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Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 241-256, Abr 10, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232326


Introducción: Existe una tendencia mundial de incrementoen los índices de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños menoresde 5 años. Las creencias, percepciones y actitudes de lasmadres hacia las prácticas de alimentación y la obesidadtienen implicaciones directas sobre la salud del hijo.Objetivo: Explorar creencias sobre prácticas de alimentacióny obesidad infantil entre madres con hijos menores de cincoaños del noroeste de México.Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de aproximación etnográfica.Mediante un muestreo propositivo se realizaron nueve entrevistassemiestructuradas a mujeres que contaban con un promediode 12 años de educación.Resultados: Las creencias incluyeron inseguridad para asumirel rol de madre, una baja percepción de apoyo familiar ycreencias que no se alineaban con las recomendaciones dela lactancia materna exclusiva e introducción de alimentoscomplementarios. Además, estas tenían la creencia de que laobesidad no es un problema debido a la corta edad de sus hijos.Conclusiones: Existe una ambivalencia entre las creencias delas participantes y sus prácticas con relación a la alimentacióny la obesidad infantil. Es imperativo desarrollar estrategiasde educación y comunicación que proporcionen informaciónbasada en evidencia, de fácil acceso y disponible para madrescon la intención de prevenir problemas de nutrición durantela primera infancia.(AU)

Introduction: There is a worldwide trend of increasingrates of overweight and obesity in children under5 years of age. Mothers' beliefs, perceptions, andattitudes towards feeding practices and obesity havedirect implications on their children's health.Aim: To explore beliefs about feeding practices andchildhood obesity among mothers with children underfive years of age in northwestern Mexico.Methodology: Qualitative study with ethnographicapproach. Using purposive sampling, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with womenwith an average of 12 years of education.Results: Beliefs included insecurity in assuming therole of mother, a low perception of family support, andbeliefs that were not aligned with the recommendations ofexclusive breastfeeding and introduction of complementary foods. In addition, these held the belief that obesity isnot a problem due to the young age of their children.Conclusions: There is ambivalence between theparticipants' beliefs and their practices regarding feedingand childhood obesity. It is imperative to developeducation and communication strategies that provideevidence-based information that is easily accessibleand available to mothers to prevent nutrition problemsduring early childhood.(AU)

Introdução: Há uma tendência mundial de aumentodas taxas de sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças commenos de 5 anos de idade. As crenças, percepções eatitudes das mães com relação às práticas alimentares eà obesidade têm implicações diretas na saúde infantil.Objetivo: explorar as crenças sobre práticas de alimentaçãoe obesidade infantil entre mães de crianças com menosde cinco anos de idade no noroeste do México.Metodologia: estudo qualitativo com uma abordagemetnográfica. Usando amostragem intencional, foramrealizadas nove entrevistas semiestruturadas commulheres com uma média de 12 anos de escolaridade.Resultados: As crenças incluíam insegurança em assumiro papel de mãe, baixa percepção de apoio familiar ecrenças que não se alinhavam com as recomendaçõesde amamentação exclusiva e introdução de alimentoscomplementares. Além disso, elas acreditavam quea obesidade não era um problema devido à poucaidade de seus filhos.Conclusões: Há uma ambivalência entre as crenças epráticas dos participantes com relação à alimentaçãoe à obesidade infantil. É imperativo desenvolverestratégias de educação e comunicação que forneçaminformações baseadas em evidências, facilmenteacessíveis e disponíveis para as mães, a fim de evitarproblemas de nutrição na primeira infância.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade Pediátrica , Nutrição da Criança , Sobrepeso , Cultura , México , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Antropologia Cultural
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 152-162, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230895


Introducción: los hábitos de alimentación constituyen uno de los factores predictores de salud principales dentro de los estilos de vida adqui-ridos. La evaluación de dichos hábitos va a ser fundamental para poder reafirmar las conductas saludables y reorientar aquellos hábitos quesupongan un riesgo.Objetivos: evaluar el hábito de alimentación dentro del estilo de vida saludable adquirido en adultos españoles de 22 a 72 años de edad.Métodos: a una muestra de 788 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 72 años de edad se aplicó la Escala de Valoración delEstilo de Vida Saludable Adquirido (E-VEVSA), formada por 52 ítems y estructurada en siete dimensiones, entre las cuales se evaluó el hábitode alimentación saludable, que explicó una varianza de 8,67 % sobre el total de la escala (66,87 %) y un alfa de Cronbach de 0,794 para unalfa total de 0,894.Resultados: el 16 % de los adultos encuestados posee hábitos de alimentación saludables; el 68,3 %, tendente hacia la salud; y el 15,7 %, pocosaludables. Las pruebas de χ2 de Pearson muestran una asociación positiva y significativa de las mujeres con hábitos saludables de alimentacióny una mejora significativa con el transcurso de la edad. Los datos inferenciales (pruebas t de Student y ANOVA de un factor) confirman estasdiferencias en función del sexo y la edad.Conclusiones: es necesario promover programas preventivos para la mejora de los hábitos de alimentación en la población adulta, sobre todo,en el 15,7 % que posee un nivel poco saludable de la alimentación en su estilo de vida.(AU)

Introduction: eating habits are one of the main predictors of health within a person lifestyle. The assessment of these habits will be essentialto confirm health-related habits and orientate behaviors of risk for health.Objectives: to assess the eating habits within the health-related lifestyle among Spanish adults from 22 to 72 years of age.Methods: the Health-Related Lifestyle Assessment Scale (E-VEVSA) was applied to a sample of 788 subjects between the ages of 22 and 72.This scale is made up of 52 items and structured in seven dimensions, among which the healthy eating habit was evaluated, which explained avariance of 8.67 % of the total scale (66.87 %) and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.794 for a total alpha of 0.894.Results: sixteen percent of the adults surveyed have healthy eating habits, 68.3 % tend towards health and 15.7 % are unhealthy. Pearson’sχ2 tests show a positive and significant association of women with healthy eating habits and a significant improvement with age. The inferentialdata (Student’s t-tests and one-factor ANOVA) confirm these differences according to gender and age.Conclusions: it is necessary to promote preventive programs to improve eating habits in the adult population, especially in the 15.7 % that havean unhealthy level of nutrition in their lifestyle.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Estilo de Vida Saudável , Comportamento Alimentar , Estado Nutricional , Saúde , Ciências da Nutrição , Espanha
Nutr. hosp ; 41(supl.1): 1-60, Feb. 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230912


