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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e220114, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448722


The early development of Markiana nigripinnis is described by morphological characters, pigmentation, and morphometry. Larvae were obtained through semi-natural breeding, collected, fixed, and identified according to their development. Eighty individuals with standard lengths ranging from 3.1 to 24.3 mm were analyzed. Larvae are poorly developed at hatching, with a relatively large yolk sac and finfold. At the preflexion stage, the eyes are pigmented, the mouth and anus are functional, the yolk is completely absorbed, and the pectoral fin bud emerges. At flexion, the first rays of the caudal, anal, and dorsal fins become evident. The pelvic fin bud emerges only at the postflexion stage, in addition to the complete absorption of the finfold. Pigmentation is distributed throughout the body, with a greater concentration on the top of the head, around the mouth, and at the base of the caudal fin. The myomere total number ranged from 34 to 49 (16-23 preanal, and 18-27 postanal). Juveniles show morphological characteristics like adults. The fins ray number are pectoral: 11-13, pelvic: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27, and anal 30-47. The morphometric relationships reveal variations in growth along the early ontogeny of the species.

O desenvolvimento inicial de Markiana nigripinnis foi descrito considerando os caracteres morfológicos, a pigmentação e a morfometria. Indivíduos foram obtidos por meio de reprodução seminatural, coletados, acondicionados, fixados e identificados conforme seu período e estágio de desenvolvimento. Foram analisados 80 indivíduos com comprimento padrão variando de 3,1 a 24,3 mm. As larvas são pouco desenvolvidas à eclosão, com saco vitelino relativamente grande e presença de membrana embrionária. Em pré-flexão, os olhos estão pigmentados, a boca e o ânus são funcionais, o vitelo é completamente absorvido e surge o botão da nadadeira peitoral. Em flexão, os primeiros raios das nadadeiras caudal, anal e dorsal tornam-se evidentes. O botão da nadadeira pélvica aparece somente em pós-flexão, além da completa absorção da nadadeira embrionária. A pigmentação se distribui pelo corpo todo, com maior concentração no topo da cabeça, ao redor da boca e na base da nadadeira caudal. O número total de miômeros variou de 34 a 49 (16-23 pré e 18-27 pós-anal). Os juvenis apresentaram características morfológicas semelhantes ao adulto. O número de raios das nadadeiras é peitoral: 11-13, pélvica: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27 e anal 30-47. As relações morfométricas revelam variações no crescimento ao longo da ontogenia inicial da espécie.

Animais , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/fisiologia , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210125, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365211


A new species of Characidium is described from the tributaries of the upper and middle rio Doce basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from most congeners, except C. cricarense, C. hasemani, C. helmeri, C. kalunga, C. pterostictum, C. schubarti, C. summus, and C. travassosi by lacking scales in the area between the anterior limit of the isthmus and the anterior margin of cleithrum. The new species differs from the aforementioned species by a series of characters, including the presence of the adipose fin, 2­-4 scales between the anus and anal fin, two rows of dentary teeth, presence of the parietal branch of the supraorbital canal, 4 scale rows above the lateral line, and absence of two conspicuous inclined dark bands on each caudal-fin lobe. The new species further differs from most congeners with an unscaled ventral surface of the isthmus by the presence of 33-34 pored scales on the lateral line and by the dark dashes on the caudal fin-rays not forming well-defined bands.(AU)

Uma nova espécie de Characidium é descrita de afluentes do alto e médio curso da bacia do rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A nova espécie se distingue da maioria das congêneres, exceto C. cricarense, C. hasemani, C. helmeri, C. kalunga, C. pterostictum, C. schubarti, C. summus e C. travassosi pela falta de escamas na área entre o limite anterior do istmo e a margem anterior do cleitro. A nova espécie difere das espécies acima mencionadas por uma série de caracteres, incluindo a presença de nadadeira adiposa, 2-4 escamas entre o ânus e a nadadeira anal, duas séries de dentes no dentário, ramo parietal do canal supraorbital presente, 4 séries de escamas acima da linha lateral e ausência de duas bandas escuras inclinadas em cada lobo da nadadeira caudal. A nova espécie difere ainda mais da maioria das congêneres com superfície ventral sem escamas no istmo por ter 33-34 escamas perfuradas na linha lateral e traços escuros nos raios da nadadeira caudal não formando bandas bem definidas.(AU)

Animais , Recursos Hídricos , Absenteísmo , Sistema da Linha Lateral , Caraciformes , Pesos e Medidas
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 65-68, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363968


Clinical History: Two 18-month-old female bison and a heifer died suddenly in the same ranch. The three animals were submitted for postmortem examination and diagnostic workup. The changes of one of the bison are presented here. Necropsy Findings: The carcass was in fair nutritional condition, with small amount of fat reserves, but still well fleshed, and in mild state of post-mortem decomposition. There was a small amount of clotted dark-red blood in the nostrils and anus. The heart presented extensive sub-endocardial hemorrhages in all four chambers. These lesions were most pronounced in both ventricles where they extended deep into the underlying myocardium (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The mucosa of the abomasum was diffusely and mildly congested, and the mucosa of the small and large intestine was diffusely and severely congested (Fig. 3). There was a moderate amount of red fluid in the lumen of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. Both lungs had a few, small, well delineated, deep, firm, multifocal dark-red areas in all pulmonary lobes, but lung tissue samples floated when placed into formalin. Follow-up questions: Microscopic description Morphologic diagnosis Most likely etiology(AU)

Animais , Autopsia , Bison , Nerium
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(4): 351-357, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1432535


