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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 335-345, sept. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514373


La sialoadenitis crónica esclerosante puede extenderse desde una sialoadenitis focal hasta una cirrosis completa de la glándula. Aparece entre los 40 y 70 años de edad y afecta principalmente a la glándula submandibular. Se asocia con sialolitos y agentes infecciosos inespecíficos. La causa más frecuente de sialolitiasis es la formación de cálculos macroscópicamente visibles en una glándula salival o en su conducto excretor, de los cuales el 80 % al 90 % provienen de la glándula submandibular. Esta predilección probablemente se deba a que su conducto excretor es más largo, más ancho y tiene un ángulo casi vertical contra la gravedad, contribuyendo así a la estasis salival. Además, la secreción semimucosa de la misma es más viscosa. El sitio principal de ubicación de los litos en el conducto submandibular es la región hiliar con un 57 %. La sintomatología típica de la sialolitiasis es el cólico con tumefacción de la glándula y los dolores posprandiales. Reportamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 55 años, quien ingresa al servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital General Balbuena de la Ciudad de México por presentar un aumento de volumen en la región submandibular izquierda de consistencia dura y dolorosa a la palpación de 15 días de evolución, acompañada de aumento de temperatura en la zona compatible con un absceso. Los estudios de imagen reportan un sialolito en la región hiliar del conducto submandibular de 2,0 x 1,7 x 1,0 cm. Debido a su localización y tamaño, el tratamiento ideal en estos casos es la escisión de la glándula junto con el lito previo drenaje del absceso e inicio de terapia antibiótica doble.

Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis can range from focal sialadenitis to complete cirrhosis of the gland. It appears between 40 and 70 years of age and mainly affects the submandibular gland. It is associated with sialoliths and nonspecific infectious agents. The most common cause of sialolithiasis is the formation of macroscopically visible stones in a salivary gland or its excretory duct, of which 80 % to 90 % come from the submandibular gland. This predilection isprobably due to the fact that their excretory duct is longer, wider and has an almost vertical angle against gravity, thus contributing to salivary stasis. In addition, the semimucous secretion of it is more viscous. The main location of the stones in the submandibular duct is the hilar region with 57 %. The typical symptomatology of sialolithiasis is colic with swelling of the gland and postprandial pain. We report the case of a 55-year-old male patient, who was admitted to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the Hospital General Balbuena in Mexico City due to an increase in volumen in the left submandibular region that was hard and painful on palpation of 15 days of evolution, accompanied by increased temperature in the area compatible with an abscess. Imaging studies report a 2.0 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm sialolith in the submandibular duct hilar region. Due to its location and size, the ideal treatment in these cases is excision of the gland together with the stone previous drainage of the abscess and initiation of dual antibiotic therapy.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Sialadenite/diagnóstico por imagem , Glândula Submandibular/cirurgia , Tuberculose Bucal/diagnóstico por imagem , Sialadenite/tratamento farmacológico , Tuberculose Bucal/tratamento farmacológico , Ceftriaxona/uso terapêutico , Clindamicina/uso terapêutico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Drenagem , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 624-631, 20230906. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509696


Introducción. El tejido mamario accesorio es una anomalía congénita que se presenta en el 2-6 % de la población femenina. En este tejido se pueden desarrollar las mismas patologías que en la mama normal. El manejo curativo es la resección quirúrgica. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados de la técnica de resección vía abierta de tejido mamario accesorio con dren vs sin dren. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo, teniendo en cuenta dos grupos de pacientes con tejido mamario accesorio: a uno de ellos se les realizó resección quirúrgica mediante técnica abierta con dren y al otro grupo sin dren. Además, se incluyó un brazo prospectivo donde se evaluó la calidad de vida y la satisfacción de las pacientes con el resultado posoperatorio mediante el uso de la herramienta Breast-Q. Resultados. Se recolectó la información de 82 pacientes, la mayoría mujeres; 22 se intervinieron con técnica con dren y 60 con técnica sin dren. 13,6 % de los pacientes presentaron complicaciones tempranas, siendo la infección de sitio operatorio la más frecuente (36,4 %). En general, las complicaciones fueron más comunes en el grupo con dren (40,9 % vs 3,4 %), con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,000). La calidad de vida fue similar en ambos grupos. Conclusiones. Los pacientes a quienes se les realizó resección de mama supernumeraria y se dejó un sistema de drenaje en el lecho de disección presentaron más complicaciones posoperatorias que las pacientes a quienes no se les dejó dren

Introduction. Accessory breast tissue is a congenital anomaly that occurs in 2-6% of the female population. It can develop the same pathologies that in the normal breast. The curative management of this pathology is surgical resection. The objective of this study was to compare the results of the accessory breast tissue open resection technique with a drain vs without a drain. Methods. An observational retrospective cohort study was conducted considering two groups of patients with accessory breast tissue: one of them underwent surgical resection using an open technique with a drain and the other group without a drain. In addition, a prospective arm where the quality of life and satisfaction of the patients with the postoperative result was evaluated by the Breast-Q tool. Results. Eighty-two patients were included, most of them women; 22 were operated with open technique with drain and 60 without drain. 13.6% of patients presented early complications, with surgical site infection being the most frequent (36.4%) and, in general, complications were more common in the group with drain (40.9% vs 3.4%) with a statistically significant difference (p=0.000). Quality of life was similar in both groups.Conclusions. Patients who undergo supernumerary breast resection and leaving drainage in the dissection bed present more postoperative complications compared to those without drain

Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Doenças Mamárias , Drenagem , Cirurgia Geral , Mama , Coristoma
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 22(supl.1): e20236616, 03 fev 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1416550


OBJETIVO: mapear os cuidados de enfermagem empregados aos pacientes adultos com drenagem torácica internados em terapia intensiva. MÉTODO: scoping review a ser conduzida conforme o Joanna Briggs Institute, com a seguinte questão de pesquisa: "quais são os cuidados de enfermagem indicados aos pacientes adultos com drenagem torácica internados em terapia intensiva?". A busca será desenvolvida em cinco bases de dados: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase, BVS e Web of Science, e os achados serão geridos com o auxílio do software Rayyan. Serão incluídos estudos quantitativos e qualitativos, artigos de revisão, dissertações, teses, diretrizes clínicas e protocolos terapêuticos sobre a temática, incluindo a literatura cinzenta. Será descrito o número total de fontes de evidência encontradas e selecionadas. Através de uma narrativa, será detalhado o processo de decisão da inclusão dos estudos. Os principais achados deverão estar descritos em consonância com o objetivo e os resultados relacionados à questão de pesquisa.

OBJECTIVE: to map nursing care employed to adult patients with chest drainage admitted to intensive care. METHOD: scoping review to be conducted according to the Joanna Briggs Institute, with the following research question: "What are the nursing cares indicated to adult patients with chest drainage admitted to intensive care?". The search will be developed in five databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase, BVS and Web of Science, and the findings will be managed with the support of Rayyan software. Quantitative and qualitative studies, review articles, dissertations, theses, clinical guidelines and therapeutic protocols on the subject will be included, including gray literature. The total number of sources of evidence found and selected will be described. Through a narrative, the decision-making process of the inclusion of the studies will be detailed. The main findings must be described in line with the objective and the results related to the research question.

Humanos , Adulto , Drenagem/enfermagem , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Torácicos , Cavidade Pleural , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Cuidados de Enfermagem
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515282


Introducción: La inflamación de la pleura desencadenada por bacterias y mediada por citocinas, aumenta la permeabilidad vascular y produce vasodilatación, lo cual genera desequilibrio entre la producción de líquido pleural y su capacidad de reabsorción por eficientes mecanismos fisiológicos. La condición anterior conduce al desarrollo de derrame pleural paraneumónico. Objetivo: Exponer la importancia de la correlación fisiopatológica y diagnóstica con los pilares fundamentales de actuación terapéutica en el derrame pleural paraneumónico. Métodos: Revisión en PubMed y Google Scholar de artículos publicados hasta abril de 2021 que abordaran el derrame pleural paraneumónico, su fisiopatología, elementos diagnósticos, tanto clínicos como resultados del estudio del líquido pleural, pruebas de imágenes, y estrategias terapéuticas. Análisis y síntesis de la información: El progreso de una infección pulmonar y la producción de una invasión de gérmenes al espacio pleural favorece la activación de mecanismos que conllevan al acúmulo de fluido, depósito de fibrina y formación de septos. Este proceso patológico se traduce en manifestaciones clínicas, cambios en los valores citoquímicos y resultados microbiológicos en el líquido pleural, que acompañados de signos radiológicos y ecográficos en el tórax, guían la aplicación oportuna de los pilares de tratamiento del derrame pleural paraneumónico. Conclusiones: Ante un derrame pleural paraneumónico, con tabiques o partículas en suspensión en la ecografía de tórax, hallazgo de fibrina, líquido turbio o pus en el proceder de colocación del drenaje de tórax, resulta necesario iniciar fibrinólisis intrapleural. Cuando el tratamiento con fibrinolíticos intrapleurales falla, la cirugía video-toracoscópica es el procedimiento quirúrgico de elección(AU)

Introduction: The inflammation of the pleura triggered by bacteria and mediated by cytokines, increases vascular permeability and produces vasodilation, which generates imbalance between the production of pleural fluid and its resorption capacity by efficient physiological mechanisms. The above condition leads to the development of parapneumonic pleural effusion. Objective: To expose the importance of the pathophysiological and diagnostic correlation with the fundamental pillars of therapeutic action in parapneumonic pleural effusion. Methods: Review in PubMed and Google Scholar of articles published until April 2021 that addressed parapneumonic pleural effusion, its pathophysiology, diagnostic elements, both clinical and results of the pleural fluid study, imaging tests, and therapeutic strategies. Analysis and synthesis of information: The progress of a lung infection and the production of an invasion of germs into the pleural space favors the activation of mechanisms that lead to the accumulation of fluid, fibrin deposition and formation of septa. This pathological process results in clinical manifestations, changes in cytochemical values and microbiological results in the pleural fluid, which accompanied by radiological and ultrasound signs in the chest, guide the timely application of the pillars of treatment of parapneumonic pleural effusion. Conclusions: In the event of a parapneumonic pleural effusion, with septums or particles in suspension on chest ultrasound, finding fibrin, turbid fluid or pus in the procedure of placement of the chest drain, it is necessary to initiate intrapleural fibrinolytic. When treatment with intrapleural fibrinolytics fails, video-thoracoscopic surgery is the surgical procedure of choice(AU)

