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Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(2): 76-84, Jun 20, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-222935


Development and progress in any sector are critical in today's ever changing world. People who work in the sports sector believe sports to be extremely important in their life. Football, basketball, cricket, tennis, and other sports are particularly popular among males. When dealing with diverse difficulties, organisational behaviour also refers to an organization's attitude and behaviour. To perform at their best, players must be inspired, encouraged, and trained. The first factor that influences the growth of the sports sector is organisational behaviour. Artificial intelligence is the second factor that contributes to the progress of the sports business. Marketing is the third aspect that contributes to the growth of the sports sector. Any industry's worth and value are increased through marketing. Organizational behaviour, artificial intelligence, and marketing tactics were employed as independent factors in this study. New Product Development, on the other hand, has been employed as a dependent variable. The information was gathered from 30 people and evaluated with AMOS 26v. Furthermore, the findings revealed a substantial relationship between the factors.(AU)

Humanos , Saúde Mental , Inteligência Artificial , Estudantes , Esportes , Marketing
J. optom. (Internet) ; 16(2): 116-127, Abr-Jun 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-218463


Objective: An international survey evaluated the opportunities and threats related to contact lens practice reported by eye care professionals worldwide. This study reports on the results specifically found in Spain and how these compare with those from other regions of the world. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to eye care practitioners around the world through professional associations. The questionnaire consisted of 9, 5 and 12 questions about opportunities, interventions, and potential threats related to contact lens practice, respectively. Results: A total of 2,408 responses were obtained from practitioners worldwide, of which 436 responses were obtained from Spanish practitioners. Spain was found among the regions with the highest perception of opportunities (median: 6.5/10) along with Australasia, North America, Europe, and South America. Spanish (median: 7.3/10), along with South American practitioners, also reported the highest perception of threats. Continuously updating of knowledge/skills, recommending contact lens wearing options to potential patients, creating an efficient recall system for follow-up examinations and being competent in managing contact lens-related complications were reported as important interventions for contact lens practice growth by Spanish eye care practitioners. Conclusions: Spain is one of the regions in the world with the highest perception of both opportunities and threats regarding future contact lens practice. As such, Spanish practitioners consider it important to continuously update knowledge/skills and to recommend and educate patients on the benefits of contact lens wear. Online sales were found to be one of the most important concerns reported by both Spanish and eye care practitioners worldwide.(AU)

Humanos , Olho , Lentes de Contato , Visão Ocular , Oftalmologistas , Marketing , Inquéritos e Questionários , Espanha
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(1): 179-185, May 3, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-225017


In recent years, the number of sports enthusiasts in China has increased. Other domestic and international sporting goods manufacturers have also cited running gear as a primary development focus. The geographical environment and its environment heavily influence the marketing approach for the running brand Decay in a particular region. This study used the PEST analysis tool to investigate the region's political, economic, social, cultural, technological development, and other environmental factors. The SWOT analysis tool evaluated Decathlon's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This study studied Decathlon's marketing strategies from the 4P and 4C perspectives, described and assessed the emerging marketing strategies, including the tactics to encourage and inhibit its development, and offered some improvement approaches. In 2021, the Decathlon sports brand will see a growth rate of 65.69%, while in 2022, the growth rate will drastically drop to 15.69%. Even though the company's revenue growth rate has slowed, the overall profit margin has not altered substantially and has maintained at roughly 29%, demonstrating that the marketing strategy is highly significant. A sports brand's marketing plan offers more advantages than its price and channel strategies.(AU)

Humanos , Publicidade Direta ao Consumidor , Propaganda , Estilo de Vida Saudável , Esportes , Marketing , China , Esportes/psicologia , Psicologia do Esporte
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(3): 5-14, julio 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-209778


