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Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418929


A anestesia local tem sido recomendada para intervenções cirúrgicas quando se procura evitar a anestesia geral do animal com o intuito de minimizar os riscos, que podem ocorrer durante o aprofundamento do plano anestésico, além de promover uma rápida recuperação. O presente trabalho descreve o caso de um jabuti piranga (C. carbonarius) submetido à contenção química associada a bloqueio anestésico em plexo braquial para realização da excisão cirúrgica de um abcesso em membro tórácico direito, sendo apresentadas considerações sobre a aplicabilidade desta técnica em quelônios com destaque para os cuidados a serem tomados pelo anestesista durante a intervenção.(AU)

Local anesthesia has been recommended for surgical interventions when trying to avoid the need of general anesthesia of the animal and to minimize any risks that may occur during the deepening of the anesthetic plane, in addition to promoting a quick recovery. The present work describes the case of a tortoise (C. carbonarius) submitted to chemical restraint associated whit anesthesic blockage in the brachial plexus during surgical intervention to remove an abscess in the right thoracic limb, presenting considerations about the applicability of this technique in chelonians, with emphasis on the care to be taken by the anesthesiologist during the intervention.(AU)

Animais , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Extremidade Superior/cirurgia , Bloqueio do Plexo Braquial/veterinária , Anestesia Local/efeitos adversos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 561-570, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447344


The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the single transphyseal screw technique in foals diagnosed with carpal valgus deviation. This study included 22 thoroughbred animals of both sexes, with a mean age of 30 days. All animals had a carpal valgus deviation >5° with irregular development of the distal epiphysis of the radius. All animals were surgically treated to correct the carpal valgus deviation by creating a bridge using a single transphyseal screw. Surgical intervention was performed for 40 limbs, comprising 19 right and 21 left thoracic limbs. This corresponded to four animals with carpal valgus deviation >5° in only one of the limbs and 18 with the deviation in both limbs. It was observed that 38/40 treated limbs (95%) achieved normal angulation according to the literature, i.e., angulation between 0° and 5°. No statistical differences were observed between the affected limbs. The single transphyseal screw technique can be used for the correction of carpal valgus deviation in foals. It is indicated in animals with an average age of 30 days (20-55 days), as its main advantages are rapid application, simple execution, and limited trans- and post-surgical complications, making it an effective procedure in thoroughbred foals with carpal valgus angular deviation.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi demonstrar a viabilidade da aplicação da técnica de parafuso único transfiseal em potros, com diagnóstico de desvio valgo do carpo. Foram selecionados 22 animais, da raça PSI, com idade média de 30 dias, de ambos os sexos. Todos os animais apresentavam desvio valgo do carpo acima de cinco graus, com desenvolvimento irregular da epífise distal do rádio. Os animais foram submetidos à cirurgia corretiva para o desvio valgo do carpo por meio da realização de ponte com um único parafuso transfiseal. Foram submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica 40 membros, divididos entre membros torácicos direito e esquerdo 19 e 21, respectivamente, que corresponderam a quatro animais com desvio acima de 5 graus valgo do carpo em apenas um dos membros e 18 animais com o procedimento nos dois membros. Observou-se que 38 dos 40 membros tratados, ou seja, 95%, retornaram a uma angulação considerada normal, entre zero e cinco graus Dois animais apresentaram infecção do implante, de maneira que eles reduziram a angulação, porém não o suficiente para enquadrá-los na angulação normal estabelecida pela literatura. Não houve diferença estatística entre os membros acometidos. A técnica de aplicação do único parafuso transfiseal pode ser indicada para correção do desvio valgo do carpo em potros. Deve ser indicada em animais com idade média de 30 dias (20 a 55 dias de vida), por ter como principais vantagens aplicação rápida, execução simples e com limitadas intercorrências trans e pós-cirúrgicas.

Animais , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-6, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427334


A hipospadia é oresultado de falha no desenvolvimento em que não ocorre a fusão normal das dobras genitais e intumescência genital, o que causa desenvolvimento anormal da uretra peniana, do pênis, prepúcio e/ou escroto. O objetivodeste relato é descrever um caso de hipospadia peniana de um canino macho, sem raça definida (SRD), de oito meses deidade, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, na cidade de Belém/Pará, detalhando os procedimentos cirúrgico e anestésico utilizados para resolução do caso. Ao chegar ao hospital, o animal foi submetido ao exame físicoinicial no qual observou-se uma deformidade na região perianal por onde drenava a urina e uma abertura na região prepucial. A partir disso, foi solicitada a uretrocistografia retrógrada para complemento diagnóstico da hipospadia e seu comprometimento ao sistema urinário interno. Diante disso, foi realizado procedimento cirúrgico reconstrutivo e orquiectomia terapêutica, alcançando permitindoa resolução do caso e a recuperação completa do animal. Considerando que essa deformidade impossibilita a capacidadesexual generandi, a resolução recomendada é a cirúrgica, na qual o prognóstico é bom, possibilitando qualidade de vida ao animal.(AU)

Hypospadias is the result of developmental failure where normal fusion of the genital folds and genital tumescence does not occur, which causes abnormal development of the penile urethra, penis, foreskin and/or scrotum. The objective of this report is to describe a case of penile hypospadias in an eight-month-old male mixed breed (SRD) canine, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of Amazônia, in the city of Belém/Pará, detailing the procedures surgical and anesthetic used for resolution of the case. Upon arrival at the hospital, the animal underwent an initial physical examination in which a deformity was observed in the perianal region through which urine drained and an opening in the preputial region. From this, a retrograde urethrocystography was requested to complement the diagnosis of hypospadias and its commitment to the internal urinary system. In view of this, a reconstructive surgical procedure and therapeutic orchiectomy were performed, allowing the resolution of the case and the complete recovery of the animal. Considering that this deformity prevents the sexual capacity generandi, the recommended resolution is surgery, in which the prognosis is good, allowing quality of life for the animal.(AU)

