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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 14-28, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562965


A Homeopatia é um sistema terapêutico baseado no princípio da similitude. A experimentação sistemática de substâncias em pessoas sadias permite conhecer os sintomas que elas provocam (patogenesia). A reunião de diferentes patogenesias forma as Matérias Médicas, dentre as quais destaca-se como referência até hoje The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, de Constantine Hering. Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância da experimentação atual de um medicamento homeopático (Agaricus muscarius) com os dados constantes em Matéria Médica de referência. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma experimentação patogenética breve no formato de um ensaio randomizado duplo- -cego, placebo-controlado com cross-over. Foi experimentado o medicamento Agaricus muscarius na dinamização 30 CH. A experimentação teve duração de 8 semanas. Os sintomas foram classificados, graduados e ordenados para análise estatística. Foram utilizados os testes de Kolgomorov- Smirnov para normalidade dos dados e t de Student e ANOVA para comparação entre grupos. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os escores de correspondência de sintomas dos participantes com a Matéria Médica quando usaram medicamento e quando usaram placebo. Mais da metade dos sintomas teve um grau moderado a alto de correspondência com a Matéria Médica (59,4%) e um grau elevado de associação com o uso do medicamento (53,1%). Conclusão: A reexperimentação de Agaricus muscarius produziu sintomas em sua maioria correspondentes àqueles registrados em Matéria Médica de referência e com alto grau de associação ao uso do medicamento.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system based on the similitude principle, Systematic substance experimentation in healthy subjects allows knowing the symptoms they cause (pathogenesis). The assemblage of various pathogeneses yields homeopathic therapeutic compendia called Materia Medica, among which The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, by Constantine Hering, remains an important reference. Objective: Evaluate the concordance between the present experimentation of a homeopathic medicine (Agaricus muscarius) and the data from a referential Materia Medica. Methods: A brief pathogenetic experimentation was performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo- -controlled cross-over trial. The medicine Agaricus muscarius was experimented as 30 CH dynamization. The experimentation lasted for 8 weeks. Symptoms were classified, graded and ordered for statistical analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for data normality and t-Student test and ANOVA for between-group comparison. The research was approved by the Human Beings Research Ethics Committee from the Foundation Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Results: No significant differences in symptom correspondence scores were noted when participants were administered remedy vs placebo. More than half of experimentation pathogenesis symptoms had a moderate to high correspondence degree to the Materia Medica (59,4%) and a high association degree to the use of remedy (53,1%). Conclusion: Reexperimentation of Agaricus muscarius has produced symptoms mostly correspondent

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Agaricus muscarius/efectos adversos , Ensayo Patogenético Homeopático , Matéria Médica Homeopática
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 44-49, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562973


Os principais pontos que desejo levantar aqui são inteiramente novos e um tanto revolucionários quando comparados com noções aceitas, divulgadas e aplicadas nas cinco edições anteriores do Organon, ou pontos já declarados, mas reelaborados e reexaminados. Eles são, via de regra, pouco conhecidos ou nem um pouco conhecidos pelos homeopatas. Procurarei, portanto, extraí-los como ouro e diamantes são extraídos de uma mina e deixados brilharem sob o sol da verdade. Isto é o que me proponho fazer em benefício dos meus ilustres colegas aqui reunidos. Não procederei parágrafo por parágrafo, mas por ordem de importância. Os parágrafos que considerarei primeiro são os de interesse prático e, depois, tomarei os parágrafos que forem interessantes do ponto de vista teórico.

The main points I wish to raise here are entirely new and somewhat revolutionary when compared with the accepted notions, disseminated and applied in the five previous editions of the Organon, or points already stated but reworked and reexamined. They are, as a rule, little known or not at all known to homeopaths. I shall therefore seek to extract them as gold and diamonds are extracted from a mine and allowed to shine in the sun of truth. This is what I propose to do for the benefit of my distinguished colleagues assembled here. I shall not proceed paragraph by paragraph, but in order of importance. The paragraphs I shall consider first are those of practical interest, and then I shall take up those paragraphs which are interesting from a theoretical point of view.