Humanos , Derrame Pleural/classificação , Derrame Pleural/fisiopatologia , Derrame Pleural/tratamento farmacológico , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico por imagem , Drenagem/instrumentação , Antibacterianos
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515283


Introducción: Los neumatoceles y las bulas pulmonares son lesiones que se observan en los niños casi siempre asociadas a neumonías infecciosas, aunque sus causas pueden ser diversas. La importancia clínica de estos procesos radica en el peligro de crecimiento progresivo, que puede comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias derivadas del proceso de diagnóstico por imágenes y del tratamiento invasivo de casos atendidos. Presentación de los casos: Desde finales de 2021 y durante un período de un año, se atendieron, en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de Cienfuegos, cinco niños con neumonías extensas, que desarrollaron bulas de gran tamaño varios días después del tratamiento antimicrobiano adecuado. Estas necesitaron drenaje y aspiración percutáneos debido a su magnitud y a la presencia de síntomas cardiovasculares. Conclusiones: Las bulas que aparecieron como complicación de la neumonía en el niño pueden presentarse con una frecuencia no despreciable, y hay que mantenerse atentos a su evolución, porque, a diferencia de los neumatoceles, pueden crecer progresivamente y comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. El drenaje percutáneo y aspiración continua por cinco días resultó un método seguro y eficaz para tratar estos procesos(AU)

Introduction: Pneumoatoceles and pulmonary bullae are lesions that are observed in children almost always associated with infectious pneumonia, although their causes may be diverse. The clinical importance of these processes lies in the danger of progressive growth, which can compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Objective: To describe the experiences derived from the imaging process and the invasive treatment of treated cases. Presentation of the cases: Since the end of 2021 and for a period of one year, five children with extensive pneumonia were treated in the pediatric intensive care unit of the University Pediatric Hospital of Cienfuegos, who developed large bullae several days after appropriate antimicrobial treatment. The bullae required percutaneous drainage and aspiration due to their magnitude and the presence of cardiovascular symptoms. Conclusions: The bulla that appeared as a complication of pneumonia in the child can occur with a not negligible frequency, and it is necessary to be attentive to their evolution, because, unlike pneumoatoceles, can grow progressively and compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Percutaneous drainage and continuous aspiration for five days was a safe and effective method to treat these processes(AU)

Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Derrame Pleural/tratamento farmacológico , Pneumonia/complicações , Pneumonia/diagnóstico por imagem , Astenia/etiologia , Taquicardia/complicações , Características de Residência , Vesícula/etiologia , Dor nas Costas , Tosse , Toracentese/métodos , COVID-19 , Tórax/diagnóstico por imagem , Ceftriaxona/uso terapêutico , Vancomicina/uso terapêutico , Drenagem/instrumentação , Levofloxacino/uso terapêutico , Anemia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523941


El objetivo de esta presentación es dar a conocer el manejo de la miositis piógena del músculo obturador interno en un paciente pediátrico que fue tratado mediante un drenaje percutáneo guiado por ecografía. Se trata de un niño de 5 años de edad, con manifestaciones clínicas y valores de laboratorio de infección muscular profunda en el obturador interno. Se identificó específicamente con resonancia magnética, es un área de difícil acceso quirúrgico, por lo cual se realizó un tratamiento percutáneo guiado por ecografía que permitió drenar el contenido purulento de la zona afectada. La resonancia magnética hizo posible lograr un diagnóstico más acertado en los casos de infección piógena temprana y, a su vez, decidir la vía de abordaje más adecuada. En ocasiones, se puede optar por la guía ecográfica con la cual se evita el abordaje quirúrgico formal y así disminuyen las complicaciones de la herida y la mayor morbimortalidad. La adición de procedimientos percutáneos guiados por imágenes es una herramienta muy útil para tratar enfermedades infecciosas y una gran ayuda para el ortopedista. Nivel de Evidencia: V

The objective of this case report is to present the management of a case of pyogenic myositis of the obturator muscle in a pediatric patient using ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage. The patient is a 5-year-old pediatric patient with clinical and laboratory manifestations of deep muscular infection at the obturator level, an area of difficult surgical access, for which the least invasive treatment possible was used to drain purulent content from the affected area. The use of magnetic resonance imaging studies allows for a more accurate diagnosis in cases of early pyogenic infection, as well as determining the most effective approach to treatment. In some cases, ultrasound guidance can be used to avoid a formal surgical approach, reducing wound complications and morbidity and mortality. The addition of image-guided percutaneous procedures is a very useful tool for the treatment of infectious diseases and a great help to the orthopedist. Level of Evidence: V

Pré-Escolar , Drenagem , Ultrassonografia , Piomiosite , Quadril , Músculos
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 55(2): 112-117, 20220801.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380460


Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 18 años, con un gran mucocele frontoetmoidal derecho, postoperado en dos oportunidades anteriores, que acudió a nuestro servicio por un empeoramiento de la diplopía. Al examen físico se visualizaba un desplazamiento del globo ocular hacia abajo y afuera. Se le realizó estudios de imágenes, una tomografía computarizada y una resonancia magnética nuclear que sugerían un mucocele frontoetmoidal derecho. Se le realizó una sinusotomía tipo Draf III para drenaje de la lesión, con mejoría de los síntomas.

