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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 534-551, jul. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538057


The cultural significance of the flora used by the native Asheninka Sheremashe community in Ucayali, Peru was determined. To do this, a fieldwork of over 4 months was conducted, involving semi-structured interviews with 106 residents through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The community utilizes 139 plant species in their daily lives, belonging to 120 genera and 52 families, with the most abundant being Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, and Rutaceae. Furthermore, 25.9% of the species are of significant importance to theinhabitants according to the Cultural Index (CI), such as Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao, Bixa orellana, Musa paradisiaca, Ficus insipida, among others. It can be concluded that the flora plays a prominent role in the life of the community, with the categories reporting the highest number of species being: food (29.35%), medicine (28.36%), culture (9.95%), construction (9.45%), lumber (6.97%), commerce (3.48%), craftsmanship (2.49%), toxic (2.49%), and other uses (7.46%)

Se determinó la importancia cultural de la flora empleada por la comunidad nativa Asheninka Sheremashe, en Ucayali, Perú. Para ello, se realizó un trabajo de campo de más de 4 meses, donde se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 106 habitantes mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. La comunidad emplea 139 especies vegetales en su día a día, pertenecientes a 120 géneros y 52 familias; siendo las más abundantes las Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae y Rutaceae. Además, el 25.9% de las especies tiene gran importancia para los pobladores según el Índice Cultural (IC): Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao, Bixa orellana, Musa paradisiaca, Ficus insipida, entre otras. Se concluye que la flora tiene un rol preponderante en la vida de la comunidad, siendo las categorías que presentaron mayor reporte de especies: alimentación (29.35%), medicina (28.36%), cultura (9.95%), construcción (9.45%), aserrío (6.97%), comercio (3.48%), artesanía (2.49%), tóxico (2.49%) y otros usos (7.46%)

Etnobotánica , Medicina Tradicional , Perú , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Flora , Medicina de Hierbas
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550528


Introducción: La Pandemia COVID-19, ha tenido impactos negativos en la salud física y mental de las personas, así como las medidas adoptadas por los gobiernos, para prevenir el contagio masivo de la población como el confinamiento, el aislamiento social, el trabajo y educación virtual. Dentro de los afectados por estos cambios, se encontrarían los estudiantes universitarios del área de la salud, que además de estudiar en estas condiciones de pandemia, no han podido hacer sus prácticas de los servicios de salud. Esta situación de exposición al aislamiento, podría afectar la salud mental de los jóvenes estudiantes universitarios. Objetivo: determinar los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en estudiantes universitarios y su relación con variables sociodemográficas y las características del aislamiento social durante la Pandemia COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, de corte transversal y cuantitativo, con una muestra de 818 estudiantes universitarios de facultades de ciencias de la salud, mediante el cuestionario autoadministrado DASS-21. Resultados: Los principales hallazgos fueron: una mayor prevalencia en niveles altos (severos y extremadamente severos) en la ansiedad, alcanzado casi a 4 de cada 10 de los evaluados; por otro lado, en depresión y el estrés, 2 de cada 10 de los evaluados, se encontraron en los niveles mencionados. En relación con las variables sociodemográficas, las relacionadas con el COVID-19 y aislamiento social, se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con el género (mujeres > varones), el haber tenido COVID-19 (Sí > No) y vivir con familiares como antes de la pandemia (Sí > No) obtuvieron en promedio mayores puntajes en depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Conclusión: Los estudiantes que presentaron mayor depresión, ansiedad y estrés con una diferencia significativa fueron de género femenino, con antecedentes de haber tenido Covid-19, menor contacto con familiares y haber cumplido con aislamiento social total.

Introduction: The COVID-19 Pandemic has had negative impacts on the physical and mental health of people, as well as the measures adopted by governments to prevent the massive contagion of the population, such as confinement, social isolation, virtual work, and virtual education. Among those affected by these changes would be university students in the health area who, in addition to studying in these pandemic conditions, have been unable to do their health service practices. This situation of exposure to isolation could affect the mental health of young university students. Objective: To determine the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in university students, their relationship with sociodemographic variables, and the characteristics of social isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, and quantitative study was carried out with a sample of 818 university students from health sciences faculties using the DASS-21 self-administered questionnaire. Results: The main findings were a higher prevalence of high levels (severe and highly severe) in anxiety, reaching almost 4 out of 10 of those evaluated; On the other hand, in depression and stress, 2 out of 10 of those evaluated were found at the mentioned levels. Concerning the sociodemographic variables, those related to COVID-19 and social isolation, statistically significant differences were found with gender (women > men), having had COVID-19 (Yes > No), and living with relatives as before. On average, the pandemic (Yes > No) obtained higher scores in depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusion: The students who presented greater depression, anxiety, and stress with a significant difference were female, with a history of having had Covid-19, less contact with family members, and having complied with total social isolation

