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Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2024. (WHO/EURO:2024-7658-47425-71325).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-375826


В настоящей аналитической записке проводится анализ уровня использования и влияния Руководства по вопросам шума в окружающей среде для Европейского региона на основе опыта государств-членов. Руководство и представленные в нем рекомендации сыграли определенную роль в формировании политики на разных уровнях. Они были хорошо приняты лицами, вырабатывающими политику, стремящимися применять единый подход к анализу последствий воздействия шума в окружающей среде для здоровья человека и связанного с этим бремени болезней. В аналитической записке дается положительная оценка использованной в Руководстве прозрачной методологии и качества представленных в нем фактических данных, стимулирующих спрос на высококачественные исследования. В ней также признаются трудности, связанные с соблюдением предельно допустимых показателей шума, соответствующих установленным в Руководстве нормативам, и предлагается собрать примеры передовой практики, создать инструмент оценки последствий для здоровья и разработать долгосрочную дорожную карту для более широкого осуществления Руководства. Существует необходимость в проведении дополнительных исследований для решения проблем, связанных с негативным влиянием шума на здоровье человека, и устранения пробелов в знаниях, в том числе о высокочувствительных и уязвимых группах населения. В заключение следует отметить, что Руководство оказало влияние на формирование политики в Европе, содействующей укреплению здоровья населения. В аналитической записке подчеркиваются сильные стороны рекомендаций, описываются проблемы, связанные с их выполнением, а также предлагаются возможные варианты их решения. Работая над выполнением рекомендуемых нормативов по ограничению шумового воздействия, вырабатывающие политику лица могут содействовать эффективному снижению негативного действия шума в окружающей среде и защите здоровья населения.

Ruído , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fidelidade a Diretrizes , Europa (Continente)
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2023. (WHO/EURO:2023-7658-47425-69687).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-369233


This policy brief examines the uptake and impact of the WHO environmental noise guidelines for the European Region, drawing on the experiences of Member States. The guidelines have played a role in shaping policy at various levels by providing evidence-informed recommendations. They have been well accepted by policymakers, promoting a unified approach to estimate the health effects and disease burden associated with environmental noise. The brief acknowledges the positive reception of the guidelines’ transparent methodology and evidence quality, driving demand for high-quality research. It also recognizes the challenges in implementing noise limits aligned with the guidelines and suggests the provision of best-practice examples, an impact assessment tool, and a long-term roadmap to support implementation. Further research is also needed to address emerging health effects and knowledge gaps, including on susceptible and vulnerable groups. In conclusion, the guidelines have had an impact on policy-making in Europe, promoting public health. The brief highlights the strengths of the guidelines and identifies several challenges to implementation and possible solutions. By working towards recommended exposure levels, policymakers can effectively mitigate the adverse effects of environmental noise and protect communities.

Meio Ambiente , Ruído , Europa (Continente) , Saúde Ambiental , Política Ambiental
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2018.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-279952


Noise is an important public health issue. It has negative impacts on human health and well-being and is a growing concern. The WHO Regional Office for Europe has developed these guidelines, based on the growing understanding of these health impacts of exposure to environmental noise. The main purpose of these guidelines is to provide recommendations for protecting human health from exposure to environmental noise originating from various sources: transportation (road traffic, railway and aircraft) noise, wind turbine noise and leisure noise. They provide robust public health advice underpinned by evidence, which is essential to drive policy action that will protect communities from the adverse effects of noise. The guidelines are published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. In terms of their health implications, the recommended exposure levels can be considered applicable in other regions and suitable for a global audience.

Europa (Continente) , Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guia
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3006-42764-59660).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-346591


Exposure to environmental noise has been demonstrated to have adverse effects on health. WHO has developed new environmental noise guidelines for the European Region, based on the latest scientific evidence retrieved and assessed using predefined systematic review methodology.This paper includes a description of the methodology used to conduct these systematic evidence reviews. It includes two protocols: one for the systematic review of health effects resulting from environmental noise and one for the systematic review of noise interventions.

Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Projetos de Pesquisa , Metanálise como Assunto , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guias como Assunto
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3007-42765-59661).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-346549


In the context of the development of the WHO environmental noise guidelines for the European Region, this paper includes a description of the methodology used to search, select and assess the quality of available systematic reviews and meta-analyses on environmental noise. It presents the search strategies employed for the different databases and the list of included and excluded studies.

Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Projetos de Pesquisa , Metanálise como Assunto , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Ruído
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3009-42767-59666).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-346548


The WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region focus on several non-auditory health outcomes, including sleep disturbances, annoyance, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, adverse birth outcomes, cognitive impairment, mental health and well-being. This paper primarily deals with biological mechanisms related to cardiovascular and metabolic effects by environmental noise. In particular, it focuses on etiological pathways related to stress mechanisms and the role of effect modification by perceptual and psychological factors.

Doenças Cardiovasculares , Exposição Ambiental , Doenças Metabólicas , Ruído
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3287-43046-60264).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-343964


Шум является серьезной проблемой общественного здравоохранения. Он оказывает отрицательное воздействие на здоровье и благополучие людей, и это вызывает растущую озабоченность. Европейское региональное бюро ВОЗ разработало настоящее руководство исходя из растущего понимания последствий для здоровья, наступающих в результате подверженности воздействию шума в окружающей среде. Основное назначение данного руководства состоит в том, чтобы дать рекомендации по защите здоровья людей от воздействия шума в окружающей среде из самых разных источников: шума, производимого средствами транспорта (автомобильного, железнодорожного, воздушного), ветряными турбинами и во время развлекательных мероприятий. В нем содержатся строго выверенные советы с позиции общественного здравоохранения, имеющие под собой доказательную основу, что особенно важно для стимулирования мер на уровне политики, которые позволят защитить население от негативных последствий шума. Руководство опубликовано Европейским региональным бюро ВОЗ. Что касается его значения для охраны здоровья населения, рекомендованные в нем нормативные уровни воздействия можно считать применимыми и в других регионах и пригодными для читательской аудитории во всем мире.

Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guia , Europa (Continente)
Kopenhagen; Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Regionalbüro für Europa; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3287-43046-60247).
em Alemão | WHO IRIS | ID: who-343938


Lärm ist ein wichtiges Thema im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit. Er hat negative Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden und wird in zunehmendem Maße zu einem Problem. Das WHO-Regionalbüro für Europa hat diese Leitlinien auf der Grundlage des wachsenden Verständnisses dieser gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der Belastung durch Umgebungslärm entwickelt. Hauptziel dieser Leitlinien ist es, Empfehlungen für den Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit vor der Belastung durch Umgebungslärm aus verschiedenen Quellen abzugeben: Verkehrslärm (Straßenverkehrs-, Schienenverkehrs- und Fluglärm), Lärm von Windenergieanlagen und Freizeitlärm. Sie bieten eine fundierte evidenzgestützte Beratung für den Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit, die für politische Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung vor den schädlichen Auswirkungen von Lärm unerlässlich ist. Die Leitlinien werden vom WHO-Regionalbüro für Europa veröffentlicht. In Bezug auf ihre gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die empfohlenen Belastungspegel in anderen Regionen anwendbar und für Betroffene weltweit geeignet sind.

Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guia , Europa (Continente)
Copenhague; Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Bureau régional de l'Europe; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3287-43046-60258).
em Francês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-343937


Le bruit est un important enjeu de santé publique, car il a des conséquences néfastes sur la santé et le bien-être de l’être humain. Il est l’objet de préoccupations croissantes. Le Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Europe a élaboré ces lignes directrices en se fondant sur la prise de conscience grandissante des effets néfastes pour la santé de l’exposition au bruit dans l’environnement. Le principal objectif de ces lignes directrices est d’apporter des recommandations en vue de protéger la santé humaine de l’exposition au bruit provenant de diverses sources environnementales : les transports (trafic routier, ferroviaire et aérien), les éoliennes et les loisirs. Les lignes directrices contiennent de solides conseils de santé publique fondés sur des preuves scientifiques ; ces conseils sont essentiels à la conduite de l’action politique qui protégera les populations des effets néfastes du bruit. Les lignes directrices sont publiées par le Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Europe. En termes d’implications sanitaires, les niveaux d’exposition recommandés peuvent être considérés comme applicables à d’autres régions et adaptés au public à l’échelle mondiale.

Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guia , Europa (Continente)
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2018. (WHO/EURO:2018-3287-43046-60243).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-343936


Noise is an important public health issue. It has negative impacts on human health and well-being and is a growing concern. The WHO Regional Office for Europe has developed these guidelines, based on the growing understanding of these health impacts of exposure to environmental noise. The main purpose of these guidelines is to provide recommendations for protecting human health from exposure to environmental noise originating from various sources: transportation (road traffic, railway and aircraft) noise, wind turbine noise and leisure noise. They provide robust public health advice underpinned by evidence, which is essential to drive policy action that will protect communities from the adverse effects of noise. The guidelines are published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. In terms of their health implications, the recommended exposure levels can be considered applicable in other regions and suitable for a global audience.

Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Guia , Europa (Continente)
Geneva; World Health Organization; 2015. (9789241508513).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-154589
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2014.
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-326374


Шум оказывает неблагоприятное воздействие на здоровье и самочувствие людей и поэтому представляет собой угрозу для общественного здравоохранения. В данной монографии приведены обзор негативных эффектов ночного шума на здоровье, анализ их зависимости от уровня шумового воздействия, а также как предварительные, так и окончательные рекомендуемые количественные показатели для нормирования. При процессе подготовки приведенных рекомендаций силами ряда видных ученых был осуществлен тщательный анализ накопленных в Европейском регионе научно-фактических данных. Текст руководства был подвергнут коллегиальной оценке и обсуждениям в целях достижения консенсуса в среде экспертов и партнеров. Книга может служить пособием для разработки политики, направленной на снижение воздействия шума в ночное время, способствуя таким образом улучшению состояния здоровья жителей Региона.

Ruído , Privação do Sono , Transtornos do Sono do Ritmo Circadiano , Saúde Ambiental , Política de Saúde , Guia
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2012. (WHO/EURO:2012-8486-48258-71662).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-375364


The World Health Organization, supported by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, is issuing this technical document as guidance for national and local authorities in risk assessment and environmental health planning related to environmental noise. The principles of quantitative assessment of the burden of disease from environmental noise, the status of implementation of the European Noise Directive, and lessons from the project on Environmental Burden of Disease in the European countries (EBoDE) are summarized, together with a review of evidence on exposure‒ response relationships between noise and cardiovascular diseases. Step-by-step guidance is presented on how to calculate the burden of cardiovascular diseases and sleep disturbance. The limitations and uncertainties of estimating disability-adjusted life years and the usefulness and limitations of noise map data are discussed.

Ruído , Saúde Ambiental , Indicadores Básicos de Saúde , Coleta de Dados , Guias como Assunto
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2012. (WHO/EURO:2012-8724-48496-72052).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-374946


The World Health Organization, supported by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, is issuing this technical document as guidance for national and local authorities in risk assessment and environmental health planning related to environmental noise. The principles of quantitative assessment of the burden of disease from environmental noise, the status of implementation of the European Noise Directive, and lessons from the project on Environmental Burden of Disease in the European countries(EBoDE) are summarized, together with a review of evidence on exposure response relationships between noise and cardiovascular diseases. Step-by-step guidance is presented on how to calculate the burden of cardiovascular diseases and sleep disturbance. The limitations and uncertainties of estimating disability-adjusted life years and the usefulness and limitations of noise map data are discussed.

Ruído , Saúde Ambiental , Indicadores Básicos de Saúde , Coleta de Dados
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2012. (WHO/EURO:2012-4431-44194-62403).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-350251


A group of international experts met in Bonn in October 2010 to define and agree on the assessment of the burden of disease from environmental noise, with a focus on cardiovascular disorders and sleep disturbance, and to promote knowledge transfer and capacity-building in European countries in the area of health risk assessment of environmental noise. The needs for awareness-raising and capacity-building in new EU member states, south-eastern European countries and newly independent states were studied on the basis of reports of experts from Albania, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The following common needs were identified: harmonization of the implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC, especially for strategic noise mapping and noise action plans, human resources development through education and training in health risk assessment, and provision of methodological guidelines for health risk assessment of environmental noise exposure. WHO, the European Commission and expert networks are important in promoting the transfer of knowledge and building human and institutional capacities for environmental noise risk assessment.

Determinação de Necessidades de Cuidados de Saúde , Fortalecimento Institucional , Medição de Risco , Ruído , Saúde Ambiental , Europa (Continente)
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2011.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-326424


The health impacts of environmental noise are a growing concern among both thegeneral public and policy-makers in Europe. This publication was prepared by expertsin working groups convened by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to providetechnical support to policy-makers and their advisers in the quantitative risk assessmentof environmental noise, using evidence and data available in Europe. Thechapters contain the summary of synthesized reviews of evidence on the relationshipbetween environmental noise and specific health effects, including cardiovasculardisease, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance and tinnitus. A chapter on annoyanceis also included. For each outcome, the environmental burden of diseasemethodology, based on exposure–response relationship, exposure distribution,background prevalence of disease and disability weights of the outcome, is appliedto calculate the burden of disease in terms of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs).With conservative assumptions applied to the calculation methods, it is estimatedthat DALYs lost from environmental noise are 61 000 years for ischaemic heart disease,45 000 years for cognitive impairment of children, 903 000 years for sleepdisturbance, 22 000 years for tinnitus and 587 000 years for annoyance in the EuropeanUnion Member States and other western European countries. These resultsindicate that at least one million healthy life years are lost every year from trafficrelatednoise in the western part of Europe. Sleep disturbance and annoyance, mostlyrelated to road traffic noise, comprise the main burden of environmental noise.Owing to a lack of exposure data in south-east Europe and the newly independentstates, it was not possible to estimate the disease burden in the whole of the WHOEuropean Region. The procedure of estimating burdens related to environmentalnoise exposure presented here can be used by international, national and local authoritiesas long as the assumptions, limitations and uncertainties reported in thispublication are carefully taken into account.

Ruído , Exposição Ambiental , Saúde Ambiental , Medição de Risco , Saúde Pública , Nível de Saúde , Europa (Continente)