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Av. odontoestomatol ; 33(3): 121-126, mayo-jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-165140


Introducción: La caries es un proceso en el que la ganancia de minerales del tejido dentario es menor que la pérdida de ellos, lo que conlleva a la formación inicial de una lesión opaca y blanca, que en un comienzo será no cavitada y si el proceso continua se cavitará. Existen variados tratamientos para tratar estas lesiones blancas no cavitadas entre los que existen las resinas infiltrantes. Con nombre comercial ICON este tratamiento está indicado para lesiones D1 o R3 según criterio de detección radiográfico (radiolucidez hasta el tercio externo de la dentina) y lesiones de mancha blanca en superficies libres vestibulares. Existe variada evidencia científica que respalda su uso, tanto en tratamiento interproximal como para tratamiento de superficies libres. Conclusiones: El uso de la terapia con resinas infiltrantes tanto para detención de lesiones incipientes interproximales como para tratamiento de lesiones libres vestibulares (post tratamiento de ortodoncia) está respaldada por la evidencia científica. Los estudios revelaron que el uso de RI para detener la progresión de lesiones de caries no cavitadas es alentador. Esto sugiere que RI es una prometedora técnica no invasiva. La evidencia científica disponible nos muestra también que la infiltración de resina mejora significativamente la apariencia clínica de LBNC vestibulares y reduce su tamaño. Sin embargo, ensayos clínicos de alta calidad y a largo plazo, son necesarios para confirmar la eficacia de RI en la detención de lesiones no cavitadas tanto en dientes temporales como permanentes. En particular, con el fin de determinar los beneficios a largo plazo (AU)

Introduction: Caries is a process in which the mineral gain of the dental tissue is less than the loss of them, which leads to the initial formation of an opaque and white lesion, which in the beginning will not cavitate and if the process Will continue to cavitate. There are several treatments to treat these non-cavitated white lesions among which there are infiltrating resins. ICON trade name is indicated for D1 or R3 lesions according to radiographic detection criteria (radiolucency up to the external third of the dentin) and white spot lesions on free vestibular surfaces. There is a variety of scientific evidence that supports its use, both in interproximal treatment and in the treatment of free surfaces. Conclusions: The use of infiltrating resin therapy for the management of interproximal incipient lesions as well as treatment of free vestibular lesions (post orthodontic treatment) is supported by scientific evidence. Studies have shown that the use of RI to stop the progression of non cavitated carious lesions is encouraging. This suggests that IR is a promising non invasive technique. Available scientific evidence also shows that resin infiltration significantly improves the clinical appearance of vestibular LBNCs and reduces their size. However, high-quality, long-term clinical trials are needed to confirm the efficacy of IR in arresting non-cavitated lesions in both temporal and permanent teeth. In particular, in order to determine the long-term benefits (AU)

Humanos , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Resinas Sintéticas/administração & dosagem , Instilação de Medicamentos , Radiografia Dentária , Esmalte Dentário , Resultado do Tratamento
Av. odontoestomatol ; 32(6): 317-321, nov.-dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-158173


La restauración de los dientes endodonciados mediante postes prefabricados de fibra de vidrio o cuarzo es una práctica frecuente y aceptada, aunque su indicación o no y ventajas frente a otro tipo de postes, es algo aún en lo que no existe una evidencia científica suficiente. Este tipo de poste se puede indicar como una alternativa a los tradicionales postes colados. Existen diferentes tipos de postes prefabricados, aunque en la actualidad han adquirido una gran importancia los compuestos por fibras de vidrio. (1-3). Diferentes estudios muestran la implicación de factores biológicos, mecánicos y estéticos en el éxito de estas restauraciones. Siendo muy importante preservar la mayor cantidad posible de tejido dentario, conseguir un buen efecto ferrule, y una óptima adhesión para el éxito a largo plazo (1,4-6) Se revisarán los niveles de supervivencia de los dientes restaurados con postes colados frente a los restaurados con postes prefabricados. Siendo evidente como los postes de fibra de vidrio han mostrado un buen nivel de éxito a largo plazo en todas las cuestiones analizadas (AU)