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550533


Introducción: Las barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud primario conforman estructuras sociales que agravan la situación de salud de los adolescentes, impactando negativamente en el ejercicio pleno de la salud sexual reproductiva, situando a los adolescentes en una población de riesgo social. Objetivo: Determinar las barreras en el acceso a los servicios primarios de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de atención diferenciada a los adolescentes del Centro de Salud I - 4 Pampa Grande Tumbes 2018. Metodología: Estudio analítico de caso control, se entrevistaron a 288 adolescentes del tercero, cuarto y quinto de secundaria de la institución educativa pública Túpac Amaru del centro poblado Pampa Grande de Tumbes en el año 2019, entre experimento y control con una razón de 1 a 1. Se aplicaron cuestionarios anónimos para evaluar las barreras de accesibilidad a los servicios primarios de salud. Se recogieron variables: características sociodemográficas y culturales que son consideradas, como barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial con el programa SPSS® v.23. Resultados: La edad, sexo e ingreso económico están directa y significativamente relacionadas con la accesibilidad a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (p<0.01 IC 95 %); La disposición de recursos económicos para asumir los costos de traslado al centro de salud (OR = 4,23); la utilización del transporte público (OR = 1,58), el conocimiento de los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (OR = 1,15) incrementan la probabilidad de acceder a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes. Discusión: Las barreras socioeconómicas a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes son modificables y dependen de la gestión en salud pública.

Introduction: The barriers to access to primary health services make up social structures that aggravate the health situation of adolescents, negatively impacting the full exercise of reproductive sexual health, placing adolescents in a population at social risk. Objective: To determine the barriers in the access to the primary services of Sexual and Reproductive Health of differentiated attention to the adolescents of the Health Center I - 4 Pampa Grande Tumbes 2018. Methods: Analytical case control study, 288 adolescents from the third, fourth and fifth grade of secondary school of the public educational institution Túpac Amaru in the Pampa Grande de Tumbes town center were interviewed in 2019, between experiment and control with a ratio of 1 to 1. Anonymous questionnaires were applied to assess accessibility barriers to primary health services. Variables were collected: sociodemographic and cultural characteristics that are considered as barriers to access to health services. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out with the SPSS® v.23 program. Results: Age, sex and economic income are directly and significantly related to accessibility to sexual and reproductive health services (p<0.01 95% CI); The availability of economic resources to assume the costs of transportation to the health center (OR = 4.23); the use of public transport (OR = 1.58), knowledge of sexual and reproductive health services (OR = 1.15) increase the probability of accessing sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents. Discussion: Socioeconomic barriers to sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents are modifiable and depend on public health management.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550537


Introducción: El Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4) es una medida de autoinforme ultrabreve de síntomas depresivos y ansiosos. El PHQ-4 no ha sido adaptado ni validado en la población quechua hablante. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar y validar el PHQ-4 en una muestra de población peruana quechua hablante en su variante Collao de Puno-Perú. Metodología: Participaron 221 personas hablantes de quechua variante collao (promedio de edad de 31,2 años, SD = 11,7, 47,1 % hombres y 52,9 % mujeres). Se evaluó la evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA), la fiabilidad con el método de consistencia interna y las características de dificultad y discriminación de los ítems en base a la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (IRT). Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que todos los ítems del PHQ-4 son relevantes, coherentes y claros para representar adecuadamente los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. El resultado del AFC apoyó un modelo unifactorial, donde los ítems de ansiedad y depresión conforman una sola variable latente con una fiabilidad alta. Todos los ítems del PHQ-4 presentas buenos parámetros de discriminación y los parámetros de dificultad indican que los ítems son comparativamente difíciles. Por lo tanto, se necesita una mayor presencia del rasgo latente (ansiedad y depresión) para responder las categorías de respuesta más altas. Discusión: En conclusión, la PHQ-4 presentó buenas propiedades psicométricas como una medida de detección primaria rápida, confiable y válida para personas quechuahablantes que necesitan una evaluación profunda, monitoreo de los síntomas para diagnóstico y tratamiento para la ansiedad o depresión.

