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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 44-49, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562973


Os principais pontos que desejo levantar aqui são inteiramente novos e um tanto revolucionários quando comparados com noções aceitas, divulgadas e aplicadas nas cinco edições anteriores do Organon, ou pontos já declarados, mas reelaborados e reexaminados. Eles são, via de regra, pouco conhecidos ou nem um pouco conhecidos pelos homeopatas. Procurarei, portanto, extraí-los como ouro e diamantes são extraídos de uma mina e deixados brilharem sob o sol da verdade. Isto é o que me proponho fazer em benefício dos meus ilustres colegas aqui reunidos. Não procederei parágrafo por parágrafo, mas por ordem de importância. Os parágrafos que considerarei primeiro são os de interesse prático e, depois, tomarei os parágrafos que forem interessantes do ponto de vista teórico.

The main points I wish to raise here are entirely new and somewhat revolutionary when compared with the accepted notions, disseminated and applied in the five previous editions of the Organon, or points already stated but reworked and reexamined. They are, as a rule, little known or not at all known to homeopaths. I shall therefore seek to extract them as gold and diamonds are extracted from a mine and allowed to shine in the sun of truth. This is what I propose to do for the benefit of my distinguished colleagues assembled here. I shall not proceed paragraph by paragraph, but in order of importance. The paragraphs I shall consider first are those of practical interest, and then I shall take up those paragraphs which are interesting from a theoretical point of view.

Traducción , Materia Médica Pura , Organon , Terapéutica Homeopática
Homeopatia Méx ; 89(723): 5-16, 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1359475


Desde los orígenes de la Homeopatía y hasta la actualidad, diversos autores han pretendido modificar la enseñanza contenida en el Organon, obra cumbre de Samuel Hahnemann, lo que ha dado lugar a una gran diversidad de formas de practicarla, generando una comunidad anárquica y carente de unidad que no ha sido capaz de consolidarse en el sistema de salud de prácticamente ninguna región en el mundo. Por otro lado, es tema de preocupación el hecho de que cada paciente examinado por diferentes médicos recibiría una prescripción distinta, lo que revela falta de congruencia y unidad en la enseñanza. Una de las principales razones para que se hayan configurado las dos situaciones expresadas es la falta del estudio reflexivo y crítico del Organon, un legado irremplazable que contiene los pilares que sostienen al método para lograr la misión, la visión y los valores del arte de curar. El análisis de esta obra es esencial para lograr una comunidad más profesional, más segura y menos dividida ideológicamente, que pueda resolver con certidumbre la gran mayoría de las dudas que se presentan en la clínica diaria. Hahnemann fue un genio, un visionario cuyas ideas están siendo confirmadas en el último siglo por biólogos, químicos, médicos, físicos y físicos cuánticos de reconocido prestigio, entre las cuales se encuentran los conceptos vertidos en las obras Paradigma holográfico y El orden implícito de David Bohm, que son especialmente relevantes para explicar la teoría homeopática. Su comprensión hace que se eleve el entusiasmo y que se fortalezcan la identidad y el orgullo de ser médico homeópata. (AU)

Since the beginning of Homeopathy until today, several authors have attempted to modify the contents of Samuels Hahnemann´s Organon, this has given place to a great diversity in practice, to an anarchic homeopathic community, a lack of unity that has failed to be incorporated in the health system in any country of the world. Besides, it is worrying that every patient examinated by every doctor receives a different prescription which ultimately shows a lack of concurrence and unity in teaching. One of the main reasons for this problem is the lack of a reflective and critical reading of the Organon, which has an irreplaceable legacy with the principles that support the method, and contains the Mission, Vision and Values of the art to cure. The analysis, of this masterpiece is essential to achieve a more profesional, unified and confident homeopathic community. That means, the capacity of solving most daily clinical cases with conviction. Hahnemann was a genius, a visionary whose ideas are being confirmed by biologists, chemists, physicians, physicists, and famous quantum physicists, since this last century. David Bohm´s holografic paradigm and its theory of "The Implicated Order" are specially outstanding to explain Homoeopathy, its comprehension will ignite enthusiasm and both reinforce the identity and pride of being an Homeopathic physician

Filosofía Homeopática , Organon
Homeopatia Méx ; 87(713): 33-38, abr. - jun. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-995362


