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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(12): e20210783, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434392


This study assessed the nitrogen nutrition index, morphogenic characteristics and tiller structure of Alexandergrass (Urochloaplantaginea (LINK) Hitch) pasture submitted to different nitrogen (N) levels (zero, 150 or 300 kg ha-1 of N). The experimental design was entirely randomized with repeated measures arrangement. The experimental animals were Angus heifers under rotational stocking grazing method. The number of animals was variable to keep 30±5 cm post-grazing sward height. Nitrogen nutrition index increased linearly according N levels (Y = 59.8 + 0.1216N; P < 0.0001; r²=0.53). The leaf appearance rate adjusted to a positive linear regression model according the thermal sum (TS) with zero of N (Y0N = 0.0077 + 0.0000087TS; P = 0.0308; r² = 0.72) and 150 kg ha-1 of N (Y150N = 0.0020 + 0.000021 TS; P = 0.0022; r² = 0.92). The use of 300 kg ha-1 of N did not alter the leaf appearance rate (0.0124 leaf degree-days-1). The use of up to 300 kg ha-1 of N increases the Alexandergrass nitrogen content. The leaf appearance rate in Alexandergrass is modified using N while the morphogenic characteristics leaf expansion, stem expansion, phyllochron, leaf lifespan, leaf elongation duration and tiller structure are not altered by N utilization.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o índice de nutrição nitrogenada, as características morfogênicas e a estrutura dos perfilhos de papuã (Urochloa plantaginea (LINK) Hitch) submetidos a diferentes níveis de nitrogênio (N) (zero, 150 ou 300 kg ha-1 de N). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo. Os animais experimentais foram novilhas Angus em regime de pastejo rotacionado. O número de animais foi variável para manter 30 ± 5 cm de altura do pasto pós-pastejo. O índice de nutrição com nitrogênio aumentou linearmente de acordo com os níveis de N (Y = 59,8 + 0,1216N; P < 0,0001; r² = 0,53). A taxa de aparecimento de folhas ajustou-se ao modelo de regressão linear positiva de acordo com a soma térmica (TS) com zero de N (Y0N = 0,0077 + 0,0000087TS; P = 0,0308; r² = 0,72) e 150 kg ha-1 de N (Y150N = 0,0020 +0,000021 TS; P = 0,0022; r² = 0,92). O uso de 300 kg ha-1 de N não alterou a taxa de aparecimento de folhas (0,0124 folha grau-dia-1). O uso de até 300 kg ha-1 de N aumenta o teor de nitrogênio do papuã. A taxa de aparecimento de folhas em papuã é modificada usando N, enquanto que as características morfogênicas expansão foliar, expansão de colmo, filocrono, duração de vida das folhas, duração da elongação foliar e a estrutura dos perfilhos não são alteradas pela utilização de N.

Fertilizantes , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Nitrogênio/administração & dosagem
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210189, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436778


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milking hygiene practices, herd size, water hardness, and temperature-humidity index (THI) on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw milk, and standard plate count (SPC) in milking machines of dairy farms in the central region of Mexico. Data were collected from fifty-three dairy farms during one year. The evaluated effects included milking hygiene conditions (good, medium, poor), herd size (1-50, 51-100, 101-150, ≥151 heads), water hardness (soft or moderately hard), and THI (comfortable or stressful). The increase in milking hygiene produced greater milk yield (MY) and energy corrected milk (ECM) but lower protein content, and decreased the individual bacterial count (IBC) and somatic cell count (SCC). The MY, ECM, protein content, IBC, and SCC were higher on bigger farms. The use of soft water reduced MY, IBC, and SCC, but improved fat, lactose, total solids (TS), and non-fat solids (NFS). Heat stress negatively affected fat, protein, TS, NFS, acidity, freezing point (FP), SCC, and methylene blue dye reduction test. Poor milking hygiene contributes to higher SPC in milking machine parts. Water hardness and THI did not affect SPC in all milking machine parts. Proper milking hygiene practices, larger herd size, softer water, lower THI, and adequate cleaning and disinfection of the milking machine parts benefits the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the milk.

Características da Água , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Leite , Fazendas
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e59307, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428317


The objective was to assess the physiological and behavioral variables of pasture-raised Holstein heifers on the basis of their coat color. Eight heifers were used, four with black coat, and four with white coat. In the morning and afternoon periods, their physiological variables were measured, namely respiratory rate (RR, mov min. -1), rectal temperature (TR, ºC), and coat surface temperature (TS, ºC). The behavior analysis considered the site (sun or shade), position (standing or lying down), and activities (idleness, rumination, grazing, and others). The data of the physiological variables were assessed through analysis of variance, and significance, through Tukey's test at 5%, while behavioral data were assessed using the Chi-squared test (SAS Software). There was a difference for all of the heifers' physiological variables as a function of coat color (p < 0.0001) and period (p < 0.0001), with black ones showing greater results than white ones as to all physiological variables in the afternoon period (p < 0.0001). Grazing behavior is reduced during the hottest hours of the day. We conclude that solar radiation changes the physiological variables and grazing behavior of pasture-raised Holstein heifers.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Pastagens , Radiação Solar , Comportamento Animal , Modalidades Fisiológicas
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-10, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416907