Currently, the fish farming with Arapaima gigas has suffered from technological obstacles in the fields of reproduction, health and nutrition, making it necessary to know the morphology of its structures, so that it can advance in more technified research in scope of production in Rondônia state, as well as in aquaculture nutrition and health. Therefore, the aimed is to characterize the macro and microscopic morphology of posterior digestive system of A. gigas. The intestine of six specimens A. gigas in ideal slaughter size was analyzed. The analyzes were performed using light-sheet microscopy (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) techniques. The intestine basically showes similar histological characteristics in three analyzed portions (proximal, middle and distal). Same type of simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells was evidenced, with subtle variations in pattern of villi in each segment, and in number of goblet cells. In the rectum, the amount of goblet cells and evident longitudinal villi was expressive. Macroscopic anatomy and histology of the intestine A. gigas analyzed showes characteristics of adaptation to cultivation, according to their diet and habitat. The intestinal mucosa can divided into three distinct portions: proximal, middle and final intestine, in addition to the rectum and anus. In the pyloric cecum, the folds are slightly higher and poorly branched. The rectum, compared to the midgut, showed a higher occurrence of goblet cells in the mucosa. This increase in goblet cells observed in the posterior portion may related to the assimilation of ions and fluids that occur at this location.

Atualmente, a piscicultura do Arapaima gigas tem sofrido com entraves tecnológicos nos campos de reprodução, saúde e nutrição, fazendo-se necessário conhecer a morfologia de suas estruturas, para que se possa avançar em pesquisas mais tecnificadas no âmbito da produção piscícola no estado de Rondônia, bem como na nutrição e na sanidade aquícola. Por isso, objetiva-se caracterizar a morfologia macro e microscópica do sistema digestivo posterior do A. gigas. Foi analisado o intestino de seis espécimes de A. gigas em porte de abate. As análises foram realizadas por meio de técnicas de microscopia de luz (ML) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV). O intestino apresenta basicamente características histológicas similares nas três porções analisadas (proximal, médio e distal). Evidenciou-se um mesmo tipo de epitélio colunar simples com células caliciformes, variando o padrão de vilos em cada segmento de forma sutil, e o número de células caliciformes. No reto foi expressiva a quantidade de células caliciformes e as vilos longitudinais evidentes. A anatomia macroscópica e a histologia do intestino de A. gigas analisadas apresentam características de adaptação ao cultivo, conforme sua alimentação e habitat. A mucosa intestinal pode ser dividida em três porções distintas: intestino proximal, médio e final, além de reto e ânus. No ceco pilórico, as dobras são ligeiramente mais altas e pouco ramificadas. O reto, comparado ao intestino médio, apresentou maior ocorrência de células caliciformes na mucosa. Esse aumento de células caliciformes observado na porção posterior pode estar relacionado com a assimilação de íons e fluidos que ocorrem neste local.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Intestinos/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterinária , Pesqueiros
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 175-182, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401993


O sistema digestório é responsável pela quebra dos alimentos em menores partes, a fim de gerar energia, crescimento e renovação celular. É constituído de um tubo digestivo formado por boca, esôfago, estômago, alças intestinais, reto e ânus; além dos órgãos anexos. O esôfago dá continuidade ao canal alimentar da faringe ao estômago. O câncer de esôfago, em cães e gatos, ocorre raramente, representando cerca de menos de 0,5% de todos os tumores nessas espécies. O maior fator de risco para os tumores esofágicos em cães está relacionado com as áreas endêmicas do nematódeo Spirocerca lupi, que parasita o cão. Diante do exposto, neste trabalho, relata-se o caso de um cão da raça Pit Bull, com dez meses de idade, que deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário Prof. Mário Dias Teixeira com histórico de apatia, tosse, engasgo e alotriofagia. Foram solicitados exames de hemograma, bioquímica sérica, PCR, radiografia, ultrassonografia e endoscopia digestiva alta. Os exames hematológicos indicaram alterações sistêmicas e os exames de imagem apontaram alterações no trato gastrointestinal, sendo que o exame endoscópico apontou a presença de uma massa em região ventral da mucosa esofágica.

The digestive system is responsible for breaking food into smaller pieces to generate energy, growth, and cell renewal. It consists of a digestive tube formed by mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal loops, rectum, and anus, as well as attached organs. The esophagus continues the alimentary canal from the pharynx to the stomach. Esophageal cancer in dogs and cats is rare, accounting for less than 0.5% of all tumors in these species. The major risk factor for esophageal tumors in dogs is related to endemic areas of the nematode Spirocerca lupi that parasitizes the dog. This work presents the case of a 10-month-old Pit Bull dog that was admitted at the Veterinary Hospital Prof. Mário Dias Teixeira with a history of apathy, cough, choking, and allotriophagia. Hemogram, serum biochemistry tests, PCR, radiography, ultrasonography, and upper digestive endoscopy were requested. The hematological exams indicated systemic alterations and the imaging exams presented alterations in the gastrointestinal tract, while the endoscopic exam showed the presence of a mass in the ventral region of the esophageal mucosa.

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Esofágicas/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Esofagoscopia/veterinária , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação
Biol. Models Res. Technol ; 2(1): e00092022, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1424814