Introduction: The Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4) is an ultra-brief self-report measure of depression and anxiety symptoms. The PHQ-4 has not been adapted or validated in the Quechua-speaking population. Objective: This study aimed to adapt and validate the PHQ-4 in a sample of the Peruvian Quechua-speaking population with its Collao variant from Puno-Peru. Methods: A total of 221 Quechua speakers of the Collao variant (mean age 31.2 years, SD = 11.7, 47.1% male and 52.9% female) participated. Evidence of validity based on internal structure was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability using the internal consistency method, and item difficulty and discrimination characteristics based on Item Response Theory (IRT). Results: The results indicated that all items of the PHQ-4 were relevant, consistent, and clear enough to adequately represent anxiety and depressive symptoms. The CFA results supported a one-factorial model, in which anxiety and depression items form a single latent variable with high reliability. All items of the PHQ-4 had good discrimination parameters, and the difficulty parameters indicated that the items were comparatively difficult. Therefore, a higher presence of the latent trait (anxiety and depression) is needed to answer higher response categories. Discussion: In conclusion, the PHQ-4 presented good psychometric properties as a rapid, reliable, and valid primary screening measure for Quechua speakers in need of in-depth assessment and symptom monitoring for the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety and depression.

BMC Cancer ; 24(1): 477, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622563


BACKGROUND: Limited evidence exists on the population attributable fraction (PAF) of cancer cases and deaths in Latin America. In Peru several studies have been published regarding the PAF of various risk factors and their associated diseases. The objective of this study was to estimate the fraction of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in Peru in 2018, before the COVID-19 pandemic in the population of 15 years old and older. METHODS: An ecological study was conducted using the prevalence of exposure of the Peruvian population to modifiable risk factors for cancer, the relative risk associated with each factor, and the number of cancer cases and deaths in 2018 as inputs. We used the Parkin formula with a Montecarlo statistical simulation model to calculate the PAF and confidence intervals. The number of new cancer cases and deaths attributed to each risk factor was determined by multiplying the number of cases and deaths in each gender by the PAF of each risk factor. FINDINGS: In Peru, 38.5% of new cases (34.5% in men and 42% in women) and 43.4% of cancer-related deaths (43.4% in men and 43.4% in women) were attributable to modifiable risk factors. The number of cancers attributable was 25,308 (10,439 in men and 14,869 in women) and the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 14,839 (6,953 in men and 7,886 in women). The predominant modifiable risk factors contributing to the highest number of cases and deaths were HPV infection (4,563 cases, 2,409 deaths), current tobacco use (3,348 cases, 2,180 deaths), and helicobacter pylori infection (2,677 cases, 1,873 deaths). Among the risk factors, oncogenic infections constituted the group with the highest PAF (16.6% for cases, 19.2% for deaths) followed by other unhealthy lifestyle factors (14.2% for cases, 16.7% for deaths), tobacco (7.2% for cases, 7.2% for deaths) and ultraviolet radiation (0.5% for cases, 0.3% for deaths). CONCLUSIONS: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 38.5% of cancer cases and 43.4% of cancer-related deaths in Peru were linked to modifiable risk factors in the population of 15 years old and older. Most preventable cancer cases and deaths were related to oncogenic infections, primarily caused by HPV and helicobacter pylori, followed by tobacco and obesity.

COVID-19 , Infecciones por Helicobacter , Helicobacter pylori , Neoplasias , Infecciones por Papillomavirus , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Perú/epidemiología , Rayos Ultravioleta , Infecciones por Helicobacter/complicaciones , Pandemias , Factores de Riesgo , Neoplasias/epidemiología , Neoplasias/etiología , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/complicaciones , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/complicaciones , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/epidemiología
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0300464, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38626197