O coelho é uma das espécies mais sensíveis às condições do meio que vivem, sendo a temperatura e umidade os fatores que mais têm influência no seu ambiente. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar a tosquia como alternativa para melhorar o conforto térmico e o desempenho produtivo de coelhos criados de forma intensiva em uma região de clima semiárido. Foram utilizados 26 coelhos mestiços, sadios e em fase de engorda, sendo divididos em gaiolas individuais em dois grupos: treze animais submetidos a tosquia (G1) e treze sem tosquia (G2). O conforto térmico foi avaliado todos os dias pelo cálculo de Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITH) e pela análise e comparação dos parâmetros: frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e temperaturasuperficial (TS). A temperatura e umidade do ambiente foram verificadas em todos os dias do experimento, às 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 e 18:00 horas, com um termo-higrômetro. O desempenho dos animais foi avaliado pela pesagem nos dias 0, 10, 20 e 30 do experimento. Como resultado, a FR e TS apresentaram diferença estatística (P<0,05), o grupo dos animais tosquiados apresentou média inferior de FR (221,6 ± 15,4) em relação aos não tosquiados (240,2 ± 26,1). Em relação à TS, houve menores temperaturas nos animais tosquiados (33,8°C ± 0,3) quando comparados com os não tosquiados (35,0°C ± 0,2). Quanto à TR, ficou próximo de 39,5 ºC, inferindo assim que os mecanismos de regulação térmica interno dos animais conseguiram manter a homeotermia desejada. O ganho de peso obteve média de 771,4 gramas no grupo dos animais tosquiados, e 705,2 gramas no grupo dos não tosquiados. Em relação à TR e desempenho dos animais, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (P > 0,05). De acordo com os dados obtidos, conclui-se que atosquia pode ser um meio de melhorar o conforto térmico de coelhos.(AU)

The rabbit is one of the most sensitive species to the conditions of the environment in which they live, with temperature and humidity being the factors that most influence their environment. The objective of this work was to evaluate shearing as an alternative to improve the thermal comfort and productive performance of rabbits raised intensively in a region with a semi-arid climate. Twenty-six mixed, healthy and fattening stage rabbits were used and divided into individual cages into two groups: thirteen animals submitted to shearing (G1) and thirteen without shearing (G2). Thermal comfort was evaluated every day by calculating the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and by analyzing and comparing the parameters: respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and superficial temperature (ST). The temperature and humidity of the environment were checked every day of the experiment, at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00 hours, with a thermo-hygrometer. The performance of the animals was evaluated by weighingon 0, 10, 20 and 30 days of the experiment. As a result, the RR and ST showed a statistical difference (P<0.05), the group of sheared animals had a lower mean of RR (221.6 ± 15.4) in relation to the no sheared animals (240.2 ± 26.1). Regarding the ST, there were lower temperatures in the sheared animals (33.8°C ± 0.3) when compared to the no sheared animals (35.0°C ± 0.2). As for the RT was close to 39.5 ºC, inferring that the thermal regulation mechanisms of the animals managed to maintain the desired homeothermia. Weight gain averaged 771.4 grams in the sheared group, and 705.2 grams in the no sheared group. Regarding the RT and performance of the animals, no statistical differences were observed (P>0.05). According to the data obtained, it is concluded that shearing can improve the thermal comfort of rabbits.(AU)

El conejo es una de las especies más sensibles a las condiciones del medio en el que vive, siendo la temperatura y la humedad los factores que más influyen en su entorno. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la esquila como alternativapara mejorar el confort térmico y el desempeño productivo de conejos criados de forma intensiva en una región de clima semiárido. Se utilizaron 26 conejos mestizos, sanos y en fase de engorde, divididos en jaulas individuales en dos grupos: trece animalessometidos a esquila (G1) y trece sin esquila (G2). El confort térmico se evaluó diariamente mediante el cálculo del Índice de Temperatura y Humedad (ITH) y mediante el análisis y comparación de los parámetros: frecuencia respiratória (FR), temperatura rectal (TR) y temperatura superficial (TS). La temperatura y humedad del ambiente se verificado todos los días del experimento, a las 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 y 18:00 horas, con un termohigrómetro. El rendimiento de los animales se evaluó mediante pesaje los días 0, 10, 20 y 30 del experimento. Como resultado, el FR y el TS mostraron diferencia estadística (P<0,05), el grupo de animales esquilados tuvo una media de FR más baja (221,6 ± 15,4) en relación a los animales no esquilados (240,2 ± 26,1). En cuanto a la TS, hubo temperaturas más bajas en los animales esquilados (33,8 °C ± 0,3) en comparación con los animales no esquilados (35,0 °C ± 0,2). En cuanto a la TR, fue cercana a los 39,5 ºC, infiriendo que los mecanismos internos de regulación térmica de los animales lograron mantener la homeotermia deseada. El aumento de peso promedió 771,4 gramos en el grupo esquilado y 705,2 gramos en el grupo no esquilado. En cuanto al TR y rendimiento de los animales, no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (P > 0,05). De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos, se concluye que las esquila puede ser un medio para mejorar el confort térmico de los conejos.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Pelo Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00372020, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416900


