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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06929, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437049


Intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE) is the most common cause of spinal cord compression in dogs, whose prognosis is variable and depends on several factors, with deep pain perception (DPP) being the main parameter used. Investigations of new prognostic factors are studied to assist in the estimation of functional recovery. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate whether spinal hyperesthesia (SH) at the compression site can be used as a prognostic factor for the functional recovery of dogs with acute IVDE (Hansen type I), without DPP being subjected to thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy. Decompression surgery was performed on the same day or the day after admission. The duration of the loss of DPP until surgery performance ranged from 1 to 60 days, with a median of 4.5 days for the group of dogs with SH and 5.5 days for those without SH. Among the 68 dogs included in this retrospective study, 73.5% (50/68) showed SH, and 26.5% (18/68) were not identified. Recovery was satisfactory in 60% (30/50) of dogs with SH and in 27.7% (5/18) of dogs without SH, demonstrating that paraplegic dogs without DPP but with SH were 3.9 times more likely to recover when compared to dogs in the same condition, but with no SH. No studies have evaluated SH by palpation of the spine as a prognostic factor, which reinforces the relevance of the present study. The results of this study imply that SH in paraplegic dogs affected by thoracolumbar IVDE, without the presence of DPP, can be used as a possible prognostic indicator of functional recovery.

A extrusão do disco intervertebral (EDIV) é a causa mais comum de lesão compressiva na medula espinhal de cães, cujo prognóstico é variável e depende de diversos fatores, sendo a percepção de dor profunda (PDP) o principal parâmetro utilizado. Pesquisas de novos fatores prognósticos são estudados com intuito de auxiliar na estimativa mais precisa de recuperação funcional. Com isso, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar se a hiperestesia espinhal (HE) no local da compressão, pode ser utilizada como um fator prognóstico para recuperação funcional de cães com extrusão aguda do disco intervertebral (Hansen tipo I), sem a presença de PDP submetidos a hemilaminectomia toracolombar. A cirurgia descompressiva ocorreu no mesmo dia ou no dia seguinte ao atendimento. A duração da perda de dor profunda até a realização da cirurgia variou de 1 a 60 dias, com uma mediana de 4,5 dias para o grupo de cães com e 5,5 dias para aqueles sem hiperestesia espinhal. Dos 68 cães incluídos nesse estudo retrospectivo, 73,5% (50/68) apresentavam HE e, em 26,5% (18/68) a dor não foi identificada. A recuperação foi satisfatória nos cães com HE em 60% (30/50) e, sem HE, em 27,7% (5/18) dos casos, demonstrando que os cães paraplégicos sem PDP, mas com presença de hiperestesia espinhal tem 3,9 vezes mais chances de recuperação quando comparado com cães na mesma condição, mas sem HE. Não foram encontrados trabalhos que avaliaram a HE mediante a palpação da coluna vertebral como um fator prognóstico, o que reforça a relevância do presente estudo. Os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que a HE em cães paraplégicos acometidos por EDIV toracolombar sem presença de PDP pode ser utilizada como um possível indicador prognóstico de recuperação funcional.

Animais , Cães , Paraplegia/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Medição da Dor/veterinária , Percepção da Dor , Hiperestesia/veterinária , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.753-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458561


Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...

Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Neurotoxinas , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 753, 15 fev. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765212


Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...(AU)

Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Neurotoxinas , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00152021, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1393889


Botulism is a disease usually fatal, caused by the ingestion of neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. In dogs, intoxication is caused by the ingestion of botulinum toxin type C, and animals often recover spontaneously. The present study describes the occurrence of type C botulism in two dogs domiciled on neighboring rural properties in the municipality of Goiânia, state of Goiás, Brazil, probably associated with ingestion of decomposing bovine carcass. Upon clinical evaluation, the dogs were alert in the lateral decubitus position with ascending flaccid paralysis, absence of eyelid reflexes, and reduced muscle tone. Due to their worsening clinical symptoms, the animals died within 12 h and 3 days after supportive treatment. Botulinum toxin type C was identified, in the serum and feces of both dogs, by seroneutralization in mice with homologous monovalent antitoxin. The results of the high-throughput gene sequencing showed that the abundance of C. botulinum in the fecal microbiota of one of the affected dogs was low (0.53%). In this way, the present study highlights the need of sanitary practices related to the appropriate collection and disposal of bovine carcasses in rural areas since they represent a risk factor for the occurrence of botulism in dogs domiciled on rural properties.