Traducción , Materia Médica Pura , Organon , Terapéutica Homeopática
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 29-31, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562966


A infertilidade afeta milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo, sendo quase metade dos casos decorrentes de fatores tuboperitoneal, destacando- se a endometriose como doença de grande prevalência. Este artigo apresenta um caso clínico bem-sucedido de tratamento homeopático para infertilidade, resultando em rápida desobstrução da tuba uterina e gravidez em um ciclo ovulatório. O tratamento incluiu simillium (Nux vomica) e constitucional (Calcarea phosphorica), além de medicamento episódico (Eupion, Borax veneta e Endometrium).

Infertility affects millions of women worldwide, with nearly half of the cases attributed to tuboperitoneal factors, with endometriosis being a prevalent condition. This article presents a successful clinical case of homeopathic treatment for infertility, resulting in rapid unblocking of the fallopian tube and pregnancy in one ovulatory cycle. The treatment included simillium (Nux vomica) and constitutional (Calcarea phosphorica) remedies, along with episodic medication (Eupion, Borax veneta and Endometrium).

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Terapéutica Homeopática , Infertilidad Femenina/tratamiento farmacológico , Calcarea Phosphorica/uso terapéutico , Eupionum/uso terapéutico , Materia Medica , Strychnos nux-vomica , Endometrio
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 7-13, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Redbvs, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562963


A Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) Homeopatia Brasil(1) personifica o ingresso da Homeopatia na literatura médica oficial, sendo o resultado de décadas de um trabalho voluntário de vários homeopatas, tendo uma história de mais 40 anos a qual se mescla de maneira indissociável com a história da Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME)(2), que adotou posteriormente o nome de Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde(3). É também um testemunho da transformação tecnológica do paradigma das bibliotecas físicas seculares(4), para as atuais bibliotecas digitais online. A BVS é um patrimônio da Homeopatia brasileira, evidenciando a Homeopatia perante as ciências da saúde como sendo uma especialidade médica em nosso país. Ela teve como marco inicial a base de dados HOMEOINDEX, pioneira e exclusiva da literatura homeopática, construída na década de 90, que será abordada mais adiante. Esta biblioteca virtual homeopática faz parte da rede de bibliotecas virtuais em saúde(5), e da rede BVS Brasil(6) operacionalizadas pela BIREME, órgão regional da OPAS(7) (Organização Panamericana de Saúde) e da OMS(8) (Organização Mundial de Saúde). A BIREME tem como missão contribuir para o desenvolvimento da saúde nos países da América Latina e Caribe por meio da democratização do acesso, publicação e uso de informação, conhecimento e evidência científica. A BIREME abriga atualmente mais de 60 BVSs, entre temáticas, nacionais e regionais, que abordam os mais variados aspectos de informações de cada área, com acesso online eficiente, gratuito, universal e eqüitativo à informação Para entendermos a origem da BVS Homeopatia é necessário que seja abordada também a história da BIREME(9). Desde a sua criação no ano de 1967, a BIREME sempre considerou a colaboração das bibliotecas para desenvolver e oferecer seus serviços e produtos de informação. Nos anos iniciais a primeira tarefa foi o serviço colaborativo de comutação bibliográfica (fornecimento de cópias de documentos), já considerando que apenas a coleção de revistas da então Biblioteca Regional de Medicina não seria suficientemente completa para atender a todos os pedidos dos usuários da América Latina e do Caribe. Os primeiros acordos de cooperação da BIREME com as bibliotecas foram estabelecidos no início dos anos 70, com a Faculdade de Odontologia e a Escola de Medicina Veterinária, ambas da Universidade de São Paulo, com o Instituto de Nutrição da América Central e do Panamá (INCAP), com o Centro Latino-Americano de Perinatologia e Desenvolvimento Humano, e com o Centro Pan-Americano de Engenharia Sanitária e Ciências Ambientais (CEPIS).

