in cats. Its causative factor is still unknown, as is its mode of inheritance. In distichiasis therapy, epilation, electroepilation, electrolysis, diode laser, cryotherapy and surgical palpebral resection techniques are referred to as procedures. Among the treatments used in this study, we observed a lower incidence of relapse with the electroepilation technique, which proved to be a viable and successful therapeutic modality. This series of cases shows that perhaps this disorder is much more frequent than what has been reported in the literature, being sometimes underdiagnosed and consequently underreported. Therefore, distichiasis in cats should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with clinical signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis.

Animais , Gatos , Pestanas/anormalidades , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Remoção de Cabelo/veterinária , Glândulas Tarsais/anormalidades
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(1): e20210544, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375168


ABSTRACT: This study presented relevant aspects about the Amazonian environment and how it impacts the thermal comfort of domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in the Eastern Amazon. Furthermore, strategies for monitoring and mitigating animal heat stress are presented, based on research results with the species. Although domestic buffaloes are considered adaptable animals, exposure to intense solar radiation causes thermal discomfort. This condition is expressed in biophysical indicators, in metabolic, endocrine, behavioral responses, and in body thermographic patterns. Therefore, the biometeorological monitoring of production is crucial to support decision-making regarding environmental management strategies, genetic selection of thermotolerant individuals, and increase in animal welfare. Lastly, the use of silvopastoral systems can help to provide higher thermal comfort, which is a condition that directly impacts the productivity of milk and meat buffaloes when they are raised in tropical regions, such as in the Eastern Amazon.

RESUMO: Objetivou-se apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o ambiente amazônico e como este impacta no conforto térmico de búfalos domésticos (Bubalus bubalis) criados na Amazônia Oriental. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas estratégias para monitoramento e mitigação do estresse térmico animal, a partir de resultados de pesquisa com a espécie. Apesar dos búfalos domésticos serem considerados animais adaptáveis, a exposição à intensa radiação solar provoca desconforto térmico. Essa condição é expressa em indicadores biofísicos, nas respostas metabólicas, endócrinas, comportamentais e nos padrões termográficos corporais. Assim, o monitoramento biometeorológico da produção é crucial para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em relação a estratégias de manejo ambiental, seleção genética de indivíduos termotolerantes e incremento do bem-estar animal. Por fim, o uso de sistemas silvipastoris pode auxiliar na oferta de maior conforto térmico, que é uma condição que impacta diretamente na produtividade de bubalinos de leite e carne, quando estes são criados em regiões tropicais, como na Amazônia Oriental.

Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 145-151, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434525


A tungíase é uma infecção parasitária causada pela fêmea da pulga Tunga penetrans, que penetra na pele do hospedeiro para se alimentar e desenvolver seus ovos, gerando lesões que provocam prurido e dor. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de tungíase em um cão domiciliado em uma comunidade rural de Colinas, Maranhão. Em julho de 2020, um cachorro da raça American Pit Bull Terrier, com um ano e oito meses de idade, foi levado a uma clínica veterinária apresentando irritação e incômodo nas patas, o que dificultava sua locomoção. O cão vivia em uma residência com solo de chão batido, com acesso à rua e o tutor não possuía outros animais. Ao exame físico, constatou-se a presença de ectoparasitos nos coxins palmares e plantares, que foram retirados com auxílio de pinça cirúrgica e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia da UFPI para identificação, confirmando tratar-se de pulgas da espécie Tunga penetrans. O cão recebeu tratamento à base de ivermectina 1%, 0,5mL via subcutânea, dose única, apresentando melhora no quadro clínico, e o tutor recebeu orientações sobre a desinfestação do ambiente. Conclui-se que a tungíase pode acometer cães em áreas rurais de um município do Maranhão, sendo importante o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento adequado.

Tungiasis is a parasitic infection caused by the female flea Tunga penetrans, which penetrates the host's skin to feed and develop its eggs, generating lesions that provoke itching and pain. Thus, this study aimed to report a case of tungiasis in a dog domiciled in a rural community in Colinas, Maranhão. In july 2020, an American Pit Bull Terrier dog, one year and eight months old, was taken to a veterinary clinic with irritation and discomfort in the paws, which made it difficult to move. The dog lived in a house with beaten ground soil, had access to the street, and the tutor had no other animals. The physical examination showed the presence of ectoparasites on the palm and plantar pads, which were removed with surgical tweezers and sent to the UFPI Parasitology Laboratory for identification, confirming that they were Tunga penetrans fleas. The dog received a treatment based on ivermectin 1%, 0.5mL subcutaneously, single dose, showing improvement in the clinical picture, and the tutor received guidance on the disinfection of the environment. It is concluded that tungiasis can affect dogs in rural areas of a city in Maranhão, being important the early diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Tunga/patogenicidade , Tungíase/veterinária , Zona Rural
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(1): 1-18, 2023. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410661


This study presented relevant aspects about the Amazonian environment and how it impacts the thermal comfort of domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in the Eastern Amazon. Furthermore, strategies for monitoring and mitigating animal heat stress are presented, based on research results with the species. Although domestic buffaloes are considered adaptable animals, exposure to intense solar radiation causes thermal discomfort. This condition is expressed in biophysical indicators, in metabolic, endocrine, behavioral responses, and in body thermographic patterns. Therefore, the biometeorological monitoring of production is crucial to support decision-making regarding environmental management strategies, genetic selection of thermotolerant individuals, and increase in animal welfare. Lastly, the use of silvopastoral systems can help to provide higher thermal comfort, which is a condition that directly impacts the productivity of milk and meat buffaloes when they are raised in tropical regions, such as in the Eastern Amazon.