Introducción: según estudios recientes, los Servicios Profesionales Farmacéuticos Asistenciales (SPFA) demostraron sus beneficios en la calidad de vida de pacientes y sistemas de salud. Los SPFA son actividades sanitarias prestadas desde la farmacia comunitaria (FC) para la prevención de enfermedades y la mejora de la salud mediante la optimización del uso y del resultado de los tratamientos. Sin embargo, en España existe un bajo porcentaje de farmacias comunitarias que ofrecen SPFA, a excepción de la dispensación, indicación farmacéutica, medida de parámetros clínicos, la educación/información sanitaria y la formulación magistral, ya arraigados en la profesión desde hace tiempo. Objetivo: analizar los factores facilitadores y barreras en la demanda de determinados SPFA por parte de usuarios potenciales, desde el enfoque del producto según las 4Ps del Marketing Mix.Material y métodos: estudio cualitativo de tipo explicativo-interpretativo y exploratorio basado en la teoría fundamentada, mediante análisis inductivo aplicado a entrevistas semi-estructuradas, individuales y grupales.Resultados: las barreras y facilitadores son similares en todos los SPFA analizados, salvo algunas excepciones. Estas barreras y facilitadores son multifactoriales, porque están vinculados con la farmacia, el usuario, factores externos y el farmacéutico.Conclusiones: las barreras en la demanda de los SPFA son la baja adaptación a las necesidades del usuario, los nombres poco entendibles, la falta de integración de la FC en el sistema sanitario, el desconocimiento sobre los SPFA, las insuficientes evidencias de éxito y la satisfacción en servicios percibidos como similares realizados fuera de la FC. Por el contrario, los facilitadores que ayudan al aumento de la demanda de los SPFA son la actitud y aptitud del farmacéutico, el buen trato al paciente, la accesibilidad, cercanía y confortabilidad de la FC y la necesidad del paciente por mejorar su estado de salud. (AU)

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Farmácia , Marketing , Sistemas de Saúde , Prevenção de Doenças , Terapêutica , Pacientes , Espanha
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 25(3): 107-114, junio 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-210574


Introducción y objetivo: Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han cubierto todos los campos de acción del ser humano. El networking y el establecimiento de la marca personal registrada en internet han permitido establecer vínculos, contactos e intercambio de conocimientos libre de barreras, rompiendo fronteras geográficas y sociales, unidos en torno a intereses comunes. El objetivo fue determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre networking y marketing académico en docentes de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) durante el segundo semestre académico de 2021.Sujetos y métodos.Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el que se aplicó una encuesta validada a 114 docentes de la USAT durante el semestre académico 2021-II. El instrumento midió algunos datos sociodemográficos y el nivel de conocimientos en networking y marketing académico.Resultados.El nivel de conocimientos sobre networking y marketing académico en los docentes de la USAT durante el segundo semestre académico 2021 fue, en promedio, deficiente, con una puntuación de 9,34 en la escala vigesimal.Conclusiones.El networking en el contexto docente universitario es una herramienta valiosa para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y el marketing académico mejora la gestión de la marca profesional docente, por lo cual se debe promover su investigación e implementación en las universidades. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Information and communication technologies have covered all the fields of action of the human being, networking and the establishment of the personal brand registered on the internet, have allowed establishing links, contacts and exchange of knowledge free of barriers, breaking geographical and social borders, united around common interests. The objective was to determine the level of knowledge about academic networking and marketing in USAT teachers during the second academic semester of 2021.Subjects and methods.Descriptive cross-sectional study, where a validated survey was applied to 114 USAT teachers during the academic semester 2021-II, the instrument measured some sociodemographic data, and the level of knowledge in networking and academic marketing.Results.The level of knowledge about networking and academic marketing in the professors of the USAT during the second academic semester of 2021 was on average poor with a score of 9.34 on the vigesimal scale.Conclusions.Networking in the university teaching context is a valuable tool for improving teaching-learning processes, and academic marketing improves the management of the teaching professional brand, for which its research and implementation in universities should be promoted. (AU)

Humanos , Docentes , Internet , Marketing , Tecnologia da Informação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Peru
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 22(1): 190-204, ene. - abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-208967