We present the case of an 18-year-old male patient with a large right frontoethmoidal mucocele, postoperatively on two previous occasions, who came to our department due to worsening diplopia. Physical examination revealed a downward and outward displacement of the eyeball. Imaging studies, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging were performed that suggested a right frontoethmoidal mucocele. A type Draf III sinusotomy was performed to drain the lesion, with improvement of the symptoms.

Mucocele , Drenagem , Diplopia
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 80(1): 1-3, jan. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381055


O cenário de violência urbana e a alta tecnologia automobilística culminaram no aumento de incidência de lesões penetrantes e contusas. Como o fígado ocupa a maior parte do quadrante superior do abdome, qualquer trauma na parte inferior do tórax ou no abdome superior o coloca em risco de lesão que pode acarretar vazamento biliar, sangue ou seroma. Portanto, a drenagem é indicada para evitar complicações causadas pelo acúmulo desses líquidos. Este estudo visou avaliar a efetividade da drenagem em procedimentos cirúrgicos de trauma hepático. Estudo observacional, com análise retrospectiva de prontuários onde foi avaliado um total de 60 prontuários. Em conclusão, os pacientes com lesões mais graves tiveram maior número de drenagem; o tempo de permanência em UTI foi semelhante àqueles que não utilizaram drenos; reoperações utilizaram o dreno com maior frequência; o uso ou não de drenagem não evidenciou diferenças quanto a necessidade de hemoderivados ou em relação ao número de óbitos

The urban violence scenario and the high automobile technology culminated in an increase in the incidence of penetrating and blunt injuries. Since the liver occupies most of the upper quadrant of the abdomen, any trauma to the lower chest or upper abdomen is risky for injury that can lead to bile leakage, blood, or seroma; therefore, drainage is indicated to avoid complications caused by the accumulation of these liquids. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of drainage in surgical procedures for liver trauma. It is observational, with retrospective analysis of medical records. A total of 60 records were evaluated. In conclusion, patients with more severe injuries had a greater number of drainages; the length of stay in the ICU was similar to those who did not use drains; reoperations used the drain more frequently; the use or not of drainage did not show differences in terms of the need for blood products or in relation to the number of deaths

Humanos , Traumatismos Torácicos , Ferimentos e Lesões , Drenagem , Fígado
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 37(2): 210-213, Jan.-June 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394951


Abstract Introduction: The pancreatic pseudocyst is one of the late local complications of acute pancreatitis. For managing a giant pancreatic pseudocyst, there are multiple strategies. Aim: To present the case of a patient with a giant pancreatic pseudocyst managed by endoscopic cystogastrostomy. Clinical case: A 41-year-old woman developed a giant pancreatic pseudocyst as a complication of acute pancreatitis that was managed by endoscopic cystogastrostomy without endoscopic ultrasound guidance, with good evolution. Conclusions: Endoscopic cystogastrostomy, with or without the help of ultrasound endoscopy or lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS), is a viable, safe, effective, and economical therapeutic option for selected patients with a giant pancreatic pseudocyst.

Resumen Introducción: el pseudoquiste pancreático es una de las complicaciones locales tardías de la pancreatitis aguda. Para el manejo del pseudoquiste pancreático gigante existen múltiples estrategias. Objetivo: presentar el caso de una paciente con pseudoquiste pancreático gigante manejado mediante cistogastrostomía endoscópica. Caso clínico: mujer de 41 años que desarrolló un pseudoquiste pancreático gigante como complicación de una pancreatitis aguda y se manejó mediante cistogastrostomía endoscópica sin guía ecoendoscópica, con una adecuada evolución. Conclusiones: la cistogastrostomía endoscópica, con la ayuda o no de ecoendoscopia ni stent de aposición luminal (LAMS), es una opción terapéutica viable, segura, efectiva y económica para pacientes seleccionados con pseudoquiste pancreático gigante.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pseudocisto Pancreático/cirurgia , Pancreatite/complicações , Drenagem/métodos , Endoscopia do Sistema Digestório/métodos , Pseudocisto Pancreático/etiologia , Pseudocisto Pancreático/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(2): 47-52, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1399418


Introdução: A Trombose Séptica do Seio Cavernoso é uma condição rara, de difícil diagnóstico e seu tratamento deve ser incisivo e assertivo. Mais frequentemente a etiologia da trombose é a extensão de processos infecciosos no terço médio da face, como sinusites dos seios paranasais. Objetivo: Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de caso clínico de um paciente de 26 anos acometido por trombose séptica do seio cavernoso odontogênica. Relato de caso: O paciente foi submetido a duas drenagens cirúrgicas dos sítios infectados, assim como remoção das causas (dois molares superiores), seguidas de antibioticoretapia endovenosa e controles imaginológico e laboratorial. Conclusão: O diagnóstico precoce e etiologicamente correto seguido de um tratamento clínico e cirúrgico emergente e incisivo são fundamentais na resolução favorável da trombose séptica do seio cavernoso e na diminuição de suas sequelas... (AU)