La anorexia nerviosa (AN) es una enfermedad de origen multifactorial. Recientemente se ha sumado el papel de las redes sociales y la microbiota intestinal en la patogenia. La pandemia por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto negativo en los pacientes con AN. La potencial afectación médica y nutricional derivada de la desnutrición o las conductas compensatorias dan lugar a una compleja enfermedad de gravedad variable, cuyo manejo precisa un equipo multidisciplinar con elevado nivel de conocimientos en la materia. Es fundamental la coordinación entre niveles asistenciales y en la transición de pediatría a adultos. Una adecuada valoración clínica permite detectar eventuales complicaciones, así como establecer el riesgo orgánico del paciente y, por tanto, adecuar el tratamiento médico-nutricional de forma individualizada. El restablecimiento de un apropiado estado nutricional es un pilar fundamental del tratamiento en la AN. Para ello es necesario diseñar una intervención de renutrición individualizada que incluya un programa de educación nutricional. Según el escenario clínico puede ser necesaria la nutrición artificial. Aunque la decisión de qué nivel de atención escoger al diagnóstico o durante el seguimiento depende de numerosas variables (conciencia de enfermedad, estabilidad médica, complicaciones, riesgo autolítico, fracaso del tratamiento ambulatorio o contexto psicosocial, entre otros), el tratamiento ambulatorio es de elección en la mayoría de las ocasiones. No obstante, puede ser necesario un escenario más intensivo (hospitalización total o parcial) en casos seleccionados. En pacientes gravemente desnutridos debe prevenirse la aparición de un síndrome de alimentación cuando se inicia la renutrición. La presencia de una AN en determinadas situaciones (gestación, vegetarianismo, diabetes mellitus de tipo 1, etc.) exige un manejo particular. En estos pacientes también debe abordarse de forma correcta el ejercicio físico.(AU)

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a multifactorial disorder. A possible role of the social network and the gut microbiota in pathogenesis has been added.Exogenous shocks such as the COVID19 pandemic have had a negative impact on patients with AN.The potential medical and nutritional impact of malnutrition and/or compensatory behaviors gives rise to a complex disease with a wide range ofseverity, the management of which requires a multidisciplinary team with a high level of subject matter expertise. Coordination between levelsof care is necessary as well as understanding how to transition the patient from pediatric to adult care is essential. A proper clinical evaluationcan detect possible complications, as well as establish the organic risk of the patient. This allows caregivers to tailor the medical-nutritionaltreatment for each patient.Reestablishing adequate nutritional behaviors is a fundamental pillar of treatment in AN. The design of a personalized nutritional treatment andeducation program is necessary for this purpose. Depending on the clinical severity, artificial nutrition may be necessary. Although the decisionregarding the level of care necessary at diagnosis or during follow-up depends on a number of factors (awareness of the disease, medical stability,complications, suicidal risk, outpatient treatment failure, psychosocial context, etc.), outpatient treatment is the most frequent and most preferredchoice. However, more intensive care (total or partial hospitalization) may be necessary in certain cases. In severely malnourished patients, theappearance of refeeding syndrome should be prevented during renourishment.The presence of AN in certain situations (pregnancy, vegetarianism, type 1 diabetes mellitus) requires specific care. Physical activity in thesepatients must also be addressed correctly.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Anorexia Nervosa , Terapia Nutricional , Educação Alimentar e Nutricional , Desnutrição , Síndrome da Realimentação , Comportamento Alimentar
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 121-126, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231298


Introducción: El confinamiento obligatorio o voluntario durante la pandemia por COVID-19, ha modificado la ingesta de alimentos e incrementó el estilo de vida sedentario; aumentando el riesgo aterogénico en la población. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el comportamiento alimentario y los indicadores aterogénicos durante el periodo pandémico por COVID-19 en trabajadores de un campamento de hidrocarburos. Materiales y métodos: Investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño observacional, descriptivo de asociación cruzada, retrospectivo. La muestra final de estudio estuvo conformada por 85 trabajadores de la empresa de hidrocarburos Compañía Operadora de Gas del Amazonas (COGA), en Perú; durante el periodo enero a diciembre del 2021. Se incluyó en el estudio a trabajadores adultos de ambos sexos, con registro de información en los exámenes médicos ocupacionales. El comportamiento alimentario se recolectó a través de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (EFCA) semicuantitativo; el perfil bioquímico se obtuvo de los exámenes de salud ocupacional determinando el Índice de Castelli, índice TG/HDL, índice Kannel. Para evaluar la asociación entre las variables se utilizó la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: El 63.5% de los trabajadores evaluados presentó riesgo cardiovascular; los indicadores de Castelli de 40,0% y Kannel 41,2%; se encuentran dentro de un rango de riesgo; siendo menor al 50% de los entrevistados; el indicador de TG/HDL fue 63.5% con riesgo cardiovascular. Asimismo, el 60% presentó un comportamiento alimentario no saludable. Al evaluar la asociación entre el comportamiento alimentario y los indicadores aterogénicos se obtuvo un valor p<0.05. Conclusión: El comportamiento alimentario tiene asociación con los indicadores aterogénicos en trabajadores de un campamento de hidrocarburos, aumentando el riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores con un comportamiento no saludable.(AU)