La sexta edición del Organon de la Medicina está elaborada a partir del llamado Organon interfoliado o de su copia manuscrita "fiel y exacta", como la definiera el doctor Richard Haehl; ambas obras se encuentran bajo el resguardo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos de América, y pueden consultarse en internet. Dependiendo del criterio de su traductor o revisor, a cada versión de la sexta edición se le agregan pequeños o grandes comentarios y se le hacen observaciones sobre la exactitud o inexactitud de los textos del Organon. Al cotejar varias de las ediciones de este libro, el autor del presente artículo encontró una quinta edición del Organon, traducida por el doctor Robert Ellis Dudgeon, que podría ser la versión del Organon que sirvió de base para obtener en limpio el Organon interfoliado y editar la citada obra en su sexta edición en inglés. (AU)

The Organon of Medicine, in its sixth edition, is based on the interfolded Organon or its handwritten copy, "faithful and exact", as Dr. Richard Haehl comments (both located in the Library of the University of San Francisco Cal. USA), and that can be consulted on the internet. Depending on the translator or reviewer of this work, small or large comments are added, observations are made about the accuracy or inaccuracy of the Organon texts. When comparing several of the editions of this book, the autor of this article found a fifth edition of the Organon translated by Dr. Robert Ellis Dudgeon, which could be the version of the Organon that served as the basis to clean up the organon interfoliate and edit the Organon in its sixth edition in english language. (AU)

Organon , Homeopatía
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(709): 34-40, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: biblio-987137


Cuando se busca información sobre el Organon de la Medicina en español casi siempre surge el nombre del doctor Rafael Romero. Son muy pocos y dispersos los datos que existen sobre este personaje, a pesar de haber sido el primer traductor al español de la sexta edición del Organon y de haber trabajado incansablemente en favor de la Homeopatía. Esta información ayudará a que exista una semblanza más amplia sobre su trayectoria, un acto de justicia histórica para alguien que colaboró para que el mundo homeopático hispano conociera las últimas aportaciones del doctor Samuel Hahnemann. (AU)

When searching for information about the Organon de la Medicina in Spanish, almost always the name of Dr. Rafael Romero appears. Very few and scattered are the data that exist about this personage, in spite of having been the first translator to the Spanish of the sixth edition of Organon and of having worked tirelessly in favor of Homeopathy. This information will help to give a broader picture of his career, an act of historical justice for someone who helped the Hispanic homeopathic world to know the latest contributions of Dr. Hahnemann. (AU)

Homeopatía , México
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 78(1/2): 20-29, 2015. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11116


Através da técnica da Intenção Paradoxal (IP), o terapeuta encoraja o paciente a fazer/querer as coisas que, precisamente, mais teme. Essa abordagem se aproxima da homeopática, com base no §26 do Organon da Medicina, no qual Hahnemann afirma que a dor pode ser apagada por outra causa mais forte de dor, mesmo que seja meraficção. Validada na clínica psicoterapêutica desde o final da década de 1920, a IP pode ser utilizada como recurso para aperfeiçoar a clínica homeopática, como uma verdadeira técnica homeopática psicoterápica. (AU)

Paradoxical intention (PI) is a psychotherapeutic technique in which patients are encouraged to do or want precisely the things they fear most. That approach is close to homeopathy on the grounds of Organon of Medicine §26, where Hahnemann states that pain might be removed by a stronger cause of pain, even if fictitious. Validated in psychotherapeutic practice since the end of the 1920s, PI might serve as a resource to improve homeopathic clinical practice as a true homeopathic psychotherapeutic technique. (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Psicoterapia , Terapia Conductista
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 77(1/2): 21-27, 2014.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10953


O preparo e a dispensação dos medicamentos homeopáticos, em nosso país, são realizados em farmácias com manipulação homeopática, fato que possibilita a perfeita adequação da prescrição às necessidades do paciente. O trabalho da classe farmacêutica homeopática levou à publicação de várias edições da Farmacopeia Homeopática Brasileira; com isto foi padronizada a manipulação desses medicamentos nas diversas farmácias do país. Com o tempo, porém, observamos que algumas necessidades não foram supridas. Com o objetivo de colaborar com a padronização dos medicamentos, neste trabalho propomos um procedimento para preparo e dispensação de medicamentos com o método cinquenta-milesimal diluídos (para pacientes mais sensíveis), sob a forma decomplexos e ainda em glóbulos. (AU)

In Brazil, homeopathic medicines are prepared and delivered by homeopathic pharmacies, which allows for exact fitting of the medicines to the patients’ needs. As a result of the cumulative work of homeopathic pharmacists, several editions of the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopeia were published, resulting in nationwide standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines. That advance notwithstanding, clinical practice showed that some particular cases escaped the scope of the standards. To contribute to a more thorough standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines, in the present article we describe procedures for preparation and delivery of fifty-millesimal (LM) potencies with additional dilutions (for more sensitive patients), in complex formulas or globules. (AU)

Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Cincuenta Milesimal , Organon
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 228 p.
Monografía en Inglés | HomeoIndex (homeopatia), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1551294


Homeopathy has been a medical practice recognized worldwide for more than two centuries, performing care, teaching and research activities in several health institutions and medical schools. It employs a clinical approach based on heterodox and complementary scientific principles (principle of therapeutic similitude, homeopathic pathogenetic experimentation, use of individualized medicines and dynamized or potentiated doses), with the aim of awakening a curative response in the body against its own disorders and/or diseases. Based on different premises from those used by conventional medical practice, homeopathy is often the target of unfounded and widespread criticism from individuals who systematically deny homeopathic assumptions and any scientific evidence that proves them due to their pseudoskeptical and pseudoscientific stance, which prevents a correct and bias-free analysis. In order to enlighten doctors, researchers, health professionals and the general public, demystifying culturally rooted dogmatic positions and the pseudoskeptical fallacies that "there is no scientific evidence for homeopathy" and "homeopathy is placebo effect", the Technical Chamber of Homeopathy of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo (TC-Homeopathy, Cremesp) prepared the "Special Dossier: Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy" in 2017, made available in three independent editions (online in Portuguese and English; printed in Portuguese) in the Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). Then, the dossier was published in Spanish in the La Homeopatía de México journal in 2023 in an edition commemorating the journal's 90th anniversary. Encompassing nine narrative reviews on the various lines of homeopathy research and containing hundreds of scientific articles describing experimental and clinical studies, the Dossier highlighted the state of the art of homeopathic science. Proving and expanding this scientific evidence in 13 chapters, the current work aims to update and clarify knowledge in the area. In addition to elucidating the epistemological premises of the homeopathic model in detail, the work describes the various aspects of basic and clinical research which endorse homeopathic practice and treatment in a continuum of information, data and bibliographic references. The work discusses various topics related to research in homeopathy, covering everything from "homeopathic clinical epidemiology" to "pseudoskeptic and pseudoscientific strategies used in attacks on homeopathy", including "pharmacological basis of the principle of similitude", "experimental studies in biological models", "randomized controlled clinical trials", "systematic reviews, meta-analyses and global reports" and "observational studies", among others. In view of the fact that it becomes fruitless and tiring to describe and analyze all the studies and experiments from the different research lines, we suggest and systematize in the different chapters for those who want to delve deeper into the areas of interest, bibliographical surveys of existing literature through the different databases. As we reiterate throughout the work, despite the difficulties and limitations that exist in developing research in homeopathy due to both methodological aspects and the lack of institutional and financial support, the set of experimental and clinical studies described is indisputable proof that "there is scientific evidence for homeopathy" and "homeopathy is not placebo effect", contrary to falsely disseminated prejudice. However, new studies must continue to be developed to improve clinical practice and elucidate peculiar aspects of the homeopathic paradigm. Acting as an integrative and complementary therapy to other specialties, homeopathy can add efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency and safety to medical practice, acting in a curative and preventive manner, reducing symptomatic manifestations and the predisposition to falling ill, with low cost and minimal adverse events, helping doctors to fulfill their "highest and only mission, which is to make sick people healthy, which is called healing" (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, § 1).

Práctica Profesional , Efecto Placebo , Terapéutica Homeopática , Homeopatía/ética
Homeopatia Méx ; 85(702): 16-22, mayo-jun. 2016.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11647


La Homeopatía tiene su origen en la obra de su fundador, Samuel Hahnemann, y entre sus escritos más importantes está en primer lugar el Organon, que fue corregidoy editado seis veces. A través de la historia de esta disciplina se han hecho diversas interpretaciones de los conceptos principales, lo que obliga hoy volver aHahnemann y confrontarlo con sus exégetas e intérpretes. Se analizan principalmente conceptos como fuerza vital, Natura morborum medicatrix e hipocratismo.Se despoja a la Homeopatía de toda aura espiritual y filosófica para situarla como lo que es: una disciplina médica con fundamentos científicos. (AU)

Homeopathy has its origins in the works of Samuel Hahnemann, of which the Organon is the most important. Organon was corrected and edited six times. Throughout the history of this discipline, the interpretation of the main concepts have been diverse which prompts a return to Hahnemann and confronts him with his exegetes and interpreters. The main concepts analyzed are the vital force, Natura Morborum Medicatrix and analyzed hipocratism. Stripping Homeopathy of all the spiritual and philosophical aura, to place it as it is, a medical discipline with scientific basis. (AU)

