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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220076, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418557


The establishment of epigenetic marks during the reprogramming window is susceptible to environmental influences, and stimuli during this critical stage can cause altered DNA methylation in offspring. In a previous study, we found that low levels of sulphur and cobalt (low S/Co) in the diet offered to oocyte donors altered the DNA methylome of bovine embryos. However, due to the extensive epigenetic reprogramming that occurs during embryogenesis, we hypothesized that the different methylation regions (DMRs) identified in the blastocysts may not maintain in adulthood. Here, we aimed to characterize DMRs previously identified in embryos, in the blood and sperm of adult progenies of two groups of heifers (low S/Co and control). We used six bulls and characterized the DNA methylation levels of KDM2A, KDM5A, KMT2D, and DOT1L genes. Our results showed that all DMRs analysed in both groups and tissues were hypermethylated unlike that noticed in the embryonic methylome profiles. These results suggest that embryo DMRs were reprogrammed during the final stages of de novo methylation during embryogenesis or later in development. Therefore, due to the highly dynamic epigenetic state during early embryonic development, we suggest that is essential to validate the DMRs found in embryos in adult individuals.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Epigenômica
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 311-326, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435425


As perdas de produtividade e fertilidade animal associadas ao estresse térmico durante os meses mais quentes do ano é um dos maiores desafios do setor pecuário. Na indústria de leite as perdas econômicas causadas pelo estresse térmico foram estimadas em mais de 1,5 bilhões de dólares por ano. No que tange a reprodução, já foi demonstrado que o estresse térmico exerce múltiplos efeitos deletérios, causando disfunções endócrinas e alterando a sequência orquestrada de eventos importantes para a gametogênese e para o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estudos recentes têm esclarecido o padrão temporal no qual os danos são estabelecidos e carreados dependendo da intensidade do estresse. Enquanto os efeitos imediatos do estresse térmico nos gametas já são bem caracterizados, existem evidências de que alguns danos podem ser carreados de forma tardia e possivelmente entre gerações. Além disso, dados emergentes indicam que o estresse térmico compromete a reprogramação da metilação do DNA que ocorre durante a gametogênese e a programação do desenvolvimento in utero. Dessa forma, esse artigo visa explorar os efeitos imediatos, tardios e transgeracionais do estresse térmico nos gametas.(AU)

The drop on animal productivity and fertility associated with heat stress during the hot months of the year is one of the biggest challenges for the livestock sector. For the dairy industry the economic losses caused by heat stress have been estimated over 1.5 billion dollars per year. It has already been demonstrated that heat stress exerts multiple deleterious effects on reproductive function, causing endocrine dysfunctions as well as changes in the sequence of events required for gametogenesis and early embryonic development. Recent studies have shed a light in the temporal pattern in which heat-induced damage is established and carried forward depending on the intensity of stress. While the immediate effects of heat stress on gametes are well characterized, there is evidence that some damage can be carried over for longer periods and even across generations. Furthermore, emerging data indicate that heat stress compromises DNA methylation reprogramming that occurs during gametogenesis and developmental programming in utero. Thus, this paper aims to explore the immediate, late and transgenerational effects of heat stress on gametes.(AU)

Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Células Germinativas
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 598-606, jul.-set. 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436773


Por ser uma célula altamente especializada, o espermatozoide apresenta diferentes mecanismos epigenéticos, sendo os principais as metilações do DNA, o código de histonas, os ncRNAs (RNAs não codificadores), e a alta condensação da cromatina pela presença das protaminas. Estes mecanismos interagem entre si, contribuindo para a formação do epigenoma espermático, que modela a carga molecular espermática, que, por sua vez, pode impactar sobre as características do desenvolvimento embrionário e da progênie. Dessa forma, atualmente é consenso que o papel do espermatozoide ultrapassa a entrega de DNA de qualidade para o oócito no momento da fecundação. Pesquisas recentes de diversos grupos, incluindo o nosso, mostram que além da contribuição com DNA de qualidade, o espermatozoide entrega moléculas ao oócito no momento da fecundação que influenciam o desenvolvimento do embrião. Recentemente, essas moléculas de origem espermática (Em inglês: sperm-borne) também são associadas com alterações metabólicas e cognitivas da progênie. Embora ainda pouco se entenda como esses mecanismos podem persistir mesmo com o ciclo de reprogramação celular que ocorre logo após a fecundação, é evidente que estes podem impactar as características da progênie. Nesta revisão abordaremos sobre a modulação do epigenoma espermático e seus efeitos no desenvolvimento embrionário.(AU)