The objective of this work is to evaluate the use of modified atmosphere and chitosan as an alternative to chemical treatment in postharvest conservation of 'Tainung 1' papaya under refrigeration. The experiment comprised of completely randomized blocks with four replications, one fruit per replication, with a 2 × 4 × 4 factorial design as follows: two types of packaging (with or without polyvinyl chloride [PVC] stretchable film, thickness of 17 µm), four treatments (control, 2% chitosan, 4% chitosan, and prochloraz fungicide with 33.75 g a.i.·100 L­1), and four storage periods (0, 7, 14, and 21 days) at 10 °C and relative humidity (RH) of 90 ± 5%. The variables evaluated were mass loss (ML), external appearance, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), vitamin C, reducing sugars (RS), and total sugars (TS). The storage of 'Formosa' papaya under refrigeration at 10 °C and RH of 90 ± 5% associated with PVC provided a low percentage of ML and longer conservation time of apparent quality (up to 7 days) in relation to fruits with no storage in PVC. The external appearance of fruits was preserved for up to 14 days by the PVC + 4% chitosan treatment and for up to 21 days by the PVC + prochloraz fungicide treatment. The treatment PVC + 4% chitosan associated with refrigeration is efficient in maintaining fruit quality. It is, for up to 14 days, a viable alternative to the use of prochloraz fungicide for postharvest conservation of 'Formosa' papaya.

Cloreto de Polivinila , Carica , Quitosana , Alimentos Resfriados , Conservação de Alimentos/métodos
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e2100452022, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370107


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of tree shading levels on tillers' morphogenetic and structural traits, besides the herbage accumulation of Tanganyika grass (Megathyrsus maximus Jacq. cv. Tanganyika). For that, an experiment was carried out from December 2010 to March 2012, under a completely randomized design, with four treatments (shading levels) and five repetitions. Phyllochron (PHY), leaf and stem elongation rates (LER and SER, respectively), number of leaves per tiller (NLT), leaf blade length (LBL), stem length (ST), tiller population density (TPD), leaf (LGR) and stem growth rates (SGR), senescence rate (SR) and herbage accumulation rate (HAR) were assessed. Excepted by the LER and NLT, the shading levels influenced the other morphogenetic variables (P<0.05), positively or negatively. Except in the spring, the TPD linearly increased because of the shading levels (P<0.05). At tiller level, except in the spring, the LBL linearly increased with the shading levels (P<0.05). In general, the SL linearly decreased with the shading levels. Regarding the growth rates, summer II and spring provided greater values, and the lowest one occurred in autumn (P<0.05). The adjustments of both morphogenetic and structural traits ensured the Tanganyika grass a great adaptation to the shaded environment.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do sombreamento arbóreo sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais dos perfilhos e acúmulo de forragem do capim-Tanganica (Megathyrsus maximus Jacq. cv. Tanganica). Para tanto, um experimento foi conduzido, de dezembro de 2010 a março de 2012, sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (níveis de sombreamento) e cinco repetições. Foram avaliados: filocrono (FIL), taxas de alongamento de lâminas foliares (TAlLF) e de colmos (TAlC), número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFVP), comprimento de lâminas foliares (CLF), comprimento de colmo (CC), densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP), taxas de crescimento de lâminas foliares (TCLF) e de colmos (TCC), taxa de senescência (TS) e taxa de acúmulo de forragem (TAF). Exceto para TAlLF e NFVP, todas as demais varáveis morfogênicas foram influenciadas (P<0.05), de maneira positiva ou negativa pelos níveis de sombreamento. Exceto na primavera, a DPP aumentou linearmente sob maiores níveis de sombreamento (P<0.05). Em nível de perfilho, exceto na primavera, o CLF aumentou linearmente com o aumento do nível de sombreamento (P<0.05). Além disso, de maneira geral, o CC reduziu de maneira linear com o aumento do nível de sombreamento. Quanto às taxas de crescimento, o verão II e a primavera proporcionaram maiores valores, e as menores taxas foram registradas no outono (P<0.05). Os ajustes das características morfogênicas e estruturais garantiram ao capim-Tanganica ótima adaptação ao ambiente sombreado.(AU)

Técnica Histológica de Sombreamento , Meio Ambiente , Poaceae , Morfogênese
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(4): e20200760, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339685


The co-digestion of swine manure with vegetable waste is an alternative that can increase the production of biogas and methane generated by the isolated digestion of manure. However, recommendations that are based on the best ratio between manure and forage, as well as the age of harvest, are still scarce in the literature. This study was conducted to evaluate inclusions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) of the total solids (TS) of Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) harvested at two ages medium age (MA) at 45 days of growth and advanced age (AA) at 90 days in co-digestion with swine manure, using an entirely randomized design in a 5x2 factorial scheme. Batch digesters were used and biogas production was monitored for 12 weeks. There was influence of forage age (P <0.05) on the degradation of solids and neutral detergent fiber, with higher values for the substrates containing MA forage. The highest CH4 yields were obtained by the substrates containing MA forage in the inclusion of 27.7 and 31.6%, being 253.7 and 222.2 L of CH4 per Kg of total or volatile solids. The age of the forages influenced the onset and persistence of biogas production, being advantageous only in the inclusion of 25% of MA forage. The AA forage inclusion is not recommended for co-digestion with swine manure.