O objetivo desta investigação foi comparar a satisfação com os jogos e serviços dos torcedores de clubes de futebol do Estado de Pernambuco em relação ao Campeonato Brasileiro nos anos de 2016 a 2019. A amostra foi composta por 937 torcedores, coletados entre os anos de 2016 e 2019. O procedimento de coleta adotado foi o E-survey, onde os indivíduos responderam ao questionário online disponível na plataforma Google Forms. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário composto por três dimensões: 1. Satisfação com o jogo; 2. Satisfação com os serviços; 3. Caracterização sociodemográfica. Para a análise dos dados foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória a fim de confirmar o ajustamento do modelo proposto, conduzida no software AMOS, seguida de uma ANOVA a dois fatores e uma correlação de Pearson, realizadas no software SPSS Statistics versão 24. O modelo refinado apresentou um bom ajustamento aos dados [χ² (8) = 24.75 (p < .001), χ²/gl = 3.09, TLI = .99, CFI = .99, GFI = .99, RMSEA = .05, MECVI = .05]. Na satisfação com o jogo, evidenciou-se que há diferenças na interação entre clube e ano, assim como na satisfação com o serviço. Demostrou-se em sua maioria correlações significativas entre a satisfação com o jogo e com o serviço, com destaque para o clube 3 (r=.860) e o clube 2 (r=.718) em 2018. Portanto, é fundamental que os clubes de futebol passem a qualificar a gestão dos seus serviços, não só os elementos ligados ao resultado esportivo. (AU)

El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar la satisfacción con los juegos y servicios de los fanáticos de los clubes de fútbol en el Estado de Pernambuco en relación con el Campeonato Brasileño en los años 2016 a 2019. La muestra consistió en 937 aficionados, recolectados entre los años 2016 a 2019. El procedimiento de recolección adoptado fue la encuesta electrónica, donde las personas respondieron el cuestionario en línea disponible en la plataforma Google Forms. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario compuesto por tres dimensiones: 1. Satisfacción con el juego; 2. Satisfacción con los servicios; 3. Caracterización sociodemográfica. Para el análisis de datos, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para confirmar el ajuste del modelo propuesto, realizado en el software AMOS, seguido de un ANOVA de dos vías y una correlación de Pearson, realizado en el software SPSS Statistics versión 24. O El modelo refinado presentó un buen ajuste a los datos [χ² (8) = 24.75 (p < .001), χ²/gl = 3.09, TLI = .99, CFI = .99, GFI = .99, RMSEA = .05, MECVI = .05]. En la satisfacción con el juego, fue evidente que existen diferencias en la interacción entre el club y el año, así como en la satisfacción con el servicio. Fue demostrado correlaciones significativas entre la satisfacción con el juego y el servicio, con énfasis en el club 3 (r = .860) y el club 2 (r = .718) en 2018. Por lo tanto, es esencial que los clubes de fútbol comiencen a calificar la gestión de sus servicios, no solo los elementos vinculados al resultado deportivo. (AU)

The objective of this research was to compare the satisfaction with the games and services of soccer club fans in the State of Pernambuco in relation to the Brazilian Championship in the years 2016 to 2019. The sample consisted of 937 fans, collected between the years 2016 to 2019. The collection procedure adopted was the E-survey, where individuals answered the online questionnaire available on the Google Forms platform. The instrument used was a questionnaire composed of three dimensions: 1. Satisfaction with the game; 2. Satisfaction with services; 3. Sociodemographic characterization. For the data analysis, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to confirm the adjustment of the proposed model, conducted in AMOS software, followed by an ANOVA two-way and a Pearson correlation, performed in the SPSS Statistics software version 24. The refined model presented a good fit to the data [χ² (8) = 24.75 (p < .001), χ²/gl = 3.09, TLI = .99, CFI = .99, GFI = .99, RMSEA = .05, MECVI = .05]. In the satisfaction with the game, it was evident that there are differences in the interaction between club and year, as well as in satisfaction with the service. Evidenced significant correlations between satisfaction with the game and with the service, with emphasis on club 3 (r=.860) and club 2 (r=.718) in 2018. Therefore, it is essential that soccer clubs start to qualify the management of their services, not only the elements linked to the sports result. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Futebol , Comportamento do Consumidor , Marketing , Inquéritos e Questionários , Brasil , Análise Fatorial
Rev. psicol. deport ; 30(4): 124-131, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-214063


