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Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734051


Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx.[...](AU)

Animais , Adulto , Ovinos , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Osteomielite/tratamento farmacológico , Osteomielite/veterinária , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/complicações , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457990


Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx.[...]

Animais , Adulto , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Osteomielite/tratamento farmacológico , Osteomielite/veterinária , Ovinos , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/complicações , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-213153


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana in vitro contra isolados brasileiros e uma cepa vacinal de Lawsonia intracellularis. Os antimicrobianos testados foram a gamitromicina, a tilvalosina e a espectinomicina. A concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) foi determinada pela atividade antimicrobiana que inibiu 90% do crescimento de L. intracellularis em cultura de células em comparação com o controle, nas concentrações finais de 0,125 a 128 g/mL. Foram testados para todos os antimicrobianos às atividades intracelulares e extracelulares. A tilvalosina foi o princípio mais ativo contra os isolados de L. intracellularis, apresentando uma concentração inibitória de 16g/ml, enquanto que a gamitromicina e espectinomicina apresentaram uma atividade intermediária com uma concentração inibitória variando de 64 a 32g/ml para os mesmos isolados. Em relação à cepa vacinal, houve ação da gamitromicina, que apresentou inibição na menor concentração, 0,125ug/ml. Portanto, todos os antimicrobianos testados neste estudo in vitro apresentaram eficácia na inibição de crescimento dos isolados brasileiros e a gamitromicina também sobre a cepa vacinal.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity in vitro against Brazilian isolates and a vaccine strain of Lawsonia intracellularis. The antimicrobials tested were gamithromycin, tylvalosin and spectinomycin. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by the antimicrobial activity that inhibited 90% growth of L. intracellularis in cell culture compared to the control at final concentrations of 0.125 to 128 g/ml. All antimicrobials were tested by intracellular and extracellular activity. Tylvalosin was the most active principle against L. intracellularis isolates, presenting an inhibitory concentration of 16 g/ml, whereas gamithromycin and spectinomycin had an intermediate activity with an inhibitory concentration varying from 64 to 32 g/ml for the same isolates. The vaccine strain exhibited an important inactivation against gamithromycin, showing inhibition at the lowest concentration, 0.125 g/ml. Therefore, all three antimicrobials tested in this study showed efficacy in the inhibition of growth of the Brazilian isolates and gamithromycin also on the vaccine strain.