Introduction: Mandatory or voluntary confinement duringthe COVID-19 pandemic has modified food intake and in-creased the sedentary lifestyle; increasing the atherogenicrisk in the population. Objective: Determine the association between eating be-havior and atherogenic indicators during the COVID-19 pan-demic period in workers at a hydrocarbon camp. Materials and methods: Research with a quantitative approach, observational design, descriptive cross-association retrospective. The final study sample was made up of 85workers from the hydrocarbon company Compañía Operadorade Gas del Amazonas (COGA), in Peru; during the periodJanuary to December 2021. Adult workers of both sexes wereincluded in the study, with information recorded in occupaional medical examinations. Eating behavior was collectedthrough a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire(EFCA). The biochemical profile was obtained from occupa-tional health examinations by determining the Castelli index,TG/HDL index, and Kannel index. To evaluate the associationbetween eating behavior and atherogenic indicators, the non-parametric Chi square statistical test was used.Results: 63.5% of the evaluated workers presented car-diovascular risk; the Castelli and Kannel indicators with 40.0%and 41.2%; respectively, they are within a risk range; beingless than 50% of those interviewed; The TG/HDL indicatorwas 63.5% with cardiovascular risk. Likewise, 60.0% pre-sented unhealthy eating behavior. When evaluating the asso-ciation between eating behavior and atherogenic indicators, ap value <0.05 was obtained. Conclusion: Eating behavior has an association withatherogenic indicators in workers at a hydrocarbon camp; in-creasing cardiovascular risk in those who exhibited unhealthybehavior.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Quarentena , /epidemiologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Sedentário , Dieta Aterogênica , Dieta , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos , Ocupações
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 210-221, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231300


Introduction: Pregnancy is a period of physical and physiological changes that progresses without complications when free from factors that can compromise maternal and fetal health. Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity and inadequate weight gain are the most common causes of gestational risk, and these can be strongly associated with the nutritional status, eating habits and behavior of the pregnant woman. Objective: To describe and associate eating behavior with the nutritional status of high-risk pregnant women admitted to a reference center in the Northeast. Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out with patients admitted to high-risk wards at the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira – IMIP (Recife-PE), anthropometric data and data related to eating behavior were collected (TEMS instrument). Results: Around 56,4% of pregnant women had a prepregnancy BMI classified as overweight or obese, with only 16% classified as underweight. The evaluation of the evolution of weight gain demonstrated that 66.4% had insufficient weight gain, while 12,8% had high gestational weight gain. Discussion: When analyzing eating behavior through the TEMS instrument, the relationship of giving a good image when eating had a significant value (p < 0,05) as well as considerations of choosing healthy foods and related to obtaining energy are directly associated with the current BMI, therefore, note- It is clear that emotional, social, physiological and economic factors influence the choice of food. Conclusion: The high prevalence of overweight and obesity found in this population demonstrates the influence of eating behavior on nutritional status. Reinforcing the importance of preventive measures to identify risk factors and obtain adequate nutritional monitoring during pregnancy with the aim of reducing damage to health and promoting autonomy to make more appropriate and healthy food choices.(AU)

Introdução: A gestação é um período de mudanças físi-cas e fisiológicas que evolui sem complicações quando isentade fatores que podem acarretar no comprometimento dasaúde materna e fetal. O diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arte-rial, obesidade, ganho de peso inadequado são as mais fre-quentes causadoras do risco gestacional, podendo estas serfortemente associadas com o estado nutricional, hábito ecomportamento alimentar da gestante. Objetivo: Descrever e associar o comportamento alimen-tar com o estado nutricional de gestantes de alto risco inter-nadas em um centro de referência no Nordeste. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipotransversal realizado com pacientes internadas nas enferma-rias de alto risco do Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof.Fernando Figueira – IMIP (Recife- PE), foram coletados dadosantropométricos, dados relacionados ao comportamento ali-mentar (instrumento TEMS). Resultados: Cerca de 56,4% das gestantes tinham IMCpré-gestacional classificados em sobrepeso ou obesidade sendo apenas 16% classificadas como baixo peso. A avalia-ção da evolução do ganho ponderal demonstrou que 66,4%apresentaram um ganho de peso insuficiente, enquanto12,8% tiveram um ganho de peso gestacional elevado. Discussão: Ao analisar o comportamento alimentar atravésdo instrumento TEMS, a relação de passar uma boa imagemao se alimentar teve valor significativo (p < 0,05) bem comoconsiderações de escolher alimentos saudáveis e relacionadosa obter energia estão diretamente associados com o IMCatual, assim sendo, nota-se que fatores emocionais, sociais, fi-siológicos, econômicos influenciam na escolha dos alimentos. Conclusão: A elevada prevalência do excesso de peso eobesidade encontrada nessa população demonstra a influência do comportamento alimentar no estado nutricional.Reforçando a importância de medidas preventivas para identificar fatores de risco e obter um acompanhamento nutricio-nal adequado durante a gestação com...(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Comportamento Alimentar , Estado Nutricional , Ganho de Peso na Gestação , Obesidade , Hipertensão , Sobrepeso , Complicações na Gravidez , Estudos Transversais , Gestantes , Diabetes Mellitus
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 188-193, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231321


Introduction: Obesity is caused by an imbalance betweenincoming energy due to the consumption of more caloriesthan energy expended. Excessive fat accumulation has seri-ous and long-term health effects. This can be supported bylifestyles such as consumption of roadside snacks that arehigh in sugar, salt, and fat, but low in micronutrients and fiber.This study aims to determine the characteristics of respon-dents and analyze the relationship of street food snackinghabits, physical activity, and exposure to electronic mediawith the incidence of obesity in elementary school students atSD Adabiah Kota Padang in 2023.Methods: Research with cross sectional design. The pop-ulation in this study were students of SD Adabiah Padanggrades 1-5 with a total sample of 141 students, selected byproportional random sampling technique. Data on street foodsnacking habits and exposure to electronic media were ob-tained using a questionnaire, physical activity measured byPAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children), and obe-sity measured by IMT/U. Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.Results: The number of respondents with obese nutritionalstatus (19.9%), frequent street food snacking habits (62.4%),less physical activity (65.2%), and high exposure to electronicmedia (53.9%). Statistical test results showed that there wasno significant relationship between street food snacking habits(p-value=0.281), physical activity (p-value=0.443), and expo-sure to electronic media (p-value=0.701) with the incidence ofobesity in elementary school students.Conclusion: The results showed no association betweenstreet food snacking habits, physical activity, and exposure toelectronic media with the incidence of obesity in elementaryschool students.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Obesidade Pediátrica , Qualidade de Vida , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Sedentário , Exercício Físico , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Ciências da Nutrição Infantil , Indonésia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 290-294, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231325