Development and expansion in any profession are critical in today's advanced world. Individuals associated with the sports industry view sports as a critical component of their lives. Men, in particular, are more interested in sports like football, basketball, cricket, and tennis. Additionally, organizational behaviour refers to an organization's attitude and actions when confronted with various difficulties. Players must be inspired, encouraged, and trained to perform at their best. The first factor contributing to the sports sector's growth is organizational behaviour. Artificial intelligence is the second factor that contributes to the progress of the sports business. Marketing is the third aspect that contributes to the advancement of the sports business. Marketing a product or service enhances both its worth and value. Three independent variables were considered in this paper: organizational behaviour, artificial intelligence, and marketing tactics. On the other hand, New Product Development has been included as a dependent variable. AMOS 26v was used to evaluate the data collected from 30 respondents. Additionally, the findings demonstrated a substantial correlation between the factors.(AU)

Humanos , Esportes , Eficiência Organizacional , Inteligência Artificial , Motivação , Marketing , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Inquéritos e Questionários
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 19(2)apr.- jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-225542


Clarity about the pharmacist’s “product” is fundamental to developing and communicating the value of pharmacy offerings. It is clear within the profession that pharmacists use their scope of knowledge and technical skills to address medication-related needs of individuals and populations. However, confusion still remains in the professional and public literature about what a pharmacist precisely produces for society. Is it a drug, service, program, solution, or something else? As the profession evolves from one that focuses on dispensing drugs to a profession that seeks to achieve positive patient health outcomes, pharmacists need to better conceptualize and articulate what they produce. This narrative review explores ideas from the marketing, business strategy, and entrepreneurship literature to discuss diverse perspectives on the pharmacist’s product. The four perspectives are the product as (1) a tangible product, (2) an intangible service, (3) a “smart, connected” good or service, and (4) a solution to a customer problem in whatever form provided. Based upon these perspectives, the pharmacist’s product can be any combination of tangible or intangible, face-to-face or virtual offering produced by pharmacists that seeks to satisfy medication-related needs and wants of pharmacy patients and customers. Ideas discussed in this review include the total product concept, classification schemes from the services marketing literature, the theory of service-dominant logic, the concepts of “smart, connected” products and industrialized intimacy, and the jobs-to-be-done framework. These various perspectives offer lessons for pharmacists on how to innovate when serving patients and customers and to communicate the pharmacist’s value proposition to the people they serve (AU)

Humanos , Farmácias , Assistência Farmacêutica , Serviços Comunitários de Farmácia , Prescrições de Medicamentos , Marketing , Modelos Teóricos
Rev. psicol. deport ; 30(1): 129-143, May 24, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-213790


This study examines how the psychological behavior of voters, voter attitudes, and voters’ actions respond to situations involving the use of a series of social media marketing, corporate social responsibility, and political campaign activities. It also investigates the mediating consequences of political campaigns on the mental psychology of voters. Questionnaires were electornically administered among university students in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In conjunction with SPSS and AMOS version 24, the structural equation modeling approach was utilised to examine the relationships between the modeled variables on the basis of data collected from 525 university students. The reliability and validity of the measurements was confirmed before the proposed research hypotheses were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The results revealed that social media marketing positively influences political campaigns, corporate social responsibility, and thee mental psychology of voters. CSR, political campaigns, and social media marketing's positive effects on mental psychology of voter have been supported. The results also confirmed that political campaigns significantly mediate the relationship between social media marketing and mental psychology of voters as well as the relationship between CSR and mental psychology. This study enriches the understanding of social media marketing, CSR activities, and political campaigns voter vis-à-vis the mental psychology of university students. Political groups can gain benefits by understanding how specific CSR activities can influence voter’s mental psychology and social media engagement value, leading to enhanced mental psychology and choices. The study's originality and novelty are embedded in its ability to build an integrated model that examines the interaction between social media marketing and mental psychology related to voters among university students.(AU)

Humanos , Marketing Social , Rede Social , Marketing , Responsabilidade Social , Direitos Civis , Inquéritos e Questionários , Iraque , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 93: 0-0, 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-189550


