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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1648, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427959


MC1R plays a crucial role in controlling the type of melanin synthesized in the melanocytes, which greatly affects plumage color in birds. One g.16796362G/T SNP was found in the MC1R gene coding region, which caused a Met120Ile mutation in the amino acid sequence. The Met120Ile mutation was located in the third transmembrane domain of the MC1R protein and decreased protein stability. The g.16796362G/T locus achieved medium polymorphism and had significant association with feather melanin content in Chinese yellow quails. The contents of total melanin and pheomelanin with AA genotype were significant lower than those with AB or BB genotypes in skin tissues, while the expression levels of MC1R mRNA had no significant difference in feathers with different genotypes. This experiment indicated that the Met120Ile mutation could affect the function of the MC1R protein and change the biosynthesis of melanin in Chinese yellow quails.(AU)

Animais , Polimorfismo Genético , Coturnix/genética , Receptor Tipo 1 de Melanocortina , Plumas/química , Melaninas/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2021-1591, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426240


Growth pattern is essential for economically efficient poultry production. In this study, we aimed to describe the growth curve of chickens of the Canela-Preta breed reared in two different rearing systems, considering their different plumage colors. Initially, 204 one-day-old male and female chicks were randomly distributed in confinement and semi-confinement (102 animals in each system) without separation by gender. The animals were individually identified by wing and foot plastic brands and were weighted every seven days. The body weight and age records were used to estimate the growth curves of the following factors using the Richards model: plumage color, gender, and rearing system. The likelihood ratio test was used to verify the equality of parameters and identify nonlinear models to compare the growth patterns of the evaluated groups. The growth pattern of Canela-Preta chickens changed as a function of gender, plumage color, and rearing system. Females with black plumage, black and gold hens, and males with black and white plumage showed greater sensitivity to changes in rearing systems. Within-breed selection strategies for specific colors can improve the use of growth pattern differences, improving production efficiency. Semi-confinement is suitable for rearing Canela-Preta chickens with any plumage color, as these animals meet the free-range poultry niche market requirements.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plumas/fisiologia , Dinâmica não Linear
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248026, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374638


Poultry industry is amongst highly developed industries of Pakistan, fulfilling the protein demand of rapidly increasing population. On the other hand, the untreated poultry waste is causing several health and environmental problems. The current study was designed to check the potential of keratinolytic fungal species for the conversion of chicken-feather waste into biofortified compost. For the purpose, three fungal species were isolated from soil samples. These strains were pure cultured and then characterized phenotypically and genotypically. BLAST searches of 18S rDNA nucleotide sequence of the fungal isolates revealed that the two fungal isolates belonged to genus Aspergillus and one belonged to genus Chrysosporium. Optimum temperature for Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger and Chrysosporium queenslandicum was 29, 26 and 25 oC, respectively. A. flavus showed maximum (53%) feather degradation, A. niger degraded feather waste up to 37%, while C. queenslandicum showed 21% keratinolytic activity on chicken feathers at their respective temperature optima. The degradation potential of these fungal species showed their ability to form compost that has agro-industrial importance.

A indústria avícola está entre as indústrias altamente desenvolvidas do Paquistão, atendendo a demanda de proteína da população em rápido crescimento. Por outro lado, os resíduos de aves não tratados estão causando diversos problemas de saúde e ambientais. O presente estudo foi desenhado para verificar o potencial de espécies de fungos queratinolíticos para a conversão de resíduos de penas de frango em composto biofortificado. Para tanto, três espécies de fungos foram isoladas de amostras de solo. Essas cepas foram cultivadas puramente e, em seguida, caracterizadas fenotipicamente e genotipicamente. As pesquisas do BLAST da sequência de nucleotídeos do rDNA 18S dos isolados de fungos revelaram que os dois isolados de fungos pertenciam ao gênero Aspergillus e um pertencia ao gênero Chrysosporium. A temperatura ótima para Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger e Chrysosporium queenslandicum foi de 29, 26 e 25 oC, respectivamente. A. flavus apresentou degradação máxima de penas (53%), A. niger degradou resíduos de penas em até 37%, enquanto C. queenslandicum apresentou 21% de atividade queratinolítica em penas de frango em suas respectivas temperaturas ótimas. O potencial de degradação dessas espécies de fungos mostrou sua capacidade de formar composto de importância agroindustrial.

Produtos Avícolas , Biodegradação Ambiental , Paquistão
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246389, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285638


Abstract Poultry industry is expanding rapidly and producing million tons of feather waste annually. Massive production of keratinaceous byproducts in the form of industrial wastes throughout the world necessitates its justified utilization. Chemical treatment of keratin waste is proclaimed as an eco-destructive approach by various researchers since it generates secondary pollutants. Keratinase released by a variety of microbes (bacteria and fungi) can be used for the effective treatment of keratin waste. Microbial degradation of keratin waste is an emerging and eco-friendly approach and offers dual benefits, i.e., treatment of recalcitrant pollutant (keratin) and procurement of a commercially important enzyme (keratinase). This study involves the isolation, characterization, and potential utility of fungal species for the degradation of chicken-feather waste through submerged and solid-state fermentation. The isolated fungus was identified and characterized as Aspergillus (A.) flavus. In a trial of 30 days, it was appeared that 74 and 8% feather weight was reduced through sub-merged and solid-state fermentation, respectively by A. flavus. The pH of the growth media in submerged fermentation was changed from 4.8 to 8.35. The exploited application of keratinolytic microbes is, therefore, recommended for the treatment of keratinaceous wastes to achieve dual benefits of remediation.

Resumo A indústria avícola está se expandindo rapidamente e produzindo milhões de toneladas de resíduos de penas anualmente. A produção massiva de subprodutos queratinosos na forma de resíduos agrícolas e industriais em todo o mundo exige sua utilização justificada. O tratamento químico de resíduos de queratina é proclamado como uma abordagem ecodestrutiva por vários pesquisadores, uma vez que gera poluentes secundários. A queratinase liberada por uma variedade de micróbios (bactérias e fungos) pode ser usada para o tratamento eficaz de resíduos de queratina. A degradação microbiana de resíduos de queratina é uma abordagem emergente e ecológica e oferece benefícios duplos, ou seja, tratamento de poluente recalcitrante (queratina) e obtenção de uma enzima comercialmente importante (queratinase). Este estudo envolve o isolamento, caracterização e utilidade potencial de espécies de fungos para a degradação de resíduos de penas de frango por meio da fermentação submersa e em estado sólido. O fungo isolado foi identificado e caracterizado como Aspergillus (A.) flavus. Em um ensaio de 30 dias, constatou-se que 74% e 8% do peso das penas foram reduzidos por A. flavus, respectivamente, por meio da fermentação submersa e em estado sólido. O pH do meio de crescimento em fermentação submersa foi alterado de 4,8 para 8,35. A aplicação explorada de micróbios queratinolíticos é, portanto, recomendada para o tratamento de resíduos ceratinosos para obter benefícios duplos de remediação.

