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Copenaghen; Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità. Ufficio Regionale per l’Europa; 2023. (WHO/EURO:2023-7861-47629-70169).
em Italiano | WHO IRIS | ID: who-373261


acciaieria di Taranto, situata nel sud-est dell’Italia, è attiva dagli anni ’60 ed è diventata uno dei principali impianti di produzione d’acciaio in Europa. Rappresenta un’importante risorsa per la regione e per il paese in termini di economia e occupazione. Da diversi decenni l’impianto è noto per il suo impatto ambientale negativo, con emissioni notevoli di vari inquinanti che interessano vaste aree, anche densamente popolate, come la stessa città di Taranto. Taranto e i comuni circostanti sono inclusi in una lista dei “siti di interesse” per la contaminazione ambientale individuati dal Governo italiano. Gli impatti sulla salute umana sono stati ampiamente studiati nel corso degli anni. Percentuali eccessive di insorgenza di numerose malattie e di mortalità sono state ripetutamente documentate, denotando un preoccupante profilo sanitario per la popolazione locale. Gli impatti dell’impianto siderurgico sulla salute sono stati quantificati in modo più affidabile per quanto concerne le emissioni in atmosfera, attentamente monitorate per molti anni. Nell’ambito del progetto dell’OMS descritto in questo rapporto sono state aggiornate le stime disponibili e sono state valutate modalità alternative di produzione ed emissione industriale, inoltre l’analisi dell’impatto sulla salute è stata corredata di una valutazione economica. I risultati confermano le stime precedenti. Gli impatti prevedibili di mortalità e morbilità stimati nonché i costi associati sono in funzione dei cambiamenti previsti nelle concentrazioni di inquinanti nei diversi scenari. Per esempio, nello scenario meno favorevole sono stimate 27 morti all’anno per uomini e donne di età superiore ai 30 anni residenti nel comune di Taranto, mentre la cifra diminuisce a 5 morti all’anno nello scenario più favorevole. Queste cifre forniscono una visione parziale dell’impatto complessivo sulla salute: altri fattori importanti, come la contaminazione del suolo, dell’acqua, dei rifiuti e degli alimenti, non possono attualmente essere quantificati in modo affidabile. Anche la qualità della vita, l’ambiente urbano e gli spazi verdi sono influenzati dalle politiche industriali dell’impianto siderurgico e l’impatto nei confronti di questi aspetti dovrebbe essere valutato a fondo nel quadro dell’agenda per lo sviluppo sostenibile.

Epidemiologia , Avaliação do Impacto na Saúde , Exposição Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2023.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-373258


A steel production plant in Taranto, south-east Italy, has been active since the 1960s and is one of the major steel facilities in Europe. It represents an important resource for the region and the country in terms of economy and employment. For several decades, the plant has been known to have an adverse environmental impact, with substantial emissions of various pollutants, which affect a wide area, including densely populated areas such as the city of Taranto. Taranto and nearby municipalities are included on an Italian Government list of “sites of interest” for environmental contamination. The impacts on human health have been studied extensively over the years. Excess occurrences of numerous diseases and of mortality have been documented repeatedly, representing a concerning health profile for the local population. The impacts of the steel plant on health have been quantified most reliably for emissions into the air, which have been closely monitored for many years. Within the WHO project described in this report, the available estimates were updated, alternative means of industrial production and emission were assessed, and the health impact analysis was complemented with an economic assessment. The findings confirm the previous estimates. The estimated predictable impacts on mortality and morbidity and the associated costs are a function of predicted changes in the concentrations of pollutants in different scenarios. For example, 27 deaths per year are estimated for men and women older than 30 years living in Taranto municipality in the least favourable scenario, while the figure decreases to 5 deaths in the most favourable scenario. These figures are a partial view of the overall health impact; other important pathways, such as contamination of soil, water, waste and food, cannot currently be quantified reliably. The important dimensions of quality of life, the urban environment and green spaces are also affected by the industrial policies of the plant, and the impact on these aspects should be thoroughly assessed to fulfil the imperatives of the Sustainable Development Agenda.

Epidemiologia , Avaliação do Impacto na Saúde , Exposição Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2022. (WHO/EURO:2022-5290-45054-65234).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-359007


Единое здоровье — это междисциплинарный подход, направленный на укрепление здоровья человека, животных и экосистем и обеспечение устойчивого баланса между этими тремя составляющими. Однако роль окружающей среды в этой тройке зачастую недооценивается. В настоящем докладе изучается и проясняется эта роль с точки зрения здравоохранения. При заболеваниях, передающихся животными, окружающая среда играет тройную роль, выступая в качестве резервуара, где накапливаются и переносятся вещества; в качестве очага протекания экологических и химических процессов; и в качестве посредника, когда возбудители болезней из окружающей среды передаются животным и людям и воздействуют на них. Таким образом, окружающая среда существенно влияет на физическое и психическое благополучие человека. Антропогенные стресс-факторы, включая изменение моделей землепользования, утрату биологического разнообразия, изменение климата и экологическое загрязнение, еще больше увеличивают влияние окружающей среды на здоровья человека и животных. Традиционно в центре подхода «Единое здоровье» стояло рассмотрение инфекционных заболеваний, но авторы настоящего доклада предполагают, что учет взаимосвязи между человеком, животными и окружающей средой помогает понять происхождение некоторых травм и неинфекционных заболеваний (напр., вызванных употреблением в пищу животных и продуктов животного происхождения, контаминированных химикатами).

Saúde Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental , Zoonoses
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2022. (WHO/EURO:2022-5290-45054-64214).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-354574


One Health is a cross-disciplinary approach to improve human health at the human-animal-environment interface. The role of the environment in this triad is often overlooked, however. This report explores and clarifies this role from a health perspective. In animal-mediated diseases, the environment plays a threefold role, acting as a reservoir where substances are accumulated and transported; as a focal point for ecological and chemical processes; and as a health mediator where disease agents from the environment are transferred to and affect animals and humans. The environment thus plays a substantial role in human physical and mental well-being. Anthropogenic stressors - including land use change, biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution - further affect the role played by the environment in the human-animal health interface. While One Health has traditionally focused on communicable diseases, this report suggests that the human-animal-environment interconnections provide insights into certain noncommunicable diseases, such as those caused by the human consumption of animals and animal products contaminated by chemicals, and injuries.

Saúde Ambiental , Zoonoses , Poluição Ambiental
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2022. (WHO/EURO:2022-5274-45038-64164).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-353058


These Q&A aim to provide a first point of access to knowledge and information around wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 for health and environment professionals. Further details and specialized information on applications of the concept, considerations for planning and coordination, and issues relating to data collection, analysis and interpretation can be found in the WHO interim guidance Environmental surveillance for COVID-19 to complement public health surveillance.

COVID-19 , Surtos de Doenças , Águas Residuárias , Poluição Ambiental
Geneva; World Health Organization; 2021.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-340678
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2017. (WHO/EURO:2017-6064-45829-65983).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-362263


This workshop was organized by the European Centre for Environment and Health of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. It was targeted at national decision-makers in the health, water, sanitation and rural development sectors from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The workshop sought to facilitate a subregional exchange of experiences relating to safe, sustainable small-scale water-supply and sanitation services in rural areas, and to promote good practices to improve the safety and sustainability of such services. Participants reviewed regulatory requirements and institutional responsibilities for the management and public health surveillance of small water and sanitation systems, discussed relevant challenges, identified methods for improvement, presented policy tools and internationally recognized good practices, shared national experiences with these tools and practices, described the benefits and implementation of the water and sanitation safety planning approaches for small-scale systems, and discussed future actions to improve the management of small-scale systems, including possible targets under the Protocol on Water and Health.

Poluição Ambiental , Água , Poluição da Água , Meio Ambiente
East. Mediterr. health j ; 22(3): 219-227, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-255234


To meet the country's health goals for 2011-2016,a qualitative review of exposure to risk factors for cancer in Qatar was conducted in 2013.The review included exposure to environmental agents carcinogenic to humans [International Agency for Research on Cancer classification], as well as lifestyle factors known to affect cancer risk.Information from all available sources was assembled and reviewed.The levels of particulate matter reported in Qatar were in the upper range of ambient air pollutants reported internationally,and may influence the country's future lung cancer burden.The limited data on occupational exposure suggests that the greatest risks for workers in the construction industry are likely to be from environmental dust and related air pollutants.The greatest cancer risks for Qatari nationals may be lifestyle factors,particularly obesity,physical inactivity and tobacco use.Extended monitoring of the composition of and human exposure to air pollutants is recommended

Afin d'atteindre les objectifs de sante fixes par le pays pour 2011-2016,une analyse qualitative de L'exposition aux facteurs de risque de cancer au Qatar a ete conduite en 2013.L'analyse incluait L'exposition aux agents environnementauxcancerogenes pour Thomrne [classification du Centre international de recherchesur le cancer]ainsi que les facteurs lies au mode de vie connus pour augmenter le risque de cancer.Des informations ont ete rassemblees a partir de toutes les sources disponibles et ont fait Tobjet d'un examen.Les niveaux de particules rapportes au Qatar se situaient dans la fourchette haute des polluants atmospheriques ambiants au niveau mondial,ce qui pourrait influencer la charge future du cancer du poumon dans le pays.Le nombre IImite de donnees sur 1'exposition professionnelle suggere que les risques ies plus importants pour les professionnels de I'industrie du batiment seraient lies a la poussiere environnementale et aux polluants atmospheriques qu'elle contient.Les risques de cancer les plus eleves pour les Qatariens proviendraient de facteurs associes aux modes de vie,en particulier I'obesite,la sedentarite et le tabagisme.Un suivi accru de la composition des polluants atmospheriques et de 1'exposition de I'homme a ces derniers est recommande

Carcinógenos , Neoplasias , Fatores de Risco , Estilo de Vida , Poluição Ambiental