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Eur. j. psychiatry ; 38(2): [100235], Apr.-Jun. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231861


Background and Objectives The Economic Activity Restriction (EAR) due to health conditions is being utilized as a foundational measure for the European indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY). The EAR group is experiencing limitations not only in economic activities but also in overall activities, and it is a population with a high likelihood of transitioning to mental illness due to health condition. However, few studies have investigated the relationship between EAR and mental illness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the association between EAR due to health conditions and mental illness for those aged 45 and older in South Korea. Methods We obtained data from the 2006–2020 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging. EAR was assessed using self-reported questionnaires based on the Global Activity Limitation Indicator. mental illness was assessed based on the diagnosis data for participants who had been diagnosed. After excluding missing values, the data of 9,574 participants were analyzed using the chi-square test, log-rank tests, and time-dependent Cox proportional hazard model to evaluate the association between EAR and mental illness. Results Out of the 9,574 participants gathered at baseline, the mental illness rate was 4.8 %. The hazard ratio (HR) of mental illness in those in the “very probable” of EAR was 2.351 times higher (p-value <0.0001) compared with “not at all” of EAR. In model 1 which includes under 64 years, HR of mental illness in “very probable” of EAR was 3.679 times higher (p-value: 0.000) and in “probable” of EAR was 2.535 time higher (p-value: 0.001) compared with “not at all” of EAR. Conclusion If we provide opportunities to participate in community activities or provide the mental health promotion programs for middle-aged population who are experiencing EAR due to health condition... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes/psicologia , Licença Médica , /psicologia , Estudos de Coortes , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58546, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1550246


Resumen Introdução: A criação de guias que unificam as demandas clínicas prevalentes em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, das suas respectivas intervenções, se faz presente, devido a heterogeneidade das patologias emergentes no processo de envelhecimento, que irão precisar de cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar as demandas clínicas em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, as intervenções implementadas pelos(as) enfermeiros(as). Método: Revisão integrativa de pesquisas originais, publicadas entre 2018 e 2022, em inglês, espanhol e português, disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO e Google Scholar, pelos descritores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". O Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention foi usado para determinar o nível de evidência da amostra final. Foram excluídos editoriais, estudos de revisão e artigos duplicados. A análise dos dados se deu pela leitura analítica e interpretativa, guiadas por um checklist. Resultados: Oito artigos foram selecionados e trouxeram demandas clínica tais como: o déficit no autocuidado para banho; autonegligência; fadiga; risco de integridade da pele prejudicada; desesperança; tristeza e depressão. As intervenções se relacionaram ao incentivo ao autocuidado; otimização dos medicamentos; estímulo a atividade física; cuidados com a pele; aconselhamento; musicoterapia e reabilitação psicossocial. Conclusão: Demandas clínicas atendidas nas consultas de enfermagem gerontológica possuem grande variação, com prevalência no domínio atividade/repouso, tais como intervenções voltadas para o tratamento e prevenção de doenças e ações visando a promoção da saúde, tendo o domínio comportamental mais expressivo.

Resumen Introducción: La creación de guías que unifiquen las demandas clínicas prevalentes en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y sus respectivas intervenciones es necesaria, debido a la heterogeneidad de patologías emergentes en el proceso de envejecimiento que requerirán cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar las demandas clínicas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y las intervenciones implementadas por el personal de enfermería. Método: Revisión integrativa de investigaciones originales, publicadas entre 2018 y 2022, en inglés, español y portugués, en las bases de datos Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Se utilizaron los descriptores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de la muestra final, se usó el Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention. Además, se excluyeron los editoriales, los estudios de revisión y los artículos duplicados. Los datos se analizaron mediante lectura analítica e interpretativa, guiada por una lista de verificación. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho artículos que aportaron demandas clínicas como déficit en el autocuidado para el baño, autodescuido, fatiga, riesgo integridad de la piel perjudicada; desesperanza, tristeza y depresión. Las intervenciones estaban orientadas al fomento del autocuidado, la optimización de la medicación, el fomento de la actividad física, el cuidado de la piel, el asesoramiento, la musicoterapia y la rehabilitación psicosocial. Conclusión: Las demandas clínicas atendidas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica son muy variadas, con predominio en el dominio actividad/reposo, como intervenciones dirigidas al tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades y acciones dirigidas a la promoción de la salud, siendo más expresivo el dominio conductual.

Abstract Introduction: The creation of guidelines that unify the prevalent clinical demands from gerontological nursing consultations and their corresponding interventions are necessary due to the heterogeneity of emerging pathologies in the aging process that will require nursing care. Objective: To identify clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations and the interventions implemented by nurses. Method: An integrative review of original research published from 2018 and 2022, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, in Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/lilacs/BDENF/IBECS/VHL, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases, using the DeCS/MESH descriptors: "Elderly", "Nursing in the Office", "Geriatric Nursing", and "Geriatrics". The Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention was used to determine the level of evidence of the final sample. Editorials, review studies, and duplicate articles were excluded. The data were analyzed by analytical and interpretative reading, guided by a checklist. Results: Eight articles were selected that showed clinical demands such as deficits in self-care for bathing, self-negligence, fatigue, risk of damaged skin integrity, hopelessness, sadness, and depression. Interventions were related to encouraging self-care, medication optimization, encouragement of exercise, skin care, counseling, music therapy, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Conclusion: There are many different clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations, especially associated with the domain of activity/rest. These include interventions to treat and prevent diseases, and actions aimed at health promotion, in most cases associated with the behavioral domain.

Envelhecimento , Assistência Centrada no Paciente/métodos , Enfermagem Geriátrica/métodos , Guia
Recurso na Internet em Português | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde | ID: lis-49597


Este mapa de evidências apresenta estratégias para o cuidado de pessoas com as seguintes Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT): Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, Hipertensão Arterial sistêmica e Obesidade. A partir de uma ampla busca bibliográfica realizada para o desenvolvimento de 7 revisões rápidas, 93 estudos de revisão foram incluídos no mapa (62 revisões sistemáticas, 31 revisões sistemáticas com meta-análise). Com base na ferramenta AMSTAR2, foi avaliado o nível de confiabilidade para a evidência reportada nestes estudos, resultando em 2 revisões de nível alto, 5 revisões de nível moderado, 10 revisões de nível baixo e 76 revisões de nível criticamente baixo. Todos os estudos foram avaliados, caracterizados, categorizados por uma equipe multiprofissional organizada em pares, composta por pesquisadores que atuam nas áreas de Saúde Coletiva e Políticas Informadas por Evidências. Principais Achados: ● As revisões avaliaram o efeito de 26 intervenções distribuídas em 5 grupos: Teleconsulta/eHealth, Tratamento farmacológico, Automonitoramento/autogerenciamento, Educação, e Serviço de saúde; ● As intervenções foram associadas a 22 desfechos relacionados às DCNT distribuídos em 3 grupos: resultados clínicos, resultados não clínicos e segurança; ● No total foram encontradas 196 associações entre intervenções, desfechos e efeitos nos estudos selecionados. A maior parte das associações foi com intervenções de cuidado assistencial (32 associações) e intervenções combinadas (24 associações); ● Os desfechos que receberam maior número de associações foram: Pressão Arterial (36 associações), Peso corporal (34 associações), Adesão ao tratamento farmacológico (29 associações) e Satisfação do paciente (21 associações).

Doenças não Transmissíveis , Promoção da Saúde , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Obesidade , Hipertensão
Recurso na Internet em Português | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde | ID: lis-49594


Bancos de Leite do DF atendem, em média, 250 bebês por dia. Alimento pode reduzir em até 13% de mortes evitáveis em crianças com menos de 5 anos.

Promoção da Saúde , Bancos de Leite Humano , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Aleitamento Materno , Mortalidade Infantil
Recurso na Internet em Português | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde | ID: lis-49595


Representantes da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP) participaram de reunião, convocada pelo Ministério da Saúde, para debater a promoção do aleitamento materno no País, em especial o cumprimento da Norma Brasileira de Comercialização de Alimentos para Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância, Bicos, Chupetas e Mamadeiras (NBCAL).

Bancos de Leite Humano , Leite Humano , Aleitamento Materno , Promoção da Saúde
Multimedia | Recursos Multimídia | ID: multimedia-12950


A Semana Mundial de Aleitamento Materno (SMAM), celebrada de 1 a 7 de agosto, coloca anualmente em debate temas relevantes em prol da promoção, apoio e proteção ao aleitamento materno. “Possibilitando a amamentação: fazendo a diferença para mães e pais que trabalham” é o slogan deste ano. Embora a amamentação seja tradicionalmente considerada domínio da mãe, quando os pais, famílias e a sociedade a apoiam, as taxas aumentam. Diante disso, adotar uma abordagem inclusiva sobre o aleitamento materno que agregue pais, amigos, familiares, colegas de trabalho e comunidade é fundamental para criar um entorno propício, que permita que as mães amamentem de forma otimizada. Nesse contexto, convidamos a coordenadora da Assistência do Banco de Leite Humano do IFF/Fiocruz, Danielle Aparecida da Silva, para falar mais sobre o tema.

Promoção da Saúde , Aleitamento Materno , Bancos de Leite Humano , Mulheres Trabalhadoras , Extração de Leite , Retorno ao Trabalho , Webcast
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 91-102, Abr 10, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-411


Objetivo: Evaluar cualitativamente la experiencia de pacientescon esclerosis múltiple (PEM) y cuidadores familiares (CFPEM)vinculados al programa de esclerosis múltiple del HospitalUniversitario Nacional de Colombia (PrEM-HUNC), durantela formación y consolidación de una comunidad compasiva(CC), para la inclusión social y promoción de calidad de vida.Materiales y Método: estudio cualitativo interpretativo, conentrevistas a profundidad a nueve colaboradores. Con elmétodo de análisis de espiral de Creswell y Poth, emergieroncuatro categorías y un tema.Resultados: el tema “Un nido comunitario de crecimientoytransformación” señala el proceso de conformación de la CCcomo una experiencia que posibilitó cambios de significadosen torno a la enfermedad, la situación personal y familiar;revela un proceso de descubrimiento y aprendizaje deconformación de diferentes relaciones y roles.Conclusiones: La CC es una opción para construcción deredes de apoyo, fortalecimiento de las capacidades personalesy familiares, una forma para hacer frente a los diferentesimpactos y retos que implica vivir con esclerosis múltiple,se constituye en una alternativa para la promoción de lacalidad de vida y la inclusión social.(AU)

Objective: to qualitatively evaluate the experienceof patients with multiple sclerosis (PEM) and familycaregivers (CFPEM) linked to the multiple sclerosisprogram of the National University Hospital ofColombia (PrEM-HUNC), during the formation andconsolidation of a compassionate community (CC),for social inclusion and promotion of quality of life.Materials and Method: qualitative interpretativestudy, with in-depth interviews to nine collaborators.With Creswell and Poth's spiral analysis method,four categories and one topic emerged. Results: the theme "A Community Nest of Growth andTransformation" points out the process of shaping theCC as an experience that made possible changes in themeanings surrounding the disease and the personaland family situation; reveals a process of discovery andlearning of shaping different relationships and roles.Conclusions: The CC is an option for building supportnetworks, strengthening personal and family capacities,a way to address the different impacts and challengesof living with multiple sclerosis; it is an alternative tothe promotion of quality of life and social inclusion.(AU)

Objetivo: avaliar qualitativamente a experiência depacientes com esclerose múltipla (PEM) e cuidadoresfamiliares (CFPEM) vinculados ao programa de esclerosemúltipla do Hospital Universitário Nacional de Colombia(PrEM-HUNC), durante a formação e consolidação deuma comunidade compassiva (CC), para a inclusãosocial e promoção da qualidade de vida.Materiais e Método: estudo qualitativo interpretativo,com entrevistas em profundidade com nove colaboradores.Com o método em espiral de Creswell e Poth, quatrocategorias e um tema emergiram.Resultados: o tema “Um ninho comunitário de crescimentoe transformação” revela o processo de conformação daCC como uma experiência que possibilitou mudanças designificados em torno da doença, da situação pessoal efamiliar; revela um processo de descoberta e aprendizagemde obter diferentes relacionamentos e papéis.Conclusões: a CC é uma opção para a construção deredes de apoio, fortalecendo as capacidades pessoais efamiliares, uma forma de enfrentar os diversos impactose desafios que o viver com esclerose múltipla implica,sendo uma opção para a promoção da qualidade devida e inclusão social.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade de Vida , Esclerose Múltipla/enfermagem , Cuidadores , Apoio Social , Colômbia , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 39(3): 261-281, Abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231692


Introducción: Guía para la práctica clínica en neurorrehabilitación de personas adultas con daño cerebral adquirido de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación. Documento basado en la revisión de guías de práctica clínica internacionales publicadas entre 2013-2020. Desarrollo: Se establecen recomendaciones según el nivel de evidencia que ofrecen los estudios revisados referentes a aspectos consensuados entre expertos dirigidos a definir la población, características específicas de la intervención o la exposición bajo investigación. Conclusiones: Deben recibir neurorrehabilitación todos aquellos pacientes que, tras un daño cerebral adquirido, hayan alcanzado una mínima estabilidad clínica. La neurorrehabilitación debe ofrecer tanto tratamiento como sea posible en términos de frecuencia, duración e intensidad (al menos 45-60 minutos de cada modalidad de terapia específica que el paciente precise). La neurorrehabilitación requiere un equipo transdisciplinar coordinado, con el conocimiento, la experiencia y las habilidades para trabajar en equipo tanto con pacientes como con sus familias. En la fase aguda, y para los casos más graves, se recomiendan programas de rehabilitación en unidades hospitalarias, procediéndose a tratamiento ambulatorio tan pronto como la situación clínica lo permita y se puedan mantener los criterios de intensidad. La duración del tratamiento debe basarse en la respuesta terapéutica y en las posibilidades de mejoría, en función del mayor grado de evidencia disponible. Al alta deben ofrecerse servicios de promoción de la salud, actividad física, apoyo y seguimiento para garantizar que se mantengan los beneficios alcanzados, detectar posibles complicaciones o valorar posibles cambios en la funcionalidad que hagan necesario el acceso a nuevos programas de tratamiento.(AU)

Introduction: We present the Spanish Society of Neurorehabilitation's guidelines for adult acquired brain injury (ABI) rehabilitation. These recommendations are based on a review of international clinical practice guidelines published between 2013 and 2020. Development: We establish recommendations based on the levels of evidence of the studies reviewed and expert consensus on population characteristics and the specific aspects of the intervention or procedure under research. Conclusions: All patients with ABI should receive neurorehabilitation therapy once they present a minimal level of clinical stability. Neurorehabilitation should offer as much treatment as possible in terms of frequency, duration, and intensity (at least 45–60 min of each specific form of therapy that is needed). Neurorehabilitation requires a coordinated, multidisciplinary team with the knowledge, experience, and skills needed to work in collaboration both with patients and with their families. Inpatient rehabilitation interventions are recommended for patients with more severe deficits and those in the acute phase, with outpatient treatment to be offered as soon as the patient's clinical situation allows it, as long as intensity criteria can be maintained. The duration of treatment should be based on treatment response and the possibilities for further improvement, according to the best available evidence. At discharge, patients should be offered health promotion, physical activity, support, and follow-up services to ensure that the benefits achieved are maintained, to detect possible complications, and to assess possible changes in functional status that may lead the patient to need other treatment programmes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Protocolos Clínicos , Reabilitação Neurológica , Dano Encefálico Crônico/reabilitação , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/reabilitação , Neurologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso , Espanha
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1029, 2024 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609960


BACKGROUND: Peer education is an approach to health promotion in which community members are supported to promote health-enhancing change among their peers. The study assessed the effect of peer health education on HIV/AIDS knowledge amongst in-school adolescents in secondary schools in Imo State. METHODS: This was an intervention study carried out among 296 and 287 in-school adolescents aged 15 to 19 years attending Akwakuma Girls Secondary School and Federal Government Girls College Owerri Imo State respectively. The study was in three stages: before intervention, intervention, and after intervention. The impact of peer education was evaluated twelve weeks after intervention. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires. The study utilized a quasi-experimental study design. The chi-square test and McNemar's test were used to test the hypothesis with a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. RESULTS: The result from the study revealed that the majority (73%) of the respondents at Akwakuma Girls Secondary School (test group) had poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS mode of transmission and prevention at baseline. The overall good knowledge of respondents in the test group improved from 27 to 81% after the intervention. 36% of the respondents in the control group had good knowledge at baseline, the knowledge of 64% of them with poor knowledge at baseline were compared post-test to those in the test group who also had poor knowledge at baseline. The knowledge of only 27.7% of those in the control group increased post-test while the remaining 72.3% still had poor knowledge. The result of the inter-school comparison using Chi-square revealed that the p-value was statistically significant. Intra-school comparison using McNemar's test revealed a statistical significance for all questions in the test group, while none was positively significant in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Peer health education improved the knowledge of the students at Akwakuma Girls Secondary School which was very low at the baseline. The knowledge of the students in the control group with poor knowledge at baseline didn't increase post-study. Peer health education should be strengthened and expanded as one of the tools for behavior change among adolescents. There should be more focus on adolescents for HIV-targeted prevention.

Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Promoção da Saúde , Feminino , Adolescente , Humanos , Nigéria , Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida/prevenção & controle , Instituições Acadêmicas , Educação em Saúde
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1016, 2024 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609966


BACKGROUND: Halting and reversing the upward trend in obesity requires sustained implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based strategies at the population-level. The LiveLighter® program targets adults using a range of public education strategies, including mass media campaigns, to support healthy lifestyle changes to attain or maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic disease. LiveLighter® has been implemented in Western Australia (WA) since 2012 and, to our knowledge, includes the longest running adult-targeted mass media campaign for healthy weight and lifestyle promotion and education globally. This evaluation assessed the impact of LiveLighter® on WA adults' knowledge, intentions and behaviours as they relate to healthy eating and body weight from 2012 to 2019. METHODS: LiveLighter® mass media campaigns, which are TV-led and aired statewide, depict genuine, graphic imagery of visceral fat around internal organs to raise awareness about the link between excess body weight and chronic diseases; demonstrate how unhealthy food and drink consumption can contribute to unhealthy weight gain; and recommend healthy alternatives. Cross-sectional telephone surveys were conducted at baseline and following each campaign phase with an independent, randomly selected sample of WA adults aged 25 to 49 years (n = 501 to n = 1504 per survey) to assess their knowledge of the link between excess body weight and chronic diseases, and their intentions and behaviours related to healthy eating and weight. Multivariable logistic regression models were undertaken to assess differences in responses between baseline and each post-campaign survey. RESULTS: Compared to baseline, there were significant increases in the proportion of respondents reporting knowledge of excess body weight as a risk factor for certain cancers and type 2 diabetes, intentions to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink less sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) in the next seven days, and the proportion of respondents who reported meeting guidelines for daily vegetable intake. Reported consumption of SSBs significantly decreased. CONCLUSIONS: LiveLighter® is associated with improvements in knowledge of the health risks associated with excess body mass, increased vegetable intake and reduced SSB consumption in WA adults. These findings support the use of sustained, well-designed healthy lifestyle promotion and education programs as part of a comprehensive obesity prevention strategy.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Adulto , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Obesidade/prevenção & controle , Aumento de Peso , Frutas , Doença Crônica
BMC Health Serv Res ; 24(1): 458, 2024 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609972


BACKGROUND: Due to unidentified geriatric needs, elderly patients have a higher risk for developing chronic conditions and acute medical complications. Early geriatric screenings and assessments help to identify geriatric needs. Holistic and coordinated therapeutic approaches addressing those needs maintain the independence of elderly patients and avoid adverse effects. General practitioners are important for the timely identification of geriatric needs. The aims of this study are to examine the spatial distribution of the utilization of outpatient geriatric services in the very rural Federal State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the Northeast of Germany and to identify regional disparities. METHODS: Geographical analysis and cartographic visualization of the spatial distribution of outpatient geriatric services of patients who are eligible to receive basic geriatric care (BGC) or specialized geriatric care (SGC) were carried out. Claims data of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania were analysed on the level of postcode areas for the quarter periods between 01/2014 and 04/2017. A Moran's I analysis was carried out to identify clusters of utilization rates. RESULTS: Of all patients who were eligible for BGC in 2017, 58.3% (n = 129,283/221,654) received at least one BCG service. 77.2% (n = 73,442/95,171) of the patients who were eligible for SGC, received any geriatric service (BGC or SGC). 0.4% (n = 414/95,171) of the patients eligible for SGC, received SGC services. Among the postcode areas in the study region, the proportion of patients who received a basic geriatric assessment ranged from 3.4 to 86.7%. Several regions with statistically significant Clusters of utilization rates were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The widely varying utilization rates and the local segregation of high and low rates indicate that the provision of outpatient geriatric care may depend to a large extent on local structures (e.g., multiprofessional, integrated networks or innovative projects or initiatives). The great overall variation in the provision of BGC services implicates that the identification of geriatric needs in GPs' practices should be more standardized. In order to reduce regional disparities in the provision of BGC and SGC services, innovative solutions and a promotion of specialized geriatric networks or healthcare providers are necessary.

Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos , Clínicos Gerais , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos , Idoso , Humanos , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Assistência Ambulatorial
Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(7)2024 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38610224


(1) Background: Digital medicine is developing in the management of chronic diseases in older people, but there is still a lack of information on the use of disease management apps in older patients with COPD. This study aims to explore the views and experience of older patients with COPD on disease management apps to provide a basis for the development and promotion of apps for geriatric diseases. (2) Methods: A descriptive qualitative research method was used. Older patients with COPD (N = 32) with experience using disease management apps participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. (3) Results: Seven themes were defined: (a) feeling curious and worried when facing disease management apps for the first time; (b) actively overcoming barriers to use; (c) gradually becoming independent by continuous online learning; (d) feeling safe in the virtual environment; (e) gradually feeling new value in online interactions; (f) relying on disease management apps under long-term use; (g) expecting disease management apps to meet personalized needs. (4) Conclusions: The adoption and use of disease management apps by older people is a gradual process of acceptance, and they can obtain a wide range of benefits in health and life.

J Environ Manage ; 357: 120830, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38583383


Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions due to increasing energy demand have raised the need to identify effective solutions to produce clean and renewable energy. Biotechnologies are an effective platform to attain green transition objectives, especially when synergically integrated to promote health and environmental protection. In this context, microalgae-based biotechnologies are considered among the most effective tools for treating gaseous effluents and simultaneously capturing carbon sources for further biomass valorisation. The production of biodiesel is regarded as a promising avenue for harnessing value from residual algal biomass. Nonetheless, the existing techniques for extracting lipids still face certain limitations, primarily centred around the cost-effectiveness of the process.This study is dedicated to developing and optimising an innovative and cost-efficient technique for extracting lipids from algal biomass produced during gaseous emissions treatment based on algal-bacterial biotechnology. This integrated treatment technology combines a bio-scrubber for degrading gaseous contaminants and a photobioreactor for capturing the produced CO2 within valuable algal biomass. The cultivated biomass is then processed with the process newly designed to extract lipids simultaneously transesterificated in fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) via In Situ Transesterification (IST) with a Kumagawa-type extractor. The results of this study demonstrated the potential application of the optimised method to overcome the gap to green transition. Energy production was obtained from residuals produced during the necessary treatment of gaseous emissions. Using hexane-methanol (v/v = 19:1) mixture in the presence KOH in Kumagawa extractor lipids were extracted with extraction yield higher than 12% and converted in fatty acid methyl esters. The process showed the enhanced extraction of lipids converted in bio-sourced fuels with circular economy approach, broadening the applicability of biotechnologies as sustainable tools for energy source diversification.

Lipídeos , Microalgas , Biocombustíveis , Promoção da Saúde , Ácidos Graxos , Gases , Biomassa , Ésteres
BMJ Open ; 14(4): e078671, 2024 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38594188


OBJECTIVES: Government guidance to manage COVID-19 was challenged by low levels of health and digital literacy and lack of information in different languages. 'Covid Confidence' sessions (CC-sessions) were evaluated to assess their effectiveness in counteracting misinformation and provide an alternative source of information about the pandemic. DESIGN: We worked with community anchor organisations to co-ordinate online CC-sessions serving three economically deprived, ethnically mixed, neighbourhoods. We conducted a qualitative, participatory process evaluation, in tandem with the CC-sessions to explore whether a popular opinion leader/local champion model of health promotion could mobilise pandemic responses. Group discussions were supplemented by final interviews to assess changes in community capacity to mobilise. SETTING: Sheffield, England, September 2020 to November 2021. PARTICIPANTS: Community leaders, workers and volunteers representing a variety of local organisations resulted in 314 attendances at CC-sessions. A group of local health experts helped organisations make sense of government information. RESULTS: CC-sessions fostered cross-organisational relationships, which enabled rapid community responses. Community champions successfully adapted information to different groups. Listening, identifying individual concerns and providing practical support enabled people to make informed decisions on managing exposure and getting vaccinated. Some people were unable to comply with self-isolation due to overcrowded housing and the need to work. Communities drew on existing resources and networks. CONCLUSIONS: CC-sessions promoted stronger links between community organisations which reduced mistrust of government information. In future, government efforts to manage pandemics should partner with communities to codesign and implement prevention and control measures.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Fortalecimento Institucional , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Inglaterra
BMJ Glob Health ; 9(4)2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599665


In a health emergency, governments rely on public trust in their policy, and anticipate its compliance to protect health and save lives. Vaccine hesitancy compromises this process when an emergency involves infections. The prevailing discourse on vaccine hesitancy often describes it as a static phenomenon, ignoring its expanse and complexity, and neglecting the exploration of tools to address it. This article diverges from the conventional perspective by explaining the case of Pakistan and its communication strategy for the COVID-19 vaccine. Decades of polio vaccine hesitancy, rooted in the country's fight against terrorism, constitute its history. On the other hand, the first-ever launch of typhoid conjugate vaccine involving 35 million kids during 2019-2021 was a success. Against this backdrop, the country considered vaccine hesitancy as a dynamic phenomenon, interwoven with the social ecology and the responsiveness of the healthcare system. Its communication strategy facilitated those willing to receive the vaccine, while being responsive to the information needs of those still in the decision-making process. In the face of both hesitancy and a scarcity of vaccine doses, the country successfully inoculated nearly 70% (160 million) of its population in just over 1 year. People's perceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine also improved over time. This achievement offers valuable insights and tools for policymakers and strategists focused on the demand side of vaccine programmes. The lessons can significantly contribute to the global discourse on improving vaccine confidence and bolstering global health security.

COVID-19 , Poliomielite , Vacinas , Humanos , Vacinas contra COVID-19 , Paquistão/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Poliomielite/prevenção & controle , Poliomielite/epidemiologia , Comunicação
BMJ Glob Health ; 9(4)2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599663


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a leading health and development challenge worldwide. Since 2015, WHO and the United Nations Development Programme have provided support to governments to develop national NCD investment cases to describe the socioeconomic dimensions of NCDs. To assess the impact of the investment cases, semistructured interviews and a structured process for gathering written feedback were conducted between July and October 2022 with key informants in 13 countries who had developed a national NCD investment case between 2015 and 2020. Investment cases describe: (1) the social and economic costs of NCDs, including their distribution and projections over time; (2) priority areas for scaled up action; (3) the cost and returns from investing in WHO-recommended measures to prevent and manage NCDs; and (4) the political dimensions of NCD responses. While no country had implemented all the recommendations set out in their investment case reports, actions and policy changes attributable to the investment cases were identified, across (1) governance; (2) financing; and (3) health service access and delivery. The pathways of these changes included: (1) stronger collaboration across government ministries and partners; (2) advocacy for NCD prevention and control; (3) grounding efforts in nationally owned data and evidence; (4) developing mutually embraced 'language' across health and finance; and (5) elevating the priority accorded to NCDs, by framing action as an investment rather than a cost. The assessment also identified barriers to progress on the investment case implementation, including the influence of some private sector entities on sectors other than health, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and changes in senior political and technical government officials. The results suggest that national NCD investment cases can significantly contribute to catalysing the prevention and control of NCDs through strengthening governance, financing, and health service access and delivery.

Doenças não Transmissíveis , Humanos , Doenças não Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Doenças não Transmissíveis/prevenção & controle , Pandemias , Política de Saúde , Formulação de Políticas , Governo
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38570896


BACKGROUND: The role of altruism in the acceptance of novel preventive healthcare technologies like vaccines has not been thoroughly elucidated. METHODS: We 1:1 randomized n = 2004 Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) participants residing in the USA into a control or treatment arm with vaccination decisions framed altruistically, to elicit their preferences for COVID-19 vaccination using web-based discrete choice experiments. We used conditional and mixed logit models to estimate the impact of framing decisions in terms of altruism on vaccination acceptance. RESULTS: Valid responses were provided by 1674 participants (control, n = 848; treatment, n = 826). Framing vaccination decisions altruistically had no significant effect on vaccination acceptance. Further, respondents' degree of altruism had no association with vaccination acceptance. LIMITATIONS: The MTurk sample may not be representative of the American population. We were unable to ascertain concordance between stated and revealed preferences. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Framing vaccination decisions in terms of altruism does not appear to significantly influence vaccination acceptance and may not be an effective nudging mechanism to increase the uptake of novel vaccines. Instead, a favorable vaccination profile appears to be the primary driver of uptake.

Eur J Public Health ; 2024 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38573194


BACKGROUND: We aimed to explore to the possibilities of utilizing automatically accumulating data on health-owned for example by local companies and non-governmental organizations-to complement traditional health data sources in health promotion work at the local level. METHODS: Data for the PUHTI study consisted of postal code level information on sport license holders, drug purchase and sales advertisements in a TOR online underground marketplace, and grocery sales in Tampere. Additionally, open population register data were utilized. An interactive reporting tool was prepared to show the well-being profile for each postal code area. Feedback from the tool's end-users was collected in interviews. RESULTS: The study showed that buying unhealthy food and alcohol, selling or buying drugs, and participating in organized sport activities differed by postal code areas according to its socioeconomic profile in the city of Tampere. The health and well-being planners and managers of Tampere found that the new type of data brought added value for the health promotion work at the local level. They perceived the interactive reporting tool as a good tool for planning, managing, allocating resources and preparing forecasts. CONCLUSIONS: Traditional health data collection methods-administrative registers and health surveys-are the cornerstone of local health promotion work. Digital footprints, including data accumulated about people's everyday lives outside the health service system, can provide additional information on health behaviour for various population groups. Combining new sources with traditional health data opens a new perspective for health promotion work at local and regional levels.

J Public Health Res ; 13(2): 22799036241243269, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606394


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the critical role of public knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in disease containment. Understanding these aspects can guide health promotion initiatives and policy decisions. Design and methods: This cross-sectional study examined the KAP concerning COVID-19 prevention in Vietnam. Participants' sociodemographic data, along with KAP toward COVID-19, were collected in a survey utilizing a standardized questionnaire. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression were used to identify factors associated with poor level of KAP. Results: Of 335 participants, 97 (28.9%) had poor knowledge, 52 (15.5%) poor attitude, and 48 (14.3%) poor practices. Older age (OR = 2.23; p = 0.024), minority non-Kinh ethnicity (OR = 3.05; p = 0.03), education below high school (OR = 8.80; p < 0.001), limited social media access (OR = 2.86; p = 0.002), and limited mobile phone usage (OR = 3.08; p = 0.001) increased poor knowledge risks. Non-Kinh ethnicity (OR = 5.00; p = 0.005) and lower education (OR = 14.79; p < 0.001) were linked to poor attitude. Older age (OR = 2.26; p = 0.035), lower education (OR = 5.74; p = 0.003), and poor knowledge (OR = 3.33; p = 0.005) were associated with poor practices. Conclusions: Elderly individuals, those with low education, and limited media access had elevated risks of poor KAP. Emphasizing public health media and targeted education, especially for underserved groups, is vital for effective epidemic management and future strategy planning.
