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Int. microbiol ; 27(2): 615-630, Abr. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-ADZ-172


Investigating the ability of bacteria to simultaneously enhance hydrocarbon removal and reduce heavy metals’ toxicity is necessary to design more effective bioremediation strategies. A bacterium (NL2 strain) isolated from an Algerian oilfield was cultivated on crude oil as sole carbon and energy sources. Molecular analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed the strain within the Cutibacterium genera. This isolate was able to tolerate up to 60% of crude oil as sole carbon source. Chemical analyses (GC-MS) evidenced that strain NL2 was able to degrade 92.22% of crude oil (at optimal growing conditions: pH 10, 44 °C, 50 g L−1 NaCl, and 20% of crude oil (v/v) as sole carbon source) in only 7 days. NL2 isolate was also able to produce biosurfactants with reduction of surface tension of growing media (29.4 mN m−1). On the other hand, NL2 strain was able to tolerate high lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) concentrations (up to 60 mM). In fact, NL2 cultivated in the presence of 20% of crude oil, and 0.48 mM of Pb was able to reduce Pb concentration by a 41.36%. In turn, when cultivated on high Pb concentration (15 mM), the strain was able to remove 35.19% of it and 86.25% of crude oil, both in a time frame of 7 days. Our findings suggest that Cutibacterium strain NL2 is able to efficiently use and remove a wide range of crude oil substrates in presence of high Pb concentration. Accordingly, NL2 strain is of extreme interest from a biotechnological standpoint. (AU)

Bactérias , Hidrocarbonetos , Toxicidade , Metais Pesados , Biodegradação Ambiental , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás
Asclepio ; 73(2): p562, Dic 30, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217877


A principios del siglo XX, el Reino Unido continuaba siendo un referente para la industria del gas europea. Era el país más adecuado para obtener formación, tecnología y equipos. Pablo Yvern sería un ejemplo de estas afirmaciones. Entre 1902 y 1907, Pablo Yvern Ballester trabajó en la industria británica para completar su formación. Mientras ejerció de ingeniero en la industria del gas española (1907-1944), sus relaciones con la industria británica fueron intensas ya que allí adquirió los equipos más avanzados que necesitaba para sus obras. La principal aportación tecnológica a la industria del gas española de Pablo Yvern fue la patente que registró en 1911, denominada ‘Perfeccionamiento en los recuperadores de calor para hornos calentados por gas’. Sobre esta patente, fundamentó gran parte de su labor como ingeniero. En ella, hay indicios de la influencia de los conocimientos adquiridos durante su actividad en las empresas británicas Gibbons Juniors y Gibbons Bros Ltd. Su obra como ingeniero significó la mayor reforma y modernización de los elementos de producción, en especial los hornos, realizada en España en el primer tercio del siglo XX.(AU)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the United Kingdom kept playing an important role in the European gas industry. The UK was regarded as a place where to seek better technological training in the sector and as a benchmark for equipment acquisition. Pablo Yvern would be an example of these statements. Between 1902 and 1907, Pablo Yvern Ballester worked in the British industry in order to complete his training. While practicing as an engineer in the Spanish gas industry (1907-1944), his connections with his British counterpart intensified and resulted in the acquisition of the most advanced equipment he needed for his work. The main technological contribution made by Pablo Yvern to the Spanish gas industry was his 1911 registered patent ‘Improvement the heat recuperators on gas furnaces’ A considerable part of his work as an engineer was based on it. We can find evidence of that during his employment by the British companies Gibbons Juniors and Gibbons Bros Ltd. His work as an engineer entailed the largest refurbishing and modernization of the production elements, especially furnaces, undergone in the first third of the 20th century.(AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , Gás Natural/história , Indústrias , Fornos , Engenharia , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás , Reino Unido , História
Asclepio ; 73(2): p563, Dic 30, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217878


Francia, junto con Gran Bretaña, fue el país líder en el nacimiento y consolidación de la industria del gas. Desde mediados del siglo XIX este país desempeñó un papel clave en la difusión de la tecnología de producción de gas de hulla, especialmente en el área mediterránea, en donde concentró un gran volumen de inversión en el exterior. Entre los factores responsables de este proceso debe destacarse la presencia de ingenieros y diversas asociaciones profesionales. Entre estas últimas sobresale la Société Technique de l`Industrie du Gaz en France, una de las principales asociaciones gasistas a nivel internacional. Este organismo, constituido en el año 1874, aglutinaba a profesionales del sector, que actuaron como agentes que pilotaron la transferencia tecnológica internacional. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la relevancia de la asociación en dicho proceso de difusión técnica, tanto en Francia como en el resto de la Europa latina (España, Italia y Portugal) desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial, empleando las actas de sus congresos como fuente principal.(AU)