Background: The consumption of macronutrients rich insugars, mainly fructose, promote metabolic changes and in-duce insulin resistance, hepatic and extrahepatic fatty aciddeposits, as well as an increase in the generation of free rad-icals and oxidative stress.Methods: Randomized clinical study, 74 subjects partici-pated, divided into 2 group: a calorie-restricted diet (n=37)and a low-fructose diet (n=37). They were evaluated at thebeginning and 6 weeks after the implementation of the diet,using anthropometric and biochemical parameters. Descriptivestatistics were used to analyze the data, Student’s t test fortwo independent samples considering unequal variances andfor means of two paired samples. Level p<0.05 was consid-ered in each analysis test.Results: The body mass index (BMI) shows statisticallysignificant differences p< 0.05 in the group with calorie re-striction after applying the diet. The waist and hip circumfer-ence were modified by the implementation of the diet in eachindependent group (p<0.001 for each statistical difference,respectively), only the waist-hip index (WHR) was modifiedwhen the results were compared between both groups,p<0.05. In the biochemical parameters after the implementa-tion of the diets, in the low-fructose diet group an increase inblood glucose was observed from 175.97 to 187.40 mg/dl,cholesterol from 34.05 to 36.89 mg/dl and HDL from 104.77to 115.47 mg/dl. However, no statistically significant differ-ences were found when comparing both groups. No statisti-cally significant differences were observed in lipid peroxida-tion parameters or oxidized carbonyls.Conclusion: The modifications in hepatic metabolismcould be related to the energy quantity and the source ofmacronutrients.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Restrição Calórica , Frutose , Resistência à Insulina , Comportamento Alimentar , Ingestão de Alimentos , Obesidade , Ciências da Nutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 39-47, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231329


Introducción: El personal que labora en las universidadespodría constituir un grupo vulnerable de padecer enfermeda-des cardiovasculares, debido a los cambios constantes en elestilo de vida, como las rutinas de trabajo acelerado, largasjornadas sentados frente a un computador e inadecuados há-bitos alimentarios. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado nutricional y riesgo cardiovascu-lar del personal que labora dentro de un campus universitario. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo yobservacional. Se recogió información sobre el estilo de vidacomo la ingesta de alcohol, consumo de cigarrillos y prácticade actividad física. Para identificar los hábitos alimentarios seaplicó una encuesta validada de frecuencia de consumo dealimentos. El riesgo cardiovascular se lo pudo establecer me-diante los puntos de corte de la circunferencia cintura, índicecintura/altura e índice cintura/cadera.Resultados: La muestra de investigación estuvo consti-tuida por 112 varones y 217 mujeres que representaron el34% y 66% respectivamente. El mayor porcentaje de investi-gados expresaron no ingerir alcohol (55,0%), no consumir ci-garrillos (90,0%) y, no realizar ningún tipo de actividad físicadiaria (52,6%). Se encontró una ingesta insuficiente en todoslos grupos de alimentos. El riesgo cardiovascular medido através de la circunferencia cintura arrojó un riesgo alto(25,8%) y muy alto (41,6%). Por otra, mediante el uso del ín-dice cintura/altura, se evidenció que el 99,1% de los investi-gados presenta riesgo cardiovascular. Finalmente, a través delíndice cintura/cadera se encontró un riesgo elevado (34,3) ymuy elevado (27,7%). Conclusiones: El riesgo cardiovascular determinado a tra-vés de perímetros e índices antropométricos en la poblaciónuniversitaria investigada fue alta.(AU)

Introduction: Staff working in universities could constitutea vulnerable group for suffering from cardiovascular diseases,due to constant changes in lifestyle, such as accelerated workroutines, long days sitting in front of a computer and inadequateeating habits.Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and cardio -vascular risk of personnel who work within a university campus.Materials and methods:Cross-sectional, descriptive andobservational study. Information was collected on lifestylesuch as alcohol intake, cigarette consumption, and physical activity. To identify eating habits, a validated food consumptionfrequency survey was applied. Cardiovascular risk could beestablished using the cut-off points of waist circumference,waist/height ratio and waist/hip ratio.Results: The research sample consisted of 112 men and217 women, representing 34% and 66% respectively. Thehighest percentage of those investigated expressed notdrinking alcohol (55.0%), not consuming cigarettes(90.0%) and not doing any type of daily physical activity(52.6%). Insufficient intake was found in all food groups.Cardiovascular risk measured through waist circumferenceshowed a high risk (25.8%) and a very high risk (41.6%).On the other hand, through the use of the waist/heightratio, it was shown that 99.1% of those investigatedpresent cardiovascular risk. Finally, through the waist/hipratio, a high (34.3) and very high (27.7%) risk was found.Conclusions:The cardiovascular risk determined throughperimeters and anthropometric indices in the universitypopulation investigated was high. It is recommended toimplement health promotion strategies to prevent theappearance of these pathologies in the long term and, in turn,treat the disease in people who suffer from it, allowing themto improve their quality of life.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estado Nutricional , Comportamento Alimentar , Exercício Físico , Estilo de Vida , Ciências da Nutrição , Equador , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 19-27, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230881


Introducción: el rendimiento académico está influenciado por numerosos factores, algunos de índole personal y otros contextuales, que, además, poseen una estrecha relación con la salud de los estudiantes. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación e influencia de los hábitos de vida, diversos indicadores de salud física y psicosocial, y variables sociodemográficas sobre dicho rendimiento. Método: el estudio se llevó a cabo sobre una muestra de 761 estudiantes (14,51 ± 1,63 años) de 25 centros educativos de una región del norte de España. Se valoró el rendimiento académico, así como la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, la autoestima, la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, las horas de sueño nocturno, el nivel de actividad física, el entorno para la práctica de dicha actividad física, la participación en actividades deportivas extraescolares, el consumo máximo de oxígeno, el índice de masa corporal y diversos factores sociodemográficos. Resultados: ser chico, tener origen migrante y poseer un nivel socioeconómico bajo/medio, una capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en zona de riesgo, una menor adherencia a la dieta mediterránea e índices más bajos de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud resultaron asociarse a un menor rendimiento académico, llegando a explicar hasta el 14 % de su varianza según el análisis de regresión. Igualmente, los adolescentes con mayor autoestima, menor índice de masa corporal, las chicas, aquellos que residían en un entorno favorable para la práctica física, los que realizaban actividad física extraescolar y los que presentaban mayor número de horas de sueño nocturno, mostraron mayores índices de rendimiento académico. Conclusiones: las intervenciones dirigidas a combatir el fracaso escolar deberían tener en cuenta los factores asociados citados, haciendo especial hincapié en los grupos más vulnerables como los chicos, aquellos con menor nivel socioeconómico y los que siguen unos hábitos de vida no saludables.(AU)

