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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(3): 378, dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1526934


Introducción: El tema del cambio climático y sus efectos, en la salud, educación y transporte, es un tema emergente, que pretende la optimización del consumo y la eficiencia energética. Esta investigación se plantea como objetivo,la caracterización del uso y aprovechamiento de energías, en establecimientos de atención médica de la región capital durante el año 2022, considerando la distribución energética, eficiencia y fuentes primarias de energía utilizadas en este país. Métodos: Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, transversal y prospectiva,a través del análisis cuali-cuantitativo, con el uso de informantes clave quienes consideran importante la iluminación natural en los espacios y el mayor aprovechamiento energético en áreas como la quirúrgica y consulta externa. Resultados: Surge el uso de la energía solar, eólica e hidráulica como recursos energéticos aprovechables, así como la sostenibilidad y la mantenibilidad en el diseño y rediseño de infraestructuras hospitalarias. Los tipos de energías utilizados en Venezuela, siguen correspondiendo ala hidráulica y combustibles fósiles, se conoce la tecnología e implementación de paneles solares para la mejoría del cambio climático, la huella del carbono, el uso de energías verdes y reducción de combustibles fósiles. Su aceptación depende de regulaciones y la concientización energética como elementos fundamentales para el cambio.

Introduction: The issue of climate change and itseffects, in health, education and transportation, is an emergingissue, which aims at the optimization of energy consumption andefficiency. e objective of this research is to characterize the useand exploitation of energy in health care facilities in the capitalregion during the year 2022, considering the energy distribution,efficiency and primary energy sources used in this country.Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and prospectiveresearch, through qualitative-quantitative analysis, with the useof key informants who consider important the natural lightingin the spaces and the greater use of energy in areas such assurgery and outpatient care. Results: The use of solar, windand hydraulic energy emerged as usable energy resources, aswell as sustainability and maintainability in the design andredesign of hospital infrastructures. The types of energy used inVenezuela continue to correspond to hydraulics and fossil fuels; the technology and implementation of solar panels is known forthe improvement of climate change, the carbon footprint, theuse of green energy and reduction of fossil fuels. Their acceptancedepends on regulations and energy awareness as fundamental elements for change.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Mudança Climática/estatística & dados numéricos , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Consumo de Energia , Energia Solar , Cuidados Médicos , Política de Saúde
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 103 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379929


Segundo a organização Aliança para Economizar Energia (ASE), o consumo de energia elétrica em sistemas de saneamento é de aproximadamente 3% do que é gerado em todo o mundo e no Brasil, de acordo pesquisas realizadas no setor, o que representa o terceiro maior custo em empresas prestadoras de serviços de saneamento (públicas e privadas), precedido somente pelo custo com mão de obra própria e terceirizada. Dessa forma esse trabalho através da metodologia exploratória-explicativa teve como principal objetivo analisar o consumo energético em sistemas de abastecimento de água e de esgotamento sanitário sob o enfoque do nexo água-energia-alimentos. Para isso, foram coletados dados de empresas em cinco estados brasileiros, com principal base de dados os Relatórios de Sustentabilidade. No Brasil, a principal fonte de geração de energia elétrica é de hidroelétricas (considerada fonte renovável) entretanto ainda há considerável fração oriunda de termoelétricas e outras fontes não sustentáveis, especialmente em períodos de estiagem. Nesse sentido, ampliar as fontes geradoras e a eficiência energética é uma necessidade emergente. Em sistemas de saneamento, o consumo de energia elétrica está relacionado principalmente ao consumo em unidades de bombeamento para abastecimento de água permitindo o alcance das pressões estabelecidas por norma, e a manutenção da potabilidade após tratamento. Em sistemas de esgotamento sanitário a energia elétrica é utilizada na coleta e transporte do efluente gerado para tratamento. Diante desse contexto, a racionalidade do nexo água-energia-alimentos corrobora o entendimento de que o consumo de energia elétrica em sistemas de saneamento possui uma relação de interdependência, propiciando mitigar os trade-offs entre setores envolvidos. Isto pode ocorrer por meio de medidas para redução de perdas em sistemas de abastecimento de água, bem como, com o uso de novas tecnologias que permitam a redução do consumo energético ou a própria de geração de energia em sistemas de saneamento, o nexo água-energia-alimentos permite a compreensão de que o uso eficiente e consciente de energia elétrica propicia uma relação onde as sinergias entre os setores sejam promotoras de saúde pública e impulsionem a sustentabilidade na utilização dos recursos hídricos. Através da realização do estudo foi possível obter parâmetros sobre o consumo de energia elétrica nas empresas pesquisadas, proporcionando dessa forma em colaboração com o nexo água- energia-alimentos a análise do emprego, bem como investigação de ações para redução e produção de energia elétrica por meio de tecnologias já adotadas ou com perspectiva para adoção. O Brasil passa atualmente por um momento de transição energética, diante desse contexto a pesquisa realizada corrobora com a compreensão que a sustentabilidade no setor de energia elétrica somente será alcançada mediante a diversificação das fontes produtoras, priorizando sobretudo fontes renováveis e o setor de saneamento possui relevante potencial, ainda pouco explorado para colaborar efetivamente e diretamente com a ampliação sustentável do setor.