Since it is a highly specialized cell, the spermatozoa display different epigenetic mechanisms; the main ones are DNA methylation, histone code, ncRNAs (non-coding RNAs), and high chromatin condensation by the presence of protamines. These mechanisms act in synergy contributing to forming the sperm epigenome, which modulates the spermatic molecular cargo, and, may impact embryo and offspring development features. Thus, it is currently a consensus that the role of spermatozoa goes beyond delivering quality DNA to the oocyte at fertilization. Relevant findings from several research groups, including ours, have shown that sperm delivers several molecules to the oocyte at fertilization, beyond the contribution to DNA, which influences the development of the embryo. Recently, these sperm-borne molecules have also been associated with metabolic and cognitive changes in the offspring. Although the mechanism by which these changes can persist even after embryo reprogramming is not completely understood, evidence shows that sperm cell molecular content impacts embryo and offspring development. This review will mainly focus on the modulation of the sperm epigenome and its effects on embryo development.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Fertilidade/genética , Epigenoma/genética , Espermatozoides , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(4): e20220097, 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414547


Prior to implantation in cattle, the mucous medium contained in the uterine lumen serves as a working interface for molecular exchange and signaling between the lining endometrium and the embryo. The composition of this luminal fluid changes temporally according to the secretory and reabsorptive activities of the uterus and the embryo, which are under complex regulation. Via this interface, both the embryo and the endometrium reprogram each other's functions to support pregnancy continuation beyond the pre-implantation period. More specifically, the embryo receives elongation signals and the uterus receives anti-luteolytic stimuli. Here, characteristics of the luminal compartment as well as the regulation of its composition to determine the pregnancy outcome will be discussed.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/fisiologia , Endométrio/embriologia , Reprogramação Celular/fisiologia , Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais , Luteolíticos/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 17(3): [e20200015], 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461520


Understanding preimplantation embryonic development is crucial for the improvement of assisted reproductive technologies and animal production. To achieve this goal, it is important to consider that gametes and embryos are highly susceptible to environmental changes. Beyond the metabolic adaptation, the dynamic status imposed during follicular growth and early embryogenesis may create marks that will guide the molecular regulation during prenatal development, and consequently impact the offspring phenotype. In this context, metaboloepigenetics has gained attention, as it investigates the crosstalk between metabolism and molecular control, i.e., how substrates generated by metabolic pathways may also act as players of epigenetic modifications. In this review, we present the main metabolic and epigenetic events of pre-implantation development, and how these systems connect to open possibilities for targeted manipulation of reproductive technologies and animal production systems.

Animais , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Epigênese Genética/fisiologia , Implantação do Embrião
Anim. Reprod. ; 17(3): [e20200015], 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29273


Understanding preimplantation embryonic development is crucial for the improvement of assisted reproductive technologies and animal production. To achieve this goal, it is important to consider that gametes and embryos are highly susceptible to environmental changes. Beyond the metabolic adaptation, the dynamic status imposed during follicular growth and early embryogenesis may create marks that will guide the molecular regulation during prenatal development, and consequently impact the offspring phenotype. In this context, metaboloepigenetics has gained attention, as it investigates the crosstalk between metabolism and molecular control, i.e., how substrates generated by metabolic pathways may also act as players of epigenetic modifications. In this review, we present the main metabolic and epigenetic events of pre-implantation development, and how these systems connect to open possibilities for targeted manipulation of reproductive technologies and animal production systems.(AU)

Animais , Epigênese Genética/fisiologia , Implantação do Embrião , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 1063-1072, Dec. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155041


Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT-Cloning) is a promising technique in many areas and is based on genetically identical individuals. However, its efficiency is low. Studies suggest that the leading cause is inadequate epigenetic reprogramming. This study aimed to characterize the methylation pattern of the exon 10 regions of the IGF2 gene and the Imprinting Control Region (ICR) of the H19 gene in the placenta of cloned calves. For this study, female and male cloned calves presenting different phenotypes were used. Genomic DNA from these animals' placenta was isolated, then treated with sodium bisulfite and amplified to the ICR/H19 and IGF2 loci. PCR products were cloned into competent bacteria and finally sequenced. A significant difference was found between controls and clones with healthy phenotypes for the ICR/H19 region. In this region, controls showed a hemimethylated pattern, as predicted in the literature due to this region has an imprinted control, while clones were showed less methylated. For the IGF2, no significant differences were found between controls and clones. These results suggest that different genomic regions in the genome may be independently reprogrammed and that failures in reprogramming the DNA methylation patterns of imprinted genes may be one of the causes of the low efficiency of SCNT.(AU)

A Transferência Nuclear de Células Somáticas (TNCS-Clonagem) é uma técnica promissora em várias áreas, e se baseia na produção de indivíduos geneticamente idênticos. No entanto, sua eficiência é baixa. Estudos sugerem que a principal causa seja uma reprogramação epigenética inadequada. O objetivo desse trabalho é caracterizar o padrão de metilação da região éxon 10 do gene IGF2 e da Região Controladora de Imprinting (ICR) do gene H19 na placenta de bezerros clonados. Para a execução do trabalho foram selecionados clones bovinos fêmeas e machos, apresentando diferentes fenótipos. O DNA da placenta desses animais foi extraído, e em seguida foi tratado com bissulfito de sódio e amplificado para os loci ICR/H19 e IGF2. Os produtos da PCR foram clonados em bactérias competentes e, por fim, sequenciados. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os controles e os clones com fenótipos saudáveis para a região da ICR/H19. Nesta região, os controles tiveram um padrão hemimetilado, como previsto pela literatura, devido essa região ser imprinted. Enquanto os clones encontravam-se menos metilados. Para a região do éxon 10 do IGF2, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre controles e clones. Estes resultados sugerem que as diferentes regiões do genoma podem se reprogramar independente umas das outras e que falhas na reprogramação do padrão de metilação do DNA de genes imprinted podem ser uma das causas da baixa eficiência da TNCS.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Placenta , Bovinos/genética , Células Clonais , Epigenômica , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like II/análise , Metilação de DNA
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 1063-1072, dez. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32675


Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT-Cloning) is a promising technique in many areas and is based on genetically identical individuals. However, its efficiency is low. Studies suggest that the leading cause is inadequate epigenetic reprogramming. This study aimed to characterize the methylation pattern of the exon 10 regions of the IGF2 gene and the Imprinting Control Region (ICR) of the H19 gene in the placenta of cloned calves. For this study, female and male cloned calves presenting different phenotypes were used. Genomic DNA from these animals' placenta was isolated, then treated with sodium bisulfite and amplified to the ICR/H19 and IGF2 loci. PCR products were cloned into competent bacteria and finally sequenced. A significant difference was found between controls and clones with healthy phenotypes for the ICR/H19 region. In this region, controls showed a hemimethylated pattern, as predicted in the literature due to this region has an imprinted control, while clones were showed less methylated. For the IGF2, no significant differences were found between controls and clones. These results suggest that different genomic regions in the genome may be independently reprogrammed and that failures in reprogramming the DNA methylation patterns of imprinted genes may be one of the causes of the low efficiency of SCNT.(AU)

A Transferência Nuclear de Células Somáticas (TNCS-Clonagem) é uma técnica promissora em várias áreas, e se baseia na produção de indivíduos geneticamente idênticos. No entanto, sua eficiência é baixa. Estudos sugerem que a principal causa seja uma reprogramação epigenética inadequada. O objetivo desse trabalho é caracterizar o padrão de metilação da região éxon 10 do gene IGF2 e da Região Controladora de Imprinting (ICR) do gene H19 na placenta de bezerros clonados. Para a execução do trabalho foram selecionados clones bovinos fêmeas e machos, apresentando diferentes fenótipos. O DNA da placenta desses animais foi extraído, e em seguida foi tratado com bissulfito de sódio e amplificado para os loci ICR/H19 e IGF2. Os produtos da PCR foram clonados em bactérias competentes e, por fim, sequenciados. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os controles e os clones com fenótipos saudáveis para a região da ICR/H19. Nesta região, os controles tiveram um padrão hemimetilado, como previsto pela literatura, devido essa região ser imprinted. Enquanto os clones encontravam-se menos metilados. Para a região do éxon 10 do IGF2, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre controles e clones. Estes resultados sugerem que as diferentes regiões do genoma podem se reprogramar independente umas das outras e que falhas na reprogramação do padrão de metilação do DNA de genes imprinted podem ser uma das causas da baixa eficiência da TNCS.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Placenta , Bovinos/genética , Células Clonais , Epigenômica , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like II/análise , Metilação de DNA
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 16(3): 475-484, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461457