The Virtual Health Library (VHL) Homeopathy Brazil embodies the inclusion of Homeopathy in the official medical literature, being the result of decades of voluntary work by several homeopaths, having a history of more than 40 years, which is inseparably intertwined with the history of the Regional Library of Medicine (BIREME), which later adopted the name of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. It is also a testament to the technological transformation from the paradigm of centuries-old physical libraries to today's online digital libraries. The VHL is a heritage of Brazilian Homeopathy, highlighting Homeopathy before the health sciences as a medical specialty in our country. Its initial milestone was the HOMEOINDEX database, a pioneer and exclusive database of homeopathic literature, built in the 1990s, which will be discussed later. This virtual homeopathic library is part of the network of virtual health libraries, and the VHL Brazil network operated by BIREME, a regional body of PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization). BIREME's mission is to contribute to the health development in Latin American and Caribbean countries through the democratization of access, publication, and use of information, knowledge, and scientific evidence. BIREME currently houses more than 60 VHLs, including thematic, national, and regional, covering the most varied aspects of information in each area, with efficient, free, universal, and equitable online access to information. To understand the origin of the VHL Homeopathy, it is also necessary to address the history of BIREME. Since its creation in 1967, BIREME has always considered the collaboration of libraries to develop and offer its information services and products. In the early years, the first task was the collaborative bibliographic exchange service (provision of document copies), already considering that the journal collection of the then Regional Library of Medicine would not be sufficiently complete to meet all the requests from users in Latin America and the Caribbean. The first cooperation agreements between BIREME and libraries were established in the early 1970s, with the Faculty of Dentistry and the School of Veterinary Medicine, both from the University of São Paulo, with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), with the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development, and with the Pan-American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS).

Historia de la Homeopatía , Divulgación de la Homeopatía , Evolución Cultural , Bibliotecas Digitales , Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud , Brasil , Medical Subject Headings
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 39-46, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1425551


A prática racional e integral da homeopatia exige que o profissional médico explique a doença do paciente e ao mesmo tempo o compreenda, sendo portanto necessária a individualização do doente com sua(s) doença(s). Por outro lado, a terapêutica homeopática também tem sido historicamente empregada na prática médica, em diferentes situações e com resolutividade, em casos com parcial similitude e uso de um ou mais medicamentos homeopáticos. A homeopatia tem evoluído ao longo do tempo, com realização de pesquisas clínicas que se valem de métodos clínicos validados à avaliação da efetividade e eficácia da homeopatia e que, em certa medida, levam em consideração as peculiaridades do método terapêutico homeopático, com sua exigência de abordagem individualizada do paciente. Entre a terapêutica homeopática e a alopática há muitas compatibilidades e, a distingui-las, a aplicação de dois princípios de base: O princípio dos semelhantes e o dos contrários. A avaliação clínica da homeopatia que considera os seres humanos semelhantes entre si pode seguir razoavelmente o modelo adotado nos estudos clínicos clássicos, enquanto na perspectiva da unicidade do ser humano são requeridos novos modelos de pesquisa que considerem a competência do médico, a variabilidade humana e a confiabilidade das fontes informativas da matéria médica homeopática.

The rational and integral practice of homeopathy requires that the medical professional explain the patient's disease and at the same time understand it, therefore, it is necessary to individualize the patient with his/her disease(s). On the other hand, homeopathic therapy has also been historically used in medical practice, in different situations and with resolution, in cases with partial similarity and use of one or more homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has evolved over time, with clinical research carried out using validated clinical methods to assess the effectiveness and efficacy of homeopathy and which, to a certain extent, take into account the peculiarities of the homeopathic therapeutic method, with its requirement of individualized patient approach. There are many compatibilities between homeopathic and allopathic therapy and, to distinguish them, the application of two basic principles: the principle of similars and the principle of opposites. The clinical evaluation of homeopathy that considers human beings similar to each other can reasonably follow the model adopted in classic clinical studies, while in the perspective of the uniqueness of the human being, new research models are required that consider the competence of the physician, human variability and the reliability of homeopathic materia medica information sources.