A infecção por Oxyuridae constitui um problema nas barreiras sanitárias em colônias de roedores, tendo em vista que esta é a família de parasito mais encontrada em instalações de animais de laboratório, especialmente a espécie Syphacia obvelata. Camundongos outbred stock Swiss Webster apresentam sinais clínicos quando associados com elevada carga parasitária e, geralmente, é observado um aumento no número de animais com prolapso retal. O controle desse parasito e outros patógenos é realizado mediante monitoramento sanitário trimestral, conforme as recomendações da Federação das Associações Europeias de Ciência de Animais de Laboratório (FELASA). O diagnóstico pelo método de Graham é determinante para a pesquisa dos ovos através de impressão de fita adesiva na região perianal do animal no início do ciclo do oxiurídeo. Foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre os métodos de Graham e o exame direto da mucosa intestinal para diagnóstico de S. obvelata de 60 camundongos sentinelas fêmeas outbred stock Swiss webster, procedentes de instalações de roedores de um biotério de criação. Os resultados mostraram uma diferença significativa entre o método de Graham e o exame direto da mucosa intestinal (p > 0,001 a 95%, teste de Fisher exato), com uma prevalência de 50% de ovos do parasito pela técnica de Graham e 8,33% pelo exame direto da mucosa intestinal, que detectou todas as formas do parasito. Pelo exame direto, além de ovos, foram identificadas outras formas do parasito, como: larvas, fêmeas adultas e machos adultos. Concluiu-se que a técnica de Graham é capaz de ampliar o espectro de identificação de S. obvelata, pois detecta com maior precisão a presença de ovos do parasita, uma vez que a fita adesiva demonstra que as fêmeas adultas grávidas migram para o ânus antes de morrer, depositando seus ovos na região perianal do hospedeiro. Sendo assim, o método de Graham deve ser adicionado ao programa de monitoramento sanitário, associado aos outros rotineiramente empregados no controle da qualidade de animais de laboratório, contribuindo com as condutas de manejo da criação animal em prol do controle e erradicação do agente em questão.

Infection by Oxyuridae is a problem in sanitary barriers in rodent colonies, considering that this is the parasite family most commonly found in laboratory animal facilities, especially the species Syphacia obvelata. Outbred stock Swiss Webster mice show clinical signs when associated with a high parasite load and, generally, an increase in the number of animals with rectal prolapse is observed. The control of this parasite and other pathogens is carried out through quarterly sanitary monitoring, in accordance with the recommendations of the Federation of European Associations of Laboratory Animal Science (FELASA). Diagnosis by Graham's method is crucial for the search for eggs by printing adhesive tape in the animal's perianal region at the beginning of the oxyuride cycle. A comparative analysis was performed between Graham's methods and direct examination of the intestinal mucosa for the diagnosis of S. obvelata in 60 female sentinel Swiss outbred stock Swiss webster mice, from rodent installations in a breeding animal facility. Results showed a significant difference between Graham's method and direct examination of the intestinal mucosa (p > 0.001 at 95%, Fisher's exact test), with a prevalence of 50% of parasite eggs by Graham's technique and 8.33% by direct examination of the intestinal mucosa, which detected the whole parasite forms. By direct examination, in addition to eggs, other forms of the parasite were identified, such as: larvae, adult females and adult males. It was concluded that Graham's technique is capable of expanding the identification spectrum of S. obvelata, as it detects the presence of parasite eggs more accurately, since the adhesive tape demonstrates that adult pregnant females migrate to the anus before dying, depositing its eggs in the perianal region of the host. Therefore, Graham's method should be added to the health monitoring program, associated with others routinely used in the quality control of laboratory animals, contributing to the management of animal husbandry in favor of the control and eradication of the agent in question.

Animais , Camundongos , Oxyuroidea/isolamento & purificação , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis/métodos , Fiscalização Sanitária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 842, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415206


Background: Congenital anomalies are structural, functional, or metabolic defects caused by a combination of environmental, genetic, or even iatrogenic factors. Genetic defects, which can be inherited, are more common in purebred dogs. Teratogenic factors such as radiation, toxins, chemical agents, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, drugs given to the mother, and nutrition can affect the litter during gestational development. The incomplete division of a fertilized egg results in monozygotic, conjoined or Siamese twins, which are animals with complete or incomplete duplications. This paper reports on an adult bitch with monocephalus dipygus dibrachius and the surgical procedures. Case: A 2-year-old female Shih Tzu weighing 5 kg was admitted to a veterinary clinic, presenting with swelling and myiasis near the anus and several development disorders, characterized by 2 pelvises, 2 anuses, 2 vulvas, 2 forelimbs and 6 hindlimbs. Her physiological parameters were otherwise normal. Only the dog's myiasis was treated at this time due to the owner's financial straits. After 5 months, the owner brought the bitch back to the veterinary clinic because the animal presented with fecaloma in 1 of the anuses. Radiography revealed numerous alterations: seven lumbar vertebrae with marked vertebral axis deviation, reduced disc space, as well as ankylosis and fused ventral spondylosis at L6 and L7. Two pelvises fused medially by the wings of the ileum, with slight deviation and thinning of pelvic bones. Four hip joints and medial joints with pelvic avulsion and bone remnants of the pelvic limbs. Acetabular tearing slightly flattened femoral head and thickened femoral neck. Caudal vertebrae and vertebral axis located in left pelvis. Left lateral patella inserted in the trochlear groove and lateral dislocation of right patella. Right patellofemoral joint with smooth surface, preserved intra-articular density and cranial displacement of the tibia relative to the femoral condyles (cranial cruciate ligament rupture). An ultrasound analysis revealed 2 bladders. Two months later surgery was performed due to recurrent complications. During laparotomy 2 uteruses, 2 bladders and bifurcation of the intestine were observed. Ovariosalpingohysterectomy was performed in both uterus and enterectomy of the problematic intestinal portion. After 2 days of the surgery, blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days of the transfusion, there was extravasation of yellow fluid from the surgical cut and abdominal palpation was indicative of bladder rupture, so the patient was sent to emergency surgery. Unilateral nephrectomy and ureterectomy, and ruptured bladder cystectomy were performed. The dog remained hospitalized for 24 days after surgery, before it was released. Discussion: The classification of conjoined twins is based on the location of the junction and the number of limbs. Monocephalus dipygus dibrachius was diagnosed based on the fact that the dog had 1 skull, 2 thoracic limbs and 4 pelvic limbs, as well as the corresponding genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract alterations. Imaging scans are extremely important for a proper diagnosis to ensure appropriate surgery planning. The bitch was the result of inbreeding between a male dog and its offspring, which probably contributed to this malformation. There are very few reports of surviving adult conjoined animals, and even fewer descriptions of successful surgical treatments. To the best of knowledge of the authors, there are no previous reports of a surviving adult dog suffering from this malformation.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Gêmeos Unidos/cirurgia , Gêmeos Unidos/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 681, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363154


Background: Anal atresia is a congenital malformation, which often affects calves, and is related to the imperforation of the membrane that separates the endoderm of the posterior intestine from the ectodermal anal membrane. It is commonly associated with other congenital malformations and skeletal anomalies. The clinical signs generally appear in the first days of the animal's life, due to a retention of feces. The diagnosis is clinical and is based on observation, anamnesis and a physical examination of the animal. The only viable treatment is surgical. This paper aims to report 6 cases of anal atresia in bovine calves, 4 males and 2 females that were successfully treated surgically. Cases: This work reports 6 cases of anal atresia in 4 male calves and 2 female calves. Three presented total atresia (type II), one partial (type I) and in both female calves, anal atresia and rectovaginal fistula (type IV) were observed. The animals were all of undefined race. Five of the cases were from northern Tocantins, 4 males and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula), and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula) was from Valença, RJ. All animals were born active, by eutocic/natural birth, and assumed a quadrupedal position followed by the first feeding as normal. They were aged between 2 days and 6 months, and had a clinical history of abdominal distention and difficulty or inability defecating, and the females both also had a rectovaginal fistula, all cases compatible with anal atresia. Based on the patient's history and clinical examination, surgical treatment for anal reconstruction was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg - intramuscularly (IM), once daily (SID), for 5 days] and fluxinin meglumine [1.1 mg/kg - IM, SID, for 3 days] ; as well as a healing ointment which was applied to the area of the surgical wound, every 12 h, for 7 days. There were no trans-surgical complications. The animals showed progressive recovery after anal reconstruction and the stitches were removed in all cases on the 10th postoperative day, with no postoperative complications and no recurrence of any clinical signs from that moment on. Discussion: The study of congenital and hereditary changes enables the identification of their origins, can help prevent new cases and, some of them, are open to economically viable treatment and/or correction that can improve the well-being of the animal and prevent economic losses due to death or animal sacrifice, as reported in the present study. Anal atresia is the most common congenital defect of the lower gastrointestinal tract in calves, being an isolated abnormality, or associated with other malformations, especially of the distal spinal column such as the absence of a tail (perosomus acaudatus), as one of the animals in this study. The clinical signs and physical examination are sufficient to establish the diagnosis, as demonstrated in this report, which is usually made in newborn animals, due to the lack or difficulty in defecation associated with no anal orifice and/or swelling in the perineal region. The treatment of choice for anal atresia is surgical, in order to construct an anal neo-orifice and thus avoid endotoxemic shock as well as providing relief and well-being for the animals. As observed in this study, when anal atresia is diagnosed early, and surgical treatment is properly instituted, the prognosis is favorable. The surgery is considered of low complexity, quick and it can be carried out in the field. Thus, from a commercial point of view, considering the costs of the procedures and the value of the calf at the end of weaning, such treatments are beneficial to the owners. In addition, the surgical treatment is essential for animal health and welfare in cases of anal atresia.

Animais , Bovinos , Anus Imperfurado/cirurgia , Anus Imperfurado/veterinária , Cauda/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 45(2): 98-103, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33289


A ocorrência de prolapso peniano em repteis é observada tanto em quelônios terrestres, quanto em squamatas, porém há a escassez de relatos em tartarugas marinhas documentados até o momento. Desta forma, objetivou-se relatar o processo de reabilitação de uma tartaruga-verde (Chelonia mydas) com prolapso peniano, de modo a nortear procedimentos clínicos e terapêuticos que possam propiciar maior sucesso na reabilitação destes animais. Uma tartaruga-verde (C. mydas), adulto, macho, foi resgatada no dia 02 de maio de 2020 na praia de Muriú, Ceará Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O espécime encontrava-se ativo, responsivo, com bom escore corpóreo, hidratação moderada, presença de prolapso peniano com mucosa associada hiperêmica e parte necrosada, além disso, encontrava-se com a nadadeira anterior esquerda amputada. O animal recebeu suporte terapêutico à base de analgésicos, antibióticos, anti-inflamatórios, polivitamínicos e fluidoterapia. Foram realizados procedimentos cirúrgicos para remoção total do úmero e redução mecânica do prolapso peniano. Após 50 dias de reabilitação o animal teve alta médica e foi reintroduzido de volta ao mar. Conclui-se que o protocolo utilizado, tanto na reabilitação, quanto no tratamento conservativo do prolapso peniano mostrou-se eficaz na redução do edema, evitando assim a recidiva do prolapso.(AU)

The occurrence of penile prolapse in reptiles has been observed both in terrestrial turtles and squamates. However, there are few reports of penile prolapse in sea turtles published to date. This study aimed at reporting the rehabilitation process of a green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) with penile prolapse, in order to guide clinical and therapeutic measures that can provide greater success in the rehabilitation of these animals. An adult male green sea turtle (C. mydas) was rescued on May 2, 2020 at Muriú beach, Ceará Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The specimen was active and responsive, with a good body score and moderate hydration, and showed the presence of penile prolapse with associated hyperemic mucosa and necrosis. It also had the left anterior fin amputated. The animal received therapeutic support based on antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, multivitamins, and fluid therapy. The surgical procedure for the complete removal of the humerus and mechanical reduction of penile prolapse was performed. After 50 days of rehabilitation, the animal was discharged and was reintroduced back to the sea. It is concluded that the protocol used was effective in reducing edema, thus preventing the recurrence of prolapse, both in rehabilitation and in the conservative treatment of penile prolapse(AU)

Animais , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Prolapso Retal/classificação , Prolapso de Órgão Pélvico , Reabilitação
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(2): 98-103, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492645


A ocorrência de prolapso peniano em repteis é observada tanto em quelônios terrestres, quanto em squamatas, porém há a escassez de relatos em tartarugas marinhas documentados até o momento. Desta forma, objetivou-se relatar o processo de reabilitação de uma tartaruga-verde (Chelonia mydas) com prolapso peniano, de modo a nortear procedimentos clínicos e terapêuticos que possam propiciar maior sucesso na reabilitação destes animais. Uma tartaruga-verde (C. mydas), adulto, macho, foi resgatada no dia 02 de maio de 2020 na praia de Muriú, Ceará Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O espécime encontrava-se ativo, responsivo, com bom escore corpóreo, hidratação moderada, presença de prolapso peniano com mucosa associada hiperêmica e parte necrosada, além disso, encontrava-se com a nadadeira anterior esquerda amputada. O animal recebeu suporte terapêutico à base de analgésicos, antibióticos, anti-inflamatórios, polivitamínicos e fluidoterapia. Foram realizados procedimentos cirúrgicos para remoção total do úmero e redução mecânica do prolapso peniano. Após 50 dias de reabilitação o animal teve alta médica e foi reintroduzido de volta ao mar. Conclui-se que o protocolo utilizado, tanto na reabilitação, quanto no tratamento conservativo do prolapso peniano mostrou-se eficaz na redução do edema, evitando assim a recidiva do prolapso.

The occurrence of penile prolapse in reptiles has been observed both in terrestrial turtles and squamates. However, there are few reports of penile prolapse in sea turtles published to date. This study aimed at reporting the rehabilitation process of a green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) with penile prolapse, in order to guide clinical and therapeutic measures that can provide greater success in the rehabilitation of these animals. An adult male green sea turtle (C. mydas) was rescued on May 2, 2020 at Muriú beach, Ceará Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The specimen was active and responsive, with a good body score and moderate hydration, and showed the presence of penile prolapse with associated hyperemic mucosa and necrosis. It also had the left anterior fin amputated. The animal received therapeutic support based on antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, multivitamins, and fluid therapy. The surgical procedure for the complete removal of the humerus and mechanical reduction of penile prolapse was performed. After 50 days of rehabilitation, the animal was discharged and was reintroduced back to the sea. It is concluded that the protocol used was effective in reducing edema, thus preventing the recurrence of prolapse, both in rehabilitation and in the conservative treatment of penile prolapse

Animais , Prolapso Retal/classificação , Prolapso de Órgão Pélvico , Reabilitação , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200079, 2021. mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1154966


The function of the genital and anal papillae for insemination in Compsura heterura is discussed based on the description of their morphologies at different stages of the life cycle and during copulation and spawning. In males and females both the genital and anal papillae are involved in copulation in C. heterura. A pre-anal organ, anterior to the anus and stretched posteriorly, is present in adult males. The openings of the urinary channel and oviduct are separate in females. During copulation, there is an approximation between the female genital and anal papillae which become temporarily juxtaposed, forming a chamber enclosing the opening of the oviduct, which may also function in sperm capture. During spawning, the lateral edges of the female genital papilla are projected anteriorly, acquiring a tubular shape for oviposition.(AU)

A função das papilas genital e anal na inseminação em Compsura heterura é discutida com base na descrição de suas morfologias em diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida e por ocasião da cópula e desova. Em machos e fêmeas, as papilas genital e anal estão envolvidas na cópula. Um órgão pré-anal, anterior ao ânus e alongado posteriormente, está presente em machos adultos. Fêmeas possuem aberturas urinária e genital separadas. Durante a cópula, ocorre uma aproximação entre as papilas genital e anal femininas, que se justapõem temporariamente, formando uma câmara fechada onde se abre o oviduto, e que serve possivelmente à captura de esperma. Durante a desova, as bordas laterais da papila genital feminina são projetadas anteriormente, adquirindo um formato tubular para ovoposição.(AU)

Animais , Characidae , Inseminação , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Oviposição
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200079, 2021. mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31547


The function of the genital and anal papillae for insemination in Compsura heterura is discussed based on the description of their morphologies at different stages of the life cycle and during copulation and spawning. In males and females both the genital and anal papillae are involved in copulation in C. heterura. A pre-anal organ, anterior to the anus and stretched posteriorly, is present in adult males. The openings of the urinary channel and oviduct are separate in females. During copulation, there is an approximation between the female genital and anal papillae which become temporarily juxtaposed, forming a chamber enclosing the opening of the oviduct, which may also function in sperm capture. During spawning, the lateral edges of the female genital papilla are projected anteriorly, acquiring a tubular shape for oviposition.(AU)

A função das papilas genital e anal na inseminação em Compsura heterura é discutida com base na descrição de suas morfologias em diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida e por ocasião da cópula e desova. Em machos e fêmeas, as papilas genital e anal estão envolvidas na cópula. Um órgão pré-anal, anterior ao ânus e alongado posteriormente, está presente em machos adultos. Fêmeas possuem aberturas urinária e genital separadas. Durante a cópula, ocorre uma aproximação entre as papilas genital e anal femininas, que se justapõem temporariamente, formando uma câmara fechada onde se abre o oviduto, e que serve possivelmente à captura de esperma. Durante a desova, as bordas laterais da papila genital feminina são projetadas anteriormente, adquirindo um formato tubular para ovoposição.(AU)

Animais , Characidae , Inseminação , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Oviposição
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487620


ABSTRACT: Diseases of the bovine digestive system make up an important group of diseases, often being responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. The current work aimed to carry out a retrospective study of the diseases of the digestive system in cattle diagnosed at the Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, from January 1999 to December 2018. In this period, a total of 9,343 cattle were admitted to the CBG-UFRPE, of which 2,238 (24.0%) were diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. In two decades, the total number of cattle admitted annually by the institution almost doubled as well as the number of cases of digestive diseases. The diseases categorized as mechanical/motor were the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%), and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Lesions of the rectum and anus, congenital alterations, and other digestive diseases showed relative frequencies below 4%. Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) are the most prevalent disorders, followed by simple indigestion (10.1%), esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%), non-specific gastroenteritis (8.6%), displaced abomasum (RDA and LDA) (5.5%), and frothy bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and impaction of the forestomach and abomasum, which represented approximately 5% each. In general, these diseases presented a lethality rate of 46.0%, with emphasis on mechanical/motor diseases with a lethality rate of 73.8%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, crossbreeds, aged over 24 months, and raised in a semi-intensive system. Diseases of the digestive system increased over the years studied, representing a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in this region, which makes up the main milk basin in the State of Pernambuco, confirming its economic and social impact in the region.

RESUMO: As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo retrospectivo das enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018. Neste período foi atendido um total de 9.343 bovinos dos quais 2.238 (24,0%) foram diagnosticados com enfermidades do sistema digestório. Em duas décadas, o número total de bovinos atendidos anualmente pela instituição quase dobrou, assim como o número de casos de doenças digestivas. As enfermidades categorizadas como de natureza mecânica/motora foram as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As lesões do reto e ânus, as alterações congênitas e outras enfermidades digestórias apresentaram frequências relativas inferiores a 4%. As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%), dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%), das gastroenterites inespecíficas (8,6%), dos deslocamentos de abomaso (DAD e DAE) (5,5%) e do timpanismo espumoso, acidose láctica ruminal e compactações dos pré-estômagos e abomaso, que representaram aproximadamente 5% cada. No geral estas enfermidades apresentaram taxa de letalidade de 46,0%, com destaque para as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora cuja letalidade foi de 73,8%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo. As enfermidades do sistema digestório, crescentes ao longo dos anos estudados, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(2): 335-342, Mar.-May 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762754


The species of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) has been studied in the present study. The female can be differentiated from the male by the absence of the cephalic penis and a complicated genital aparatus visible through the mantle skirt in both the sexes. In other aspects of the external features of female are quite to males. In both species the digestive system was similar with few differences in structure between each other. It consists of buccal mass, proboscis, salivary glands, accessory salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. The nervous system in both P. cochlidium and P. erecta is constituted by six ganglia which forms the circumoesophgeal ganglionic ring. Among the neogastropods there is a similarity in the organization of the reproductive systems. The female reproductive system is more complicated than that of male. The sexes are separated in these two species. The gross morphology of the reproductive system of P. cochlidium and P. erecta was almost similar. The present study aims to describe the digestive system, nervous system and reproductive system of two gastropods species P. cochlidium and P. erecta.(AU)

As espécies de Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) e P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) foram tomadas no presente estudo. A fêmea pode ser diferenciada do macho pela ausência do pênis cefálico e um complicado complexo genital visível através da saia do manto em ambos os sexos. Em outros aspectos das características externas da fêmea são bastante semelhantes aos dos machos. Em ambas as espécies, o sistema digestivo era semelhante, com poucas diferenças de estrutura entre si. Consiste em massa bucal, probóscide, glândulas salivares, glândulas salivares acessórias, esôfago, estômago, intestino, reto e ânus. O sistema nervoso em P. cochlidium e P. erecta é constituído por seis gânglios que formam um anel ganglionar circunoesofágico. Entre os neogastrópodes, há uma semelhança na organização dos sistemas reprodutivos. O sistema reprodutivo feminino é mais complicado que o masculino. Os sexos são separados nessas duas espécies. A morfologia macroscópica do sistema reprodutivo de P. cochlidium e P. erecta foi quase similar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever o sistema digestivo, sistema nervoso e sistema reprodutivo de duas espécies, P. cochlidium e P. erecta.(AU)

Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Biodiversidade , Índia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06800, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279542


Diseases of the bovine digestive system make up an important group of diseases, often being responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. The current work aimed to carry out a retrospective study of the diseases of the digestive system in cattle diagnosed at the "Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", from January 1999 to December 2018. In this period, a total of 9,343 cattle were admitted to the CBG-UFRPE, of which 2,238 (24.0%) were diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. In two decades, the total number of cattle admitted annually by the institution almost doubled as well as the number of cases of digestive diseases. The diseases categorized as mechanical/motor were the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%), and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Lesions of the rectum and anus, congenital alterations, and other digestive diseases showed relative frequencies below 4%. Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) are the most prevalent disorders, followed by simple indigestion (10.1%), esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%), non-specific gastroenteritis (8.6%), displaced abomasum (RDA and LDA) (5.5%), and frothy bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and impaction of the forestomach and abomasum, which represented approximately 5% each. In general, these diseases presented a lethality rate of 46.0%, with emphasis on mechanical/motor diseases with a lethality rate of 73.8%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, crossbreeds, aged over 24 months, and raised in a semi-intensive system. Diseases of the digestive system increased over the years studied, representing a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in this region, which makes up the main milk basin in the State of Pernambuco, confirming its economic and social impact in the region.(AU)