Somatic cell nuclear transfer and iPS are both forms of radical cell reprogramming able to transform a fully differentiated cell type into a totipotent or pluripotent cell. Both processes, however, are hampered by low efficiency and, in the case of iPS, the application to livestock species is uncertain. Epigenetic manipulation has recently emerged as an efficient and robust alternative method for cell reprogramming. It is based upon the use of small molecules that are able to modify the levels of DNA methylation with 5-azacitidyne as one of the most widely used. Among a number of advantages, it includes the fact that it can be applied to domestic species including pig, dog and cat. Treated cells undergo a widespread demethylation which is followed by a renewed methylation pattern induced by specific chemical stimuli that lead to the desired phenotype. A detailed study of the mechanisms of epigenetic manipulation revealed that cell plasticity is achieved through the combined action of a reduced DNA methyl transferase activity with an active demethylation driven by the TET protein family. Surprisingly the same combination of molecular processes leads to the transformation of fibroblasts into iPS and regulate the epigenetic changes that take place during early development and, hence, during reprogramming following SCNT. Finally, it has recently emerged that mechanic stimuli in the form of a 3D cell rearrangement can significantly enhance the efficiency of epigenetic reprogramming as well as of maintenance of pluripotency. Interestingly these mechanic stimuli act on the same mechanisms both in epigenetic cell conversion with 5-Aza-CR and in iPS. We suggest that the balanced combination of epigenetic erasing, 3D cell rearrangement and chemical induction can go a long way to obtain ad hoc cell types that can fully exploit the current exiting development brought by gene editing and animal cloning in livestock production.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Células-Tronco Pluripotentes Induzidas , Epigenômica , Reprogramação Celular/genética
Anim. Reprod. ; 16(3): 475-484, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22364


Somatic cell nuclear transfer and iPS are both forms of radical cell reprogramming able to transform a fully differentiated cell type into a totipotent or pluripotent cell. Both processes, however, are hampered by low efficiency and, in the case of iPS, the application to livestock species is uncertain. Epigenetic manipulation has recently emerged as an efficient and robust alternative method for cell reprogramming. It is based upon the use of small molecules that are able to modify the levels of DNA methylation with 5-azacitidyne as one of the most widely used. Among a number of advantages, it includes the fact that it can be applied to domestic species including pig, dog and cat. Treated cells undergo a widespread demethylation which is followed by a renewed methylation pattern induced by specific chemical stimuli that lead to the desired phenotype. A detailed study of the mechanisms of epigenetic manipulation revealed that cell plasticity is achieved through the combined action of a reduced DNA methyl transferase activity with an active demethylation driven by the TET protein family. Surprisingly the same combination of molecular processes leads to the transformation of fibroblasts into iPS and regulate the epigenetic changes that take place during early development and, hence, during reprogramming following SCNT. Finally, it has recently emerged that mechanic stimuli in the form of a 3D cell rearrangement can significantly enhance the efficiency of epigenetic reprogramming as well as of maintenance of pluripotency. Interestingly these mechanic stimuli act on the same mechanisms both in epigenetic cell conversion with 5-Aza-CR and in iPS. We suggest that the balanced combination of epigenetic erasing, 3D cell rearrangement and chemical induction can go a long way to obtain ad hoc cell types that can fully exploit the current exiting development brought by gene editing and animal cloning in livestock production.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Reprogramação Celular/genética , Células-Tronco Pluripotentes Induzidas , Epigenômica
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 16(3): 465-474, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461456