Práctica Profesional , Clínica Homeopática , Evaluación de Eficacia-Efectividad de Intervenciones , Homeopatía
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 2-3, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1396754


Homeopathy is controversial because using highly dilute medicines (high homeopathic potencies, HHP) beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. Previous publications [1,2] using NMR relaxation revealed the involvement of nanobubbles and/or nanoparticles and/or nanometric superstructures in high potentizations. Nano Tracking Analyse (NTA) demonstrated the presence of particles in HHPs [3,4]. WithSEM-EDX [5] we observed an ionic diversity common to all preparations including HHPs and significant differences in the relative quantity of each ion between different homeopathic manufacturing lines and controls. FTIR spectroscopy [6] shows that the molecular composition is that of carbonates, primarily sodium bicarbonate.Methods:To observe the materiality of homeopathic medicines a multidisciplinary approach is necessary. In collaboration with several universities,we canobserve these medications with NMR, NTA, SEM-EDX, FTIR, pH,and EPA. Results:The essential component of all already studied homeopathic medicines is sodium hydrogen carbonate modulated by some other elements in a specific quantity, size,and shape. The probability that the observed results could have occurred just by random chance can be rejected(significantlyabove the Avogadro limit) p < 0,001.Conclusions:The homeopathic medicines do contain material with a specific ionic composition even in HHPs diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. This specificity can be attributed to the manufacturing process. These results demonstrate that the step-by-step process (dynamized or not) does not match the theoretical expectations in a dilution process. The starting material and dilution/dynamization method influencethe nature of these NPs. The role of carbonates and sodium bicarbonate must be carefully studied in the future. Its aqueous solution is alkaline in nature but itis an amphoteric compound, which means that the compound has both acidic as well as alkaline character. The reaction with acids results in sodium salts and carbonic acid and the reaction with the basic solution producescarbonates and water. Specific electric fields are indeed detectable.

Materia Medica , Dinamización , Nanopartículas , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Bicarbonato de Sodio/análisis
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1396590


Homeopathy is a technique approved by the MAPA for organic production systems. Experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of homeopathy in agriculture are essential. Aims: To evaluate the effects of homeopathic treatment on soybean seed germination. Methodology: The experiment was performed in MS-Brazil. An area of 70 m² was used, divided into two comparison plots of 30 m² each. The soil of plot 1 (treated group) was treated with 5.25 kg of powdered Lithothamniummixed with 250 ml of 30% hydroalcoholic solution (HS) containing homeopathic ingredients. The soil of plot 2 (control group) was treated with thesame preparationbutwithout homeopathic ingredients. Additionally, the 400 seeds assigned toplot 1 were treated with 0,3 ml of a solution made up of 10 ml of 30% HS with homeopathic ingredients dilutedin 300 ml of water. The 400 seeds assigned toplot 2 were treated with 0.3 ml of a solutionmade up of 10 ml of HS without homeopathic ingredients diluted in 300 ml of water. The homeopathic ingredients Sulph 9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p 9C were used on soil and seed treatment. The selection and prescription of those ingredients followed Materia Medica instructions. The experiment was conducted using randomized design and 400 seeds per group were sown. Results and discussion: In plot 1, anaverage of 11 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 330 germinated seeds at a percentage of 82.5%. In plot 2, an average of 7 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 210 germinated seeds at a percentage of 52.5%. The frequency of seed germinationin both groups was assessed by the Chi-square test to check for significant differences(p<0.05). There was a statistical difference (p<0.05) in the seed germination in the treated group (n=330) compared to the control group (n=210). Conclusion:Homeopathic compounds can be used as a viable treatment for soybean germination.