A co-digestão dos dejetos suínos associados a resíduos vegetais é uma alternativa que pode elevar as produções de biogás e metano alcançadas pela digestão isolada do dejeto. No entanto, recomendações que se baseiem na melhor proporção entre dejeto e forragem, assim como na idade de colheita ainda são escassas na literatura. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar inclusões crescentes (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% dos sólidos totais (ST) de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) colhido em duas idades de corte mediana (MA) aos 45 dias de crescimento e avançada (AA) aos 90 dias, empregado em co-digestão com o dejeto suíno, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5x2. Foram utilizados biodigestores batelada de bancada, sendo as produções de biogás acompanhadas durante 12 semanas. Houve influência da idade da forragem (P<0,05) na degradação de sólidos e fibra em detergente neutro, com maiores valores para os substratos que continham a forragem MA. Os maiores rendimentos de CH4 foram alcançados pelos substratos que continham forragem MA na inclusão de 27,7 e 31,6 %, sendo de 253,7 e 222,2 L de CH4 por Kg de ST ou sólido volátil adicionado. A idade das forragens influenciou o início e a persistência das produções de biogás ao longo do período de digestão, sendo vantajosa apenas na inclusão de 25% de forragem com MA.

Animais , Pennisetum/química , Biocombustíveis , Esterco/análise , Metano , Suínos
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 28(1)abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395348


Foliar fertilization with macro and micro minerals for the forage grasses establishment can be a less costly alternative for the farmer, however the possible beneÀ ts of this management technique still need to be better studied. The objective with this work was to evaluate the physiological, productive and structural responses of grasses of the Urochloa genus, depending on the application or not of foliar fertilizer during the plant establishment. Four experiments were carried out, in each of which one of the following forage grasses was evaluated: Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, Urochloa spp. Mulatto II, Urochloa spp. Mavuno and Urochloa spp. Ipyporã. All the experiments were carried out from November 2018 to March 2019, in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The experimental area of each experiment consisted of four plots with 12.25 m², where half the area of the plots received foliar fertilizer (FH PASTAGEM FOLIAR, with 14% N; 12% P; 12% K; 0.38 % Mg; 10.2% S; 0.24% Cu; 0.18% Mn and 0.63% Zn) and the other half did not. The response variables were evaluated: spad index, leaf area index, canopy light interception, forage production and root density. In all experiments, the foliar fertilizer application during the establishment of Marandu, Mulato II, Mavuno and Ipyporã grasses did not inÁ uence (P>0,05) the spad and leaf area indexes, forage production and root density.(AU)

Triticum/fisiologia , Compostagem/métodos , Brachiaria/fisiologia , Fertilizantes/análise , Poaceae/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(5): 800-806, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403416


The significant growth of the industrial sector in recent decades has led to an increase in the volume of waste, which if not properly destined, could cause serious environmental problems. In the context of aquaculture, liquid effluents with a high organic content are generated in large quantities in the fish processing industries, and if their disposal is carried out improperly, serious damage to the environment is caused. The general objective of this study is to evaluate: the efficiency of removal of COD and BOD, in addition to the influence on pH; alkalinity; chlorides; ammonia; nitrite; nitrate; phosphate; turbidity; total, fixed and volatile solids, from the effluent of fish processing treated by coagulation and sedimentation using the natural chitosan coagulant. pH 5.5 followed by pH 6 showed better results for the use of chitosan coagulant in the process of treatment by effluent coagulation of fish processing industry. Chitosan does not act on the parameters TVS, alkalinity, chlorides, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate, regardless of the dosage used. However, it acts on BOD, COD, TS, TFS and turbidity. Thus, the best dosage of chitosan is 0.25 g L-1 in optimized activity at pH of 5.5.

O crescimento expressivo do setor industrial nas últimas décadas acarretou o aumento do volume de resíduos, que, se não forem destinados adequadamente, poderão causar sérios problemas ambientais. No contexto da aquacultura, efluentes líquidos com um alto teor orgânico são gerados em grandes quantidades nas indústrias de processamento de pescado, e, se seu descarte for realizado de maneira inadequada, há sérios prejuízos ao ambiente. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar: a eficiência de remoção de DQO e DBO, além da influência sobre o pH, a alcalinidade, os cloretos, a amônia, o nitrito, o nitrato, o fosfato, a turbidez, os sólidos totais, fixos e voláteis, bem como do efluente do processamento de pescado tratado por coagulação e da sedimentação, utilizando-se o coagulante natural quitosana. O pH 5,5, seguido pelo pH 6, apresentou melhores resultados para uso do coagulante quitosana no processo de tratamento por coagulação de efluente de indústria de processamento de pescado. A quitosana não atua sobre os parâmetros STV, alcalinidade, cloretos, amônia, nitrito, nitrato e fosfato, independentemente da dosagem utilizada. Mas atua sobre DBO, DQO, ST, STF e turbidez. Assim, a melhor dosagem de quitosana é 0,25 g L-1 em atividade otimizada no pH de 5,5.