Homeopatia Méx ; 85(701): 23-29, mar.-abr. 2016.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11643


Después de 12 años de práctica exclusiva y literal con la técnica de la escala cincuentamilesimal (LM o Q) de potencias, descrita en la 6a edición del Organon, elautor analiza sus diferencias básicas con las directrices de la 5a edición de dicha obra. Describe la manera de administrar el medicamento, sus ventajas y desventajas, y enumera todas las conductas posibles durante el uso de esta técnica, la cual, concluye, es la que mejor se encamina para lograr una curación rápida y suave, ideal máximo de Samuel Hahnemann. (AU)

After 12 years of literal and exclusive practice with the 50 millesimal scale according to the 6th edition of the Organon, the autor analyses its basic differences with the guidelines of the 5th edition. He describes the posible procedures during the usage of this kind of medication; it´s advantages, disvantages and enumerates all the possible conducts of this technique, therefore concluding that this is the one that leads to a rapid and mild cure. Samuel Hahnemann´s maximum ideal (AU)

Cincuenta Milesimal , Posología Homeopática , Organon , Escalas de Preparación , Homeopatía , Potencia , Dinamización
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 74(3,n.esp): 10-10, 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10577


Samuel Hahnemann, em seu Organon da Arte de Curar, considerou a autopatogenesiacomo o procedimento de excelência para a produção dos instrumentosmedicamentosos destinados ao tratamento das doenças naturais. Recomendou oprovador sensível, de hábitos moderados, amante da verdade e destituído depreconceitos, indicando que no modo do próprio experimentador, de pensar e desentir, encontra-se o necessário e o suficiente para ser conhecido e aplicado, comcerteza, na clínica, como memória experimental sintética e semelhante. Essa certezanão o enganará, pois ele saberá de acordo com sua própria verdade individual.(AU)

Homeopatía , Medicamentos Homeopáticos Nuevos
Int. j. high dilution res ; 10(35): 69-69, june 30, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10666


Homeopathy is universally known as an opponent of allopathic Medicine, namely scientific medicine based on ponderal drugs and recognised mechanisms of receptor agonism and antagonism following the dose-response curve. Over time the difficulty to explain with arguments the action of homeopathic ultra-diluted remedies has led many homeopaths to distance themselves from any harmacological knowledges. Nevertheless this position fortgets not only the modalities in which homeopathy was born and has grown, but a lot of modern changes of view in body-mind communication, cell communication, neuro-immune-endocrinology and bioelectromagnetism, that could give new reasons to treat as clinical homeopathic practice is teaching and to recognize the principle of similars as a modern pharmacological principle. These arguments, receptorial cell communication, bioelectromagnetism and body-mind unity are the bases of Homeopathy and of the Similia Principle and are all included in embryonic but sufficiently clear considerations in the fundamental book of Hahnemann, the Organon (parr. 11, 13, 15-18, 21, 22, 29-32, 63-70). Two kind of evidences confirm the pharmacological bases of Similia Priniciple, in vitro experiments and homeopathic pathogenetic trials on healthy volunteers, best known as provings. Even clinical homeopathic phenomena like initial aggravation and return of old symptoms confirm this pharmacological view of the Simila Principle.(AU)

Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático , Terapéutica Homeopática , Biofisica
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10446


With this special issue, IJHDR celebrates the 200th anniversary of the first edition of Hahnemann?s Organon, published in 1810. By 1796, in a previous foundational article published in Hufeland?s prestigious Journal of Practical Medicine [1], after criticizing with fine reasoning the usual ways of studying the ?curative properties of medicinal substances?, namely according to their chemical actions, their effects on animals, their external aspect or sensitive properties, their taxonomic classification, or the random use of multiple drugs by the so called empiricists, Hahnemann stated what can be regarded as one of the cornerstones of homeopathy: ?The true physician, whose sole aim is to perfect his art, can avail himself of no other information respecting medicines, than ? first, what is the pure action of each by itself on the human body? Second, what do observations of its action in this or that simple or complex disease teach us?(AU)

Organon , Filosofía Homeopática
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(699): 32-35, nov.- dic. 2015.
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11216