Teoría Cuántica , Glycine max , Germinación , Agricultura Sostenible , Homeopatía
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1396591


The use of pesticides is damaging to the health of farmers and consumers as their use is associated with numerous diseases. Homeopathy is one of the techniques for organic agriculture currentlyauthorized by the MAPA. Aims: To assess the effect of homeopathic compounds on corncob quality in pesticide-free cultures. Methodology:The experiment was performed in, MS-Brazil. Two culture fields were used, each 30m2in size. The homeopathic group treatment consisted of 1ml of30% hydroalcoholic solution with homeopathic ingredients. This solutionwas diluted into 30ml of water and then sprayed onto 100 seeds. The control group was submitted to the same protocol excluding the homeopathic ingredients. The homeopathic ingredients used were Sulph9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p9C, prescribed according to Materia Medica instructions. The evaluationwas performed at harvest by comparing theaverage weight of 1000 kernels pergroup, obtained from a weighingof 3000 kernels per group. In addition, a number of corncobs from both groups werequalitatively evaluated as "good" or "bad." Statistics analysis used the T-test to compare the kernel weight averages and Fisher's exact test to analyze the corncob quality frequency. Both groups were naturally infected by a virus from a neighboring sugarcane field, causing qualitative and quantitative losses on both groups. Results and discussion: The average weight of 1000 kernels from the treated group (329 g) was not significantly greater (p=0.06) than the average weight of 1000 kernels from the non-treated group (308 g). It was observed that 71out of 158 (44.9%) corncobs from the homeopathic treatment group were classified as "good" while zero outof 50 (0%) corncobs from the non-treated group were classified as "good", resulting in a significant difference (p<0.01). Conclusion: Homeopathic compounds can be used as a feasible treatment for health and productivity in the corn crop.

Zea mays , Agricultura Sostenible
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 46-66, June 20, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1396380


Psychological fragility caused to human life has been the largest aftermath of the pandemic posing a raised public health concern globally. This psychological impact is identified as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which was the most commonly diagnosed psychological disorder during this pandemic. These cases, if left untreated and unidentified may take a devastating transformation into psychotic disorders and cause gross damage to the individual and the community by disrupting human relations. Keeping in view the beneficial role of Homoeopathy in dealing with psychological disorders based on its philosophy and previous studies, a clinical case series of 10 PTSD cases successfully treated with Homoeopathy during this pandemic are presented here. 10 cases of PTSD consulted during the first wave of pandemic diagnosed based on the clinical picture analogous to PTSD cluster symptomatology from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5) and objectively through Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) were treated with Homoeopathic intervention. Homeopathic medicine was prescribed based on the totality of each case through repertorization and in consultation with the sourcebooks of Homoeopathic Materia Medica (HMM). The cases were followed monthly for clinical improvement and every three months using the CAPS-5 score. The outcome was assessed after six months clinically and objectively through the CAPS-5 score. At the end of one year, further to assess the casual attribution of clinical outcome to homoeopathic intervention, validated MONARCH (Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homoeopathy) tool was utilized. The 10 diagnosed PTSD cases showed marked improvement assessed after one year of Homoeopathic treatment. Significant improvement was found in the clinical picture affirmed through CAPS-5 score and MONARCH tool. Homoeopathic medicines showed a significantly beneficial role in the management of PTSD during the pandemic in the presented 10 cases. Further validation through well-designed clinical trials is warranted.

Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Terapéutica Homeopática , COVID-19/psicología , Estudios Retrospectivos
Int. j. high dilution res ; 20(2/3): 24-33, June 4, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1396356


Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization are essential steps for collecting symptoms and selecting the suitable medicine to cure vegetables presenting pathologies or changes in homeostasis. Aims: The objective of this study was to carry out observation, anamnesis, and homeopathic repertorization of bell pepper plants and their cultivation environment and select thesimillimummedicine for the culture. Methods The study was performed at the Research and Extension Center in Agroecology of Ressacada Experimental Farm -Center of Agrarian Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, Brazil. The selection of symptoms was based on the characteristics of the diseases observed in the plants and modalized by evidenced characteristics in the environment. Symptomswere chosen by the mechanical method without hierarchization and a master symptom, and after their analogy with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica. Results The choice forCalcarea carbonicaandSulphurdrugs was based on the number of covered symptoms and the score obtained during the digital repertorization performed by the software HomeoPro®. The chosen dilution, 30 CH, was based on the miasmatic magnitude presented by the symptoms. Conclusion: The analogy of symptoms found in the agricultural organism with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica presents a promising path for choosing medicine to cure diseases in vegetables. The choice of the appropriate homeopathic medicine for crops must represent the symptomatic totality presented by the plant and by the environment in the homeopathic repertorization.