Introduction: academic performance is influenced by numerous factors, some personal and others contextual in nature, which also have a closerelationship with the health of students. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship and influence of lifestyle habits, variousphysical and psychosocial health indicators, and sociodemographic variables on academic performance.Method: the study was carried out on a sample of 761 students (14.51 ± 1.63 years old) from 25 educational centers in a region of northernSpain. Academic performance was assessed, as well as health-related quality of life, self-esteem, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, hoursof nocturnal sleep, level of physical activity, environment for the practice of physical activity, participation in extra-curricular sports activities,maximum oxygen consumption, body mass index, and various sociodemographic factors.Results: being male, having immigrant origins, as well as having a low/medium socioeconomic level, a cardiorespiratory capacity in the risk zone,lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and lower health-related quality of life indices were associated with lower academic performance,explaining up to 14 % of its variance according to the regression analysis. Likewise, adolescents with higher self-esteem, lower body mass index,females, those who lived in a favorable environment for physical activity practice, engaged in extra-curricular physical activity, and had a highernumber of hours of nocturnal sleep showed higher levels of academic performance.Conclusions: interventions aimed at combating academic failure should take into account the aforementioned associated factors, with specialemphasis on the most vulnerable groups such as males, those with lower socioeconomic status, and those who follow unhealthy lifestyle habits.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Qualidade de Vida , Desempenho Acadêmico , Comportamento Alimentar , Indicadores Básicos de Saúde , Autoimagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Espanha , Ciências da Nutrição , Saúde do Adolescente , Exercício Físico , Índice de Massa Corporal
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 38-46, Ene-Feb, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230883


Introducción: México es uno de los países con mayor prevalencia de obesidad infantil a nivel mundial. El aumento de comportamientos adictivosa temprana edad es una posible causa de su desarrollo. La escala de adicción a los alimentos para niños Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children(YFAS-C) permite identificar a los niños con conductas adictivas.Objetivo: validar la escala YFAS-C en español en una muestra de niñas/niños y adolescentes mexicanos.Material y métodos: se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, con una muestra de estudio conformada por 448 niños de sietea 14 años de edad. En la primera etapa se realizó la traducción al español; en la segunda etapa, la solución de preguntas con discrepancias;posteriormente, una traducción inversa al idioma original y una revisión por expertos en el tema de trastornos alimenticios en población pediátrica;y en la última etapa, una prueba piloto con el fin de adaptar culturalmente el instrumento y la evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas.Resultados: utilizando el método de extracción de componentes principales, se identificaron cuatro componentes que explicaron el 47,1 % dela varianza muestral. En el análisis factorial confirmatorio se encontró que los índices de bondad de ajuste cumplieron con los valores requeridos(CFI = 0,906; GFI = 0,932; AGFI = 0,915; SRMS = 0,007; RMSEA = 0,043).Conclusiones: se obtuvo una versión validada al español de la escala YFAS-C para niñas/niños y adolescentes mexicanos que permitirá evaluarla adicción a la comida.(AU)

Introduction: Mexico is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide. The increase of addictive behaviorsat an early age is a possible cause of its development. The Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children (YFAS-C) allows identifying children with foodaddictive behaviors.Objective: to validate the YFAS-C scale in Spanish in a population sample of Mexican children and adolescents.Material and methods: an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The study sample consisted of 448 children from sevento 14 years of age. The first stage involved translation into Spanish; a second stage involved the solution of questions with discrepancies; then, areverse translation into the original language and a review by experts on the subject of eating disorders in pediatric population were performed;and in the last stage, a pilot test in order to culturally adapt the instrument and the evaluation of the psychometric properties was carried out.Results: using the principal component extraction method, four components were identified that explained 47.1 % of the sample variance. Inthe confirmatory factor analysis, it was found that the goodness-of-fit indices met the required values (CFI = 0.906: GFI = 0.932; AGFI = 0.915,SRMS = 0.007 and RMSEA = 0.043).Conclusions: a validated Spanish version of the YFAS-C scale was obtained for Mexican children and adolescents to assess food addiction.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade Pediátrica , Psicometria , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Sobrepeso , Comportamento Aditivo , México , Saúde do Adolescente , Ciências da Nutrição , Dependência de Alimentos , Índice de Massa Corporal
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 47-57, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230884


Introducción: las conductas alimentarias pueden modular o influir en la calidad de la dieta y el grado de adherencia a la dieta mediterráneade niños y adolescentes.Objetivos: investigar la asociación entre la calidad de la dieta y el comportamiento alimentario en un grupo de escolares españoles.Métodos: se trata de un estudio transversal descriptivo en una muestra de 283 escolares españoles de seis a 16 años. Cada sujeto fue evaluadomediante el cuestionario KIDMED de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y el cuestionario Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) paraevaluar el comportamiento alimentario.Resultados: un 12,80 % de la muestra presentó baja adherencia a la dieta mediterránea; un 59,80 %, adherencia mejorable; y un 27,40 %,adherencia alta. Al relacionar las conductas alimentarias con la calidad dietética, los escolares con mayor disfrute por los alimentos y menosexigencia con la comida presentan el doble de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, por un consumo de casi el doble de vegetales, frutos secoso pescado, así como menor ingesta de procesados de baja calidad (golosinas y dulces). La respuesta a la saciedad y la velocidad de ingestatambién tuvieron un papel importante en las elecciones alimentarias.Conclusiones: las conductas alimentarias pueden tener un importante papel en la calidad de la dieta de los escolares, destacando el disfrute y laaceptación o rechazo por los alimentos. Dada la naturaleza bidireccional de los efectos entre las conductas alimentarias y la calidad de la dieta, elanálisis conjunto puede ser la base de futuras investigaciones con el objetivo de un mejor abordaje nutricional desde las edades más tempranas.(AU)