Our research occurred in the Andean region, one of the eight global centers of domestication of plant species grown for agriculture. The shores of Lake Titicaca (located between Peru and Bolivia), at 3800 meters above sea level, are recognized as the center of origin of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). In this region, complex societies have emerged, thanks to the development of water and soil management technologies. They have managed to overcome high mountain territories' extreme and variable climatic conditions. These societies have traditionally protected and preserved quinoa as food for present and future generations through their long-standing knowledge and cultivation practices. The fieldwork occurred in the context of Andean family farming, and our study analyzes nature-society dynamics with a chorematic approach and interviews with local communities. The interest of this work is the transformation of the landscape at the scale of the mountain agroecosystem to understand better the impacts of rural development policies. Chorematic modeling was applied to two periods, before and after 1970, a pivotal year in Peru for agriculture, to show how socio-spatial dynamics in the Andean environment are changing, particularly concerning the evolution of quinoa cultivation. The results show that wild quinoa relatives' distribution is strongly linked to the socio-spatial organization of the agroecosystem. Different species of wild quinoa relatives are maintained by villagers for their multiple foods, medicinal and cultural uses in natural areas, grazed areas, on edge, and also within cultivated fields. However, this management is changing under the pressure of global issues related to the international quinoa market, whose requirements imply reducing the presence of wild relatives in cultivated fields.

BMJ Open ; 14(4): e078911, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38626977


INTRODUCTION: Understanding human mobility's role in malaria transmission is critical to successful control and elimination. However, common approaches to measuring mobility are ill-equipped for remote regions such as the Amazon. This study develops a network survey to quantify the effect of community connectivity and mobility on malaria transmission. METHODS: We measure community connectivity across the study area using a respondent driven sampling design among key informants who are at least 18 years of age. 45 initial communities will be selected: 10 in Brazil, 10 in Ecuador and 25 in Peru. Participants will be recruited in each initial node and administered a survey to obtain data on each community's mobility patterns. Survey responses will be ranked and the 2-3 most connected communities will then be selected and surveyed. This process will be repeated for a third round of data collection. Community network matrices will be linked with each country's malaria surveillance system to test the effects of mobility on disease risk. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study protocol has been approved by the institutional review boards of Duke University (USA), Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru) and Universidade Federal Minas Gerais (Brazil). Results will be disseminated in communities by the end of the study.

Public Health Nutr ; : 1-25, 2024 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38605643


OBJECTIVE: Abdominal obesity (AO) is characterized by excess adipose tissue. It is a metabolic risk that affects the physical and mental health, particularly in women since they are more prone to mental health problems like depression. This study investigated the association between AO and depressive symptoms in Peruvian women of reproductive age (18-49 years). DESIGN: In this cross-sectional observational study. SETTING: Peruvian women population of reproductive age. PARTICIPANTS: We used data from the Peruvian Demographic and Family Health Survey (DHS) for 2018 and 2019 to assess 17,067 women for the presence of depressive symptoms (using the Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ-9]: cut-off score ≥ 10) and AO (measured by abdominal circumference; cut-off score ≥88 cm). RESULTS: We observed a 64.55% prevalence of AO and 7.61% of depressive symptoms in the study sample. Furthermore, 8.23% of women with AO had depressive symptoms (p < 0.05). Initially, women with AO appeared to have a 26% higher risk of depressive symptoms compared to women without AO (p = 0.028); however, after adjustment for covariates, no statistically significant association was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, although both conditions are common in women of this age group, no significant association was found between AO and depressive symptoms.

PLoS One ; 19(4): e0300457, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608222


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of hypertension in Peru has increased over the years. Approximately one third of the Peruvian population lives at high altitudes. This population presents particular physiological, genetic and environmental characteristics that could be related to the prevalence of hypertension and its subtypes. OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between altitude and hypertension in the Peruvian population through an analysis of a nationally representative survey. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the Demographic and Family Health Survey for the period 2016-2019. We included 122,336 individuals aged 18 years and older. Hypertension was defined according to the JNC-7 guidelines. High-altitude location was defined as a residential cluster located above 2,500 meters above sea level. We utilized generalized linear models from the Poisson family with a log-link function to assess the magnitude of the association between high altitude and hypertension. Additionally, we employed multinomial regression models to analyze the association between high altitude and subtypes of hypertension, including isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH), and systolic-diastolic hypertension (SDH). RESULTS: In the adjusted Poisson regression model, we found that the prevalence of hypertension among participants living at high altitudes was lower compared to those living at low altitudes (aPR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.86-0.93). In the adjusted multinomial regression model, we observed a lower prevalence rate of ISH among participants residing at high altitudes (aRPR: 0.68; 95% CI: 0.61-0.73) and a higher prevalence rate of IDH among participants residing at high altitudes (aRPR: 1.60; 95% CI: 1.32-1.94). CONCLUSIONS: Residents at high altitudes in Peru have a lower prevalence rate of ISH and a higher prevalence rate of IDH compared to those living at low altitudes. Further studies are needed to determine the influence of other biological, environmental, and healthcare access factors on this relationship.