The restoration of endodontic teeth with prefabricated fiberglass poles or quartz is a common and accepted practice, although its indication or not and advantages over other posts, is something even as there is insufficient scientific evidence. This type of post can be specified as an alternative to traditional cast posts. There are different types of prefabricated posts, but today have become very important compounds for glass fibers. (1-3). Different studies show the involvement of biological, mechanical and aesthetic in the success of these restorations factors. Being very important to preserve the greatest possible amount of tooth tissue, get a good ferrule effect and optimal adhesion for long-term success (1,4-6) survival rates of teeth restored with cast posts will be reviewed in front of the restored prefabricated posts. It is evident as fiberglass poles have shown a long-term good level of success in all issues discussed (AU)

Humanos , Dente não Vital/cirurgia , Implantação Dentária Endo-Óssea Endodôntica/métodos , Dente Suporte , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Resinas Sintéticas/uso terapêutico
Av. odontoestomatol ; 32(1): 45-53, ene.-feb. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-148178


Introducción: Recientemente se han introducido las resinas bulk-fill, las cuales pueden ser utilizadas con técnica monoincremental, disminuyendo el tiempo clínico y ofreciendo una técnica menos sensible. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la estabilidad marginal de una resina compuesta condensable, utilizando técnica incremental oblicua versus una resina monoincremental con activación sónica en restauraciones clase II. Materiales y método: A 16 terceros molares sanos se les realizó dos preparaciones cavitarias clase II. Las dimensiones de las preparaciones fueron estandarizadas: 3 mm de ancho vestibulolingual, 2 mm de profundidad y 1,5 mm en sentido mesiodistal para el cajón oclusal, y 3 mm de ancho vestibulolingual, 4 mm de profundidad y 1,5 mm en sentido mesiodistal para el cajón proximal, determinándose al azar restaurar una preparación con resina condensable FiltekTM P60 (3M(R) ESPE-USA) utilizando técnica incremental, y la segunda preparación con resina SonicFillTM (Kerr-USA) con técnica monoincremental y activación sónica. Las muestras se termociclaron en azul de metileno al 1%, se cortaron en sentido mesiodistal y analizaron mediante microscopio óptico. Se cuantificó el grado de penetración del agente infiltrador en el margen cavosuperficial oclusal y gingival de ambas resinas. Se realizó un test exacto de Fisher y posterior U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: La profundidad de infiltración del borde cavosuperficial gingival fue significativamente menor para FiltekTM P60 comparado con SonicFillTM (p= 0,028). Discusión: Ambas técnicas presentaron valores similares de estabilidad marginal en el borde cavosuperficial oclusal, sin embargo la resinas FiltekTM P60 presenta una mayor estabilidad marginal en el borde cavosuperficial gingival (AU)

Introduction: Recently, bulk-fill resin shave been introduced, which can be used with a mono-incremental technique, shortening clinical time and offering a less sensitive technique. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the marginal stability of condensable composite resins by using incremental technique versus a bulkfill resin with sonic activation. Material and method: Two Black’s class II cavities preparations were performed on 16 healthy third molars. The overall dimensions and depth of cavities were standardized as follows: 3 mm wide, 2 mm deep and 1,5 mm of mesiodistal lenght at the occlusal box, and 3 mm wide, 4 mm deep and 1,5 mm of mesiodistal length at the proximal box. It was randomly determined to restore a preparation with condensable resin FiltekTM P60 (3M(R) ESPE-USA) using oblique incremental technique, while these cond preparation used SonicFillTM resin (Kerr- USA) with mono-incremental technique and sonic activation. These were thermocycled in methylene blue 1%, then cut in mesio-distal sense and analysed by optical microscope. The degree of penetration of the infiltrator agent in the oclusal cavosurface margin and gingival wall of both resins was measured. Fisher’s exact test and a subsequent Mann-Whitney U test were performed. Results: The amount of infiltration in gingival cavosurface margin was significantly lower for Filtek™ P60 compared with SonicFillTM (p= 0.028). Discussion: Both techniques presented similar values of marginal stability in the oclusal cavosurface margin, however, resinFiltekTM P60 has greater stability in the gingival cavosurface margin (AU)