Objetivou-se apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o ambiente amazônico e como este impacta no conforto térmico de búfalos domésticos (Bubalus bubalis) criados na Amazônia Oriental. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas estratégias para monitoramento e mitigação do estresse térmico animal, a partir de resultados de pesquisa com a espécie. Apesar dos búfalos domésticos serem considerados animais adaptáveis, a exposição à intensa radiação solar provoca desconforto térmico. Essa condição é expressa em indicadores biofísicos, nas respostas metabólicas, endócrinas, comportamentais e nos padrões termográficos corporais. Assim, o monitoramento biometeorológico da produção é crucial para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em relação a estratégias de manejo ambiental, seleção genética de indivíduos termotolerantes e incremento do bem-estar animal. Por fim, o uso de sistemas silvipastoris pode auxiliar na oferta de maior conforto térmico, que é uma condição que impacta diretamente na produtividade de bubalinos de leite e carne, quando estes são criados em regiões tropicais, como na Amazônia Oriental.

Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Búfalos , Ecossistema Amazônico , Radiação Solar
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1901, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415221


Background: The treatments of osteoarthritis (OA) are commonly conservative and multimodal to relieve pain and improve movement. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (IAHA) has been studied as a treatment option for OA in dogs. IAHA helps restore the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid and relieves the clinical symptoms of OA. However, the efficacy of IAHA in dogs is still a controversial subject. This study aims to confirm the IAHA effect in dogs with spontaneous OA and to compare the effectiveness depending on the number of injections. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty dogs with spontaneous OA were assigned to a single injection group (n=17) and a 3-weekly injections group (n=13). Dogs weighing less than 10 kg were injected 1 mL of HA to the OA joint, and more than 10 kg dogs were injected 2 mL of HA. In the case of the 3-weekly injections group, the same amount was administered 3 times at 1-week intervals. After the injection, physical and orthopedic examinations were performed to check for complications. Radiographic OA score was evaluated before and 3 months after the injection to confirm and to evaluate the progression of OA. Clinical symptom evaluations were performed on pre-injection, 1-, 2-, and 3-months post-injection. They consisted of the clinical lameness score by veterinarians and Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) by owners. Results were compared with unpaired t-test, repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey's or Sidak's multiple comparison test, or Wilcoxon test, with P < 0.05. Patients had a median age of 9 years (range 3 to 16 years) and a bodyweight of 4.8 kg (range 2 to 48 kg). No systemic side effects or major complications were detected during the trial period. IAHA produced temporary pain and discomfort in 6 cases. There was no change in the radiographic OA score before and 3 months after injections in both groups, and the difference between groups was not confirmed. In both groups, the clinical lameness score significantly decreased at 1, 2, 3 months after injection compared with pre-injection. The score was lower at 3 months after the injection than at 1 month. The clinical lameness score had no significant difference between the groups. Similarly, CBPI was all decreased in the single injection group and 3-weekly injections group compared to pre-injection, and the score at 3 months post-injection was lower than at 1 month. No significant differences between the groups were found in CBPI. Discussion: Most studies on the efficacy of IAHA in canine OA have been conducted using an experimental model, so studies on spontaneous canine OA are insufficient. This study confirmed that IAHA improves clinical symptoms such as pain relief and movement improvement in spontaneous OA dogs using CBPI and clinical lameness score. In order to confirm the optimal IAHA protocol, a single IAHA and 3-weekly IAHA were compared. The result shows that clinical symptoms improved in both single and 3-weekly injections groups, but no significant difference was confirmed during the 3-month study period. These findings may suggest that a single IAHA may have a similar effect to multiple IAHA, and repeated injections are unnecessary. In humans and canine OA models, it is reported that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 6 months. This study showed that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 3 months study period and that clinical symptoms improved at 3 months than at 1 month. In conclusion, these findings suggested that IAHA improves clinical symptoms in dogs with spontaneous OA, and a single IAHA showed a similar effect to 3 weekly IAHA.

Animais , Cães , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Ácido Hialurônico/uso terapêutico , Injeções Intra-Articulares/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-6, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427340


A Osteopatia craniomandibular (OCM) é uma doença rara, autolimitante que acomete animais jovens, entre três a oito meses e não tem caráter neoplásico. É caracterizada pela proliferação óssea que atinge os ossos da mandíbula, mas também pode envolver outras estruturas como articulação temporomandibular, ossos do crânio e ossos longos, causando dor e desconforto. Foi atendido um cão, fêmea com quatro meses de idade com algia mandibular antes e após ter sofrido queda de altura. Com os exames foram observadas alterações condizentes com OCM. Diante do caso, foi estabelecido tratamento analgésico e acompanhamento com exames de imagem e exames de sangue. O animal teve boa resposta ao tratamento e não necessitou de outras intervenções.(AU)

Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a rare, non-neoplastic self-limiting disease, that affects young animals, aged between three to eight months.It is characterized by bone proliferation that reaches the jaw bones, but it can also involve other structures such as temporomandibular joint, skull and long bones, causing pain and discomfort. A four-month-old female dog was treated with mandibular pain before and after having suffered a fall from height. With the exams, alterations consistent with CMO were observed.The treatment was set by usinganalgesicand the follow-up with imaging and blood tests were established. The animal had a good response to the treatment and did not need other interventions.(AU)

La Osteopatía Craneomandibular (OMC) es una enfermedad rara, autolimitada, que afecta a animales jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los ocho meses y no es neoplásica. Se caracteriza por una proliferación ósea que alcanza los huesos de la mandíbula, pero también puede comprometer otras estructuras como la articulación temporomandibular, los huesos del cráneo y los huesos largos, causando dolor y molestias. Una perra de cuatro meses de edad fue atendida por dolor mandibular antes y después de haber sufrido una caída desde una altura. Con los exámenes se observaron alteraciones compatibles con OCM. Ante el caso se instauró tratamiento analgésico y seguimiento con estudios de imagen y hemograma. El animal respondió bien al tratamiento y no necesitó de otras intervenciones.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/tratamento farmacológico , Osteopatia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Cães
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 888, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444107