The first crucial step in the developmental program occurs during pre-implantation, the time after the oocyte has been fertilized and before the embryo implants in the uterus. This period represents a vulnerable window as the epigenome undergoes dynamic changes in DNA methylation profiles. Alterations in the early embryonic reprogramming wave can impair DNA methylation patterns and induce permanent changes to the developmental program, leading to the onset of adverse health outcomes in offspring. Although there is an increasing body of evidence indicating that harmful exposures during preimplantation embryo development can trigger lasting epigenetic alterations in offspring, the mechanisms are still not fully understood. Since physiological or pathological changes in DNA methylation can occur as a response to environmental cues, proper environmental milieu plays a critical role in the success of embryonic development. In this review, we depict the mechanisms behind the embryonic epigenetic reprogramming of DNA methylation and highlight how maternal environmental stressors (e.g., alcohol, heat stress, nutrient availability) during pre-implantation and assisted reproductive technology procedures affect development and DNA methylation marks.

Desenvolvimento Embrionário/genética , Epigenômica , Fertilização/genética , Metilação de DNA/genética
Anim. Reprod. ; 16(3): 465-474, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22348


The first crucial step in the developmental program occurs during pre-implantation, the time after the oocyte has been fertilized and before the embryo implants in the uterus. This period represents a vulnerable window as the epigenome undergoes dynamic changes in DNA methylation profiles. Alterations in the early embryonic reprogramming wave can impair DNA methylation patterns and induce permanent changes to the developmental program, leading to the onset of adverse health outcomes in offspring. Although there is an increasing body of evidence indicating that harmful exposures during preimplantation embryo development can trigger lasting epigenetic alterations in offspring, the mechanisms are still not fully understood. Since physiological or pathological changes in DNA methylation can occur as a response to environmental cues, proper environmental milieu plays a critical role in the success of embryonic development. In this review, we depict the mechanisms behind the embryonic epigenetic reprogramming of DNA methylation and highlight how maternal environmental stressors (e.g., alcohol, heat stress, nutrient availability) during pre-implantation and assisted reproductive technology procedures affect development and DNA methylation marks.(AU)

Metilação de DNA/genética , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/genética , Fertilização/genética , Epigenômica
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 42(3-4): 104-108, jul.-dez. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21012


Embora amostras gonadais e embriões sejam os bancos biológicos de primeira escolha para o desenvolvimento de estratégias in vitro de conservação, células e tecidos somáticos têm surgido como interessantes alternativas, especialmente para a conservação de mamíferos silvestres criticamente ameaçados de extinção. Assim, para a multiplicação destas espécies, bancos somáticos têm sido empregados como fonte de carioplasto na clonagem por transferência nuclear de células somáticas, em pesquisas voltadas para a reprogramação nuclear e obtenção de células induzidas à pluripotência. Nesse sentido, para atender a essas finalidades, é necessário inicialmente conhecer as condições adequadas de criopreservação e manipulação desses tecidos e células, visando a manutenção adequada de todas as características biológicas importantes para o estabelecimento das posteriores biotecnologias. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é conceituar e apresentar as principais etapas técnicas fundamentais no estabelecimento da criopreservação e manipulação in vitro de células e tecidos somáticos, visando o emprego promissor e adequado destes recursos biológicos na conservação de mamíferos silvestres.(AU)

Although gonadal samples and embryos are the first-choice biological banks for the development of in vitro conservation strategies, somatic cells and tissues have emerged as interesting alternatives, especially for the conservation of wild mammals critically endangered. Thus, for the multiplication of these species, somatic banks have been used as karyoplast source in the cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer, in research aimed at nuclear reprogramming and obtaining cells induced by pluripotency. In this sense, in order to meet these purposes, it is necessary to initially know the proper conditions for cryopreservation and manipulation of these tissues and cells, aiming at the adequate maintenance of all biological characteristics for the establishment of subsequent biotechnologies. Thus, the aim of this review is to conceptualize and present the crucial technical steps in the establishment of cryopreservation and in vitro manipulation of somatic tissues and cells, aiming at the promising and adequate use of these biological resources in the conservation of wild mammals.(AU)

Animais , Clonagem de Organismos , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , Biotecnologia , Criopreservação/veterinária , Reprogramação Celular
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 42(3-4): 104-108, jul.-dez. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492521