Humanos , Restauração Dentária Permanente/métodos , Resinas Acrílicas/análise , Resinas Sintéticas/análise , Resinas Compostas/análise , Adaptação Marginal Dentária , Infiltração Dentária
Av. odontoestomatol ; 31(6): 371-378, nov.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-145594


Introducción: En Odontología Mínimamente Invasiva, el procedimiento denominado Infiltración de caries, pretende detener la progresión de las caries incipientes mediante el sellado de las microporosidades del esmalte afectado. Este tratamiento se realiza con la aplicación de resinas de baja viscosidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la microdureza superficial de caries incipientes artificiales infiltradas con resinas de baja viscosidad antes y después del proceso de termociclado. Metodología: Se provocaron caries artificiales mediante la inmersión de premolares y molares sanos en una solución de ácido láctico 0,1 M (pH 4,5) mantenidos a 37° C, durante 8 semanas. Posteriormente, las muestras fueron distribuidas en 3 grupos y se infiltraron con una de las resinas estudiadas; grupo A: ICON; B: XP-Bond y grupo C: Single Bond 2. Después se realizaron las pruebas de microdureza por indentación con un durómetro, seguido de un proceso de termociclado (1.000 ciclos) y se midió nuevamente la microdureza. Resultados: Los valores de microdureza (VHN) obtenidos fueron: ICON= 106,9±37,1 y postermociclado= 139,13±55, XP-Bond 51,01±21,8 y postermociclado= 103,14±58 y Single Bond 2= 25,4±5,8 y postermociclado= 26,6±3,5. Discusión: Posterior al proceso de termociclado (stress térmico) no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos infiltrados con ICON® y XP-Bond, en cambio estas diferencias sí existían con respecto del grupo tratado con Single Bond 2 (AU)

Introduction: Minimally invasive dentistry, the procedure called Caries Infiltration seeks to stop the progression of incipient caries by sealing the enamel microporosities. This treatment is performed with the application of low viscosity resins. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Microhardness of artificial white-spot lesions infiltrated with low viscosity resins before and after Thermocycling. Methodology: It caused artificial caries by immersion of healthy premolars and molars in a solution of 0,1 M lactic acid (pH 4,5) maintained at 37°C for 8 weeks. Subsequently, samples were divided into 3 groups and infiltrated with studied resins; Group A: ICON, B: XP-Bond and group C: Single Bond 2. Later, the Microhardness tests were executed by indentation with a Durometer, followed by a process of Thermocycling (1000 cycles), and the Microhardness was measured again. Results: Microhardness (VHN) values obtained were: ICON= 106.9±37.1 and post thermocycling= 139,13±55, XP-Bond 51,01±21.8 and post thermocycling= 103,14±58, and Single Bond 2= 25.4±5.8 and post thermocycling= 26.6±3.5. Discussion: Posterior to thermal cycle (thermal stress) no statistically significant differences were found between groups infiltrated with ICON® and XP-Bond, instead these differences do exist with respect to the group treated with Single Bond 2 (AU)

Humanos , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Resinas Sintéticas/uso terapêutico , Testes de Atividade de Cárie Dentária , Cura Luminosa de Adesivos Dentários , Resultado do Tratamento
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 11(1): 21-31, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-123149


El sistema de obturación Thermafil se basa en un vástago de plástico recubierto de gutapercha. Su evolución, GuttaCore, consta de un núcleo de gutapercha entrelazada con el objetivo de facilitar la remoción de éste manteniendo a la vez las buenas propiedades ofrecidas por la gutapercha termoplástica. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir ambos sistemas y analizar algunos de los aspectos más importantes de la obturación endodóntica como la capacidad desellado, la facilidad de retratamiento y la filtración apical. Para ello se ha efectuado un búsqueda bibliográfica a través de Medline utilizando publicaciones posteriores al año2002, exceptuando la inclusión de artículos más antiguos dada su relevancia. Como resultado, hemos observado que el sistema Thermafil consigue obturaciones herméticas y tridimensionales en todo tipo de conductos a excepción de reabsorciones internas o ausencia de constricción apical. Su curva de aprendizaje es rápida, así como su tiempo de ejecución. Los inconvenientes de esteción de su vástago y las frecuentes sobre obturaciones. El sistema GuttaCore parece facilitar el tiempo de retratamiento pero faltan estudios acerca su comportamiento a largo plazo. Dado que la mayoría de los estudios sobre el comportamiento de Thermafil se han realizado ex vivo, los resultados no pueden extrapolarse directamente a la práctica clínica

