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Homeopatia Méx ; 82(683): 20-24, mar.-abr. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10911


El óxido nítrico (NO), primariamente dentificado como un factor relajante derivado del endotelio, es un radical libre que actúa en la señalización de diferentes procesos biológicos. La sebsecuente caracterización de los mecanismos d activación celulares posibilitaron la comprensión de las interacciones fisiológicas, así como la comprensión de mecanismos patológicos, en que se involucra el NO. Desde su descubrimiento se le ha catalogado como la molécula dei ano, lo que hizo que un gran número de científicos lidiaran con esta evasiva partícula. EI médíco home6pata Constantino Hering. gracias a los ensayos clínicos reportados en la época. ayudó a posicionar a la nitroglicerina (NG) o Glonoinum, como él la renombró, en el ojo de la terapéutica médica convencional. Así, con el paso dei ttempo y gracias a los avances tecnológicos y el conocimiento científico, fueron adjudicados tres premíos Nobel por el descubrimiento de esta molécula y el mecanismo de acci6n de los nitratos, incluida la NG. En realídad se puede decir que, en mayor o menor grado, el NO sigue siendo la molécula dei ano o la década. Este artículo es una revisión actualizada sobre la NG, el Glonoinum y el NO, comenzando por sus antecedentes históricos y siguiendo con su estructura molecular, metabolismo y posible mecanismo de acción desde el punto de vista de las altas diluciones que conforman y fundamentan la farmacología homeopática.

Nitric oxide (NO), was identified as an endothelium-derived relaxing factor. is a free radical that acts in the signaling of different biological processes. The subsequent characterization of the mechanisms of cellular activation of both enzymes enabled the understanding of physiological interactions as understanding of disease mechanisms in which NO is involved, since its discovery has been labeled the molecule/e of the year as among the large number of scientists who dealt with this elusive molecule is the homeopath Constantine Hering, thanks lo clinical trials reported aI the time this drug is positioned to the Nitroglycerin (NG) or Glonoine as he renamed in the eye of conventional medical therapy.

Óxido Nítrico , Nitroglicerina , Altas Potências , Homeopatia/história
In. I SEMINÁRIO SOBRE O ENSINO E A PESQUISA EM HOMEOPATIA. Problemas Metodológicos em Homeopatia. s.l, s.n, 1991. p.21-29.
Monografia em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-8270
Gaz. homeopatica ; 2(2): 11-20, abr.-jun.1987.
Artigo em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-123
Br. homoeopath. j ; 74(4): 187-94, out. 1985. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-2189


By definition, homoeopathy is neither alternative nor complementary - terms which are associated with lay practitioners. It plays a part in the treatment of all patients, whether suffering from minor or serious illnesses, and underlines the necessity for full medical qualifications. There is every justification for the use of the terms "homoeopathic medicine" and "homoeopathioc physician" as instituted by Dr Geoffrey Martin in Liverpool. The "homoeopathic principle" is basic to the practice of homoeopathy, but there is an urgent need for physicians with the help of pharmacologists to review and extend properly controlled provings. Hahnemann in his Organon gives a simple explanation of how these drugs act. His explanation remains valid and logical today. There is ample scope for pharmacologists and physiologists to investigate in greater detail this revolutionary reactive approach which avoids toxic side effects. If the "quantum theory" of energy proves correct, the mystery of potentization is resolved. It would also explain why certain potencies are more effective than others. Physiologists and pharmacologists would be encouraged to investigate trituration and the lower potencies, as a help to solve their problems of drug bio-availability. I hope I have demonstrated that homoeopathy is a rational approach to the treatment of the sick, using naturally occurring laws. The spiritual approach hs no more reference to homoeopathy than to any other field of treatment and tends to distract attention from the specific homoeopathic approach

Homeopatia/tendências , Preconceito , Efeito Primário , Efeito Rebote , Terapias Complementares , Nitroglicerina/envenenamento