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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3598, 20241804.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552240


Introdução: O câncer de pulmão é uma doença grave, sendo a segunda maior causa de morte em todo o mundo, entretanto, em alguns países desenvolvidos, tornou-se já a primeira causa de morte. Cerca de 90% dos casos de neoplasia pulmonares são causados pela inalação da fumaça do cigarro. Objetivo: Correlacionar a prevalência de tabagismo e morbimortalidade por câncer de pulmão nos estados brasileiros, além de demonstrar a associação destes com sexo e faixa etária. Métodos: Estudo de caráter ecológico acerca da prevalência de tabagismo e morbimortalidade por câncer de pulmão nos estados brasileiros, nos períodos de 2013 e 2019, dividida por sexo e faixa etária. Foram utilizados bancos de coleta de dados como o Tabnet e Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. Resultados: As maiores taxas de mortalidade e internações hospitalares foram do público masculino, em 2013, com taxa de 2,7 e 10, respectivamente, e em 2019 com 3,3 e 11,9, respectivamente. Ademais, a maior prevalência de tabagismo foi encontrada nos homens; entretanto seu índice tem caído, enquanto a quantidade de mulheres tabagistas tem aumentado. A Região Sul demonstrou maiores números de mortalidade em ambos os períodos estudados, com taxas de 4,9 e 5,8 por 100 mil habitantes, e morbidade hospitalar com 19,9 e 23,5 por 100 mil habitantes. Já a Região Norte se configurou com as menores prevalências: em 2013 apresentou taxa de óbito por câncer de pulmão de 1,0 e morbidade hospitalar de 3,5/100 mil habitantes, em 2019 apresentou taxa de mortalidade de 4,6 e internações de 1,6/100 mil habitantes. Os coeficientes de correlação de morbidade hospitalar e prevalência de tabagismo foram R2=0,0628, r=0,251 e p=0,042, enquanto os de mortalidade e prevalência de tabagismo foram R2=0,0337, r=0,183 e p=0,140. Conclusões: Na presente pesquisa, pode-se inferir que houve associação positiva na comparação entre taxa de morbidade hospitalar e prevalência de tabagismo; em contrapartida, não foi possível observar associação positiva na correlação da taxa de mortalidade por câncer de pulmão e prevalência de tabagismo.

Introduction: Lung cancer is a serious disease, being the second leading cause of death worldwide. Moreover, in some developed countries, it has already become the leading cause of death. About 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking. Objective: To correlate the prevalence of smoking and lung cancer morbidity and mortality in Brazilian states, and to demonstrate their association with sex and age group as well. Methods: An ecological study on the prevalence of smoking and lung cancer morbidity and mortality in Brazilian states between 2013 and 2019, divided by sex and age group. The data collection databases Tabnet and National Health Survey were used. Results: The highest rates of mortality and hospital admissions were among men, in 2013 with a rate of 2.7 and 10, respectively, and in 2019 with 3.3 and 11.9, respectively. In addition, the highest prevalence of smoking was found in men, but this rate has fallen, while the number of women smokers has increased. The South region showed higher mortality rates in both periods studied, with rates of 4.9 and 5.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, and hospital morbidity with 19.9 and 23.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The North region had the lowest prevalence, where in 2013, it had a death rate from lung cancer of 1.0 and hospital morbidity of 3.5/100 thousand inhabitants, and where in 2019, it had a mortality rate of 4.6 and hospitalizations of 1.6/100 thousand inhabitants. The correlation coefficients for hospital morbidity and smoking prevalence were R2=0.0628, r=0.251 and p=0.042, while for mortality and smoking prevalence, these were R2=0.0337, r=0.183 and p=0.140. Conclusions: In the present study, it can be inferred that there was a positive association between hospital morbidity rate and prevalence of smoking, while it was not possible to observe a correlation between lung cancer mortality rate and prevalence of smoking.

Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es una enfermedad grave, siendo la segunda causa de muerte en todo el mundo, sin embargo, en algunos países desarrollados, ya se ha convertido en la primera causa de muerte. Alrededor del 90% de los casos de neoplasias pulmonares están causados por la inhalación del humo del cigarrillo. Objetivo: Correlacionar la prevalencia de tabaquismo y la morbimortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en los estados brasileños, además de demostrar la asociación de estos con el género y el grupo de edad. Métodos: estudio ecológico sobre la prevalencia de tabaquismo y morbimortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en los estados brasileños, dentro de los períodos 2013 y 2019, divididos por sexo y grupo de edad. Se utilizaron bancos de recogida de datos como Tabnet y la Encuesta Nacional de Salud. Resultados: las mayores tasas de mortalidad e ingresos hospitalarios se dieron en el público masculino, en 2013 con una tasa de 2,7 y 10, respectivamente, y en 2019 con 3,3 y 11,9, respectivamente. Además, la mayor prevalencia del tabaquismo se encontró en los hombres, sin embargo, su tasa ha disminuido, mientras que la cantidad de mujeres fumadoras ha aumentado. La región Sur presentó cifras más altas de mortalidad en ambos periodos estudiados, con tasas de 4,9 y 5,8 por 100.000 habitantes, y de morbilidad hospitalaria con 19,9 y 23,5 por 100.000 habitantes. Mientras que la región Norte se configuró con las prevalencias más bajas, en 2013 presentó una tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón de 1,0 y una morbilidad hospitalaria de 3,5/100.000 habitantes, en 2019 presentó una tasa de mortalidad de 4,6 y hospitalizaciones de 1,6/100.000 habitantes. Los coeficientes de correlación para la morbilidad hospitalaria y la prevalencia del tabaquismo fueron R2=0,0628, r=0,251 y p=0,042, mientras que para la mortalidad y la prevalencia del tabaquismo fueron R2=0,0337, r=0,183 y p=0,140. Conclusiones: En la presente investigación se puede inferir que existe una asociación positiva en la comparación entre la tasa de morbilidad hospitalaria y la prevalencia de tabagismo, en contrapartida, no fue posible observar una asociación positiva en la correlación de la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón y la prevalencia de tabagismo.

Recurso de Internet en Portugués | LIS - Localizador de Información en Salud | ID: lis-49594


Bancos de Leite do DF atendem, em média, 250 bebês por dia. Alimento pode reduzir em até 13% de mortes evitáveis em crianças com menos de 5 anos.

Promoción de la Salud , Bancos de Leche Humana , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal , Lactancia Materna , Mortalidad Infantil
Recurso de Internet en Portugués | LIS - Localizador de Información en Salud | ID: lis-49595


Representantes da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP) participaram de reunião, convocada pelo Ministério da Saúde, para debater a promoção do aleitamento materno no País, em especial o cumprimento da Norma Brasileira de Comercialização de Alimentos para Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância, Bicos, Chupetas e Mamadeiras (NBCAL).

Bancos de Leche Humana , Leche Humana , Lactancia Materna , Promoción de la Salud
Multimedia | Recursos Multimedia | ID: multimedia-12950


A Semana Mundial de Aleitamento Materno (SMAM), celebrada de 1 a 7 de agosto, coloca anualmente em debate temas relevantes em prol da promoção, apoio e proteção ao aleitamento materno. “Possibilitando a amamentação: fazendo a diferença para mães e pais que trabalham” é o slogan deste ano. Embora a amamentação seja tradicionalmente considerada domínio da mãe, quando os pais, famílias e a sociedade a apoiam, as taxas aumentam. Diante disso, adotar uma abordagem inclusiva sobre o aleitamento materno que agregue pais, amigos, familiares, colegas de trabalho e comunidade é fundamental para criar um entorno propício, que permita que as mães amamentem de forma otimizada. Nesse contexto, convidamos a coordenadora da Assistência do Banco de Leite Humano do IFF/Fiocruz, Danielle Aparecida da Silva, para falar mais sobre o tema.

Promoción de la Salud , Lactancia Materna , Bancos de Leche Humana , Mujeres Trabajadoras , Extracción de Leche Materna , Reinserción al Trabajo , Difusión por la Web
Front Immunol ; 15: 1360527, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38601155


Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease, which leads to muscle weakness and eventual paralysis. Numerous studies have indicated that mitophagy and immune inflammation have a significant impact on the onset and advancement of ALS. Nevertheless, the possible diagnostic and prognostic significance of mitophagy-related genes associated with immune infiltration in ALS is uncertain. The purpose of this study is to create a predictive model for ALS using genes linked with mitophagy-associated immune infiltration. Methods: ALS gene expression profiles were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. Univariate Cox analysis and machine learning methods were applied to analyze mitophagy-associated genes and develop a prognostic risk score model. Subsequently, functional and immune infiltration analyses were conducted to study the biological attributes and immune cell enrichment in individuals with ALS. Additionally, validation of identified feature genes in the prediction model was performed using ALS mouse models and ALS patients. Results: In this study, a comprehensive analysis revealed the identification of 22 mitophagy-related differential expression genes and 40 prognostic genes. Additionally, an 18-gene prognostic signature was identified with machine learning, which was utilized to construct a prognostic risk score model. Functional enrichment analysis demonstrated the enrichment of various pathways, including oxidative phosphorylation, unfolded proteins, KRAS, and mTOR signaling pathways, as well as other immune-related pathways. The analysis of immune infiltration revealed notable distinctions in certain congenital immune cells and adaptive immune cells between the low-risk and high-risk groups, particularly concerning the T lymphocyte subgroup. ALS mouse models and ALS clinical samples demonstrated consistent expression levels of four mitophagy-related immune infiltration genes (BCKDHA, JTB, KYNU, and GTF2H5) with the results of bioinformatics analysis. Conclusion: This study has successfully devised and verified a pioneering prognostic predictive risk score for ALS, utilizing eighteen mitophagy-related genes. Furthermore, the findings indicate that four of these genes exhibit promising roles in the context of ALS prognostic.

Esclerosis Amiotrófica Lateral , Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas , Animales , Ratones , Humanos , Esclerosis Amiotrófica Lateral/genética , Mitofagia/genética , Biología Computacional , Bases de Datos Factuales , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad
Sci Data ; 11(1): 367, 2024 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38605060


Coral reefs support the world's most diverse marine ecosystem and provide invaluable goods and services for millions of people worldwide. They are however experiencing frequent and intensive marine heatwaves that are causing coral bleaching and mortality. Coarse-grained climate models predict that few coral reefs will survive the 3 °C sea-surface temperature rise in the coming century. Yet, field studies show localized pockets of coral survival and recovery even under high-temperature conditions. Quantifying recovery from marine heatwaves is central to making accurate predictions of coral-reef trajectories into the near future. Here we introduce the world's most comprehensive database on coral recovery following marine heatwaves and other disturbances, called Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) encompassing 29,205 data records spanning 44 years from 12,266 sites, 83 countries, and 160 data sources. These data provide essential information to coral-reef scientists and managers to best guide coral-reef conservation efforts at both local and regional scales.

Antozoos , Arrecifes de Coral , Animales , Ecosistema , Temperatura , Cambio Climático
BMC Emerg Med ; 24(1): 57, 2024 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38605305


BACKGROUND: Abdominal injuries exert a significant impact on global morbidity and mortality. The aggregation of mortality data and its determinants across different regions holds immense importance for designing informed healthcare strategies. Hence, this study assessed the pooled mortality rate and its predictors across sub-Saharan Africa. METHOD: This meta-analysis employed a comprehensive search across multiple electronic databases including PubMed, Africa Index Medicus, Science Direct, and Hinari, complemented by a search of Google Scholar. Subsequently, data were extracted into an Excel format. The compiled dataset was then exported to STATA 17 statistical software for analysis. Utilizing the Dersimonian-Laird method, a random-effect model was employed to estimate the pooled mortality rate and its associated predictors. Heterogeneity was evaluated via the I2 test, while publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot along with Egger's, and Begg's tests. RESULT: This meta-analysis, which includes 33 full-text studies, revealed a pooled mortality rate of 9.67% (95% CI; 7.81, 11.52) in patients with abdominal injuries across sub-Saharan Africa with substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 87.21%). This review also identified significant predictors of mortality. As a result, the presence of shock upon presentation demonstrated 6.19 times (95% CI; 3.70-10.38) higher odds of mortality, followed by ICU admission (AOR: 5.20, 95% CI; 2.38-11.38), blunt abdominal injury (AOR: 8.18, 95% CI; 4.97-13.45), post-operative complications (AOR: 8.17, 95% CI; 4.97-13.44), and the performance of damage control surgery (AOR: 4.62, 95% CI; 1.85-11.52). CONCLUSION: Abdominal injury mortality is notably high in sub-Saharan Africa. Shock at presentation, ICU admission, blunt abdominal injury, postoperative complications, and use of damage control surgery predict mortality. Tailored strategies to address these predictors could significantly reduce deaths in the region.

Traumatismos Abdominales , Humanos , Traumatismos Abdominales/mortalidad , África del Sur del Sahara/epidemiología , Bases de Datos Factuales , Hospitalización , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Prevalencia
Child Care Health Dev ; 50(3): e13262, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606885


BACKGROUND: While constraint-induced movement therapy is strongly recommended as an intervention for infants with unilateral cerebral palsy, the optimal dosage remains undefined. This systematic review aims to identify the most effective level of intensity of constraint-induced movement therapy to enhance manual function in infants at high risk of asymmetric brain lesions or unilateral cerebral palsy diagnosis. METHODS: This systematic review with meta-analysis encompassed a comprehensive search across four electronic databases to identify articles that met the following criteria: randomised controlled trials, children aged 0-6 with at high risk or with unilateral cerebral palsy, and treatment involving constraint-induced movement therapy for upper limb function. Studies with similar outcomes were pooled by calculating the standardised mean difference score for each subgroup, and subgroups were stratified every 30 h of total intervention dosage (30-60, 61-90, >90 h). Risk of bias was assessed with Cochrane Collaboration's tool. RESULTS: Seventeen studies were included. Meta-analyses revealed significant differences among subgroups. The 30-60 h subgroup showed a weak effect for spontaneous use of the affected upper limb during bimanual performance, grasp function, and parents' perception of how often children use their affected upper limb. Additionally, this subgroup demonstrated a moderate effect for the parents' perception of how effectively children use their affected upper limb. CONCLUSIONS: Using a dosage ranging from 30 to 60 h when applying a constraint-induced movement therapy protocol holds promise as the most age-appropriate and cost-effectiveness approach for improving upper limb functional outcomes and parent's perception.

Parálisis Cerebral , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Parálisis Cerebral/terapia , Bases de Datos Factuales , Movimiento , Extremidad Superior , Recién Nacido , Preescolar
Pediatr Transplant ; 28(3): e14747, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38613143


BACKGROUND: Organ procurement organizations (OPOs) are responsible for the medical management of organ donors. Given the variability in pediatric donor heart utilization among OPOs, we examined factors that may explain this variability, including differences in donor medical management, organ quality, and candidate factors. METHODS: The Organ Procurement and Transplant Network database was queried for pediatric (<18 years) heart donors and candidates receiving pediatric donor heart offers from 2010 to 2019. OPOs were stratified by pediatric donor heart utilization rate, and the top and bottom quintiles were compared based on donor management strategies and outcomes. A machine learning algorithm, combining 11 OPO, donor, candidate, and offer variables, was used to determine factors most predictive of whether a heart offer is accepted. RESULTS: There was no clinically significant difference between the top and bottom quintile OPOs in baseline donor characteristics, distance between donor and listing center, management strategies, or organ quality. Machine learning modeling suggested neither OPO donor management nor cardiac function is the primary driver of whether an organ is accepted. Instead, number of prior donor offer refusals and individual listing center receiving the offer were two of the most predictive variables of organ acceptance. CONCLUSIONS: OPO clinical practice variation does not seem to account for the discrepancy in pediatric donor heart utilization rates among OPOs. Listing center acceptance practice and prior number of donor refusals seem to be the important drivers of heart utilization and may at least partially account for the variation in OPO heart utilization rates given the regional association between OPOs and listing centers.

Trasplante de Corazón , Obtención de Tejidos y Órganos , Humanos , Niño , Donantes de Tejidos , Algoritmos , Bases de Datos Factuales
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol ; 150(4): 192, 2024 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38613698


OBJECTIVE: To date, there have been few studies examining the prognostic implications of histological subtypes in ureteral cancer. And chemotherapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of ureteral cancer, while many factors influence the efficacy of chemotherapy. This study aimed to utilize the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database to assess the impact of histological type on ureteral cancer prognostic outcomes and discovered how histological type and T-stage influence the efficacy of chemotherapy. METHODS: Based on Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, we reviewed 8915 records of patients with primary ureteral cancer from 18 centers between 2000 and 2018. We focused on the overall survival and cancer-specific survival of the records and used Kaplan‒Meier method to calculate survival curves. RESULTS: In the comparison of prognostic outcomes, atypical subtypes exhibited a less favorable prognosis compared to typical ureteral carcinoma. Notably, patients diagnosed with papillary urothelial carcinoma demonstrated the most favorable overall survival (p = 0.005). Statistically significant benefits were observed in the prognosis of patients with non-papillary urothelial carcinoma who received chemotherapy (HR = 0.860, 95% CI 0.764-0.966, p = 0.011), while chemotherapy did not yield a statistically significant effect on the prognosis of patients with papillary urothelial carcinoma (HR = 1.055, 95% CI 0.906-1.228, p = 0.493). Chemotherapy had an adverse impact on the prognosis of patients with T1 ureteral cancer (HR = 1.235, 95% CI 1.016-1.502, p = 0.034), whereas it exhibited a positive prognostic effect for T3/T4 cases (HR = 0.739, 95% CI 0.654-0.835, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Histological type affects the prognosis of ureteral cancer. And evaluation of cancer histological type and T stage in ureteral cancer patients prior to chemotherapy is mandatory.

Carcinoma de Células Transicionales , Neoplasias Ureterales , Neoplasias de la Vejiga Urinaria , Humanos , Neoplasias Ureterales/tratamiento farmacológico , Pronóstico , Bases de Datos Factuales
Spinal Cord Ser Cases ; 10(1): 21, 2024 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38615029


STUDY DESIGN: Scoping systematic review. OBJECTIVES: To summarize the available experimental clinical and animal studies for the identification of all CSF and serum-derived biochemical markers in human and rat SCI models. SETTING: Tehran, Iran. METHODS: In this scoping article, we systematically reviewed the electronic databases of PubMed, Scopus, WOS, and CENTRAL to retrieve current literature assessing the levels of different biomarkers in human and rat SCI models. RESULTS: A total of 19,589 articles were retrieved and 6897 duplicated titles were removed. The remaining 12,692 studies were screened by their title/abstract and 12,636 were removed. The remaining 56 were considered for full-text assessment, and 11 papers did not meet the criteria, and finally, 45 studies were included. 26 studies were human observational studies comprising 1630 patients, and 19 articles studied SCI models in rats, including 832 rats. Upon reviewing the literature, we encountered a remarkable heterogeneity in terms of selected biomarkers, timing, and method of measurement, studied models, extent, and mechanism of injury as well as outcome assessment measures. CONCLUSIONS: The specific expression and distribution patterns of biomarkers in relation to spinal cord injury (SCI) phases, and their varied concentrations over time, suggest that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood biomarkers are effective measures for assessing the severity of SCI.

Traumatismos de la Médula Espinal , Animales , Humanos , Ratas , Irán , Biomarcadores , Bases de Datos Factuales , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud
Helicobacter ; 29(2): e13074, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38615332


BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is considered a true human pathogen for which rising drug resistance constitutes a drastic concern globally. The present study aimed to reconstruct a genome-scale metabolic model (GSMM) to decipher the metabolic capability of H. pylori strains in response to clarithromycin and rifampicin along with identification of novel drug targets. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The iIT341 model of H. pylori was updated based on genome annotation data, and biochemical knowledge from literature and databases. Context-specific models were generated by integrating the transcriptomic data of clarithromycin and rifampicin resistance into the model. Flux balance analysis was employed for identifying essential genes in each strain, which were further prioritized upon being nonhomologs to humans, virulence factor analysis, druggability, and broad-spectrum analysis. Additionally, metabolic differences between sensitive and resistant strains were also investigated based on flux variability analysis and pathway enrichment analysis of transcriptomic data. RESULTS: The reconstructed GSMM was named as HpM485 model. Pathway enrichment and flux variability analyses demonstrated reduced activity in the ribosomal pathway in both clarithromycin- and rifampicin-resistant strains. Also, a significant decrease was detected in the activity of metabolic pathways of clarithromycin-resistant strain. Moreover, 23 and 16 essential genes were exclusively detected in clarithromycin- and rifampicin-resistant strains, respectively. Based on prioritization analysis, cyclopropane fatty acid synthase and phosphoenolpyruvate synthase were identified as putative drug targets in clarithromycin- and rifampicin-resistant strains, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We present a robust and reliable metabolic model of H. pylori. This model can predict novel drug targets to combat drug resistance and explore the metabolic capability of H. pylori in various conditions.

Infecciones por Helicobacter , Helicobacter pylori , Humanos , Helicobacter pylori/genética , Claritromicina/farmacología , Rifampin/farmacología , Infecciones por Helicobacter/tratamiento farmacológico , Bases de Datos Factuales
J Psychopathol Clin Sci ; 133(3): 257-272, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619461


Women and men are at different risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is unclear, however, how studies on PTSD risk factors integrate this knowledge into their research. Moreover, the temporal development of women's higher PTSD risk is unknown. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we examine how prospective studies on PTSD development (k = 47) consider sex and gender across four domains (samples, terminology, analyses, and reporting). Further, we differentially analyze sex/gender differences within five time intervals from 1 month to 5 years posttrauma. PTSD prevalence (OR = 1.72 [1.27-2.34]) and severity (g = 0.31 [0.09, 0.53]) were increased for women relative to men at 1 month posttrauma already, that is, at the first timepoint of a possible PTSD diagnosis. PTSD severity was elevated for women compared to men across all time intervals, but evidence for increased PTSD prevalence for women relative to men was less stable with longer follow-ups. Despite women's higher PTSD burdens, they were clearly underrepresented in samples (68.3% male, 31.7% female participants). Only 5.0% of studies explained or described their understanding of sex and gender, and only 2.6% used sex as discovery variable, that is, investigating sex-dependent risk mechanisms. Sex and gender aspects in design, data, and discussion were considered by only one-third of studies each. Trauma research falls short of its potential to adequately consider sex and gender. Sex- and gender-sensitive practices can advance rigor, innovation, and equity in psychopathology research. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Conocimiento , Psicopatología , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Bases de Datos Factuales , Factores de Riesgo
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 8686, 2024 04 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622214


On 28 March 2005, the Indonesian islands of Nias and Simeulue experienced a powerful Mw 8.6 earthquake and coseismic uplift and subsidence. In areas of coastal uplift (up to ~ 2.8 m), fringing reef coral communities were killed by exposure, while deeper corals that survived were subjected to habitats with altered runoff, sediment and nutrient regimes. Here we present time-series (2000-2009) of Mn/Ca, Y/Ca and Ba/Ca variability in massive Porites corals from Nias to assess the environmental impact of a wide range of vertical displacement (+ 2.5 m to - 0.4 m). High-resolution LA-ICP-MS measurements show that skeletal Mn/Ca increased at uplifted sites, regardless of reef type, indicating a post-earthquake increase in suspended sediment delivery. Transient and/or long-term increases in skeletal Y/Ca at all uplift sites support the idea of increased sediment delivery. Coral Mn/Ca and Ba/Ca in lagoonal environments highlight the additional influences of reef bathymetry, wind-driven sediment resuspension, and phytoplankton blooms on coral geochemistry. Together, the results show that the Nias reefs adapted to fundamentally altered hydrographic conditions. We show how centuries of repeated subsidence and uplift during great-earthquake cycles along the Sunda megathrust may have shaped the modern-day predominance of massive scleractinian corals on the West Sumatran reefs.

Antozoos , Terremotos , Animales , Antozoos/fisiología , Arrecifes de Coral , Ecosistema , Fitoplancton
J Transl Med ; 22(1): 355, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622600


BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is a leading cause of worldwide irreversible blindness. Considerable uncertainty remains regarding the association between a variety of phenotypes and the genetic risk of glaucoma, as well as the impact they exert on the glaucoma development. METHODS: We investigated the associations of genetic liability for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with a wide range of potential risk factors and to assess its impact on the risk of incident glaucoma. The phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) approach was applied to determine the association of POAG polygenic risk score (PRS) with a wide range of phenotypes in 377, 852 participants from the UK Biobank study and 43,623 participants from the Penn Medicine Biobank study, all of European ancestry. Participants were stratified into four risk tiers: low, intermediate, high, and very high-risk. Cox proportional hazard models assessed the relationship of POAG PRS and ocular factors with new glaucoma events. RESULTS: In both discovery and replication set in the PheWAS, a higher genetic predisposition to POAG was specifically correlated with ocular disease phenotypes. The POAG PRS exhibited correlations with low corneal hysteresis, refractive error, and ocular hypertension, demonstrating a strong association with the onset of glaucoma. Individuals carrying a high genetic burden exhibited a 9.20-fold, 11.88-fold, and 28.85-fold increase in glaucoma incidence when associated with low corneal hysteresis, high myopia, and elevated intraocular pressure, respectively. CONCLUSION: Genetic susceptibility to POAG primarily influences ocular conditions, with limited systemic associations. Notably, the baseline polygenic risk for POAG robustly associates with new glaucoma events, revealing a large combined effect of genetic and ocular risk factors on glaucoma incidents.

Glaucoma de Ángulo Abierto , Humanos , Glaucoma de Ángulo Abierto/genética , Glaucoma de Ángulo Abierto/epidemiología , Presión Intraocular , 60488 , Bancos de Muestras Biológicas , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Factores de Riesgo
Biomed Res Int ; 2024: 5353528, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628500


Background: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the pattern of the ABO and rhesus D (RhD) blood group distribution among voluntary blood donors attending five blood donation centers at Nigist Eleni Mohammed General Hospital in Hossana, Ethiopia. Methods: A total of 1,120 participants who fulfilled the "who can give blood" criteria of the World Health Organization were selected randomly. Blood samples were collected, transported to the laboratory, and analyzed for ABO and RhD typing. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square correlation analysis. Results: The study found that the O blood group was the most prevalent (39.0%), followed by A (32.2%), B (22.5%), and AB (6.4%). When considering both the ABO and Rh blood groups together, 92.9% of blood donors were RhD positive, while only 7.1% were RhD negative. The distribution pattern of the ABO blood groups in Gurage Zone, Hadiya Zone, Kembata Zone, and Silte Zone showed that the O blood group was the most prevalent, followed by A, B, and AB, in that order. Conversely, the ABO blood group distribution pattern in Halaba Zone was A > O > B > AB. Civil servants from different occupational statuses were the most dominant voluntary blood donors, accounting for 53.2%, followed by students from different high schools and universities (41.9%), self-employed individuals (4.1%), and others (0.7%). The ABO blood group system had observed allele frequencies significantly different from the expected frequencies (p = 0.007), while the RhD system did not (p = 0.037). Allele frequencies for A, B, and O in the ABO system were 0.3531, 0.2576, and 0.3893, respectively. Observed frequencies for RhD-positive and RhD-negative alleles were 0.9647 and 0.0531, respectively. Conclusion: This study highlights the regional ABO and RhD blood group variations in Ethiopia, noting disparities from expected ABO allele frequencies, and identifies the O blood group predominance among donors with a high RhD-positive prevalence.

Sistema del Grupo Sanguíneo ABO , Bancos de Sangre , Humanos , Etiopía/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Prevalencia , Frecuencia de los Genes/genética , Sistema del Grupo Sanguíneo ABO/genética , Sistema del Grupo Sanguíneo Rh-Hr/genética , Hospitales Generales
Methods Mol Biol ; 2794: 1-12, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630215


The human brain is characterized by high cell numbers, diverse cell types with diverse functions, and intricate connectivity with an exceedingly broad surface of the cortex. Human-specific brain development was accomplished by a long timeline for maturation from the prenatal period to the third decade of life. The long timeline makes complicated architecture and circuits of human cerebral cortex possible, and it makes human brain vulnerable to intrinsic and extrinsic insults resulting in the development of variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. Unraveling the molecular and cellular processes underlying human brain development under the elaborate regulation of gene expression in a spatiotemporally specific manner, especially that of the cortex will provide a biological understanding of human cognition and behavior in health and diseases. Global research consortia and the advancing technologies in brain science including functional genomics equipped with emergent neuroinformatics such as single-cell multiomics, novel human models, and high-volume databases with high-throughput computation facilitate the biological understanding of the development of the human brain cortex. Knowing the process of interplay of the genome and the environment in cortex development will lead us to understand the human-specific cognitive function and its individual diversity. Thus, it is worthwhile to overview the recent progress in neurotechnology to foresee further understanding of the human brain and norms and diseases.