Eulalio Darío Flores (1897-1949) fue uno de los más destacados catedráticos y defensores de la Escuela Libre de Homeopatía de México. En este artículo expone la idea de que los médicos homeópatas, sobre todo los más jóvenes, estudien y analicen a profundidad el contenido del Organon de Hahnemann; de esta manera, sostiene, se encontrarán en condiciones de practicar la terapéutica homeopática con seguridad y confianza. Por otra parte, el autor presenta un análisis detallado del primer parágrafo o párrafo de esta obra; en él se incluyen importantes reflexiones sobre la misión y los deberes del médico homeópata, la naturaleza de la enfermedad, el concepto de fuerza vital y la curación del enfermo. (AU)

Dario Eulalio Flores (1897-1949) was one of the foremost teachers and defenders of the Escuela Libre de Homeopatía de México. This paper presents the idea that homeopathic physicians, specially the younger ones, should study and analyze in depth, the contents of Hahnemann’s Organon; in this way, he says, they will be in a position to practice homeopathic therapeutics with confidence. Furthermore, the author presents a detailed analysis of the first paragraph of this work; in which are included important reflections on the mission and duties of the homeopathic doctor, the nature of the disease, the concept of vital force and healing the patient. (AU)

Organon , Fundamentos de la Homeopatía/historia
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10455


The question, proposed by the German Central Union of homeopathic Doctors, is the pivotal subject addressed in a series of lectures and discussions being held all over Germany in 2010, to celebrate the bicentenary of homeopathy´s first medical textbook. Hahnemann´s Organon of the Healing Art is the basis for classical homeopathy. Reading its 6th and posthumous edition is part of the education of 90% of the homeopaths, as indicated by a survey carried out at the 60th Homeopathic World Medical Congress (Berlin 2005). This might be odd to conventional doctors, used to read the latest editions of textbooks and journals, but Hahnemann´s therapeutics seems to be ahead of his time, in that classical homeopathy can be at least as effective as current standard pharmacotherapy. For instance, classical homeopathy for children suffering from atopic eczema showed comparable results to conventional treatment in usual care. Moreover, randomized controlled double blind trials using the dynamization scale introduced by the 6th edition (fifty-millesimal or Quinquagintamillesimal dynamization and its products, the Q-potencies) showed that homeopathically individualized Q-potencies were superior to placebo for fibromyalgia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, and not inferior to the antidepressant fluoxetine in a sample of patients with moderate to severe depression. More studies using the clinical-pharmaceutical protocol of the Organon are of course needed, but so far its use by trained physicians have yield to challenging results, keeping up with what is recommended in most recent clinical textbooks for the treatment of some chronic diseases.(AU)

Organon , Historia de la Homeopatía
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 73(1/2): 57-67, 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10318


Há 20 anos iniciamos uma padronização dos procedimentos para o preparo e uso das diluições cinquenta-milesimais (LM ou Q) de acordo com a 6ª edição do Organon. O presente artigo visa relatar as principais etapas dessa padronização e nossa experiência com o ensino e a pesquisa usando os princípios essenciais da obra de Hahnemann. Observamos uma menor incidência de agravações homeopáticas com o uso de medicamentos padronizados, em relação à nossa experiência anterior com diluições LM não padronizadas. O protocolo clínico-farmacêutico, que aqui denominamos Organon.modus, mostrou-se adequado ao ensino da homeopatia na Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí, primeira escola de medicina no Brasil a oferecer uma especialização em homeopatia para médicos. Diluições LM individualizadas não foram inferiores ao antidepressivo fluoxetina no tratamento de pacientes com depressão moderada a grave em um estudo randomizado e duplo-cego. Conclui-se assim que o protocolo Organon.modus mostrou-se adequado ao ensino acadêmico da homeopatia e eficaz em um estudo clínico controlado, resultados que favorecem seu uso como denominador comum entre a arte de curar e a ciência médica.(AU)

Twenty years ago we began to standardize the procedures of preparation and use of fifty-millesimal dilutions (LM or Q) according to indications in the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon. This article describes the main stages in standardization as well as our teaching and research experience on Organon 6th edition. With the use of standardized LM dilutions we observed a lower incidence of homeopathic aggravation than with our earlier experience with non standardized preparations. Organon.modus, a clinical-pharmaceutical protocol derived from the standardization was adequate for the teaching of homeopathy at Faculty of Medicine of Jundiai (São Paulo), the first Brazilian medical school with a graduate course on homeopathy. A randomized double-blind trial comparing individualized homeopathic medicines prescribed in LM dilutions and fluoxetine showed the former not be inferior to the latter in the treatment of moderate-to-severe depression. Protocol Organon.modus showed to be adequate to graduate-level teaching of homeopathy and efficient in a controlled clinical trial, favoring its use as common denominator between the art of healing and medical science.(AU)