Introduction: Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis is a rare condition, hard to diagnose and its treatment must be incisive and assertive. More often the etiology of thrombosis is the extension of infectious processes in the middle third of the face, such as sinusitis of the paranasal sinuses. Objectives: This paper aims to present a case report of a 26-year-old patient with odontogenic Cavernous Sinus Septic Thrombosis. Case Report: The patient underwent two surgical drainage of the infected sites, as well as removal of the causes (two maxillary molars), followed by intravenous antibiotic therapy and imaging and laboratory controls. Conclusion: Early and etiologically correct diagnosis followed by an emergent and incisive clinical and surgical treatment are fundamental in the favorable resolution of septic cavernous sinus thrombosis and in the reduction of its sequelae... (AU)

Introducción: La Trombosis del Seno Cavernoso Séptico es una condición rara, difícil de diagnosticar y su tratamiento debe ser incisivo y asertivo. Más a menudo, la etiología de la trombosis es la extensión de procesos infecciosos en el tercio medio de la cara, como la sinusitis de los senos paranasales. Objetivos: El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar el reporte de un caso de un paciente de 26 años con Trombosis Séptica del Seno Cavernoso odontogénica. Reporte de caso: El paciente fue sometido a dos drenajes quirúrgicos de los sitios infectados, así como a la extirpación de las causas (dos molares maxilares), seguido de antibioticoterapia endovenosa y controles de imagen y laboratorio. Conclusión: El diagnóstico precoz y etiologicamente correcto seguido de un tratamiento clínico y quirúrgico emergente e incisivo son fundamentales en la resolución favorable de la trombosis del seno cavernoso séptico y en la reducción de sus secuelas... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Seios Paranasais , Síndrome do Nevo Basocelular , Seio Cavernoso/patologia , Drenagem , Trombose do Corpo Cavernoso/diagnóstico , Face , Arcada Osseodentária
Int. braz. j. urol ; 48(2): 363-364, March-Apr. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364954


ABSTRACT Background: Reports in the literature describe lymphocele formation in up to half of patients following pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) (1) in robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), with 1-2% requiring intervention (2). The advantage of surgical approach is permanent excision of the lymphocele capsule and fewer days with pelvic drains compared to percutaneous drainage. This study aims to describe the step-by-step surgical management of symptomatic lymphoceles using a less invasive robotic platform, the Da Vinci® Single Port (SP). Material and Methods: We describe the technique of lymphocelectomy and marsupialization with the Da Vinci® SP for symptomatic lymphocele. For this study, several treatment modalities for symptomatic lymphoceles were available, including percutaneous drainage, sclerosing agents, and surgical marsupialization. All the data for this study were obtained through the procedure via Da Vinci® SP. Results: Operative time for the case was 84 minutes. Blood loss was 25ml. No intra- or post- operative complications were reported. The patient had his drain removed in under 24 hours after surgery. The mean follow-up period was 7.7 months. There were no complications or lymphocele recurrence. Conclusion: Da Vinci® SP lymphocelectomy is safe and feasible with satisfactory outcomes. The SP enables definitive treatment of the lymphocele sac (3), reducing the number of days with abdominal drains and allows further decrease in surgical invasiveness with fewer incisions and better cosmesis.

Humanos , Masculino , Robótica , Linfocele/cirurgia , Linfocele/etiologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/efeitos adversos , Prostatectomia/métodos , Drenagem/efeitos adversos , Drenagem/métodos , Excisão de Linfonodo/métodos
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 11(1): 326, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1417140


La celulitis orbitaria representa una causa frecuente de inflamación de la órbita, constituyendo una urgencia médica que requiere un manejo multidisciplinario. Se presenta caso de una recién nacida con clínica de aumento de volumen en región bipalpebral derecha y fiebre de 24 horas de evolución. Al examen físico se evidencia proptosis de ojo derecho, aumento de volumen bipalpebral que impide la apertura del globo ocular en su totalidad con signos de flogosis y secreción purulenta en borde palpebral. Los laboratorios reportan leucocitosis y trombocitosis reactiva; tomografía de orbita muestra tumefacción y edema periorbitario derecho, aumento difuso de densidad grasa post-septal extra e intraconal, hallazgos sugestivos de celulitis orbitaria derecha. Se indica antibioticoterapia con vancomicina y cefotaxime, ameritando además drenaje de absceso, obteniéndose secreción purulenta, en la que se aísla Estafilococo aureus meticilino resistente. Siendo una patología inusual en este grupo etario, se recomienda la publicación de este caso(AU)

Orbital cellulitis represents a frequent cause of inflammation of the orbit, constituting a medical emergency that requires multidisciplinary management. We present a case of a newborn with clinic of volume increase in right bipalpebral region and fever of 24 hours of evolution. Physical examination reveals proptosis of right eye, increase of bipalpebral volume that prevents the opening of the eyeball in its entirety with signs of flushing and purulent eyelid margin secretion. Laboratories report leukocytosis and reactive thrombosis; orbital tomography scan shows right periorbital swelling and edema, diffuse increase of extra and intraconal post-septal fat density, suggestive findings of right orbital cellulitis, covered with vancomycin and cefotaxime; subsequently requires abscess drainage where Staphylococcus aureus methycilin- resistant is isolated. Being an unusual pathology in this age group, the publication of this case is recommended(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Recém-Nascido , Emergências , Celulite Orbitária , Exame Físico , Sinais e Sintomas , Tomografia , Drenagem , Abscesso , Laboratórios
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 68(1): 77-81, Jan. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360711