Embora amostras gonadais e embriões sejam os bancos biológicos de primeira escolha para o desenvolvimento de estratégias in vitro de conservação, células e tecidos somáticos têm surgido como interessantes alternativas, especialmente para a conservação de mamíferos silvestres criticamente ameaçados de extinção. Assim, para a multiplicação destas espécies, bancos somáticos têm sido empregados como fonte de carioplasto na clonagem por transferência nuclear de células somáticas, em pesquisas voltadas para a reprogramação nuclear e obtenção de células induzidas à pluripotência. Nesse sentido, para atender a essas finalidades, é necessário inicialmente conhecer as condições adequadas de criopreservação e manipulação desses tecidos e células, visando a manutenção adequada de todas as características biológicas importantes para o estabelecimento das posteriores biotecnologias. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é conceituar e apresentar as principais etapas técnicas fundamentais no estabelecimento da criopreservação e manipulação in vitro de células e tecidos somáticos, visando o emprego promissor e adequado destes recursos biológicos na conservação de mamíferos silvestres.

Although gonadal samples and embryos are the first-choice biological banks for the development of in vitro conservation strategies, somatic cells and tissues have emerged as interesting alternatives, especially for the conservation of wild mammals critically endangered. Thus, for the multiplication of these species, somatic banks have been used as karyoplast source in the cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer, in research aimed at nuclear reprogramming and obtaining cells induced by pluripotency. In this sense, in order to meet these purposes, it is necessary to initially know the proper conditions for cryopreservation and manipulation of these tissues and cells, aiming at the adequate maintenance of all biological characteristics for the establishment of subsequent biotechnologies. Thus, the aim of this review is to conceptualize and present the crucial technical steps in the establishment of cryopreservation and in vitro manipulation of somatic tissues and cells, aiming at the promising and adequate use of these biological resources in the conservation of wild mammals.

Animais , Animais Selvagens , Biotecnologia , Clonagem de Organismos , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Criopreservação/veterinária , Reprogramação Celular
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 19: e, 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473611


Spatial and temporal synchrony and compatibility between the receptor oocyte and the donor cell nucleus are necessary for the process of embryo cloning to allow nuclear reprogramming and early embryonic development. The objective of the present study was to evaluate three cell cycle synchronization methods on a primary bovine fibroblast culture for 24, 48, or 72 h. These fibroblasts were used as nuclear donors to evaluate their in vitro developmental potential and the quality of the embryos produced through handmade cloning (HMC). No differences were found between the methods used for fibroblast synchronization in G0/G1 (p > 0.05). Production of clones from fibroblasts in four groups- no treatment at 0 h and using serum restriction SR, high culture confluence HCC, and SR+HCC at 24 h- resulted in high cleavage rates that were not different. Embryo production rates were 37.9%, 29.5%, and 30.9% in the 0h, SR24h, and SR+HHC24h groups, respectively, and 19.3% in the HCC group, which was significantly different from the other three (p < 0.05). There were no differences in the quality parameter among the clones produced with fibroblasts subjected to the different synchronization. Finally, when overall clone production was compared versus parthenotes and IVF embryos, the only difference was between clones and parthenogenetic embryos with zona pellucida (30.2% vs 38.6%). The number of blastomeres from the blastocytes produced through IVF was significantly greater than those from embryos activated parthenogenetically and from clones (117, 80, 75.9, and 67.1, respectively). The evaluation of three synchronization methods at different time points did not demonstrate an increase in the percentage of fibroblasts in the G0/G1 phases of the cell cycle; however, good quality and high cloning rates were obtained, suggesting that it is not always necessary to subject the cells to any synchronization treatments, as they would yield equally good cloning results.

A sincronia espacial e temporal e a compatibilidade entre o oócito receptor e o núcleo celular doador são necessárias para o processo de clonagem de embriões a fim de permitir a reprogramação nuclear e o desenvolvimento embrionário precoce. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar três métodos de sincronização do ciclo celular em uma cultura primária de fibroblastos bovinos durante 24, 48 ou 72 h. Estes fibroblastos foram utilizados como doadores nucleares para avaliar o seu potencial de desenvolvimento in vitro e a qualidade dos embriões produzidos por meio da técnica de Handmade cloning (HMC). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os métodos utilizados para a sincronização de fibroblastos em G0 / G1 (p> 0,05). Produção de clones de fibroblastos nos quatro grupos - sem tratamento a 0 h e com restrição de soro RS, alta confluência celular ACC e RS + ACC às 24 h - resultou em altas taxas de clivagem que não foram diferentes. As taxas de produção de embriões foram de 37,9%, 29,5% e 30,9% nos grupos 0h, RS24h e RS + ACC24h, respectivamente, e 19,3% no grupo ACC, que foi significativamente diferente dos outros três (p <0,05). Não houve diferenças no parâmetro de qualidade entre os clones produzidos com fibroblastos submetidos à sincronização diferente. Finalmente, quando a produção geral de clones foi comparada versus partenotos e embriões de FIV, a única diferença foi entre clones e embriões partenogênicos com zona pelúcida (30,2% vs 38,6%). O número de blastômeros dos blastocitos produzidos através da FIV foi significativamente maior do que os de embriões ativados partenogeneticamente e de clones (117, 80, 75,9 e 67,1, respectivamente).