Introduction: eating behaviors may modulate or influence diet quality and the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet in children andadolescents.Aims: to investigate the association between diet quality and eating behavior in a group of Spanish schoolchildren.Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study of 283 Spain schoolchildren aged six to 16. Each subject was assessed using the KIDMED question-naire for adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) questionnaire to assess eating behavior.Results: of the sample, 12.80 % had low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, 59.80 % had poor adherence, 59.80 % could be improved, and27.40 % had high adherence. When relating eating behavior to dietary quality, it was found that, generally, schoolchildren with greater enjoymentof food and less demand for food have double the adherence to the Mediterranean diet due to almost twice the consumption of vegetables,nuts, and fish, and a lower intake of low-quality processed foods (sweets). The response to satiety and the speed of ingestion also played animportant role in food choices.Conclusions: eating behaviors may play an essential role in the quality of school children’s diets highlighting the enjoyment and acceptance orrejection of food. Given the bidirectional nature of the effects between eating behaviors and diet quality, the joint analysis may be the basis forfuture research with the aim of a better nutritional approach from the earliest ages.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Dieta , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade Pediátrica , Resposta de Saciedade , Ciências da Nutrição , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Espanha , Saúde do Adolescente , Obesidade
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 49-63, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230942


The main aim of the research is to determine a comparative analysis related to dietary habits and physical fitness in Chilean and Argentine athletes. Research from a comparison of the eating patterns and levels of physical fitness of athletes from Chile and Argentina are outlined related to study. The research explores how the athletes' cultural backgrounds shaped their dietary preferences, distribution of macronutrients, and training approaches. Argentina emphasizes steak, pasta, and dairy products; Chile observes a varied diet influenced by indigenous customs. For measuring the research based on primary data analysis, the research used SPSS software, and the run results included descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, model summary, chi-square values, and control charts between them. Football teams from both nations are world-class, but their athletes' diets and training plans are very different. The analysis identifies areas that might benefit from more study, suchas how these nutritional differences affect athletes' performance and how each country adjusts to its unique environment. Overall, this comparative study highlights the value of continued research and cooperation with sports science and nutrition specialists while offering a basic understanding of the complex relationship between culture, diet, and physical fitness in the sporting contexts of Chile and Argentina (AU)

Humanos , Comportamento Alimentar , Exercício Físico , Argentina , Chile
Enferm. glob ; 23(73): 151-181, ene. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228892


Introducción: De acuerdo con cifras oficiales, 75.0% de las mujeres y 69.6% de los hombres mexicanos presentan obesidad o sobrepeso, estas condiciones pueden desencadenar enfermedades crónicas. En ese sentido, los hábitos son factores determinantes para dicha prevalencia, y entre los que influyen de forma significativa sobre la salud están los hábitos alimentarios. Entonces, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Autorregulación de Hábitos Alimentarios, y derivar una versión breve. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio instrumental en el que participaron 442 adultos mexicanos (60% mujeres; Medad = 32.486 años). Además de la Escala de Autorregulación de Hábitos Alimentarios, se incluyó una ficha de datos sociodemográficos. Las evidencias de validez se analizaron desde un enfoque analítico-factorial mediante un modelamiento exploratorio de ecuaciones estructurales (ESEM, por sus siglas en inglés); mientras que la fiabilidad se estimó a nivel de puntuaciones (coeficiente alfa) y de constructo (coeficiente omega). Resultados: La escala responde a una estructura esencialmente unidimensional, de la cual se derivó una versión breve de 8 ítems que evidenció adecuados índices de ajuste, cargas factoriales elevadas, excelente fiabilidad, y es invariante entre hombres y mujeres. Conclusiones: La Escala de Autorregulación de Hábitos Alimentarios presenta una estructura unidimensional sólida, su adecuada fiabilidad permite su uso a nivel de investigación básica y aplicada, y evalúa de forma equivalente la autorregulación en hombres y mujeres (AU)

Introduction: According to official records, 75.0% of Mexican women and 69.6% of Mexican men are obese or overweight, conditions that can develop chronic diseases. In that sense, habits are determinate factors for this prevalence, among those that significantly influence health are eating habits. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Self-Regulation Scale of Eating Habits to obtain a brief version. Materials and methods: An instrumental study was carried out with 442 Mexican adults (60% women; Mage= 32.486 years). In addition to the Self-Regulation of Eating Habits Scale, a sociodemographic data sheet was included. The evidence of validity was analyzed with an analytical-factorial approach by an exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM); as well reliability was estimated at the level of scores (alpha coefficient) and construct (omega coefficient). Results: The scale responds to an essentially one-dimensional structure, a short version of 8 items was obtained, which showed an adequate adjustment index, high factor loads, excellent reliability, and being invariant between men and women. Conclusions: The Self-Regulation of Eating Habits Scale presents a solid one-dimensional structure; its adequate reliability allows it’s to use at the level of basic and applied research. Also evaluates self-regulation in men and women in an equivalent way (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade/dietoterapia , Psicometria , México
Nutr. hosp ; 40(6): 1159-1165, nov.-dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228502


Introducción: el exceso de peso en la infancia se ve influenciado por múltiples factores; la crianza podría contribuir a este problema, dado que durante la etapa infantil son los padres y principalmente la madre los responsables de proporcionar alimento y de alimentar a sus hijos. Objetivo: explorar la relación del estrés de la crianza y los estilos maternos de alimentación con el IMC del hijo preescolar. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal. Participaron 382 díadas madre e hijo, los últimos de 3-5 años. Los hijos asistían a instituciones públicas de educación preescolar. Las madres participantes contestaron la Escala de Estrés de la Crianza y el Cuestionario de Estilos de Alimentación del Cuidador. Se midió peso, talla y se calculó el IMC del preescolar. Resultados: el 34 % de las madres utilizaban con mayor frecuencia un estilo indulgente y el 28,2 % de los hijos preescolares tenía sobrepeso-obesidad. Las madres con estilo autoritario presentaban el rango promedio más alto de estrés de la crianza comparado con las otras categorías (H = 15,302, gl = 3, p = 0,002). Se identificó que la escolaridad materna, la dimensión de la responsabilidad y la demanda contribuyen al IMC del hijo preescolar. Conclusión: el estrés de la crianza y los estilos de alimentación son variables que contribuyen al riesgo de sobrepeso-obesidad en los hijos preescolares. (AU)