Capsicum , Repertorización , Solanaceae , Homeostasis
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 40 p. ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1437762


O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a descrição de um caso clínico de Alopecia Areata, em um paciente pediátrico submetido a tratamento alopático por 8 meses, com corticósteróides sistêmicos e trichosol. Foi acrescido tratamento homeopático individualizado com rápida resposta e boa evolução até os dias atuais. Após a repertorização e análise da matéria médica homeopática chegou-se ao medicamento Staphisagria, que mostrou resposta efetiva e sustentada, sem efeitos colaterais e sem recorrência de novos episódios de queda capilar.

The present work aims to describe a clinical case of Alopecia Areata, in a pediatric patient submitted to allopathic treatment for 8 months, with systemic corticosteroids and tricosol. Individualized homeopathic treatment was added with rapid response and good evolution until the present day. After repertorizing and analyzing the homeopathic materia medica, we arrived at the drug Staphisagria, which showed an effective and sustained response, without side effects and without recurrence of new episodes of hair loss.

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Terapéutica Homeopática , Alopecia Areata/tratamiento farmacológico , Staphysagria/uso terapéutico
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 56 p.
Tesis en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-1437765


"Homeopatia" é uma palavra de origem grega, introduzida por Hahnemann, onde homóis significa "semelhante" e pathos significa "sofrimento, doença". Considerado modelo terapêutico voltado ao indivíduo e não à doença. A relevância clínica da doença e o sucesso terapêutico motiva a realização do trabalho que relata um caso de paciente com distúrbio de pele raro, tratado com Sulphur e Petroleum. Os sintomas relatados pela paciente foram transformados em linguagem repertorial, elegendo-se as rubricas e respeitando as leis de hierarquização. O processo de repertorização ocorre de forma digital e com análise comparativa à matéria médica respeitando os processos de similitude. O sucesso da terapêutica pode ser observado pela evolução positiva da lesão descrita na queixa principal, e o reequilíbrio de sua homeostase, melhorando os aspectos emocional, físico e social.

"Homeopathy" is a word of Greek origin, introduced by Hahnemann, where homóis means "similar" and pathos means "suffering, disease". Considered a therapeutic model aimed at the individual and not the disease. The clinical relevance of the disease and the therapeutic success motivated the work that reports a case of a patient with a rare skin disorder, treated with Sulfur and Petroleum. The symptoms reported by the patient were transformed into repertory language, choosing the rubrics and respecting the hierarchical laws. The repertorization process takes place digitally and with comparative analysis to the materia medica respecting the similarity processes. The success of the therapy can be observed by the positive evolution of the lesion described in the main complaint, and the rebalancing of her vital energy, improving her emotional, physical and social aspects.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Medicamento Homeopático , Terapéutica Homeopática , Queratodermia Palmoplantar/tratamiento farmacológico , Urticaria Crónica Inducible , Petróleo , Sulphur/uso terapéutico
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(707): 11-16, mar.-abr. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-987097


Tuberculinum ha sido un medicamento homeopático extensamente estudiado desde sus primeras aplicaciones bajo la ley de similitud hace más de un siglo atrás. En el presente trabajo se pretende profundizar en el estudio del mismo, avanzando sobre los niveles crecientes de complejidad en el estudio de la Materia médica. Partiendo del estudio metodológico de la Materia médica desarrollado por el doctor Eugenio Candegabe, se agrupan los síntomas mentales en núcleos sintomáticos correlacionándolos con la evolución de la sustancia desde su origen. Nuestro objetivo es integrar la información disponible actualmente sobre el medicamento y la sustancia que le da origen, integrándolo en un todo coherente, con el fin de ampliar nuestra capacidad de conocer los matices más sutiles del medicamento, así como también la aplicabilidad del mismo a las patologías del hombre.(AU)