Animais , Galinhas , Plumas , Fermentação , Fungos , Resíduos Industriais , Queratinas/metabolismo
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e252059, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339358


Abstract The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.

Resumo O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.

Animais , Columbidae , Preferências Alimentares , Paquistão , Plumas , Melhoramento Vegetal
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(3): 463-469, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451577


As poedeiras criadas em sistema degaiolas tem seu bem-estar afetado devido ao menor espaço disponível para elas, o que vai de encontro da crescente pressão por grande parte de consumidores preocupados com as condições em que essas aves são criadas. A consequência dessa menor densidade de alojamento sobre a produtividade, e a qualidade de vida da ave e dos ovos por elas produzidos deve ser avaliada. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a produção, qualidade de ovos, e bem-estar de galinhas poedeiras criadas em diferentes densidades de alojamentos em gaiolas. Às 28 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, 120 poedeiras leves da linhagem Novogen White, após debicagem, em 24 gaiolas com dimensões de 45 cm x 50cm, em três diferentes densidades de alojamento: 562,5 cm² /ave (quatro aves/gaiola), 450 cm² /ave (cinco aves/gaiola) e 375 cm² /ave(seis aves/gaiola), com 8 repetições cada. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas e isoenergéticas, formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. O período experimental será compreendido por seis ciclos de 28 dias cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso do ovo, índice de gema, unidade Haugh, pigmentação da gema, porcentagem dos componentes dos ovos e espessura de casca (em milímetros). Quando as aves atingiram 44 semanas de idade, foi realizada a medição do escore de penas. Foram avaliadas 40 galinhaspor tratamento, em quatro regiões: peito, dorso, asas e posterior. Essa análise consiste emcategorizar as aves de acordo com três diferentes escores, de acordo com o tamanho da área de ausência de penas em cada região. Espera-se que a redução da densidade de alojamento das galinhas nas gaiolas propicie maior produção com melhor qualidade dos ovos, promovendo também melhor bem-estar das aves.(AU)

The well-beingof laying hens raised in cages is affected due to the smaller space available for them,which is in line with the growing pressure from a large number of consumers concerned about the conditions in which these birds are raised.The consequence of thislower housing density on productivity and the quality of life of the bird andthe eggs produced by them must be evaluated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the production, egg quality, and welfare of laying hens reared in different housing densities in cages. At 28 weeks of age, 120 light Novogen White laying hens were distributed, after beak trimming, in24 cages measuring 45 cm x 50 cm, in three different housing densities: 562.5 cm²/bird (four birds/cage), 450 cm²/bird (five birds/cage) and 375 cm²/bird (six birds/cage), with 8 repetitions each. The experimental diets were isoproteic and isoenergetic, based on corn and soybean meal. The trial period will comprise six cycles of 28 days each. The variables analyzed were: egg weight, yolk index, Haugh unit, yolk pigmentation, percentage of egg components and shell thickness (in millimeters). When the birds reached 44 weeks of age, the feather score was measured. Forty chickens per treatment were evaluated in four regions: chest, back, wings and hindquarters. This analysis consists of categorizing the birds according to three different scores, according to thesize of the area without feathers in each region. It is expected that the reduction in the hen housing density in the cages will lead to higher production with better egg quality, also promoting better hen welfare.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 852, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418139


Background: A cutaneous or superficial myxoma is a benign neoplasm of dermal or subcutaneous fibroblast origin. Although rare, it has been previously described in several species, including poultry. It presents as a single node or soft mass with a gelatinous cut surface. Histopathological analysis is essential for diagnosis and to differentiate it from other mesenchymal neoplasms and inflammatory or degenerative processes. Microscopically, it consists of dermal or subcutaneous lobules of plump, stellate, or spindle-shaped, bland-looking cells embedded in a basophilic myxoid matrix. This report describes the pathological findings in a rare case of cutaneous myxoma in a 42-day-old broiler flock. Cases: During ante mortem inspection of a 42-day-old broiler flock at a slaughterhouse under the authority of the Federal Inspection Service (southern Brazil), nodular lesions or encrusted areas with yellow and black areas were observed in the head skin of less than 1% of animals. These lesions, approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, were observed on the comb, in the periocular skin region, and close to the animals' nostrils. During the breeding period, no health or epidemiological events were observed. Fragments of the lesions in the comb and periocular skin were collected and fixed in buffered 10% formalin. The samples were sent to the laboratory, routinely processed, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Alcian blue. Microscopically, the lesions consisted of irregular multifocal proliferation of connective tissue showing spindle cells with poorly demarcated borders and scarce cytoplasm in a slightly basophilic myxoid aspect matrix. The adjacent epidermis is compressed due to neoplastic proliferation. No areas of epithelial hyperplasia or inclusion bodies were observed. According to the pathologic description and considering its descriptive epidemiology, our main clinical suspicion was cutaneous fowl pox, a pathology characterized by the appearance of nodules in regions devoid of feathers. However, the microscopic changes observed were compatible with those described for cutaneous myxomas. In addition, the extracellular matrix was positive for Alcian Blue staining, which is an indicator of myxoma. In the present case, the SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same origin. Discussion: Connective tissue tumors, including myxomas, occur considerably less frequently under field conditions. In addition, these neoplasms are more frequent in mature birds and are not usually described in broilers, as observed in this report. The cutaneous myxoma described in broilers is usually a sporadic neoplasm that does not cause zootechnical losses, as observed in the case report. Its etiology is unknown and has been associated with various factors, such as local trauma and foreign bodies. Some fragments of plant material from the breeding environment were microscopically detected in the encrusted areas, which may indicate previous trauma or a foreign body. Myxoma has been associated with avian leukosis virus (ALV) subgroup A, but SIF did not report the same macroscopic lesions in other flocks of the same breeder hen's origin in the present case. Furthermore, sporadic connective tissue tumors associated with the virus occur in mature chickens but not in broilers. Myxoma lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other connective tissue tumors and infectious agents that cause lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Animais , Galinhas/lesões , Mixoma/veterinária , Abate de Animais , Neoplasias de Tecido Conjuntivo/veterinária
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1): 01-05, Jan-Jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415236