Encéfalo , Cognición , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Recuento de Células , Corteza Cerebral , Bases de Datos Factuales
J Med Internet Res ; 26: e55031, 2024 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630515


BACKGROUND: The high prevalence of cannabis use among young adults poses substantial global health concerns due to the associated acute and long-term health and psychosocial risks. Digital modalities, including websites, digital platforms, and mobile apps, have emerged as promising tools to enhance the accessibility and availability of evidence-based interventions for young adults for cannabis use. However, existing reviews do not consider young adults specifically, combine cannabis-related outcomes with those of many other substances in their meta-analytical results, and do not solely target interventions for cannabis use. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and active ingredients of digital interventions designed specifically for cannabis use among young adults living in the community. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search of 7 databases for empirical studies published between database inception and February 13, 2023, assessing the following outcomes: cannabis use (frequency, quantity, or both) and cannabis-related negative consequences. The reference lists of included studies were consulted, and forward citation searching was also conducted. We included randomized studies assessing web- or mobile-based interventions that included a comparator or control group. Studies were excluded if they targeted other substance use (eg, alcohol), did not report cannabis use separately as an outcome, did not include young adults (aged 16-35 y), had unpublished data, were delivered via teleconference through mobile phones and computers or in a hospital-based setting, or involved people with mental health disorders or substance use disorders or dependence. Data were independently extracted by 2 reviewers using a pilot-tested extraction form. Authors were contacted to clarify study details and obtain additional data. The characteristics of the included studies, study participants, digital interventions, and their comparators were summarized. Meta-analysis results were combined using a random-effects model and pooled as standardized mean differences. RESULTS: Of 6606 unique records, 19 (0.29%) were included (n=6710 participants). Half (9/19, 47%) of these articles reported an intervention effect on cannabis use frequency. The digital interventions included in the review were mostly web-based. A total of 184 behavior change techniques were identified across the interventions (range 5-19), and feedback on behavior was the most frequently used (17/19, 89%). Digital interventions for young adults reduced cannabis use frequency at the 3-month follow-up compared to control conditions (including passive and active controls) by -6.79 days of use in the previous month (95% CI -9.59 to -4.00; P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the potential of digital interventions to reduce cannabis use in young adults but raise important questions about what optimal exposure dose could be more effective, both in terms of intervention duration and frequency. Further high-quality research is still needed to investigate the effects of digital interventions on cannabis use among young adults. TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO CRD42020196959;

Cannabis , Teléfono Celular , Adulto Joven , Humanos , Terapia Conductista , Proyectos de Investigación , Bases de Datos Factuales
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(7)2024 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612480


The aim of this study was to investigate gene expression alterations associated with overall survival (OS) in glioblastoma (GBM). Using the Nanostring nCounter platform, we identified four genes (COL1A2, IGFBP3, NGFR, and WIF1) that achieved statistical significance when comparing GBM with non-neoplastic brain tissue. The four genes were included in a multivariate Cox Proportional Hazard model, along with age, extent of resection, and O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promotor methylation, to create a unique glioblastoma prognostic index (GPI). The GPI score inversely correlated with survival: patient with a high GPI had a median OS of 7.5 months (18-month OS = 9.7%) whereas patients with a low GPI had a median OS of 20.1 months (18-month OS = 54.5%; log rank p-value = 0.004). The GPI score was then validated in 188 GBM patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) from a national data base; similarly, patients with a high GPI had a median OS of 10.5 months (18-month OS = 12.4%) versus 16.9 months (18-month OS = 41.5%) for low GPI (log rank p-value = 0.0003). We conclude that this novel mRNA-based prognostic index could be useful in classifying GBM patients into risk groups and refine prognosis estimates to better inform treatment decisions or stratification into clinical trials.

Glioblastoma , Humanos , Glioblastoma/genética , Genes Reguladores , Bases de Datos Factuales , O(6)-Metilguanina-ADN Metiltransferasa , Expresión Génica
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(7)2024 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612620


Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Recent data highlight similarities between neurodegenerative diseases, including PD and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), suggesting a crucial interplay between the gut-brain axis. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonists, known for their use in T2DM treatment, are currently extensively studied as novel PD modifying agents. For this narrative review article, we searched PubMed and Scopus databases for peer-reviewed research, review articles and clinical trials regarding GLP-1R agonists and PD published in the English language with no time restrictions. We also screened the references of the selected articles for possible additional articles in order to include most of the key recent evidence. Many data on animal models and preclinical studies show that GLP1-R agonists can restore dopamine levels, inhibit dopaminergic loss, attenuate neuronal degeneration and alleviate motor and non-motor features of PD. Evidence from clinical studies is also very promising, enhancing the possibility of adding GLP1-R agonists to the current armamentarium of drugs available for PD treatment.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Enfermedad de Parkinson , Animales , Enfermedad de Parkinson/tratamiento farmacológico , 60650 , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamiento farmacológico , Eje Cerebro-Intestino , Bases de Datos Factuales , Dopamina