Ciclo Celular , Clonagem de Organismos/métodos , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Fibroblastos , Bovinos/embriologia , Partenogênese , Reprogramação Celular
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 19: e-48555, 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-735337


Spatial and temporal synchrony and compatibility between the receptor oocyte and the donor cell nucleus are necessary for the process of embryo cloning to allow nuclear reprogramming and early embryonic development. The objective of the present study was to evaluate three cell cycle synchronization methods on a primary bovine fibroblast culture for 24, 48, or 72 h. These fibroblasts were used as nuclear donors to evaluate their in vitro developmental potential and the quality of the embryos produced through handmade cloning (HMC). No differences were found between the methods used for fibroblast synchronization in G0/G1 (p > 0.05). Production of clones from fibroblasts in four groups- no treatment at 0 h and using serum restriction SR, high culture confluence HCC, and SR+HCC at 24 h- resulted in high cleavage rates that were not different. Embryo production rates were 37.9%, 29.5%, and 30.9% in the 0h, SR24h, and SR+HHC24h groups, respectively, and 19.3% in the HCC group, which was significantly different from the other three (p < 0.05). There were no differences in the quality parameter among the clones produced with fibroblasts subjected to the different synchronization. Finally, when overall clone production was compared versus parthenotes and IVF embryos, the only difference was between clones and parthenogenetic embryos with zona pellucida (30.2% vs 38.6%). The number of blastomeres from the blastocytes produced through IVF was significantly greater than those from embryos activated parthenogenetically and from clones (117, 80, 75.9, and 67.1, respectively). The evaluation of three synchronization methods at different time points did not demonstrate an increase in the percentage of fibroblasts in the G0/G1 phases of the cell cycle; however, good quality and high cloning rates were obtained, suggesting that it is not always necessary to subject the cells to any synchronization treatments, as they would yield equally good cloning results.(AU)

A sincronia espacial e temporal e a compatibilidade entre o oócito receptor e o núcleo celular doador são necessárias para o processo de clonagem de embriões a fim de permitir a reprogramação nuclear e o desenvolvimento embrionário precoce. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar três métodos de sincronização do ciclo celular em uma cultura primária de fibroblastos bovinos durante 24, 48 ou 72 h. Estes fibroblastos foram utilizados como doadores nucleares para avaliar o seu potencial de desenvolvimento in vitro e a qualidade dos embriões produzidos por meio da técnica de Handmade cloning (HMC). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os métodos utilizados para a sincronização de fibroblastos em G0 / G1 (p> 0,05). Produção de clones de fibroblastos nos quatro grupos - sem tratamento a 0 h e com restrição de soro RS, alta confluência celular ACC e RS + ACC às 24 h - resultou em altas taxas de clivagem que não foram diferentes. As taxas de produção de embriões foram de 37,9%, 29,5% e 30,9% nos grupos 0h, RS24h e RS + ACC24h, respectivamente, e 19,3% no grupo ACC, que foi significativamente diferente dos outros três (p <0,05). Não houve diferenças no parâmetro de qualidade entre os clones produzidos com fibroblastos submetidos à sincronização diferente. Finalmente, quando a produção geral de clones foi comparada versus partenotos e embriões de FIV, a única diferença foi entre clones e embriões partenogênicos com zona pelúcida (30,2% vs 38,6%). O número de blastômeros dos blastocitos produzidos através da FIV foi significativamente maior do que os de embriões ativados partenogeneticamente e de clones (117, 80, 75,9 e 67,1, respectivamente).(AU)