Cincuenta Milesimal , Organon , Protocolos Clínicos , Farmacéuticos , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Vehículos Homeopáticos , Educación Médica , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(31)2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10452


Motivação: Embora Hahnemann tenha descrito o método LM na 6ª. Edição do Organon da Arte de Curar, poucas pesquisas tem sido feitas sobre as propriedades físico-químicas destas preparações. Além disso, ainda não existem evidências que apontem para a correlação entre propriedades físico-químicas e os efeitos biológicos das altas diluições. Objetivos: determinar características físico-químicas das preparações LM tais como condutividade elétrica, pH e índice de refração, bem como o efeito biológico em modelos experimentais. Materiais e Métodos: foi analisada uma série de diluições desde 1 lm até 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L., preparada a partir do látex e do suco da planta. Para considerar as características sazonais desta planta, usamos 2 populações diferentes, colhidas uma em Junho de 2007 e outra em Maio de 2008. Além disso, o efeito citotóxico da Euphorbia tirucalli L. 5 lm foi testado em células humanas cancerosas (MCF7) através de ensaio MTT. Conclusões: Algumas diferenças entre as duas populações foram observadas. No entanto, nenhuma correlação clara pode ser observada entre as propriedades físico-químicas e a atividade biológica.(AU)

Background: although Hahnemann described the fifty-milesimal (LM) method in the 6th edition of the Organon of the Medical Art, very little research has been carried out on the physical chemical properties of these homeopathic preparations. Furthermore, there is still no evidence allowing for the correlation between the alleged physical chemical properties and the biological effects of high dilutions. Aims: to evaluate physical chemical characteristics of LM preparations including electrical conductivity, pH and refraction index, and their effect on biological experimental models. Materials and methods: preparations tested for physical chemical analysis were dilutions 1 lm to 10 lm of Euphorbia tirucalli L. prepared from the latex and the juice of the plant. To rule the seasonal characteristics of this plant, 2 different populations were used, one collected in June 2007 and the other in May 2008. Furthermore, the cytotoxic effect of Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm was tested on human breast cancer cells (MCF7) through MTT assay. Conclusions: Some differences among the two collections were observed. However, any clear correlation could be observed between physical chemical properties and biological activity.(AU)

Motivación: Aunque Hahnemann describió el métodocincuenta milesimal (LM) en la 6 ª edición del Organon del Arte Médica, muy poca investigación se ha realizado sobre las propiedades físico-químicas de estos preparados homeopáticos. Por otra parte, todavía no hay pruebas que permitan la correlación entre las presuntas propiedades físico-químicas y los efectos biológicos, de las altas diluciones. Objetivos: evaluar las características físico-químicas de los preparados LM, incluyendo conductividad eléctrica, pH y el índice de refracción, y su efecto en modelos biológicos experimentales. Materiales y métodos: las muestras para el análisis físico-químico fueron diluciones 1 a 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L. preparadas a partir del látex y el jugo de la planta. Para descartar las características sazonales de esta planta, dos poblaciones diferentes fueron utilizadas, una recogida en junio de 2007 y otro en mayo de 2008. Además, el efecto citotóxico de Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm fue probado en células humanas de cáncer de mama (MCF7) a través del ensayo MTT. Conclusiones: Algunas diferencias entre las dos colecciones se observaron. Sin embargo, ninguna correlación clara se observó entre las propiedades físicas- químicas y actividad biológica.(AU)

Dinamización , Cincuenta Milesimal , Conductividad Eléctrica , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Refractometría , Citotoxicidad Inmunológica , Euphorbia
Int. j. high dilution res ; 8(29): 173-182, 2009. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-9818


Background: 20 years ago we began to standardize the procedures of preparation and use of fifty-millesimal dilutions (LM or Q) according to indications in the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon. Aim: to describe the main stages in standardization as well as our teaching and research experience on Organon 6th edition. Results: with the use of standardized LM dilutions we observed a lower incidence of homeopathic aggravation than with our earlier experience with non standardized preparations. Organon.modus, a clinical-pharmaceutical protocol derived from the standardization was adequate for the teaching of homeopathy at Faculty of Medicine of Jundiai (São Paulo), the first Brazilian medical school with a graduate course on homeopathy. A randomized double-blind trial comparing individualized homeopathic medicines prescribed in LM dilutions and fluoxetine showed the former not be inferior to the latter in the treatment of moderate-to-severe depression. Conclusion: protocol Organon.modus showed to be adequate to graduate-level teaching of homeopathy and efficient in a controlled clinical trials, favoring its use as common denominator between the art of healing and medical science.(AU)