Animais , Cães , Camundongos , Toxinas Botulínicas/análise , Botulismo/epidemiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S , Análise de Sequência de RNA/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Bioensaio/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07166, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1406215


Botulism is generally a fatal disease caused by ingestion of neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. The present study describes the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory aspects of a type C botulism outbreak in free-living aquatic birds residing in an urban park in Quirinópolis, Goiás, Brazil. Among a population of approximately 80 waterfowl, a total of 30 birds, including ducks (Cairina moschata), teals (Anas platyrhynchos), and geese (Anser cygnoides), died within 10 days. Of these, six birds showed signs of flaccid paralysis of the pelvic limbs, eyelids, neck, and wings. To confirm the suspicion of botulism, four lake water samples, two samples of the feed consumed by the birds, and samples of serum, intestinal content, stomach content, and liver tissue from two teals that died after presenting clinical signs were analyzed. Using bioassay and neutralization with homologous antitoxin in mice, it was possible to detect the presence of botulinum toxin type C in a water sample and in the intestinal content of one of the necropsied teals. Additionally, the presence of C. botulinum type C was identified in the lake water using polymerase chain reaction. Based on the clinical signs and laboratory results, a diagnosis of botulism caused by botulinum toxin type C was confirmed with probable transmission by lake water.

O botulismo é uma doença geralmente fatal, causada pela ingestão de neurotoxinas produzidas pelo Clostridium botulinum. O presente estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais de um surto de botulismo tipo C em aves aquáticas de vida livre habitantes de parque urbano em Quirinópolis, Goiás. De uma população de cerca de 80 aves aquáticas, um total de 30 aves, entre patos (Cairina moschata), marrecos (Anas platyrhynchos) e gansos (Anser cygnoides), morreram no intervalo de 10 dias. Destes, seis aves apresentaram sinais de paralisia flácida de membros pélvicos, pálpebras, pescoço e asas. Para confirmar a suspeita de botulismo, foram analisadas quatro amostras da água do lago, duas amostras da ração consumida pelas aves e amostras de soro, conteúdo intestinal, conteúdo estomacal e fígado de dois marrecos que morreram após apresentarem os sinais clínicos. Pelo bioensaio e neutralização com antitoxina homóloga em camundongos foi possível detectar a presença de toxina botulínica tipo C em uma amostra de água e no conteúdo intestinal de um dos marrecos necropsiados. Adicionalmente, pela reação em cadeia da polimerase identificou-se a presença de C. botulinum tipo C na água do lago. Com base nos sinais clínicos e resultados laboratoriais estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de botulismo causado pela toxina botulínica tipo C e veiculada provavelmente pela água do lago.

Animais , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Botulismo/diagnóstico , Botulismo/patologia , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Anseriformes , Clostridium botulinum tipo C , Doenças das Aves/microbiologia , Brasil , Patos , Gansos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(10): e20210035, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285996


ABSTRACT: Forty 1-2-y-old water buffaloes were simultaneously treated with trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos products in the recommended dose for cattle. After a week, 19 animals started presenting clinical signs characterized by apathy, diarrhea, aggressiveness, dehydration, and motor incoordination, followed by flaccid paralysis and permanent lateral recumbency. All affected buffaloes died after a clinical course of 1-4 days. Reduction of serum cholinesterase activity in three cases was indicative of significant exposure to organophosphorus compounds (OPs). Pathological examination of three buffaloes revealed no gross and histological lesions. By thin layer chromatography, chlorpyrifos residues and trace of trichlorfon residues were detected in fresh tissue samples. The epidemiological, clinical, pathological, and toxicological findings were highly compatible with OPs-induced delayed neurotoxicity, a neurological manifestation rarely described in domestic animals.