Altitud , Hipertensión , Humanos , Perú/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Hipertensión/epidemiología , Demografía
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1022, 2024 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609932


BACKGROUND: Violence against women (VAW) severely impacts their physical and mental health. In some cultures, women can normalize certain types of violence if they were linked to home models in childhood and, eventually, do not seek for help in adulthood. We aimed to determine, in Peruvian women, (1) the association between witnessing violence in their family of origin and VAW experienced in adulthood, (2) the extent to which women who have experienced VAW seek some help, and (3) identify VAW prevalence by Peruvian region. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of secondary data obtained from the 2019 National Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES). The outcome was VAW (psychological, physical and sexual violence), whereas the exposure was witnessing violence in the home of origin. Help-seeking behavior was a secondary outcome, for which VAW was the exposure. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated to assess both associations, unadjusted and adjusted for covariates (aPR). RESULTS: Data from 14,256 women aged 15 to 49 years were analysed. 51.5% reported having experienced VAW and 43.8% witnessed violence in the home of origin during childhood. Witnessing inter-parental violence in childhood was associated with psychological violence aPR = 1.25 (95% CI: 1.17-1.33), physical aPR = 1.52 (95% CI: 1.38-1.67), and sexual aPR = 1.99 (95% CI: 1.57-2.52). Women who have experienced both types of violence (physical and sexual) were more likely to help-seeking (aPR = 1.30, 95% CI: 1.14-1.50) than women suffering only one type of violence. CONCLUSION: Women who reported having witnessed home violence in their childhood are more likely to experience Violence Against Women (VAW) by their current partner. Physical and sexual violence with a current partner was more associated with witnessing inter-parental violence in childhood, and when physical and sexual violence jointly occurred women were more help-seeking. The southern region of Peru is identified as an area of high vulnerability for women. It is crucial to promote educative and community-based programs aimed at the prevention and early recognition of VAW.

Conducta de Búsqueda de Ayuda , Humanos , Femenino , Perú/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Padres , Violencia
Plants (Basel) ; 13(7)2024 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38611550


Changes in land-use practices have been a central element of human adaptation to Holocene climate change. Many practices that result in the short-term stabilization of socio-natural systems, however, have longer-term, unanticipated consequences that present cascading challenges for human subsistence strategies and opportunities for subsequent adaptations. Investigating complex sequences of interaction between climate change and human land-use in the past-rather than short-term causes and effects-is therefore essential for understanding processes of adaptation and change, but this approach has been stymied by a lack of suitably-scaled paleoecological data. Through a high-resolution paleoecological analysis, we provide a 7000-year history of changing climate and land management around Lake Acopia in the Andes of southern Peru. We identify evidence of the onset of pastoralism, maize cultivation, and possibly cultivation of quinoa and potatoes to form a complex agrarian landscape by c. 4300 years ago. Cumulative interactive climate-cultivation effects resulting in erosion ended abruptly c. 2300 years ago. After this time, reduced sedimentation rates are attributed to the construction and use of agricultural terraces within the catchment of the lake. These results provide new insights into the role of humans in the manufacture of Andean landscapes and the incremental, adaptive processes through which land-use practices take shape.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38596611


Aortic valve stenosis is a congenital heart defect that causes a fixed left ventricular outflow obstruction with a progressive course. Symptomatology in neonates and young infants resembles congestive heart failure. In addition, the diagnosis of this condition is made by imaging, through echocardiography. On the other hand, treatment can be surgical or interventional under fluoroscopic guidance, depending on the hospital in which it is performed. We describe the case of a minor infant patient who presented severe aortic valve stenosis; however, the fluoroscopy equipment was not available at the time of the emergency to perform the appropriate procedure, therefore, an aortic valvuloplasty was performed under echocardiographic guidance without complications.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 8230, 2024 04 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38589437


The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) and the human metapneumovirus (hMPV) are important human respiratory pathogens from the Pneumoviridae family. Both are responsible for severe respiratory tract infections in infants, young children, elderly individuals, adults with chronic medical conditions, and immunocompromised patients. Despite their large impact on human health, vaccines for hRSV were only recently introduced, and only limited treatment options exist. Here we show that Ginkgolic acid (GA), a natural compound from the extract of Ginkgo biloba, with known antiviral properties for several viruses, efficiently inhibits these viruses' infectivity and spread in cultures in a dose-dependent manner. We demonstrate that the drug specifically affects the entry step during the early stages on the viruses' life cycle with no effect on post-entry and late stage events, including viral gene transcription, genome replication, assembly and particles release. We provide evidence that GA acts as an efficient antiviral for members of the Pneumoviridae family and has the potential to be used to treat acute infections.