La hipospadias es el resultado de una falla en el desarrollo donde no ocurre la fusión normal de los pliegues genitales y la tumescencia genital, lo que provoca un desarrollo anormal de la uretra peneana, el pene, el prepucio y/o el escroto. El objetivo de este relato es describir un caso de hipospadias peneana en un canino macho mestizo (SRD) de ocho meses de edad, atendido en el Hospital Veterinario de la Universidad Federal Rural de Amazônia, en la ciudad de Belém/Pará, detallando los procedimientos quirúrgicos y anestésicos utilizados para la resolución del caso. A su llegada al hospital, el animal fue sometido a un examen físico inicial en el que se observó una deformidad en la región perianal por donde salía la orina y una abertura en la región prepucial. A partir de ello se solicitó cistouretrografía retrógrada para complementar el diagnóstico de hipospadias y su afectación en el sistema urinario interno. Ante esto, se realizó un procedimiento quirúrgico reconstructivo y orquiectomía terapéutica, que permitió la resolución del caso y la recuperación completa del animal. Teniendo en cuenta que esta deformidad imposibilita la capacidadgeneradi sexual, la resolución recomendada es la cirugía, en la que el pronóstico es bueno, permitiendo calidad de vida para el animal.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Uretra/anormalidades , Hipospadia/diagnóstico , Brasil
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20210711, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418166


Intra-abdominal or intrascrotal testicular torsion in dogs occurs due to spermatic cord rotation. Dogs with testicular torsion commonly present severe pain and require surgical intervention. Torsion of intra-abdominal retained testicles in cryptorchid adult dogs is often associated with the presence of testicular neoplasia. Herein, we reported the case of a 5-year-old male poodle with uncommon intra-abdominal testicular torsion (ITT) of a non-neoplastic testicle. The dog was referred to the veterinary hospital with acute abdominal pain in the hypogastric region. An intra-abdominal gonad and alterations compatible with testicular torsion were visualized during ultrasound examination. Orchiectomy and histopathological analysis of the testes confirmed the diagnosis of ITT in the absence of neoplasia. The patient recovered uneventfully from the situation. This report showed that ITT can occur in adult dogs in the absence of testicular neoplasia and reinforce the message that it should be included as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute abdominal pain in cryptorchid dogs. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination in this case of pain in the hypogastric region was decisive for the diagnosis of ITT.

A torção testicular intra-abdominal ou intra-escrotal em cães ocorre devido à rotação do cordão espermático. Os cães com torção testicular apresentam comumente dor intensa e necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica. Em cães adultos, a torção de testículos retidos no abdômen está geralmente associada à presença de neoplasia testicular. Este relato descreve um caso incomum de cão macho, de cinco anos de idade, da raça Poodle, encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário com dor abdominal aguda na região hipogástrica. Durante o exame ecográfico, foi possível evidenciar um testículo e alterações compatíveis com torção testicular. A orquiectomia intra-abdominal e posterior análise histopatológica confirmaram a ITT sem neoplasia associada. O paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória. Este relato mostra que a ITT na ausência de neoplasia pode ocorrer em cães adultos, reforçando a mensagem de que deve ser considerada como um diferencial diagnóstico em casos de dor abdominal aguda. Além disso, o exame ultrassonográfico realizado neste caso de dor na região hipogástrica foi decisivo para o diagnóstico de ITT.

Animais , Cães , Testículo/anormalidades , Dor Abdominal/veterinária , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 870, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434752


Background: Omphalophlebitis is characterized as an omphalopathy that affects the umbilical vein. In these cases, ultrasonography can help identify the severity of abdominal lesions and guide the choice of treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein is a surgical procedure indicated in cases where this vessel presents with purulent secretion up to the liver parenchyma. This report describes a case of omphalophlebitis in a calf treated by marsupialization of the umbilical vein. The preoperative and postoperative sonographic findings are also described. Case: A 4-day-old Holstein calf was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. On physical examination, the animal was found to be apathetic, with tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hyperemic mucous membranes, and moderate dehydration. An increase in volume was observed in the umbilical region, with local hyperthermia, firm consistency, and sensitivity to palpation. On deep palpation of the abdomen, a mass originating in the umbilical region and extending cranially was observed, leading to the suspicion of omphalophlebitis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed external umbilical abscess and omphalophlebitis. Initially, conservative treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs was performed; however, there was no improvement in the clinical picture. Therefore, exploratory celiotomy was performed to remove the umbilical infectious focus. During the procedure, it was verified that the umbilical vein was dilated with a thickened wall until its insertion in the hepatic parenchyma, hence removal of the infected region through a ligature was not possible. Thus, marsupialization of the umbilical vein was performed to create a cutaneous opening for drainage of the purulent contents. In the postoperative period, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs were administered. Dressing of the surgical wound and of the umbilical vein lumen was performed with topical polyvidone at 0.2%. Removal of the stitches was done 14 days postoperatively. Weekly ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which showed a gradual reduction in the diameter of the umbilical vein throughout the postoperative period. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, no further drainage of the purulent content was observed from the umbilical vein, and healing of the stump was demonstrated. After 7 months, a repeat ultrasonography was performed, revealing normal echogenicity and echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma and complete atrophy of the umbilical vein. Discussion: Umbilical vein marsupialization is a surgery rarely described in the literature, and no report has followed the evolution of a case by ultrasonography. The ultrasound examination of the umbilical structures was essential for the definitive diagnosis and choice of surgical treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein was chosen due to the impossibility of ligature of this vessel, which presented with thickened walls and lumen filled with purulent content until its insertion into the liver. Postoperative monitoring via serial ultrasonography examinations allowed follow up of the evolution of the case and animal recovery. At the sonographic reevaluation after 7 months, the findings were unremarkable, indicating complete recovery of the patient. Umbilical marsupialization is a surgical technique that allows complete recovery of calves with severe omphalophlebitis. Ultrasonography is fundamental for the diagnosis of omphalophlebitis and in determining the best therapeutic protocol. Sonographic evaluation during the postoperative period allows follow-up of the progression of lesions in abdominal structures and helps in defining the prognosis.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Umbigo/irrigação sanguínea , Umbigo/patologia , Abscesso Hepático/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 167-181, jan.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437899