RESUMO: Quarenta búfalos foram simultaneamente tratados com clorpirifós e triclorfom na dose recomendada para bovinos. Após uma semana, 19 animais apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, diarreia, agressividade, desidratação e incoordenação motora, seguidos por paralisia flácida e decúbito lateral permanente. Todos os búfalos afetados morreram após um curso clínico de 1-4 dias. Redução da atividade da colinesterase sérica em três casos foi indicativa de exposição significativa a organofosforados (OPs). O exame patológico de três búfalos não revelou lesões macroscópicas e histológicas. Por cromatografia em camada delgada, resíduos de clorpirifós e traços de resíduos de triclorfon foram detectados em amostras de tecidos frescos. Os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e toxicológicos foram compatíveis com neuropatia tardia induzida por OPs, uma manifestação neurológica raramente descrita em animais domésticos.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 190-197, out./dez. 2021. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363199


As lesões decorrentes de atropelamento são as principais causas de fraturas e luxações vertebrais, ocasionando graus variáveis de injúrias vertebrais e medulares. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de lesão traumática em coluna vertebral de cão sem raça definida, com quatro anos de idade, resultando em luxação T11-12, com exposição de T11 e secção medular, estando o paciente paraplégico, com sinais de lesão em neurônio motor superior e ausência de nocicepção profunda em membros pélvicos. O tratamento de escolha foi a vertebrectomia de T11, associada ao alinhamento de T10-12 com introdução de pinos e fixação com polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) associado à ceftriaxona. Em decorrência de lesão na pleura parietal no trans-cirúrgico, optou-se pela toracostomia para introdução de tubo torácico, o qual permaneceu no paciente por quatro dias. No pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou recuperação satisfatória, sendo recomendado aos tutores a confecção de cadeira de rodas a fim de facilitar sua locomoção. A técnica mostrou-se satisfatória para minimizar as infecções passíveis de ocorrência em fraturas expostas, bem como melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente, evitando-se dores crônicas.

Injuries resulting from being run over are the leading causes of vertebral fractures and dislocations, causing varying vertebral and spinal injuries. The present study aims to report the occurrence of traumatic injury to the spine of a mixed breed dog, aged four years, resulting in a T11-12 dislocation, with T11 exposure and spinal section, with the patient showing paraplegia, signs of an upper motor neuron lesion and absence of deep nociception in pelvic limbs. The treatment of choice was T11 vertebrectomy, associated with the alignment of T10-12 with the introduction of pins and fixation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) associated with ceftriaxone. Due to a lesion in the parietal pleura during the surgery, thoracostomy was chosen to introduce a chest tube, which remained in the patient for four days. In the postoperative period, the patient presented a satisfactory recovery, and it was recommended that tutors make a wheelchair to facilitate their mobility. The technique proved to be satisfactory for minimizing infections that could occur in open fractures and improving the patient's quality of life, avoiding chronic pain.

Animais , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária , Fraturas da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Paraplegia/veterinária , Toracostomia/veterinária , Fratura-Luxação/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(10): 1-5, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480228


Forty 1-2-y-old water buffaloes were simultaneously treated with trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos products in the recommended dose for cattle. After a week, 19 animals started presenting clinical signs characterized by apathy, diarrhea, aggressiveness, dehydration, and motor incoordination, followed by flaccid paralysis and permanent lateral recumbency. All affected buffaloes died after a clinical course of 1-4 days. Reduction of serum cholinesterase activity in three cases was indicative of significant exposure to organophosphorus compounds (OPs). Pathological examination of three buffaloes revealed no gross and histological lesions. By thin layer chromatography, chlorpyrifos residues and trace of trichlorfon residues were detected in fresh tissue samples. The epidemiological, clinical, pathological, and toxicological findings were highly compatible with OPs-induced delayed neurotoxicity, a neurological manifestation rarely described in domestic animals.