Introduction: excess weight in childhood is influenced by multiple factors; parenting could contribute to this problem, given that during the infant stage the parents, and mainly the mother, are responsible for providing food and feeding their children. Objective: to explore the relationship of parenting stress and maternal feeding styles with preschool BMI. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study. A total of 382 dyads, mother and child (3-5 years of age) participated. The children attended public preschool institutions. Participating mothers completed the Parenting Stress Scale and the Caregiver Feeding Styles Questionnaire. Weight and height were measured, and the child’s BMI was calculated. Results: 34 % of the mothers more frequently used an indulgent style, 28.2 % of the preschool children had overweight-obese. Mothers with an authoritative style had the highest mean range of parenting stress compared to other categories (H = 15.302, gl = 3, p = 0.002). Maternal schooling, responsibility and demand dimensions were identified as contributing to preschooler BMI. Conclusion: parenting stress and feeding styles are variables that contribute to the risk of overweight-obesity in preschool children. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Comportamento Alimentar , Estresse Psicológico , Educação Infantil/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Índice de Massa Corporal , Relações Pai-Filho , México , Obesidade Pediátrica , Sobrepeso
Nutr. hosp ; 40(6): 1270-1289, nov.-dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228515


Un alto porcentaje de la población sufre ansiedad, trastorno que puede verse influenciado por los hábitos dietéticos. El objetivo de esta revisión fue recopilar la evidencia existente sobre los patrones y factores dietéticos, y su asociación con la ansiedad para proponer unas recomendaciones clínicamente aplicables. Se realizó una revisión de alcance (Scoping Review) de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis en la base de datos MEDLINE (PubMed) hasta enero de 2021, informando de los principales hallazgos según PRISMA (2020). Para construir la estrategia de búsqueda, se emplearon el lenguaje MeSH, palabras clave (“dieta”, “nutrientes”, “estilo de vida saludable”, “ansiedad”) y filtros, combinándose mediante operadores booleanos. Se seleccionaron 12 artículos, siete revisiones sistemáticas con metaanálisis y cinco revisiones sistemáticas. Se obtuvieron diversos resultados en los que se evaluaba la relación entre la ansiedad y diferentes aspectos de la dieta. Las principales asociaciones encontradas se observaron entre un mayor consumo de verduras crudas y frutas, la sustitución de cereales refinados por integrales, la ingesta de AGP omega-3 y omega-6 y el incremento del consumo de minerales y vitaminas, triptófano y antioxidantes. De acuerdo con las revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis incluidos como resultados, se propusieron diez recomendaciones sobre el consumo de alimentos y la ingesta de nutrientes que deberían priorizarse en estos pacientes. Según la literatura revisada, se concluye que existen patrones y factores dietéticos que podrían ejercer una mayor influencia protectora sobre la ansiedad. Esta propuesta de recomendaciones dietéticas basadas en la evidenciapermitirá a los profesionales sanitarios disponer de unas pautas actualizadas que sirvan como una primera guía. (AU)

A high percentage of the population suffers from anxiety, a disorder that can be influenced by dietary habits. The aim of this review was to compile the existing evidence on dietary patterns and factors, and their association with anxiety to propose clinically applicable recommendations. A scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses was conducted in the MEDLINE database (PubMed) until January 2021, reporting the main findings based on PRISMA (2020). To construct the search strategy, MeSH language, keywords (“diet”, “nutrients”, “healthy lifestyle”, “anxiety”) and filters were used, combined using Boolean operators. Twelve articles, seven systematic reviews with meta-analysis and five systematic reviews were selected. Several results were obtained evaluating the relationship between anxiety and different aspects of diet. The main associations found were between increased consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, substitution of refined cereals by whole grains, intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, and increased intake of minerals and vitamins, tryptophan and antioxidants. Based on the systematic reviews and meta-analyses included as findings, ten recommendations on food consumption that should be considered as a priority for these patients were proposed. Based on the literature reviewed, it is concluded that there are dietary patterns and factors that could have a stronger positive influence on anxiety. This proposal of evidence-based dietary recommendations may allow healthcare professionals to have updated recommendations to provide a first orientation. (AU)

Humanos , Comportamento Alimentar , Dieta , Ansiedade/dietoterapia , Ciências da Nutrição , Estilo de Vida Saudável
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 43(4): 149-158, 13 dec. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229968


Introducción: El síndrome de Burnout o agotamiento profesional aparece como una respuesta al estrés crónico en eltrabajo, con secuelas negativas a nivel individual y general. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia del síndrome de bur-nout, estado nutricional y conducta alimentaria en los traba-jadores de la salud. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y observacional. Para identificar la presencia del síndrome de Burnout se aplicó el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory.La evaluación del estado nutricional se realizó por medio dela toma de datos antropométricos y la conducta alimentaria se identificó con el cuestionario semi-cuantitativo de frecuen-cia de consumo de alimentos. Resultados: La muestra de investigación estuvo constituida por 142 mujeres y 91 varones que representaron el60,9% y 39,1% respectivamente. La conducta alimentaria secaracterizó por un consumo insuficiente de lácteos, hortalizas,frutas, carnes, panes y cereales. Con respecto a las caracte-rísticas antropométricas relacionadas al estado nutricional seencontró que el mayor porcentaje de investigados presentanuna prevalencia de exceso de peso del 78% y un riesgo car-diovascular del 91%. En las 3 subescalas que valora la pre-sencia del síndrome de burnout se pudo observar que tantoen los componentes de cansancio emocional y despersonali-zación son bajos, reflejando un 60,9% y 53,6% respectiva-mente. Mientras que la dimensión de realización personal esalta, evidenciando un 63,1%.Conclusiones: En la población de estudio no existen indicios de presencia de síndrome de burnout, sin embargo, un menor porcentaje de trabajadores de la salud presentan can-sancio emocional (19,3%), despersonalización (25,8%) ybaja realización personal (19,7%). Por lo cual se recomienda, buscar estrategias para reducir la carga administrativa y disminuir el nivel de agotamiento laboral en quienes lo padeceny prevenirlo en aquellos que presenten factores de riesgo (AU)