Atualmente muitos répteis se tornaram animais de companhia e são mantidos como pet's exóticos. A espécie Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) é um animal exótico da América do Norte, sua identificação é realizada pelas marcas avermelhadas encontradas lateralmente a sua cabeça. Na rotina clínica as principais enfermidades que acometem os quelônios são as de origem reprodutiva, como a estase folicular e distocia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso recorrente de distocia em um tigre d'água fêmea, para isso, a anamnese, o histórico da paciente, e seus sinais clínicos, em conjunto com os exames complementares de imagem foram essenciais para se obter diagnóstico definitivo. O tratamento foi realizado com a indução medicamentosa utilizando borogluconato de cálcio, seguida da aplicação de ocitocina, esta trouxe resultados positivos para a eliminação dos ovos. Porém devido ao histórico do paciente, optou-se pela intervenção cirúrgica de ovariossalpingectomia, sendo está a maneira permanente de resolução da patologia. O protocolo terapêutico escolhido proporcionou um resultado satisfatório e bem estar ao animal.(AU)

Currently, many reptiles have become companion animals and are kept as exotic pets. The species Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) is an exotic animal from North America, and its identification is based on the reddish markings found laterally on its head. In routine clinical practice, the main diseases that affect chelonians are those of reproductive origin, such as follicular stasis and dystocia. The aim of this study was to report a recurrent case of dystocia in a female red-eared slider turtle. For this purpose, the patient's anamnesis, history, and clinical signs, along with complementary imaging exams, were essential to obtain a definitive diagnosis. The treatment involved medical induction using calcium borogluconate, followed by the administration of oxytocin, which yielded positive results in egg elimination. However, due to the patient's history, surgical intervention in the form of ovariosalpingectomy was chosen as the permanent solution to the pathology. The chosen therapeutic protocol provided a satisfactory outcome and improved the animal's well-being.(AU)

Actualmente muchos reptiles se han convertido en animales de compañía y se mantienen como mascotas exóticas. La especie Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied (1839) es un animal exótico de América del Norte, su identificación se realiza por las marcas rojizas que se encuentran lateralmente a su cabeza. En la rutina clínica, las principales enfermedades que afectan a los quelonios son las de origen reproductivo, como la estasis folicular y la distocia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue reportar un caso recurrente de distocia en una hembra de tigre de agua, para ello la anamnesis, la historia de la paciente y sus signos clínicos, junto con los exámenes imagenológicos complementarios fueron fundamentales para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo. El tratamiento se realizó con inducción farmacológica con borogluconato de calcio, seguido de la aplicación de oxitocina, que arrojó resultados positivos con la eliminación de huevos. Sin embargo, debido a los antecedentes de la paciente, se optó por la intervención quirúrgica de ovarialpingectomía, que es la forma definitiva de resolución de la patología. El protocolo terapéutico elegido proporcionó un resultado satisfactorio y bienestar al animal.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Tartarugas , Distocia/diagnóstico , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ocitocina/análise , Salpingectomia/métodos
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(1): 3-16, Janeiro-Março 2022. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1377960


Ao nascimento, a assistência neonatal é essencial, visto que filhotes podem apresentar depressão clínica, bradicardia, apneia persistente ou desconforto respiratório devido à hipóxia, decorrente de uma asfixia prolongada no útero ou durante o parto, necessitando de intervenção imediata. A equipe de recepção ao neonato precisa estar treinada para os procedimentos de reanimação neonatal, que devem ser realizados com enfoque em prover calor ao recém-nascido e no suporte ventilatório e circulatório, mantendo as vias aéreas patentes e uma adequada perfusão tecidual. O conhecimento das características fisiológicas neonatais e das etapas a serem seguidas no protocolo de reanimação, são cruciais para o sucesso da intervenção e maior sobrevivência neonatal.(AU)

At birth, neonatal assistance is essential, since puppies may experience clinical depression, bradycardia, persistent apnea or respiratory discomfort due to hypoxia, resulting from prolonged asphyxia in the uterus or during delivery, requiring immediate intervention. The team needs to be trained in neonatal resuscitation procedures, which must be performed with a focus on providing heat to the newborn and on ventilatory and circulatory support, maintaining patent airways and adequate tissue perfusion. Knowledge of the neonatal physiological characteristics and the steps to be followed in the resuscitation protocol are crucial for the success of the intervention and greater neonatal survival.(AU)

Animais , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar/veterinária , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Gatos/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(3): 109-114, jul./set. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1411213