O herpesvírus da espécie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), é o responsável pela doença aviária altamente infecciosa e aguda, descrita como "Doença de Pacheco" (DP). Diversas espécies de psitacídeos (papagaios da Amazônia, seguido por papagaios cinzentos africanos, papagaios comuns, araras, cacatuas e algumas espécies de periquitos), são suscetíveis à doença, principalmente àquelas oriundas de criadouros que deram entrada em centros de reabilitações em quaisquer regiões geográficas. Objetivou- se com o presente estudo avaliar e discutir as ocorrências da "Doença de Pacheco" em psitaciformes descritas no Brasil e em outros países, pretendendo-se discernir sobre as causas da infecção, discorrendo sobre as causas de contágio e disseminação, descrevendo brevemente a sintomatologia, possíveis lesões, diagnósticos, profilaxia e tratamento, a fim de evitar o contágio, minimizando a morbidade e mortalidade das aves. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, a qual foi realizada por meio de consultas à periódicos e livros mais recentes. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, em que foram utilizadas as bases de dados da SciELO, portal Capes e Google Acadêmico para realizar a revisão em artigos, monografias, teses e dissertações de vários autores e livros. Pouco se conhece, e nenhum registro ainda foi reportado para a doença no Brasil, apesar de sua ocorrência ser amplamente divulgada em diversos países. Os principais sinais clínicos são anorexia, sonolência, letargia, penas eriçadas, diarreia amarelada, regurgitação, inatividade e, às vezes, sinais nervosos, chegando, por fim, à morte súbita e rápida. Na necropsia, podem ser achados hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e necrose. A profilaxia se concentra no controle da superpopulação e protocolo adequado de quarentena das aves. O tratamento indicado para o herpesvírus é o uso de nucleosídeo sintético, com atividade inibitória, o aciclovir, que tem apresentado bons resultados na redução das taxas de mortalidade.(AU)

The herpesvirus of the species Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), is responsible for the highly infectious and acute avian disease, described as "Pacheco's Disease" (PD). Several species of parrots (Amazon parrots, followed by African gray parrots, common parrots, macaws, cockatoos and some species of parakeets) are susceptible to the disease, especially those originating from breeding sites that have entered rehabilitation centers in any region. geographic. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and discuss the occurrences of "Pacheco's Disease" in parrots described in Brazil and in other countries, intending to discern the causes of the infection, discussing the causes of contagion and dissemination, briefly describing the symptomatology, possible lesions, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment, in order to avoid contagion, minimizing the morbidity and mortality of the birds. This is a bibliographic review, which was carried out through consultations with the most recent journals and books. This is a bibliographic review, in which the SciELO databases, Capes portal and Google Scholar were used to review articles, monographs, theses and dissertations by various authors and books. Little is known, and no record has yet been reported for the disease in Brazil, despite its occurrence being widely publicized in several countries. The main clinical signs are anorexia, drowsiness, lethargy, ruffled feathers, yellowish diarrhea, regurgitation, inactivity and, sometimes, nervous signs, finally leading to sudden and rapid death. At necropsy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and necrosis may be found. Prophylaxis focuses on overpopulation control and proper bird quarantine protocol. The treatment indicated for herpesvirus is the use of a synthetic nucleoside, with inhibitory activity, acyclovir, which has shown good results in reducing mortality rates.(AU)

El herpesvirus de la especie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), es responsable de la enfermedad aviar aguda y altamente infecciosa, descrita como "Enfermedad de Pacheco" (EP). Varias especies de loros (loros amazónicos, seguidos de loros grises africanos, loros comunes, guacamayos, cacatúas y algunas especies de periquitos) son susceptibles a la enfermedad, en especial los que se originan en criaderos que han ingresado a centros de rehabilitación en cualquier región geográfica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar y discutir las ocurrencias de la "Enfermedad de Pacheco" en loros descritas en Brasil y en otros países, con la intención de discernir las causas de la infección, discutiendo las causas de contagio y diseminación, describiendo brevemente la sintomatología, posibles lesiones, diagnóstico, profilaxis y tratamiento, con el fin de evitar el contagio, minimizando la morbimortalidad de las aves. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, que se realizó mediante consultas a las revistas y libros más recientes. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, en la que se utilizaron las bases de datos SciELO, el portal Capes y Google Scholar para revisar artículos, monografías, tesis y disertaciones de diversos autores y libros. Se sabe poco y aún no se ha informado de ningún registro de la enfermedad en Brasil, a pesar de que su aparición es ampliamente publicitada en varios países. Los principales signos clínicos son anorexia, somnolencia, letargo, plumas erizadas, diarrea amarillenta, regurgitación, inactividad y, en ocasiones, signos nerviosos, que finalmente conducen a la muerte súbita y rápida. En la necropsia, se pueden encontrar hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia y necrosis. La profilaxis se centra en el control de la sobrepoblación y el protocolo adecuado de cuarentena de aves. El tratamiento indicado para el herpesvirus es el uso de un nucleósido sintético, con actividad inhibidora, el aciclovir, que ha mostrado buenos resultados en la reducción de la mortalidad.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/virologia , Doenças das Aves/virologia , Alphaherpesvirinae/classificação , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 850, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416664