Quarenta búfalos foram simultaneamente tratados com clorpirifós e triclorfom na dose recomendada para bovinos. Após uma semana, 19 animais apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, diarreia, agressividade, desidratação e incoordenação motora, seguidos por paralisia flácida e decúbito lateral permanente. Todos os búfalos afetados morreram após um curso clínico de 1-4 dias. Redução da atividade da colinesterase sérica em três casos foi indicativa de exposição significativa a organofosforados (OPs). O exame patológico de três búfalos não revelou lesões macroscópicas e histológicas. Por cromatografia em camada delgada, resíduos de clorpirifós e traços de resíduos de triclorfon foram detectados em amostras de tecidos frescos. Os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e toxicológicos foram compatíveis com neuropatia tardia induzida por OPs, uma manifestação neurológica raramente descrita em animais domésticos.

Animais , Bovinos , Compostos Organofosforados/toxicidade , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/complicações , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/diagnóstico , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/patologia , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/veterinária
Ci. Rural ; 51(10): 1-5, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32192


Forty 1-2-y-old water buffaloes were simultaneously treated with trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos products in the recommended dose for cattle. After a week, 19 animals started presenting clinical signs characterized by apathy, diarrhea, aggressiveness, dehydration, and motor incoordination, followed by flaccid paralysis and permanent lateral recumbency. All affected buffaloes died after a clinical course of 1-4 days. Reduction of serum cholinesterase activity in three cases was indicative of significant exposure to organophosphorus compounds (OPs). Pathological examination of three buffaloes revealed no gross and histological lesions. By thin layer chromatography, chlorpyrifos residues and trace of trichlorfon residues were detected in fresh tissue samples. The epidemiological, clinical, pathological, and toxicological findings were highly compatible with OPs-induced delayed neurotoxicity, a neurological manifestation rarely described in domestic animals.(AU)

Quarenta búfalos foram simultaneamente tratados com clorpirifós e triclorfom na dose recomendada para bovinos. Após uma semana, 19 animais apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, diarreia, agressividade, desidratação e incoordenação motora, seguidos por paralisia flácida e decúbito lateral permanente. Todos os búfalos afetados morreram após um curso clínico de 1-4 dias. Redução da atividade da colinesterase sérica em três casos foi indicativa de exposição significativa a organofosforados (OPs). O exame patológico de três búfalos não revelou lesões macroscópicas e histológicas. Por cromatografia em camada delgada, resíduos de clorpirifós e traços de resíduos de triclorfon foram detectados em amostras de tecidos frescos. Os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e toxicológicos foram compatíveis com neuropatia tardia induzida por OPs, uma manifestação neurológica raramente descrita em animais domésticos.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/complicações , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/diagnóstico , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/patologia , Síndromes Neurotóxicas/veterinária , Compostos Organofosforados/toxicidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 667, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1362850