Metapneumovirus , Infecciones por Paramyxoviridae , Infecciones por Virus Sincitial Respiratorio , Virus Sincitial Respiratorio Humano , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio , Salicilatos , Virosis , Niño , Adulto , Lactante , Humanos , Preescolar , Anciano , Metapneumovirus/genética , Virus Sincitial Respiratorio Humano/genética , Antivirales/farmacología , Antivirales/uso terapéutico
Implement Sci Commun ; 5(1): 35, 2024 Apr 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38581011


BACKGROUND: This case study details the experience of the Proyecto Precancer in applying the Integrative Systems Praxis for Implementation Research (INSPIRE) methodology to guide the co-development, planning, implementation, adoption, and sustainment of new technologies and screening practices in a cervical cancer screening and management (CCSM) program in the Peruvian Amazon. We briefly describe the theoretical grounding of the INSPIRE framework, the phases of the INSPIRE process, the activities within each phase, and the RE-AIM outcomes used to evaluate program outcomes. METHODS: Proyecto Precancer iteratively engaged over 90 stakeholders in the Micro Red Iquitos Sur (MRIS) health network in the Amazonian region of Loreto, Perú, through the INSPIRE phases. INSPIRE is an integrative research methodology grounded in systems thinking, participatory action research, and implementation science frameworks such as the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. An interrupted time-series design with a mixed-methods RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) evaluation framework was used to examine the adoption of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing (including self-sampling), with direct treatment after visual inspection with portable thermal ablation, at the primary level. RESULTS: This approach, blending participatory action research, implementation science, and systems-thinking, led to rapid adoption and successful implementation of the new cervical cancer screening and management program within 6 months, using an HPV-based screen-and-treat strategy across 17 health facilities in one of the largest public health networks of the Peruvian Amazon. Monitoring and evaluation data revealed that, within 6 months, the MRIS had surpassed their monthly screening goals, tripling their original screening rate, with approximately 70% of HPV-positive women reaching a completion of care endpoint, compared with around 30% prior to the new CCSM strategy. CONCLUSIONS: Proyecto Precancer facilitated the adoption and sustainment of HPV testing with subsequent treatment of HPV-positive women (after visual inspection) using portable thermal ablation at the primary level. This was accompanied by the de-implementation of existing visual inspection-based screening strategies and colposcopy for routine precancer triage at the hospital level. This case study highlights how implementation science approaches were used to guide the sustained adoption of a new screen-and-treat strategy in the Peruvian Amazon, while facilitating de-implementation of older screening practices.

J Headache Pain ; 25(1): 48, 2024 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566009


BACKGROUND: The Global Campaign against Headache is conducting a series of population-based studies to fill the large geographical gaps in knowledge of headache prevalence and attributable burden. One major region not until now included is South America. Here we present a study from Peru, a country of 32.4 million inhabitants located at the west coast of South America, notable for its high Andes mountains. METHODS: The study was conducted in accordance with the standardized methodology used by the Global Campaign. It was a cross-sectional survey using cluster randomised sampling in five regions to derive a nationally representative sample, visiting households unannounced, and interviewing one randomly selected adult member (aged 18-65 years) of each using the Headache-Attributed Restriction, Disability, Social Handicap and Impaired Participation (HARDSHIP) questionnaire translated into South American Spanish. The neutral screening question ("Have you had headache in the last year?") was followed by diagnostic questions based on ICHD-3 and demographic enquiry. RESULTS: The study included 2,149 participants from 2,385 eligible households (participating proportion 90.1%): 1,065 males and 1,084 females, mean age 42.0 ± 13.7 years. The observed 1-year prevalence of all headache was 64.6% [95% CI: 62.5-66.6], with age-, gender- and habitation-adjusted prevalences of 22.8% [21.0-24.6] for migraine (definite + probable), 38.9% [36.8-41.0] for tension-type headache (TTH: also definite + probable), 1.2% [0.8-1.8] for probable medication-overuse headache (pMOH) and 2.7% [2.1-3.5] for other headache on ≥ 15 days/month (H15+). One-day prevalence of headache (reported headache yesterday) was 12.1%. Migraine was almost twice as prevalent among females (28.2%) as males (16.4%; aOR = 2.1; p < 0.001), and strongly associated with living at very high altitude (aOR = 2.5 for > 3,500 versus < 350 m). CONCLUSION: The Global Campaign's first population-based study in South America found headache disorders to be common in Peru, with prevalence estimates for both migraine and TTH substantially exceeding global estimates. H15 + was also common, but with fewer than one third of cases diagnosed as pMOH. The association between migraine and altitude was confirmed, and found to be strengthened at very high altitude. This association demands further study.