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The treatment for patients with acute calculous cholecystitis who have high surgical risk with percutaneous cholecystostomy instead of surgery is an appropriate alternative choice. The aim of this study was to examine the promising percutaneous cholecystostomy intervention to share our experiences about the duration of catheter that has yet to be determined. METHODS: A total of 163 patients diagnosed with acute calculous cholecystitis and treated with percutaneous cholecystostomy between January 2011 and July 2020 were reviewed retrospectively. The Tokyo Guidelines 2018 were used to diagnose and grade patients with acute cholecystitis. RESULTS: The mean age was 71.81±12.81 years. According to the Tokyo grading, 143 patients had grade 2 and 20 patients had grade 3 disease. The mean duration of catheter was 39.12±37 (1-270) days. Minimal bile leakage into the peritoneum was noted in 3 (1.8%) patients during the procedure. The rate of complications during follow-up of the patients who underwent percutaneous cholecystostomy was 6.9% (n=11), and the most common complication was catheter dislocation. Cholecystectomy was performed in 33.1% (n=54) of the patients at follow-up. Post-cholecystectomy complication rate was 12.9%. At the follow-up, the rate of recurrent acute cholecystitis episodes was 5.5%, while the mortality rate was 1.8%. The length of follow-up was five years. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of recurrence was significantly higher among the patients with catheter for <21 days. We recommend that the duration of catheter should be minimum 21 days in patients undergoing percutaneous cholecystostomy.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Colecistostomia/efeitos adversos , Colecistostomia/métodos , Colecistite Aguda/cirurgia , Drenagem/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Cateteres , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0033, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376776


RESUMO A obstrução de via lacrimal é uma possível complicação decorrente de tratamentos oncológicos sistêmicos e locais. A epífora crônica gera grande impacto na qualidade de vida desses pacientes, e, como a fibrose terminal da via lacrimal pode necessitar de procedimentos complexos para sua resolução, é importante estarmos atentos a esse efeito adverso, com o objetivo de reconhecê-lo e tratá-lo precocemente, ou mesmo preveni-lo. Nesta revisão da literatura, os autores analisam todos os agentes quimioterápicos e radioterápicos associados à obstrução lacrimal e descrevem os mecanismos, a frequência, os tratamentos e a profilaxia. Os tratamentos oncológicos associados à obstrução lacrimal foram: radioterapia em cabeça e pescoço (dosagem acima de 45 a 75Gy), radioiodoterapia (dosagem acima de 150mCi) e quimioterapia com 5-FU, S-1, capecitabine e docetaxel. A obstrução lacrimal pode ser irreversível, e a intubação profilática das vias lacrimais é uma possibilidade descrita de tratamento profilático em casos de radioterapia e uso do 5-FU, S-1 e docetaxel. O tratamento cirúrgico de todos os casos é a dacriocistorrinostomia.

ABSTRACT Lacrimal duct obstruction can be a side effect of systemic and/or local cancer treatments. Chronic epiphora has a great impact on the quality of life of oncological patients. Since terminal fibrosis of the lacrimal system may require complex procedures, it is important to be aware of this adverse effect in order to recognize and treat it, or even prevent it. A literature review was performed to identify all types of systemic cancer treatment associated with lacrimal obstruction and to describe the mechanisms, frequency, treatment, and prophylaxis. The oncological treatments associated with lacrimal obstruction were head and neck radiotherapy (dosage above 45-75 Gy), radioiodine therapy (dosage above 150 mCi), and chemotherapy with 5-FU, S-1, Capecitabine and Docetaxel. Depending on the dose, this complication may be irreversible. Prophylactic intubation of the lacrimal system is an option for prophylaxis in cases of radiotherapy, use of 5-FU, S-1, and Docetaxel. Final surgical treatment is dacryocystorhinostomy.

Humanos , Radioterapia/efeitos adversos , Radioisótopos do Iodo/efeitos adversos , Obstrução dos Ductos Lacrimais/etiologia , Obstrução dos Ductos Lacrimais/induzido quimicamente , Obstrução dos Ductos Lacrimais/terapia , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , Dacriocistorinostomia , Drenagem , Constrição Patológica/etiologia , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/prevenção & controle , Ducto Nasolacrimal/efeitos dos fármacos , Ducto Nasolacrimal/efeitos da radiação
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20213139, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365379