The root filling system Thermafil is based on a plastic carrier covered by gutta-percha. Its successor, GuttaCore, consists of a cross linked gutta-percha core with the purpose offacilitate its removal keeping the good properties offered by the thermoplastic gutta-percha. The aim of this review is to describe both based - in - carrier root filling systems Thermafil and GuttaCore and analyze some of the most important aspects of the endodontic obturation such as the sealing ability, the easiness of retreatment and the apical leakage. For this we have carried out a literature search through Medline using publications after the year2002, except for the inclusion of older articles because of its importance. As a result, we found that Thermafil System achieves hermetic and tridimensional obturations in all kinds of root canals except in resorptivecavities and in the absence of the apical constriction. Its learning curve is fast as well as the time of its performance. The disadvantages of this system are the longer time for the removal of the carrier and the often overextended obturations. The GuttaCore system seems to facilitate the retreatment's time but there are no studies about its longterm outcome. Giben that most of the studies on Thermafil's behavior has been performed ex vivo, The results cannot be directly extrapolated to the clinical practice

Humanos , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular/análise , Resinas Sintéticas/análise , Obturação do Canal Radicular/métodos , Materiais Dentários/análise , Restauração Dentária Permanente/métodos
Endodoncia (Madr.) ; 30(4): 167-170, oct.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-117494


Objetivo: Evaluar las deformaciones ocasionadas en las artistas de corte en las limas tipo K (LK) # 25, sometidas a la precurvatura del tercio apical utilizando los métodos digital, pinza clínica y Flexobend a través de la microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Material y métodos: Cuarenta y ocho LK #25 fueron divididas en cuatro grupos (n=12); G1, digital; G3, pinza clínica y G4, Flexobend. La curvatura fue estandarizada en el segmento apical de los instrumentos a 2 mm do D1 de las limas. Fue confeccionado un modelo de resina acrílica correspondiente a un conducto con 20º de curvatura. Las limas fueron examinadas en MEB (260x). Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba estadística de Fisher con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados: Las imágenes del G1 no presentaron alteraciones en las Lk, similar al G3, sin diferencia estadística. Los G3 y G4 fueron diferentes estadísticamente a los demás grupos (p<0,05). Conclusiones: el método digital para curvado en el tercio apical de LK#25 no produjo alteraciones en las aristas de corte y los métodos que utilizan pinza clínica o Flexobend alteraron las aristas de corte de las limas (AU)

Objetive: Evaluate the deformations caused in the cutting edges in the K-file #25 (LK), subjected to pre-beinding of the apcial third using the following methods: finder-bending, cotton-pliers bendin and Flexobend, observed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Material and methods: Forty-eight LK#25 were divides into 4 groups (n=12); G1, control; G2, finger-bending; G3, cotton-plier bending, G4, Flexobend. The curvature was standardized in the apical segment of the file at 2 mm of D!. Was constructed a model of acrylic resin that correspond to a canal of 20º of curvature. The files were examined under SEM (260X). Data were analyzed using Fisher's statistical test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The images showed no alterations in the LK, similar to G3, with no statistical difference. G3 and G4 were statistically different form the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: the finger-bending method to curve apical third of LK #25 did not alter the cutting edges, the cotton-pliers bending and Flexobend did alter the cutting edges of the files (AU)

Instrumentos Odontológicos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Resinas Sintéticas , Estudos de Casos e Controles
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 17(4): 669-677, jul. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-103103