Background: Aspergillosis is a defiance in avian medicine, however between of Aspergillus species, 3 are the most frequently observed (A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger). Psittaciformes present medical conditions related to the 3 species, however A. fumigatus is the most observed. The defiance of the diagnosis is related to fungus characteristics (they are saprophytic in healthy birds), the clinical signs and lesions, which are common to various respiratory diseases, and the difficulty to access specific diagnostic methods. Thus, we report a case of aspergillosis in a cockatiel, whose clinical diagnosis was confirmed by fungal culture of cloacal swab, and treatment with a fungistatic drug. Case: A female cockatiel, 2-month-old, not dewormed, presented diarrhea, sneezing and difficulty to gain weight, although eating well (extruded feed and supplementation with fruits and vegetables). At a clinical examination revealed body score (BCS) of 3 (scale 1 at 5), cloacal temperature (CT) of 40 ºC, dilated nostrils and edema in the left eye region associated to evident hyperemia. Due to it has lived with another animal, was inferred that was hypovitaminosis A, by food dispute and/ or dominance, or endoparasitosis, being prescribed vitamin A supplementation and deworming with ivermectin. The bird returned 15 days later, showing maintenance of weight loss, BCS 2, ruffled feathers and areas suggestive of apteriolysis in both forelimbs, respiratory difficulty and pulmonary and cranial air sacs rales, in addition presented wound in the pygostyle region and ventus, occasioned by attempted attack of a dog, and aggravated by self-mutilation. Due the worsening of the clinical condition, an oral cavity and cloacal swabs were collected to bacteriological and fungal culture. As treatment was prescribed: a natural tranquilizer, seeking to control the self-mutilation; doxycycline oral suspension, to treat a probable bacterial respiratory infection; and oral itraconazole suspension, manipulated and with a dose calculated by allometric scaling, being placed an elizabethan collar in order to prevent biting the pygostyle and ventus. With a positive result of the cloacal swab fungal culture for A. fumigatus, the doxycycline was discontinued. After the first 30 days of treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns to alert, weighing 95 g, BCS 3, with absence of respiratory signs and with signs of recent molting process. New swabs (oral and cloacal) were collected for repetition of bacterial and fungal cultures, being maintained the treatment with itraconazole. The results of both bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. At the end of the treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns demonstrating weight gain, EEC 3, CT of 42ºC, uniform feather coverage and absence of any respiratory sign, being released by the clinician. Discussion: A preponderant factor in the treatment of various respiratory diseases in birds is the diagnosis, since many of diseases present the same clinical signs. Thus, the use of fungal culture was essential to determine the origin of the signs. Still, even with an accurate diagnosis, the clinician often comes up against the difficulty of treatment, especially in cases of mycotic infections. The knowledge about the best drug, considering the pharmacology, as well as the availability of concentrations and dosages marketed, in addition to the long period of treatment, can difficult or make impossible the case resolution. In fact, this is confirmed by the literature, where the most of aspergillosis diagnosis are post mortem, resulting from the delay in seeking veterinary care or in the administration of ineffective drugs. Thus, with this report, we sought to present a diagnostic tool, sometimes neglected, and a compilation with the main drugs and their effectiveness in the treatment of aspergillosis in Psittaciformes.

Animais , Feminino , Aspergilose/diagnóstico , Aspergilose/terapia , Cacatuas/microbiologia , Antifúngicos/administração & dosagem
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(02): 2211, Apr. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399557


Feather pecking behavior is regarded as the most serious welfare concern in poultry layer production. The cause of feather pecking is partly due to the nutrient-deficient diets that further depletes the tryptophan levels in the animal's system. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid and thus, cannot be synthesized in the body of animals, including poultry. This amino acid can be metabolized through three pathways. Tryptophan metabolism produces important metabolites: serotonin and melatonin. Tryptophan affects hormone secretion in poultry. Thus, it affects poultry's psychological status, which eventually leads to feathers' pecking. The application of tryptophan as a feed additive can improve poultry performance and alleviate feather pecking behavior or stress response in poultry production. This is achieved through indole pathways and mostly through the Tryptophan-Kynurenine pathway. This review paper aims to provide detailed information regarding the performance of tryptophan on feather pecking behavior, particularly in laying poultry animals.

Animais , Estresse Psicológico/prevenção & controle , Triptofano/administração & dosagem , Comportamento Animal , Galinhas , Plumas , Bico , Bem-Estar do Animal
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(3): e007522, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394891


Abstract Birds of prey harbor a wide spectrum of various parasites, mostly with a heteroxenous life cycle. However, most reports on their parasites come from Europe. Although the Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) is a widespread species in America, parasitological surveys on this hawk are mostly focused on coprological findings and ectoparasites, with poor attention paid to helminths. The aim of this study was to gather new and additional data on host-parasite associations for the Harris's hawk. Twenty-nine birds from central and southern Chile were necropsied. Further, nine birds from a rehabilitation center and 22 museum specimens were inspected for ectoparasites. Sixty-eight percent of birds hosted at least one parasite species. Four lice species, one mite species and eight helminth species (five nematodes, two platyhelminthes and one acanthocephalan) were recorded. Parasitic lice Colpocephalum nanum and Nosopon chanabense, and a nematode Cyathostoma (Hovorkonema) americana were recorded for the first time in raptors from the Neotropics. A feather mite, Pseudalloptinus sp., nematodes, Physaloptera alata and Microtetrameres sp., and a trematode Neodiplostomim travassosi, were recorded for the first time in Chile. The presence of diverse heteroxenous helminths reported here in the Harris's hawk could be explained by the generalist diet of this raptor.

Resumo As aves de rapina representam uma fonte importante de parasitas heteroxenos. Porém, a maioria dos relatos são da Europa. O gavião-asa-de-telha (Parabuteo unicinctus) é uma espécie amplamente distribuída no continente Americano, porém estudos parasitológicos nessas aves têm documentado achados coprológicos e ectoparasitas, com poucos relatos sobre endoparasitas como helmintos. Por essa razão, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever novas associações parasita-hospedeiro para o gavião-asa-de-telha e rapinantes neotropicais. Vinte nove aves provenientes do centro e sul do Chile foram submetidas à necropsia. Por outro lado, nove aves de um centro de reabilitação e 22 espécimes de museu foram inspecionados em busca de ectoparasitas. Do total de aves, 68,3% foram identificadas como portadoras de pelo menos uma espécie de parasita. Quatro espécies de piolhos, um ácaro e oito helmintos (cinco nematoides, dois platelmintos e um acantocéfalo) foram registrados. Os piolhos Colpocephalum nanum, Nosopon chanabense e o nematóide Cyathostoma (Hovorkonema) americana são reportados pela primeira vez em rapinantes neotropicais. Colpocephalum nanum, N. chanabense, Pseudalloptinus sp., Physaloptera alata, Microtetrameres sp., C. (H.) americana e Neodiplostomim travassosi, são reportados pela primeira vez no Chile. A diversidade de helmintos heteróxenos, identificados neste trabalho, poderia ser explicada devido à dieta geralista do gavião-asa-de-telha.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Falcões/parasitologia , Helmintos/fisiologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita/fisiologia , Ftirápteros/fisiologia , Ácaros/fisiologia , Platelmintos/isolamento & purificação , Autopsia/veterinária , Clima Tropical , Bico/parasitologia , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Chile/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Ectoparasitoses/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Plumas/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/epidemiologia , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(2): 137-147, mar. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366258


