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Remote Sens Environ ; 273: 112958, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081832


The unprecedented availability of optical satellite data in cloud-based computing platforms, such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), opens new possibilities to develop crop trait retrieval models from the local to the planetary scale. Hybrid retrieval models are of interest to run in these platforms as they combine the advantages of physically- based radiative transfer models (RTM) with the flexibility of machine learning regression algorithms. Previous research with GEE primarily relied on processing bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) reflectance data, which requires atmospheric correction. In the present study, we implemented hybrid models directly into GEE for processing Sentinel-2 (S2) Level-1C (L1C) top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance data into crop traits. To achieve this, a training dataset was generated using the leaf-canopy RTM PROSAIL in combination with the atmospheric model 6SV. Gaussian process regression (GPR) retrieval models were then established for eight essential crop traits namely leaf chlorophyll content, leaf water content, leaf dry matter content, fractional vegetation cover, leaf area index (LAI), and upscaled leaf variables (i.e., canopy chlorophyll content, canopy water content and canopy dry matter content). An important pre-requisite for implementation into GEE is that the models are sufficiently light in order to facilitate efficient and fast processing. Successful reduction of the training dataset by 78% was achieved using the active learning technique Euclidean distance-based diversity (EBD). With the EBD-GPR models, highly accurate validation results of LAI and upscaled leaf variables were obtained against in situ field data from the validation study site Munich-North-Isar (MNI), with normalized root mean square errors (NRMSE) from 6% to 13%. Using an independent validation dataset of similar crop types (Italian Grosseto test site), the retrieval models showed moderate to good performances for canopy-level variables, with NRMSE ranging from 14% to 50%, but failed for the leaf-level estimates. Obtained maps over the MNI site were further compared against Sentinel-2 Level 2 Prototype Processor (SL2P) vegetation estimates generated from the ESA Sentinels' Application Platform (SNAP) Biophysical Processor, proving high consistency of both retrievals (R 2 from 0.80 to 0.94). Finally, thanks to the seamless GEE processing capability, the TOA-based mapping was applied over the entirety of Germany at 20 m spatial resolution including information about prediction uncertainty. The obtained maps provided confidence of the developed EBD-GPR retrieval models for integration in the GEE framework and national scale mapping from S2-L1C imagery. In summary, the proposed retrieval workflow demonstrates the possibility of routine processing of S2 TOA data into crop traits maps at any place on Earth as required for operational agricultural applications.

Remote Sens Environ ; 280: 113198, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36090616


Remote detection and monitoring of the vegetation responses to stress became relevant for sustainable agriculture. Ongoing developments in optical remote sensing technologies have provided tools to increase our understanding of stress-related physiological processes. Therefore, this study aimed to provide an overview of the main spectral technologies and retrieval approaches for detecting crop stress in agriculture. Firstly, we present integrated views on: i) biotic and abiotic stress factors, the phases of stress, and respective plant responses, and ii) the affected traits, appropriate spectral domains and corresponding methods for measuring traits remotely. Secondly, representative results of a systematic literature analysis are highlighted, identifying the current status and possible future trends in stress detection and monitoring. Distinct plant responses occurring under shortterm, medium-term or severe chronic stress exposure can be captured with remote sensing due to specific light interaction processes, such as absorption and scattering manifested in the reflected radiance, i.e. visible (VIS), near infrared (NIR), shortwave infrared, and emitted radiance, i.e. solar-induced fluorescence and thermal infrared (TIR). From the analysis of 96 research papers, the following trends can be observed: increasing usage of satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle data in parallel with a shift in methods from simpler parametric approaches towards more advanced physically-based and hybrid models. Most study designs were largely driven by sensor availability and practical economic reasons, leading to the common usage of VIS-NIR-TIR sensor combinations. The majority of reviewed studies compared stress proxies calculated from single-source sensor domains rather than using data in a synergistic way. We identified new ways forward as guidance for improved synergistic usage of spectral domains for stress detection: (1) combined acquisition of data from multiple sensors for analysing multiple stress responses simultaneously (holistic view); (2) simultaneous retrieval of plant traits combining multi-domain radiative transfer models and machine learning methods; (3) assimilation of estimated plant traits from distinct spectral domains into integrated crop growth models. As a future outlook, we recommend combining multiple remote sensing data streams into crop model assimilation schemes to build up Digital Twins of agroecosystems, which may provide the most efficient way to detect the diversity of environmental and biotic stresses and thus enable respective management decisions.

ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens ; 193: 104-114, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36643957


Spaceborne imaging spectroscopy is a highly promising data source for all agricultural management and research disciplines that require spatio-temporal information on crop properties. Recently launched science-driven missions, such as the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), deliver unprecedented data from the Earth's surface. This new kind of data should be explored to develop robust retrieval schemes for deriving crucial variables from future routine missions. Therefore, we present a workflow for inferring crop carbon content (Carea ), and aboveground dry and wet biomass (AGBdry , AGBfresh ) from EnMAP data. To achieve this, a hybrid workflow was generated, combining radiative transfer modeling (RTM) with machine learning regression algorithms. The key concept involves: (1) coupling the RTMs PROSPECT-PRO and 4SAIL for simulation of a wide range of vegetation states, (2) using dimensionality reduction to deal with collinearity, (3) applying a semi-supervised active learning technique against a 4-years campaign dataset, followed by (4) training of a Gaussian process regression (GPR) machine learning algorithm and (5) validation with an independent in situ dataset acquired during the ESA Hypersense experiment campaign at a German test site. Internal validation of the GPR-Carea and GPR-AGB models achieved coefficients of determination (R 2) of 0.80 for Carea and 0.80, 0.71 for AGBdry and AGBfresh , respectively. The mapping capability of these models was successfully demonstrated using airborne AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral imagery, which was spectrally resampled to EnMAP spectral properties. Plausible estimates were achieved over both bare and green fields after adding bare soil spectra to the training data. Validation over green winter wheat fields generated reliable estimates as suggested by low associated model uncertainties (< 40%). These results suggest a high degree of model reliability for cultivated areas during active growth phases at canopy closure. Overall, our proposed carbon and biomass models based on EnMAP spectral sampling demonstrate a promising path toward the inference of these crucial variables over cultivated areas from future spaceborne operational hyperspectral missions.

Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinf ; 110: 102817, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36093264


The monitoring of soil moisture content (SMC) at very high spatial resolution (<10m) using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is of high interest for precision agriculture and the validation of large scale SMC products. Data-driven approaches are the most common method to retrieve SMC with UAS-borne data at water limited sites over non-disturbed agricultural crops. A major disadvantage of data-driven algorithms is the limited transferability in space and time and the need of a high number of ground reference samples. Physically-based approaches are less dependent on the amount of samples and are transferable in space and time. This study explores the potential of (1) a hybrid method targeting the soil brightness factor of the PROSAIL model using a variational heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes regression (VHGPR) algorithm, and (2) a data-driven method employing VHGPR for the retrieval of SMC over three grassland sites based on UAS-borne VIS-NIR (399-1001 nm) hyperspectral data. The sites were managed by mowing (Fendt), grazing (Grosses Bruch) and irrigation (Marquardt). With these distinct local pre-conditions we aimed to identify factors that favor and limit the retrieval of SMC. The hybrid approach presented encouraging results in Marquardt (RMSE = 1.5 Vol_%, R2 = 0.2). At the permanent grassland sites (Fendt, Grosses Bruch) the thatch layer jeopardized the application of the hybrid model. We identified the complex canopy structure of grassland as the main factor impacting the hybrid SMC retrieval. The data-driven approach showed high accuracy for Fendt (R2 = 0.84, RMSE = 8.66) and Marquardt (R2 = 0.4, RMSE = 10.52). All data-driven models build on the LAI-SMC relationship. However, this relationship was hampered by mowing (Fendt), leading to a lack of transferability in time. The alteration of plant traits by grazing prevents finding a relationship with SMC in Grosses Bruch. In Marquardt, we identified the timelag between changes in SMC and plant response as the main reason of decrease in model accuracy. Yet, the model performance is accurate in undisturbed and water-limited areas (Marquardt). The analysis points to challenges that need to be tackled in future research and opens the discussion for the development of robust models to retrieve high resolution SMC from UAS-borne remote sensing observations.

ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens ; 178: 382-395, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36203652


Satellite imaging spectroscopy for terrestrial applications is reaching maturity with recently launched and upcoming science-driven missions, e.g. PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) and Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), respectively. Moreover, the high-priority mission candidate Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (CHIME) is expected to globally provide routine hyperspectral observations to support new and enhanced services for, among others, sustainable agricultural and biodiversity management. Thanks to the provision of contiguous visible-to-shortwave infrared spectral data, hyperspectral missions open enhanced opportunities for the development of new-generation retrieval models of multiple vegetation traits. Among these, canopy nitrogen content (CNC) is one of the most promising variables given its importance for agricultural monitoring applications. This work presents the first hybrid CNC retrieval model for the operational delivery from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data. To achieve this, physically-based models were combined with machine learning regression algorithms and active learning (AL). The key concepts involve: (1) coupling the radiative transfer models PROSPECT-PRO and SAIL for the generation of a wide range of vegetation states as training data, (2) using dimensionality reduction to deal with collinearity, (3) applying an AL technique in combination with Gaussian process regression (GPR) for fine-tuning the training dataset on in field collected data, and (4) adding non-vegetated spectra to enable the model to deal with spectral heterogeneity in the image. The final CNC model was successfully validated against field data achieving a low root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.4 g/m2 and coefficient of determination (R 2) of 0.7. The model was applied to a PRISMA image acquired over agricultural areas in the North of Munich, Germany. Mapping aboveground CNC yielded reliable estimates over the whole landscape and meaningful associated uncertainties. These promising results demonstrate the feasibility of routinely quantifying CNC from space, such as in an operational context as part of the future CHIME mission.