Objective: To evaluate the bond stability of resin cements when luted to glass-reinforced alumina and zirconia CAD/CAM dental ceramics. Study design: Eighteen glass-infiltrated alumina and eighteen densely sintered zirconia blocks were randomly conditioned as follows: Group 1: No treatment; Group 2: Sandblasting (125 µm Al2O3-particles); and Group 3: Silica-coating (50 µm silica-modified Al2O3-particles). Composite samples were randomly bonded to the pretreated ceramic surfaces using different resin cements: Subgroup 1: Clearfil Esthetic Cement (CEC); Subgroup 2: RelyX Unicem (RXU); and Subgroup 3: Calibra (CAL). After 24 h, bonded specimens were cut into 1 ± 0.1 mm2 sticks. One-half of the beams were tested for microtensile bond strength (MTBS). The remaining one-half was immersed in 10 % NaOCl aqueous solution (NaOClaq) for 5 h before testing. The fracture pattern and morphology of the debonded surfaces were assessed with a field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM). A multiple ANOVA was conducted to analyze the contributions of ceramic composition, surface treatment, resin cement type, and chemical challenging to MTBS. The Tukey test was run for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05). Results: After 24 h, CEC luted to pre-treated zirconia achieved the highest MTBS. Using RXU, alumina and zirconia registered comparable MTBS. CAL failed prematurely, except when luted to sandblasted zirconia. After NaOClaq storage, CEC significantly lowered MTBS when luted to zirconia or alumina. RXU decreased MTBS only when bonded to silica-coated alumina. CAL recorded 100 % of pre-testing failures. Micromorphological alterations were evident after (..) (AU)

Humanos , Cimentos Dentários/análise , Resinas Sintéticas/análise , Resinas Compostas/análise , 51660/análise , Ligas Metalo-Cerâmicas/análise , Zircônio/análise
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 16(7): 1014-1016, .nov. 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-93503


Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate microleakage of white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) after its exposure to a range of alkaline environments during hydration.Study Design: Seventy single-rooted teeth were divided into 4 experimental and 2 control groups. All the teeth were instrumented, and their apices were resected. Root-end cavities were filled with WMTA in the experimental groups. In the control groups, root-end cavities were not filled. Root-end fillings were exposed to alkaline environments with pH values of 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, or 10.4 for 3 days. Microleakage was evaluated by bovine serum albumin.Evaluations were carried out at 24-hour intervals for 80 days. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and a post hoc Tukey test at the 0.05 level of confidence.Results: The number of days (mean ± standard deviation) needed for color change at pH values of 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, and10.4 were 78.53 ± 5.68, 80.00 ± 0.00, 68.93 ± 19.00, and 34.46 ± 12.73, respectively. The time needed for leakageto occur was significantly shorter in samples stored at a pH value of 10.4 (P<0.001).Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that pH values greater than 9.4 may jeopardizethe sealing ability of WMTA during hydration (AU)

Humanos , Alcalinização/análise , Selantes de Fossas e Fissuras/farmacocinética , Fissuras Dentárias/terapia , Resinas Sintéticas/farmacocinética
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 15(6): 962-968, nov. 2010. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-95401


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the cytotoxic effects of various resin-based core materials that were cured with three light curing units (LCUs) in different modes on L–929 mouse fibroblast cells over 24 h and72 h periods.Study design: Eighty-four cylindrical discs (2 mm in thickness and 6 mm in diameter) of each material (Rebilda,Voco; Build-It FR, Pentron; Clearfil DC Core, Kuraray and Bis-core, Bisco) were cured by QTH LCU (soft-up and high-power modes), LED LCU (exponential and standard modes) and PAC LCU (normal and ramp-curing modes).Then the samples were aged for 24 and 72 hours in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium/Ham’s F12 (DMEM/F12).After each ageing interval, cytotoxicity of the extracts to cultured fibroblasts (L 929) was measured by MTT assay.The degree of cytotoxicity for each sample was determined according to the reference value represented by the cells with a pure culture medium. Statistical significance was determined by a multifactorial analysis of variance followed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test or independent t tests. Results: Data showed that there are significant differences among resin based core materials, LCUs, curing modes and time factors (p < 0.001). The test materials cured with the QTH and LED demonstrated statistically higher cellsurvival rates when compared with those cured with the PAC (p < 0.001).Conclusions: Differential toxic effects of the resin-based core materials cured with QTH, LED and PAC on the fibroblast cells may prove to be very important when suitable resin-core systems, LCUs and curing modes are used for operative restorations (AU)