Animais , Qualidade da Água , Efluentes Industriais , Ciclídeos , Quitosana/farmacocinética , Pesqueiros/normas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(5): 841-852, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403425


We analyzed the influence of the season, the environment, and the sex, as well as the relation of body mass (BM) in the serum albumin (ALB), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatinine (C), creatine kinase (CK), phosphorus (P), total calcium (tCa), total protein (TP), urea (U), uric acid (UA), calcium:phosphorus ratio (Ca:P), and the globulin value (GV) of thirty individuals of Phrynops geoffroanus of the urban area of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The modeling of biochemical parameters was performed using the Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) to verify the influence of variables considered in this study on each of the biochemical parameters analyzed. The season influenced AST, CK, C, tCa, Ca:P and UA. The environment influenced tCa, Ca:P, U and UA. On the other hand, CK, tCa, P, Ca:P and U differed significantly between males and females. Regarding the BM, a relationship of this variable was observed with CK, C, tCa, P, U, UA and Ca:P. We concluded that the season, environment, sex, and body mass can influence the biochemical parameters of P. geoffroanus, and these factors should be routinely considered in the interpretation of laboratory results.

Analisou-se a influência da estação, do ambiente e do sexo, assim como a relação da massa corporal (BM) nos níveis sorológicos de albumina (ALB), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), creatinina (C), creatina quinase (CK), fósforo (P), cálcio total (tCa), sólidos totais (TS), ureia (U), ácido úrico (UA), relação cálcio:fósforo (Ca:P), e do valor da globulina (GV) de Phrynops geoffroanus da área urbana de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. A modelagem dos parâmetros bioquímicos foi realizada utilizando-se os modelos aditivos generalizados para locação, escala e forma (GAMLSS) para verificar a influência das variáveis consideradas neste estudo em cada um dos parâmetros bioquímicos analisados. A estação sazonal influenciou os níveis de AST, CK, C, tCa, Ca:P e UA. O ambiente foi capaz de influenciar tCa, Ca:P, U e UA. Por outro lado, CK, tCa, P, Ca:P e U diferiram significativamente entre machos e fêmeas. Em relação à BM, observou-se relação dessa variável com CK, C, tCa, P, U, UA e Ca:P. Concluiu-se que a estação sazonal, o ambiente, o sexo e a massa corporal são capazes de influenciar os parâmetros bioquímicos de P. geoffroanus e que esses fatores devem ser rotineiramente considerados na interpretação dos resultados laboratoriais.

Animais , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Índice de Massa Corporal , Soro/química , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 28(1): 1-7, abr. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400907


Lupus erythematosus complex is an immune-mediated dermatological disease, mainly represented by the generalized and discoid forms. The last form described is milder, as it is limited to the appearance of lesions, usually on the face and in mucocutaneous regions. Its pathophysiology is considered multifactorial, however, continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation seems to be very relevant to trigger and/or worsen clinical manifestations. DeÞ nitive diagnosis is obtained by histopathological analysis, and treatment is mainly based on immunosuppression and protection against ultraviolet radiation. The objective of this study was to report the case and clinical evolution of a mixed breed bitch, diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus. The bitch presented moderate desquamation, crusts and depigmentation restricted to the nasal plane. No other clinical or laboratory Þ ndings were evidenced in the screening tests. Upon conÞ rmation by histopathology, the initial therapy was started with oral prednisolone. The owners were also instructed to avoid exposure to sunlight, as well as to use topical protectors against ultraviolet radiation. The patient presented good response to therapy, showing remission of signs. Other sporadic recurrences were observed later, however, they were controlled only with topical corticosteroids, but always reinforcing the other precautions of environmental management. This work also addressed the risks, beneÞ ts and need to institute ongoing care to control discoid lupus erythematosus. Therapeutic success can vary among patients, as the intensity of the disease can be manifested in varying degrees. Therefore, in those individuals in which the condition is mild, it may be advantageous to opt for more conservative therapies in order to avoid side effects.(AU)

O complexo lúpus eritematoso é uma enfermidade dermatológica imunomediada, sendo principalmente representado pela forma generalizada e discoide. A última descrita é mais branda, pois se limita ao aparecimento de lesões geralmente em face e em regiões muco-cutâneas. Sua Þ - siopatogenia é considerada multifatorial, entretanto, a exposição contínua à radiação ultravioleta parece ser muito relevante para desencadear e/ou agravar as manifestações clínicas. O diagnóstico deÞ nitivo é obtido pela análise histopatológica, e o tratamento se baseia principalmente na imunossupressão e proteção contra a radiação ultravioleta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso e evolução clínica de uma cadela sem raça deÞ nida, diagnosticada com lúpus eritematoso discoide. A mesma apresentou moderada descamação, crostas e despigmentação restritas ao plano nasal. Nenhum outro achado clínico ou laboratorial foi evidenciado nos demais exames de triagem. Após conÞ rmado pela histopatologia, a terapia inicial foi instituída a partir da prednisolona por via oral. Os tutores também foram orientados a evitar exposição a luz solar, bem como, fazer a utilização de protetores tópicos contra a radiação ultravioleta. A paciente teve boa resposta à terapia, apresentando remissão dos sinais. Após este episódio, outras recidivas esporádicas foram observadas, entretanto, controladas apenas com corticoides tópicos, mas sempre reforçando os demais cuidados com o manejo ambiental. Este trabalho também abordou os riscos, benefícios e necessidade de instituir o cuidado contínuo para controle do lúpus eritematoso discoide. O sucesso terapêutico pode variar entre os pacientes, uma vez que a intensidade da doença pode ser manifestada em vários graus. Portanto, naqueles indivíduos em que o quadro é brando, pode ser vantajoso optar por terapias mais conservadoras, a Þ m de evitar seus efeitos colaterais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Lúpus Eritematoso Discoide/diagnóstico , Lúpus Eritematoso Discoide/veterinária , Cães/lesões , Prednisolona/farmacologia , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-7, Apr. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763905