According to the organization Alliance to Save Energy (ASE), the electricity consumption in water and sanitation systems is approximately 3% of what is generated worldwide and in Brazil, acoording to research carried out in the sector which represents the third largest cost in companies providing sanitation services (public and private), preceded only by the cost of own and outsourced labor. The main objective of this study, through exploratory methodology, was to analyze the energy consumption in water supply and sanitary sewage systems under the perspective of the water-energy-food nexus. To this end, data were collected from water and sanitation companies in five Brazilian states, with the main database being the Sustainability Reports. In Brazil, the main source of electric power generation is hydroelectric (considered a renewable source). However there is still a considerable fraction coming from thermoelectric plants and other non-sustainable sources, especially in periods of drought. In this sense, expanding the generation sources and increasing energy efficiency is an emerging need. In water supply systems, the consumption of electricity is mainly related to the consumption of pumping units for water supply, allowing the achievement of pressures established by standard, and the maintenance of potability after treatment. In sewage systems, electricity is used in the collection and transport of the effluent generated for treatment. Within this context, the rationality of the water--ood nexus corroborates the understanding that electricity consumption in water and sanitation systems has an interdependent relationship, allowing for the mitigation of trade-offs among the sectors involved. This can occur through measures to reduce losses in water supply systems, as well as the use of new technologies that allow the reduction of energy consumption or the generation of energy itself in water and sanitation systems. The nexus allows the understanding that the efficient and conscious use of electricity provides a relationship where the synergies between the sectors promote public health and boost sustainability in the use of water resources. By carrying out the study, it was possible to obtain parameters on the consumption of electric energy in the companies surveyed, thus providing, in collaboration with the water-energy-food nexus, the analysis of employment, as well as investigation of actions to reduce and produce electric energy by through technologies already adopted or with prospects for adoption. Brazil is currently going through a moment of energy transition, in this context the research carried out corroborates the understanding that sustainability in the electricity sector will only be achieved through the diversification of production sources, prioritizing above all renewable sources and the sanitation sector has relevant potential, still little explored to collaborate effectively and directly with the sustainable expansion of the sector.

Água , Saneamento Básico , Centrais Hidrelétricas , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Consumo de Energia
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64(spe): e21210196, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278463


Abstract Recent technological advances and increased participation of energy systems based on photovoltaic solar energy place this renewable energy source in a prominent position in the current scenario. With the increase in the share of solar photovoltaic systems, the impact of power fluctuations in these sources has worsened, which can affect the quality of electrical energy and the reliability of the electrical power system. Therefore, with the use of energy storage together with control algorithms based on artificial intelligence, it is possible to control and perform power smoothing. In this context, the study presents a technical feasibility study on the use of artificial neural network (ANN) to perform the power smoothing of the photovoltaic system connected to the network. Being studied the performance of a real photovoltaic system operating in conjunction with an ideal energy storage for comparative analysis of the performance of the artificial neural network when the numbers of neurons and layers are modified for different real operating conditions considered as temperature variation, humidity, irradiation, pressure and wind speed, which are considered to be ANN input data. The results obtained point to the feasibility of using ANN, with acceptable precision, for power smoothing. According to the analyzes carried out, it is clear that ANN's with few neurons, the smoothing profile tends to be more accurate when compared to larger amounts of neurons. In the current state of the study, it was not possible to determine a relationship between the variations in the number of neurons with the most accurate results, it is important to note that the development of the curve pointed by the neural network can be influenced by the database. It should be noted that, when ANN exceeds or does not reach the optimal smoothing curve, the storage system compensates for the lack or excess of power, and there is a need for other mechanisms to optimize power smoothing.