A avicultura, no Brasil, evoluiu muito nas últimas décadas, sendo ainda proeminente, contribuindo de maneira significativa para o agronegócio brasileiro. Um dos fatores importantes para o sucesso da produção avícola é o monitoramento e o controle eficiente do ambiente de criação, que colaboram para a promoção de maior nível de bem-estar para as aves criadas em sistema de confinamento. O estudo do comportamento animal é, tradicionalmente, realizado através de observações visuais dos animais, o que consome tempo e gera decisões subjetivas e susceptíveis ao erro humano. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi elaborar um etograma e avaliar de maneira eficiente o comportamento de galinhas poedeiras alojadas em gaiolas, por meio de gravações digitais. Foram utilizadas aves da linhagem comercial Hisex Browne Hisex Whitecom 51 semanas de vida, criadas em gaiolas com capacidade para duas aves. Para analisar as imagens, foi proposto um etograma composto por 12 eventos comuns neste tipo de sistema, o qual registrou os seguintes comportamentos: "sentada", "comendo", "bebendo", "explorando penas", "bicagem não agressiva", "bicagem agressiva", "movimentos de conforto", "ócio", "postura", "estereotipia", "bico aberto" e "asas abertas". A partir da avaliação deste etograma, percebeu-se que o comportamento "comendo" ocupou a maior parte do tempo das aves (58%), seguido pelo comportamento "parada" (17,3%) e "movimentos de conforto" (8,8%). Os outros 16% foram distribuídos entre os eventos: "bebendo", "explorando penas", "bicagem não agressiva", "bicagem agressiva" e "bico aberto". Nas condições de ambiência e temperatura em que o experimento foi realizado, as galinhas manifestaram comportamento de "bico aberto" em 100% do tempo no período da tarde, indicando clara situação de estresse calórico. Dessa maneira, o etograma funcionou como uma aferição indireta do grau de ambiência destes animais, o que reflete de maneira direta no atendimento aos preceitos de bem-estar animal, quesito fundamental para a produçãomoderna de ovos.(AU)

Poultry farming in Brazil has evolved significantlyin the last decades, being still prominent, and contributing significantly to Brazilian agribusiness. One of the important factors for the success of poultry production is the efficient monitoring and control of the breeding environment, in addition to contributing to the promotion of a higher level of welfare for birds in confinement. However, the study of animal behavior is traditionally carried out through visual observations of animals, which consumes time and generates subjective decisions that are susceptible to human error. The general objective of this project is to elaborate an ethogram and to efficiently evaluate the behaviorof laying hens housed in cages, through digital recordings. Birds of the commercial line Hisex Brownand Hisex White, 51 weeks old, reared in cages with capacity for two birds were used. An ethogram composed of 12 common events in this type of system was proposedto analysisthe images. This ethogramrecorded the following behaviors: "sitting", "eating", "drinking", "exploring feathers", "non-aggressive pecking", "aggressive pecking", "comfort movements", "stopping", "posture", "stereotype", "Open beak" and"open wings". From the evaluation of this ethogram, it was noticed that the "eating" behavior occupied most of the birds'time (58% of the time), being followed by the "stop" behavior (17.3%) and "comfort movements" (8.8%). In theambience and temperature conditions that the experiment was carried out, the chickens showed "open beak" behavior 100% of the time in the afternoon, indicating a clear situation of heat stress. In this way, the ethogram functioned as an indirect measurement of the degree of ambiance of these animals, which directly reflects in the care for animal welfare, a fundamental requirement for modern egg production.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas , Etologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 818, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401521


Background: Industrial poultry farming has developed progressively in Brazil, conferring the country a prominent position on the national and international scene. Likewise, alternative poultry farming is an important economic activity for small-scale family farmers. However, shortcomings related to sanitary management lead to increased occurrence of avian diseases, such as those caused by Salmonella spp. Despite salmonellosis has been described in industrial establishments, reports in alternative farms are less common, therefore the objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of salmonellosis in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra, Western Bahia, Brazil. Cases: The poultry farmer reported the occurrence of diarrhoea in his chicken flock since the acquisition of the batch of chicks. Initially, carrying out the medicinal treatment of the birds, there was clinical improvement, however, successive recurrences of clinical signs occurred, such as diarrhoea, apathy, anorexia, and death of some birds. Upon learning about the case, an epidemiological investigation of the flock was carried out, and it was noted that some of the birds were retracted, apathetic, anorexic, and a lot of diarrheic faeces of a yellowish-white appearance were also observed. The entire flock had a history of vaccination against diseases: newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, gumboro disease, and fowlpox. For better evaluation, five birds were necropsied, enabling the observation that the animals had a good body score. However, the necropsy revealed lesions such as splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and enteritis in the three birds initially analysed (Animals 1, 2, and 3). The other birds (Animals 4 and 5) were submitted to evaluation for Eimeria sp. oocysts by means of scrapings from the intestinal mucosa, and there were no structures compatible with oocysts. Faecal samples were collected from another six birds in the flock for coproparasitological examination, and the presence of oocysts was not detected. Finally, sera from 20 birds in the flock were collected for the Rapid Serum Agglutination Test (SAR) for the detection anti-Salmonella Pullorum antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical evaluation, post mortem pathological findings of the necropsied birds, epidemiological data and confirmed with SAR testing, whereby 11 birds were seropositive for Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Pullorum. The prevalence of S. Pullorum is poorly described in alternative farming. Based on the farmer's report, it is believed that the chicks were purchased already infected, because birds from the same batch, also purchased by neighbouring producers, showed the same clinical signs. The unsatisfactory sanitation in the flock was another factor that may have favoured the persistence of the bacteria, since, the lack of removal of organic matter is a source of nutrients for microorganisms, and this may have favoured the multiplication and maintenance of the bacteria in the down feathers, feed, and water. The elimination of S. Pullorum through the faeces, in addition to the density of the birds, may have led to transmission to the other healthy birds. However, the knowledge and adoption of prophylactic measures in free-range chicken farms is a crucial factor in minimizing the occurrence of outbreaks and thus avoiding a future public Health Problem.