Background: The treatment of glaucoma often requires numerous therapeutic modalities to achieve the desired reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP). Cyclodestructive procedures or ciliary body destruction have been performed using techniques with considerable differences in efficacy and complication rates. Among these methods, cyclocryotherapy is non-invasive and simple for the management of uncontrolled glaucoma in dogs and cats. The objective of this case report is to describe the technique of carbon dioxide cyclocryotherapy to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs and cats with glaucoma. Cases: Nine canine patients and one cat with glaucoma were treated with cyclocryotherapy performed under general anaesthesia. Clinical signs patients included blepharospasm, ocular pain, episcleral congestion and ocular hypertension. The patients showed higher levels of IOP, higher than 30 mmHg. Surgical treatment with general anaesthesia was applied. The pre-anaesthesia protocol included acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg with methadone 0.2 mg/kg, followed by intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane and oxygen. An ophthalmological cryocautery unit was used with carbon dioxide as the cryogenic agent and a retinal cryoprobe of 3.2 mm diameter tip for the procedure. The method used was a double cycle of freezing and thawing for 60 s in each site. The cryoprobe was centred approximately 5 mm posterior to the corneoscleral limbus over the ciliary body. The temperature of each cyclocryotherapy spot was between -60°C and -80°C and each site was maintained in place for 60 s; 4 to 6 spots of the double freeze-thaw cycle were made. This technique did not have any serious complications during or after the application of cryotherapy, but chemosis and hyperaemia of the bulbar conjunctiva developed. Subconjunctival anti-inflammatory steroids were injected to minimise swelling and patient discomfort. Satisfactory results were observed; in all cases, the intraocular pressure decreased, with the usual result being a cosmetic and painless eye. Discussion: Even with recent surgical and medical advances, pain and blindness are still common occurrences in glaucoma in human and veterinary practice. The cyclodestructive procedures included cyclodialysis, cyclodiathermy, cyclocryotherapy, and cyclophotocoagulation. The cryosurgery in veterinary ophthalmology has many indications for the treatment of ocular diseases and is effective at decreasing intraocular pressure in patients with persistent uncontrolled glaucoma. Cyclocryotherapy has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs, cats, rabbits and humans with normotensive and glaucomatous eyes. The application of a cryoprobe over the ciliary processes results in ablating ciliary tissue so that aqueous humour inflow is reduced to acceptable levels. In the clinical cases evaluated, there was a reduction in intraocular pressure reaching acceptable levels, with the usual result being cosmetic and painless eye. Medical therapy remains the predominant method for treating glaucoma in veterinary patients; therefore, cyclocryotherapy is an effective, simple way to lower IOP and is a reasonable treatment option for glaucoma management. Cyclocryotherapy has shown good results, with a low learning curve and it can also be repeated if necessary.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Glaucoma/terapia , Glaucoma/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Pressão Intraocular
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230066, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444269


Sustainability - the new hype of the 21st century has brought discomfort for the government and society. Sustainable agriculture is essential to face our most concerning challenges: climate change, food security, and the environmental footprint, all of which add to consumers' opinions and choices. Improvements in reproductive indexes can enhance animal production and efficiency, guaranteeing profit and sustainability. Estrus detection, artificial insemination (AI), embryo transfer (ET), estrus synchronization (ES), and multiple ovulations are some strategies used to improve animal reproduction. This review highlights how reproductive strategies and genetic selection can contribute to sustainable ruminant production. Improved reproductive indices can reduce the number of nonproductive cows in the herd, reducing methane emissions and land use for production while preserving natural resources.(AU)

Bovinos/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Fertilidade , Seleção Genética , Metano/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 863, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434647


Background: Although Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is most commonly seen in the epidermis, this malignant neoplasm can manifest in various other tissues. A wide range of factors may be related to the development of SCC in the cornea, with continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation and chronic friction to the ocular surface being the most accepted theories. In addition to surgical procedures, the use of mitomycin C in the topical treatment of corneal SCC has shown good results in therapeutic management. Thus, the objective of the current work is to report the satisfactory response observed in the use of mitomycin C in a case of SCC in the cornea of a dog. Case: A 9-year-old male Pug dog was attended by the Veterinary Ophthalmology and Microsurgery Sector (SOMVET) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) with Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in the cornea of the left eye, which had recurred after a previous surgical intervention. Secretion and discomfort in the left eye were noted during clinical examination. In addition, both eyes presented pigmentary keratitis in the medial corner. Surgical excision of the neoplasm was performed using the surgical technique of anterior lamellar keratectomy. In the immediate postoperative period, topical therapy was started with eye drops based on mitomycin C at 0.02%, for a period of 28 consecutive days. The use of this chemotherapy drug in the topical form was intended to minimize the chances of recurrence of the clinical condition, since the patient is predisposed to this alteration. In addition, supportive therapy was implemented to improve patient comfort, consisting of the use of tobramycin-based eye drops (6 times a day, for 14 days), atropine 1% eye drops (BID, for 3 days), lubricating eye drops based on sodium hyaluronate (3 times a day, for continuous use), and immunomodulatory eye drops based on tacrolimus 0.02% (twice a day, for continuous use). The patient was evaluated 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after surgery, when good results were observed. One year after treatment, the dog was still showing no signs of recurrence of the treated clinical condition. Discussion: It is known that chronic friction on the surface of the cornea predisposes to the diagnosis of corneal SCC. Accordingly, in the clinical examination of the patient in this report, the presence of bilateral pigmentary keratitis was observed, an alteration that leads to a framework of chronic aggression to the cornea. Surgical treatment is recommended to remove the tumor mass in the ocular region. However, in cases of corneal SCC, the literature highlights that recurrence after surgical excision is a common factor. As the patient in this study arrived at the clinic with a history of recurrence, topical therapy with mitomycin C associated with surgical treatment was instituted. This chemotherapy drug has shown encouraging results in the treatment of some neoplasms, especially SCC. Its use in this case supported previous findings, pointing to a satisfactory result in which the patient had no recurrences after one year of follow-up. In addition, the concentration and frequency used of the active ingredient did not lead to adverse effects in the short or medium term.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Mitomicina/uso terapêutico , Doenças da Córnea/veterinária , Ceratoconjuntivite Seca/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 883, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437116