OBJETIVO: Para la industria la publicidad en alimentación dirigida a captar al público infantil ha estado siempre a la orden del día. En los últimos años, debido a la epidemia de obesidad infantil que se está viviendo en los países desarrollados, la legislación es cada vez más estricta a este respecto. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los productos dirigidos en su etiquetado hacia el público infantil con otros de similares características que no incluyan publicidad infantilizada para valorar si existen diferencias nutricionales entre ellos. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo observacional transversal. Se estudiaron los productos de alimentación a la venta en supermercados y grandes superficies dirigidos a público infantil y sus equivalentes dirigidos a público adulto. Se empleó un tamaño muestral de 160 productos (80 productos infantiles y 80 productos para adultos). La información se recogió de forma presencial en 5 supermercados. Se analizaron medidas de frecuencia para los resultados descriptivos y ji-cuadrado para las comparaciones entre variables cualitativas. RESULTADOS: En un 58,75% de los productos estudiados no se encontraron mejores valores nutricionales para los niños pese a ser destinados por medio del empaquetado directamente a ellos. El 52,94%, además, tuvo un precio superior en los productos infantiles pese a tener las mismas características nutricionales. CONCLUSIONES: Los productos con embalaje infantil presentan características nutricionales similares a grandes rasgos a aquellos que dirigidos al público adulto por lo que se precisa una adecuada revisión del etiquetado nutricional de los productos cuando se acude a realizar la compra

OBJECTIVE: Food advertising to attract children has always been the order of the day for industries. In recent years, due to the epidemic of childhood obesity in developed countries, legislation is increasingly strict in this regard. The purpose of this study is to compare the products targeted in their labeling to children with other similar products that do not include childish advertising to assess whether there are nutritional differences between them. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational descriptive study. We studied the food products sold in supermarkets and their equivalents for adults. A sample size of 160 products was used (80 children's products and 80 adult products). The information was collected in person at 5 supermarkets. We analyzed frequency measures for descriptive results and chi-square for comparisons between qualitative variables. RESULTS: In 58.75% of the products studied no greater nutritional suitability was found for the children despite being destined through the packaging directly to them. The 52.94%, in addition, had a higher price in children's products despite having the same nutritional characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: The products with infantile packaging present nutritional characteristics similar in packaging to those that are directed to the adult public, reason why an adequate revision is needed the nutritional labeling of the products when it goes to realize the purchases

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adulto , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Infantil , Marketing , Valor Nutritivo , Embalagem de Alimentos , Alimentos , Estudos Transversais , Obesidade Pediátrica/etiologia , Obesidade Pediátrica/prevenção & controle
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 10(4): 14-19, 28 dic., 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-175291


Objetivos: Iniciar un nuevo servicio remunerado para el control y cribado de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, promocionándolo mediante una novedosa campaña de marketing. Conocer el nivel de riesgo cardiovascular de nuestros usuarios, así como de algunos de sus principales factores modificables asociados. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal en usuarios adultos que solicitaron participar en la campaña. Esta se denominó "First Date: una cita con tu corazón" (haciendo alusión todos sus materiales al conocido programa televisivo) y se ofreció a los pacientes un Menú Especial a 12€ compuesto por un Entrante (Perímetro abdominal, IMC, PA y Toma de pulso), Plato Principal (Colesterol total y Edad Vascular) y Postre (nivel RCV). Resultados: Realizamos 34 menús: edad media 57,8 años y 53% de mujeres. Encontramos valores por encima de los límites normales, en (% de la población total): perímetro abdominal (50%), IMC (18% sobrepeso y 5% obesidad), colesterol total (70,6%), VOP (23,5%) y PAS (14,7% PAS). Respecto a la PAD se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambos sexos: 70.0 ± 2.0 mmHg en mujeres y 83.1 ± 3.2 mmHg en hombres (**p=0.0012 t test). También se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en el hábito tabáquico (el 75% de los fumadores eran hombres) y de consumo de alcohol (el 72,7% de consumidores habituales eran hombres). El 29,4% de la población tenían RCV medio y el 20,6% elevado. Encontramos pulso irregular sin diagnóstico previo en el 11,8% de pacientes (2 hombres y 2 mujeres). Se realizaron 4 derivaciones al médico, 7 derivaciones para control de PA en la farmacia, 26 recomendaciones sobre dieta y ejercicio, 6 recomendaciones sobre tabaco y 3 intervenciones en adherencia. Conclusiones: Ayudados por la campaña de marketing, se consiguió comunicar e iniciar adecuadamente nuestro servicio profesional (remunerado) de cribado y control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Los valores encontrados en nuestra población tienen un margen de mejora elevado, sobre todo en cuanto a los niveles de PAD, colesterol total, perímetro abdominal y nivel de RCV