Cefaleas Primarias , Cefaleas Secundarias , Trastornos Migrañosos , Adulto , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Cefaleas Primarias/diagnóstico , Estudios Transversales , Prevalencia , Perú/epidemiología , Cefalea/epidemiología , Trastornos Migrañosos/epidemiología , Cefaleas Secundarias/epidemiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Front Public Health ; 12: 1277157, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572004


Introduction: In the modern era, the maternal perception of children's nutritional status has emerged as a critical area of study, given its potential influence on nutritional interventions and long-term child health. The relationship between this perception and children's Body Mass Index (BMI) by age is particularly intriguing, as it may reveal discrepancies between perception and reality. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate Peruvian mothers' perception of their children's Body Mass Index (BMI) in relation to age and to determine how this perception associates with the children's cardiovascular risk. The study also analyzed sociodemographic factors that might influence this perception. Methods: The study included 130 mothers of schoolchildren aged 5 to 11 from a school in Lima. Mothers' perceptions of their children's weight were assessed using pictograms, and sociodemographic characteristics were collected through a questionnaire. Weight and height measurements were taken to calculate BMI, and waist circumference was measured to classify cardiovascular risk. Results: A total of 57.4% of the schoolchildren presented with excess malnutrition, and 51.5% of the mothers incorrectly classified the actual BMI/Age of their children (kappa 0.11; p ≤ 0.05). Additionally, it was found that the schoolchild's age is associated with the mother's failure to accurately perceive her child's weight (OR 1.59). Lastly, there was a significant association between maternal perception and cardiovascular risk (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant discrepancy between maternal perception and the actual nutritional status of children, which can increase cardiovascular risk. It is necessary to implement intervention and education strategies targeted at parents to enhance the recognition and management of childhood overweight and obesity.

Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Sobrepeso , Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Índice de Masa Corporal , Peso Corporal , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/epidemiología , Perú/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Percepción
Plant Phenomics ; 6: 0165, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572469


Deep learning and computer vision, using remote sensing and drones, are 2 promising nondestructive methods for plant monitoring and phenotyping. However, their applications are infeasible for many crop systems under tree canopies, such as coffee crops, making it challenging to perform plant monitoring and phenotyping at a large spatial scale at a low cost. This study aims to develop a geographic-scale monitoring method for coffee cherry counting, supported by an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered citizen science approach. The approach uses basic smartphones to take a few pictures of coffee trees; 2,968 trees were investigated with 8,904 pictures in Junín and Piura (Peru), Cauca, and Quindío (Colombia) in 2022, with the help of nearly 1,000 smallholder coffee farmers. Then, we trained and validated YOLO (You Only Look Once) v8 for detecting cherries in the dataset in Peru. An average number of cherries per picture was multiplied by the number of branches to estimate the total number of cherries per tree. The model's performance in Peru showed an R2 of 0.59. When the model was tested in Colombia, where different varieties are grown in different biogeoclimatic conditions, the model showed an R2 of 0.71. The overall performance in both countries reached an R2 of 0.72. The results suggest that the method can be applied to much broader scales and is transferable to other varieties, countries, and regions. To our knowledge, this is the first AI-powered method for counting coffee cherries and has the potential for a geographic-scale, multiyear, photo-based phenotypic monitoring for coffee crops in low-income countries worldwide.

BMC Psychol ; 12(1): 183, 2024 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566138


BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are among the main mental health problems worldwide and are considered one of the most disabling conditions. Therefore, it is essential to have measurement tools that can be used to screen for anxiety symptoms in the general population and thus identify potential cases of people with anxiety symptoms and provide them with timely care. Our aim was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the General Anxiety Disorder-7 scale (GAD-7) in the Peruvian population. METHOD: Our study was a cross-sectional study. The sample included people aged 12 to 65 years in Peru. Confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of measurement invariance, convergent validity with the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and internal consistency analysis were performed. RESULTS: In total, 4431 participants were included. The one-factor model showed the best fit (CFI = 0.994; TLI = 0.991; RMSEA = 0.068; WRMR = 1.567). The GAD-7 score showed measurement invariance between men and women and between age groups (adults vs. adolescents) (ΔCFI < 0.01). The internal consistency of the one-factor model was satisfactory (ω = 0.90, α = 0.93). The relationship between depressive symptoms (PHQ-9) and anxiety symptoms (GAD-7) presented a moderate correlation (r = 0.77). CONCLUSIONS: Our study concluded that the GAD-7 score shows evidence of validity and reliability for the one-factor model. Furthermore, because the GAD-7 score is invariant, comparisons can be made between groups (i.e., by sex and age group). Finally, we recommend the use of the GAD-7 for the general population in the Peruvian context.

Trastornos de Ansiedad , Ansiedad , Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente , Adulto , Masculino , Adolescente , Humanos , Femenino , Estudios Transversales , Perú , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Ansiedad/diagnóstico , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
PLOS Glob Public Health ; 4(4): e0002914, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564615


Anemia and stunting are two health problems in the child population; therefore, their concurrence needs to be quantified. We estimated the prevalence of concurrent anemia and stunting (CAS) in children aged 6-59 months and identified the factors associated with this condition. The data came from the Demographic and Health Survey of Peru (DHS), 2022. The study design was cross-sectional and included 19,191 children. Height and hemoglobin measurement followed the specifications of National Health Institute of Peru. To reduce error in measures, the anthropometry personnel was training, the quality of measuring equipment was ensuring, and protocolized techniques and procedures was applying. Hemoglobin concentration was measured in capillary blood using the Hemocue model Hb 201+. Stunting was defined as a height-for-age Z-score less than minus two standard deviations (SD) from the median, following the 2006 WHO child growth standard. Anemia was classified into mild (10.0 to 10.9 g/dL), moderate (7.0 to 9.9 g/dL), severe (< 7.0 g/dL), and no anemia (11.0 to 14.0 g/dL). We performed a bivariate analysis to evaluate factors associated with CAS. To include variables in the multivariate analysis, we applied a statistical criterion (p < 0.10 in the crude analysis) and an epidemiological criterion. We used a binary logistic hierarchical regression model. The prevalence of CAS was 5.6% (95%CI: 5.2 to 5.9). The modifiable factors associated with higher odds of CAS were: "poorest" (aOR: 3.87, 95%CI: 1.99 to 7.5) and "poorer" (aOR: 2.07, 95%CI: 1.08 to 3.98) wealth quintiles, mother with no formal education or primary (aOR: 2.03, 95%CI: 1.46 to 2. 81), father with no formal education or primary (aOR: 1.55, 95%CI: 1.16 to 2.07), no improved water source (aOR: 1.36, 95%CI: 1.10 to 1.68), no roof with improved material (aOR: 1.49, 95%CI: 1.12 to 1.98) and low birth weight (aOR: 7.31, 95%CI: 4.26 to 12.54). In Peru, five out of every 100 children suffer from anemia and stunting simultaneously; there are modifiable factors that, if addressed, could reduce their prevalence.

Am J Mens Health ; 18(2): 15579883241239552, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567927


Type II diabetes is increasingly becoming a problem in Latin American countries such as Peru. People living with diabetes must incorporate several behavioral changes in their everyday lives, which are done outside the purview of medical professionals. Support from friends and family members is essential to the successful management of any chronic condition. Our study discusses the role of family involvement in supporting the management of diabetes among Peruvian men and examines how masculine norms play a role in the way such support is received and perceived, and their influence in motivation to adhere to treatment recommendations. In-depth interviews with 20 men from a low socioeconomic status, aged 27 to 68 with a diagnosis of Type II diabetes were conducted. Our analysis suggests the importance of the close, complex, and integrated experience that connects family members and patients with a chronic condition. Participant accounts demonstrate they receive multiple forms of support from a diverse range of social relationships. The overwhelming majority of the people giving the support were female and were especially significant in supporting management practices. The participants' accounts were able to demonstrate how living with a chronic condition, such as diabetes, affects the whole family-physically, mentally, and emotionally-and they experience the disease as one unit. Our study demonstrates the need for a family health experience approach that considers masculine gender norms around health and provides relevant insights to inform family-based treatments and therapies to allow for more and better targeted health care for men.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Apoyo Familiar , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Perú , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Enfermedad Crónica , Percepción , Masculinidad