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Uso da Homeopatia nas principais afecções cutâneas causadas por estafilococos: uma revisão / Use of homeopathy in major cutaneous conditions caused by staphylococci: a review

Lima, Isabela Souza.
São Paulo; s.n; 2017. 78 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11783
The pyoderma is the most common cause of skin diseases of routine of small animal veterinarian. It's about skin infections caused by bacterias, especially Staphylococcus pseudointermedius. The lesions are usually itchy and can be classified as superficial and deep Pyoderma, the first one involves the epidermis leading to melicelical crusts lesions and colarettes, the second on show epidermal furunculosis, bullous lesions that can be erosive and supurative. In both cases, the diagnosis include clinical and laboratory tests such as antimicrobial culture to guide the treatment. In all cases of Pyoderma, we should seek the primary cause, because most cases are secondary to alergical diseases, endocrinal diseases, demodediciosis and scabies. The treatment in allopathy is based on antibiotics, mainly beta-lactam antibiotics, the main target of multidrug-resistant bacteria. The therapeutic options are the cephalosporins, amoxiciclin with clavulanate potassium, clindamycin, marbofloxacin, among others. For the recurring cases, the bacterins and pulsetherapy can be used. Homeopathy is a tool of great value for those applicants, because it will not treat the only bacteria, but the whole patient. Homeopathy works according to the law of similarity, in which a medicine that causes certain symptoms in healthy experimenter, can cure the same symptoms when they appear in the form of sickness. Every day, more and more studies emphasized the effectiveness and the advantages of the treatment of skin diseases and Staphylococcal infections with homeopathy. The most used for the pyoderma cases are the nosodes produced with staphylococci and others like Hepar sulphur, Arsenicum album, Calcarea carbonica Creosotum, Graphites, Lycopodium, Mercurius solubilus, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur and Psorinum.(AU)
Responsible library: BR926.1
Localization: BR926.1; MOV, L732u, 2017
Selo DaSilva