No disponible

Animais , Cura Luminosa de Adesivos Dentários/efeitos adversos , Citotoxinas/efeitos adversos , Resinas Sintéticas/efeitos da radiação , Modelos Animais
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 15(6): 969-975, nov. 2010. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-95402


Objective: Aim of this study was to evaluate possible effects of saliva and nasal secretion on some physical properties,such as sorption, solubility, surface hardness and colour change on four different resin-based materials overa certain time period.Materials and Methods: A total of 128 disc-shaped specimens with a diameter of 50mm and thickness of 0.5mm were tested to evaluate sorption and solubility (ISO-1567). The specimens were stored in different solutions prior to testing. Surface hardness measurements were performed by using a Vickers hardness testing machine. A total of 20 cylinder shaped test specimens with a diameter of 13 mm and thickness of 1 mm were prepared to evaluate colour change (ÄE).Analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences among groups. Paired t and Tukey Post-Hoc tests were performed to investigate significant differences among subgroups at all time intervals (p<0.05).Results: It was found that while the percentage absorption value at T7(7 days) of the auto-polymerizing (A) groups storaged in artificial saliva + nasal secretion were the highest (0.057±0.119), the percentage absorption value atT15(15 days) of the D groups storaged in artificial nasal secretion were the lowest (0.013±0.09). Besides, it was found that the percentage solubility value at T30(30 days) of visible ligth-cusing resin (VLC) groups storaged inartificial nasal secretion were the highest (0.016±0.003), and the percentage solubility value at T1(1 day) of the Dgroups storaged in distilled water were the lowest (0.01±0.02). While (..) (AU)

No disponible

Humanos , Saliva/química , Mucosa Nasal/química , Resinas Sintéticas/análise , Polímeros/análise , Solubilidade , Descoloração de Dente
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 15(5): 820-826, sept. 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-95907


Objectives: To evaluate the shear bond strength and site of failure of brackets bonded to dry and wet enamel. Study design: 50 teeth were divided into ten groups of 5 teeth each (10 surfaces). In half the groups enamel was kept dry before bonding, and in the other half distilled water was applied to wet the surface after etching. The following groups were established: 1)Acid/Transbond-XT (dry/wet) XT; 2) Transbond Plus Self Etching Primer(TSEP)/Transbond-XT paste (dry/wet); 3) Concise (dry), Transbond MIP/Concise (wet), 4) FujiOrtho-LC (dry/wet); 5) SmartBond (dry/wet). Brackets were bonded to both buccal and lingual surfaces. Specimens were stored in distilled water (24 hours at 37ºC) and thermocycled. Brackets were debonded using a Universal testing machine(cross-head speed 1 mm/min). Failure sites were classified using a stereomicroscope. Results: No significant differences in bond strength were detected between the adhesives under wet and dry conditions except for Smart-Bond, whose bond strength was significantly lower under dry conditions. For all the adhesives most bond failures were of mixed site location except for Smartbond, which failed at the adhesive-bracket interface. Conclusions:Under wet conditions the bonding capacity of the adhesives tested was similar than under dry conditions, with the exception of SmartBond which improved under wet conditions (AU)

No disponible

Humanos , Poluição da Água/análise , Cimentos Dentários/efeitos adversos , Resinas Sintéticas/efeitos adversos , Cimentos de Ionômeros de Vidro/análise , Adesivos Dentinários/efeitos adversos
Endodoncia (Madr.) ; 28(2): 74-78, abr.-jun. 2010. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-102095


El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta del tejido conectivo de ratas, ante dos selladores endodónticos a base resinas, el Abseal de la firma Meta Biomed Co Corea y AH36 de la firma De Trey/Dnstply-Maillefer EE.UU. Se utilizaron 40 ratas Wistar hembras de aproximadamente 150-200gr de peso. Los materiales fueron llevados en tubos de silicona e implantados en tejido celular subcutáneo de ratas. Para el control negativo se utilizaron tubos vacíos. Los animales fueron sacrificados en grupos de 10 a lso 7, 14,30 y 60 días. Se evaluó cualitativa y cuantitativamente la reacción inflamatoria producida por los implantes bajo microscopia óptica. Los resultados mostraron que el área de reacción inflamatoria en los tubos obturados con Adseal fue menor en los controles de 7,14 y 30 días. A los 60 días ambos materiales mostraron aéreas mínimas de inflación (AU)