This study aims to provide reliable information on comparing the target strength (TS) values of seahorses based on the reproductive state. This study was carried out using hydro-acoustic technology in a water tank environment. Data were obtained using the single-beam scientific echo-sounder SIMRAD EK-15 at a frequency of 200 kHz and analyzed via the Sonar-4 software. The measurement result of the TS (mean±S.E.M.) of Hippocampus kuda female, male and pregnant male seahorses were -56.24±0.047, -57.25±0.032, and -58.26±0.06, respectively. There was a significant difference in the mean TS value of H. kuda based on the reproductive state (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the response to the mean TS value of pregnant H. kuda male (the presence of a brood pouch) was lowly significant compared to the female (absence of a brood pouch) (P< 0.05). The results showed a possibility of finding a pregnant H. kuda male in a water column through active acoustic methods in the future.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-7, Apr. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32439


This study aims to provide reliable information on comparing the target strength (TS) values of seahorses based on the reproductive state. This study was carried out using hydro-acoustic technology in a water tank environment. Data were obtained using the single-beam scientific echo-sounder SIMRAD EK-15 at a frequency of 200 kHz and analyzed via the Sonar-4 software. The measurement result of the TS (mean±S.E.M.) of Hippocampus kuda female, male and pregnant male seahorses were -56.24±0.047, -57.25±0.032, and -58.26±0.06, respectively. There was a significant difference in the mean TS value of H. kuda based on the reproductive state (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the response to the mean TS value of pregnant H. kuda male (the presence of a brood pouch) was lowly significant compared to the female (absence of a brood pouch) (P< 0.05). The results showed a possibility of finding a pregnant H. kuda male in a water column through active acoustic methods in the future.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(2): 1-7, Apr. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484346


This study aims to provide reliable information on comparing the target strength (TS) values of seahorses based on the reproductive state. This study was carried out using hydro-acoustic technology in a water tank environment. Data were obtained using the single-beam scientific echo-sounder SIMRAD EK-15 at a frequency of 200 kHz and analyzed via the Sonar-4 software. The measurement result of the TS (mean±S.E.M.) of Hippocampus kuda female, male and pregnant male seahorses were -56.24±0.047, -57.25±0.032, and -58.26±0.06, respectively. There was a significant difference in the mean TS value of H. kuda based on the reproductive state (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the response to the mean TS value of pregnant H. kuda male (the presence of a brood pouch) was lowly significant compared to the female (absence of a brood pouch) (P< 0.05). The results showed a possibility of finding a pregnant H. kuda male in a water column through active acoustic methods in the future.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução
Sci. agric ; 78(2): e20190124, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497928


The use of intercropped grass legumes provides a source of sustainable animal production as these vegetables contribute to an increase in forage yield by area, and substitute inorganic nitrogen and other components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of silages and the yield and milk quality of Holstein cows fed triticale silages in monoculture or intercropped with either oats or legumes. The crops for silage production were triticale (TS), triticale in consortium with forage pea (TSP), and triticale in consortium with oats, forage peas and vetches (TSOPV). The silages showed no differences in dry matter content. The highest crude protein (13.06 %) and ethereal extract content was observed in TSOPV, but in the case of the latter, there was little difference when compared with TS (2.35 and 2.16 %, respectively) although the ash contents of the TSOPV and TSP silages did present a difference compared to TS silage. The neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF and ADF) and cellulose fractions of TS silage were higher (68.60, 41.46 and 38.19 %, respectively) than those in TSOPV and TSP silages, which also had higher levels of soluble nitrogen, ethanol and acetic acid. Dry matter intake was higher in both TSOPV and TSP, which also provided a higher milk yield (21.19 and 20.45 L cow d−1) compared to that of TS silage (18.74 L cow d−1). Cows fed TS also produced milk with a lower N-ureic content (15.15 mg dL−1). The inclusion of legumes with triticale provided good fermentative quality for silage and increased milk production of cows without altering their concentrations of fat and protein.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Avena , Fabaceae , Leite , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Ração Animal , Triticale
Sci. agric. ; 78(2): e20190124, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27987


The use of intercropped grass legumes provides a source of sustainable animal production as these vegetables contribute to an increase in forage yield by area, and substitute inorganic nitrogen and other components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of silages and the yield and milk quality of Holstein cows fed triticale silages in monoculture or intercropped with either oats or legumes. The crops for silage production were triticale (TS), triticale in consortium with forage pea (TSP), and triticale in consortium with oats, forage peas and vetches (TSOPV). The silages showed no differences in dry matter content. The highest crude protein (13.06 %) and ethereal extract content was observed in TSOPV, but in the case of the latter, there was little difference when compared with TS (2.35 and 2.16 %, respectively) although the ash contents of the TSOPV and TSP silages did present a difference compared to TS silage. The neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF and ADF) and cellulose fractions of TS silage were higher (68.60, 41.46 and 38.19 %, respectively) than those in TSOPV and TSP silages, which also had higher levels of soluble nitrogen, ethanol and acetic acid. Dry matter intake was higher in both TSOPV and TSP, which also provided a higher milk yield (21.19 and 20.45 L cow d−1) compared to that of TS silage (18.74 L cow d−1). Cows fed TS also produced milk with a lower N-ureic content (15.15 mg dL−1). The inclusion of legumes with triticale provided good fermentative quality for silage and increased milk production of cows without altering their concentrations of fat and protein.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leite , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Triticale , Avena , Fabaceae , Ração Animal
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1955-1966, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501970


