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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 371-381, mayo 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538079


Mexican markets embody cultural diversity and offer a wide range of products, serving as hubs for local exchange.In our study at Mexico City's Sonora Market, the country's prominent medicinal market, we explored the use of plant remedies against witchcraft in an urban environment. Through interviews with plant vendors and extensive data collection, we identified 21 plant species from 16 botanical families renowned for their effectiveness in combating sorcery, attracting good luck, and promoting success. Additionally, we documented 14 ailments associated with envy and negative emotions. These remedies involved practices and applications such as cleansings, decoctions, baths, and incense burning, aimed at alleviating afflictions and fostering positive outcomes. Notably, the Sonora Market continues to uphold the tradition of using plant remedies against witchcraft, even in the bustling setting of one of the world's largest cities. This highlights the enduring significance of these practices within Mexican society

Los mercados mexicanos encarnan diversidad cultural y ofrecen numerosos productos, sirviendo como centros de intercambio local. En nuestro estudio en el Mercado de Sonora en la Ciudad de México, el sitio de plantas medicinales más relevante del país, exploramos el uso de plantas contra la brujería en un entorno urbano. A través de entrevistas con locatarios, identificamos 21 especies de plantas pertenecientes a 16 familias botánicas usadas en la lucha contra la brujería, atrayendo buena suerte y promoviendo el éxito. Además, documentamos 14 enfermedades asociadas con la envidia y emociones negativas. Los remedios involucraban prácticas y aplicaciones como limpias, decocciones, baños, incienso, con el objetivo de aliviar dolencias y fomentar resultados positivos. En el Mercado deSonora persiste la tradición de utilizar plantas contra la brujería, incluso en el marco de una de las mayores ciudades del mundo, resaltando la importancia de estas prácticas dentro de la sociedad mexicana.

Plantas Medicinais , Bruxaria , Etnobotânica , Medicina Tradicional , México
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550531


La salud en la frontera presenta una serie de desafíos y oportunidades para el bienestar de las comunidades fronterizas. Estas zonas geográficas, donde los límites políticos y territoriales se entrelazan, enfrentan problemas de salud únicos que requieren enfoques innovadores y colaborativos. Uno de los desafíos principales es el acceso limitado a servicios de atención médica de calidad. Las comunidades fronterizas a menudo carecen de infraestructuras de salud adecuadas, incluyendo hospitales y clínicas, lo que dificulta el acceso a servicios esenciales. Además, las barreras lingüísticas y culturales pueden dificultar aún más la comunicación entre los proveedores de salud y los pacientes, lo que limita la calidad de la atención. A pesar de estos desafíos, también existen oportunidades para mejorar la salud en la frontera. La colaboración transfronteriza puede ser una herramienta poderosa para abordar los problemas de salud comunes. Los países vecinos pueden compartir recursos, conocimientos y mejores prácticas para fortalecer los sistemas de salud en ambos lados de la frontera. Esto incluye la promoción de la formación y capacitación conjunta de profesionales de la salud, el intercambio de información epidemiológica y la armonización de políticas de salud. Además, las comunidades fronterizas pueden aprovechar su diversidad cultural y su conocimiento tradicional para mejorar la atención médica.

Border health presents a series of challenges and opportunities for border communities' well-being. These geographic areas, where political and territorial boundaries are intertwined, face unique health issues that require innovative and collaborative approaches. One of the main challenges is limited access to quality health care services. Border communities often lack adequate health infrastructure, including hospitals and clinics, which makes it difficult to access essential services. In addition, language and cultural barriers can further hinder communication between healthcare providers and patients, thereby limiting the quality of care. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities to improve border health. Cross-border collaboration can be a powerful tool for addressing common health problems. Neighboring countries can share resources, knowledge, and best practices to strengthen their health systems on both sides of their borders. This includes the promotion of joint education and training of health professionals, exchange of epidemiological information, and harmonization of health policies. In addition, border communities can take advantage of cultural diversity and traditional knowledge to improve healthcare.

Bull World Health Organ ; 102(2): 130-136, 2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38313156


Colonialism, which involves the systemic domination of lands, markets, peoples, assets, cultures or political institutions to exploit, misappropriate and extract wealth and resources, affects health in many ways. In recent years, interest has grown in the decolonization of global health with a focus on correcting power imbalances between high-income and low-income countries and on challenging ideas and values of some wealthy countries that shape the practice of global health. We argue that decolonization of global health must also address the relationship between global health actors and contemporary forms of colonialism, in particular the current forms of corporate and financialized colonialism that operate through globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering. We present a three-part agenda for action that can be taken to decolonize global health. The first part relates to the power asymmetries that exist between global health actors from high-income and historically privileged countries and their counterparts in low-income and marginalized settings. The second part concerns the colonization of the structures and systems of global health governance itself. The third part addresses how colonialism occurs through the global health system. Addressing all forms of colonialism calls for a political and economic anticolonialism as well as social decolonization aimed at ensuring greater national, racial, cultural and knowledge diversity within the structures of global health.

Le colonialisme, qui implique la domination systémique de terres, de marchés, de peuples, de ressources, de cultures ou d'institutions politiques dans le but d'exploiter, de détourner et d'extraire des richesses et des ressources, affecte la santé de nombreuses manières. Ces dernières années, la décolonisation de la santé mondiale a suscité un intérêt croissant, l'accent étant mis sur la correction des déséquilibres de pouvoir entre les pays à revenu élevé et les pays à faible revenu, ainsi que sur la remise en question des idées et des valeurs de certains pays riches qui façonnent la pratique de la santé mondiale. Nous soutenons que la décolonisation de la santé mondiale doit également aborder la relation entre les acteurs de la santé mondiale et les formes contemporaines de colonialisme, en particulier les formes actuelles de colonialisme d'entreprise et de colonialisme financiarisé qui opèrent par des systèmes mondialisés d'extraction de richesses et de profits. Nous présentons un programme d'action en trois parties destiné à décoloniser la santé mondiale. La première partie porte sur les asymétries de pouvoir existant entre les acteurs de la santé mondiale des pays à hauts revenus et historiquement privilégiés et leurs homologues des pays à faibles revenus et marginalisés. La deuxième partie concerne la colonisation des structures et des systèmes de la gouvernance mondiale de la santé elle-même. La troisième partie traite de la manière dont le colonialisme se manifeste à travers le système de santé mondial. La lutte contre toutes les formes de colonialisme nécessite un anticolonialisme politique et économique ainsi qu'une décolonisation sociale visant à garantir une plus grande diversité nationale, raciale, culturelle et des connaissances au sein des structures de la santé mondiale.

El colonialismo, que implica la dominación sistémica de tierras, mercados, pueblos, bienes, culturas o instituciones políticas para explotar, apropiarse indebidamente y extraer riqueza y recursos, afecta a la salud de muchas maneras. En los últimos años ha crecido el interés por descolonizar la salud mundial, en particular para corregir los desequilibrios de poder entre los países de ingresos altos y los de ingresos bajos, y para cuestionar las ideas y los valores de algunos países ricos que influyen en la práctica de la salud mundial. Sostenemos que la descolonización de la salud mundial también debe abordar la relación entre los actores de la salud mundial y las formas contemporáneas de colonialismo, en especial las formas actuales de colonialismo corporativo y financiarizado que operan a través de sistemas globalizados de extracción de riqueza y especulación. Presentamos un programa de acción dividido en tres partes para descolonizar la salud mundial. La primera parte se refiere a las asimetrías de poder que existen entre los actores de la salud mundial procedentes de países de ingresos altos e históricamente privilegiados y sus homólogos de entornos de ingresos bajos y marginados. La segunda parte se refiere a la colonización de las estructuras y sistemas de la propia gobernanza de la salud mundial. La tercera parte aborda cómo se produce el colonialismo a través del sistema sanitario mundial. Abordar todas las formas de colonialismo exige un anticolonialismo político y económico, así como una descolonización social destinada a garantizar una mayor diversidad nacional, racial, cultural y de conocimientos dentro de las estructuras de la salud mundial.

Colonialismo , Saúde Global , Humanos , Renda , Pobreza , Organizações
Creat Nurs ; 30(1): 58-64, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38304938


U.S. Supreme Court rulings on reproductive rights and affirmative action inadvertently present the nursing profession with a propitious opportunity to capitalize on the nation's rich mosaic of iceberg demographic identities-inherited and acquired traits that may not be visibly apparent-to address imminent challenges such as worker shortages and other perplexities within the workplace milieu.

Diversidade Cultural , Enfermagem , Humanos , Recursos Humanos , Demografia
J Med Humanit ; 45(1): 95-111, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37434074


Culture, health, and medicine intersect in various ways-and not always without friction. This paper examines how liberal multicultural states ought to interact with diverse communities which hold different health-related or medical beliefs and practices. The debate is fierce within the fields of medicine and bioethics as to how traditional medicines ought to be regarded. What this debate often misses is the relationship that medical traditions have with cultural identity and the value that these traditions can have beyond the confines of the clinical setting. This paper will attempt to bring some clarity to the discussion. In so doing, it will delve into some controversial areas: (1) the debate around whether liberal states ought to embrace multiculturalism, (2) the existence and nature of group-differentiated rights, (3) the question of whether healthcare systems ought to embrace medical pluralism, and (4) what this would entail for policymakers, clinicians, and patients. Ultimately, I argue that liberal democratic states with multicultural populations ought to recognize medical pluralism as a matter of respecting group-differentiated and individual human rights.

Bioética , Diversidade Cultural , Humanos , Justiça Social , Direitos Humanos , Atenção à Saúde
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14193, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37768190


There is a growing trend of nation states invoking national security and emergency declarations to build state-sponsored infrastructure projects for border defense, energy production, and transportation. Established laws, regulations, and agreements for the protection of nature and cultural heritage within and between countries are becoming secondary to national security, compromising the function of protected areas, such as national parks, wilderness areas, and biosphere reserves that safeguard biodiversity, climate, and human health. We considered cases where decades-long multinational cross-border endangered species recovery programs have been jeopardized by waivers of environmental protection laws to facilitate rapid construction of border barriers that impede the movement and migration of animals, such as at the US-Mexico and Poland-Belarus borders. Renewable energy megaprojects, such as the Pinacate solar plant in Mexico, coupled with power transmission lines and road networks likewise cast a large footprint on the land and are being carried out with minimal to no environmental compliance under the guise of national security. National sovereignty likewise has been used as justification for bypassing laws to proceed with similar projects, such as Mexico's Dos Bocas refinery and Poland's Vistula Spit canal. Emphasis on security is also apparent in increasing military expenditure by the world's largest economies, which has created a mismatch with improvement in environmental policy stringency. Decisions to prioritize security can undermine democratic principles and environmental review protocols, trivialize humanity's dependence on functioning ecosystems, and contradict the United Nation's resolution on the human right to a healthy environment. Framing infrastructure projects as matters of national security also foments civil and political unrest by the labeling and casting of dissenters, including conservation scientists and environmental defenders, as antinational. World leaders must refrain from misusing extraordinary powers, adhere to laws and international agreements, and consult experts and local people before taking unilateral action on projects that affect ecological and human communities.

Amenazas para la conservación a partir de los intereses nacionales de seguridad Resumen En los países existe una tendencia creciente por invocar la seguridad nacional y las declaraciones de emergencia para construir infraestructuras financiadas por el estado para la defensa de las fronteras, producción de energía y transporte. Las leyes, regulaciones y acuerdos establecidos para la protección de la naturaleza y el patrimonio cultural dentro y entre los países se están relegando por la seguridad nacional, lo que compromete la función de las áreas protegidas (parques nacionales, áreas silvestres y reservas de la biósfera) que resguardan la biodiversidad, el clima y la salud humana. Consideramos los casos en donde se han puesto en peligro los programas longevos y multinacionales de recuperación de especies en peligro por las exenciones a las leyes de protección ambiental para facilitar la construcción rápida de barreras fronterizas que impiden el movimiento y la migración de animales, como es el caso de las fronteras entre EU y México y Polonia y Bielorrusia. Los megaproyectos de energía renovable, como la planta solar del Pinacate en México, en conjunto con las líneas de transmisión eléctrica y las redes de carreteras también dejan una gran huella sobre la tierra y se realizan con el mínimo o ningún cumplimiento bajo el aspecto de la seguridad nacional. La soberanía nacional también se ha usado para justificar la omisión de las leyes para proceder con proyectos similares, como la refinería de Dos Bocas en México y el canal Vistula Spit en Polonia. El énfasis sobre la seguridad también es evidente con el incremento del gasto militar de las mayores economías mundiales, lo que ha creado una desigualdad con las mejoras en la exigencia de la política ambiental. Las decisiones para priorizar la seguridad pueden debilitar los principios democráticos y los protocolos de revisión ambiental, banalizar la dependencia de la humanidad por los ecosistemas funcionales y contradecir la resolución de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho humano a un ambiente saludable. Cuando se denominan los proyectos de infraestructura como asuntos de seguridad nacional, también se fomenta el malestar civil y político al etiquetar como antinacionales a los disidentes, incluidos los defensores ambientales y los científicos de la conservación. Los líderes mundiales deben abstenerse de usar indebidamente los poderes extraordinarios, adherirse a las leyes y acuerdos internacionales y consultar con expertos y personas locales antes de actuar de forma unilateral en cuanto a proyectos que afectan las comunidades humanas y ecológicas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Humanos , Biodiversidade , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Medidas de Segurança
Mol Biol Evol ; 41(1)2024 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38152862


The strategic location of North Africa has made the region the core of a wide range of human demographic events, including migrations, bottlenecks, and admixture processes. This has led to a complex and heterogeneous genetic and cultural landscape, which remains poorly studied compared to other world regions. Whole-exome sequencing is particularly relevant to determine the effects of these demographic events on current-day North Africans' genomes, since it allows to focus on those parts of the genome that are more likely to have direct biomedical consequences. Whole-exome sequencing can also be used to assess the effect of recent demography in functional genetic variation and the efficacy of natural selection, a long-lasting debate. In the present work, we use newly generated whole-exome sequencing and genome-wide array genotypes to investigate the effect of demography in functional variation in 7 North African populations, considering both cultural and demographic differences and with a special focus on Amazigh (plur. Imazighen) groups. We detect genetic differences among populations related to their degree of isolation and the presence of bottlenecks in their recent history. We find differences in the functional part of the genome that suggest a relaxation of purifying selection in the more isolated groups, allowing for an increase of putatively damaging variation. Our results also show a shift in mutational load coinciding with major demographic events in the region and reveal differences within and between cultural and geographic groups.

Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Humanos , População do Norte da África , Genoma , Demografia
Cult. cuid ; 27(67): 355-374, Dic 11, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-228591


This study aimed to analyze Madeleine Leininger's Theory of Diversity and Universality of Cultural Care. It is a study of interpretive analysis based on the model of theory evaluation proposed by Johnson, carried out in the months of January and February 2022. It is confirmed that Leininger's theory has theoretical consistency and the ability to contribute to practical, scientific and nursing profession. The theory is presented as easy to understand, with accessible and clear language, and presents well-defined concepts that stimulate the formulation of propositions. It presents further variations and assumptions that contribute to the interpretation and understanding of the propositions, as well as theoretical knowledge that helps to explain and make predictions about two phenomena o interest in the disease. To analyze it is possible to show Leininger's theory to theoretical consistency and to the capacity to contribute to nursing practice. The relevance of the application of nursing hairs in various contexts of care is highlighted for the scope of care that is culturally and consistently guided by the context and the needs of two individuals.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la Teoría de la Diversidad y Universalidad del Cuidado Cultural de Madeleine Leininger. Se trata de un estudio de análisis interpretativo basado en el modelo de evaluación de la teoría propuesto por Johnson, realizado en enero y febrero de 2022. Se constató que la teoría de Leininger tiene consistencia teórica y capacidad de contribuir a la práctica, la ciencia y la profesión de enfermería. La teoría es de fácil comprensión, con un lenguaje accesible y claro, y presenta conceptos bien definidos que estimulan la formulación de proposiciones. También presenta variables y supuestos que contribuyen a la interpretación y comprensión de proposiciones, así como conocimientos teóricos que ayudan a explicar y hacer predicciones sobre los fenómenos de interés para la enfermería. El análisis permitió evidenciar en la teoría de Leininger la consistencia teórica y la capacidad de contribuir a la práctica de enfermería. Se destaca la relevancia de la aplicación de los enfermeros en diferentes contextos de trabajo para lograr un cuidado guiado cultural y congruentemente con el contexto y las necesidades de los individuos.(AU)

Este estudo objetivou analisar a Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural de Madeleine Leininger. Tratase de um estudo de análise interpretativa baseado no modelo de avaliação de teorias proposto por Johnson, realizado nos meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2022. Constatouse que a teoria de Leininger possui consistência teórica e capacidade de contribuir para a prática, ciência e profissão de enfermagem. A teoria se apresenta de fácil compreensão, com linguagem acessível e clara, e apresenta conceitos bem delimitados que estimulam a formulação de proposições. Apresenta ainda variáveis e suposições que contribuem para a interpretação e compreensão das proposições, assim como conhecimento teórico que auxilia a explicar e fazer predições acerca dos fenômenos de interesse da enfermagem. A análise possibilitou evidenciar na teoria de Leininger a consistência teórica e a capacidade de contribuir para a prática de enfermagem. Destacase a relevância da aplicação da pelos enfermeiros em diversos contextos de atuação para o alcance de um cuidado culturalmente e congruentemente pautado no contexto e nas necessidades dos indivíduos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Teoria de Enfermagem , Universalização da Saúde , Enfermagem , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Enfermagem Transcultural , Assistência à Saúde Culturalmente Competente
J Am Heart Assoc ; 12(24): e030042, 2023 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38108253


The United States witnessed a nearly 4-fold increase in personal health care expenditures between 1980 and 2010. Despite innovations and obvious benefits to health, participants enrolled in clinical trials still do not accurately represent the racial and ethnic composition of patients nationally or globally. This lack of diversity in cohorts limits the generalizability and significance of results among all populations and has deep repercussions for patient equity. To advance diversity in clinical trials, robust evidence for the most effective strategies for recruitment of diverse participants is needed. A major limitation of previous literature on clinical trial diversity is the lack of control or comparator groups for different strategies. To date, interventions have focused primarily on (1) community-based interventions, (2) institutional practices, and (3) digital health systems. This review article outlines prior intervention strategies across these 3 categories and considers health policy and ethical incentives for substantiation before US Food and Drug Administration approval. There are no current studies that comprehensively compare these interventions against one another. The American Heart Association Strategically Focused Research Network on the Science of Diversity in Clinical Trials represents a multicenter, collaborative network between Stanford School of Medicine and Morehouse School of Medicine created to understand the barriers to diversity in clinical trials by contemporaneous head-to-head interventional strategies accessing digital, institutional, and community-based recruitment strategies to produce informed recruitment strategies targeted to improve underrepresented patient representation in clinical trials.

American Heart Association , Instalações de Saúde , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Política de Saúde , Assistência Médica , Diversidade Cultural , Estudos Multicêntricos como Assunto
Semergen ; 50(4): 102149, 2023 Dec 28.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38157756


The care of a culturally and linguistically diverse population is a challenge in primary health care due to language barriers and cultural differences. For this reason, good communication and cultural competence of health personnel is key within medical consultation. Thus, during consultations with this group of people, it is the doctor's duty to identify the patient's culture, their perception of the concept of health, in what way and to what extent they want to be informed, and the role they want to assign to the members of their family before the treatment process begins. For this reason, there are interventions that seek to optimize the care provided to these patients and mitigate the cultural barrier, including the use of multimodal digital tools, the use of translators or interpreters, and training of health personnel in communication and intercultural skills.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e71679, jan. -dez. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444020


Objetivo: compreender os fatores que interferem no diagnóstico da sífilis em homens à luz da Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural. Método: estudo qualitativo, aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, realizado em Hospital Universitário no Rio de Janeiro, entre setembro de 2017 e março de 2018. Foram entrevistados 32 homens diagnosticados com sífilis adquirida, e a análise temática foi utilizada para o tratamento dos dados. Resultados: a maioria dos homens tinha história de contágio por outra Infecção Sexualmente Transmissível e foi diagnosticada no ambulatório de imunologia. O momento diagnóstico é encarado com surpresa, tem repercussões psicossociais e é influenciado por fatores culturais e sociais. Considerações finais: alguns fatores interferem positivamente e outros negativamente no diagnóstico da sífilis na população masculina. Para detectar essa infecção nos homens, deve-se conhecer o contexto sociocultural em que estão inseridos para, assim, implementar estratégias tanto diagnósticas quanto preventivas mais eficazes.

Objective: to understand the factors that interfere with the diagnosis of syphilis in men in the light of the Theory of Diversity and Universality of Cultural Care. Method: qualitative study, approved by the Ethics and Research Committee, conducted at a University Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, during september 2017 to march 2018. Thirty-two men diagnosed with acquired syphilis were interviewed, and thematic analysis was used for data treatment. Results: most men had a history of contagion by another STI and were diagnosed at the immunology outpatient clinic. The moment of diagnosis is faced with surprise, has psychosocial repercussions and is influenced by cultural and social factors. Final considerations: some factors interfere positively and others negatively in the diagnosis of syphilis in the male population. To detect this infection in men, it is necessary to know the sociocultural context in which they live, in order to implement more effective diagnostic and preventive strategies.

Objetivo: comprender los factores que interfieren en el diagnóstico de la sífilis en los hombres a la luz de la Teoría de la diversidad y universalidad del cuidado cultural. Método: estudio cualitativo, aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación, realizado en un Hospital Universitario de Río de Janeiro, de septiembre de 2017 a marzo de 2018. Se entrevistó a 32 hombres diagnosticados de sífilis adquirida y se utilizó el análisis temático para el tratamiento de los datos. Resultados: la mayoría de los hombres tenía antecedentes de contagio por otra Infección Sexualmente Transmisible y el diagnóstico se hizo en el ambulatorio de inmunología. El momento del diagnóstico se afronta con sorpresa, tiene repercusiones psicosociales y está influenciado por factores culturales y sociales. Consideraciones finales: algunos factores interfieren positivamente y otros negativamente en el diagnóstico de la sífilis en la población masculina. Para detectar esta infección en los hombres, se debe conocer el contexto sociocultural en el que se insertan, para entonces poner en marcha estrategias de diagnóstico y de prevención más eficaces.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 20728, 2023 11 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38007600


In the last decade, several studies aimed at dissecting the genetic architecture of local small ruminant breeds to discover which variations are involved in the process of adaptation to environmental conditions, a topic that has acquired priority due to climate change. Considering that traditional breeds are a reservoir of such important genetic variation, improving the current knowledge about their genetic diversity and origin is the first step forward in designing sound conservation guidelines. The genetic composition of North-Western European archetypical goat breeds is still poorly exploited. In this study we aimed to fill this gap investigating goat breeds across Ireland and Scandinavia, including also some other potential continental sources of introgression. The PCA and Admixture analyses suggest a well-defined cluster that includes Norwegian and Swedish breeds, while the crossbred Danish landrace is far apart, and there appears to be a close relationship between the Irish and Saanen goats. In addition, both graph representation of historical relationships among populations and f4-ratio statistics suggest a certain degree of gene flow between the Norse and Atlantic landraces. Furthermore, we identify signs of ancient admixture events of Scandinavian origin in the Irish and in the Icelandic goats. The time when these migrations, and consequently the introgression, of Scandinavian-like alleles occurred, can be traced back to the Viking colonisation of these two isles during the Viking Age (793-1066 CE). The demographic analysis indicates a complicated history of these traditional breeds with signatures of bottleneck, inbreeding and crossbreeding with the improved breeds. Despite these recent demographic changes and the historical genetic background shaped by centuries of human-mediated gene flow, most of them maintained their genetic identity, becoming an irreplaceable genetic resource as well as a cultural heritage.

Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Animais , Humanos , Cabras/genética , Europa (Continente) , Demografia , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (59): 205-224, Nov. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226622


La vacuna obligatoria de la COVID-19 y la exigencia del certificado en Ecuador constituyen políticas que dependen de la gobernabilidad y gobernanza del poder central, que arrastra crisis políticas, socioeconómicas, jurídicas, ambientales, de salud y salubridad, de gestiones anteriores y propias. Políticas enmarcadas en un modelo paternalista de salud, que es justificado en el caso de la vacuna obligatoria, por el riesgo y daño del SARS-Cov2, que forzó la autonomía al orden social, y que han generado debate. Existe un 7.8% de la población disidente a la vacuna por razones epistémicas de falta de conocimiento de su funcionamiento, y ético-políticas basadas en la libertad individual, pensamiento, y el alcance de poder del Estado. Las estadísticas demuestran que la mayoría de las personas vacilantes a la inmunización son sujetos colectivos históricamente discriminados como los indígenas Afroecuatorianos y Montubios, que muchos pertenecen a la clase social baja, y habitan en la periferia, que previamente a la pandemia, carecía de infraestructura en salud. Demostrando como las determinantes de la salud influyen, y se conjugan en un complejo biosocial diverso, creando vulnerabilidades y privilegios. La pandemia expone las desigualdades y los problemas del modelo del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Por lo tanto, a través del método dialéctico, el artículo analiza las posiciones opuestas a la inmunización imperativa, y propone una tercera basada en un modelo sindémico de salud, que considera al complejo biosocial, cuyo mínimo normativo son los derechoshumanos, libertad, dignidad y principios bioéticos, principalmente de vulnerabilidad, interdependencia, diversidad cultural, pluralismo y justicia social.(AU)

La vacuna obligatòria de la COVID-19 i l'exigència del certificat a l'Equador constitueixen polítiques que depenen de la governabilitat i governança del poder central, que arrossega crisis polítiques, socioeconòmiques, jurídiques, ambientals, de salut i salubritat, de gestions anteriors i pròpies. Polítiques emmarcades en un model paternalista de salut, que és justificat en el cas de la vacuna obligatòria, pel risc i mal del SARS-Cov2, que va forçar l'autonomia a l'ordre social, i que han generat debat. Existeix un 7.8% de la població dissident a la vacuna per raons epistèmiques de falta de coneixement del seu funcionament, i ètic-polítiques basades en la llibertat individual, pensament, i l'abast de poder de l'Estat. Les estadístiques demostren que la majoria de les persones vacil·lants a la immunització són subjectes col·lectius històricament discriminats com els indígenes Afroequatorians i Montubios, que molts pertanyen a la classe social baixa, i habiten en la perifèria, que prèviament a la pandèmia, mancava d'infraestructura en salut. Demostrant com les determinants de la salut influeixen, i es conjuguen en un complex biosocial divers, creant vulnerabilitats i privilegis. La pandèmia exposa les desigualtats i els problemes del model del Sistema Nacional de Salut. Per tant, a través del mètode dialèctic, l'article analitza les posicions oposades a la immunització imperativa, i proposa una tercera basada en un model sindèmic de salut, que considera al complex biosocial, que el seu mínim normatiu són els drets humans, llibertat, dignitat i principis bioètics, principalment de vulnerabilitat, interdependència, diversitat cultural, pluralisme i justícia social.(AU)

The compulsory COVID-19 vaccine and the requirement of the certificate in Ecuador constitute policies that depend on the governability and governance of the central power, which drags political, socioeconomic, legal, environmental, health, and sanitation crises from previous administrations and its own. Policies framed in a paternalistic health model, which is justified in the case of themandatory vaccine, by the risk and damage of SARS-Cov2, which forced autonomy into the social order, and which have generated debate. There is a 7.8% of the population dissenting to the vaccine for epistemic reasons of lack of knowledge of its functioning, and ethical-political reasons such as individual freedom, religion, thought, and the scope of State`s power. Statistics show that most of the people hesitant to immunization are historically discriminated collective subjects such as Afro-Ecuadorians, andMontubio indigenous people. Most of them belong to the lower social class, and live in the periphery, which prior to the pandemic, lacked health infrastructure. Demonstrating how the determinants of health influence and combine in a diverse biosocial complex, creating vulnerabilities and privileges. The pandemic exposes the inequalities and problems of the paternalistic model of the National Health System. Therefore, through the dialectic method, the article analyzes the positions opposed to imperative immunization, and proposes a third one based on a syndemic model of health, which considers the biosocial complex, whose normative minimum are human rights, freedom, dignity, and bioethical principles, mainly vulnerability, interdependence, cultural diversity, pluralism, and social justice.(AU)

Humanos , /imunologia , Vacinas , Vacinação , Certificado Internacional de Vacinação ou Profilaxia , Vacinação Obrigatória , Saúde Pública , Equador , Temas Bioéticos , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Sindemia
Am J Occup Ther ; 77(5)2023 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37878395


As the U.S. population shifts away from a White majority, it is imperative that the health care workforce reflect the diversity of client populations served. Increased diversity in the health care workforce fosters access to more personalized, culturally responsive, and client-centered care, thereby facilitating improved outcomes and reduced health disparities. Occupational therapy education programs function as gatekeepers for diversity and need to be accountable for representation in the profession and to produce graduates who reflect the diversity of the broader population. Holistic admission practices, which ensure that no single factor excludes an applicant from admission, are recognized as a meaningful strategy for increasing student diversity in higher education and provide a pathway to create a representative workforce with the ability to improve care disparities and client outcomes. As one of the largest occupational therapy programs in the country, and located in a diverse urban area, the University of Southern California's Mrs. T. H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy has embraced the profession's responsibility toward greater health equity through holistic admissions. In this column, we discuss holistic admission best practices and report diversity outcomes resulting from enactment of these practices within our occupational therapy education program.

Equidade em Saúde , Terapia Ocupacional , Humanos , Estudantes , Pessoal de Saúde , Ocupações , Diversidade Cultural
Salud ment ; 46(5): 241-245, Sep.-Oct. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522923


Abstract This article applies the concept of normality, in both its descriptive and normative connotations, to the field of mental health, emphasizing its ethical undertones in different cultural and situational contexts. Ethics is defined as the linguistic justification of morals, and bioethics is characterized by arguments based on dialogical, discursive, and deliberative processes. Bioethical decision-making influences human relationships and has implications for diagnosis, prognosis, interventions, and evaluation of therapeutic results and outcomes. Normality in mental health should be reformulated on bioethical principles to avoid being a source of stigma and discrimination, at a time when human diversity and cultural change impose a redefinition of conceptual boundaries and depathologization of different forms of behavior and experience.

Resumen Se aplica el concepto de normalidad en sus connotaciones descriptiva y normativa al campo de la salud mental, destacando su tonalidad ética en diferentes contextos culturales y situacionales. Se define la ética como la justificación lingüística de la moral y se caracteriza a la bioética como fuente de argumentos basados en procesos dialógicos, discursivos y deliberativos. La toma de decisiones en clave bioética influencia las relaciones humanas y posee implicaciones para el diagnóstico, el pronóstico, las intervenciones y la evaluación de resultados y consecuencias. La normalidad en salud mental debiera ser reformulada sobre la base de principios bioéticos a fin de impedir ser fuente de estigma y discriminación en una época en que la diversidad y el cambio cultural imponen una redefinición de límites conceptuales y la despatologización de diferentes formas de conducta y vivencia.

JCO Oncol Pract ; 19(11): 1039-1047, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37677123


PURPOSE: Patients with cancer from racial and ethnic minorities, referred to as culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) in Australia, are significantly under-represented in cancer clinical trials. We performed a national survey of the Australian cancer clinical trials workforce to determine barriers and preferred solutions to address this inequity. METHODS: A 15-item online survey containing both closed- and open-ended purpose-designed questions was created using REDCap. The survey was emailed to members of the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, Medical Oncology Group of Australia, and Australian cancer cooperative trial groups, and promoted via Twitter. Descriptive analyses summarized quantitative data, and free-text entries underwent thematic analysis with NVivo Version 12. RESULTS: Ninety one respondents completed the survey-with representation across Australia. Eighty-seven percent were directly involved in clinical trial recruitment. Sixty-eight percent were clinicians. Seventy-four percent of respondents did not collect routine data on CALD patient enrollment to cancer clinical trials. Communication (eg, lack of translated materials) and opportunity-related barriers (eg, exclusionary trial protocols) were the most frequently perceived barriers to recruitment. Additionally, qualitative analysis indicated that insufficient consultation time and difficulties accessing interpreters for patients with non-English language preference were significant barriers. Trial navigators and a generic cancer trial pamphlet available in multiple languages were judged the most likely solutions to improve recruitment. CONCLUSION: This study articulates the Australian clinical trials workforce's perspective on current barriers and potential solutions to the under-representation of patients from CALD backgrounds on cancer clinical trials. The insights and solutions from this survey provide steps toward achieving equity in Australian cancer clinical trials.

Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde , Neoplasias , Humanos , Austrália/epidemiologia , Diversidade Cultural , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/terapia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Recurso na Internet em Inglês | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde | ID: lis-49417


Welcome to the Americas Region! This region includes 35 Member States and 4 Associate Members. There is a great diversity of healing systems and practices in the Americas, with each country having its own recognized and institutionalized practices. The inclusion of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCIM) in national health systems is part of efforts to improve people-centered health services and achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for marginalized populations. Interculturality and therapeutic pluralism are key components of the region’s TCIM efforts.​

Medicina Tradicional , Diversidade Cultural , América , Equidade em Saúde