Tuberculinum has been a homeopathic medicine extensively studied since its first applications under the law of similarity for more than a century ago. In this paper we aim to deepen the study of it, advancing on increasing levels of complexity in the study of Materia medica. Based on the methodological study of Materia medica developed by Dr. Eugenio Candegabe, mental symptoms are grouped in symptomatic nuclei correlating with the development of the substance from its origin. Our goal is to integrate the information currently available on the drug and the substance that gives origin, integrating it into a coherent whole, in order to expand our capacity to know the subtle nuances of the drug as well as the applicability thereof to the pathologies of man.(AU)

Tuberculosis , Materia Medica , Homeopatía , Tuberculinum bovinum/uso terapéutico
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(706): 25-35, 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-880110


Alrededor del mundo existen grupos de presión autodenominados escépticos científicos que han intentado erradicar a la Homeopatía de los sistemas nacionales de salud de algunos países o impedido su integración en otros, mediante campañas mediáticas de discurso aparentemente científico, pero lleno de trampas semánticas y retóricas. No obstante, alejándonos de teorías conspiradoras contra la Homeopatía, esta "guerra" de desprestigio es una señal de alarma que el gremio médico homeopático nacional e internacional debe tomarse en serio ante el creciente fanatismo homeopático y la a veces mostrada imagen de una Homeopatía empírica y sectaria por parte de algunos miembros del gremio. En este sentido, el presente escrito, resultado de una exhaustiva investigación en internet, es un informe donde se exponen datos históricos y las acciones emprendidas desde la década de 1990 por el grupo emérito en México.

Sistemas de Salud , Métodos de Estudio de Materia Médica , Homeopatía , México
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(3/4): 151-171, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-12042


Homeopathic pathogenetic trials (HPT) are designed to identify specific andcharacteristic symptoms in apparently health individuals exposed to homeopathicmedicines, so that the latter might be indicated following comparison to the patient’ssymptoms. The original methodological guidelines for HPTs were established byHahnemann, who advocated rigorous methods likely to lead to conclusions free fromany conjecture. With the advances in scientific methods, new guidelines wereformulated to improve the methodological quality of HPT. Relevant scientificcontributions were made by Brazilian researchers in this field, resulting in originalstudies or innovations in methods. The validity and reliability of the clinicalinformation acquired from HPT are fundamental for the success of homeopathicclinical practice. (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Síntomas Patogenéticos , Materia Medica , Patogenesia Homeopática , Ensayo Patogenético Homeopático
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2,supl): 109-122, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-12054


Os ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos buscam descobrir sintomas específicos e característicos que se manifestam em indivíduos aparentemente sadios, expostos a medicamentos homeopáticos, para que possam ser utilizados na comparação com os sintomas dos pacientes. Ao definir as diretrizes metodológicas para sua realização, Hahnemann deixou claro que deveriam ser o produto de estudos rigorosos para evitar qualquer conjectura em seus resultados. Com o avanço nos métodos científicos, também têm sido propostas novas diretrizes para sua realização, que são incorporadas aos estudos atuais. Autores brasileiros têm oferecido valiosas contribuições científicas para o desenvolvimento dos ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos, com realização de estudos originais ou inovações na área metodológica. A validade e a confiabilidade das informações produzidas a partir de ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos são fundamentais para o êxito da prática clínica em homeopatia. (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Síntomas Patogenéticos , Materia Medica , Patogenesia Homeopática , Ensayo Patogenético Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(707): 34-37, 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-880106


El objetivo de esta publicación es realizar una breve reseña sobre la apoplejía, su correlación semiológica con el Moderno Repertorio de Kent y los principales medicamentos descritos en la Materia médica que nos pueden ser de utilidad.