Animais , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Galinhas/microbiologia
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-11, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380842


Em granjas de postura, infestações por ectoparasitas são um problema que gera gastos e diminui a produção dos animais, pelo aumento do estresse. O piolho Menacanthus stramineus é apontado como um dos principais parasitas na avicultura comercial. Há um interesse crescente no uso de abordagens de controle de parasitos na produção de aves minimizando o uso de pesticidas sintéticos tradicionais. Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do caldo de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) no controle do Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) em galinhas poedeiras no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais. Para isso, 30 galinhas poedeiras naturalmente infestadas por piolhos, oriundas dos Setor de Zootecnia I do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus Salinas (IFNMG), foram selecionadas aleatoriamente e divididas em três grupos, mantidos em galpões distintos e separados: Grupo I- Tratado com caldo de fumo, conforme Sagrilo e colaboradores (2007); Grupo II- Tratado com Colosso Pulverização®, diluídos 11ml em nove litros; Grupo III- Controle, tratado com água, sendo todos os grupos submetidos ao tratamento por imersão em balde com nove litros de solução. Espécimes de piolhos foram coletados manualmente através de inspeção visual, juntamente com penas contendo ovos em sua base e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia Veterinária (LPV) do IFNMG, para realização do diagnóstico parasitológico através de chaves de identificação. Os espécimes foram clarificados em hidróxido de potássio a 10% e observados em microscopia óptica nas objetivas de 4x e 10x. Os ovos foram observados em microscópio estereoscópico, no aumento de 4x. Todas as galinhas foram diagnosticadas com infestação por ovos e adultos de M. stramineus. Para o banho de imersão, as aves foram seguradas pelo pescoço e pelas asas, mergulhando todo seu corpo em balde plástico. Sete dias após a realização dos tratamentos, as aves foram novamente examinadas em uma inspeção visual pelos mesmos examinadores. O Grupo I não apresentou ovos e nem adultos de M. stramineus em nenhuma ave, revelando 100% de eficácia. O Grupo II não apresentou adultos, mas foram observados ovos aderidos à base das penas, friáveis ao toque, em nove aves. Posteriormente, verificou-se que se tratava de cascas de ovos vazias. E, o Grupo III estava ainda intensamente parasitado por ovos e adultos de M. stramineus. Conclui-se que o caldo de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) preparado conforme descrito na metodologia do presente trabalho, é eficaz no controle do piolho Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) em galinhas poedeiras no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)

In laying hens barns, ectoparasite infestations are a problem that generates expenses and decreases animal production due to increased stress. The Menacanthus stramineus louse is considered one of the main parasites in commercial poultry. There is growing interest in the use of parasite control approaches in poultry production while minimizing the use of traditional synthetic pesticides. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of tobacco broth (Nicotiana tabacum) in controlling Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in laying hens in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais. Thus, 30 laying hens naturally infested with lice, housed at the Zootechnics Sector I at the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais ­ Campus Salinas (FINMG) were randomly selected and divided into three groups, which were kept in different and separated barns: Group I- Treated with tobacco broth, according to Sagrilo et al (2007); Group II- Treated with Colosso Pulverização®, diluted 11ml in nine liters; Group III- Control, treated with water. All groups were elaborated for treatment by immersion in a bucket with nine liters of solution. Lice specimens were manually collected through visual inspection including feathers containing eggs at their base and then sent to the Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory (VPL) at the FINMG for parasitological diagnosis by using identification keys. The specimens were clarified in potassium hydroxide 10% and observed under optical microscopy at 4x and 10x objectives. The eggs were observed under a stereoscopic microscope at 4x magnification. All chickens were diagnosed with infestation of adult and egg stages of M. stramineus. For the immersion bath, the animals were held by the neck and wings, dipping their entire bodies in a plastic bucket. Seven days after the treatments were carried out they were again examined in a visual inspection by the same examiners. Group I did not show any eggs or adults of M. stramineus, which presented efficacy of 100%. Group II did not have adults, but friable eggs when touched adhered to the base of the feathers were observed in nine animals. Later on, it was found that they were empty egg shells. And, Group III was still intensely parasitized by eggs and adults stages of M. stramineus. It is concluded that tabocco broth (Nicotiana tabacum) prepared as described in the methodology of the present study is effective in controlling the lice Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in laying hens in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)

En las gallinas ponedoras, las infestaciones de ectoparásitos son un problema que genera gastos y disminuye la producción animal, debido al aumento del estrés. El piojo Menacanthus stramineus se considera uno de los principales parásitos de las aves comerciales. Existe un interés creciente en el uso de enfoques de control de parásitos en la producción avícola mientras se minimiza el uso de pesticidas sintéticos tradicionales. El objetivo fue evaluar la eficacia del caldo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) en el control de Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) en gallinas ponedoras del municipio de Salinas, Minas Gerais. Para ello, 30 gallinas ponedoras naturalmente infestadas de piojos, del Sector I de Zootecnia del Instituto Federal del Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus Salinas (IFNMG), fueron seleccionadas al azar y divididas en tres grupos, mantenidos en galpones separados y separados: Grupo I - Tratado con caldo de humo, según Sagrilo et al. (2007); Grupo II- Tratado con Colosso Pulverização®, diluido 11ml en nueve litros; Grupo III- Control, tratado con agua, con todos los grupos sometidos a tratamiento por inmersión en un balde con nueve litros de solución. Las muestras de piojos se recolectaron manualmente mediante inspección visual, junto con plumas que contenían huevos en su base y se enviaron al Laboratorio de Parasitología Veterinaria (LPV) del IFNMG, para el diagnóstico parasitológico mediante claves de identificación. Las muestras se clarificaron en hidróxido de potasio al 10% y se observaron bajo microscopía óptica en objetivos 4x y 10x. Los huevos se observaron bajo un microscopio estereoscópico, con un aumento de 4x. Todos los pollos fueron diagnosticados con huevos de M. stramineus e infestación de adultos. Para el baño de inmersión, se sujetó a las aves por el cuello y las alas, sumergiendo todo su cuerpo en un balde de plástico. Siete días después de que se llevaron a cabo los tratamientos, las aves fueron examinadas de nuevo en una inspección visual por los mismos examinadores. El grupo I no presentó huevos ni adultos de M. stramineus en ninguna ave, mostrando una efectividad del 100%. El grupo II no presentó adultos, pero se observaron huevos adheridos a la base de las plumas, friables al tacto, en nueve aves. Posteriormente, se encontró que se trataba de cáscaras de huevo vacías. Y, el Grupo III todavía estaba intensamente parasitado por huevos y adultos de M. stramineus. Se concluye que el caldo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) elaborado según lo descrito en la metodología del presente trabajo, es efectivo en el control de los piojos Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) en gallinas ponedoras del municipio de Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)

Animais , Infestações por Piolhos , Nicotiana/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/parasitologia , Amblíceros , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20210108, 2022. graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1286059


In ecological parks, the proximity to tourist activities facilitates the exploration of garbage by coatis, with possible serious consequences for the animals health . We described the contents of wild coatis feces from three ecological parks. After analyzing 62 samples, fragments of plants and animals were identified in all feces. In the feces of two parks, seeds were present between 36.4% and 48.6% of the samples. Arthropod fragments were identified in 100% of the samples from two parks, but only 87.3% in a third park. Scales, bones or bird feathers were present in some samples. Undigested material of industrial origin was detected in 34.3% to 54.5% of the samples, such as fragments of paper, string, plastic, aluminum, latex and glass. Results are in line with other studies on the diet of wild coatis, but the intake of foreign bodies, potentially harmful to health, is described for the first time. Clinical problems resulting from ingesting waste can be dental fractures, mucosal erosions, intestinal perforation, peritonitis, impaction, diarrhea, weight loss, intoxication and infections. Coatis in the three parks are at risk of health, and actions are needed to avoid clinical and potentially fatal problems. Four actions are recommended to avoid ingesting foreign bodies: increasing the environmental education of visitors; improving the storage of waste generated in parks; periodically monitor the health of coatis, in order to make interventions when possible; make a permanent program to study the ecology of species in the three parks.