Objectives: Start a new paid service for the control and screening of cardiovascular risk factors, promoting it through a innovative marketing campaign. And know the level of cardiovascular risk of our users, as well as some of its main modifiable factors associated. Material and methods: Cross-sectional observational study, in adult users who requested to participate in the campaign. It was called "First Date: an appointment with your heart" (referring all its materials to the well-known television program) and patients were offered a 12€ Special Menu composed by a Starter (Abdominal perimeter, BMI, BP and pulse collection), Main Course (Total colesterol and Vascular Age) and Dessert (CV risk). Results: We made 34 menus: average age 57.8 years and 53% of them women. We found values above the normal limits, without significant differences between sexes in (% of the total population): abdominal perimeter (50%), BMI (18% overweight and 5% obesity), total cholesterol (70.6%), PWV (23.5%) and PAS (14.7% SBP). Regarding the DBP, significant differences were found between both sexes: 70.0 ± 2.0 mmHg in women and 83.1 ± 3.2 mmHg in men ( p = 0.0012 t test). Sex differences in smoking habits (75% of smokers were men) and alcohol consumption (72.7% of habitual users were men) were found. 29.4% of the population had mean CV risk and 20.6% elevated. We found an irregular pulse without previous diagnosis in 11.8% of patients (2 men and 2 women). There were 4 referrals to the doctor, 7 referrals for control of BP in the pharmacy, 26 recommendations about diet and exercise, 6 recommendations about tobacco and 3 interventions on adherence. Conclusions: Aided by the marketing campaign, we were able to communicate and properly initiate our Professional Service (paid) for Screening and Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factors. The values found in our population have a high margin of improvement, especially in terms of the levels of DBP, total cholesterol, abdominal perimeter and CV risk levels

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Serviços Comunitários de Farmácia , Marketing , Marketing de Serviços de Saúde , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Estudo Observacional , Estudos Transversais , Fatores de Risco
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 34(1): 38-45, abr. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-174277


Changes imposed on public higher education institutions try to adopt some management practices in public organizations. In this study, we intend to understand how organizational culture (support, innovation, goals, rules) and internal marketing can contribute to the organizational support of employees of higher education institutions. The study was developed with a sample of 635 employees. The results show that organizational culture and internal marketing contribute to the explanation of perceived organizational support (POS). Then, through a structural equation model, it was possible to confirm the contribution of support culture and internal marketing to the explanation of POS. More studies are necessary taking students’ point of view into account. These results reveal the importance of the fact that organizations need to implement a culture of support and appropriate internal communication networks that allow employees to perceive social support

Los cambios impuestos por las instituciones de educación superior públicas tratan de encajar algunas prácticas de gestión en las organizaciones públicas. En este estudio pretendemos entender cómo la cultura organizacional (apoyo, innovación, objetivos, reglas) y el marketing interno pueden contribuir al apoyo de la organización a los empleados de las instituciones de educación superior. El estudio fue desarrollado con una muestra de 635 empleados. Los resultados muestran que la cultura organizacional y el marketing interno contribuyen a la explicación de la percepción de apoyo organizacional (PAO). Se pudo confirmar la contribución de la cultura de apoyo y marketing interno a la explicación de la PAO. Se necesitan más estudios que tengan en cuenta el punto de vista de los estudiantes. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de la necesidad que tienen las organizaciones de implementar una cultura de apoyo y redes de comunicación

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Cultura Organizacional , Modelos Organizacionais , Marketing/organização & administração , 35174 , 16054 , Sistemas de Apoio a Decisões Administrativas/organização & administração , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal/organização & administração , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Psicologia Industrial/organização & administração , Portugal
Cir. mayor ambul ; 22(3): 168-175, jul.-dic. 2017. graf, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-170326


El marketing sanitario (MS) es un nuevo concepto que adquiere relevancia ante el creciente interés de la administración por introducir un cierto nivel de competencia regulada entre los proveedores de la asistencia sanitaria en nuestro caso, hospitales y unidades quirúrgicas a las que deseamos garantizar un alto grado de competitividad y rentabilidad social. El objetivo del marketing sanitario es coordinar la actividad asistencial de modo que integre el punto de vista del profesional y del paciente, con vistas a obtener el valor añadido que supone satisfacer sus expectativas a un precio razonable. A los requisitos de efectividad y eficiencia se les suma ahora el interés por obtener el valor añadido de la satisfacción del paciente. En la práctica observamos que los motivos más frecuentes de insatisfacción poco tienen que ver con la efectividad de las intervenciones. El marketing sanitario, entendido como una herramienta de investigación y de acción, se vislumbra como una alternativa para conocer mejor estas nuevas necesidades del paciente. Los contenidos que establecemos son: la aproximación inicial a la CMA como marketing, la gestión de la calidad del servicio de CMA y la investigación de mercados en la CMA (AU)

Health marketing is a new concept that becomes relevant, given the increasing interest of the administration to introduce a certain level of regulated com-petition among health care providers; In our case: hospitals and surgical units to which we want to guarantee a high degree of competitiveness and social profitability. The objective of health marketing is to coordinate the care activity so that it integrates the point of view of the professional and the patient, with a view to obtaining the added value of meeting their expectations at a reasonable price. To the requirements of effectiveness and efficiency are added the interest to obtain the added value of patient satisfaction. In practice we observe that the most frequent reasons for dissatisfaction have little to do with the effectiveness of the interventions. Health marketing, understood as a tool for research and action, is seen as an alternative to better understand these new needs of the patient. The contents that we establish are: The initial approximation to the Day Surgery (DS) as marketing, the management of the quality of the DS service and the market research in the DS (AU)

Humanos , Marketing/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ambulatórios , Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Assistência Ambulatorial/organização & administração , Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial/organização & administração , Marketing/organização & administração , Análise Custo-Benefício , Auditoria Médica , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/organização & administração , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/normas
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 15(1): 0-0, ene.-mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-161878


Background: The availability of over-the-counter drugs (OTCs) has increased in Sweden since a re-regulation of the pharmacy market in 2009, through which non-pharmacy retailers became permitted to provide certain OTCs. Objective: To examine the adult general public’s views on safety, purchasing and information channels, storage and disposal of OTCs in Sweden, three years after the re-regulation of the pharmacy market. Methods: A questionnaire study in 2012-13 in a stratified, random sample of all inhabitants in Sweden ≥ 18 years old. Results: Totally 8,302 people (42%) answered the questionnaire. Seven percent found OTCs completely harmless regardless of how they are being used, 18% felt they should be used only on health professionals’ recommendation. Differences in how OTCs are perceived were however found with regards to respondents’ country of birth, family type, educational level and income. The pharmacy was still the preferred OTC drug retailer by 83% of the respondents and preferred information source by 80% Reasons for preferred retailers were primarily due to out of habit (45%), counseling provided (35%), the product range (34%) and the confidence in staff (27%). Analgesics are the most common OTCs to have at home (90%). The bathroom cabinet is the primary site for storage (42%) and 16% throw their OTC leftovers in the trash. Conclusions: The study population does not consider OTCs as harmless regardless of how they are used, but on the other hand feels they should not be taken on health professionals’ recommendation only. The pharmacy is still the preferred retailer and information source, and there is room for further improvement in the storage and disposal of OTCs. A return of OTC drug leftovers to the pharmacy should be further encouraged. Due to several limitations, great caution should however be observed when generalizing the results to the adult population of Sweden (AU)

