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Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(7): 1004-1010, jul. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139402


The concept of phobia, coming from the Hellenic language, is today widely spread. However, its clinical and social use has significant differences that distort it and induce an erroneous interpretation. Originally associated with fear, it has now become related to hatred. To illustrate this misunderstanding, the case of homophobia is presented. This paper reviews the etymology of the term and its subsequent inclusion in the clinical and social area. With Greek language as parameter, this article proposes terms that describe in a correct and accurate way what is meant to be expressed. The correct use of language is the best manner to investigate, understand and deal with this phenomenon.

Humanos , Meio Social , Marte , Características Culturais
Rev. chil. infectol ; 36(1): 92-98, feb. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003657


Resumen Hemos denominado bacterias del siglo XXI a dos tipos de extrañas y maravillosas criaturas del Reino Protista, descubiertas entre los últimos años del siglo pasado y los días que hoy vivimos: las bacterias gigantes y las de un posible origen marciano. En su búsqueda, audaces investigadores han viajado a tierras distantes y peligrosas, acampando en lugares desolados y descendiendo a las profundidades marinas, actividades que llamamos investigación aventura. Presentamos como ejemplos una expedición al Mar Rojo, buscando el gigantesco Epulopiscium; una temporada en el lago Mono, California, en pos de una bacteria con arsénico en su ADN; un patrullaje en el Ártico, para encontrar bacterias petrificadas en un meteorito marciano; sin olvidar que el tranquilo laboratorio también puede ser un lugar peligroso, porque toda investigación es una aventura.

We denominate "21st century bacteria" two types of strange and amazing creatures from the kingdom Protista, discovered between the last years of the twentieth and the present days: the giant bacteria and those with a possible Martian origin. Searching for them, bold investigators have travelled to distant and hostile lands, desolate places and deep waters, performing a kind of investigation that we only can describe as "investigation-adventure". This paper presents expeditions to the Red Sea, fishing the Epulopiscium; to Lake Mono, searching a bacteria able to growth with arsenic; to the Antarctic Circle, finding a meteorite with petrified alien microorganisms; and… to the quiet laboratory, a not less dangerous place.

História do Século XXI , Bactérias , Marte , Sulfetos , Oceano Índico , Namíbia
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 34(2): 41-41, 2003.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-409685

Marte , Planetas