Background: Free-range chickens are quite common in Brazil. In this alternative rearing system, the animals are rustic and raised in an extensive system. Free access to "bare soil" results in the increased occurrence of intestinal parasites since larvae and / or eggs of helminths and protozoa oocysts find favorable conditions for their survival and dissemination in the soil. Although the occurrence and importance of parasitic infections in free-range chickens is well known, the objective of this study is to report an outbreak of endoparasites in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra - BA, in view of bird susceptibility associated with scarcity of studies in western Bahia. Cases: The chickens were kept free, in a bare soil yard in a household at the urban perimeter of the municipality of Barra - BA. Feeding consisted of whole corn grains, thrown directly in the soil. The drinking fountains were dirty and the animals had no history of vaccination or deworming. Symptoms Anorexia, difficulty in eating and in locomotion, presence of seromucous secretion in the oral cavity, emaciation and diarrhea were all observed symptoms. One of the birds presented excessive vocalization, drowsiness and flaccid paralysis of the neck. Necropsy was performed on 3 chickens: 2 females (cases 1 and 2) and 1 male (case 3). Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of seromucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract of all animals. Specimens of Ascaridia galli were observed in cases 1 and 2, Heterakis gallinarum in cases 2 and 3, Raillietina sp. in cases 2 and 3 and Davainea proglottina in case 1. Microscopically, the animals had an inflammatory infiltrate in the liver and intestines. Some animals presented necrosis of the tracheal epithelial cells, as well as of the epithelial cells present at the apex of the villi. No significant results were found in the coproparasitological exam. Discussion: The diagnosis of endoparasitosis in this outbreak was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings. The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in free-range chickens is linked to factors such as age, high animal density, absence of sanitary hygienic measures, as well as environmental temperature and humidity. The appearance of injuries in the intestinal mucosa is influenced by characteristics such as parasitic load, concomitant infections, age and the host's immune status. During necropsy of the birds were found 2 helminths of the Nematoda class (Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum) and 2 of the Cestoda class (Davainea proglottina and Raillietina sp.). A. galli, seen in 2 cases, is considered low pathogenicity for adult chickens, however young birds are susceptible and can die due to intestinal obstruction and hemorrhages. H. gallinarum is responsible for causing typhlitis, with diarrhea and weight loss, this helminth was found in 2 animals in the present study, however only 1 had changes in the digestive tract. Davainea proglotina and Raillietina spp. might cause, respectively, severe hemorrhagic enteritis and nodule formation in the small intestine mucosa. In Brazil, even though it is notable that intestinal parasitism is one of the key problems in alternative poultry farming, there are few studies that evaluate the presence of endoparasites in chickens raised in alternative production systems, with animals being more frequently exposed to nematodes and cestodes. The multiparasitism observed in this study probably stems from flaws in the rearing system, mainly related to sanitary hygiene management. Therefore, the reduction in the occurrence of these helminths is closely related to the performance of basic prophylactic measures, such as offering good quality food and water in clean containers, separating lots by age, performing sanitary emptiness and deworming.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Infecções por Cestoides/epidemiologia , Galinhas/parasitologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Infecções por Nematoides/epidemiologia , Ascaridia/isolamento & purificação , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cestoides/isolamento & purificação , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.475-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458302


Background: Idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy is a peripheral neuropathy whose clinical signs include inability to close themouth. A neurological examination reveals mainly flaccid paralysis of the masticatory muscles, which may be accompaniedby atony/hypotonia of the masseter and temporalis muscles. Altered sensitivity may also be present in very rare cases.This article reports a case of idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy with involvement of the motor and sensory nerve fibers in adog, describing the clinical symptoms, neurological findings, exclusion of other diseases, and evolution of the condition.Case: A 5-year-old bitch showing signs of difficulty in picking up food, swallowing water, and hypersalivation was takento a veterinary clinic. According to her owner, these signs had started spontaneously 2 days earlier. A physical examinationof the animal revealed only a persistently open mouth, although the mouth opening and closing movements could be performed manually by manipulating the jaw. The patient showed swallowing ability, and her tongue movements were intact.The neurological examination revealed that the animal also presented bilateral absence of nasal sensitivity and absenceof palpebral reflex. The animal’s blood test results showed changes only in the CK and AST levels, which were 1,182.60U/L (reference: 1.5 to 28.4 U/L) and 87.1 IU/L (reference: 6.2 to 13 IU/L), respectively. The animal tested negative fordistemper, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. Abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiography were performedto investigate neoplasia, as well as radiography of the temporomandibular joints, and none of these imaging tests revealedany alterations. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was also within the normal range of reference parameters. In view ofthe possibility of idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy, prednisolone...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Nervo Trigêmeo , Neurite (Inflamação)/patologia , Neurite (Inflamação)/veterinária , Doenças Mandibulares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 475, 4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25448


Background: Idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy is a peripheral neuropathy whose clinical signs include inability to close themouth. A neurological examination reveals mainly flaccid paralysis of the masticatory muscles, which may be accompaniedby atony/hypotonia of the masseter and temporalis muscles. Altered sensitivity may also be present in very rare cases.This article reports a case of idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy with involvement of the motor and sensory nerve fibers in adog, describing the clinical symptoms, neurological findings, exclusion of other diseases, and evolution of the condition.Case: A 5-year-old bitch showing signs of difficulty in picking up food, swallowing water, and hypersalivation was takento a veterinary clinic. According to her owner, these signs had started spontaneously 2 days earlier. A physical examinationof the animal revealed only a persistently open mouth, although the mouth opening and closing movements could be performed manually by manipulating the jaw. The patient showed swallowing ability, and her tongue movements were intact.The neurological examination revealed that the animal also presented bilateral absence of nasal sensitivity and absenceof palpebral reflex. The animals blood test results showed changes only in the CK and AST levels, which were 1,182.60U/L (reference: 1.5 to 28.4 U/L) and 87.1 IU/L (reference: 6.2 to 13 IU/L), respectively. The animal tested negative fordistemper, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. Abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiography were performedto investigate neoplasia, as well as radiography of the temporomandibular joints, and none of these imaging tests revealedany alterations. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was also within the normal range of reference parameters. In view ofthe possibility of idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy, prednisolone...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neurite (Inflamação)/patologia , Neurite (Inflamação)/veterinária , Nervo Trigêmeo , Doenças Mandibulares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.521-4 jan. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458348


Background: South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals andlivestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signscharacterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological dataof two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1,the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatinekinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dogwas medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dogdied and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cmapart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed atnecropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites,and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases.Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis achallenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness ofthe snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic responseto treatment with specific anti-venom....

Animais , Cães , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/patologia , Venenos de Crotalídeos , Brasil , Crotalus
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 521, July 19, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31873


Background: South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals andlivestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signscharacterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological dataof two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1,the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatinekinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dogwas medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dogdied and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cmapart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed atnecropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites,and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases.Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis achallenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness ofthe snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic responseto treatment with specific anti-venom....(AU)

Animais , Cães , Venenos de Crotalídeos , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/patologia , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Brasil , Crotalus
R. cient. eletr. Med. Vet. ; (32)jan. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19731


A dor e estresse são achados que podem ser visualizados nos animais e que levam a distúrbios homeostáticos que comprometem o seu bem-estar. Dessa forma, a magnetoterapia surge como uma alternativa terapêutica para amenizar a dor, o estresse e suas consequências para o animal. Objetivou-se relatar o efeito da magnetoterapia e infravermelho na algesia e estresse de uma cadela paraplégica. Acompanhou-se uma cadela de 10 anos com histórico de paraplegia. A mesma apresentava constantes recidivas de infecção urinária, quadro de insônia e dor. Diante do quadro, foi confeccionado um colchão o qual continha magneto e infravermelho longo. Após 06 meses de uso, verificou-se uma melhora significativa no quadro de dor e estresse do animal. Verificou-se também uma redução na frequência de recidivas de infecções do trato urinário. Conclui-se, nesse relato, que a utilização de magnetoterapia associada ao efeito do infravermelho longo parecem apresentar efeito analgésico e antiestressante em cadela paraplégica. Entretanto, são necessários maiores estudos.(AU)

Pain and stress are findings that can be seen in animals and lead to homeostatic disorders that compromise their well-being. In this way, magnetotherapy appears as a therapeutic alternative to relieve pain, stress and its consequences for the animal. The objective was to report the effect of magnetotherapy and infrared on the algesia and stress of a paraplegic bitch. We followed a 10-year-old female with a history of paraplegia. It had constant recurrences of urinary tract infection, insomnia and pain. Before the painting, a mattress was made which contained a magnet and a long infrared. After six months of use, there was a significant improvement in the pain and stress of the animal. There was also a reduction in the frequency of relapses of urinary tract infections. It is concluded, in this report, that the use of magnetotherapy associated to the effect of the long infrared seems to present analgesic and anti-stressant effect in a paraplegic bitch. However, further studies are needed.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Magnetoterapia/veterinária , Raios Infravermelhos/uso terapêutico , Manejo da Dor/veterinária , Estresse Fisiológico , Paraplegia/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494333


A dor e estresse são achados que podem ser visualizados nos animais e que levam a distúrbios homeostáticos que comprometem o seu bem-estar. Dessa forma, a magnetoterapia surge como uma alternativa terapêutica para amenizar a dor, o estresse e suas consequências para o animal. Objetivou-se relatar o efeito da magnetoterapia e infravermelho na algesia e estresse de uma cadela paraplégica. Acompanhou-se uma cadela de 10 anos com histórico de paraplegia. A mesma apresentava constantes recidivas de infecção urinária, quadro de insônia e dor. Diante do quadro, foi confeccionado um colchão o qual continha magneto e infravermelho longo. Após 06 meses de uso, verificou-se uma melhora significativa no quadro de dor e estresse do animal. Verificou-se também uma redução na frequência de recidivas de infecções do trato urinário. Conclui-se, nesse relato, que a utilização de magnetoterapia associada ao efeito do infravermelho longo parecem apresentar efeito analgésico e antiestressante em cadela paraplégica. Entretanto, são necessários maiores estudos.

Pain and stress are findings that can be seen in animals and lead to homeostatic disorders that compromise their well-being. In this way, magnetotherapy appears as a therapeutic alternative to relieve pain, stress and its consequences for the animal. The objective was to report the effect of magnetotherapy and infrared on the algesia and stress of a paraplegic bitch. We followed a 10-year-old female with a history of paraplegia. It had constant recurrences of urinary tract infection, insomnia and pain. Before the painting, a mattress was made which contained a magnet and a long infrared. After six months of use, there was a significant improvement in the pain and stress of the animal. There was also a reduction in the frequency of relapses of urinary tract infections. It is concluded, in this report, that the use of magnetotherapy associated to the effect of the long infrared seems to present analgesic and anti-stressant effect in a paraplegic bitch. However, further studies are needed.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Estresse Fisiológico , Magnetoterapia/veterinária , Manejo da Dor/veterinária , Paraplegia/veterinária , Raios Infravermelhos/uso terapêutico , Bem-Estar do Animal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.430-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458194


Background: Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxinsmanifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. Theobjective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre,as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resultedin the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phasemaintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 h. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changeswere found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum.Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection ofbotulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies andbovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The sampleswere sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzespresented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum...

Animais , Bovinos , Botulismo/patologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Deficiência de Minerais , Toxina Tetânica
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 430, Oct. 17, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25733


Background: Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxinsmanifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. Theobjective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre,as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resultedin the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phasemaintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 h. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changeswere found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum.Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection ofbotulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies andbovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The sampleswere sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzespresented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum...(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Botulismo/patologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum , Deficiência de Minerais , Toxina Tetânica
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(8): 1656-1663, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976468


Este estudo retrospectivo incluiu cães paraplégicos com ausência de percepção a dor profunda secundário a doença do disco intervertebral toracolombar e submetidos à cirurgia descompressiva. Teve como objetivo comparar a recuperação funcional e a qualidade de vida (QV) quando submetidos a um protocolo em um centro especializado ou a domicílio realizado pelo tutor. Vinte e oito cães foram distribuídos no grupo A (GA) e submetidos ao protocolo domiciliar e 38 denominados grupo B (GB) em um centro especializado. Recuperaram a habilidade de caminhar 43% dos cães em uma média de 40 dias de pós-operatório (PO) no GA e 42% em uma média de 36 dias no GB. Em 53% dos casos (35/66) os cães permaneceram paraplégicos sem percepção a dor profunda ao final do período de 90 dias de PO. Vinte e cinco tutores do GA e 26 do GB responderam um questionário sobre a QV, com no mínimo seis meses de PO. A avaliação do tempo de sobrevida dos animais, realização de eutanásia e nota atribuída a QV demonstraram que os cães do GB provavelmente foram beneficiados pelo estreito acompanhamento e orientação aos tutores até 90 dias PO.(AU)

The retrospective study included paraplegic dogs affected by thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease with absence of deep pain perception and submitted to a decompressive surgical technique. The aim was to compare functional recovery and quality of life (QOL) of dogs that underwent a home physiotherapy protocol to dogs that were cared in a specialized center. Twenty-eight dogs were placed in group A (GA, home physiotherapy protocol) and other 38 patients were placed in group B (GB, physiotherapy protocol in a specialized center). Forty three percent (43%) of the patients recovered the ability to walk in an average of 40 postoperative (PO) days in GA and 42% in an average of 36 days in GB. In 53% of the cases (35/66) the dogs remained paraplegic without deep pain perception at the end of physiotherapeutic protocols. Twenty-five owners from GA and 26 from GB answered a questionnaire about QOL, with a minimum of six PO months. The evaluation of the animals survival time, euthanasia and the QOL score demonstrated that dogs that underwent a physiotherapeutic treatment in a specialized center probably were benefited by the close monitoring and orientation to owners until 90 days of PO.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Paraplegia/veterinária , Especialidade de Fisioterapia , Cães/anormalidades , Cães/cirurgia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(8): 1656-1663, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22318


Este estudo retrospectivo incluiu cães paraplégicos com ausência de percepção a dor profunda secundário a doença do disco intervertebral toracolombar e submetidos à cirurgia descompressiva. Teve como objetivo comparar a recuperação funcional e a qualidade de vida (QV) quando submetidos a um protocolo em um centro especializado ou a domicílio realizado pelo tutor. Vinte e oito cães foram distribuídos no grupo A (GA) e submetidos ao protocolo domiciliar e 38 denominados grupo B (GB) em um centro especializado. Recuperaram a habilidade de caminhar 43% dos cães em uma média de 40 dias de pós-operatório (PO) no GA e 42% em uma média de 36 dias no GB. Em 53% dos casos (35/66) os cães permaneceram paraplégicos sem percepção a dor profunda ao final do período de 90 dias de PO. Vinte e cinco tutores do GA e 26 do GB responderam um questionário sobre a QV, com no mínimo seis meses de PO. A avaliação do tempo de sobrevida dos animais, realização de eutanásia e nota atribuída a QV demonstraram que os cães do GB provavelmente foram beneficiados pelo estreito acompanhamento e orientação aos tutores até 90 dias PO.(AU)

The retrospective study included paraplegic dogs affected by thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease with absence of deep pain perception and submitted to a decompressive surgical technique. The aim was to compare functional recovery and quality of life (QOL) of dogs that underwent a home physiotherapy protocol to dogs that were cared in a specialized center. Twenty-eight dogs were placed in group A (GA, home physiotherapy protocol) and other 38 patients were placed in group B (GB, physiotherapy protocol in a specialized center). Forty three percent (43%) of the patients recovered the ability to walk in an average of 40 postoperative (PO) days in GA and 42% in an average of 36 days in GB. In 53% of the cases (35/66) the dogs remained paraplegic without deep pain perception at the end of physiotherapeutic protocols. Twenty-five owners from GA and 26 from GB answered a questionnaire about QOL, with a minimum of six PO months. The evaluation of the animals survival time, euthanasia and the QOL score demonstrated that dogs that underwent a physiotherapeutic treatment in a specialized center probably were benefited by the close monitoring and orientation to owners until 90 days of PO.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Paraplegia/veterinária , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Cães/anormalidades , Cães/cirurgia