The aim or this study was to evaluate the inflammatory reaction of the connective tissue of rats produced by two resin based endodontic sealers: Adseal (MetaBiomed Korea) and AH26 (De Trey/Densply-Zurich). For this study two groups of forty Wstar rats, 150-200 grams body weight, were employed. Silicons tubes were filled with the sealers and implanted in cellular subcutaneous tissue in rats. Emply tubes were used as negative control. They were then sacrified in groups of ten edach at 7, 14.30 and 60 days. The inflammatory reaction qualitative and quantitative was evaluated under optic microscopy. The results showed smaller inflammatory areas around Adseal tubes at 7,14, and 30 days. On the 60 days tests both materials showed minimal inflammatory areas (AU)

Animais , Ratos , Selantes de Fossas e Fissuras/farmacocinética , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular/farmacocinética , Inflamação/induzido quimicamente , Resinas Sintéticas/farmacocinética , Ratos Wistar , Tecido Conjuntivo
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 13(11): 745-752, nov. 2008. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-76705


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microtensile strength of composite bonded to interpenetratingpolymer network (IPN) or cross-linked glass fibre posts and to observe the failure modes by using light and scanningelectron microscopy. Methods: Twenty posts containing IPN resin matrix and 20 posts containing cross-linkedepoxy polymer matrix were used for testing. One half of the posts from each type was treated with Stick Resin, theother half was treated with OptiBond. Composite resin was used to build up a block on the bonding surface. Tensilestrength data was analysed statistically using the non-parametric Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. The distributionof failure modes as a function of post type/bonding agent was evaluated using the ÷² test. Results: The mean tensilestrength values were lower for the groups bonded with OptiBond and higher for the groups bonded with Stick Resin(p = 0.017), the type of post used had no statistical significance (p = 0.263). All the IPN posts showed cohesivefailure within the post The cross-linked posts demonstrated a higher number of adhesive failures and lower numberof cohesive failures within the post (÷² = 0.0001).Conclusions: Stick Resin was more effective than OptiBond in bonding composite cores to fibre posts. Post fracturewas the failure mode of IPN posts, debonding of the composite core was the failure mode of most of cross-linkedposts. These different failure modes may appear clinically in endodontically treated teeth restored with the post typestested in this study (AU)

Humanos , Materiais Dentários , Cimentos de Resina , Resinas Sintéticas , Resistência à Tração , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular , Teste de Materiais
Endodoncia (Madr.) ; 25(4): 243-252, oct.-dic. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-127104


En la actualidad, la gutapercha supone el material de elección para la obturación de los conductos radiculares; sin embargo, las desventajas que presenta han promovido la aparición de un nuevo material que intenta solventarlas: ResilonTM. Formulado a base de resinas, trata de llevar la adhesión al interior del conducto radicular para evitar desadaptaciones entre el núcleo de la obturación, el sellador utilizado y la dentina radicular. La supuesta menor filtración coronal con respecto a la gutapercha fue el motivo de elección de este material en el caso clínico que exponemos. Tras revisar la bibliografía disponible, su solubilidad, su biodegrabilidad y la citotoxicidad de su primer autograbante hace necesarios más estudios in vivo antes de abandonar la gutapercha como material habitual de nuestras obturaciones (AU)

Nowadays, the gutta-percha assumes the chosen material for sealing the radicular canals; nevertheless, the disadvantages that it presents have caused the appearance of the new material that follows to resolve them: ResilonTM . Made up of resins, tries to carry the adhesion to the interior of the radical canal in order to avoid adjustment problem between the nucleus of the obturation, the sealant used and the radicular dentin. With respect to the gutta-percha, the motive in choosing this material in the clinical trial that we present nos the supposed lower coronal leakage. After reviewing the available bibliography, its solubility, biodegradability, and cytotoxicity of its primer make wore in vivo studies necessary before abandoning the gutta-percha as the usual material for our obturation (AU)

Humanos , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular/análise , Obturação do Canal Radicular/métodos , Guta-Percha/uso terapêutico , Resinas Sintéticas/análise , Cimentos de Resina/análise