Background: Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is a rare ocular condition that is usually unilateral, formed when normal regression of the hyaloid vascular system does not occur. Diagnosis is possible through ultrasonography, by obtaining images that provide information and also serve as a differential diagnosis. Clinically the condition presents with signs of leukocoria, microphthalmia, and cataracts, and it can be further classified into 6 degrees according to the evolution. The objective of this work is to describe the case and treatment of a canine of the Pointer breed that presented opacity in both eyes, with diagnosis confirmed through ocular ultrasonography. Case: A 6-year-old male pointer dog, weighing 27 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFRGS), Santa Maria, RS - Brazil with a history of blindness. According to the owner, the animal's right eye has always been "white", since it was a puppy and the left eye began to present the same characteristic a short time ago. On ophthalmological examination, neither eye showed signs of ocular discomfort, the Schirmer's tear test was within the range expected for the species, fluorescein and threat tests were negative, and a positive pupillary reflex was observed in the left eye. The right eye had total corneal opacity associated with a chronic lesion and the presence of pigment cells in the medial portion of the eyeball, the opacity making it impossible to visualize the other internal structures of the eyeball. The left eye presented lens opacity. In the ultrasound of the right eye, there were several alterations, the presence of a triangular-shaped hyperechogenic structure in the vitreous chamber, a decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber, and the presence of abnormality in the development of the lens. The findings are compatible with and confirmed the diagnosis of PHPV. In the left eye, the ultrasound images indicated hyperechogenicity of the posterior and anterior poles of the lens, findings compatible with cataracts. Through the animal's history, complete ophthalmic examination, and use of ocular ultrasonography, it was possible to diagnose and differentiate the causes of the white eye in the patient. The preoperative screening was continued with an electroretinography examination, which showed a satisfactory electrical response for the retina of the left eye and an unsatisfactory electrical response for the retina of the right eye. Phacoemulsification surgery was performed to remove the cataract in the left eye with intraocular lens implantation. The positive threat reflex returned in this eye, with a return of visual acuity. Discussion: Persistent hyperplastic tunica lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHTVL/PHPV) are congenital anomalies caused by a failure to regress the fetal hyaloid vasculature. These conditions are not common, but occur sporadically in dogs. The PHPV classification can be classified into degrees, based on the morphological aspect of the lesion. Following this classification scheme, the PHPV of the animal in question refers to the 6th degree of evolution. The total opacity of the cornea in the right eye was associated with the presence of a hyperplastic primary vitreous and the leukocoria in the left eye was due to the presence of a mature cataract. The conclusion of the diagnosis was only possible through ocular ultrasonography, which is very useful to differentiate the causes of ocular opacity and leukocoria, in addition to allowing complete evaluation of the intraocular structures and being considered an essential exam to confirm the diagnosis of PHPV.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Catarata/veterinária , Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Vítreo Primário Hiperplásico Persistente/veterinária , Anormalidades do Olho/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 884, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437121


Background: Several neoplasms can affect the perianal region, being the hepatic adenoma and the anal sac adenocarcinoma (ASAC), which is considered the most frequent. The ASAC is a malignant neoplasm originating from the secretory epithelium of the perianal apocrine glands and is rarely seen in veterinary medicine. The ASAC occurs mainly in adult to elderly canines with high metastasis rates. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest discomfort and behavioral changes. In the presence of metastasis, the most frequent clinical signs are inappetence, coughing, dyspnea, and colorectal obstruction. Given this scenario, this paper aims to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic examination, and necropsy findings of a Cocker Spaniel with ASAC and metastasis in the vertebral body, spinal cord, and cauda equina. Case: A 8-year-old neutered male Cocker Spaniel (12 kg of body mass) with a clinical history of non-ambulatory paraparesis was evaluated. The patient also presented tenesmus, difficulty to defecate, and the presence of nodules in the anal sac area. On the neurological examination, asymmetrical changes compatible with injury between L4-S3 were found. A complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and imaging exams such as plain radiography, abdominal ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were requested. Blood count revealed anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis and hypercalcemia. The liver showed increased echogenicity and thickened pancreas in the abdominal US scan. A slightly heterogeneous, vascularized mass with irregular borders was identified in the topographic region of the sublumbar lymph nodes; MRI images demonstrated an expansile formation in the ventral region of the lumbosacral spine, corresponding to the sublumbar lymph nodes and interruption of the cerebrospinal fluid at L5, suggestive of compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina. A presumptive diagnosis of perianal neoplasm with metastasis was made based on the complementary exams. The dog was referred to necropsy, which revealed a 4 cm tumor in the perianal region that invaded the pelvic canal. Multifocal nodules were present on the lung surface, liver, and kidneys, suggesting metastasis. On the cross-section of the spine, one could note the presence of the tumor in the vertebral bodies, spinal cord, and cauda equina from L5 to S3. Even with histopathological evaluation of the tumor, only the immunohistochemical analysis allowed us to confirm the anal sac adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenomas and carcinomas are perianal gland neoplasms common in adult and elderly male dogs; the Cocker Spaniel breed is among the most affected. The clinical signs presented by the patient, such as tenesmus and difficulty in adopting the posture of defecation, are common, although neurological changes are rare. As for metastasis, carcinomas of the perianal region present high chances of metastasis to organs including the liver, kidneys, and lungs, both lymphatically and hematogenously, but few studies have related these factors to neurological alterations due to metastasis. We concluded that metastases from carcinomas to the spine must be considered a possible differential diagnosis in cases of patients presenting clinical signs that are compatible with spinal cord compression and a history of previous neoplasm.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/patologia , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Sacos Anais/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica
Acta cir. bras ; 37(5): e370506, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393759


Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor on trigeminal ganglion changes and orofacial discomfort/nociception in rats submitted to an experimental model of dental occlusal interference (DOI). Methods: Female Wistar rats (180-200 g) were divided into five groups: a sham group (without DOI) (n=15); and four experimental groups with DOI treated daily with 0.1 mL/kg saline (DOI+SAL), 8, 16, or 32 mg/kg celecoxib (DOI+cel -8, -16, -32) (n=30/group). The animals were euthanized after one, three, and seven days. The bilateral trigeminal ganglia were analyzed histomorphometrically (neuron cell body area) and immunohistochemically (COX-2, nuclear factor-kappa B [NFkB], and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y [PPARy]). A bilateral nociception assay of the masseter muscle was performed. The number of bites/scratches, weight, and grimace scale scores were determined daily. One-way/two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)/Bonferroni post hoc tests were used (P < .05, GraphPad Prism 5.0). Results: DOI+SAL showed a reduction in neuron cell body area bilaterally, whereas DOI+cel-32 exhibited a significative increase in neuron cell body area compared with DOI+SAL group (P < 0.05). The ipsilateral (P=0.007 and P=0.039) and contralateral (P < 0.001 and P=0.005) overexpression of COX-2 and NFkB and downregulation of PPARy (P=0.016 and P < 0.001) occurred in DOI+SAL, but DOI+cel-32 reverted this alteration. DOI+SAL showed increase in isplateral (P < 0.001) and contralateral (P < 0.001) nociception, an increased number of bites (P=0.010), scratches (P < 0.001), and grimace scores (P=0.032). In the group of DOI+cel-32, these parameters were reduced. Conclusions: Celecoxib attenuated DOI-induced transitory nociception/orofacial discomfort resulting from trigeminal COX-2 overexpression.

Animais , Ratos , Nervo Trigêmeo , Dor Facial , Ratos Wistar , Oclusão Dentária , Celecoxib
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e181942, fev. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363107


The project is based on a test of a thoracic vibration vest prototype, adapted to equines by the Expector® vest's company, on healthy animals. Ten (10) equines were used in the project, male or female, adults, healthy, belonging to FMVZ-USP or private owners. Each animal went through two phases: A and B. Phase A consisted of the placement of the vest without turning on the vibrators, evaluating the animal's acceptability, facility, adaptation to the animal's body, and discomfort due to the vest's use. Phase B included the placement of the vest and turning on the vibrators, evaluating the animal's acceptability, reaction to the vibrators, and, if present, to which velocity/type of vibration, and the presence of adverse effects. Both phases were done three times on separate days. The behavioral parameters: "placement facility" and "adaptation to the animal's body" were observed. In phase B, the response to the vibration was classified from 0 to 5. The answer was evaluated on low and high intensities for the four vibration types. The heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) were also evaluated at the beginning and end of each repetition. The animals' HR was kept on normal, except for one animal on one day of the test. Concerning the RR, most animals presented moments of tachypnea. On the experiment's first day, 100% of grade Great to "facility of placement" and "adaptation to the animal's body" was obtained, but on days 2 and 3 this value dropped to 90% due to alterations in one animal's responses. Regarding vibration's responses, 77.3% were evaluated as no discomfort (grade 0), 17.1% little discomfort (grade 1), 3.3% medium discomfort (grade 2), 0.4% great discomfort (grade 3), 0.21% extreme discomfort (grade 4), and 1.6% non-acceptance of the vest (grade 5). Some possible changes on the prototype were also verified to be suggested to the manufacturer, such as the change of the buckle and the use of wireless control. Vest use appears promising for equine respiratory physiotherapy, considering the acceptability was good, and its efficiency on the expectoration of diseased animals must be tested.

O projeto consistiu no teste de um protótipo de colete de vibração torácica, adaptado aos equinos pela empresa do colete Expector®, em animais saudáveis. Foram utilizados 10 equinos, machos ou fêmeas, adultos, saudáveis, pertencentes à FMVZ-USP e a proprietários particulares. Cada animal passou por duas fases: A e B. A Fase A consistiu na colocação do colete sem ligar os vibradores, avaliando-se a aceitabilidade do animal; facilidade; adaptação ao corpo do animal e incômodo do mesmo à sua presença. Já a Fase B contava com a colocação do colete e funcionamento dos vibradores, avaliando-se a aceitabilidade do animal; reação aos vibradores e, se presente, a qual velocidade/tipo de vibração; presença de reações ou efeitos adversos. As duas fases foram realizadas em triplicata em dias separados. Foram observados os parâmetros comportamentais "facilidade de colocação" e "adaptação ao corpo do animal". Na fase B, a resposta à vibração foi classificada de 0 a 5. A resposta foi avaliada nas intensidades baixa e alta para os quatro diferentes tipos de vibração. Foram avaliadas também as frequências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (FR) no início e final de cada repetição. A FC dos animais se manteve dentro do intervalo de normalidade, com exceção de um animal em um dia de avaliação. Em relação à FR, a maioria apresentou momentos de taquipneia. No primeiro dia de experimento obteve-se 100% de avaliação Ótima para "facilidade de colocação" e "adaptação ao corpo do animal", mas nos dias 2 e 3 esse valor caiu para 90% devido à alteração na resposta de um animal. Em relação à resposta à vibração, 77,3% das respostas foram avaliadas como nenhum incômodo (nota 0), 17,1% pouco incômodo (nota 1), 3,3% médio incômodo (nota 2), 0,4% muito incômodo (nota 3), 0,21% incômodo extremo (nota 4) e 1,6% não aceitação do colete (nota 5). Foram também verificadas algumas possíveis mudanças no protótipo a serem sugeridas ao fabricante, como mudança do tipo de fivela e uso de controle sem fio. A utilização do colete parece ser muito promissora para a fisioterapia respiratória em equinos, visto que a aceitabilidade foi muito boa, devendo-se agora realizar a avaliação de sua eficácia na expectoração de animais enfermos.(AU)

Animais , Adaptação Fisiológica , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/veterinária , Desenho de Equipamento , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologia , Frequência Cardíaca/fisiologia , Cavalos/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(6): 1119-1126, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416304


This study aimed to evaluate the thermal conditions to which animals are exposed and their effect on the comfort/discomfort of dairy herds in a grazing system in the municipality of Sena Madureira, Acre State, Brazil. Eight farms and a total of 113 lactating crossbred cows were evaluated. Dry-bulb temperature (DBT, °C), relative humidity (RH, %), black globe temperature (BGT, °C), and wind speed (v, km h¹) were measured in January, February, and March (rainy season) to calculate temperature-humidity index (THI), black globe-humidity index (GTWBI), and radiant heat load (RHL). Moreover, the animals were measured for the physiological variables: rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for THI, GTWBI, and RHL. THI reached a mean value of 80 on farm G in January. Farm F had a GTWBI value of 79 in February. RHL reached the highest value (510 W m²). RT and HR showed no differences among the analyzed months. Thus, the environmental conditions in which dairy cows are housed at milking time rarely promoted thermal discomfort, with farm G being the most affected by THI.

Objetivou-se avaliar as condições térmicas a que os animais estão submetidos, seu efeito no conforto/desconforto de rebanhos leiteiros em sistema de pastejo, no município de Sena Madureira-Acre. Foram avaliadas oito propriedades e o total de 113 vacas mestiças em lactação. As medições ocorreram nos meses: janeiro, fevereiro e março (inverno amazônico), mensurando-se: temperatura do bulbo seco (TBS, °C), umidade relativa do ar (UR, %) e temperatura de globo negro (TGN, °C), velocidade do vento (v, km/h) para cálculos dos índices da temperatura e umidade (ITU), índice da temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) e carga térmica radiante (CTR), além da temperatura retal (TR), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR). Entre as propriedades analisadas, houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para ITU, ITGU e CTR. Destaca-se que o ITU na propriedade G, em janeiro, atingiu o valor médio de 80. A propriedade F, em fevereiro, teve valor de 79 para o ITGU. A CTR apresentou carga elevada (510 W.m³). A TR e a FC não apresentaram diferença entre os meses analisados. Concluiu-se que o ambiente ao qual as vacas leiteiras estão alojadas na hora da ordenha encontraram-se poucas vezes em situação de desconforto térmico, sendo a propriedade, a mais afetada pelo ITU.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Tempo (Meteorologia) , Bem-Estar do Animal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Estações do Ano , Clima Tropical , Brasil
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(5): e20200525, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345791


Partial hemipelvectomy refers to the surgical removal of a pelvic segment, which is performed for pelvic bone neoplasms, severe fractures, or poor bone union. This study presents the cases of seven dogs, six of which have neoplasms involving the hip joint and one with severe pelvic canal narrowing due to a poorly consolidated trauma. Partial caudal hemipelvectomy was performed for all the dogs to improve the quality of life and delay euthanasia. Of the seven cases, six required the use of a polypropylene mesh for the pelvic wall closure, with 85.71% of them acquiring manageable complications in the postoperative period. Despite these complications, an overall improvement in the quality of life was reported to be significant in the operated animals due to the removal of the cause of pain or discomfort. Thus, it was concluded that partial hemipelvectomyis beneficial for dogs with pelvic conditions. Furthermore, the main complication due to the lack of a pelvic wall for primary occlusion was circumvented by using a polypropylene mesh, showing that possible complications in this procedure can be appropriately managed.

A hemipelvectomia parcial consiste na remoção de segmento pélvico, indicada para neoplasmas com envolvimento de ossos da pelve, fraturas graves ou má união óssea. Esse trabalho apresenta sete pacientes caninos, dos quais seis portadores de neoplasmas envolvendo a articulação coxofemoral e um com grave estreitamento do canal pélvico, resultado de traumatismo mal consolidado. Com o intuito de fornecer qualidade de vida aos cães e postergar a eutanásia, todos foram operados pela técnica de hemipelvectomia parcial média a caudal. Dos sete pacientes, seis necessitaram do uso de tela de polipropileno para fechamento da parede pélvica e apresentaram 85,71% de complicações manejáveis no pós-operatório. No entanto, a melhora na qualidade de vida dos animais operados foi significativa, tendo sido removida a causa da dor ou desconforto desencadeado pela alteração anatômica local. Conclui-se que a técnica é benéfica aos pacientes, tendo como principal complicação, a falta de parede pélvica para oclusão primária, contornada com uso de tela de polipropileno pelos autores.

Animais , Cães , Ossos Pélvicos , Qualidade de Vida , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Cães/lesões , Hemipelvectomia/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(1): 3-16, Janeiro-Março 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1377960


Ao nascimento, a assistência neonatal é essencial, visto que filhotes podem apresentar depressão clínica, bradicardia, apneia persistente ou desconforto respiratório devido à hipóxia, decorrente de uma asfixia prolongada no útero ou durante o parto, necessitando de intervenção imediata. A equipe de recepção ao neonato precisa estar treinada para os procedimentos de reanimação neonatal, que devem ser realizados com enfoque em prover calor ao recém-nascido e no suporte ventilatório e circulatório, mantendo as vias aéreas patentes e uma adequada perfusão tecidual. O conhecimento das características fisiológicas neonatais e das etapas a serem seguidas no protocolo de reanimação, são cruciais para o sucesso da intervenção e maior sobrevivência neonatal.(AU)

At birth, neonatal assistance is essential, since puppies may experience clinical depression, bradycardia, persistent apnea or respiratory discomfort due to hypoxia, resulting from prolonged asphyxia in the uterus or during delivery, requiring immediate intervention. The team needs to be trained in neonatal resuscitation procedures, which must be performed with a focus on providing heat to the newborn and on ventilatory and circulatory support, maintaining patent airways and adequate tissue perfusion. Knowledge of the neonatal physiological characteristics and the steps to be followed in the resuscitation protocol are crucial for the success of the intervention and greater neonatal survival.(AU)

Animais , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar/veterinária , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Gatos/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 191-198, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402001


Os bloqueios locorregionais são considerados padrão-ouro para a analgesia perioperatória. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta o efeito da associação do bloqueio do plano transverso do abdome com o bloqueio do plano serrátil em um felino de 11 anos, fêmea, que foi submetido à mastectomia unilateral. Foi utilizada a metadona 0,3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) na medicação pré-anestésica e propofol dose-efeito via intravenosa (IV) para indução, enquanto a manutenção foi feita com isoflurano. O TAP Block e o SP-Block foram realizados unilateralmente utilizando a associação de bupivacaína 0,3mL/kg, em cada ponto, diluída a 0,25% com solução fisiológica. A frequência cardíaca (FC), a frequência respiratória (f), a pressão arterial não invasiva (Método Doppler), a temperatura esofágica (oC), a saturação de oxigênio (SpO2), a capnografia (EtCO2) e o eletrocardiograma foram monitorados continuamente e registrados a cada dez minutos. A paciente foi monitorada por cinco horas, após a extubação, quanto à dor, sendo utilizada, para isso, a Escala Multidimensional de Dor Aguda (UNESP-Botucatu). A recuperação anestésica da paciente foi rápida e sem complicações. Durante a avaliação de dor, o animal apresentou escore zero, não manifestando qualquer desconforto pós-operatório. A associação das técnicas foi eficaz no bloqueio anestésico das paredes torácica e abdominal, sugerindo a inclusão destas nos protocolos de analgesia multimodal para esse tipo de cirurgia.

Locoregional blocks are considered the gold standard for perioperative analgesia. Thus, this paper presents the effect of the association of transverse abdominal plane block with serratus plane block in an 11-year-old female feline submitted to unilateral mastectomy. Methadone 0.3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) was used as pre anesthetic medication and dose-effect propofol via intravenous (IV) was used for induction, while the maintenance was done with isofluorane. TAP Block and SP-Block were performed unilaterally using an association of Bupivacaine 0.3 ml/kg at each point, diluted to 0.25% with saline solution. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), non-invasive blood pressure (Doppler method), esophageal temperature (oC), oxygen saturation (SpO2), capnography (EtCO2), and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously and recorded every 10 minutes. The patient was monitored for pain during five hours after extubation using the Multidimensional Scale of UNESP-Botucatu. The anesthetic recovery of the patient was fast and without complications. During pain assessment, the animal presented a score of zero and did not present any postoperative discomfort. The association of techniques was effective in the anesthetic blockade of the thoracic and abdominal walls, suggesting their inclusion in multimodal analgesia protocols for this type of surgery.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Parede Abdominal , Parede Torácica
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1887, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400921


Background: Intravaginal devices containing progestins are widely used for oestrus synchronization in sheep. Progestins give economic benefits to farmers but may have some limitations and the efficacy strictly depends on farm management. There are different devices, with different molecules (progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, fluorogestone acetate), different dosages and long (12-14 days) and short-term (5-7 days) protocols. Experimental studies often include a limited number of animals and are held at different latitudes and with different system of management. To our knowledge, there are few reports in the literature on field application of the recently licensed 20 mg fluorogestone acetate (FGA) sponges in large ewe flocks, excluding the registration trials. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was designed to evaluate oestrous synchronization in 2 different breeds. A total of 1100 Lacaune (L) and 618 Sarda (S) were assigned to 8 groups, comparing multiparous (M) and nulliparous (N) and those synchronized in November (n) and May (m). The groups were: LMm (n. 556), LNm (n. 180), SMm (n. 70), SNm (n. 32), LMn (n. 242), LNn (n. 222), SMn (n. 440) e SNn (n. 76). The intravaginal sponge was inserted for 14 days. At sponge withdrawal, eCG (400 IU, IM) was injected, and rams were joined into flocks 30 h later with a male/female ratio of 1:8. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed for pregnancy diagnosis after 30 days. Fertility parameters such as oestrus (OR), pregnancy (PR), lambing rates (LR) and prolificacy were calculated. Fisher exact test was used to compare parameters of each group with the corresponding and significance was set at P < 0.01. The use of intravaginal sponges in this study was easily performed in all animals. In nulliparous groups, digital insertion of the sponge, instead of the applicator, was preferred to avoid discomfort. Sponge loss was observed in 2% of treated ewes. At the removal of the sponge, mild vaginal contamination was observed in 90% of the ewes. Ultrasound finding of embryo resorption, pseudopregnancy and pyometra were found in rates under 2%. The loss of pregnancy ranged from 0 to 3.6% without significant differences among groups. The SMn group showed the best performances (0.91 OR, 0.88 PR, 0.85 LR), significantly higher than the other groups. Prolificacy was maximum in the LMn (1.68) and minimum in the SNm group (1.06), without significant differences among groups. Discussion: The 14-day regimen based on 20 mg FGA-releasing intravaginal devices is an easy and satisfactory synchronization regimen to improve the productivity and the fertility of sheep farm, and this can be managed and optimized in different breeding conditions. In this study, Sarda breed shows a good adaption to the environment with adult ewes giving the best results in reproductive season. However young Sarda ewes were less productive especially in non-breading season. Lacaune showed good reproductive potential, young and adult ewes responded to progestins in reproductive and non-reproductive season. It was confirmed that the reproductive performance is affected by season, age, and breed. This study encourages the breeding of indigenous breeds by implementing the management with modern technologies. The imported highly productive breeds, if well managed, can give a production less influenced by seasonal variables and age.