Em parques ecológicos, a proximidade com atividades turísticas facilita a exploração do lixo por quatis (Nasua nasua), com possíveis consequências graves para saúde dos animais. Descrevemos o conteúdo de fezes de quatis selvagens de três parques ecológicos. Após análise de 62 amostras, fragmentos de plantas e animais foram identificados em todas as fezes. Nas fezes de dois parques, as sementes estiveram presentes entre 36,4% e 48,6% das amostras. Foram identificados fragmentos de artrópodes em 100% das amostras de dois parques, mas apenas 87,3% em um terceiro parque. Escamas, ossos ou penas de pássaros estavam presentes em algumas amostras. Detectou-se material não digerido de origem industrial em 34,3% a 54,5% das amostras, como fragmentos de papel, barbante, plástico, alumínio, látex e vidro. Os resultados estão de acordo com outros estudos sobre a dieta de quatis selvagens, mas a ingestão de corpos estranhos, potencialmente prejudicial à saúde, é descrito pela primeira vez. Os problemas clínicos decorrentes da ingestão de lixo podem ser fraturas dentais, erosões de mucosas, perfuração intestinal, peritonite, impactação, diarreia, emagrecimento, intoxicação e infecções. Os quatis nos três parques estão com a saúde em risco, sendo necessárias ações para evitar problemas clínicos e potencialmente fatais. Quatro ações são recomendadas para evitar a ingestão de corpos estranhos: aumentar a educação ambiental dos visitantes; melhorar o armazenamento dos resíduos gerados nos parques; monitorar periodicamente a saúde dos quatis, de forma a fazer intervenções quando possível; fazer um programa permanente de estudo da ecologia das espécies nos três parques.

Animais , Resíduos/análise , Procyonidae , Dieta/veterinária , Ingestão de Alimentos , Fezes , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Brasil , Comportamento Alimentar , Parques Recreativos , Animais Selvagens
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262045, 2022. mapas, graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396292


This study focuses on incubation parameters, egg morphometrics, and body mass development, hatching, and behavioral adaptations to heat stress within a colony of freshwater-breeding Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) located in the private nature reserve of Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC) in the northern Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Temperatures of nest, eggs, and surface substratum, as well as the development of embryos, were surveyed using thermal imaging, a method allowing digital recording from a distance and in a fraction of the time of traditional measuring techniques. The mean egg dimensions (n = 71) were 4.48 (± 0.13) × 3.27 (± 0.07) cm; the mean mass at hatching was 24.3 (± 1.9) g, with a significant decrease over incubation time. The mean surface temperature of eggs varied from 30.9℃ to 39.7℃, while the sand surface temperature was 20℃ at 06:00 h, rising to 47.7℃ at 11:00 h. There was a significant increase (7%) in egg surface temperature throughout incubation. Incubation-bout durations (n = 2108) were correlated with the microclimatic conditions of the substratum, becoming shorter with increasing sand-surface temperature around midday. Egg hatching lasted one day, and siblings hatched no more than 24 h apart. The mean body mass on Day 1 after hatching was 16.8 (± 1.6) g (n = 6). Three days after hatching, chicks moved to new sand depressions provided by parents near the original nest, where they remained motionless or tried to hide under riparian vegetation. The single chick that fledged had a growth rate of K = 0.117 and a t10₋90 value of 37.3 days. On Day 7, dorsal pintail feathers and primaries appeared, which were open on Day 15. After 14 days, the chick was able to regulate its body temperature, and no more feeding by parental birds during the daytime was observed. On Day 21, the immature plumage was fully developed. Fledging was completed on Day 27. Our study demonstrates that thermal imaging is a useful method of surveying egg and embryo development in the Black Skimmer, reducing nest disturbance and observation efforts.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Charadriiformes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Brasil
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(4): eRBCA-2020-1420, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31513


This study aimed to evaluate the thermal response of three strains of hens housed in a cage-free system at the Amazon rainforest in order to evaluate how feather coverage influences thermal exchange with the environment. The experimental method was completely randomized and treatments comprised three strains of hens (Rhode Island Red (red feathers with feathers on the neck), alternative strain FCI (red feathers without feathers on the neck), and alternative strain FCIII (white feathers without feathers on the neck)), with 20 hens (replicates) analyzed per strain. Thermal images of each bird were captured in order to record the birds surface temperatures on five points in five targets. All data collected in this study were subjected to ANOVA and subsequently to the Tukey test at p≤0.01 and p≤0.05. The aviarys left wall presented a lower average temperature, indicating lower heat accumulation, while the floor presented higher heat accumulation. FCIII hens (white feathers) presented higher (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the head and legs, and lower (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the neck and back in relation to other analyzed hens, indicating increased heat exchange efficiency and high concentration of this process in specific body areas. FCI and FCIII hens (without feathers on the neck) presented lower (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the neck and higher (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the head and legs, indicating that the feather coverage directly influenced heat exchange mechanisms, and an increased area without feathers provided great heat exchange zones for birds in a tropical climate.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Bem-Estar do Animal
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(4): eRBCA, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490887


This study aimed to evaluate the thermal response of three strains of hens housed in a cage-free system at the Amazon rainforest in order to evaluate how feather coverage influences thermal exchange with the environment. The experimental method was completely randomized and treatments comprised three strains of hens (Rhode Island Red (red feathers with feathers on the neck), alternative strain FCI (red feathers without feathers on the neck), and alternative strain FCIII (white feathers without feathers on the neck)), with 20 hens (replicates) analyzed per strain. Thermal images of each bird were captured in order to record the birds’ surface temperatures on five points in five targets. All data collected in this study were subjected to ANOVA and subsequently to the Tukey test at p≤0.01 and p≤0.05. The aviary’s left wall presented a lower average temperature, indicating lower heat accumulation, while the floor presented higher heat accumulation. FCIII hens (white feathers) presented higher (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the head and legs, and lower (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the neck and back in relation to other analyzed hens, indicating increased heat exchange efficiency and high concentration of this process in specific body areas. FCI and FCIII hens (without feathers on the neck) presented lower (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the neck and higher (p<0.05) heat accumulation on the head and legs, indicating that the feather coverage directly influenced heat exchange mechanisms, and an increased area without feathers provided great heat exchange zones for birds in a tropical climate.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(02): 30-37, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472699