As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo retrospectivo das enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018. Neste período foi atendido um total de 9.343 bovinos dos quais 2.238 (24,0%) foram diagnosticados com enfermidades do sistema digestório. Em duas décadas, o número total de bovinos atendidos anualmente pela instituição quase dobrou, assim como o número de casos de doenças digestivas. As enfermidades categorizadas como de natureza mecânica/motora foram as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As lesões do reto e ânus, as alterações congênitas e outras enfermidades digestórias apresentaram frequências relativas inferiores a 4%. As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%), dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%), das gastroenterites inespecíficas (8,6%), dos deslocamentos de abomaso (DAD e DAE) (5,5%) e do timpanismo espumoso, acidose láctica ruminal e compactações dos pré-estômagos e abomaso, que representaram aproximadamente 5% cada. No geral estas enfermidades apresentaram taxa de letalidade de 46,0%, com destaque para as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora cuja letalidade foi de 73,8%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo. As enfermidades do sistema digestório, crescentes ao longo dos anos estudados, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Estações do Ano , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sistema Digestório , Gado , Gastroenterite , Universidades
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06800, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31820


Diseases of the bovine digestive system make up an important group of diseases, often being responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. The current work aimed to carry out a retrospective study of the diseases of the digestive system in cattle diagnosed at the "Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", from January 1999 to December 2018. In this period, a total of 9,343 cattle were admitted to the CBG-UFRPE, of which 2,238 (24.0%) were diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. In two decades, the total number of cattle admitted annually by the institution almost doubled as well as the number of cases of digestive diseases. The diseases categorized as mechanical/motor were the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%), and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Lesions of the rectum and anus, congenital alterations, and other digestive diseases showed relative frequencies below 4%. Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) are the most prevalent disorders, followed by simple indigestion (10.1%), esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%), non-specific gastroenteritis (8.6%), displaced abomasum (RDA and LDA) (5.5%), and frothy bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and impaction of the forestomach and abomasum, which represented approximately 5% each. In general, these diseases presented a lethality rate of 46.0%, with emphasis on mechanical/motor diseases with a lethality rate of 73.8%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, crossbreeds, aged over 24 months, and raised in a semi-intensive system. Diseases of the digestive system increased over the years studied, representing a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in this region, which makes up the main milk basin in the State of Pernambuco, confirming its economic and social impact in the region.(AU)

As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo retrospectivo das enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018. Neste período foi atendido um total de 9.343 bovinos dos quais 2.238 (24,0%) foram diagnosticados com enfermidades do sistema digestório. Em duas décadas, o número total de bovinos atendidos anualmente pela instituição quase dobrou, assim como o número de casos de doenças digestivas. As enfermidades categorizadas como de natureza mecânica/motora foram as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As lesões do reto e ânus, as alterações congênitas e outras enfermidades digestórias apresentaram frequências relativas inferiores a 4%. As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%), dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%), das gastroenterites inespecíficas (8,6%), dos deslocamentos de abomaso (DAD e DAE) (5,5%) e do timpanismo espumoso, acidose láctica ruminal e compactações dos pré-estômagos e abomaso, que representaram aproximadamente 5% cada. No geral estas enfermidades apresentaram taxa de letalidade de 46,0%, com destaque para as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora cuja letalidade foi de 73,8%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo. As enfermidades do sistema digestório, crescentes ao longo dos anos estudados, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Estações do Ano , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sistema Digestório , Gado , Gastroenterite , Universidades
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 335-342, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153364


The species of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) has been studied in the present study. The female can be differentiated from the male by the absence of the cephalic penis and a complicated genital aparatus visible through the mantle skirt in both the sexes. In other aspects of the external features of female are quite to males. In both species the digestive system was similar with few differences in structure between each other. It consists of buccal mass, proboscis, salivary glands, accessory salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. The nervous system in both P. cochlidium and P. erecta is constituted by six ganglia which forms the circumoesophgeal ganglionic ring. Among the neogastropods there is a similarity in the organization of the reproductive systems. The female reproductive system is more complicated than that of male. The sexes are separated in these two species. The gross morphology of the reproductive system of P. cochlidium and P. erecta was almost similar. The present study aims to describe the digestive system, nervous system and reproductive system of two gastropods species P. cochlidium and P. erecta.

As espécies de Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) e P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) foram tomadas no presente estudo. A fêmea pode ser diferenciada do macho pela ausência do pênis cefálico e um complicado complexo genital visível através da saia do manto em ambos os sexos. Em outros aspectos das características externas da fêmea são bastante semelhantes aos dos machos. Em ambas as espécies, o sistema digestivo era semelhante, com poucas diferenças de estrutura entre si. Consiste em massa bucal, probóscide, glândulas salivares, glândulas salivares acessórias, esôfago, estômago, intestino, reto e ânus. O sistema nervoso em P. cochlidium e P. erecta é constituído por seis gânglios que formam um anel ganglionar circunoesofágico. Entre os neogastrópodes, há uma semelhança na organização dos sistemas reprodutivos. O sistema reprodutivo feminino é mais complicado que o masculino. Os sexos são separados nessas duas espécies. A morfologia macroscópica do sistema reprodutivo de P. cochlidium e P. erecta foi quase similar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever o sistema digestivo, sistema nervoso e sistema reprodutivo de duas espécies, P. cochlidium e P. erecta.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Sistema Digestório/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Genitália/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Salivares , Baías , Índia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 732, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366499


Background: The treatment for urethral obstruction in cats consists of catheterization, and for this, the cat must be sedated or anesthetized. Sacococcygeal epidural block has the advantage of being close to receptors related to nociception located in the spinal cord and it is safer because it represents lower risk of spinal cord injury or inadvertent application in the subarachnoid space, when compared to the lumbosacral epidural. Nerve stimulation through the neurolocator to identify the epidural space increases the accuracy of this technique. Thus, the objective is to report a case of epidural anesthesia with a sacrococcygeal approach guided by neurostimulation in a cat with urethral obstruction. Case: A 4-year-old male Siamese cat, weighing 4 kg, was referred to the veterinary care with a history of apathy and anorexia for 2 days. From the physical exam, the clinical diagnosis of urethral obstruction was made, and to desobstruction, we chose to perform sacrococcygeal epidural block. Initially, the patient was anesthetized with propofol (4 mg/kg) and midazolam (0.3 mg/kg). To perform the anesthetic block, the cat was placed in sternal decubitus with the hind limbs extended cranially to perform sacrococcygeal epidural block. The positive pole (cathode) was connected to the skin of the right inguinal region at the caudal aspect of the thigh and the neurostimulator was turned on and adjusted to 0.7 mA of stimulating current intensity, 0.1 ms duration and 1 Hz frequency. The needle for electrical neurolocation was introduced in the dorsal midline, perpendicular to the skin surface, between the spinous processes of S3-Cd1 in the skin. The exact injection point was obtained observed by the muscular response of the middle and distal third of the animal's tail with the neurostimulator adjusted to 0.3 mA of intensity, in the same duration and frequency as before. The total volume of 0.9 mL (0.22 mL/kg) of solution containing the combination of 0.6 mL of 0.75% levobupivacaine and 0.3 mL of 2% lidocaine was injected. The success of the block was confirmed by the loss of reflexes of the pelvic limbs and anal sphincter 10 min after the administration of the anesthetic solution. Discussion: In this case, the use of the neurolocator helped to perform an effective sacrococcygeal block, allowing urethral catheterization without the addition of other analgesic agents. This technique desensitizes and relaxes muscles in the regions of the perineum, anus, distal colon and penis, being useful for performing urethral catheterization. The use of smaller anaesthetic volumes to perform sacrococcygeal block makes it possible to achieve a more localized anesthesia, without affecting the motor function of the pelvic limbs. However, in our report, using a combination of levobupivacaine and lidocaine, the pelvic limb block was also verified despite the low volume applied. A hypothesis that could justify the different responses in relation to the pelvic limb block compared to other studies would be due to the different physicalchemical properties of the drugs used. Lidocaine is known to be less fat-soluble than bupivacaine, so it tends to spread more through the epidural space, in order to result in more extensive blocks. The use of a neurostimulator using a fixed electric current of 0.7 mA, pulse 0.1 ms and a frequency of 1 Hz allowed the correct identification of the needle position for the application of the anesthetic.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Obstrução Uretral/cirurgia , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea/veterinária , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária , Região Sacrococcígea , Levobupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.499-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458326


Background: Cutaneous horn is a circumscribed exophytic lesion composed of dense, compact keratin with hyperplasticepidermis, which is primarily orthokeratotic and may include foci of parakeratosis. The hyperkeratotic protuberance resembles a horn but lack bone. In humans, it is well-documented with a wide range of primary epidermal lesions identified.In dogs, the reports are rare and brief. The diagnosis is based on its appearance and excisional biopsy reveals the triggeringlesion. The objective of the present work is to describe the clinical presentation, predictive benignancy finds, treatmentand follow-up of a case of cutaneous horns that arose from anal mucocutaneous boundary in a dog.Case: A 6-month-old male Pug presented two tumors in the anus noted in the early months of life. Complete blood count,serum chemistry profile, surgery, histopathological analysis and postoperative outcome were performed. Possible relapseswere follow-up until 11 months after surgery. On physical examination, the dog was otherwise healthy. The two horn-liketumors were protruding from the mucocutaneous junction of the external anal sphincter in a sun-protected area. Both werehigher than wide in base or, in other words, they had a high height-to-base ratio. During surgery, the masses were excisedusing an electronic scalpel and sent to histopathological analysis. The post-operative care consisted of cephalexin andmeloxicam prescriptions. Also, it was recommended 0.9% NaCl solution wound flushing followed by topical chlorhexidinedigluconate solution (1%) whenever dirt or defecation were noticed. The surgical wound healed after two weeks by secondintention. Histopathology found well-delimited masses that covers the epidermis and dermis and displaces the cutaneousappendages towards the underlying musculature with an aggregate of lymphoplasmohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate inthe adjacent...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias do Ânus/veterinária , Queratinas
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 499, Mar. 29, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25599


Background: Cutaneous horn is a circumscribed exophytic lesion composed of dense, compact keratin with hyperplasticepidermis, which is primarily orthokeratotic and may include foci of parakeratosis. The hyperkeratotic protuberance resembles a horn but lack bone. In humans, it is well-documented with a wide range of primary epidermal lesions identified.In dogs, the reports are rare and brief. The diagnosis is based on its appearance and excisional biopsy reveals the triggeringlesion. The objective of the present work is to describe the clinical presentation, predictive benignancy finds, treatmentand follow-up of a case of cutaneous horns that arose from anal mucocutaneous boundary in a dog.Case: A 6-month-old male Pug presented two tumors in the anus noted in the early months of life. Complete blood count,serum chemistry profile, surgery, histopathological analysis and postoperative outcome were performed. Possible relapseswere follow-up until 11 months after surgery. On physical examination, the dog was otherwise healthy. The two horn-liketumors were protruding from the mucocutaneous junction of the external anal sphincter in a sun-protected area. Both werehigher than wide in base or, in other words, they had a high height-to-base ratio. During surgery, the masses were excisedusing an electronic scalpel and sent to histopathological analysis. The post-operative care consisted of cephalexin andmeloxicam prescriptions. Also, it was recommended 0.9% NaCl solution wound flushing followed by topical chlorhexidinedigluconate solution (1%) whenever dirt or defecation were noticed. The surgical wound healed after two weeks by secondintention. Histopathology found well-delimited masses that covers the epidermis and dermis and displaces the cutaneousappendages towards the underlying musculature with an aggregate of lymphoplasmohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate inthe adjacent...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Queratinas , Neoplasias do Ânus/veterinária