Energia Solar , Redes Neurais de Computação , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Sistemas Microeletromecânicos/métodos , Inteligência Artificial , Estudos de Viabilidade
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64(spe): e21200734, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285561


Abstract The State of Paraná stands out in Brazil for its hydraulic potential for electricity generation. Furthermore, the State also shows potential for the use of other sources of energy, such as solar energy, biogas and biomass. The study traces the profile of electric energy consumption and compiles analysis of the alternative energy potentials of Paraná on the use of solar energy, the biomass of forest residues and agricultural crops, the generation of biogas through the residues of farmed animals and the urban solids residues. The work took account for the estimates, the logistical limitations for the biomass or biogas collection and the real availability of the wastes in terms of viability of exploration through distributed generation plants. The use of the business analytics software Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2® made possible the open data analysis at the municipal level. The paper provides realistic estimates about the feasibility of the use of alternative energy sources in the State of Paraná.

Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Energia Renovável , Brasil , Análise de Dados
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020891


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the " Energía, la justa " program, aimed at reducing energy poverty in the city of Barcelona, from the point of view of the target population and the workers involved in the intervention. METHODS A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory pilot study was carried out, with a phenomenological approach. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted: to three users, three energy agents who performed interventions in the homes, and six professionals who participated in the program coordination. A thematic content analysis was carried out using Atlas-ti software . Interviews were conducted between October 2016 and March 2017. RESULTS Trust in a contact person (e.g. social workers) facilitated the participation, although there were difficulties reaching people who had illegal energy supplies, immigrant women or immigrants who subrent properties. Regarding implementation, home visits, energy efficiency advice and the relationship with energy agents were the best assessed aspects. However, not being able to carry out reforms in deteriorated dwellings was considered a limitation. The program also contributed to raise awareness on energy rights, to save on utility bills and to generate tranquility and social support. CONCLUSIONS Programs such as this one can promote energy empowerment and improve psychosocial status. However, strategies with a gender and equity perspective should be considered to reach other vulnerable groups.

RESUMEN OBJETIVO Conocer las valoraciones del programa "Energía, la justa" orientado a reducir la pobreza energética en la ciudad de Barcelona, desde la perspectiva de las personas destinatarias y de las personas trabajadoras involucradas en la intervención. MÉTODOS Estudio piloto realizado con metodología cualitativa, de tipo descriptivo y exploratorio, analizado desde un enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron 12 entrevistas semi-estructuradas: a tres personas destinatarias, a tres agentes energéticos que realizaron intervención en los hogares y a seis profesionales que participaron en la coordinación del programa. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático mediante el software Atlas-ti. Las entrevistas se realizaron entre octubre de 2016 y marzo de 2017. RESULTADOS La confianza con una persona de contacto (por ejemplo, trabajadoras sociales) facilitó la participación, pero hubo dificultad para acceder a personas que tenían los suministros ilegales, mujeres inmigrantes o inmigrantes que subalquilaban pisos. Respecto a la implementación, las visitas domiciliarias, el asesoramiento en materia de eficiencia energética y la relación con los agentes energéticos, fueron los aspectos mejor valorados. Sin embargo, se consideró como limitación no poder realizar reformas en viviendas muy deterioradas. A nivel de impacto, el programa contribuyó al conocimiento de los derechos energéticos, a ahorrar en las facturas de los suministros y a generar mayor tranquilidad y soporte social. CONCLUSIONES Programas como este fomentan el empoderamiento en materia energética y producen mejoras a nivel psicosocial. No obstante, se deberían desarrollar estrategias con perspectiva de género y de equidad para llegar a otros colectivos especialmente vulnerables.

