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J. optom. (Internet) ; 17(2): [100501], Abr-Jun, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-231626


Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence of diagnosed dry eye syndrome, meibomian gland dysfunction, and blepharitis amongst the low vision population. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on patients seen in the University of Colorado Low Vision Rehabilitation Service between the dates of 12/1/2017 and 12/1/2022. 74 ICD-10 codes were used to identify patients as having dry eye syndrome or not having dry eye syndrome. Data was further analyzed to determine the prevalence of blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction using 29 blepharitis and 9 meibomian gland dysfunction ICD-10 codes. Data were also analyzed to determine the age and sex of the patients with diagnosed dry eye syndrome. Results: The percentage of patients with a diagnosis of dry eye syndrome by an eyecare provider was 38.02 %. The prevalence of dry eye syndrome by age group was 3.57 % for 0–19 years, 14.35 % for 20–39 years, 29.07 % for 40–59 years, 43.79 % for 60–79 years, and 46.21 % for 80 and above. The prevalence of meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis was 11.90 % and 9.1 % respectively. Dry eye syndrome prevalence amongst males was 31.59 % and 42.47 % for females. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that dry eye syndrome in the low vision population is a significant co-morbidity occurring in over a third of patients in the University of Colorado Low Vision Rehabilitation Service. These findings are meaningful as ocular comfort should not be overlooked while managing complex visual needs. (AU)

Humanos , Síndromes de Ojo Seco , Blefaritis , Glándulas Tarsales , Rehabilitación , Oftalmólogos , Estados Unidos
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 78(7): 185-197, Ene-Jun, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232184


Introducción: Los objetivos primarios del core data set son reducir la heterogeneidad y promover la armonización entre las fuentes de datos en la esclerosis múltiple (EM), reduciendo así el tiempo necesario para ejecutar esfuerzos en la recolección de datos de vida real. Recientemente, un grupo liderado por la Multiple Sclerosis Data Alliance ha desarrollado un core data set para la recolección de datos del mundo real en EM a nivel global. Nuestro objetivo ha sido adaptar y consensuar este conjunto de datos globales a las necesidades de América Latina para que pueda ser implementado por los registros ya desarrollados y en proceso de desarrollo en la región. Material y métodos. Se conformó un grupo de trabajo regionalmente y se adaptó el core data set creado globalmente (proceso de traducción al español, incorporación de variables regionales y consenso sobre variables que se iban a utilizar). El consenso se obtuvo a través de la metodología Delphi remoto de ronda de cuestionarios y discusión a distancia de las variables del core data set. Resultados: Veinticinco profesionales de América Latina llevaron adelante el proceso de adaptación entre noviembre de 2022 y julio de 2023. Se estableció un acuerdo sobre un core data set de nueve categorías y 45 variables, versión 2023, con la sugerencia de implementarlo en registros desarrollados o en vías de desarrollo y cohortes de EM en la región. Conclusión: El core data set busca armonizar las variables recolectadas por los registros y las cohortes de EM en América Latina con el fin de facilitar dicha recolección y permitir una colaboración entre fuentes. Su implementación facilitará la recolección de datos de vida real y la colaboración en la región.(AU)

Introduction: The primary objective of the core data set is to reduce heterogeneity and promote harmonization among data sources in EM, thereby reducing the time needed to execute real life data collection efforts. Recently, a group led by the Multiple Sclerosis Data Alliance has developed a core data set for collecting real-world data on multiple sclerosis (MS) globally. Our objective was to adapt this global data set to the needs of Latin America, so that it can be implemented by the registries already developed and in the process of development in the region. Material and methods: A working group was formed regionally, the core data set created globally was adapted (translation process into Spanish, incorporation of regional variables and consensus on variables to be used). Consensus was obtained through the remote Delphi methodology of a round of questionnaires and remote discussion of the core data set variables. Results: A total of 25 professionals from Latin America carried out the adaptation process between November 2022 and July 2023. Agreement was established on a core data set of nine categories and 45 variables, version 2023 to suggest its implementation in developed or developing registries, and MS cohorts in the region. Conclusion: The core data set seeks to harmonize the variables collected by registries and cohorts in MS in Latin America in order to facilitate said collection and allow collaboration between sources. Its implementation will facilitate real life data collection and collaboration in the region.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Esclerosis Múltiple/epidemiología , Ficha Clínica , Registros Médicos , América Latina/epidemiología , Neurología , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 336-348, mayo 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538075