Artificial shading is widely used to provide thermal comfort to animals and has been extensively researched due to its relationship with their welfare and performance. This study examines the physiological and behavioral traits of sheep in a feedlot system with and without access to shade. Twenty male Santa Inês × Dorper crossbred sheep with an initial average weight of 25 kg were used in the experiment. The animals were kept in two collective stalls, one of which was equipped with a polypropylene mesh shade net with 80% light interception capacity. The experiment was conducted in the feedlot of the Fazenda Escola farm at UEG, São Luís de Montes Belos Campus, state of Goiás, Brazil. Environmental indices (ambient temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index), respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and surface temperature (ST) were measured once weekly and behavioral assessments were performed one day after the physiological assessment, between 07h00 and 19h00. The following behaviors were evaluated: feeding, rumination, rest/sleep, social, play and anomalous activities. There were no significant differences for the analyzed variables and treatments. Animals with access to shade had the following physiological results: RR - 75.06 mov. min-¹; ST - 33.03 ºC; and RT - 39.21 ºC. Those without access to shade, in turn, showed the following indices: RR - 81.52 mov. min-¹; ST - 33.45 ºC; and RT - 39.43 ºC. The evaluated behaviors did not differ significantly, averaging 226.11 and 225.44 min (feeding), 153.33 and 149.44 min (rumination), 341.39 and 339.72 min (rest/sleep) and 152.50 and 154.72 min (other activities) recorded in the sheep with and without access to shade, respectively. Despite the lack of differences between the analyzed responses, the animals with access to artificial shade showed greater comfort, welfare and quality of life.

O sombreamento artificial é muito utilizado para proporcionar conforto térmico aos animais, e tem sido muito estudado em função da sua relação com o bem-estar e desempenho dos mesmos. Objetivou-se avaliar as características fisiológicas e comportamentais de ovinos em sistema de confinamento com e sem acesso a sombra. Foram avaliados 20 ovinos machos mestiços Santa Inês x Dorper com peso médio inicial de 25 Kg, mantidos em duas baias coletivas, com implantação do sombrite de malha de polipropileno, 80% de interceptação luminosa em uma das baias. O experimento foi conduzido no confinamento da Fazenda Escola da UEG, Campus São Luís de Montes Belos, Goiás, Brasil. Avaliações ambientais, temperatura ambiente (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU), frequência respiratória (FR) e de superfície (TS) foram realizadas uma vez por semana e avaliações de comportamento foram realizadas um dia após a avaliação fisiológica, entre 7h e 19h. Os comportamentos avaliados foram o alimentar, ruminação, descanso e sono, social, lúdico e anormal. Em relação aos resultados obtidos, não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação as variáveis e tratamentos analisados. Os animais com acesso a sombra apresentaram em relação à FR, TS e TR, valores de 75,06 mov. min-¹, 33,03ºC e 39,21ºC, respectivamente, enquanto os animais sem acesso ao sombreamento apresentaram 81,52 mov. min-¹, 33,45ºC de TS e 39,43ºC de TC. Os comportamentos avaliados não diferiram significativamente, com médias em minutos para os comportamentos alimentar de 226,11 e 225,44, ruminação de 153,33 e 149,44, descanso e sono de 341,39 e 339,72 e outras atividades de 152,50 e 154,72, para os animais com e sem acesso ao sombreamento, respectivamente. Apesar de não observar diferenças entre as respostas analisadas, pode-se observar um maior conforto, bem-estar e qualidade de vida para os animais com acesso ao sombreamento artificial.

Masculino , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Ovinos/fisiologia
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1955-1966, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765850


Artificial shading is widely used to provide thermal comfort to animals and has been extensively researched due to its relationship with their welfare and performance. This study examines the physiological and behavioral traits of sheep in a feedlot system with and without access to shade. Twenty male Santa Inês × Dorper crossbred sheep with an initial average weight of 25 kg were used in the experiment. The animals were kept in two collective stalls, one of which was equipped with a polypropylene mesh shade net with 80% light interception capacity. The experiment was conducted in the feedlot of the Fazenda Escola farm at UEG, São Luís de Montes Belos Campus, state of Goiás, Brazil. Environmental indices (ambient temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index), respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and surface temperature (ST) were measured once weekly and behavioral assessments were performed one day after the physiological assessment, between 07h00 and 19h00. The following behaviors were evaluated: feeding, rumination, rest/sleep, social, play and anomalous activities. There were no significant differences for the analyzed variables and treatments. Animals with access to shade had the following physiological results: RR - 75.06 mov. min-¹; ST - 33.03 ºC; and RT - 39.21 ºC. Those without access to shade, in turn, showed the following indices: RR - 81.52 mov. min-¹; ST - 33.45 ºC; and RT - 39.43 ºC. The evaluated behaviors did not differ significantly, averaging 226.11 and 225.44 min (feeding), 153.33 and 149.44 min (rumination), 341.39 and 339.72 min (rest/sleep) and 152.50 and 154.72 min (other activities) recorded in the sheep with and without access to shade, respectively. Despite the lack of differences between the analyzed responses, the animals with access to artificial shade showed greater comfort, welfare and quality of life.(AU)