Introduction: Burnout syndrome or professional exhaustion appears as a response to chronic stress at work, withnegative consequences at an individual and general level. Objective: Determine the presence of burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study. To identify the presence of Burnout syndrome, the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire was applied. To assess the nutritional status, anthropometric datawere taken and eating behavior was identified with the semi-quantitative questionnaire on frequency of food consumption. Results: The research sample consisted of 142 womenand 91 men who represented 60.9% and 39.1% respectively. The eating behavior was characterized by an insufficient con-sumption of dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meats, breadsand cereals. Regarding the anthropometric characteristics re-lated to nutritional status, it was found that the highest per-centage of those investigated had a prevalence of excessweight of 78% and a cardiovascular risk of 91%. In the 3 sub-scales that assess the presence of burnout syndrome, it wasobserved that both the emotional exhaustion and deperson-alization components are low, reflecting 60.9% and 53.6%respectively. While the dimension of personal fulfillment ishigh, evidencing 63.1%.Conclusions: In the study population there are no indica-tions of the presence of burnout syndrome, however, a lowerpercentage of health workers present emotional exhaustion(19.3%), depersonalization (25.8%) and low personal fulfillment (19.7%). Therefore, it is recommended to seek strategies to reduce the administrative burden and reduce the levelof job burnout in those who suffer from it and prevent it inthose who present risk factors (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Esgotamento Psicológico/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Estudos Transversais
An. psicol ; 39(3): 496-504, Oct-Dic, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-224951


Diversos estudios han informado que la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en adolescentes ha disminuido durante la pandemia por COVID-19. En este trabajo se analizó la CVRS en jóvenes de 13 a 17 años una vez finalizada la pandemia. Para ello se hizo un seguimiento en tres momentos diferentes: antes de la pandemia (2019), durante las restricciones de la pandemia (2021) y tras las restricciones de la misma (2022). Se utilizó un diseño de retardo temporal (time-lag design) en tres fases, con un total de 2027 adolescentes que cumplimentaron el cuestionario Kidscreen-10 de CVRS. Mediante modelos ANOVA y de regresión logística se analizó la influencia del género, la práctica deportiva y estar en tratamiento en salud mental. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un empeoramiento de la CVRS en 2021, cuando los jóvenes volvían a los centros educativos en régimen de semipresencialidad. Este descenso fue independiente del género. En 2022, una vez eliminadas todas las restricciones, la CVRS se recuperó a niveles prepandemia en los chicos, pero no en las chicas. Lo mismo ocurrió con los jóvenes en tratamiento de salud mental. En todos los casos, la práctica deportiva se mostró como un factor protector de la CVRS.(AU)

Several studies have reported that health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adolescents has decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, HRQoL was analyzed in young people aged 13 to 17 years after the end of the pandemic. For this purpose, we followed up at three different points in time: before the pandemic (2019), during (2021) and af-ter the pandemic restrictions (2022).A time-lag design in three phases was used, with a total of 2027 adolescents completing the Kidscreen-10 HRQoL questionnaire. ANOVA and logistic regression models were used to analyze the influence of gender, playing sports and mental health treat-ment.The results obtained showed a worsening of HRQoL in 2021, when young people returned to school on a blended learning basis.This worsen-ing occurred regardless of gender. In 2022, once all restrictions were re-moved, boys recovered health-related quality of life to pre-pandemic levels, but this did not occur in girls. The same happened with young people in mental health treatment. In all cases, doing sports was shown to be a pro-tective factor for HRQoL.(AU)

Humanos , Qualidade de Vida , Saúde do Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente , Pandemias , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/psicologia , Psicologia do Adolescente , Estudos Longitudinais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Saúde Mental , Esportes , Comportamento Alimentar , Dieta Saudável
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 29(4): 1-11, Octubre-Diciembre, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229070


Fundamentos: El sueño es una función biológica de vital importancia ya que interviene en múltiples procesosbiológicos como la regulación energética, estando asociada una mala calidad y/o cantidad de sueño con elsobrepeso y la obesidad. El objetivo fue identificar la asociación de sueño insuficiente con cambios en el tamaño delas porciones, patrones alimentarios y sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios de América Latina.Métodos: Estudio transversal y multicéntrico. A los estudiantes, utilizando un cuestionario on-line, se les consultósobre su alimentación, horas de sueño, peso y estatura y otras variables sociodemográficas.Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 4.880 estudiantes, mayoritariamente mujeres (73,8%), la regresión no mostróasociaciones entre sueño insuficiente con estado nutricional y aumento del tamaño de las porciones de alimentos.En el modelo 3 (mayor ajuste) se observó que el sueño insuficiente se asoció con el consumo de infrecuente dedesayuno OR:1,22 (IC 95% 1,07-1,40) y frutas OR:1,16 (IC 95% 1,01-1,33), y no realizar actividad física OR:1,18(IC95% 1,03-1,34). Por otro lado, hubo asociaciones protectoras frente al sueño insuficiente como pertenecer alsexo femenino OR: 0,86 (IC 95% 0,74-0,99) y ser estudiantes de carreras de la salud OR:0,64 (IC 95% 0,56-0,73).Conclusiones: El estudio revela que el sueño insuficiente en estudiantes universitarios se asocia con no desayunartodos los días y consumir insuficiente fruta.(AU)

Background: Sleep is a biological function of vital importance since it intervenes in multiple biological processessuch as energy regulation, with poor quality and/or quantity of sleep being associated with overweight and obesity.The objective was to identify the association of insufficient sleep with changes in portion sizes, eating patterns andoverweight/obesity in university students in Latin America.Methods: Cross-sectional, multicenter study. Students, using an online questionnaire, were asked about their diet,hours of sleep, weight and height, and other sociodemographic variables.Results: The study included 4,880 students, mostly women (73.8%). The regression showed no association betweeninsufficient sleep with nutritional status and increased food portion size. In model 3 (higher adjustment), it wasobserved that insufficient sleep was associated with infrequent consumption of breakfast OR:1.22 (95% CI 1.07-1.40) and fruits OR:1.16 (95% CI 1.01-1.33), and no physical activity OR: 1.18 (95% CI 1.03-1.34), on the other handthere were protective associations against insufficient sleep such as belonging to the female sex OR: 0.86 (95% CI0.74-0.99) and being students of health careers OR:0.64 (95% CI 0.56-0.73).Conclusions: The study reveals that insufficient sleep in university students is associated with not eating breakfastevery day and insufficient fruit consumption.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Privação do Sono , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade , Saúde do Estudante , América Latina