O trauma é frequentemente relatado na rotina clínica de pequenos animais, podendo gerar fraturas de componentes ósseos e lesões de tecidos moles adjacentes. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar o caso de um canino, macho, sem raça definida, de sete meses de idade, vítima de trauma craniomaxilofacial decorrente de mordedura, diagnosticado com fratura e deslocamento de osso zigomático, além de importante laceração de pele. O tratamento estabelecido baseou-se no debridamento da ferida, estabilização cirúrgica de arco zigomático com fios de Nylon e na sutura dos ferimentos de pele causados. Em um segundo tempo cirúrgico, foi realizada enucleação e recobrimento do defeito na órbita com malha cirúrgica de polipropileno, além de remoção de tecido exuberante e confecção de retalho subdérmico de avanço facial lateral para recobrimento do defeito cutâneo. A complicação evidenciada na primeira intervenção cirúrgica foi a deiscência das suturas de pele, enquanto no segundo tempo cirúrgico, não houve sinais de complicações. No pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou evolução clínica satisfatória, recebendo alta médica 21 dias após o segundo procedimento cirúrgico realizado. Tendo em vista a adequada evolução clínica, bem como os reduzidos efeitos colaterais, sugere-se que a conduta clínica e técnicas cirúrgicas adotadas para tratamento do paciente em questão foram efetivas.

Trauma is frequently reported in the small animal clinics, and can lead to fractures of cranial bone components and injuries to the adjacent soft tissues. In the present study, the objective was to report the case of a seven-month-old male mongrel dog, that had a craniomaxillofacial trauma resulting from a bite, characterized by zygomatic bone fracture and displacement, in addition to a major skin laceration. The stablished treatment was based on wound debridement, surgical stabilization of the zygomatic arch with nylon threads and in the suturing of skin wounds. In a second surgical procedure, enucleation was performed and a surgical polypropylene mesh was applied to cover the orbital defect, exuberant tissue was removed and a subdermal advancement flap was used to cover the skin defect. The complication observed in the first surgical intervention was dehiscence of the skin sutures, while in the second surgical procedure, there were no signs of complications. Postoperatively, the patient had a satisfactory clinical recovery, being discharged 21 days after the second surgical procedure. Considering the adequate clinical evolution and the reduced complications, it issuggestedthat the clinical conduct and surgical techniques adopted for the treatment of the patient in question were effective.

Animais , Cães , Polipropilenos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Zigoma/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Face/cirurgia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(11): e20210251, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375129


This study assessed the impact of different recumbency on sevoflurane-anaesthetised sheep. Seven female sheep were premedicated with 0.1 butorfanol and subsequently administered a combination of 3 ketamine and 0.5 midazolam. Animals were maintained on sevoflurane anaesthesia with pressure-controlled ventilation (12 cm H2O peak inspiratory pressure) and ƒ of 10 mpm. During the anaesthetic procedure, animals underwent one out of three different recumbency: dorsal, left lateral, or right lateral positions. Treatments lasted 120 min with a 48-h washout period in between the treatments. Arterial and central venous blood samples were withdrawn for blood gas and electrolytes analysis and pulmonary shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) CaO2, CcvO2, and CcO2 were calculated accordingly. Results showed that Qs/Qt greatly decreased from 0 to 120 min in all the groups (dorsal: 69.3% to 27.3%; left lateral: 59.1% to 25.0%; right lateral: 67.2% to 32.4%). CaO2, CcvO2 and CcO2 improved over time points, with no difference among treatments. PaO2 and PAO2 showed higher values for 60 and 120 min compared to the 0 min value in all groups, with no differences among treatments as well. PaCO2 and ETCO2 in the lateral groups were higher than those in the dorsal group at 120 min. Pressure-controlled ventilation improved gas exchanges in sheep, thereby reducing pulmonary shunt. Recumbency did not interfere with pulmonary shunt, nevertheless, special attention must be paid to lateral recumbency.

O estudo avaliou o impacto de diferentes decúbitos em ovelhas anestesiadas com sevoflurano. Sete ovelhas foram pré-medicadas com 0,1 de butorfanol e induzidas à anestesia com 3 de cetamina e 0,5 de midazolam. Os animais foram mantidos em anestesia por sevofluorano, em ventilação mecânica controlada por pressão, com pico inspiratório em 12 cm H2O e f de 10 mpm, sendo mantidos por 120 minutos. Durante esse período os animais foram submetidos a um dos três tratamentos: decúbito dorsal, lateral esquerdo ou lateral direito, com intervalo de no mínimo 48 horas entre eles. Amostras de sangue arterial e venoso central foram colhidas para análise de gases sanguíneos e eletrólitos, bem como para cálculo da fração de shunt pulmonar (Qs/Qt), CaO2, CcvO2 e CcO2. Os resultados mostraram que Qs/Qt diminuiu expressivamente de 0 a 120 minutos em todos os grupos (dorsal: 69,3% para 27,3%; lateral esquerdo: 59,1% para 25,0%; lateral direito: 67,2% para 32,4%). Os índices de CaO2, CcvO2 e CcO2 melhoraram ao longo do tempo, sem diferença entre tratamentos. PaO2 e PAO2 apresentaram valores maiores, em todos os grupos, nos minutos 60 e 120 em comparação ao momento 0, não havendo diferenças entre tratamentos. PaCO2 e ETCO2 apresentaram maiores valores nos grupos laterais em comparação ao grupo dorsal ao final do procedimento. Conclui-se que a ventilação controlada por pressão melhorou as trocas gasosas em ovelhas anestesiadas com sevoflurano, reduzindo o shunt pulmonar. O decúbito não interferiu na formação de shunt pulmonar, porém, deve ser dada atenção especial aos decúbitos laterais.