Culén is the popular term used in Chile for the only endemic species of the Fabaceae family, Psoralea glandulosaLinn. It is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in Chile and in some regions of South America, not only as a home remedy, but also recommended by medicine and widely used in the gastronomic industry. Many properties are known, supported by biological tests both in vitroand in vivo. Because it is so highly appreciated, it is included in the book "Medicamentos HerbariosTradicionales" (Traditional Herbal Medicines) of the Chilean Ministry of Health. Given the great interest in this plant since time immemorial, this review contains information on its history, popular uses and scientific studies, for a better knowledge, management and sustainable care of this Chilean natural resource.

Culén es el término popular utilizado en Chile para la única especie endémica de la familia Fabaceae, Psoralea glandulosaLinn. Se trata de una de las plantas medicinales más utilizadas en Chile y en algunas regiones de Sudamérica, no solamente como remedio curativo casero, sino también recomendada por la medicina y con amplia utilización en la industria gastronómica. De ella se conocen un gran número propiedades avaladas por ensayos biológicos tanto in vitrocomo in vivo. Por ser tan apreciada, se encuentra incluida en el libro "Medicamentos Herbarios Tradicionales" del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Dado el gran interés que despierta esta planta desde tiempos inmemoriales, se recoge en este capítulo la información sobre su historia, usos populares y estudios científicos, para un mejor conocimiento, manejo y cuidado de manera sustentable de este recurso natural chileno.

Plantas Medicinales , Psoralea , Chile
Artículo en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59518


[ABSTRACT]. This report provides a summary of childhood cancer and the efforts made in the Dominican Republic to address child and adolescent cancer in line with the World Health Organization’s Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer. Information was obtained by review of recent local and international literature on pediatric oncology. As a result of the Global Initiative, a meeting was held by the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America to support the development of national pediatric cancer plans for each country. The objectives of these plans are to improve overall survival and quality of care for children with cancer through early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. In the Dominican Republic, several steps have been taken in the past 5 years to enhance diagnosis and care of children with cancer. For example, the National Committee of Childhood Cancer, headed by the Ministry of Public Health and including relevant stakeholders, was established to develop the national childhood cancer plan. In addition, a campaign was launched to raise awareness of childhood cancer, and the first early detection manual and public policy on child and adolescent cancer were published. A government initiative has been working to improve the hospital infrastructure and expand the pediatric cancer center, and a national course on early detection of pediatric cancers has been held. In 2023, the National Strategic Childhood Cancer Plan 2023–2030 was launched in the Dominican Republic. The plan will help policy-makers, implementers, researchers, and advocates enhance diagnosis and care of children with cancer.

[RESUMEN]. En este informe se presenta un resumen del cáncer infantil y las medidas adoptadas por República Dominicana para abordar el cáncer en la población infantil y adolescente en consonancia con la Iniciativa Mundial contra el Cáncer Infantil de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La información se obtuvo mediante el análisis de las publicaciones nacionales e internacionales recientes sobre oncología pediátrica. Como resultado de la Iniciativa Mundial, el Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica celebró una reunión para brindar apoyo a la elaboración de planes nacionales sobre el cáncer infantil para cada país. Los objetivos de estos planes son mejorar la supervivencia general y la calidad de la atención que se presta a la población infantil con cáncer mediante la detección temprana, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. En los últimos cinco años, República Dominicana ha adoptado varias medidas para mejorar el diagnóstico y la atención prestada a la población infantil con cáncer. Así, por ejemplo, se creó el Comité Nacional de Cáncer Infantil, encabezado por el Ministerio de Salud e integrado por las partes interesadas pertinentes, para elaborar el plan nacional sobre el cáncer infantil. Además, se puso en marcha una campaña de sensibilización sobre el cáncer infantil y se publicaron el primer manual de detección precoz y la primera política pública sobre el cáncer en la población infantil y adolescente. Mediante una iniciativa gubernamental se ha buscado mejorar la infraestructura hospitalaria y ampliar el centro de atención a pacientes oncológicos pediátricos, al tiempo que se ha impartido un curso nacional sobre detección precoz del cáncer infantil. En el 2023, República Dominicana puso en marcha el Plan Estratégico Nacional sobre Cáncer Infantil 2023-2030. Este plan será útil a los responsables de la formulación de políticas, las personas encargadas de su ejecución, los investigadores y los promotores para mejorar el diagnóstico y la atención prestada a la población infantil con cáncer.

[RESUMO]. Este relatório fornece um resumo sobre o câncer infantil e os esforços da República Dominicana para enfrentar a doença em crianças e adolescentes, em consonância com a Iniciativa Global para o Câncer Infantil da Organização Mundial da Saúde. As informações foram obtidas por meio de uma revisão da literatura local e internacional recente sobre oncologia pediátrica. Em consequência da Iniciativa Global, o Conselho de Ministros da Saúde da América Central se reuniu para apoiar a elaboração de planos nacionais de câncer pediátrico para cada país. Os objetivos desses planos são melhorar a sobrevida global e a qualidade da atenção a crianças com câncer por meio de detecção, diagnóstico e tratamento precoces. Na República Dominicana, várias medidas foram tomadas nos últimos cinco anos para melhorar o diagnóstico e a atenção a crianças com câncer. Por exemplo, o Comitê Nacional de Câncer Infantil, que é chefiado pelo Ministério da Saúde e inclui as partes interessadas pertinentes, foi criado para elaborar o plano nacional de câncer infantil. Foi lançada uma campanha de conscientização sobre o câncer infantil no país. Além disso, foram publica- dos o primeiro manual de detecção precoce e a política pública de câncer infantojuvenil. Uma iniciativa do governo vem trabalhando para melhorar a infraestrutura hospitalar e ampliar o centro de câncer pediátrico e ministrou um curso nacional sobre a detecção precoce de cânceres pediátricos. Em 2023, foi lançado o Plano Estratégico Nacional de Câncer Infantil 2023–2030 na República Dominicana. O plano ajudará formuladores de políticas, implementadores, pesquisadores e defensores da causa a aprimorar o diagnóstico e a atenção a crianças com câncer.

Neoplasias , Niño , Adolescente , Política Pública , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , República Dominicana , Neoplasias , Niño , Adolescente , Política Pública , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , República Dominicana , Niño , Calidad de la Atención de Salud
Recurso de Internet en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LIS - Localizador de Información en Salud | ID: lis-49598


Com 15 em cada 100 crianças nas Américas parcialmente protegidas contra doenças evitáveis por vacinação, o diretor da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS), Jarbas Barbosa, pediu aos países da região que continuem os esforços para recuperar a cobertura da vacinação de rotina.

Vacunación , Américas , Niño
Photochem Photobiol Sci ; 23(4): 793-801, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578539


All over the world, from America to the Mediterranean Sea, the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa represents one of the most difficult challenges with many implications at ecological, agricultural, and economic levels. X. fastidiosa is a rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the family of Xanthomonadaceae. It grows at very low rates and infects a wide range of plants thanks to different vectors. Insects, through their stylets, suck a sap rich in nutrients and inject bacteria into xylem vessels. Since, until now, no antimicrobial treatment has been successfully applied to kill X. fastidiosa and/or prevent its diffusion, in this study, antimicrobial blue light (aBL) was explored as a potential anti-Xylella tool. Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca Salento-1, chosen as a model strain, showed a certain degree of sensitivity to light at 410 nm. The killing effect was light dose dependent and bacterial concentration dependent. These preliminary results support the potential of blue light in decontamination of agricultural equipment and/or plant surface; however, further investigations are needed for in vivo applications.

Enfermedades de las Plantas , Xylella , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología
Sci Data ; 11(1): 349, 2024 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38589396


The Caribbean & Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview (CAMBIO) is an archaeological data community designed to integrate published biogeochemical data from the Caribbean, Mesoamerica, and southern Central America to address questions about dynamic interactions among humans, animals, and the environment in the region over the past 10,000 years. Here we present the CAMBIO human dataset, which consists of more than 16,000 isotopic measurements from human skeletal tissue samples (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr, 206/204Pb, 207/204Pb, 208/204Pb, 207/206Pb) from 290 archaeological sites dating between 7000 BC to modern times. The open-access dataset also includes detailed chronological, contextual, and laboratory/sample preparation information for each measurement. The collated data are deposited on the open-access CAMBIO data community via the Pandora Initiative data platform ( ).

Arqueología , Isótopos , Plomo , Animales , Humanos , Región del Caribe , América Central
Sleep Med ; 117: 209-215, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38593616


OBJECTIVE: To examine mediating effects of sleep quality and duration on the association between T2D and QoL among Medicare beneficiaries 65+. METHODS: Data from the Medicare Health Outcome Survey (2015-2020) were used. The outcome was QoL (physical and mental health component-summary scores [PCS and MCS]) measured by the Veterans-Rand-12. The main predictor was diagnosed T2D. Mediators were sleep duration and sleep quality. The effect modifier was race/ethnicity. Structural Equation Modeling was used to estimate moderated-mediating effects of sleep quality and duration across race/ethnicity. RESULTS: Of the 746,400 Medicare beneficiaries, 26.7% had T2D, and mean age was 76 years (SD ± 6.9). Mean PCS score was 40 (SD ± 12.2), and mean MCS score was 54.0 (SD ± 10.2). Associations of T2D with PCS and MCS were negative and significant. For all racial/ethnic groups, those with T2D reported lower PCS. For White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic beneficiaries only, those with T2D reported lower MCS. The negative impact of T2D on PCS and MCS was mediated through sleep quality, especially very bad sleep quality. CONCLUSION: Improving sleep may lead to improvement in QoL in elderly adults with T2D.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Calidad de Vida , Adulto , Humanos , Anciano , Estados Unidos , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Medicare , Etnicidad , Sueño
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599849


BACKGROUND: Air pollution and a number of metabolic disorders have been reported to increase the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. This study explored the association between severe COVID-19 outcomes, metabolic disorders and environmental air pollutants, at regional level, across 38 countries. METHODS: We conducted an ecological study using COVID-19 data related to countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), with an estimated population of 1.4 billion. They were divided into 3 regions: 1. Europe & Middle east; 2. Americas (north, central & south America); 3. East-Asia & West Pacific. The outcome variables were: COVID-19 case-fatality rate (CFR) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) at regional level. Freely accessible datasets related to regional DALYs, demographics and other environmental pollutants were obtained from OECD, WHO and the World in Data websites. Generalized linear model (GLM) was performed to determine the regional determinants of COVID-19 CFR and DALYs using the aggregate epidemiologic data (Dec. 2019-Dec. 2021). RESULTS: Overall cumulative deaths were 65,000 per million, for mean CFR and DALYs of 1.31 (1.2)% and 17.35 (2.3) years, respectively. Globally, GLM analysis with adjustment for elderly population rate, showed that COVID-19 CFR was positively associated with atmospheric PM2.5 level (beta = 0.64(0.0), 95%CI: 0.06-1.35; p < 0.05), diabetes prevalence (beta = 0.26(0.1), 95%CI: 0.12-0.41; p < 0.001). For COVID-19 DALYs, positive associations were observed with atmospheric NOx level (beta = 0.06(0.0), 95%CI: 0.02-0.82; p < 0.05) and diabetes prevalence (beta = 0.32(0.2), 95%CI: 0.04-0.69; p < 0.05). At regional level, adjusted GLM analysis showed that COVID-19 CFR was associated with atmospheric PM2.5 level in the Americas and East-Asia & Western Pacific region; it was associated with diabetes prevalence for countries of Europe & Middle east and East-Asia & Western Pacific region. Furthermore, COVID-19 DALYs were positively associated with atmospheric PM2.5 and diabetes prevalence for countries of the Americas only. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that diabetes and air pollution increase the risk of disability and fatality due to COVID-19, with disparities in terms of their impact. They suggest that efficient preventive and management programs for diabetes and air pollution countermeasures would have curtailed severe COVID-19 outcome rates.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , COVID-19 , Diabetes Mellitus , Contaminantes Ambientales , Enfermedades Metabólicas , Humanos , Anciano , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/efectos adversos , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Años de Vida Ajustados por Discapacidad , Contaminantes Ambientales/análisis , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiología , Enfermedades Metabólicas/epidemiología , Material Particulado/efectos adversos , Material Particulado/análisis , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiología
N Z Med J ; 137(1593): 93-95, 2024 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38603793


The interest in epidemiological data on giant cell arteritis (GCA) increased both in New Zealand and in Latin America, resulting in updated articles like those here commented. Of more relevance are two very recent contributions by van Dantzig et al. with novel conclusive findings from their evaluations on GCA performed in the region of Waikato. The authors emphasised that the diagnosis of GCA remained stable in this region from 2014 to 2022, being uncommon among Maori, Pacific peoples and Asian ethnic groups. Short comments on some literature data from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Mexico about the systemic arteritis are here addressed to show the Latin American view. The authors strongly believe that this kind of report may enhance the general interest on diagnostic and management issues related to this very important systemic vasculitis.

Arteritis de Células Gigantes , Humanos , Colombia , Arteritis de Células Gigantes/epidemiología , América Latina , Nueva Zelanda/epidemiología
Cells ; 13(7)2024 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38607006


Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder that impairs motile cilia, essential for respiratory health, with a reported prevalence of 1 in 16,309 within Hispanic populations. Despite 70% of Puerto Rican patients having the RSPH4A [c.921+3_921+6del (intronic)] founder mutation, the characterization of the ciliary dysfunction remains unidentified due to the unavailability of advanced diagnostic modalities like High-Speed Video Microscopy Analysis (HSVA). Our study implemented HSVA for the first time on the island as a tool to better diagnose and characterize the RSPH4A [c.921+3_921+6del (intronic)] founder mutation in Puerto Rican patients. By applying HSVA, we analyzed the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and pattern (CBP) in native Puerto Rican patients with PCD. Our results showed decreased CBF and a rotational CBP linked to the RSPH4A founder mutation in Puerto Ricans, presenting a novel diagnostic marker that could be implemented as an axillary test into the PCD diagnosis algorithm in Puerto Rico. The integration of HSVA technology in Puerto Rico substantially enhances the PCD evaluation and diagnosis framework, facilitating prompt detection and early intervention for improved disease management. This initiative, demonstrating the potential of HSVA as an adjunctive test within the PCD diagnostic algorithm, could serve as a blueprint for analogous developments throughout Latin America.

Síndrome de Kartagener , Humanos , Algoritmos , Cilios/patología , Hispánicos o Latinos , Síndrome de Kartagener/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Kartagener/genética , Microscopía por Video
Npj Ment Health Res ; 3(1): 3, 2024 Jan 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609512


Digital trace data and machine learning techniques are increasingly being adopted to predict suicide-related outcomes at the individual level; however, there is also considerable public health need for timely data about suicide trends at the population level. Although significant geographic variation in suicide rates exist by state within the United States, national systems for reporting state suicide trends typically lag by one or more years. We developed and validated a deep learning based approach to utilize real-time, state-level online (Mental Health America web-based depression screenings; Google and YouTube Search Trends), social media (Twitter), and health administrative data (National Syndromic Surveillance Program emergency department visits) to estimate weekly suicide counts in four participating states. Specifically, per state, we built a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network model to combine signals from the real-time data sources and compared predicted values of suicide deaths from our model to observed values in the same state. Our LSTM model produced accurate estimates of state-specific suicide rates in all four states (percentage error in suicide rate of -2.768% for Utah, -2.823% for Louisiana, -3.449% for New York, and -5.323% for Colorado). Furthermore, our deep learning based approach outperformed current gold-standard baseline autoregressive models that use historical death data alone. We demonstrate an approach to incorporate signals from multiple proxy real-time data sources that can potentially provide more timely estimates of suicide trends at the state level. Timely suicide data at the state level has the potential to improve suicide prevention planning and response tailored to the needs of specific geographic communities.

NPJ Sci Food ; 8(1): 21, 2024 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38615055


Moringa oleifera Lam. has become one of the major new superfoods commonly available in the aisles of bio-shops and health-food sections in supermarkets of North America and Europe. While most of these products appear under the generic and scientifically inconclusive term "Moringa", the European Union, so far, has allowed commercialisation for the use in food and feed for M. oleifera only. M. oleifera is indigenous to India and South Asia, but large-scale cultivation of this species has spread to the tropical regions on all continents, with a strong focus on Africa, leading to a high risk of admixture with species like M. stenopetala (Baker f.) Cufod. that is native to Africa. In the present study, we have characterised six species of Moringa in order to develop a simple and robust authentication method for commercial products. While the plants can be discriminated based on the pinnation of the leaves, this does not work for processed samples. As alternative, we use the plastidic markers psbA-trnH igs and ycf1b to discern different species of Moringa and develop a diagnostic duplex-PCR that clearly differentiates M. oleifera from other Moringa species. This DNA-based diagnostic assay that does not rely on sequencing was validated with commercial products of "Moringa" (including teas, powders, or capsules). Our method provides a robust assay to detect adulterations, which are economically profitable for costly superfood products such as "Moringa".

Ann Saudi Med ; 44(2): 73-83, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38615187


BACKGROUND: Hospitalizations are more resource intensive and expensive than outpatient care. Therefore, type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization are a major topic of research efficiency in the healthcare system. OBJECTIVES: Analyze county level variation in type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates in Kentucky before the Medicaid expansion (2010-2013) and after the Medicaid expansion (2014-2017). DESIGN: Geographic mapping and cluster analysis. SETTING: Data for a state of the United States of America. METHODS: We used the KID data to generate geographic mapping for type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalizations to visualize rates. We included all Kentucky discharges of age 18 years and older with the ICD9/10 principal diagnosis code for type 2 diabetes. Then, we conducted cluster analysis techniques to compare county-level variation in type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates across Kentucky counties pre- and post-Medicaid expansion. MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES: County type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization pre- and post-Medicaid expansion. RESULTS: From 2010-2017, type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization discharge rates reduced significantly in the period of the post-Medicaid expansion (P=.001). The spatial statistics analysis revealed a significant spatial clustering of counties with similar rates of type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization in the south, east, and southeastern Kentucky pre- and post-Medicaid expansion (positive z-score and positive Moran's Index value (P>.05). Also, there was a significant clustering of counties with low type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates in the north, west, and central regions of the state pre-Medicaid expansion and post-Medicaid expansion (positive z-score and positive Moran's Index value (P>.05). CONCLUSION: Kentucky counties in the southeast have experienced a significant clustering of highly avoidable hospitalization rates during both periods. Focusing on the vulnerable counties and the economic inequality in Kentucky could lead to efforts to lowering future type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates. LIMITATIONS: We used de-identified data which does not provide insights into the frequency of hospitalizations per patient. An individual patient may be hospitalized several times and counted as several individuals.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estados Unidos/epidemiología , Humanos , Adolescente , Kentucky/epidemiología , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/epidemiología , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Medicaid , Hospitalización , Alta del Paciente
J Nepal Health Res Counc ; 21(4): 610-615, 2024 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616591


BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of parotid swelling is challenging and investigations like imaging and needle aspiration cytology are helpful. The objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as compared to the histopathology in parotid gland swelling. METHODS: It was a descriptive cross sectional study carried out in the Department of ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Institute of Medicine, Kathmandu by reviewing the medical record charts of the patients who had undergone surgery for parotid lesions during the study period of seven and half years. All patients whose fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathology reports were available were included in the study. The data were presented as mean, standard deviation, ratio and percentages. Microsoft excel was used for data analysis. RESULTS: There were 75 patients included in the study. The age ranged from nine years to 78 years and the mean age being 38.3 17.42 years. The male to female ratio was 1:1.78. The concordance rate between fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathology was 82.7%. The sensitivity and specificity of the fine needle aspiration cytology were 80% and 95% respectively. Similarly, the positive predictive and negative predictive values were 84% and 93% respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of the fine needle aspiration cytology was 91% for the parotid swelling in our study. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology for parotid swellings in our study was excellent. The result of fine needle aspiration cytology is helpful in deciding management plan for parotid lesions.

Hospitales de Enseñanza , Glándula Parótida , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Niño , Biopsia con Aguja Fina , Estudios Transversales , Nepal
Harefuah ; 163(4): 244-248, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Hebreo | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616635


INTRODUCTION: Anemia is common and is an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality, especially in pre- (30-40% of patients undergoing major surgery) or post-operative anemia (up to 80-90%). Using World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, in 2010 one quarter of the global population was anemic (1.9 billion people) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA( was and still remains the most common type of anemia worldwide, accounting for more than half of the total anemia burden. In a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016, IDA was the fourth leading cause of years lived with disability, particularly in women, thus highlighting prevention and treatment of IDA as a major public health goal. Red blood cells (RBC) transfusion is a common therapeutic intervention with considerable variation in clinical practice. More than 85 million units packed RBC (PRBC) are transfused annually worldwide. The principal indication for blood transfusion (BT) is anemia, yet a significant percentage of RBC transfusions are inappropriately overused. For many physicians and clinicians, across many different specialties, BT is still considered to be the first-line treatment when facing anemia. The Joint Commission along with the American Medical Association has included BT in a list of the five most overused therapeutic procedures in the United States. Restrictive blood transfusion (RBT) is an evidence-based policy, at least as effective, if not superior to the liberal policy of BT. Patient blood management (PBM) is a patient-centered systematic, evidence-based approach, supported by RBT. In this article we analyze the factors which influence the implementation of PBM.

Anemia Ferropénica , Médicos , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Femenino , Transfusión de Eritrocitos , Anemia Ferropénica/etiología , Anemia Ferropénica/terapia , Políticas , Salud Pública
World J Virol ; 13(1): 89469, 2024 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616850


BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C is the leading cause of chronic liver disease worldwide and it significantly contributes to the burden of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, there are marked variations in the incidence and mortality rates of HCC across different geographical regions. With the advent of new widely available treatment modalities, such as direct-acting antivirals, it is becoming increasingly imperative to understand the temporal and geographical trends in HCC mortality associated with Hepatitis C. Furthermore, gender disparities in HCC mortality related to Hepatitis C are a crucial, yet underexplored aspect that adds to the disease's global impact. While some studies shed light on gender-specific trends, there is a lack of comprehensive data on global and regional mortality rates, particularly those highlighting gender disparities. This gap in knowledge hinders the development of targeted interventions and resource allocation strategies. AIM: To understand the global and regional trends in Hepatitis C-related HCC mortality rates from 1990 to 2019, along with gender disparities. METHODS: We utilized the Global Burden of Disease database, a comprehensive repository for global health metrics to age-standardized mortality rates due to Hepatitis C-related HCC from 1999 to 2019. Rates were evaluated per 100000 population and assessed by World Bank-defined regions. Temporal trends were determined using Joinpoint software and the Average Annual Percent Change (AAPC) method, and results were reported with 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: From 1990 to 2019, overall, there was a significant decline in HCC-related mortality rates with an AAPC of -0.80% (95%CI: -0.83 to -0.77). Females demonstrated a marked decrease in mortality with an AAPC of -1.06% (95%CI: -1.09 to -1.03), whereas the male cohort had a lower AAPC of -0.52% (95%CI: -0.55 to -0.48). Regionally, East Asia and the Pacific demonstrated a significant decline with an AAPC of -2.05% (95%CI: -2.10 to -2.00), whereas Europe and Central Asia observed an uptrend with an AAPC of 0.72% (95%CI: 0.69 to 0.74). Latin America and the Caribbean also showed an uptrend with an AAPC of 0.06% (95%CI: 0.02 to 0.11). In the Middle East and North Africa, the AAPC was non-significant at 0.02% (95%CI: -0.09 to 0.12). North America, in contrast, displayed a significant upward trend with an AAPC of 2.63% (95%CI: 2.57 to 2.67). South Asia (AAPC -0.22%, 95%CI: -0.26 to -0.16) and Sub-Saharan Africa (AAPC -0.14%, 95%CI: -0.15 to -0.12) trends significantly declined over the study period. CONCLUSION: Our study reports disparities in Hepatitis C-related HCC mortality between 1999 to 2019, both regionally and between genders. While East Asia and the Pacific regions showed a promising decline in mortality, North America has experienced a concerning rise in mortality. These regional variations highlight the need for healthcare policymakers and practitioners to tailor public health strategies and interventions. The data serves as a call to action, particularly for regions where mortality rates are not improving, emphasizing the necessity for a nuanced, region-specific approach to combat the global challenge of HCC secondary to Hepatitis C.

ACS Omega ; 9(14): 15744-15752, 2024 Apr 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617611


Metallomics is an emerging area of omics approaches that has grown enormously in the past few years. It integrates research related to metals in biological systems, in symbiosis with genomics and proteomics. These omics approaches can provide in-depth insights into the mechanisms of action of potential metallodrugs, including their physiological metabolism and their molecular targets. Herein, we review the most significant advances concerning cellular uptake and subcellular distribution assays of different potential metallodrugs with activity against Trypanosma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease, a pressing health problem in high-poverty areas of Latin America. Furthermore, the first multiomics approaches including metallomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics for the comprehensive study of potential metallodrugs with anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity are described.

Rom J Ophthalmol ; 68(1): 8-12, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617723


Objective: To quantify variation between surgeons in reoperation rates after horizontal strabismus surgery, and to explore associations of reoperation rate with surgical techniques, patient characteristics, and practice type and volume. Methods: Fee-for-service payments in a national database to providers for Medicare beneficiaries having strabismus surgery on horizontal muscles between 2012 and 2020 were analyzed retrospectively to identify same calendar year reoperations. Multivariable linear regression was used to determine predictors of each surgeon's reoperation rate. Results: The reoperation rate for 1-horizontal muscle surgery varied between 0.0% and 30.8% among 141 surgeons. Just 7.8% of surgeons contributed over half of the reoperation events for 1-horizontal muscle surgery, due to the presence of high-volume surgeons with high reoperation rates. Surgeon seniority, gender, surgery volume, and use of adjustable sutures were not independently associated with surgeon reoperation rate. We explored associations of reoperation with patient characteristics, such as age and poverty. Surgeons in the South tended to have a higher reoperation rate (p=0.03) in a multivariable model. However, the multivariable model could only explain 16.3% of the inter-surgeon variation in reoperation rate for 1-horizontal muscle surgery. Discussion: Strabismus surgery is similar to other areas of medicine, in which large variations in outcomes between surgeons are observed. Future work can be directed towards explaining this variation. Conclusions: Patient-level analyses that fail to consider variation between surgeons will be dominated by a small number of high-reoperation, high-volume surgeons. Order-of-magnitude variations exist in reoperation rates among strabismus surgeons, the cause of which is largely unexplained.

Estrabismo , Cirujanos , Estados Unidos/epidemiología , Anciano , Humanos , Reoperación , Estudios Retrospectivos , Medicare , Suturas , Estrabismo/cirugía
J Dent Sci ; 19(2): 773-786, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618097


This scoping review investigated the evidence on the three-dimensional analysis of a posed smile in adults to discover any research gaps in this research area. Electronic searches of articles written in English were performed using the four databases of Embase, PubMed, Springer, and Web of Science with publications from 2010 to 2023. Reference lists were also manually searched to identify additional studies. The results showed that 13 cross-sectional descriptive studies from Asia, Europe, North and South America met our inclusion criteria. Studies mainly focused on linear and angle measurement for resting and smiling faces and landmark movement from resting to smiling. Most studies conducted analysis of smiles stratified by sex, ethnicity, smile type, dental occlusion, skeletal pattern, and age. Two studies compared smiling with the resting position and one study compared the attractive smiling group with the ordinary group. Our scoping review revealed the insufficiency of some measurement methods, such as those employing area, volume, and soft tissue thickness. Furthermore, few studies were conducted in Asian populations, and comparisons of various smile types, overjet types, horizontal skeletal patterns, and comparisons of smiles between people with untreated normal occlusion and those who had been orthodontically treated were lacking.