Animais , Feminino , Administração Intravaginal , Ovinos/fisiologia , Acetato de Fluorogestona/administração & dosagem , Acetato de Fluorogestona/análise , Progestinas/administração & dosagem , Sincronização do Estro/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 786, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401134


Background: Iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is a common complication and occurs in at least one third of human patients undergoing LC. This is attributed to the fragility of the gallbladder wall associated with mucocele and cholecystitis, in addition to the need for repetitive gripping and traction of the gallbladder during its manipulation with laparoscopic instruments. As complications from this event are rare in human patients, conversion to laparotomy is not routinely indicated and the adverse consequences of bile spillage are minimized by abundant irrigation of the peritoneal cavity and adequate antimicrobial therapy. On the other hand, there is little information regarding the outcome of laparoscopic management of this complication in laparoscopic cholecystectomies in dogs, particularly since most surgeons indicate conversion in these cases. Thus, we describe a case of biliary peritonitis that developed in a dog after laparoscopic management of iatrogenic perforation of the gallbladder during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in a case of gallbladder mucocele. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of biliary peritonitis following laparoscopic management of iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during LC in dogs. Case: A 14-year-old Poodle was referred for clinical evaluation with selective appetite, recurrent episodes of hyporexia, and abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound findings characterized chronic liver disease and gallbladder mucocele. The patient was referred for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, during which the gallbladder was iatrogenically perforated, with extravasation of a large volume of bile content. This complication was managed by copious abdominal irrigation via laparoscopic access and antimicrobial therapy. On the second postoperative day, the patient started to present apathy, hyporexia, emesis, and jaundice. The patient remained hospitalized in the intensive care unit for stabilization and monitoring through hematological examinations and serial abdominal ultrasound. Due to progressive worsening of the clinical picture, an exploratory laparotomy was performed ten days after the initial surgical procedure. This examination showed multiple adhesions and the presence of bile residues adhered to numerous points on the peritoneal surface and pancreas. Despite the intensive treatment instituted, death occurred 10 h after the second surgical procedure. Discussion: The high risk of gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomies correlates with the dissection step or repetitive grasping and traction of the gallbladder with laparoscopic instruments. Conversion is not routinely indicated and laparoscopic management is considered effective in humans. However, in this case, the presence of a large volume of extravasated semisolid bile content and its adherence to the mesothelial surface made it impossible to remove it in its entirety despite the abundant irrigation of the abdominal cavity, resulting in a picture of biliary peritonitis in the postoperative period. In view of the reported negative outcome, the authors encourage the adoption of measures that minimize the risk of gallbladder perforation when performing LC in dogs. These include the use of atraumatic instruments or aspiration of bile content before surgical manipulation. Cases in which such a complication is recorded should be carefully monitored to enable early diagnosis and treatment of biliary peritonitis. Furthermore, conversion should be considered when there is extravasation of large volumes of bile, particularly in the presence of gallbladder mucocele, until future studies establish the safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic management of this complication.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Peritonite/veterinária , Ruptura/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/lesões , Mucocele/veterinária , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica/efeitos adversos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 805, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401354


Background: Macracantorhincosis is a zoonotic disease resulting from inadequate sanitary conditions, which occurs in pigs infected by acanthocephalic helminths called Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. The eggs of these parasites are resistant to cold, high temperatures and can survive up to 3 years in the soil. They are consumed by dung beetles of the Scarabeidae family causing the parasite to evolve into its infective form, the cystacanth. The pig becomes infected after ingestion of either larvae or adult forms of these coleoptera. This work describes a case report of macracantorhincosis found in a pig from the canton of Zaruma located in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. Case: One sow, approximately 24-month-old, weighing 30 kg, presented cachexia, muscle weakness, pale oral and ocular mucosa and a body temperature above 39.4°C. The animal had a bulge on the ventral side of the neck, which evolved causing progressive discomfort to the point that the animal stopped eating. The sow was dewormed for 3 consecutive days. Fifteen days later, the animal had convulsions and muscle tremors, and died some hours after the symptoms started. During necropsy procedure, pale digestive tract membranes and nodules with fibrin were observed in the small intestine (jejunum), which was incised and the presence of parasites adhered to the granulomas detected. Two granulomas for morphological and histological studies and stool samples for coproparasitic test were collected. The collected parasites were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, cross-sections were made and routinely processed for histological studies. The 5 µm thick sections were stained using the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) technique. The parasite's action involves perforation of the intestinal wall though its proboscis causing peritonitis and enteritis. Other conditions in intestinal dissection such as necrotic areas, inflammation of the submucosa and adult parasites adhered to the intestinal mucosa were also observed. The coproparasitic examination was performed using the flotation and sedimentation techniques. The coproparasitic test detected dark colored feces, semi-solid consistency and the presence of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceu eggs. In the histological evaluation of the cross section of the parasite, the presence of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers and lemniscus with their constrictor muscles was observed. Cuticle, hypodermis with tapered fibers and a large number of developing mature eggs were also reported. Discussion: There is no pathognomonic symptomatology about this parasitosis and peritonitis can be generated by intestinal perforations. The findings at necropsy were ulcerations, inflammation in the small intestine and the presence of numerous nodules in the serous layer, where there was penetration of the parasite's proboscis. When fixed to the mucosa, these parasites cause ulcerations, inflammation and necrosis in the wall of the small intestine. The hypodermic layer is thicker than the muscular layer and the presence of leminis with their constricting muscles are typical features of acanthocephalus. It is considered appropriate to carry out epidemiological studies on the prevalence of the parasite Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus at pig farming system in the region, in order to determine the main risk factors. In Ecuador, cases of this disease in humans have not yet been reported, but have already been described in other countries, so the presence of this parasite in family swine farming may be considered a zoonotic-type risk factor.

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses/diagnóstico , Equador