Humanos , Materia Medica , Repertorio Homeopático , Semiología Homeopática , Accidente Cerebrovascular
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 80(1/2): 183-206, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11978


Os ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos buscam descobrir sintomas específicos e característicos que se manifestam em indivíduos aparentemente sadios, expostos a medicamentos homeopáticos, para que possam ser utilizados na comparação com os sintomas dos pacientes. Ao definir as diretrizes metodológicas para sua realização, Hahnemann deixou claro que deveriam ser o produto de estudos rigorosos para evitar qualquer conjectura em seus resultados. Com o avanço nos métodos científicos, também têm sido propostas novas diretrizes para sua realização, que são incorporadas aos estudos atuais. Autores brasileiros têm oferecido valiosas contribuições científicas para o desenvolvimento dos ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos, com realização de estudos originais ou inovações na área metodológica. A validade e a confiabilidade das informações produzidas a partir de ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos são fundamentais para o êxito da prática clínica em homeopatia. (AU)

Homeopathic pathogenetic trials (HPTs) are designed to identify specific and characteristic symptoms in apparently health individuals, after having been exposed to homeopathic medicines, so that the latter might be indicated following comparison to the patient’s symptoms. The original methodological guidelines for HPTs were defined by Hahnemann, who advocated rigorous methods likely to lead to conclusions free from any conjecture. With the advances in scientific methods, new guidelines were also proposed to improve the methodological quality of HPTs. Relevant scientific contributions were made by Brazilian researchers to develop this field, resulting in the publication of original studies or innovations on its methods. The validity and reliability of the clinical information acquired from HPTs are fundamental for the success of homeopathic clinical practice. (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Síntomas Patogenéticos , Materia Medica , Patogenesia Homeopática , Ensayo Patogenético Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(710): 27-36, sept.-oct. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-987843


Si bien es cierto que la exploración física en cualquier paciente debe seguir un protocolo establecido, hay que poner especial énfasis en los pacientes pediátricos, sobre todo cuando éstos son recién nacidos o infantes que no rebasen los tres años de vida. Debe ser así porque ellos, los bebés, no pueden hablar para explicar alguna dolencia o malestar; de allí que los pediatras y los homeópatas deben estar atentos a observar todas las señales que emitan estos pacientes desde el momento que entran al consultorio. La conferencia que presentamos puede ser considerada una verdadera guía para cualquiera que quiera conocer el mundo de la medicina pediátrica, no solamente por los datos técnicos que aparecen a lo largo de ella, sino por la larga e invaluable experiencia de uno de los poquísimos médicos pediatras homeópatas mexicanos con los que contamos. (AU)

Although it is true that the physical examination of any patient must follow an established protocol, special emphasis must be placed on pediatric patients, especially if they are newborns or infants not exceeding three years of age. It must be like this because they, the babies, can not talk to explain any ailment or discomfort; Hence, pediatricians and homeopaths should be vigilant to observe all the signals that these patients issue from the moment they enter the office. The conference we present can be considered a true guide for anyone who wants to know the world of pediatric medicine, not only because of the technical data that appears throughout it, but because of the long and invaluable experience of one of the very few doctors Mexican homeopathic pediatricians with whom we have. (AU)

Pediatría , Repertorio Homeopático , Homeopatía , Materia Medica
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(710): 5-11, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-880090


El presente trabajo muestra una experimentación pura basada en la preparación homeopática del veneno de la serpiente Agkistrodon bilineatus, algo que ha demostrado su eficacia en diferentes aplicaciones clínicas que datan de la época de Constantine Hering, uno de los pioneros de la Homeopatía en Estados Unidos. Los resultados son alentadores, toda vez que los órganos con mayor número y diversidad de síntomas fueron el sistema nervioso central, los ojos, así como los aparatos respiratorio y digestivo. En conclusión, este derivado del veneno de la serpiente en referencia, preparado homeopáticamente, puede emplearse debido a que se generó una patogenesia concreta en un grupo de experimentadores.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Materia Medica , Método Hahnemanniano , Semiología Homeopática , Agkistrodon , Prácticas Clínicas