Pellet production is a typical characteristic of the digestive physiology of birds of prey. Alimentary pellets consist of non-digested parts of prey, such as fur, feathers, bones, and parts of insects, that are regurgitated. Obtained dietary samples, such as regurgitated pellets, can noninvasively contribute to the knowledge of the anatomical alimentary channel and the digestive efficiency of birds of prey. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pellet morphometry and meal-to-pellet interval (MPI) of the Accipitridae family subjected to two experimental diets. Heterospizias meridionalis, Rupornis magnirostris, and Geranoaetus albicaudatus were subjected to (1) mice and (2) quail pre-treating diets. Both diets were individually weighed and provided by removing excess feathers, skin, and some viscera. After consumption, the MPI was noted and, immediately after collection, the pellets were carefully weighed on a precision balance and morphometric measurements were taken using a caliper. Pellet weight, length, width, height, and volume were higher when raptors consumed mice. Differences in morphometric characteristics were found between species. Heterospizias meridionalis presented the highest values for the morphometric parameters evaluated. Consumption of mice increased the frequency of regurgitation and the number and weight of pellets egested, indicating that by providing this type of food, we can underestimate the consumption by birds if we do not consider nutritional losses by the pellets when calculating diets. Pellet assessment and MPI are important tools for monitoring the health and nutritional aspects of birds of prey.

A produção de pelotas é uma característica típica da fisiologia digestiva de aves de rapina. As pelotas alimentares consistem em partes não digestíveis de presas como peles, penas, ossos e partes de insetos que são expelidos. A obtenção de amostras como as pelotas podem colaborar de forma não invasiva com o conhecimento da anatomia do canal alimentar e eficiência digestiva de rapinantes. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a morfometria e o intervalo entre consumo e egestão de pelotas (ICP) em indivíduos da família Accipitridae. Heterospizias meridionalis, Rupornis magnirostris e Geranoaetus albicaudatus foram submetidos a dietas pré processadas com(1) camundongos e (2) codornas. Ambas as dietas foram individualmente pesadas e fornecidas após a remoção do excesso de penas, pele e algumas vísceras. Após o consumo, o ICP foi calculado e imediatamente após a coleta as pelotas foram pesadas e avaliadas quanto a medidas morfométricas com a ajuda de um paquímetro. O peso, comprimento, largura, altura e volume das pelotas foram maiores quando as aves consumiram ratos. Diferenças morfométricas foram encontradas entre as espécies. Heterospizias meridionalis apresentaram os valores mais altos para os parâmetros morfométricos avaliados. O consumo de camundongos aumentou a frequência de egestão, o número e o peso das pelotas, indicando que, ao fornecer este tipo de alimento, podemos subestimar o consumo pelas aves se não considerarmos as perdas nutricionais pelas pelotas ao calcular as dietas. A avaliação de pelotas e ICP são ferramentas importantes para monitorar os aspectos sanitários e nutricionais em rapinantes.

Animais , Aves Predatórias/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Falcões/fisiologia
Ci. Anim. ; 31(02): 30-37, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764667


Pellet production is a typical characteristic of the digestive physiology of birds of prey. Alimentary pellets consist of non-digested parts of prey, such as fur, feathers, bones, and parts of insects, that are regurgitated. Obtained dietary samples, such as regurgitated pellets, can noninvasively contribute to the knowledge of the anatomical alimentary channel and the digestive efficiency of birds of prey. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pellet morphometry and meal-to-pellet interval (MPI) of the Accipitridae family subjected to two experimental diets. Heterospizias meridionalis, Rupornis magnirostris, and Geranoaetus albicaudatus were subjected to (1) mice and (2) quail pre-treating diets. Both diets were individually weighed and provided by removing excess feathers, skin, and some viscera. After consumption, the MPI was noted and, immediately after collection, the pellets were carefully weighed on a precision balance and morphometric measurements were taken using a caliper. Pellet weight, length, width, height, and volume were higher when raptors consumed mice. Differences in morphometric characteristics were found between species. Heterospizias meridionalis presented the highest values for the morphometric parameters evaluated. Consumption of mice increased the frequency of regurgitation and the number and weight of pellets egested, indicating that by providing this type of food, we can underestimate the consumption by birds if we do not consider nutritional losses by the pellets when calculating diets. Pellet assessment and MPI are important tools for monitoring the health and nutritional aspects of birds of prey.(AU)

A produção de pelotas é uma característica típica da fisiologia digestiva de aves de rapina. As pelotas alimentares consistem em partes não digestíveis de presas como peles, penas, ossos e partes de insetos que são expelidos. A obtenção de amostras como as pelotas podem colaborar de forma não invasiva com o conhecimento da anatomia do canal alimentar e eficiência digestiva de rapinantes. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a morfometria e o intervalo entre consumo e egestão de pelotas (ICP) em indivíduos da família Accipitridae. Heterospizias meridionalis, Rupornis magnirostris e Geranoaetus albicaudatus foram submetidos a dietas pré processadas com(1) camundongos e (2) codornas. Ambas as dietas foram individualmente pesadas e fornecidas após a remoção do excesso de penas, pele e algumas vísceras. Após o consumo, o ICP foi calculado e imediatamente após a coleta as pelotas foram pesadas e avaliadas quanto a medidas morfométricas com a ajuda de um paquímetro. O peso, comprimento, largura, altura e volume das pelotas foram maiores quando as aves consumiram ratos. Diferenças morfométricas foram encontradas entre as espécies. Heterospizias meridionalis apresentaram os valores mais altos para os parâmetros morfométricos avaliados. O consumo de camundongos aumentou a frequência de egestão, o número e o peso das pelotas, indicando que, ao fornecer este tipo de alimento, podemos subestimar o consumo pelas aves se não considerarmos as perdas nutricionais pelas pelotas ao calcular as dietas. A avaliação de pelotas e ICP são ferramentas importantes para monitorar os aspectos sanitários e nutricionais em rapinantes.(AU)

Animais , Aves Predatórias/fisiologia , Falcões/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária