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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 23-23, May 6, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1396708


two Python bivittatussnakes were received at Project Selva Viva, a zoo in Taubaté, Brazil, both presenting respiratory noises and oro-nasal discharge. A thoracic ultrasonographic examination was performed for evaluation on February 25th,2022, which diagnosed the presence of multiple vertical hyperechoic artifactsemerging from the pleural line, coalescing in some of the examined areas, and the presence a hypoechoic structure located in the subpleural region. Another serpent, from the Boa constrictor species, was apprehended and arrived at the same zoo without medical history, showing a low body score. During a thoracic ultrasonographic evaluation realized on April 1st,2022, B lines emerging from the pleural line were found. These vertical reverberating lines are a result of respiratory illness (SOLDATI et al., 2014).Methodology:The report was authorized by the owner of the zoo. All the patients received homeopathic therapy with 2 globules of Arsenicum album30 cH/ BID into the mouth, after being diagnosed with the respiratory condition by the ultrasonographic examination. The medication was chosen according to the similarity with the symptoms. The snakes had a runny nose and hissing breathing noise. Weekly ultrasound scans were performed on the Python bivittatus snakes to follow up on the respiratory condition. Results: On March 04th, it was observed that both snakes showed a reduction in respiratory noises and were more active. Ars 30 cH was maintained BID. On March 25th, both presented significant improvement in the ultrasound images, which showed only A lines, compatible with a healthy lung, and the treatment was suspended. Boa constrictor snake ́streatment started on April 1st. On April 8th, the ultrasonographic examination performed only presented A lines, which are characterized in ultrasound by parallel horizontal lines in the near field with the loss of image continuity in the far field, indicating improvement of the condition (LICHTENSTEIN et al., 2003). Conclusion:Given these results, the homeopathic treatment is an option to be considered for the treatment of respiratory symptoms in snakes, although the duration of the therapy varies based on the stage and chronicity of the disease.

Animais , Pneumonia/terapia , Arsenicum Album/uso terapêutico , Terapêutica Homeopática , Boidae
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(686): 4-10, sept-oct. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11085


El estudio está basado en 39 casos de pacientes diagnosticados con neumonía y tratados según el método establecido por Samuel Hahnemann en el Organon. Observa los medicamentos más frecuentemente indicados, teniendo en cuenta la repertorización individual de los síntomas de cada paciente en el cuadro agudo. Hace un estudio comparativo sobre la evolución de los pacientes en función de las potencias utilizadas (30CH y 6LM) y de la conveniencia, o no, de la continuidad del tratamiento hasta la ausencia total de los síntomas clínicos. (AU)

This study is grounded on 39 cases of patients with pneumonia, who have been treated according to the method established by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon. I pointed to the most frequently indicated remedies to treat this condition, following the individual repertorization of the symptoms of each patient. I compared also the evolution of the cases depending of the use of 30CH or 6LM potencies. I also questioned the suitability of continuing the treatment once the clinical symptoms have vanished. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pneumonia/terapia , Homeopatia , /uso terapêutico , Potência Simillimum , Cinquenta Milesimal , Medicamento Homeopático , Doença Aguda/terapia , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 73(3/4): 40-45, 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10432


O presente artigo relata um caso de tratamento de pneumonia associada com derrame pleural, em um pré-escolar de 4 anos de idade, com antecedentes de alergia alimentar, refluxo gastresofágico, rinite, asma, hipogamaglobulinemia, eosinofilia, gastrite, encefalite e internações prévias por pneumonia. Além do comprometimento pulmonar, apresentava alteração do sistema nervoso central, com alternância de sonolência e agitação psicomotora. Foi tratado com Bryonia alba 30 cH 1 gota dose única, tendo boa evolução clínica e após 4 dias do inicio do tratamento homeopático, teve alta do UTI Pediátrica.(AU)

This article reports the homeopathic treatment of pneumonia with pleural effusion in a 4-year-old boy with a background of food allergy, gastroesophageal reflux, rhinitis, asthma, hypogammaglobulinemia, eosinophilia, gastritis, encephalitis and previous hospitalizations due to pneumonia. Besides the affection of the lungs he exhibited disturbs of the central nervous system, with sleepiness alternating with psychomotor agitation. He was treated with Bryonia alba 30cH 1 drop single dose, exhibiting good clinical response and 4 days after the onset of homeopathic treatment could be discharged from the pediatric ICU.(AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Pneumonia , Derrame Pleural , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Bryonia , Homeopatia
J. Am. Inst. Homeopath ; 85(4): 169-71, dez. 1992.
Artigo em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-1930


A case of pneumonitis with few symptoms is presented. After Sulphur in high potency produced an incomplete response, Antimonium tartaricum was prescribed with curative results. The principle indicators of the latter remedy were: intermittent respirations, somnolence, rattling cough with difficult expectoration, thirstlessness

Relatos de Casos , Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Pneumonia/terapia , Antimonium Tartaricum/uso terapêutico , Sulphur/uso terapêutico
Actas Congr. LMHI ; 47: 144-50, oct. 1992.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-3630


Se analizan cuatro casos clinicos, uno visto en la enfermidad aguda y los otros tres seguidos por periodos de 08, 23 y 28 meses. El abordaje diagnostico fue diferente en cada caso, siendo de destacar en el interrogatorio dos aspectos: primero la investigacion de las enfermedades anteriores hasta la actual, identificando lasd caracteristicas individualizantes del enfermo; y en segundo lugar interrogando a la madre del nino que queremos curar, con respecto a los 09 meses de gestacion, como si fuese la "voz viva de la conciencia intrauterina". En el examen clinico destacamos en tercer lugar la observacion de los movimientos del cuerpo y en cuarto lugar la observacion de los movimientos de los brazos y su relacion con el enfermo. La validez de estas actitudes semiologicas como recursos que coadyuvaron para aproximarnos a la dinamica del sufrimiento del enfermo, etsa confirmada por la evolucion satisfactoria con el tratamiento

Relatos de Casos , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Adulto , Psorinum/uso terapêutico , Datura stramonium/uso terapêutico , Chamomilla/uso terapêutico , Arsenicum Album/uso terapêutico , Artrite Reumatoide/terapia , Estomatite Herpética/terapia , Pneumonia/terapia
Homeopath. fr ; 79(4): 34-7, jul.-ago. 1991.
Artigo em Francês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-1334
New Delhi; B. Jain Publishers; 1987. 479 p.
Monografia em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-9394
Pesqui. homeopatica ; (2): 41-8, jul.-dez. 1986. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-64


The paper's objetive is to stimulate exploration of therapeutic resurses within homeopathie suggesting clinical application of different levels of similitude: Constitutional, Anathomopathologic and ethiopathogenic; through clinical studies in sixteen pacients suffering inespecifc acute pulmonary infections and treated with Antimonium ars. 6 CH and Pyrogenium 200

Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pneumonia/terapia , Limitações da Homeopatia , Doença Aguda/terapia , Antimonium Arsenicosum/uso terapêutico , Pyrogenium/uso terapêutico
In. Associação Paulista de Homeopatia. XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Homeopatia. São Paulo, s.n, junho 21, 1986. p.1-8.
Monografia em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-12335
New Delhi; B. Jain Publishers; 1976. 479 p.
Monografia em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-9397
Rio de Janeiro; Bedeschi; 1936. 298 p.
Monografia em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-7913
Ohio; Drs. A. and D.T. Pulford; s.d. 100 p.
Monografia em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11826