O sombreamento artificial é muito utilizado para proporcionar conforto térmico aos animais, e tem sido muito estudado em função da sua relação com o bem-estar e desempenho dos mesmos. Objetivou-se avaliar as características fisiológicas e comportamentais de ovinos em sistema de confinamento com e sem acesso a sombra. Foram avaliados 20 ovinos machos mestiços Santa Inês x Dorper com peso médio inicial de 25 Kg, mantidos em duas baias coletivas, com implantação do sombrite de malha de polipropileno, 80% de interceptação luminosa em uma das baias. O experimento foi conduzido no confinamento da Fazenda Escola da UEG, Campus São Luís de Montes Belos, Goiás, Brasil. Avaliações ambientais, temperatura ambiente (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU), frequência respiratória (FR) e de superfície (TS) foram realizadas uma vez por semana e avaliações de comportamento foram realizadas um dia após a avaliação fisiológica, entre 7h e 19h. Os comportamentos avaliados foram o alimentar, ruminação, descanso e sono, social, lúdico e anormal. Em relação aos resultados obtidos, não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação as variáveis e tratamentos analisados. Os animais com acesso a sombra apresentaram em relação à FR, TS e TR, valores de 75,06 mov. min-¹, 33,03ºC e 39,21ºC, respectivamente, enquanto os animais sem acesso ao sombreamento apresentaram 81,52 mov. min-¹, 33,45ºC de TS e 39,43ºC de TC. Os comportamentos avaliados não diferiram significativamente, com médias em minutos para os comportamentos alimentar de 226,11 e 225,44, ruminação de 153,33 e 149,44, descanso e sono de 341,39 e 339,72 e outras atividades de 152,50 e 154,72, para os animais com e sem acesso ao sombreamento, respectivamente. Apesar de não observar diferenças entre as respostas analisadas, pode-se observar um maior conforto, bem-estar e qualidade de vida para os animais com acesso ao sombreamento artificial.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(1,supl.1): 41-44, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368978


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the association of the antioxidant resveratrol with sucrose in a vitrification protocol of ovarian tissue in cows, on the morphology of preantral follicles. Ten ovaries of cows were used, collected in local slaughterhouses, fragmented and distributed to the following treatments: fresh control (Co); toxicity (T); (T0) zero toxicity/ only with base vitrification solution (SBV), (TS) toxicity with SBV plus sucrose, (TR) toxicity with SBV plus resveratrol, (TS+R) toxicity with SBV and sucrose plus resveratrol; and for glazing (V); (VS) vitrification with SBV and sucrose, (VR) vitrification with SBV and resveratrol, (VS+R) vitrification with SBV and sucrose plus resveratrol. Preantral follicles were quantified and classified according to morphology into normal and degenerated. The mean percentages between normal and degenerated follicles did not differ (p>0.05) in the following percentages, normal 51.4% and degenerated 48.60%. In the toxicity test there was a difference (p0.05), demonstrating that the vitrification technique is efficient, but the concentration of cryoprotectants used needs to be re-evaluated. Concluding that the natural antioxidant association resveratrol to sucrose in vitrification and rewarming protocols contributes with reservations for the morphological preservation of preantral follicles in cows.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ovário/citologia , Sacarose/uso terapêutico , Resveratrol/uso terapêutico , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , Vitrificação
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200056, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135145


The venom of bamboo vipers (Trimeresurus stejnegeri - TS), commonly found in Taiwan, contains deadly hemotoxins that cause severe envenomation. Equine-derived antivenom is a specific treatment against snakebites, but its production costs are high and there are some inevitable side effects. The aim of the present work is to help in the development of an affordable and more endurable therapeutic strategy for snakebites. Methods: T. stejnegeri venom proteins were inactivated by glutaraldehyde in order to immunize hens for polyclonal immunoglobulin (IgY) antibodies production. After IgY binding assays, two antibody libraries were constructed expressing single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibodies joined by the short or long linker for use in phage display antibody technology. Four rounds of biopanning were carried out. The selected scFv antibodies were then further tested for their binding activities and neutralization assays to TS proteins. Results: Purified IgY from egg yolk showed the specific binding ability to TS proteins. The dimensions of these two libraries contain 2.4 × 107 and 6.8 × 107 antibody clones, respectively. An increase in the titers of eluted phage indicated anti-TS clones remarkably enriched after 2nd panning. The analysis based on the nucleotide sequences of selected scFv clones indicated that seven groups of short linkers and four groups of long linkers were identified. The recombinant scFvs showed significant reactivity to TS venom proteins and a cross-reaction to Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom proteins. In in vivo studies, the data demonstrated that anti-TS IgY provided 100% protective effects while combined scFvs augmented partial survival time of mice injected with a lethal amount of TS proteins. Conclusion: Chickens were excellent hosts for the production of neutralization antibodies at low cost. Phage display technology is available for generation of monoclonal antibodies against snake venom proteins. These antibodies could be applied in the development of diagnostic kits or as an alternative for snakebite envenomation treatment in the near future.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Serpentes , Antivenenos , Galinhas , Trimeresurus , Anticorpos , Bacteriófagos