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade de Produtos para o Consumidor/legislação & jurisprudência , Informação de Saúde ao Consumidor/métodos , Publicidade Direta ao Consumidor/normas , Preparações Farmacêuticas/administração & dosagem , Controle de Medicamentos e Entorpecentes/legislação & jurisprudência , Controle de Medicamentos e Entorpecentes/organização & administração , Marketing/métodos , Segurança do Paciente/normas , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. psicol. deport ; 25(supl.1): 9-10, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-154694


This is an introductory article to the present supplement where it is presented a total of 23 research papers, which has been discussed within the VII Iberoamerican Congress of Economics and Management of Sport, where it will be see the standards of quality and scientific rigor usual in these disciplines, which will contribute to a greater and better understanding of the economic dimension of sport in its different perspectives. In this way, it is important to emphasize the integrative nature of the selected works, which reinforce the interdisciplinary and integrating perspective research on issues relating to sport and physical activity. The research areas are as follows, sports psychology, sports economics, sports management and sports marketing institutions among others

Se trata de un artículo de introducción al presente suplemento, en él se presenta un total de 23 trabajos de investigación, los cuales se han tratado en el VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía y Gestión del Deporte, en ellos se pueden observar los estándares de calidad y rigor científico habituales en estas disciplinas, con ello esperamos contribuir a una mayor y mejor comprensión de las diferentes perspectivas de la dimensión económica del deporte. De esta manera, es importante hacer hincapié en la naturaleza integradora de las obras seleccionadas, las cuales refuerzan la perspectiva de la investigación en temas relacionados con el deporte y la actividad física. Las áreas de investigación son las siguientes, psicología del deporte, economía del deporte, gestión del deporte y marketing del deporte entre otros

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pesquisa/organização & administração , Pesquisa/normas , Marketing/métodos , Marketing/tendências , Psicologia do Esporte/economia , Psicologia do Esporte/organização & administração , Psicologia do Esporte/normas , Congressos como Assunto , Psicologia do Esporte/métodos , Esportes/economia , Esportes/psicologia , Esportes/estatística & dados numéricos
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 28(2): 173-176, mar.-abr. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-124547


El llamado «síndrome por déficit de testosterona» es más bien una amalgama de síntomas inespecíficos propios del proceso fisiológico del envejecimiento. Sin embargo, ha sido objeto de una intensa actividad promocional que ha presentado el problema como de alta prevalencia y de elevado impacto en la salud pública. Dicha estrategia ha ido acompañada de la irrupción de preparados de testosterona de fácil administración en el mercado farmacéutico, y ha generado importantes ventas a las empresas que los han comercializado. La promoción comercial del síndrome por déficit de testosterona y sus remedios ha explotado los tópicos culturales del envejecimiento y la sexualidad mediante campañas de sensibilización promovidas por los laboratorios implicados y divulgadas por medios de comunicación, con participación de numerosos expertos y con el aval de sociedades científicas, lo que supone un caso paradigmático de invención de enfermedad (disease mongering). Conviene considerar este ejemplo para responder a campañas de invención de enfermedades desde la clínica y desde la salud pública (AU)

The so-called «testosterone deficiency syndrome» is a blend of nonspecific symptoms typical of the physiological process of aging. This syndrome has been the subject of intense promotional activity that has presented the phenomenon as highly prevalent and with a major public health impact. This strategy has been accompanied by the emergence of new and easy to administer testosterone devices into the pharmaceutical market and has generated significant sales for drug companies. The commercial promotion of testosterone deficiency syndrome and its remedies has exploited cultural stereotypes of aging and sexuality through awareness campaigns promoted by the laboratories involved and has been disseminated by media with the participation of numerous experts and with the support of scientific associations, representing a paradigmatic case of disease mongering. This example might be of use in the response to disease mongering activities from the clinical and public health fields (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Testosterona/deficiência , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Androgênios/deficiência , Transtornos Autoinduzidos/epidemiologia , Invenções/tendências , Marketing/tendências , Indústria Farmacêutica/tendências