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East. Mediterr. health j ; 21(3): 155-163, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-255084


لا يوجد إلا القليل من الدراسات التي استكشفت عملية الموافقة المسبقة لدى المشاركين في البحوث في البلدان النامية. وقد هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم عملية الموافقة المسبقة والمفهوم العلاجي الخاطئ والدافع للمشاركة لدى المصرين المشاركين في تجارب سريرية. ففي دراسة تجريبية كيفية مستعرضة قام 103 مشاركين في 10 تجارب سريرية بالإجابة عى استبيان. فأقر أكثر من 90 % منهم بأنه كان لديهم وقت لطرح الأسئلة وبأنهم تلقوا معلومات كافية عن المخاطر قبل الموافقة. واعتقد جميع المشاركين أن البحث والدواء من شأنه أن يحسن حالتهم، وكان 46.1 % منهم فقط عى علم بأنهم يتلقون دواء تجريبياً غر معتمد، و 21.3 % عى علم بأن اختيارهم تم بصورة عشوائية. وكان من أسباب المشاركة: الحصول عى معالجة أفضل 100%، وإفادة المجتمع والتقدم في العلوم 85.4 %، والحصول عى أدوية مجانية 42.6 % ورعاية طبية مجانية 43.6 %، والحصول عى قبول في المستشفى 15.8 %، وتلقي المال أو الهدايا 4.9 %. يجب عى القائمن بالاستقصاء أن يؤكدوا عى التمييز بن الأبحاث والرعاية السريرية لمواجهة ارتفاع معدل المفهوم العلاجي الخاطئ.

Few studies have explored the informed consent process among research participants in developing countries. This study aimed to evaluate the informed consent process, therapeutic misconception and motivation for participation among Egyptians participating in clinical trials. In a cross-sectional qualitative pilot study 103 participants in 10 clinical trials responded to a questionnaire. Over 90% agreed they had time to ask questions and received adequate information about the risks prior to consenting. All participants thought the research and the drug would improve theircondition; only 46.1% were aware of receiving a non-approved experimental drug and 21.3% of being randomized.Reasons for participation included: better treatment (100%), to benefit society & advance science (85.4%), to receive free drugs (42.6%) and medical care (43.6%), to get hospitalized (15.8%) and to receive money or gifts (4.9%). Investigators needto emphasize the distinction between research and clinical care to address the high rate of therapeutic misconception

Les études ayant examiné le processus du consentement éclairé chez les participants à des études de recherche dans les pays en développement sont peu nombreuses. La présente étude visait à évaluer le processus de consentement éclairé, les idées fausses en matière de traitement et les motivations des Égyptiens pour participer à des essais cliniques. Dans une étude pilote qualitative et transversale, 103 participants dans 10 essais cliniques ont répondu à un questionnaire. Plus de 90 % ont convenu qu’ils avaient eu le temps de poser des questions et qu’ils avaient reçu des informations adéquates sur les risques avant d’accorder leur consentement. Tous les participants pensaient que la recherche et le médicament pourraient améliorer leur état ; seuls 46,1 % savaient qu’ils recevaientun médicament à l’essai n’ayant pas été autorisé et 21,3 % qu’ils étaient randomisés. Parmi les raisons pourparticiper, on peut citer : un meilleur traitement (100 %), qui sera utile pour la société et pour les progrès de lascience (85,4 %), des médicaments gratuits (42,6 %) et des soins médicaux gratuits (43,6 %), une hospitalisation(15,8 %) et des compensations financières ou matérielles (4,9 %). Les chercheurs doivent insister sur la différenceentre recherche et soins cliniques pour s’attaquer au fort pourcentage d’idées fausses en termes de traitement.

Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Mal-Entendido Terapêutico , Pesquisa , Projetos Piloto , Motivação , Estudos Transversais
East. Mediterr. health j ; 20(9): 569-577, 2014-09-01.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-272515


Efforts have been made in Pakistan to create ethical guidelines for research and medical practice. This study explored the perceptions of and factors affecting the process of obtaining informed consent to surgery among inpatients and families at a tertiary-care hospital in Karachi. A random sample of 400 post-surgery adult patients answered a pre-tested, structured questionnaire. Overall, 233 patients [58.3%] had signed the surgery consent form themselves, while 167 relatives [41.7%] had signed on behalf of the patient. Perceived factors significantly associated with patients not signing the consent form themselves were: language used [adjusted OR = 4.6], medical terminology used [aOR = 2.7], insufficient time allocation [aOR = 3.8], cultural/traditional reasons [aOR = 1.5] and low education [aOR = 2.4]. Inappropriate timing for taking consent and not being informed/asked about consent were not statistically significant factors. Health-care practitioners should encourage patients to sign the consent form themselves

Des efforts récents ont été réalisés au Pakistan en vue de créer des lignes directrices pour l'éthique en recherche et pratique médicales. La présente étude a évalué les perceptions relatives au processus d'obtention d'un consentement éclairé pour une intervention chirurgicale et les facteurs d'influence chez des patients hospitalisés et leur famille dans un hôpital de soins tertiaires à Karachi. Un échantillon aléatoire de 400 patients adultes postopératoires à répondu a un questionnaire prétesté et structure. Au total, 233 patients [58,3%] avaient signé eux-mêmes le formulaire de consentement à une intervention chirurgicale, tandis que 167 parents [41,7%] avaient signé pour le patient. Les facteurs perçus comme forte ment associés aux patients qui n'avaient pas signé eux-mêmes le formulaire de consentement étaient les suivants: la langue utilisée [OR ajusté = 4,6], la terminologie médicale utilisée [OR ajusté = 2,7], l'insuffisance du temps alloué [OR ajusté = 3,8], des raisons culturelles/traditionnelles [OR ajusté = 15] et un faible niveau d'études [OR ajusté = 2,4]. Un moment inopportun pour demander le consentement et 'absence d'information/d'interrogation à ce sujet n'étaient pas des facteurs statistiquement significatifs. Les professionnels de santé doivent encourager les patients à signer eux-mêmes le formulaire

لقد بذلت جهود مؤخراً في باكستان من أجل وضع دلائل إرشادية أخلاقية للبحوث والممارسة الطبية. وقد استكشفت هذهالدراسة التصورات عن عملية الحصول عى موافقة مسبقة عى عملية جراحية، والعواملَ التي تؤثر عى هذه العملية لدى مرضىداخلين وعائلاتهم في مستشفى للرعاية الثالثية في كراتي. ففي دراسة مستعرضة أجريت عام 2010 أجابت عينة عشوائية مكونة من 400مريض بالغ بعد الجراحة عى استبيان منظَّم تم اختباره مسبقاً. فكان ما إجماليه 233 مريضاً ) 58.3 %( قد وقَّعوا عى استمارة الموافقة عىالجراحة بأنفسهم، في حن وقَّع 167 من الأقارب ) 41.7 %( نيابة عن المريض. وكانت العوامل المتصوَّرة التي ارتبطت - بشكل ملحوظالمعدلة OR( المعدلة = 4.6 (، والمصطلحات الطبية المستخدمة OR( - بعدم توقيع المرضى عى استمارة الموافقة بأنفسهم: اللغة المستخدمةالمعدلة= OR( المعدلة = 1.5 (، والتعليم المنخفض OR( المعدلة = 3.8 (، وأسباب ثقافية/تقليدية OR( 2.7 (، وعدم كفاية الوقت المخصص =2.4 (. وكان التوقيت غر المناسب لأخذ الموافقة، وعدم الإبلاغ/السؤال عن الموافقة عاملَن غر مهمَّن إحصائياً. فينبغي أن يكون ممارسوالرعاية الصحية عى علم بالعوامل التي تؤثر في عملية الموافقة المسبقة، وأن يشجعوا المرضى عى التوقيع عى استمارة الموافقة بأنفسهم

Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Centros de Atenção Terciária , Países em Desenvolvimento , Inquéritos e Questionários , Cirurgia Geral
East. Mediterr. health j ; 20(11): 681-689, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-255385


The growth of research biobanks has created many new ethical challenges worldwide. This article outlines and discusses key issues in the governance of Saudi Biobank,a newly established national biobank in Saudi Arabia launched in 2014. The Saudi Biobank project includes human biological samples from participants aged 10-70 years and aims to conduct an extensive study on the influence of genes, environment and lifestyle in common diseases. We examined the strengths and weaknesses of Saudi Biobank's governance as well as the similarities and differences with 4 other biobanks [in the United Kingdom, Iceland, Estonia and Canada]. Three different ethical issues are discussed in detail: confidentiality,informed consent and children's participation in research. We evaluated these issues in relation to international ethical guidelines and Islamic law. The insights gained may be useful in developing national biobanking regulations in other Islamic countries,particularly in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Le développement des biobanques de recherche a créé de nombreux nouveaux défis éthiques dans le monde. Le présent article décrit et aborde des questions clés concernant la gouvernance de la Biobanque saoudienne, une biobanque nationale créée récemment en Arabie saoudite, en 2014. Le projet de la Biobanque saoudienne porte sur des échantillons biologiques humains recueillis auprès de participants âgés de 10 à 70 ans et vise à mener une étude approfondie concernant l'influence des gènes, de l'environnement et du mode de vie sur les maladies les plus courantes. Nous avons examiné les forces et les faiblesses de la gouvernance de la Biobanque saoudienne ainsi que les similitudes et les différences avec quatre autres biobanques [au Royaume-Uni, en Islande, en Estonie et au Canada]. Trois questions éthiques différentes sont abordées en détail : la confidentialité, le consentement éclairé et la participation des enfants à la recherche. Nous avons évalué ces questions par rapport aux directives internationales d'éthique et au droit islamique. Les connaissances recueillies peuvent être utiles pour l'élaboration d'une réglementation nationale des biobanques dans d'autres pays islamiques, notamment dans des pays de la Région de la Méditerranée orientale

Bancos de Espécimes Biológicos , Criança , Confidencialidade , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-118670


Body packing by drug smugglers the transport of illicit drugs in packets swallowed or inserted into body cavities-is a global phenomenon and is becoming more prevalent. The medical care of these patients raises difficult medical and ethical problems. While the medical aspects of treating body packers have been systematically analysed, the ethical issues have received little attention in the literature. The patient may be under police custody or being sought by their criminal patron which may result in imposed interrogations and risky medical procedures. Obtaining informed valid consent for procedures from the patient-detainee may thus be compromised. In addition, physicians may be intimidated by the patient's criminal contacts. This article analyses the conflicts of interest that doctors may face when treating body packers, and proposes some principles to promote institutional guidelines for the treatment of these patients

Criminosos , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Relações Médico-Paciente , Ética Médica
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-117218


A central requirement of research involving humans is that people who participate as subjects should do so voluntarily. We argue that disagreements about the effect of offers of compensation on subjects' ability to participate voluntarily are likely to persist and to have high social costs. We propose a novel compensation practice-to pay potential subjects whether or not they participate-and argue that its implementation in some regions, including the Eastern Mediterranean Region, may reduce disagreement and thus mitigate such costs. We outline a research programme for assessing the potential of this practice to reduce costs

Experimentação Humana , Sujeitos da Pesquisa , Pobreza , Controle de Custos , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Compensação e Reparação
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-117185


Little is known about the public's perceptions about the process of obtaining informed consent for participation in medical research. A study was made of the views of patients, their attendants, parents, schoolteachers and office workers living in Karachi, Pakistan. Participants felt that informed consent was an important step in recruiting research participants but many felt that it was a trust-based process not requiring proper documentation. For recruiting women, both men and women believed it was important to approach women through their husbands and fathers. When there was a conflict with the opinions of family leaders, it was clear that the male participants' opinion was valued more than that of the female participants by both men and women

Pesquisa Biomédica , Projetos de Pesquisa , Conscientização , Relações Médico-Paciente , Participação do Paciente , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-117182


The paper briefly outlines some of the ethical issues involved in community-based research particularly in developing countries. It focuses on informed consent, confidentially and the obligations to the community or its members who participate in the study. Most ethical guidelines are focused on the individual participants. Yet increasingly the community may be the unit of study. More attention will need to be directed towards developing guidelines for community-based research

Pesquisa Biomédica , Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Ética Médica , Países em Desenvolvimento , Bioética