ABSTRACT Objective: to assess safety, efficacy and quality of life in patients with benign pleural effusions undergong pleural drainage with Wayne pleural catheter (DW) in an outpatient setting. Method: this is a prospective study, in which 47 patients were evaluated between July 2017 and October 2018. Patients with non-malignant pleural effusions underwent pleural drainage with clinical evolution compatible with outpatient care were included. Patients who underwent drainage due to other conditions and patients were excluded. Results: after catheter placement, the mean length of hospital stay was 3.14 (± 3.85) days, and 21 patients (44.68%) were discharged within 24 hours. The mean time with the catheter was 12.63 (± 7.37) days. The analysis of the pleural fluid was transudate in 87.3% of cases and exudate in 12.3%. The causes of pleural effusion were heart failure (72.3%), renal failure (19.1%), liver failure (6.3%) and pneumonia (8.5%). The quality of life, analyzed according to the parameters of the questionnaire SF 36, showed low average values when compared to other studies. Analyzing each descriptor, the average was greater only in the limitation related to physical aspects. In the other descriptors, the results were similar, but smaller. Conclusion: the outpatient use of pleural catheters of the Wayne type (pigtail) proved to be feasible, safe and with a low associated infection rate. This is a viable option for selected patients.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a segurança, a eficácia, as complicações e a qualidade de vida da alta precoce e acompanhamento ambulatorial de pacientes com derrames pleurais benignos submetidos à drenagem pleural com dreno de Wayne (DW). Método: estudo prospectivo, em que foram avaliados 47 pacientes entre julho de 2017 e outubro de 2018. Foram incluídos os pacientes com derrames pleurais não malignos, submetidos a drenagem pleural com evolução clínica compatível com o cuidado ambulatorial. Foram excluídos os pacientes submetidos a drenagem por outras afecções. Resultados: após a drenagem, a média do tempo de internação dos pacientes foi de 3,14 (±3,85) dias, sendo que 21 pacientes (44,68%) tiveram alta em até 24 horas após a drenagem. O tempo médio de permanência com o dreno foi de 12,63 (±7,37) dias. A análise do líquido pleural mostrou tratar-se de transudato em 87,3% dos casos e de exsudato em 12,3%. Dentre as causas do derrame pleural, destacaram-se insuficiência cardíaca (72,3%), insuficiência renal (19,1%), hepatopatias (6,3%) e pneumonias (8,5%). A qualidade de vida, analisada segundo os parâmetros do questionário SF 36, teve valores médios baixos, principalmente em relação a outros estudos. Na análise de cada descritor, a média apresentou-se maior somente na limitação por aspectos físicos. Nos demais descritores, os resultados foram semelhantes, mas menores. Conclusão: o uso ambulatorial de cateteres pleurais do tipo Wayne (pigtail) mostrou-se factível, seguro e com baixa taxa de infecções associadas. Trata-se de opção viável para pacientes selecionados.

Humanos , Derrame Pleural/terapia , Drenagem/efeitos adversos , Drenagem/métodos , Cateteres/efeitos adversos , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Retrospectivos
Hepatología ; 3(2): 218-224, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396105


El hidrotórax hepático es una entidad poco frecuente en pacientes con cirrosis. A la fecha se han propuesto varias alternativas terapéuticas, tanto médicas como quirúrgicas, previas al trasplante hepático como manejo definitivo. A continuación, se presenta el caso de una paciente de 78 años con cirrosis secundaria a infección por virus de la hepatitis C, que acudió al servicio de urgencias por dificultad respiratoria, donde se documentó un derrame pleural derecho masivo de tipo trasudado, que respondió parcialmente a terapia diurética e inserción de dren pleural; posteriormente falleció por complicaciones hemorrágicas asociadas a la cirrosis. Se considera importante describir esta patología, dada su baja frecuencia en pacientes con cirrosis y los retos terapéuticos a los que nos enfrentamos con la poca evidencia disponible en la actualidad.

Hepatic hydrothorax is a rare entity in patients with cirrhosis. To date, several therapeutic alternatives have been proposed, both medical and surgical, prior to liver transplantation as the definitive management. Here we present the case of a 78-year-old patient with cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis C virus infection, who consulted the emergency department for respiratory distress, documenting a massive right pleural effusion of transudate type, which responded partially to diuretic therapy and drainage with pigtail, and later died due to hemorrhagic complications associated with cirrhosis. It is important to describe this pathology given its low frequency in patients with cirrhosis and the therapeutic challenges we face with the limited currently available evidence.

Humanos , Hidrotórax , Derrame Pleural , Drenagem , Vírus de Hepatite , Cirrose Hepática
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(4): 297-302, 26/11/2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362065


Introduction The increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) is a neurological complication resulting from numerous pathologies that affect the brain and its compartments. Therefore, decompressive craniectomy (DC) is an alternative adopted to reduce ICP in emergencies, especially in cases refractory to clinical therapies, in favor of patient survival. However, DC is associated with several complications, including hydrocephalus (HC). The present study presents the results of an unusual intervention to this complication: the implantation of an external ventricular drain (EVD) in the intraoperative period of cranioplasty (CP). Methods Patients of both genders who presented with HC and externalization of the brain through the cranial vault after decompressive hemicraniectomy and underwent EVD implantation, to allow the CP procedure, in the same surgical procedure, were included. Results Five patients underwent DC due to a refractory increase in ICP, due to automobile accidents, firearm projectiles, falls from stairs, and ischemic strokes. All evolved with HC. There was no uniform time interval between DC and CP. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was drained according to the need for correction of cerebral herniation in each patient, before undergoing cranioplasty. All patients progressed well, without neurological deficits in the immediate postoperative period. Conclusion There are still several uncertainties about the management of HC resulting from DC. In this context, other CP strategies simultaneous to the drainage of CSF, not necessarily related to ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS), should be considered and evaluated more deeply, in view of the verification of efficacy in procedures of this scope, such as the EVD addressed in this study.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Derivação Ventriculoperitoneal/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Hidrocefalia/cirurgia , Derivações do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Drenagem/métodos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/cirurgia , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Estudo Observacional , Hidrocefalia/etiologia
São Paulo med. j ; 139(6): 556-563, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352293