Introdução: Iniciamos há 20 anos, uma padronização dos procedimentos para o preparo e uso das potências cinquenta-milesimais (LM ou Q) de acordo com a 6ª edição do Organon. Objetivo: Relatar as principais etapas dessa padronização e nossa experiência com o ensino e a pesquisa usando os princípios essenciais da a 6ª edição do Organon. Resultados: Observamos uma menor incidência de agravações homeopáticas com o uso de medicamentos padronizados, em relação à nossa experiência anterior com potências LM não padronizadas. O protocolo clínico-farmacêutico, que aqui denominamos Organon.modus, mostrou-se adequado ao ensino da Homeopatia na Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí, primeira escola de Medicina no Brasil a oferecer uma especialização em Homeopatia para médicos. Potências LM individualizadas não foram inferiores ao antidepressivo fluoxetina no tratamento de pacientes com depressão moderada a grave em um estudo randomizado e duplo-cego. Conclusão: O protocolo Organon.modus mostrou-se adequado ao ensino acadêmico da Homeopatia e eficaz em um estudo clínico controlado, resultados que favorecem seu uso como denominador comum entre a arte de curar e a ciência médica.(AU)

Humanos , Homeopatía , Cincuenta Milesimal , Organon , Protocolos Clínicos
São Paulo; s.n; 2014. 52 p.
Tesis en Portugués | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11044


Saúde e doença não são condiçes estáveis, mas sim conceitos vitais sujeitos a constante avaliacção e mudança. As principais referências através das quais se definem o processo saúde-doença se baseiam, mais comumente, em conceitos do século XIX, onde predominava a teoria do germe, ou seja, a identificação de um agente patogênico causador de uma lesão (inflamação) relacionada aos sintomas. Contudo, a evolução dos estudos epidemiológicos demonstrou que existem muitos gaps na nossa compreensão do proceso de saúde-doença.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo ressaltar alguns aspectos da literatura médica que tratam do conceito de saúde e doença, expondo o dilema da variabilidade de manifestações ou expressões clínicas e destacar alguns pontos da doutrina homeopática sobre esses mesmos aspectos, analisando interfaces possíveis entre esses conhecimentos. Para isso, iniciamos com uma breve revisão de conceitos básicos e atuais sobre imunobiologia. Em seguida, destacamos aspectos do processo saúde-doenca na doutrina homeopática, contidos no Organon da Arte de Curar, Doencas Cronicas – sua natureza peculiar e sua cura homeopática de Samuel Hahnemann e no livro Lições de Filosofía Homeopática de James Tyler Kent. Discorremos sobre as visões de saúde-doenca e causalidade contidas nas idéias da Patologia Experimental e da hipótese higiênica e por fim vimos alguns aspectos históricos da evolução do processo saúde-doença e causalidade. Concluímos mostrando a interrelação entre as diferentes abordagens do conceito saúde-doença por nós estudadas e, sobretudo, o modo como a homeopatia se relaciona com essas abordagens, contendo os aspectos mais importantes historicamente associados ao modo de adoecer na espécie humana. (AU)

Health and disease are not stable conditions, but vital concepts subject to constant evaluation and change. The main reference through which the health-disease process are based, most commonly refers to concepts of the nineteenth century, where the predominant thoughts was related to germ theory, ie, the identification of a pathogen causing a lesion (inflammation) related to symptoms. However, the evolution of epidemiological studies has shown that there are many gaps in our understanding of the process of health and illness. This paper aims to highlight some aspects of the medical literature dealing with the concept of disease and health, exposing the dilemma of the variability of clinical manifestations or expressions and highlight some points of homeopathic doutrine on these same aspects, analyzing possible interfaces between these knowledge. For this, we start with a brief revision of basic and current concepts of immunobiology. Then, we highlight aspects of the health-disease process in homeopathic doctrine contained in the Organon da arte de curar, Doenças Crônicas – sua natureza peculiar e sua cura homeopática of Samuel Hahnemann and the book Lições de filosofía homeopática of James Tyler Kent. We discuss the visions of health-and disease causation on the themes of Experimental Pathology and hygienic hypothesis and finally saw some historical aspects of the evolution of health care and causation process. We conclude by showing the interrelationship between the different approaches of the health-disease concept studied by us, and especially how homeopathy relates to these approaches, containing the most important features historically associated with the mode of illness in humans. (AU)