Animais , Feminino , Respiração Artificial/veterinária , Ovinos/fisiologia , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagem , Sevoflurano , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Decúbito Dorsal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 816, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401494


Background: Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland or udder, regardless of its origin, severity, or evolution. Bilateral total mastectomy is indicated in cases of chronic suppurative mastitis, gangrenous mastitis, udder neoplasm or hyperplasia. For mastectomy, the supine position is recommended and, as it is a long-term procedure, general anesthesia was chosen together with the tumescence technique with the objective of transanesthetic and postoperative analgesia. The present report aims to report the general anesthesia protocol used for 2 goats submitted to bilateral total mastectomy associated with a locoregional block by tumescence, a technique not described in the goat species. Cases: Two female goats, mixed breed, approximately 3 years old, were admitted to the Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais (HVGA) of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a history of recurrent mastitis. There was an increase in udder volume and the presence of purulent secretion during milking. One of the animals had given birth about 20 days ago. Surgical treatment through bilateral total mastectomy was recommended for both animals, as they did not present a satisfactory response to antimicrobial therapy, excessive enlargement and functional loss of the mammary system. For the procedure, food fasting for 48 h and water fasting for 24 h was established. The anesthetic protocols used consisted of previous sedation with xylazine1 [Xilazin® - 0.05 mg/kg, IM] anesthetic induction with ketamine2 [Ketalex® - 10 mg/kg, IV] and midazolam3 [Dormire® - 0.1 mg/kg, IV]. Orotracheal intubation and connection to the anesthetic circuit were performed for maintenance through inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane4 (Forane®) and oxygen therapy. Then, in bottle of lactated ringer's solution5 [Linhamax® - 500 mL], lidocaine 2%6 without vasoconstrictor [Lidovet® - 40 mL] and adrenaline7 [Adren® - 25 mg/mL, 0.5 mL] were added, 10 mL/kg of the solution were injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the region of the mammary chains utilizing a Klein cannula after local antisepsis. After the administration of the tumescent solution, it was observed that the area involved is presented with the formation of a gel and there is minimal bleeding, compared to the conventional technique. The animals were monitored for the degree of analgesia, recording vital signs every 15 min at the end of the surgery, dipyrone9 [D-500® - 25 mg/kg, IV], morphine7 [Sulfato de Morfina® - 0.1 mg/kg, SC], and meloxicam10 [Maxican® 0.5 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] for postoperative analgesia. Additionally, tetanus serum1 [Vencosat® - 50,000 IU, single dose] and of oxytetracycline¹ [Oxitetraciclina LA® - 10 mg/kg, IM, 5 applications on alternate days)]. In the following 24 h, no signs of pain were observed on palpation of the surgical wound in the animals, but goat 1 was apathetic and inappetent, with improvement in the clinical picture only 48 h after surgery. Discussion: The choice of the surgical procedure resulted in an improvement in the clinical conditions of the animals and the anesthetic protocol using inhalation anesthesia and locoregional block (tumescence) proved to be efficient to perform in goats, contributing to transanesthetic and postoperative analgesia, being easily applied to ruminants that need surgical interventions in the region of mammary chains.

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/microbiologia , Mastectomia Simples/métodos , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Anestesia/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Bloqueio Nervoso/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378437


A obstrução ureteral em felinos é uma afecção, potencialmente fatal e comum na clínica de pequenos animais por levar à restrição do fluxo normal de urina. As principais causas dessa obstrução são ureterólitos (cálculos) que podem ser classificados como simples, mistos ou compostos. Os sinais clínicos da obstrução ureteral não são muito evidentes até que a obstrução seja completa, bilateral ou que haja disfunção do rim contralateral. O diagnóstico da doença é firmado com base nos sinais clínicos, exames complementares como hemograma, bioquímico, radiografia, ultrassonografia abdominal, urinálise e urocultura, uretropielografia retrógrada, pielografia anterógrada, tomografia computadorizada e estudo da taxa de filtração glomerular ureteral. A obstrução ureteral é uma enfermidade que deve ser tratada com emergência, o tratamento deve ser determinado com base no tipo de cálculo presente, os casos mais severos necessitam de intervenção cirúrgica como a técnica bypass para descompressão. O presente artigo é uma revisão sobre a eficácia do emprego do bypass para o tratamento na obstrução ureteral.(AU)

Ureteral obstruction in felines is a potentially fatal and common condition in small animal clinics, as it leads to restriction of the normal flow of urine. The main causes of this obstruction are urolithiasis (renal calculi) which can be classified as: simple, mixed or compound. Clinical signs are not very evident until the obstruction is complete, bilateral, or when occurs a contralateral edge dysfunction. The diagnosis of the disease was settled with the association of clinical signs and the results of complementary tests such as blood count, biochemistry, radiography, abdominal ultrasonography, urinalysis and urine culture, retrograde urethropielography, antegrade pyelography, computed tomography and study of the ureteral glomerular filtration rate. It is an illness that must be treated with emergency, the treatment must be determined based on the type of calculus present, in the most severe cases it must be performed a of surgical intervention such as a bypass technique for decompression. This article is a review of the avaiable information about the effectiveness of bypass usage for treatment of ureteral obstruction in felines.(AU)

Animais , Obstrução Ureteral/diagnóstico , Obstrução Ureteral/reabilitação , Gatos/anormalidades , Obstrução do Cateter/veterinária , Doenças Ureterais/reabilitação , Insuficiência Renal/diagnóstico
Ci. Rural ; 51(6)2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31402