Humanos , Fontes Geradoras de Energia/economia , Pobreza , Espanha , Inquéritos e Questionários , Atenção à Saúde , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Eletricidade , Emigrantes e Imigrantes , Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62(spe): e19190012, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055423


Abstract Sustainability, a concept used to exploit natural resources without harming future generations, is being applied to power generation. In Brazil, the main source of electric energy comes from hydroelectric plants, due to abundant water resources. However, the implementation of these plants causes irreversible impacts on the environment and society. On the other hand, the impacts caused by photovoltaic panels are considerably smaller in the construction phase and zero in the operation phase. This article describes the impacts generated by hydroelectric power plants and gives an overview of the power generated by floating photovoltaic panels using 10% of the area of the reservoirs of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Brazil. The results demonstrate a better efficiency of the photovoltaic panels in the water, which cools them, increasing their efficiency. Furthermore, photovoltaic panel power generation amount is higher than compared the annual power generation of three out of four hydroelectric plants analyzed. In addition, adding solar energy to the reservoirs would save infrastructure costs, considering that energy can be made available through substation infrastructure and existing power transmission systems.

Centrais Hidrelétricas/efeitos adversos , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Energia Fotovoltaica , Brasil , Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62(spe): e19190006, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055442


Abstract Electricity is undoubtedly one of the most important resources in the modern world. As the demand for electric energy increases, conventional resources that are transformed into electric energy are being exhausted, generating a need to search for alternative sources, resulting in a significant increase in energy costs. This study presents an integrated project of an intelligent microgrid and energy management aimed at reducing energy costs. At the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), electricity represents an annual cost of over BRL 13 million, which is the third largest operating expense of the university. In addition, the public education budget in Brazil has been decreased in recent years. Therefore, this study was conducted within the scope of UFPR and aimed to analyze three alternatives to reduce electric energy costs: i) demand management through an analysis of energy bills, ii) migration to the free energy market, and iii) the development of an in-house photovoltaic generation facility. A computational tool to optimize the contracted demand and simulate the annual savings with the free market and distributed generation projects was developed using Microsoft Excel. Payback, the net present value, and the internal rate of return were calculated. Finally, the economic viability of all alternatives was proven, with demand management demonstrating an economic potential of greater than BRL 500,000 per year, use of the free market saving more than BRL 300,000, and the developed in-house photovoltaic generation system achieving an economic impact of more than BRL 600,000 per year.

Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Consumo de Energia/economia , Custos e Análise de Custo/métodos , Abastecimento de Energia , Fatores Econômicos
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62(spe): e19190024, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132153


Abstract The current reality of the energy market requires generation, control, distribution and consumption to become more efficient. Recent arrangements with electric energy stored in accumulators appear as strategic tools in the environment where the cost of energy supplied by the concessionaires and permission holders has accumulated successive increases, indirectly enabling the control and management of applications of micro or local minigeneration, from renewable sources in general. Systems with energy storage (e.g. batteries) and local demand management (many consumer units) achieve great efficiency by allowing the optimized consumption of the available energy, both by the local power grid and by the accumulated grid. Other advantages are presented for the distributors, allowing the relief of the electricity network, remunerating the investment in reduced intervals of time. Consideration should be given to the possibility of local autonomy, even if partially, by providing energy from the storage to the local loads in eventual failures in the supply of energy by the distribution network or at times where supply has a higher cost.

Autonomia Profissional , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Abastecimento de Energia/métodos , Energia Renovável
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000030, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974151


Abstract The electrical sector is under constant evolution. One of the areas refers to the consumers that come to be generators, implementing distributed generation, interconnected to a smart grid. This article discusses the improvement of an algorithm, already presented in the literature, to make the best temporal allocation of loads, electric vehicle, storage and many sources of generation, aiming at the maximum financial performance, that is, the lowest value for the energy invoice The modeling consists of a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) algorithm, which considers each component of the system and weighs the maintenance and shelf life of storage devices, basically batteries, loads that can be reallocated and the concept of Vehicle-to-grid, performing a daily analysis. The simulation has considered the hypothetical case of a residence, in which are included storage, electric vehicle and redistribution of loads, as well as wind and solar generation. Several scenarios are simulated, with or without the presence of some of the components. The results indicate that the simplest model, only redistributing the loads, can provide a sensible monetary savings of approximately 60%, while with the application of all the components modeled, there can be a reduction in the invoice of 90%.

Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Energia Eólica , Energia Solar , Veículos Automotores
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000260, 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974149


ABSTRACT In Brazil, there are several crops producing oil for biofuel production, such as canola, sunflower, peanut, cotton, castor bean, soybean, among others. There are parameters that indicate the energetic and economic viability for the production of biofuels, and that can be applied, for example, in transgenic soybeans. The present study aimed to evaluate the energetic viability of Intacta RR2 PROTM soybean for biofuel production.Experiments were conducted in the municipalities of Palotina and Marechal Cândido Rondon, both in the State of Paraná. Energy balance calculations were carried out from the production system, estimating energy expenditure, including the agricultural and industrial stages. The inputs used were considered as input of energy, while grain production, as output of energy. The energy balance of soybean biofuel showed positive values in the treatments with lower doses up to the recommended doses, highlighting the treatment glyphosate at 720 g.e.a. per hectare, which reached a positive energy balance (1: 1.11) for both municipalities. However, the Intacta RR2 PRO TM soybean was sensitive to treatments with high doses of glyphosate, which impaired productivity and consequently generated low economic returns.

Soja , Biotecnologia/economia , Fontes Geradoras de Energia/economia , Biocombustíveis/economia , Enquete Socioeconômica
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000025, 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974148


ABSTRACT The creation and updating of ANEEL (National Electricity Regulatory Agency) regulatory resolution on distributed generation provided a new business environment for the electricity sector, as well as enabling consumers to generate energy. In this context, distributed microgeneration plants management is a challenge, mainly for electric power distributors and for the entire supply chain and services. In this sense, it is urgent to develop a monitoring and dispatch system in microgeneration plants, in order to optimize the capacity factor of the enterprises and to enable the creation of Virtual Power Plants (VPP). VPPs are part of a new dynamic of the energy sector's strategic environment, which strengthens distributed generation through smart meters capable of communicating with operational centers and thus influencing new business models already diffused by the known smart grids. Included in this scenario, this paper presents a proposal for a monitoring and dispatch system for distributed micro-generation of renewable energies, as well as the engineering solution for a final product focused on market expectations.

Eletricidade , Fontes Geradoras de Energia/economia , Energia Renovável/economia , Monitoramento Ambiental , Abastecimento de Energia
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000470, 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974138


ABSTRACT Sustainability and economics are current issues in the generation of electricity. The energy matrix is diversified and some forms have stood out, such as wind. Some tools have been developed to improve project efficiency, one of which is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This presents solidity when assisting projects financially and environmentally, evaluating materials and processes. The present study aimed to analyze the application of LCA in a wind power plant. After searching the main databases and using filters, the analysis was developed from the information of an article that described the application of the LCA to a wind power plant using computational simulation, providing an overview of the production and potential environmental impacts for the process manufacturing, parts maintenance, disposal and recycling at end of lifespan. The phases, steps and the threshold diagram of the LCA system were observed. The results showed a high rate of reuse/recycling of some materials and significant reductions in emissions, financial costs and abatement of environmental payback if the materials were recycled at the end of lifespan. Recycling has shown positive environmental aspects and a significant cost reduction, allowing the expansion of markets and optimization of wind projects.

Fontes Geradoras de Energia/economia , Meio Ambiente , Energia Eólica/economia , Desenvolvimento Sustentável/economia
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000280, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974136


ABSTRACT Photovoltaic solar energy is increasingly present in the urban environment through the distributed generation. This kind of generation is characterized by the installation along the distribution network feeders, in low or medium voltage, and contribute to provide energy near the point of consumption. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the demand and consumption curves of the buildings of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) in the Neoville's headquarters. The methodology consists in the application of COPEL's CAS Hemera platform, in order to determine the potential for the implementation of the Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems in this place, because they allow the reduction of costs with electric energy from the application of distributed generation. In February 2016, a grid-connected photovoltaic system was installed in one of the university's blocks, which generated approximately 11 MWh of electric energy this year. This work proposes a scenario for the expansion of this photovotaic system and presents the contribution of photovoltaic generation, using the available coverage showing the shifting or reduction of energy demand peaks and the energy contribution to UTFPR's Neoville headquarters. The results of this study show that the proposed scenario will effectively change the profile of the university demand curve.

Energia Fotovoltaica , Brasil , Eletricidade , Fontes Geradoras de Energia
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000023, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974131


ABSTRACT This paper presents a multi-criteria methodology to support decision making for management and selection of distributed mini generation sources (GD) using rice husk. Considering the potential of residual biomass, the developed model is based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to evaluate the main technological arrangements of generation against the technical, economical, social-environmental aspects. Considering the possibility of energy transformation of rice husk, the following alternatives for distributed mini generation are considered: steam turbine, gas turbine, micro turbine, fuel cells, alternative combustion engine and Stirling engine. Regarding the evaluation aspects, it is defined energy efficiency, environmental impacts, social impacts, lifespan, access to technology, generation capacity, installation cost & operation and maintenance costs. Finally, the alternatives to use rice husk with these sources are classified according scenarios turned to social-environmental and economical purposes.

Oryza , Biomassa , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Meio Ambiente
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61(spe): e18000360, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974126


ABSTRACT This study presents a system of conversion of mechanical energy produced by physical activity into electric energy obtained by a CC generator coupled to the pedal of an ergometric bicycle. It presents the converter that will be used to adjust the voltage and power coming from the system, as well as the details of the converter design, the simulation and the primary experimental results of the structure. The methodological procedures related to the development of the converter and data acquisition through simulation were carried out based on the bibliographic research. The study is documentary as equipment manuals were used.

Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Esforço Físico , Veículos Off-Road
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 26: 69-83, Mar. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1009757


Presently, the society is facing a serious challenge for the effective management of the increasing amount of produced municipal solid wastes. The accumulated waste has caused a series of environmental problems such as uncontrolled release of greenhouse gases. Moreover, the increasing amount of wastes has resulted in a shortage of areas available for waste disposal, resulting in a nonsustainable waste management. These problems led to serious public concerns, which in turn resulted in political actions aiming to reduce the amount of wastes reaching the environment. These actions aim to promote sustainable waste management solutions. The main objective of these policies is to promote the recycling of municipal solid waste and the conversion of waste to energy and valuable chemicals. These conversions can be performed using either biological (e.g., anaerobic digestion) or thermochemical processes (e.g., pyrolysis). Research efforts during the last years have been fruitful, and many publications demonstrated the effective conversation of municipal solid waste to energy and chemicals. These processes are discussed in the current review article together with the change of the waste policy that was implemented in the EU during the last years.

Resíduos Sólidos , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Digestão Anaeróbia , Pirólise , Eliminação de Resíduos , Cidades , Etanol , Meio Ambiente , Biocombustíveis , Hidrogênio , Metano
Rev. bras. med. trab ; 15(1): 29-41, jan.-mar. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-833585


Contexto: O metanol é usado como matéria-prima na fabricação de biodiesel e pode causar, em especial, danos oftalmológicos e neurológicos. A exposição ocupacional acontece principalmente pela inalação de vapores. No entanto, os dados relacionados aos efeitos da exposição crônica ao metanol em humanos são limitados. Objetivos: Mostrar situações e atividades com risco de exposição ao metanol em uma planta de biodiesel e a presença de possíveis sintomas de contaminação nos trabalhadores. Métodos: Questionário, entrevistas, observação direta e análise documental possibilitaram a coleta dos dados. Resultados: O processo produtivo apresentou oito situações de exposição ao metanol. Entre os 42 sujeitos da pesquisa, 27 trabalhavam diretamente expostos e rela-taram ter dor de cabeça (71,42%), formigamento (42,00%), entre outros sintomas. As mais importantes queixas relacionadas com os efeitos neurotóxicos foram irritação (40,50%), ansiedade (35,70%) e dor de cabeça (64,30%). Funcionários das áreas administrativas também apresentavam sintomatologia idêntica à de contaminação pelo químico. Conclusões: Trabalhadores em diferentes atividades estavam expostos ao metanol, e a análise dos sintomas associados à exposição a esse solvente revelou que a maioria apresentava alguma sintomatologia compatível com a contaminação por ele.

Background: Methanol is used as raw material for biodiesel production and might cause especially visual and neurological disorders. Occupational exposure mainly occurs through vapor inhalation. However, the available data on the effects of human chronic exposure to methanol are limited. Aims: To describe situations and activities involving risk of exposure to methanol in a biodiesel plant and the possible presence of symptoms of contamination in workers. Methods: Data collection was performed by means of direct observation, interviews, document analysis and application of a questionnaire. Results: The production process included eight different situation os methanol exposure. Among the 42 participants in the study, 27 worked under conditions of direct methanol exposure and reported headache (71.42%) and tingling (42.00%) among other symptoms. The most important complaints related to the neurotoxic effects of methanol were irritation (40.50%), anxiety (35.70%) and headache (64.30%). Similarly, workers in administrative areas exhibited the same symptoms of contamination by the chemical. Conclusions: Workers performing various different activities were exposed to methanol; analysis of the symptoms associated with exposure to the solvent showed that most of them exhibited symptoms compatible with methanol contamination.

Riscos Ocupacionais , Metanol/toxicidade , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Biocombustíveis/toxicidade , Poluição Ambiental , Coleta de Dados/instrumentação
Rev. chil. nutr ; 44(3): 283-291, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-899832


ABSTRACT Objective: Our objective was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature assessing the effect of caffeine on athletic performance. Methods: A total of 13 studies published between 2010 and 2015 were included in the meta-analysis of the effects of caffeine on maximum running distance (2 studies), time trial performance (7 studies), and muscle power (4 studies). The effect sizes were calculated as standardized differences in means (std in means). Meta-analysis was completed using a random effects model. Results: Caffeine supplementation did not increase maximum running distance (effect size= 0.37, p= 0.14) and muscle power (effect size= 0.17, p= 0.36). However, improvements were observed in the time trial performance (effect size= −0.40, p< 0.01). Subgroup analyses revealed that the improvement in time trial results may be related to the use of the 6 mg/kg of body weight of caffeine dose (effect size= −0.45, p= 0.01). Conclusion: Our meta-analysis showed that caffeine intake does not improve performance in maximum running distance and muscle power, but it seems to improve time trial performance. The effect of caffeine on time trial performance related to dose.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de la literatura de investigación que evalúa el efecto de la cafeína en el rendimiento atlético. Método: Un total de 13 estudios publicados entre 2010 y 2015 fueron incluidos en el meta-análisis de los efectos de la cafeína sobre la distancia máxima de carrera (2 estudios), el tiempo de prueba (7 estudios) y la potencia muscular (4 estudios). Los tamaños del efecto se calcularon como diferencias estandarizadas en las medias (std en los medias), y el meta-análisis se completó utilizando un modelo de efectos aleatorios. Resultados: La suplementación con cafeína no aumentó la distancia máxima de funcionamiento (tamaño del efecto= 0.37, p= 0.14) ni la potencia muscular (tamaño del efecto= 0.17, p= 0.36). Sin embargo, se observaron mejoras en el rendimiento del ensayo con tiempo (tamaño del efecto= −0.40, p< 0,01). Los análisis de subgrupos revelaron que la mejora en los resultados de los ensayos a tiempo podía estar relacionada con el uso de la dosis de 6 mg/kg de peso corporal de cafeína (tamaño del efecto= −0.45, p = 0.01). Conclusiones: El meta-análisis demostró que la ingesta de cafeína no mejora el rendimiento en la distancia máxima de carrera ni la potencia muscular, pero parece mejorar el rendimiento de la prueba de tiempo. Este efecto potencial de la cafeína en el rendimiento de la prueba de tiempo estuvo relacionado con la dosis.

Humanos , Cafeína , Teste de Esforço , Desempenho Atlético , Ingestão de Líquidos , Fontes Geradoras de Energia/efeitos adversos
Estud. av ; 31(89): 213-235, 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-875242


Neste artigo a transição energética é tratada sob a perspectiva da descentralização da gestão energética. Em linhas gerais, essa transformação pode estar relacionada à diversificação da matriz energética, ao empoderamento dos diversos atores sociais e dos governos estaduais e municipais na gestão e planejamento energético das cidades, e isso inclui desde projetos de conservação e de eficiência energética para todos os setores econômicos, até uma maior transparência governamental e engajamento da população no planejamento das cidades. À luz da experiência internacional na gestão energética descentralizada este trabalho analisa as possibilidades de sua implementação no contexto das cidades brasileiras. (AU)

This article addresses energy transition from the perspective of the decentralization of energy management. Broadly speaking, this transformation may be related to diversification of the energy matrix and to empowerment of the various social players and of state and local governments in urban energy management and planning, from projects for energy conservation and efficiency in every industry to greater government transparency and population engagement in urban planning. In light of the international experience in decentralized energy management, this paper analyzes the possibilities of its implementation in Brazilian cities. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Mudança Climática , Fontes Geradoras de Energia , Energia Renovável , Meio Ambiente , Política , Política Pública