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Hypoxemia and pulmonary complications are common after upper abdominal surgery (UAS). OBJECTIVE: To examine whether inclusion of autogenic drainage (AD) in chest physiotherapy after UAS confers additional benefits in improving blood gases and reducing postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomized controlled study conducted at Kasr Al-Ainy teaching hospital, Egypt. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted on 48 subjects undergoing elective UAS with high risk of developing PPCs. The study group received AD plus routine chest physiotherapy (deep diaphragmatic breathing, localized breathing and splinted coughing) and the control group received routine chest physiotherapy only. The outcomes included arterial blood gases measured at the first and seventh postoperative days, incidence of PPCs within the first seven days and length of hospital stay. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. In the AD group, SaO2, PaO2, PaCO2 and HCO3 significantly improved (P < 0.05) while in the physiotherapy group, only SaO2 and PaO2 significantly improved (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, significant differences in post-treatment SaO2 and PaO2 between the groups were observed. The overall incidence of PPCs was 16.66% (12.5% in the AD group and 20.8% in the physiotherapy group) (absolute risk reduction -8.3%; 95% confidence interval, CI, -13.5 to 29.6%), with no significant difference between the groups. The AD group had a significantly shorter hospital stay (P = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Adding AD to routine chest physiotherapy after UAS provided a favorable blood gas outcome and reduced the length of hospital stay. It tended to reduce the incidence of PPCs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04446520.

Humanos , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Eletivos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Drenagem , Gases , Tempo de Internação
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(4): 473-479, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360971


Resumen Introducción: en pacientes con obstrucción biliar distal maligna en quienes la derivación biliar mediante colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) no sea factible o sea fallida, el drenaje biliar guiado por ultrasonido endoscópico mediante coledocoduodenostomía es una opción terapéutica viable, de la que se describen altas tasas de éxito técnico y clínico con una baja morbimortalidad. Adicionalmente, este método podría ser superior en la mejora de la calidad de vida en comparación con el manejo percutáneo o quirúrgico. Objetivo: describir la experiencia inicial con el drenaje biliar guiado por ultrasonido endoscópico en pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna en un centro de referencia. Métodos: es una serie de casos retrospectiva de 6 pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna a quienes se les realizó inicialmente una CPRE que fue fallida, por lo cual se procedió a realizar coledocoduodenostomía guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica. Se describieron las tasas de éxito técnico, éxito clínico, eventos adversos, tasas de disfunción y tiempo de supervivencia de los pacientes. Resultados: se analizaron 6 casos, predominó el sexo femenino, con un promedio de edad de 71,8 ± 19,8 años; las indicaciones fueron adenocarcinoma de páncreas, tumor periampular y colangiocarcinoma distal. Se observó un éxito técnico en el 100 % de los casos y éxito clínico en 83,3 % de los casos. No se registraron eventos adversos graves. En el seguimiento de los casos se observó una supervivencia del 66,7 % a los 30 días. Conclusión: la coledocoduodenostomía es una alternativa terapéutica viable, segura y efectiva en pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna en quienes la CPRE fue fallida, con una alta tasa de éxito técnico y clínico.

Abstract Introduction: Patients with malignant biliary distal obstruction who cannot be treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or who had a failed ERCP, can find alternative treatment in endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage via choledochoduodenostomy. EUS-CDS performs with high rates of technical and clinical success and with low rates of morbimortality. Moreover, this method could have the potential to improve the patient's quality of life, compared with percutaneous or surgical means. Objective: This study aims to describe the initial experience with endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage in patients with malignant biliary distal obstruction in a reference center. Methods: Retrospective case review of six patients with malignant biliary obstruction and prior ERCP-placed and failed. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage via choledochoduodenostomy was performed as an alternative method. Technical and clinical success rates, adverse event rates, dysfunction rates, and patient survival time were described. Results: 6 cases were analyzed with a higher proportion of female patients, with a mean age of 71,8 ± 19,8 years. The symptoms were related to pancreas adenocarcinoma, periampullary tumor, and distal cholangiocarcinoma. The procedure was technically successful in 100% of cases and clinically successful in 83% of cases. Serious adverse events were nor reported. After 30 days, a survival rate of 66,7 % was observed. Conclusion: Choledochoduodenostomy is a viable, safe, and effective method in patients with malignant biliary obstruction who had a failed ERCP, and it has high rates of technical and clinical success.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Coledocostomia , Adenocarcinoma , Colestase Intra-Hepática , Colangiopancreatografia Retrógrada Endoscópica , Endossonografia , Pâncreas , Drenagem , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Neoplasias