The most tension resistant, nonmetallic, surgical suture is 5 polyester. Comparing its resistance to those of the dogs cranial cruciate ligament and the canine gastrocnemius tendons up until they rupture, its possible to detect a considerably inferior resistance on the implants part. With the goal of achieving high mechanical resistances from sutures, these were grouped and twisted, resulting in a surgical rope that is adjustable to the patients needs. We analyzed manufacturing methodology, final conformation and tension resistance, based on three sutures models: A (1 polyglactin 910), B (1 polyester) and C (5 polyester). Considering averages of thickness and final load, the B implants obtained lower values than A, indicating that polyglactin 910 ropes are more resistant than those of polyester. Moreover, the C implants resulted in the highest values of load and thickness, indicating that final thickness is predictive towards tension resistance. Size 1 Polyester was the only one to generate linear regression for supported load, ensuring the 25,34 Newtons (N) increment to every suture added to the implant, which suggests its use for the creation of non absorbable ropes. The use of 1 polyglatctin 910 promotes load averages superior to 1 polyester;therefore, it is indicated for making absorbable surgical ropes.(AU)

O fio cirúrgico não metálico com maior resistência à tração é o poliéster nº 5. Comparando a sua resistência com a do ligamento cruzado cranial de cães e do tendão gastrocnêmico canino até suas rupturas, é possível perceber uma resistência consideravelmente inferior da parte do implante. Com objetivo de alcançar grandes resistências mecânicas a partir de fios de sutura, estes foram agrupados e torcidos, resultando em uma corda cirúrgica ajustável de acordo com a necessidade do paciente. Foram analisadas a metodologia de confecção, a conformação final e a resistência à tração, baseados em três modelos de fios: A (poliglactina 910 nº 1), B (poliéster nº 1) e C (poliéster nº 5). Considerando as médias de espessura e carga final, os implantes B obtiveram menores valores do que A, indicando que cordas de poliglactina 910 são mais resistentes que as de poliéster. Ademais, os implantes C resultaram nos maiores valores de carga e espessura, indicando que a espessura final é preditiva para resistência à tração. O poliéster nº 1 foi o único a gerar regressão linear para carga suportada, garantindo o incremento de 25,34 Newtons (N) a cada fio acrescido ao implante, o que sugere seu uso para criação de cordas não absorvíveis. A utilização da poliglactina 910 nº 1 promove médias de carga superiores ao poliéster nº 1, portanto, é indicada para confecção de cordas cirúrgicas absorvíveis.(AU)

Animais , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Suturas/veterinária , Poliglactina 910 , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360807, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339012


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the impact of submersion of the microsurgical anastomosis suture area using saline (0.9% NaCl) in an experimental laboratory during the training of medical students and resident physicians. Methods: Wistar rats (n = 10) were selected to have the two femoral arteries sectioned and anastomosed end-to-end under optical magnification. They were randomly divided, so that on one side suturing was performed under submersion with saline, and the contralateral side was kept dry during the procedure. The surgical times, as well as the patency within 30 min and 72 h of the procedure, were evaluated. Results: Six male Wistar rats survived the surgical anesthetic procedure, with the average initial weight of 243.3 g and the average artery diameter of 0.86 mm, with average time of 15.67 min for the submerged technique and 20.50 min for the dry technique (p = 0.03). The failure rates were 17 and 50% for the submerged group and the dry one, respectively (p = 0.62). Conclusions: Submerged microvascular suture does not compromise the patency of the vessel or increase the time of anastomosis. Therefore, it is a strategy that can be applied by the surgeon according to his/her technical preferences.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Ratos , Técnicas de Sutura , Microcirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Suturas , Grau de Desobstrução Vascular , Anastomose Cirúrgica , Ratos Wistar , Artéria Femoral/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub.1791-2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458430


Background: Extraluminal surgical procedures for intrathoracic tracheal collapse in dogs are not routinely performed. The patients are normally treated with different drugs or by intraluminal stents. However, in more severe cases, drug treatment does not always have good outcomes, and intraluminal prostheses can be correlated to several postoperative problems. In order to obtain better results, we aimed to develop a surgical technique for implantation of a new extraluminal helical prosthesis in the thoracic segment of the trachea through cervical access, associated with pneumatic mediastinoscopy for certification of the technique and minimization of possible complications. Materials, Methods & Results: Seven canine corpses (CCs) from non-traumatic death, weighing between 2 and 7 kg, were used. A ventral cervical approach to the trachea was associated with blunt mediastinal dissection. Trans cervical pneumatic mediastinoscopy was used for evaluation of the dissection and location of the implant. These were compared with the necropsy findings by the exact Wilcoxon two-sample test, with P < 0.05. The results of necropsy and mediastinoscopy did not present significant differences at P < 0.05. During the examinations, the presence of some mediastinal visceral le-sions caused by the prosthesis, the integrity of the mediastinum and possible lesions to RLN and blood vessels (BV) were analyzed. We also investigated the location of the distal part of the prosthesis in the thoracic segment of the trachea and its dissection. To evaluate the technique, statistical comparison was made between mediastinoscopy and necropsy find-ings. The data were compared by the Wilcoxon test at 5% probability. The tracheas of all CCs were efficiently dissected, but in some cases problems that can happen during the procedure were noticed. This was checked by mediastinoscopy and confirmed by necropsy. The median of the scores was...

Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Stents/veterinária , Traqueia/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49: Pub. 1791, Mar. 8, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-761942


Background: Extraluminal surgical procedures for intrathoracic tracheal collapse in dogs are not routinely performed. The patients are normally treated with different drugs or by intraluminal stents. However, in more severe cases, drug treatment does not always have good outcomes, and intraluminal prostheses can be correlated to several postoperative problems. In order to obtain better results, we aimed to develop a surgical technique for implantation of a new extraluminal helical prosthesis in the thoracic segment of the trachea through cervical access, associated with pneumatic mediastinoscopy for certification of the technique and minimization of possible complications. Materials, Methods & Results: Seven canine corpses (CCs) from non-traumatic death, weighing between 2 and 7 kg, were used. A ventral cervical approach to the trachea was associated with blunt mediastinal dissection. Trans cervical pneumatic mediastinoscopy was used for evaluation of the dissection and location of the implant. These were compared with the necropsy findings by the exact Wilcoxon two-sample test, with P < 0.05. The results of necropsy and mediastinoscopy did not present significant differences at P < 0.05. During the examinations, the presence of some mediastinal visceral le-sions caused by the prosthesis, the integrity of the mediastinum and possible lesions to RLN and blood vessels (BV) were analyzed. We also investigated the location of the distal part of the prosthesis in the thoracic segment of the trachea and its dissection. To evaluate the technique, statistical comparison was made between mediastinoscopy and necropsy find-ings. The data were compared by the Wilcoxon test at 5% probability. The tracheas of all CCs were efficiently dissected, but in some cases problems that can happen during the procedure were noticed. This was checked by mediastinoscopy and confirmed by necropsy. The median of the scores was...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Traqueia/cirurgia , Stents/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(2): 102-105, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453268


The occurrence of neoplasms in birds is still unknown, with the literature based mainly on scarce reports, in this context, data about epidemiology in specific species are almost nonexistent. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal origin neoplasms, which can develop from different tissues, such as adipose, cartilage, bone, among others. The occurrence of sarcomas in birds has been previously described, with different therapeutic approaches. The present report describes the clinical approach in a blue-fronted amazon (Amazona aestiva) diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in the dorsal cervical region, with surgical excision associated with a metronomic chemotherapy protocol as an adjuvant. The therapeutic combination proved to be effective in controlling the disease, guaranteeing important survival, with clinical absence of side effects.

A ocorrência das neoplasias em aves ainda é desconhecida, com a literatura se baseando principalmente em relatos escassos, nesse contexto, dados acerca de epidemiologia em espécies específicas são quase inexistentes. Os sarcomas são neo-plasias malignas de origem mesenquimal, podendo se desenvolver a partir de tecidos diversos, como adiposo, cartilaginoso, ósseo, dentre outros. A ocorrência de sarcomas em aves já foi previamente descrita, com diferentes abordagens terapêuticas. O presente relato descreve a abordagem clínica em um papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) diagnosticado com um sarcoma de tecidos moles em região cervical dorsal, sendo realizada a exérese cirúrgica associada a protocolo quimioterápico metronô-mico em caráter adjuvante. A combinação terapêutica se mostrou eficaz no controle da doença, garantindo sobrevida impor-tante, na ausência clínica de efeitos colaterais.

Animais , Ciclofosfamida , Papagaios/cirurgia , Piroxicam , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Sarcoma/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(2): 102-105, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765304


The occurrence of neoplasms in birds is still unknown, with the literature based mainly on scarce reports, in this context, data about epidemiology in specific species are almost nonexistent. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal origin neoplasms, which can develop from different tissues, such as adipose, cartilage, bone, among others. The occurrence of sarcomas in birds has been previously described, with different therapeutic approaches. The present report describes the clinical approach in a blue-fronted amazon (Amazona aestiva) diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in the dorsal cervical region, with surgical excision associated with a metronomic chemotherapy protocol as an adjuvant. The therapeutic combination proved to be effective in controlling the disease, guaranteeing important survival, with clinical absence of side effects.(AU)

A ocorrência das neoplasias em aves ainda é desconhecida, com a literatura se baseando principalmente em relatos escassos, nesse contexto, dados acerca de epidemiologia em espécies específicas são quase inexistentes. Os sarcomas são neo-plasias malignas de origem mesenquimal, podendo se desenvolver a partir de tecidos diversos, como adiposo, cartilaginoso, ósseo, dentre outros. A ocorrência de sarcomas em aves já foi previamente descrita, com diferentes abordagens terapêuticas. O presente relato descreve a abordagem clínica em um papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) diagnosticado com um sarcoma de tecidos moles em região cervical dorsal, sendo realizada a exérese cirúrgica associada a protocolo quimioterápico metronô-mico em caráter adjuvante. A combinação terapêutica se mostrou eficaz no controle da doença, garantindo sobrevida impor-tante, na ausência clínica de efeitos colaterais.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/cirurgia , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Ciclofosfamida , Piroxicam , Sarcoma/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 198-205, out./dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363471


Os cães idosos são acometidos com frequência por enfermidades no sistema cardiovascular e respiratório, estando muita das vezes assintomáticos até terem indicação para algum procedimento cirúrgico que requer a avaliação pré-operatória, momento este que muitos achados clínicos poderão ser detectados, ao ponto da necessidade de tratamento prévio à intervenção cirúrgica. Diante disso, o trabalho tem por objetivo detectar as principais manifestações cardiorrespiratórias e sua correlação aos dados encontrados nos exames complementares e informações epidemiológicas de 138 cães atendidos em um serviço especializado em cardiologia e doenças respiratórias, no período de 2017 a 2021, para fins de risco cirúrgico. Foi possível observar maior predominância de animais idosos, de pequeno porte e do sexo feminino. Dentre as doenças cardíacas, a doença degenerativa crônica de mitral foi a mais prevalente, seguida da dirofilariose. Em relação as afecções respiratórias, a bronquite crônica e o colapso de traqueia foram mais diagnosticadas, seguidas da broncopneumonia e da síndrome braquicefálica. Quando da observação do ritmo cardíaco por meio do eletrocardiograma, a arritmia sinusal, ritmo sinusal e sinus arrest foram os principais achados. Quanto aos achados laboratoriais, foi possível observar aumento da média de hematimetria, redução da média do hematócrito e das plaquetas. Entretanto, alguns animais apresentaram azotemia, leucocitose e eosinofilia. Observou-se que pacientes com doenças cardíacas em estágios de congestão possuem redução da pressão arterial, aumento da hematimetria e taquiarritmias, como taquicardia sinusal e/ou complexos atriais prematuros. Pacientes com idade mais avançada tendem a ter redução dos valores de leucometria global e maior probabilidade de manifestação de aumento da pressão arterial. Portadores de dirofilariose cursam com aumento de eosinófilos.