France, along with Great Britain, was the leading country in the beginnings and consolidation of the gas industry. Since the mid-nineteenth century, this country played a key role in the diffusion of coal gas production technology, especially in the Mediterranean area, where it concentrated a large volume of foreign investment. Among the underlying factors in this process, the presence of engineers and several professional associations should be highlighted. Among the latter, the Société Technique de l`Industrie du Gaz en France stands out, which was one of the main gas associations at the international level. This organization, established in 1874, brought together professionals from the sector, who acted as agents who drove international technology transfer. The aim of the article is to analyze the relevance of the association in the aforementioned process of technical diffusion, both in France and in the rest of Latin Europe (Spain, Italy, and Portugal) from the late nineteenth century to World War II, using the proceedings of its congresses as the main source.(AU)

Humanos , Gás Natural , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás , Transferência de Tecnologia , Sociedades Científicas , Europa (Continente) , América Latina
Asclepio ; 73(2): p564, Dic 30, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217879


Desde 1860 los fabricantes de contadores de consumo de gas o sus distribuidores debían obtener la aprobación del Gobierno para sus modelos antes de ponerlos a la venta en España. La decisión se publicaba en el periódico oficial Gaceta de Madrid, con lo que se legaba a la posteridad un valioso registro de los peticionarios. De entre ellos solo se pasa revista aquí a los fabricantes nacionales o a aquellos extranjeros que antes o después iniciaron la producción en el país, y se da cuenta de sus orígenes y vicisitudes hasta 1936, cuando el estallido de la Guerra Civil interrumpió el curso normal de las cosas. En ausencia de archivos de las empresas, el estudio ha de basarse en otras fuentes, tales como prensa y revistas, así como registros notariales y de patentes.(AU)

Since 1860 consumer gas-meter manufacturers or their distributors had to submit their models to the Government for approval before selling them in Spain. Decisions were published in the official Gaceta de Madrid, thus providing posterity with a valuable record of such entities. Among them only national producers and those foreign that sooner or later started production locally are reviewed here. An account is given of their origins and developments up to 1936 when the outbreak of the Civil War completely disrupted the normal course of events. In the absence of company archives, the study relies heavily on other sources of information such as journals and notary and patent registries.(AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , 51734 , Gás Natural , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás , Europa (Continente) , História , Espanha
Asclepio ; 73(2): p565, Dic 30, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217880


Tanto el proceso de obtención del gas de hulla como los fenómenos eléctricos fueron estudiados de una forma metódica a partir del siglo XVIII. Pero, fue a principio del siglo siguiente que el gas empezó a utilizarse en el alumbrado, y años después, en desarrollar trabajo mecánico, o en calentar fluidos. En el último tercio del siglo, el desarrollo de la electricidad fue sustituyendo algunas de las aplicaciones que proporcionaba el gas. Este proceso quedó reflejado en una gran cantidad de escritos y publicaciones que difundieron los nuevos conceptos y las formas de obtención y de utilización de estas fuentes. En este artículo mostramos los resultados de un estudio cuantitativo de los artículos sobre gas y electricidad en la literatura industrial en un periodo en que los caminos de ambas fuentes empezaban a divergir. Como ejemplo nos detenemos también en dos casos concretos: algunos procedimientos alternativos de producción de gas y el auge de la electricidad.(AU)

Both the process of obtaining coal gas and electrical phenomena were studied in a methodical way from the eighteenth century. But it was at the beginning of the following century that gas began to be used in lighting, and years later, in developing mechanical work, or in heating fluids. In the last third of the century, the development of electricity was replacing some of the applications that gas provided. This process was reflected in many writings and publications that spread the new concepts and the ways of obtaining and using these sources. In this article we show the results of a quantitative study of the articles on gas and electricity in the industrial literature in a period when the paths of both sources were beginning to diverge. As an example, we also look at two specific cases: some alternative gas production procedures and the electricity boom.(AU)

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Gás Natural , Eletricidade/história , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás/história , Transferência de Tecnologia , Espanha , França , 24960
Int. microbiol ; 22(3): 305-316, sept. 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-184837


Effluents from petroleum refineries contain a toxic mixture of sulfide, nitrogen, and phenolic compounds that require adequate treatment for their removal. Biological denitrification processes are a cost-effective option for the treatment of these effluents, but the knowledge on the microbial interactions in simultaneous sulfide and phenol oxidation in denitrifying reactors is still very limited. In this work, microbial community structure and macrostructure of granular biomass were studied in three denitrifying reactors treating a mixture of inorganic (sulfide) and organic (p-cresol) electron donors for their simultaneous removal. The differences in the available substrates resulted in different community assemblies that supported high removal efficiencies, indicating the community adaptation capacity to the fluctuating compositions of industrial effluents. The three reactors were dominated by nitrate reducing and denitrifying bacteria where Thiobacillus spp. were the prevalent denitrifying organisms. The toxicity and lack of adequate substrates caused the endogenous decay of the biomass, leading to release of organic matter that maintained a diverse although not very abundant group of heterotrophs. The endogenous digestion of the granules caused the degradation of its macrostructure, which should be considered to further develop the denitrification process in sulfur-based granular reactors for treatment of industrial wastewater with toxic compounds

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Águas Residuárias/microbiologia , Desnitrificação , Microbiota , Sulfetos/metabolismo , Cresóis/química , Bactérias/metabolismo , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás , Ciclo do Nitrogênio , Sulfetos/química , Nitratos/química , Thiobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Biomassa
Rev. toxicol ; 32(2): 127-130, 2015. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-146474


La región del Magdalena medio es una zona de actividad industrial-minera con exploraciones y refinación de hidrocarburos. Por ello los animales que viven en esta área geográfica son afectados por la presencia de contaminantes, especialmente metales pesados. En este trabajo se estudiaron 40 animales adultos, sacrificados en el matadero de Barrancabermeja, procedentes de explotaciones bovinas cercanas a industrias con actividad petrolífera. Se determinó la presencia de plomo, cadmio, molibdeno y zinc en hígado, riñón, músculo y piel mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica y se compararon los resultados obtenidos con los límites máximos permisibles establecidos por la Unión Europea y el Codex Alimentarius [1,2]. Se encontró mayor concentración de todos los metales en Barrancabermeja excepto el Zn que presentó mayores niveles en Yondó. Un número importante de muestras hepáticas (90 y 50%), renales (75 y 15%) y musculares (85 y 90%) de ambas localizaciones superaron los valores permisibles de Pb tanto del Codex Alimentarius, como de la Unión Europea. Situación similar sucede con el Cd en Barrancabermeja, superando en el 85%, el 10% y la totalidad (100%) los valores permitidos por la Unión Europea en hígado, riñón y músculo respectivamente, mientras que en Yondó, 65% de las muestras hepáticas y todas las muestras musculares superan esos mismos límites. Por ello podemos concluir que el consumo de carne y vísceras de bovinos que pastorean en el Magdalena Medio Colombiano, representa un grave riesgo para la salud humana como consecuencia de su alto grado de contaminación con metales pesados (AU)

Middle Magdalena region is an area with an industrial-mining with exploration and refining of oil. Therefore the animals that live in this geographical area are affected by the presence of pollutants, especially heavy metals. In this study 40 adult animals slaughtered in the abattoir in Barrancabermeja, from bovine holdings nearby industries with petroleum extraction activities were studied. The presence of lead, cadmium, molybdenum and zinc in liver, kidney, muscle and skin was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the results obtained with the limits set by the European Union and the Codex Alimentarius were compared [1,2]. Higher concentration of all metals was found in Barrancabermejaexcept Zn presented higher levels in Yondó. A significant number of liver samples (90 and 50%), kidney (75 and 15%) and muscle (85 and 90%) of both locations exceeded the permissible values of Pb both the Codex Alimentarius and the European Union. A similar situation occurs with cd in Barrancabermeja, exceeding 85%, 10%and all (100%) values allowed by the European Union in liver, kidney and muscle respectively, while in Yondó, 65% of samples liver and muscle samples exceed all those same limits. Therefore we can conclude that the consumption of meat and offal from cattlegrazing in the Middle Magdalena Colombian, represents a seriousrisk to human health as a result of its high degree of contamination with heavy metals (AU)

Animais , Erosão Antrópica , Metais Pesados/efeitos adversos , Metais Pesados/toxicidade , Petróleo/toxicidade , Poluição por Petróleo/efeitos adversos , Poluição por Petróleo/análise , Poluição por Petróleo/prevenção & controle , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás/análise , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás/legislação & jurisprudência , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás/prevenção & controle , Doenças dos Bovinos/induzido quimicamente , Bovinos
Gastroenterol. hepatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 29(6): 334-337, jun. 2006. tab, graf
Artigo em Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-046899


Fundamento y objetivos: Investigar la presencia de hipertransaminasemia, como expresión bioquímica de daño hepático, y correlacionarla con la exposición a hidrocarburos (benceno, tolueno y xileno BTX) en trabajadores de una empresa petroquímica. Pacientes y método: Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 167 empleados, 95 expuestos (GE) y 72 no expuestos (GNE), y se evaluaron los siguientes parámetros: edad, sexo, antigüedad laboral, índice de masa corporal y pruebas bioquímicas. Se excluyó a los que presentaban hepatopatía previa, diabetes mellitus o ingesta de alcohol > 50 g/día. En los que se halló hipertransaminasemia se realizaron las siguientes pruebas: proteinograma, protrombina, anti-HBc, HBsAg, anti-VHC y ecografía hepática. Tres operarios comprendidos en el GE fueron excluidos, 2 por presentar marcadores séricos de virus de hepatitis B y otro por haber decidido no participar en el estudio; en definitiva, el GE quedó constituido por 92 trabajadores. Se midieron los contaminantes ambientales. Resultados: Veintisiete individuos del GE (29,4%) y uno del GNE (1,4%) presentaron hipertransaminasemia (p = 0,001). El resto de las pruebas bioquímicas, hemograma y de los otros parámetros analizados no mostraron diferencias entre ambos grupos. Iguales parámetros se evaluaron entre GE1 (ALAT normal) y GE2 (elevada) sin hallarse diferencias. En la ecografía se halló compatibilidad con hígado graso en 14 (51,9%) de los 27 pacientes del GE2. Un individuo (1,4%) del GNE presentó alanino-aminotransferasa elevada y ecografía compatible con hígado graso. Los valores de compuestos orgánicos volátiles ambientales resultaron inferiores a las 5 ppm exigidas durante los 9 meses que duró el estudio (benceno 1,5 ppm, tolueno 10 ppm, y xileno 18,5 ppm). La odds ratio para desarrollar hipertransaminasemia en el GE fue de 27,7 (p = 0,002). Conclusiones: La exposición laboral a hidrocarburos volátiles puede ocasionar daño hepático. El hígado, según nuestros hallazgos, aparece como más vulnerable a los hidrocarburos volátiles que la médula ósea. Estas conclusiones deberían servir para modificar las normas de tolerabilidad ambiental vigentes en las refinerías de Argentina

Background and objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of hypertransaminasemia (hTAMSemia) as an indicator of liver damage and to establish the association of this hepatotoxicity with exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, and xylene [BTX]) among workers in a petrochemical company. Patients and method: The medical records of 167 industrial employees, 95 with hydrocarbon exposure (EHCs) and 72 without exposure (NEHCs) were reviewed. Age, sex, number of years employed, body mass index, and biochemical and hematological parameters were evaluated. Employees with previous liver disease, diabetes mellitus, or alcohol intake (> 50 g/day) were excluded. In employees with hTAMSemia, we performed a proteinogram and hepatic ultrasonography and tested blood samples for prothrombin and hepatitis B and C markers. Within this subgroup, 3 workers were excluded (due to serum markers of hepatitis B virus in 2 and refusal to participate in 1), leaving a total of 92 in the EHC group. Finally, the working environment was screened for volatile contaminants. Results: Twenty-seven employees from the EHC group (29.4%) and 1 from the NEHC group (1.4%) had hTAMSemia (p = 0.001). The remaining biochemical tests and parameters measured showed no significant differences between the two groups. Comparison between the EHC subgroup of 27 workers showing hTAMSemia and the remainder of the EHC group with normal values (65 workers) revealed no differences in the other parameters measured. Of the 27 workers of the former subgroup, 14 (51.9%) showed ultrasonographic images compatible with a fatty liver. One worker (1.4%) in the NEHC group showed hTAMSemia and ultrasonography compatible with fatty liver. The environmental levels of BTX during the 9 months of the study remained below the maximum values permitted by law in Argentina (benzene, 1.5 ppm., toluene 10 ppm and xylene 18.5 ppm). The odds ratio of developing hTAMSemia in the EHC group was 27.7 (p = 0.002). Conclusions: Occupational exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons may cause liver damage. The liver is more vulnerable to these hydrocarbons than bone marrow. These conclusions would argue for a modification of the environmental regulations currently in force within the petroleum refineries in Argentina

Masculino , Humanos , Hidrocarbonetos/efeitos adversos , Indústria de Petróleo e Gás , Alanina Transaminase/sangue , Alanina Transaminase , Hepatopatias/induzido quimicamente , Hepatopatias/enzimologia , Doenças Profissionais/induzido quimicamente , Exposição Ocupacional/efeitos adversos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Hepatopatias/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/epidemiologia , Argentina/epidemiologia