Fibroblastos , Clonagem de Organismos/métodos , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Ciclo Celular , Partenogênese , Reprogramação Celular , Bovinos/embriologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(3): 204-214, July-Sept. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461359


Epigenetic mechanisms allow the establishment and maintenance of multiple cellular phenotypes from a single genomic code. At the initiation of development, the oocyte and spermatozoa provide their fully differentiated chromatin that soon after fertilization undergo extensive remodeling, resulting in a totipotent state that can then drive cellular differentiation towards all cell types. These remodeling involves different epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, post-translational modifications of histones, non-coding RNAs, and large-scale chromatin conformation changes. Moreover, epigenetic remodeling is responsible for reprogramming somatic cells to totipotency upon somatic cell nuclear transfer/cloning, which is often incomplete and inefficient. Given that environmental factors, such as assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs), can affect epigenetic remodeling, there is interest in understanding the mechanisms driving these changes. We describe and discuss our current understanding of mechanisms responsible for the epigenetic remodeling that ensues during preimplantation development of mammals, presenting findings from studies of mouse embryos and when available comparing them to what is known for human and cattle embryos.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/genética , Epigênese Genética , Metilação de DNA/genética , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(3): 271-277, July-Sept. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461367


The outcome of pregnancy is closely linked to early events that occur during the onset of embryogenesis. The first stages in embryonic development are mainly governed by the storage of maternal factors present in the oocyte at the time of fertilisation. In this review, we outline the different classes of oocyte transcripts that may be involved in activation of the embryonic genome as well as those associated with epigenetic reprogramming, imprinting maintenance or the control of transposon mobilisation during preimplantation development. We also report the influence of cumulus-oocyte crosstalk during the maturation process on the oocyte transcriptome and how in vitro procedures can affect these interactions.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Transferência Embrionária/classificação , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos/classificação , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(supl. 1): 765-783, set. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461397


Elongation of the preimplantation conceptus is a prerequisite for maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation in ruminants. Failures in this phase of development likely contribute for the subfertility of lactating dairy cows. This review will discuss our current understanding of the physiological and cellular requirements for successful elongation of the preimplantation conceptus and their potential deficiency in subfertile lactating dairy cows. Major requirements include the priming of the endometrium by ovarian steroids, reprogramming of trophectoderm cells at the onset of elongation, and intensification of the crosstalk between elongating conceptus and endometrium. Conceptus elongation and survival in dairy cows does not seem to be affected by lactation per se but seem to be altered in subgroups of cows with endocrine, metabolic and nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. These subgroups of cows include those suffering diseases postpartum, anovular cows enrolled in synchronization programs, and cows with low concentration of circulating steroids and IGF1. Success of conceptus elongation starts long before breeding and entails optimization of health and nutrition programs, especially during the transition period, and might be extended to the supplementation of endocrine and nutritional shortages at the time of breeding. Genetic selection will eventually become more important as researchers unravel the molecular control of reproduction and develop new fertility traits focused on pregnancy survival.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Lactente , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Prenhez/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. ; 15(supl. 1): 765-783, set. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18857


Elongation of the preimplantation conceptus is a prerequisite for maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation in ruminants. Failures in this phase of development likely contribute for the subfertility of lactating dairy cows. This review will discuss our current understanding of the physiological and cellular requirements for successful elongation of the preimplantation conceptus and their potential deficiency in subfertile lactating dairy cows. Major requirements include the priming of the endometrium by ovarian steroids, reprogramming of trophectoderm cells at the onset of elongation, and intensification of the crosstalk between elongating conceptus and endometrium. Conceptus elongation and survival in dairy cows does not seem to be affected by lactation per se but seem to be altered in subgroups of cows with endocrine, metabolic and nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. These subgroups of cows include those suffering diseases postpartum, anovular cows enrolled in synchronization programs, and cows with low concentration of circulating steroids and IGF1. Success of conceptus elongation starts long before breeding and entails optimization of health and nutrition programs, especially during the transition period, and might be extended to the supplementation of endocrine and nutritional shortages at the time of breeding. Genetic selection will eventually become more important as researchers unravel the molecular control of reproduction and develop new fertility traits focused on pregnancy survival.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Lactente , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Prenhez/fisiologia