Elderly dogs are frequently affected by diseases in the cardiovascular and respiratory system, being often asymptomatic until they are indicated for a surgical procedure that requires preoperative evaluation, at which point many clinical findings can be detected, to the point of need for treatment prior to surgical intervention. Therefore, the work aims to detect the main cardiorespiratory manifestations and their correlation to data found in complementary exams and demographic information of 138 animals treated at a service specialized in cardiology and respiratory diseases, from 2017 to 2021, for risk purposes surgical. It was possible to observe a greater predominance of elderly, small and female animals. Among heart diseases, chronic degenerative mitral disease was the most prevalent, followed by heartworm disease. Regarding respiratory affections, chronic bronchitis and tracheal collapse were more commonly diagnosed, followed by bronchopneumonia and brachycephalic syndrome. When observing the cardiac rhythm through the electrocardiogram, sinus arrhythmia, sinus rhythm and sinus arrest were the main findings. As for laboratory findings, it was possible to observe an increase in mean hematimetry, a reduction in mean hematocrit and platelets. However, some animals showed azotemia, leukocytosis and eosinophilia. It was observed that patients with cardiac diseases in stages of congestion have reduced blood pressure, increased hematimetry and tachyarrhythmias, such as sinus tachycardia and/or premature atrial complexes. Older patients tend to have reduced global white blood cell values and more likely to manifest increased blood pressure. Heartworm patients have an increase in eosinophils.

Animais , Cães , Doenças Respiratórias/veterinária , Doenças Cardiovasculares/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Cardiopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.604-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458467


Background: Large skin defects are caused by tumor excision, making appropriate reconstruction and complete healingof the lesion a challenge for surgeons. There are some difficulties in reaching these goals, especially in cases of surgicalwound in the limbs, due to the scarce amount of skin and its reduced elasticity, which limit the possibility of flaps whencompared to the head, neck, and trunk. This study reports a case of wound closure on the lateral skin in the femoral regionof a dog’s pelvic limb via island skin graft associated with the implantation of a non-adherent cellulose acetate mesh andintensive postoperative care.Case: An 8-year-old Rottweiler female dog was attended at Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná’s Veterinary Clinic(CVE) in Curitiba, Paraná, presenting a tumor located laterocaudally to the right stifle joint. After preoperative examinations the patient underwent tumor surgery; however, two more surgical procedures were required due to suture dehiscence in the region, which resulted in increased wound size. At first, the wound was treated for granulation tissue to beformed. Subsequently, the island skin grafting technique was chosen to close the wound, associated with the implantationof a non-adherent cellulose acetate mesh imbibed with petrolatum emulsion to keep the grafted fragments in place. Themesh was fixed in a simple interrupted suture pattern using 2-0 nylon thread. The lateral regions of the chest and abdomen were chosen as donor skin beds due to their large dimensions, skin elasticity, and ease in defect reconstruction. Thefragments were obtained using a 10-mm biopsy punch and scalpel, and the defects were sutured in a simple interruptedpattern using 2-0 nylon thread. The patient remained hospitalized for movement restriction and postoperative monitoringfor 72 h, and the bandage remained untouched during this time interval. Thereafter, the patient...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Pele , Transplantes , Neoplasias/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 604, 10 fev. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30140


Background: Large skin defects are caused by tumor excision, making appropriate reconstruction and complete healingof the lesion a challenge for surgeons. There are some difficulties in reaching these goals, especially in cases of surgicalwound in the limbs, due to the scarce amount of skin and its reduced elasticity, which limit the possibility of flaps whencompared to the head, neck, and trunk. This study reports a case of wound closure on the lateral skin in the femoral regionof a dogs pelvic limb via island skin graft associated with the implantation of a non-adherent cellulose acetate mesh andintensive postoperative care.Case: An 8-year-old Rottweiler female dog was attended at Pontifical Catholic University of Paranás Veterinary Clinic(CVE) in Curitiba, Paraná, presenting a tumor located laterocaudally to the right stifle joint. After preoperative examinations the patient underwent tumor surgery; however, two more surgical procedures were required due to suture dehiscence in the region, which resulted in increased wound size. At first, the wound was treated for granulation tissue to beformed. Subsequently, the island skin grafting technique was chosen to close the wound, associated with the implantationof a non-adherent cellulose acetate mesh imbibed with petrolatum emulsion to keep the grafted fragments in place. Themesh was fixed in a simple interrupted suture pattern using 2-0 nylon thread. The lateral regions of the chest and abdomen were chosen as donor skin beds due to their large dimensions, skin elasticity, and ease in defect reconstruction. Thefragments were obtained using a 10-mm biopsy punch and scalpel, and the defects were sutured in a simple interruptedpattern using 2-0 nylon thread. The patient remained hospitalized for movement restriction and postoperative monitoringfor 72 h, and the bandage remained untouched during this time interval. Thereafter, the patient...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Transplantes , Pele , Cães/cirurgia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária