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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1431044


Abstract Bitemark analysis is a challenging procedure in the field of criminal case investigation. The unique characteristics of dentition are used to find the best match between the existing patterned injury and the suspected perpetrator in bitemark identification. Bitemark analysis accuracy can be influenced by various factors, including biting pressure, tooth morphology, skin elasticity, dental cast duplication, timing, and image quality. This review article discusses the potential of a smartphone camera as an alternative method for 3D bitemark analysis. Bitemark evidence on human skin and food should be immediately recorded or duplicated to retrieve long-lasting proof, allowing for a sufficient examination period. Various studies utilizing two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) technologies have been developed to obtain an adequate bitemark analysis. 3D imaging technology provides accurate and precise analysis. However, the currently available method using an intraoral scanner (IOS) requires high-cost specialized equipment and a well-trained operator. The numerous advantages of monoscopic photogrammetry may lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis in forensic odontology. Smartphone cameras and monoscopic photogrammetry methodology could lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis with an efficient cost and readily available equipment.

Mordeduras Humanas/diagnóstico por imagem , Fotogrametria/instrumentação , Smartphone , Odontologia Legal , Reconhecimento de Identidade , Antropologia Forense , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Odontometria
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 63(1): 98-105, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1517676


Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão dos principais artigos encontra-dos na literatura acerca do uso dos Localizadores Eletrônicos Foraminais (LEF) em dentes decíduos e representar através de um relato de caso clínico, a importância do uso destes dispositivos durante o tratamento endodôntico em dentes decíduos. Revisão da literatura: Foi realizada uma busca nas principais bases de dados, e selecionados 13 artigos consi-derados mais relevantes. Todos os estudos mostraram que a determinação da odontometria em dentes decíduos utilizando o LEF é bastante segura e com boa acurácia, podendo ser utilizado o localizador para esta finalidade. Relato do caso:No caso clínico apresentado, o uso do LEF foi fundamental para a obtenção de uma odontometria precisa, além da diminuição do tempo de cadeira e identificar reabsorções não detectáveis radiograficamente. O caso foi conduzido em duas sessões, onde na primeira foi realizada a cirurgia de acesso, odontometria eletrônica, preparo manual dos canais e utilização de medicação intracanal de hidróxido de cálcio. Na segunda sessão foi removida a medicação intracanal e os canais foram obturados utilizando pasta iodoformada. Discussão: O uso do LEF no tratamento endodôntico de dentes decíduos tem se mostrado uma ferramenta segura e eficiente, tendo melhor performance na determinação do comprimento de trabalho quando comparado a outros métodos. Conclusão: De acordo com os estudos apresen-tados na revisão de literatura e o caso clínico apresentado, pudemos constatar que o uso do LEF contribui positivamente ao tratamento, principalmente quanto ao ganho de tempo e determinação confiável e segura do comprimento de trabalho.

Aim: To review the main articles found in the literature on the use of Electronic Apex Locators (EAL) in deci-duous teeth, and to represent, through a clinical case report, the importance of using these devices during endodontic treatment in deciduous teeth. Review of literature: A search was performed in the main data-bases, and 13 articles considered most relevant were selected. All studies showed that the determination of odontometry in deciduous teeth using LEF is quite safe and with good accuracy, and the localizer can be used for this purpose. Case report: In the clinical case presented, the use of EAL was fundamental to obtain an accurate odontometry, besides the reduction of chair time and exposure to ionizing radiation. The case was conducted in two sessions, where in the first one the access surgery was performed, electronic odontometry, manual preparation of the canals and use of intracanal medication of calcium hydroxide. In the second session the intracanal medication was removed and the canals were filled using iodoform paste. Discussion: The use of LEF in the endodontic treatment of primary teeth has been shown to be a safe and efficient tool, with better permormance in determining the working length when compared to other methods. Conclusion: According to the studies presented in the literature review and the clinical case presented, we could verify that the use of LEF contributes positively to treatment, especially in terms of time gain and acurate determination of working length.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Dente Decíduo , Odontopediatria , Odontometria
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(4): 1-12, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348221


Uno de los métodos más universales empleados para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares no erupcionados es el diseñado por el Dr. Edison Moyers, quien tomando como referencia la población anglosajona creó tablas de percentiles para estimar dichos valores en maxilar y mandíbula. Durante la última década varios investigadores han descubierto que, al aplicarlo en diversas poblaciones, existen diferencias significativas entre las predicciones y los valores reales. En Cuba, el método de Moyers es muy utilizado al 50% de probabilidades para la predicción en ambos sexos, pero existen pocos reportes de estudios que validen su confiablidad y los que existen utilizan muestras pequeñas de pacientes. Es por ello por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la aplicabilidad del método de Moyers al 50% de probabilidades para la estimación del diámetro mesiodistal de caninos y premolares en pacientes de 12-18 años. Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo y transversal desde julio de 2019 hasta febrero de 2020 con una población de 125 pacientes, 62 del sexo femenino y 63 del masculino, de entre 12 y 18 años de Cuba. Se efectuaron las mediciones de los anchos mesiodistales de los incisivos inferiores, todos los caninos y premolares. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencia a las variables estudiadas y los resultados se presentaron en tablas estadísticas. Para comprobar la existencia de diferencias significativas se utilizó la prueba estadística t-Student. Los resultados principales obtenidos fueron que el método de Moyers tiende a subestimar los valores para el sexo femenino entre los 0,4-0,5 mm, y para el sexo masculino entre los 0,6-0,7 mm, siendo esta diferencia significativa para los hombres. Se concluye que el método de Moyers no puede ser aplicado en la población estudiada para la predicción del ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares

One of the most universal methods used to predict the mesiodistal width of non-erupted canines and premolars is the one designed by Dr. Edison Moyers, an American orthodontist who, taking the Anglo-Saxon population as a reference, created percentile tables to estimate these values in the maxilla and mandible. During the last decade, several researchers have discovered that, when applied to various populations, there are significant differences between predictions and actual values. In Cuba, it is widely used at a 50% probability for prediction in both sexes, but there are few reports of studies that validate its reliability and those that do exist use small samples of patients. For this reason, the objective of this research is to determine the applicability of the Moyers method at 50% probabilities for estimating the mesiodistal diameter of canines and premolars in patients 12-18 years of age. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was developed from July 2019 to February 2020 with a population of 125 patients, 62 females and 63 males, between 12 and 18 years old from Cuba. Measurements were made of the mesiodistal widths of the lower incisors, all the canines and premolars. Frequency distributions were made to the variables studied and the results were presented in statistical tables. To verify the existence of significant differences, the statistical t-Student test was used. The main results obtained were that the Moyers method tends to underestimate the values for the female sex between 0.4-0.5 mm, and for the male sex between 0.6 and 0.7 mm, this difference being significant for men. It is concluded that the Moyers method cannot be applied in the population studied for the prediction of the mesiodistal width of canines and premolars

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Dente Pré-Molar/anatomia & histologia , Dente Canino/anatomia & histologia , Odontometria , Cuba
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 1-10, jun. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284418


El método Tanaka-Johnston es utilizado mundialmente para predecir el diámetro de caninos y premolares no erupcionados por la conveniencia de no necesitar tablas ni radiografías para su uso. Sin embargo, durante los últimos años investigadores de varios países han demostrado que al ser utilizado en una población diferente para la que fue diseñado, puede sobrestimar o subestimar los valores. En Cuba, donde el patrón facial de la población difiere del ideal para este método, ha sido muy empleado, pero prácticamente no existen estudios donde se valide la confiabilidad o exactitud de las predicciones de este. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la aplicabilidad del método Tanaka-Johnston para la estimación del diámetro mesiodistal de caninos y premolares en pacientes de 12-18 años. Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo y transversal desde junio de 2019 hasta enero de 2020 con una población de 140 pacientes de ambos sexos de entre 12 y 18 años de Cuba. Se efectuaron las mediciones de los anchos mesiodistales de los incisivos inferiores, todos los caninos y premolares. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencia a las variables estudiadas y los resultados se presentaron en tablas estadísticas. Para comprobar la existencia de diferencias significativas se utilizó la prueba estadística t-Student. Los resultados principales obtenidos fueron que el método Tanaka-Johnston tiende a sobrestimar los valores para el sexo femenino y subestimarlos para el masculino, ambos entre los 0,2 y 0,3 mm, pero esta diferencia no resulta significativa. Se concluye que el método Tanaka-Johnston puede ser aplicado en la población estudiada para la predicción del ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares no erupcionados.

The Tanaka-Johnston method is used worldwide to predict the diameter of canines and premolars not erupted for the convenience of not needing boards or x-rays for use. However, in recent years researchers from several countries have shown that when used in a different population for which it was designed, it can overestimate or underestimate the values. In Cuba, where the facial pattern of the population differs from the ideal for this method, it has been highly used, but there are very few studies where the reliability or accuracy of the predictions of the same is validated. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the applicability of the Tanaka-Johnston method for estimating the mesiodistal diameter of canines and premolars in patients aged 12-18 years. A descriptive and cross-cutting study was conducted from June 2019 to January 2020 with a population of 140 patients of both sexes between 12 and 18 years of age from Cuba. Measurements were made of the mesiodistal widths of the lower incisors, all canines, and premolars. Frequency distributions were made to the variables studied and the results were presented in statistical tables. The t-Student statistical test was used to verify significant differences. The main results obtained were that the Tanaka-Johnston method tends to overestimate the values for the female sex and underestimate them for the male, both between 0,2 and 0,3 mm, but this difference is not significant. It is concluded that the Tanaka-Johnston method can be applied in the population studied for the prediction of the mesiodistal width of unerupted canines and premolars.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Dente Pré-Molar/anatomia & histologia , Dente Canino/anatomia & histologia , Odontometria/métodos , Dente não Erupcionado/anatomia & histologia , Estudos Transversais , Distribuição por Sexo , Cuba , Arco Dental/anatomia & histologia
Odontol. Clín.-Cient ; 20(2): 25-31, abr.-maio 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1369097


Este estudo analisou a precisão de medição dos aparelhos ROMIAPEX A 15® e ROOT ZX MINI®, in vitro, comparativamente pelo método radiográfico e eletrônico no que diz respeito à precisão e confiabilidade na determinação do Comprimento Real de Trabalho (CRT) e Comprimento Real do Dente (CRD). Vinte dentes humanos (incisivos superiores e pré-molares superiores/inferiores) foram avalia das e seus CRD's e CRT's aferidos de forma direta por meio de lima tipo k nº 10 ou 15 (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Suíça), pelo método radiográfico e método eletrônico. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre as medidas para CRD (p=0,003) e CRT (p=0,042) entre os métodos direto, radio gráfico e eletrônico. Ambos os métodos ficaram próximos da medida real, quando por vezes também definiram a mesma medida real. Os CRD's obtidos pelos métodos radiográfico e eletrônico foram sub metidos ao Teste t de Student (p<0,024) apontando relação estatística significativa para a verificação da odontometria, sugerindo que ambos os métodos são eficazes na determinação do comprimento real do dente quanto de trabalho. O método eletrônico apresentou eficácia satisfatória estatistica mente nos casos comparativamente aos outros métodos também avaliados. Os dados sugerem que os localizadores citados podem auxiliar as tomadas de decisões para determinação do CRD e CRT

This study analyzed the measurement accuracy of the ROMIAPEX A15® and ROOT ZX MINI® locators, in vitro, comparatively by the radiographic and electronic methods with regard to the precision and reliability in the determination of the Real Working Length (RWL) and Real Tooth Length (RTL). Twenty human teeth (upper incisors and upper/lower premolars) were evaluated it had the RTL and RWL measured through rasp k No 10/15 (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) by radiographic and electronic methods. There were no significant differences between the measures for RTL (p = 0,003) and RWL (p = 0,042) for the methods. It means that both methods were very close to the real measure, when sometimes they also defined the same real measure. The RTL obtained by methods radiographic and electronic, were submitted to Student's t test (p <0,024), showed statistical significance in relation to the methods used for verification of odontometry, which means that both methods are effective to determine an actual length of the element and the length of actual work. The electronic method showed statistically satisfactory effectiveness in the cases compared to the other methods.The data suggest that these locators can assist decision making to determine RTL and RWL ... (AU)

Humanos , Ápice Dentário , Endodontia , Odontometria , Radiografia Dentária Digital
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e54202, Feb.11, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368056


This research study aimed at applying the morphometric quantification of the canine index for sexual dimorphism in a Brazilian sample. This was an observational study and the convenience sample consisted of 90 adult participants (45 male subjects and 45 female subjects), aging from 18 to 35 years. With the aidof a digital caliper, the intraoral mesiodistal measurement of the permanent mandibular right canine (MD43) and the intercanine distance (IC) were taken by three examiners. The measurements were applied to the mandibular canine index formula to estimate sex based on the morphometric features of human canines. The applicability of this approach for sexual dimorphism was assessed based on the mandibular canine index (MCI) calculated by the formula. The MCI was higher in male than in female subjects. In the total sample, the MCI overall mean accuracy rate for sexual dimorphism was 52.22%. In male subjects, the MCI was able to properly differentiate sex in 82.22% of the sample, while in female subjects the accuracy rate decreased to 22.22%. These results call the attention to the careful use of MCI especially for Forensic Anthropology. In particular, the accuracy of the method was close to the random of a sample that contained both sexes. Thus, the MCI should not be used as the only tool for sexual dimorphism.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Caracteres Sexuais , Dente Canino , Osso e Ossos , Projetos Piloto , Antropologia Forense , Odontologia Legal , Odontometria
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e080, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1278598


Abstract: This research evaluated, in vivo, the accuracy of three electronic apex locators - EALs (Root ZXII, E-PEX and FIND) in teeth with vital pulp submitted to biopulpectomy, preserving the periodontal stump. For this study, 90 single-rooted teeth with extraction indication were selected. After positive pulpal cold sensitivity test, pulp chamber access was performed. The cervical and middle thirds of root canals were instrumented with Reciproc R25, and the K#15 file was used as a standard instrument to determine working length, forming 2 groups: Constriction (insertion of the instrument until the apical constriction limit) and Foramen (insertion of the instrument until the foramen and then repositioning at constriction, without removing the file from the canal). The hand file was stabilized with a light-cured flow resin. After extraction, the samples were analyzed through microCT SkyScan 1272, with CTAN software, which evaluated the proximity between the tip of the file to the apical constriction, providing data for comparative analysis using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the abilities of the EALs to detect the apical constriction after reaching the foramen with Root ZX II showing higher accuracy (89%). However, there was no difference in the accuracy of the three EALs in detecting the apical constriction without reaching the foramen. Based on the present results, we conclude that EALs may show accurate measures in detecting apical constriction and foramen, even without damaging the periodontal stump in biopulpectomy.

Ápice Dentário/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar , Raiz Dentária , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Odontometria
Braz. dent. j ; 31(4): 404-408, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1132324


Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different coronal preflaring protocols (absent, conservative and conventional) on the accuracy of Root ZX II, Raypex 6, and RomiApex A-15 electronic foramen locators (EFLs). Twenty mandibular molars with Vertucci's type IV mesial roots were subjected to endodontic exploration and foraminal patency confirmation. Under 16x magnification, its real lengths (RL) were measured and registered (RL1). The canals were then irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and electronically measured (EM1) employing the alginate model; all measurements were performed in triplicate by a blind operator using adjusted endodontic hand-files introduced until the apex foramen. Coronal preflaring procedures were sequentially performed with #25/.06 (conservative) and #25/.12 (conventional) instruments; new RLs extents were performed after each coronal preparation protocol (RL2/RL3), as same as electronic measurements (EM2/EM3). The devices error (mm) was evaluated considering the difference between RLs and EMs at each preparation stage; their precision was stablished adopting ±0.5 mm as tolerance margin. The EFLs error significantly reduced after conventional coronal preflaring protocol (p<0.05), which not occur after the conservative one. The best precisions values were noted after conventional preparation as 90% (Root ZX II), 97.5% (Raypex 6), and 92.5% (RomiApex A-15). No significant differences were found in EFLs comparisons, regardless of the coronal protocol tested (p>0.05). Under the conditions tested it can be concluded that the EFLs evaluated were precise. Moreover, the preflaring protocols influences its accuracy's, where the less conservative one produced the best results.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes protocolos de pré-alargamento cervical (ausente, conservador e convencional) na precisão dos localizadores eletrônicos foraminais (LEFs) Root ZX II, Raypex 6 e RomiApex A-15. Vinte molares inferiores com raízes mesiais do tipo IV de Vertucci foram submetidos à exploração endodôntica e confirmação da patência foraminal. Sob ampliação de 16x, seus comprimentos reais (CR) foram medidos e registrados (CR1). Os canais foram então irrigados com hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e medidos eletronicamente (ME1) utilizando o modelo em alginato; todas as medidas foram realizadas em triplicata por um operador cego, utilizando limas endodônticas ajustadas introduzidas até o forame apical. Os procedimentos de pré-alargamento cervical foram realizados sequencialmente com os instrumentos #25/.06 (conservador) e #25/.12 (convencional); novas determinações de CRs foram realizadas após cada protocolo de preparação cervical (CR2/CR3), da mesma forma que as medidas eletrônicas (ME2/ME3). O erro dos dispositivos (mm) foi avaliado considerando a diferença entre CRs e MEs em cada estágio de preparação; sua precisão foi estabelecida adotando ± 0,5 mm como margem de tolerância. O erro dos LEFs reduziu significativamente após o protocolo convencional de alargamento cervical (p<0,05), o que não ocorreu após o conservador. Os melhores valores de precisão foram observados após a preparação convencional como 90% (Root ZX II), 97,5% (Raypex 6) e 92,5% (RomiApex A-15). Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes nas comparações entre os LEFs, independentemente do protocolo cervical testado (p>0,05). Sob as condições testadas, pode-se concluir que os LEFs avaliados foram precisos. Além disso, os protocolos de alargamento influenciam sua precisão, onde o menos conservador produziu os melhores resultados.

Preparo de Canal Radicular , Ápice Dentário , Cavidade Pulpar , Eletrônica , Odontometria
Ortodoncia ; 84(167): 10-18, jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147543


Introducción: El posicionamiento preciso de los brackets de ortodoncia en las diferentes situaciones clínicas es esencial. Para ello, se utiliza la tabla de McLaughlin-Bennett, realizada sobre una población anglosajona. Dada la gran variabilidad que puede existir en los diferentes grupos poblacionales, para estandarizar las medidas en la colocación de los brackets, sería necesario emprender un análisis de la población local y determinar cuáles serán las alturas de las coronas clínicas de todas las piezas dentarias para nuestra población. Materiales y método: Se estudiaron 200 modelos de estudio de individuos argentinos, caucásicos, de ambos sexos, con dentición permanente completa hasta el segundo molar inclusive, entre 13 y 25 años, que no recibieron tratamiento ortodóncico previo. Resultados: Las diferencias estadísticas existentes, con respecto a lo propuesto por McLaughlin y Bennett, en el maxilar superior fueron: altamente significativas (p = 0,0001) en el incisivo central, incisivo lateral y segundo molar; significativas en el canino (p = 0,0128) y en el primer molar (p = 0,018) y no significativas en el primer premolar (p = 0,239) y segundo premolar (p = 0,1741). En el maxilar inferior: altamente significativas (p = 0,0001) en el segundo molar y no significativas en el resto de las piezas dentarias. Conclusión: Los valores que se obtuvieron con el estudio, dada la variabilidad regional de la muestra, no coinciden con los valores que arroja la tabla de McLaughlin-Bennett, de origen anglosajón. Se sugiere la creación de una tabla acorde con las medidas de los pacientes locales(AU)

Accurate positioning of dental braces in different clinical situations is essential. To that end, it is used the chart developed by McLaughlin and Bennett, which was made in the Anglo-Saxon population. Due to the considerable variability among different population groups, an analysis of the local population would be necessary to be carried out in order to standardize the measurements for the positioning of braces and to determine the clinical crown height of teeth in our population. Two hundred Caucasian, Argentine male and female study models, aged between 13 and 25 with full permanent dentition, fully erupted second molars with no previous orthodontic treatment were studied. Existing statistical differences with regard to the guidelines proposed by McLaughlin and Bennett in the maxilla were: highly significant (p = 0.0001) for second molars, central and lateral incisors; significant for canines (p = 0.0128) and first molars (p = 0.018); and non-significant for first premolars (p = 0.239) and second premolars (p = 0.1741). In the mandible the differences were: highly significant (p = 0.0001) for second molars and non-significant for the other teeth. The values that were obtained in the study, given the regional variability of the sample, do not correspond to the values that are shown in the chart by McLaughlin and Bennett, of Anglo Saxon origin. It is suggested the creation of a new chart in line with the measurements of local patients(AU)

Ortodontia/métodos , Análise de Variância , Colagem Dentária , Braquetes Ortodônticos , Coroa do Dente/anatomia & histologia , Modelos Dentários , Odontometria
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 124-130, mar. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056511


RESUMEN: En la historia de la Endodoncia, se han utilizado distintos métodos para determinar la longitud de los canales radiculares, como sensación táctil y radiografías. Últimamente, han adquirido gran importancia los localizadores apicales electrónicos, por su gran precisión. Actualmente se ha incorporado el uso de imagenología con Cone Beam. Debido a que existen muchas formas de medir dicha longitud, es necesario ponerlos a prueba y ver si se asemejan a la técnica gold estándar definida en la literatura como el localizador electrónico de foramen apical. El propósito de esta investigación es determinar si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medida de la longitud de trabajo entre el localizador electrónico de foramen apical, y el uso de Cone Beam procesado con el software 3D endo de Dentsply Sirona. Para esto, se seleccionaron 30 premolares extraídos; se les tomó un Cone Beam para ser analizados con el software 3D endo y medir la longitud de trabajo. Una vez hecho esto, se realizó manualmente cavidad de acceso y se preparó el tercio cervical con fresas Gates Glidden 1 y 2; luego, los dientes fueron colocados en un modelo Pro Train, que asemejó las propiedades de los dientes en la cavidad oral, para permitir el uso del localizador electrónico de foramen y determinar la longitud de trabajo. Una vez obtenidos los datos, fueron comparados a través del Test de Proporciones (p=0.05 hipotético), dando como resultado p=0,2 lo que indica que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medida de la longitud de trabajo entre ambos métodos.

ABSTRACT: Various methods have been used in the history of endodontics, to determine the length of the root canals (working length), such as tactile sensation and X-rays. Recently, apical locators have acquired importance, due to their precision. The use of Cone Beam has now also been incorporated. Because there are many ways to measure this length, it is necessary to test them and see if they resemble the standard gold measurement technique defined in the literature as the electronic apex locators. The purpose of this research is to determine whether there are statistically significant differences in the working length between the electronic apex locators, and the use of Cone Beam processed with the Software 3D Endo by Dentsply Sirona. For this, 30 extracted pre-molars were selected, for Cone Beam tomography and 3D endo Software analysis, to measure the working length. Once this was carried out, cavity preparation was performed manually, and the cervical third approached with gates glidden drills 1 and 2. Subsequently, the teeth were placed in a Pro Train model, which resembled the properties of the teeth in the oral cavity, to allow the use of the electronic apex locators to determine the working length.Once the data were obtained, they were compared through the proportions Test (p = 0.05 hypothetical), resulting in p = 0.2, indicating that there are no statistically significant differences in the working length between the two methods.

Humanos , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Software , Imageamento Tridimensional , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/métodos , Endodontia/normas , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Chile , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Odontometria
J. appl. oral sci ; 28: e20190148, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056580


Abstract The site of the sinus tract depends on the rate of resistance against abscess exudate drainage, bone morphology, and distance from the root apex to the outer cortical bone. Objective To assess apical bone thickness in buccal and palatal/lingual aspects of maxillary and mandibular teeth, using a high-resolution cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) system. Methodology In total, 422 CBCT examinations were included in the study, resulting in a sample of 1400 teeth. The scans were acquired by PreXion 3D, with a high-resolution protocol. The bone thickness was taken as the distance between the center of the apical foramen and the buccal and lingual/palatal cortical bone. The quantitative variables were expressed as mean values±standard deviation. The independent samples were analyzed using the t-test or the Mann-Whitney test (p<0.05). Results The lowest mean value of bone thickness was observed in the buccal cortical bone of the upper canines (1.49 mm±0.86) and in the upper central incisors (1.59 mm±0.67). In premolar teeth, the lowest values were found in the buccal cortical bone of upper first premolars (1.13 mm±0.68). In the posterior teeth, the lowest values were found in the buccal cortical bone of upper first molars (1.98 mm±1.33). In the lower second molar region, the buccal cortical bone (8.36 mm±1.84) was thicker than the lingual cortical bone (2.95 mm±1.16) (p<0.05). Conclusions The lowest mean values of bone thickness are in the buccal cortical bone of the maxillary teeth. In the mandible, bone thickness is thinner in the buccal bone around the anterior and premolar teeth, and in the lingual aspect of mandibular molars. All these anatomic characteristics could make the occurrence of the sinus tract more susceptible in these specific regions of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar bone.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Valores de Referência , Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Odontometria/métodos
J. appl. oral sci ; 28: e20190103, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1056583


Abstract Objective This study aimed to assess the association between tooth size and root canal morphology by using CBCT analysis. Methodology In this retrospective study, tooth anatomic lengths (crown and root lengths, buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions) of 384 patients were assessed and correlated with Vertucci's root canal morphology classification. Data was analyzed for gender-related differences using the independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and the Pearson's correlation for a possible relation between anatomic lengths and canal morphology. Results The maxillary first and second premolars showed a greater predilection for Type IV and II variants, respectively, while the mandibular first premolar showed a greater predilection for Type II canal system. The root canal system of the mandibular second premolar showed maximal diversity (47% Type I, 30% Type II, and 20% Type III). The dimensions were greater in men regardless of tooth type. The most significant relation (p<0.05) between the anatomic size and canal morphology was observed in the maxillary first premolars, followed by the mandibular canines (buccolingual dimension) and the lower second premolars (crown length). Negative correlations existed between the crown length and the patient's age for the anterior teeth and mandibular second premolar (r=−0.2, p<0.01). Conclusions The most common canal formation for anterior teeth was the Type I. The anatomic lengths had the strongest influence on the canal configuration of the maxillary first premolar, with Type IV being the most common root canal system. The mandibular second premolars showed maximal diversity in the canal classification terms and had a significant correlation with their crown lengths. Clinical Relevance The complex relationship between the canal morphology and anatomic tooth sizes need meticulous awareness and recognition during endodontic procedures, in conjunction with the demographic variabilities.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar/anatomia & histologia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Valores de Referência , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Estados Unidos , Fatores Sexuais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Análise de Variância , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Odontometria/métodos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1056875


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the assessment of mandibular molar furcation defects. Material and Methods: Thirty patients with furcation defects were selected, oral hygiene instructions, scaling, and root planing with ultrasonic devices and hand instruments and occlusal adjustments were performed. Pre-surgical clinical measurements were carried out at the buccal aspect of the selected mandibular molars. The horizontal furcation measurements were measured with a Nabers Probe starting at the furcation entrance to the greatest horizontal depth. The degree of furcation involvement was graded from 0 to III. Bone loss in the horizontal and vertical direction and the width of the furcation entrance were measured on CBCT and after reflecting the full-thickness flap and debridement of the defects. The data were analyzed using t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: The width of furcation entrance in clinical method was 3.27 ± 0.77, while in CBCT method was 3.35 ± 0.71, clinically the vertical bone loss was 3.61±1.09, while in CBCT was 3.57 ± 1.15, horizontal bone loss in clinical method was 5.08 ± 2.21, while in CBCT was 5.11 ± 2.23. No significant difference between the two methods was noted, and a high correlation between the two methods was observed. With regards to the agreement between the two methods of assessment, the width of furcation entrance revealed a difference between the two methods by 0.08 ± 0.21, while vertical bone loss showed difference between the two methods by -0.04 ± 0.19, the horizontal bone loss showed a mean difference between the two methods by 0.03 ± 0.21. Conclusion: CBCT provided high accuracy for the furcation involvement detection and anatomy of surrounding periodontal tissues.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Defeitos da Furca , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/instrumentação , Dente Molar , Odontometria/métodos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Aplainamento Radicular , Ajuste Oclusal , Malásia
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1091636


Abstract Objective: To perform an in vivo evaluation on the agreement between measurements of working length obtained by conventional radiographic examinations and an apex locator in deciduous teeth with or without root resorption. Material and Methods: Nine canals of teeth from children ranging from 3 to 5 years old were selected. Endodontic access was performed with a spherical diamond tip, the pulp was removed with Kerr-type steel files, and the canal was irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. A file, compatible with the channel gauge, was then used to measure the length of the root canal with the apex locator. Conventional radiographs were also performed and, using a millimeter endodontic ruler, the length of the canal was determined. The differences between the measurements obtained between the two methods were analyzed using the Student's t-test. Results: The mean canal length for conventional radiography was 9.83 mm and 9.67 mm for the apex locator. The results of this study did not show significant differences (p=0.641), independent of the presence or absence of physiological root resorption. Conclusion: The similarity in measurements obtained with X-ray or an apex locator indicates that it is not necessary to use X-rays as a complement to obtain the working length. The use of the apex locator can provide a quicker treatment, reducing the clinical time and stress of the child.

Pré-Escolar , Dente Decíduo , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Radiografia Dentária/instrumentação , Ápice Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Odontometria/métodos , Brasil , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Endodontia
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 8(6): 450-454, dic. 28, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1224315


Objective: To determine the relationship between the inner intercanthal distance and the mesiodistal dimension of the maxillary anterior teeth in a Peruvian population with facial harmony. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study on a sample of 75 Peruvian subjects with facial harmony, with ages ranging between 18 and 30 years, was conducted. The inner intercanthal distance and the mesiodistal dimension of maxillary anterior teeth of each subject were measured with a digital vernier caliper. The relationship was evaluated by simple linear regression analysis. Results: A statistically significant direct relationship was found between the dimension of the inner intercanthal distance with the mesiodistal width of the lateral incisors (p=0.040, R2=5.65%), canines (p=0.032, R2=6.17%), and the total mesiodistal sum of the six anterior teeth (p=0.040, R2=5.63%), but not with the central incisors (p=0.273, R2=1.64%). Conclusion: The inner intercanthal distance showed a direct relationship with the total mesiodistal linear dimension of the maxillary anterior teeth, with the mesiodistal dimensions of the lateral incisors and canines in a Peruvian population with facial harmony.

Determinar la relación entre la distancia intercantal interna y la dimensión mesiodistal de los dientes anterosuperiores en individuos peruanos con armonía facial. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra de 75 individuos peruanos con armonía facial entre 18 a 30 años. Se midió la distancia intercantal interna y la dimensión mesiodistal de dientes anterosuperiores de cada sujeto con un calibrador vernier digital. La relación fue evaluada mediante análisis de regresión lineal simple. Resultados: Se encontró relación directa estadísticamente significativa entre la dimensión de la distancia intercantal interna con el ancho mesiodistal de los incisivos laterales (p=0.040, R2=5.65%), caninos (p=0.032, R2=6.17%) y la suma total mesiodistal de los seis dientes anteriores (p=0.040, R2=5.63%), más no con los incisivos centrales (p=0.273, R2=1.64%). Conclusión: La distancia intercantal interna mostró relación directa con la dimensión lineal mesiodistal total de los dientes anterosuperiores, con las dimensiones mesiodistales de los incisivos laterales y de caninos en individuos peruanos con armonía facial.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Cefalometria , Dente Canino/anatomia & histologia , Incisivo/anatomia & histologia , Odontometria , Peru , Estudos Transversais , Face
Braz. dent. j ; 30(6): 550-554, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055450


Abstract Electronic apex locators (EAL) have been used to establish the working length (WL) in root canal treatment. In teeth diagnosed with apical periodontitis, resorption of tooth apical structures can lead to difficulties to obtain an appropriate WL. The aim was to compare the capacity of three EAL's (Root ZX II, Raypex 6 and Endo-Eze Quill) to locate the tip of the K-file between 0 to -0.5 mm from the apical foramen (AF) on teeth diagnosed with asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AAP). Electronic working length was performed on 60 roots with AAP. A K-file #15 was inserted in the root canal until the apical foramen (AF) was located, and followed was re-adjusted to -0.5 mm through observation in EAL display. The K-file was fixed to the tooth with composite and teeth were extracted. The 4 apical millimeters were worn out until the K-file could be seen and were prepared and measured its distance to AF in a scanning electron microscope. Appropriate WL was when the tip of the K-file was located between 0 to -0.5 mm from AF. Results: Root ZX II showed significant difference (p<0.01) with the other two EALs. Root ZX II presented the better performance than Raypex 6 or Endo-Eze Quill in teeth with AAP.

Resumo Os localizadores eletrônicos apicais têm sido usados ​​para estabelecer o comprimento de trabalho no tratamento do canal radicular. Nos dentes diagnosticados com periodontite apical, a reabsorção das estruturas apicais dos dentes pode levar a dificuldades na obtenção de uma odontometria apropriada. Este estudo comparou três localizadores apicais (Root ZX II, Raypex 6 e Endo-Eze Quill) para localizar a ponta do instrumento K-file entre 0 a -0,5 mm do forame apical em dentes com diagnóstico de periodontite apical assintomática. O comprimento de trabalho eletrônico foi realizado em 60 dentes com periodontite apical assintomática. Uma lima K-file de número 15 foi inserida no canal radicular até a localização do forame apical, e seguida foi reajustada para -0,5 mm por meio de observação no visor do localizador eletrônico apical. A lima K-file foi fixada ao dente usando compósito, e a seguir os dentes foram extraídos. Os 4 milímetros apicais foram desgastados até que a lima K-file pudesse ser visualizada para as medidas de distância no forame apical por meio de microscópio eletrônico de varredura. O comprimento de trabalho apropriado foi determinado quando a ponta do instrumento estivesse localizada entre 0 a -0,5 mm do forame apical. O Root ZX II apresentou o melhor desempenho (p<0,01) que o Raypex 6 ou Endo-Eze Quill em dentes humanos com periodontite apical assintomática.

Humanos , Periodontite Periapical , Ápice Dentário , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Cavidade Pulpar , Eletrônica , Odontometria
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(3): 287-291, set. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012424


ABSTRACT: The apical limit of tooth roots for instrumentation and obturation is a controversial subject due to the high morphological complexity presented by the apical zone of the root. The development of electronic apex locators (EALs) has made working length (WL) determination more predictable, producing more accurate results; however, the interpretation mechanisms of different devices may affect measurements taken under different clinical conditions. One hundred premolars were used to compare the effectiveness of Propex II, Raypex 6, Propex Pixi and Root ZX II in locating the apical foramen (AF). No statistically significant differences were observed when the accuracy of measurement was compared between the different groups of EALs, however Root ZX II and Raypex 6 presented the best overall performance.

RESUMEN: El límite apical radicular para la instrumentación y obturación es un tema controversial, debido a la alta complejidad morfológica que presenta la zona apical de la raíz. El desarrollo de localizadores de ápice electrónicos (EALs) ha hecho la determinación de la longitud de trabajo (WL) más predecible y con resultados más precisos. Sin embargo, el mecanismo de interpretación de cada dispositivo puede afectar la determinación de las mediciones en diferentes condiciones clínicas. Cien premolares fueron utilizados para comparar la efectividad de Propex II, Raypex 6, Propex Pixi y Root ZX II en localizar el foramen apical (AF). No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se comparó la precisión de medición entre los diferentes grupos de EALs, sin embargo, Root ZX II y Raypex 6 mostraron un mejor desempeño global.

Humanos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Ápice Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Cavidade Pulpar/anatomia & histologia , Equipamentos e Provisões Elétricas/normas , Odontometria/instrumentação , Chile , Ápice Dentário/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(3): e2176, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093236


RESUMEN Introducción: La mayoría de los estudios han evaluado y comparado la exactitud de los localizadores apicales electrónicos pero pocos evaluaron la repetibilidad del método de medición; de estos casi todos son ex vivo. Objetivo: Comparar la repetibilidad in vivo de tres localizadores apicales electrónicos en dientes antero-superiores permanentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal en 14 pacientes adultos sanos de ambos sexos con indicación de tratamiento de conductos en una pieza dentaria antero-superior. La selección fue por casos consecutivos. Se utilizaron tres localizadores apicales electrónicos (Root ZX II, Canal Pro y RomiApex A-15) para realizar las mediciones de los conductos. Dos operadores independientes realizaron dos mediciones con cada localizador apical electrónico. Los datos se analizaron por medio de la prueba de Bland-Altman para la repetibilidad y la prueba de Friedman para comparar los localizadores apicales. Resultados: La edad media (desviación estándar) de los pacientes fue 28,79 (± 9,12) años; 8 (57,1 por ciento) pacientes fueron del sexo femenino. La media de las diferencias (límites de concordancia) de las mediciones para Root ZX, Canal Pro y RomiApex A-15 fueron 0,13 mm (± 0,42), 0,12 mm (± 0,88), y 0,18 (± 0,76) mm, respectivamente. Conclusiones. El Root ZX presentó el mayor grado de repetibilidad, seguido por el RomiApex. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los localizadores en cuanto a las diferencias absolutas entre la 1ra y 2da mediciones(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Most studies have evaluated and compared the accuracy of electronic apex locators, but few have addressed the repeatability of the measurement method, and most are ex vivo. Objective: Compare the in vivo repeatability of three electronic apex locators in permanent upper front teeth. Methods: An analytic observational cross-sectional study was conducted of 14 healthy adult patients of both sexes with root canal therapy indicated in an upper front tooth. The consecutive case method was used to select the patients. Three electronic apex locators (Root ZX II, Canal Pro and RomiApex A-15) were used for root canal measurement. Two independent operators performed two measurements with each electronic apex locator. Data were analyzed using the Bland-Altman test to assess repeatability and the Friedman test to compare the apex locators. Results: Mean age (standard deviation) of the patients was 28.79 (± 9.12) years; 8 patients (57.1 percent) were female. The mean differences (limits of agreement) of the measurements made by Root ZX, Canal Pro and RomiApex A-15 were 0.13 mm (± 0.42), 0.12 mm (± 0.88) and 0.18 (± 0.76) mm, respectively. Conclusions: Root ZX displayed the highest repeatability, followed by RomiApex. Statistically significant variations were not found between the locators as to absolute differences between the 1st and 2nd measurement(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/efeitos adversos , Estudo de Prova de Conceito , Odontometria/métodos , Estudos Transversais , Estudo Observacional
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 32(2): 88-96, Aug. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038164


The aim of this study was to determine the differences in arch length, inter-canine distance, inter-premolar distance, intermolar distance and arch shape between dental discrepancies (crowding and spacing) in a sample of dental casts from the Afro-Colombian population of San Basilio de Palenque. An analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted on a convenience sample of 63 subjects aged 11 to 57years, of Afro-Colombian origin, with full dentition from first molar to first molar, without extensive caries or restorations, and excluding casts with defects due to loss. The differences between arch (upper and lower) variables were analyzed according to dental discrepancies. Plaster models digitalized with a TR1OS3 Mono scanner with exactitude (6.9 ± 0.9 pm) and precision (4.5 ± 0.9 pm) were analyzed with Orthonalyzer software. Statistical analyses were done on SPSS software (Version 20 for Windows) and Real Statistics. Spacing discrepancy of68.25% was found for upper arch and 66.66% for lower arch; crowding discrepancy of 19.04% for upper arch and 20.63% for lower arch, and an adequate ratio of 12.69% for both arches. No statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was found between arch parameters except for inter-premolar distance on the lower arch. The most frequent arch shape in the population was oval for both upper arch, with 76.19%, and lower arch, with 71.42%. Tooth size was larger in males than females but the difference was not statistically significant.

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las diferencias en longitud de arco, distancia intercanina, interpremolar, intermolar y la forma de arco entre discrepancias dentales (apiñamiento y espaciamiento), en una muestra de modelos dentales de la población afrocolombiana de San Basilio de Palenque. Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal, en una muestra por conveniencia de 63 sujetos con un rango de edad entre 11 y 57 años, de origen afrocolombiano, quienes tuvieron dentición completa de primer molar a primer molar, sin caries extensas, ni restauraciones; se excluyeron los modelos con defectos por el vaciado. Se analizaron las diferencias entre las variables de los maxilares (superior e inferior) con las discrepancias dentales. Se utilizaron modelos de yeso que fueron digitalizados con el escánerTR1OS3 Mono con una exactitud de (6.9 ± 0.9 pm) y una precisión de (4.5 ± 0.9 pm)y analizados con el software Orthonalyzer. Los análisis estadísticos se llevaron a cabo utilizando el software SPSS (Versión 20 para Windows) y Real Statistics. Se encontró una discrepancia de espaciamiento de un 68,25% para el arco superior y 66,66% en el arco inferior; y una discrepancia de apiñamiento en el arco superior de 19,04% e inferior de 20,63% y una relación adecuada de 12,69% para los dos arcos. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0.05) en los parámetros de arco a excepción de la distancia interpremolar del arco inferior. La forma de arco más frecuente en la población fue ovalada tanto en el arco superior con un 76,19% como en el arco inferior con un 71,42%. En cuanto al tamaño dental, se presentó mayor tamaño en los hombres que en las mujeres, pero este no fue estadísticamente significativo.

Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Coroa do Dente/patologia , Arco Dental/patologia , Má Oclusão/etiologia , Tamanho do Órgão , Cefalometria/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Transversais , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Coroas , Modelos Dentários , Diastema/etiologia , Má Oclusão/patologia , Má Oclusão/epidemiologia , Maxila/patologia , Odontometria/estatística & dados numéricos