Alergia e Inmunología , Homeopatía , Hipótesis de la Higiene , Hipersensibilidad/complicaciones , Enfermedades Autoinmunes
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(688): 5-14, ene.-feb. 2014. tab
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10982


El organismo humano posee distintos mecanismos de defensa natural para sus diversos sistemas, los que son conocidos como signos clínicos o lo que Hahnemann llamaba en los §6 y 7 del Organon la expresión de la fuerza vital. La tos es un fenómeno producido por un mecanismo reflejo que emerge en los receptores vagales situados a lo largo del tracto respiratorio. Se han descrito tres tipos diferentes de receptores, los receptores de estiramiento de adaptación lenta (REAL), receptores de estiramiento de adaptación rápida (REAR) y las fibras C. Este reflejo tusígeno consiste en tres fases: inspiratoria, compresiva y espiratoria. Es importante tener muy en cuenta que la tos es tan sólo un síntoma de un cuadro clínico complejo e individual que se desarrolla en la totalidad del organismo. Incluso la medicina convencional reconoce que la tos, aunque puede ser un síntoma problemático, es una forma de curación del cuerpo; en este sentido, se debe hacer lo posible por no erradicarla, menos aún en menores de seis años, a través de antitusígenos de venta libre. (AU)

Human organism has different natural defense mechanisms for its various systems,these mechanisms are known as clinical signs or what Hahnemann called in § 6and 7 of Organon “expression of the vital force”. Cough is a phenomenon caused by a reflection mechanism emerges vagal receptors along the respiratory tract have been described three types of receptors, slowly adapting stretch receptors (SARs), rapidly adapting stretch receptors (RARs) and C-fibers. This cough reflex consists of three phases, the first “inspiratory”, “compression” and “expiratory”. It is important to bear in mind that the cough is just a symptom of a complex clinical picture and individual that develops in the whole organism, even conventional medicine recognizes that cough, but can be a troubling symptom, it is a form of healing the body, in this regard, it should be possible not eradicate it, even less in children under six years antitussives through counter. (AU)

Humanos , Tos/etiología , Receptores de Estiramiento Pulmonares , Medicamento Homeopático , Fibras Nerviosas Amielínicas , Nociceptores
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(693): 5-13, nov.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-11060


Las microondas constituyen una subfamilia de la gran gama de ondas electromagnéticas que existen en el universo. Utilizamos dichas microondas en una frecuenciade 2,450 MHz como sustancia imponderable, obtenida de un magnetrón de un horno de microondas convencional, para la preparación de un medicamentohomeopático en las escalas cincuentamilesimal y centesimal por medio del método clásico. Llevamos a cabo una patogenesia y luego su aplicación clínica paralograr una aproximación al conocimiento de los síntomas y signos involucrados en esta investigación. Participaron 20 sujetos, 16 en experimentación pura y 4 enexperimentación clínica, bajo el esquema propuesto por Samuel Hahnemann en el Organon de la medicina en su sexta edición, fungiendo como grupo de controlel 10% del total de los participantes con placebo. Como resultado se obtuvo una patogenesia en la cual los rubros de mente y extremidades se expresaron comolos más activos con 13% del total de los síntomas cada uno; fueron seguidos por el rubro estómago, con el 11% del total, posteriormente el rubro cabeza, con 8%, ydescendentemente el resto de rubros con menos del 7% del total de los síntomas de la investigación cada uno. (AU)

Microwaves are a subfamily of a long range of electromagnetic waves that exist in the universe. We used these microwaves on a 2,450 MHz frequency as an imponderable substance, obtained from a magnetron through a conventional microwave oven to prepare an Homeopathic medicine in the cincuentamilesimal and centesimal classic scale. We wanted to do this pure experimentation and then the clinical application to know on a better way the expressed signs and symptoms. There were 20 subjects, 16 as pure experimentation subjects and 4 as clinical research subjects using the classical method of pure experimentation developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon of medicine, sixth edition. Our control placebo group was formed by the 10% of total research subjects. As a result we obtained a pathogenesia in which the more active items were mind and extremities with 13% of total symptoms each, then head item with 8% and the rest of the items by descending order with less of 7% of the total symptoms each. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Homeopatía , Microondas , Radiación Electromagnética , Escala Centesimal , Cincuenta Milesimal , Medicamento Homeopático , Síntomas Psíquicos/efectos adversos , Jerarquización de los Síntomas , Síntomas Generales/efectos adversos