Remote Sens Environ ; 242: 111758, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082364


Nitrogen (N) is considered as one of the most important plant macronutrients and proper management of N therefore is a pre-requisite for modern agriculture. Continuous satellite-based monitoring of this key plant trait would help to understand individual crop N use efficiency and thus would enable site-specific N management. Since hyperspectral imaging sensors could provide detailed measurements of spectral signatures corresponding to the optical activity of chemical constituents, they have a theoretical advantage over multi-spectral sensing for the detection of crop N. The current study aims to provide a state-of-the-art overview of crop N retrieval methods from hyperspectral data in the agricultural sector and in the context of future satellite imaging spectroscopy missions. Over 400 studies were reviewed for this purpose, identifying those estimating mass-based N (N concentration, N%) and area-based N (N content, Narea) using hyperspectral remote sensing data. Retrieval methods of the 125 studies selected in this review can be grouped into: (1) parametric regression methods, (2) linear nonparametric regression methods or chemometrics, (3) nonlinear nonparametric regression methods or machine learning regression algorithms, (4) physically-based or radiative transfer models (RTM), (5) use of alternative data sources (sun-induced fluorescence, SIF) and (6) hybrid or combined techniques. Whereas in the last decades methods for estimation of Narea and N% from hyperspectral data have been mainly based on simple parametric regression algorithms, such as narrowband vegetation indices, there is an increasing trend of using machine learning, RTM and hybrid techniques. Within plants, N is invested in proteins and chlorophylls stored in the leaf cells, with the proteins being the major nitrogen-containing biochemical constituent. However, in most studies, the relationship between N and chlorophyll content was used to estimate crop N, focusing on the visible-near infrared (VNIR) spectral domains, and thus neglecting protein-related N and reallocation of nitrogen to non-photosynthetic compartments. Therefore, we recommend exploiting the estimation of nitrogen via the proxy of proteins using hyperspectral data and in particular the short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral domain. We further strongly encourage a standardization of nitrogen terminology, distinguishing between N% and Narea. Moreover, the exploitation of physically-based approaches is highly recommended combined with machine learning regression algorithms, which represents an interesting perspective for future research in view of new spaceborne imaging spectroscopy sensors.

Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinf ; 92: 102174, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36090128


Hyperspectral acquisitions have proven to be the most informative Earth observation data source for the estimation of nitrogen (N) content, which is the main limiting nutrient for plant growth and thus agricultural production. In the past, empirical algorithms have been widely employed to retrieve information on this biochemical plant component from canopy reflectance. However, these approaches do not seek for a cause-effect relationship based on physical laws. Moreover, most studies solely relied on the correlation of chlorophyll content with nitrogen, and thus neglected the fact that most N is bound in proteins. Our study presents a hybrid retrieval method using a physically-based approach combined with machine learning regression to estimate crop N content. Within the workflow, the leaf optical properties model PROSPECT-PRO including the newly calibrated specific absorption coefficients (SAC) of proteins, was coupled with the canopy reflectance model 4SAIL to PROSAIL-PRO. The latter was then employed to generate a training database to be used for advanced probabilistic machine learning methods: a standard homoscedastic Gaussian process (GP) and a heteroscedastic GP regression that accounts for signal-to-noise relations. Both GP models have the property of providing confidence intervals for the estimates, which sets them apart from other machine learners. Moreover, a GP-based sequential backward band removal algorithm was employed to analyze the band-specific information content of PROSAIL-PRO simulated spectra for the estimation of aboveground N. Data from multiple hyperspectral field campaigns, carried out in the framework of the future satellite mission Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), were exploited for validation. In these campaigns, corn and winter wheat spectra were acquired to simulate spectral EnMAP data. Moreover, destructive N measurements from leaves, stalks and fruits were collected separately to enable plant-organ-specific validation. The results showed that both GP models can provide accurate aboveground N simulations, with slightly better results of the heteroscedastic GP in terms of model testing and against in situ N measurements from leaves plus stalks, with root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.1 g/m2. However, the inclusion of fruit N content for validation deteriorated the results, which can be explained by the inability of the radiation to penetrate the thick tissues of stalks, corn cobs and wheat ears. GP-based band analysis identified optimal spectral settings with ten bands mainly situated in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectral region. Use of well-known protein absorption bands from the literature showed comparative results. Finally, the heteroscedastic GP model was successfully applied on airborne hyperspectral data for N mapping. We conclude that GP algorithms, and in particular the heteroscedastic GP, should be implemented for global agricultural monitoring of aboveground N from future imaging spectroscopy data.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(4): 1533-8, 2014 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24474779


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Recent genetic fate mapping studies demonstrated that recovery from AKI occurs from intrinsic tubular cells. It is unresolved whether these intrinsic cells (so-called "scattered tubular cells") represent fixed progenitor cells or whether recovery involves any surviving tubular cell. Here, we show that the doxycycline-inducible parietal epithelial cell (PEC)-specific PEC-reverse-tetracycline transactivator (rtTA) transgenic mouse also efficiently labels the scattered tubular cell population. Proximal tubular cells labeled by the PEC-rtTA mouse coexpressed markers for scattered tubular cells (kidney injury molecule 1, annexin A3, src-suppressed C-kinase substrate, and CD44) and showed a higher proliferative index. The PEC-rtTA mouse labeled more tubular cells upon different tubular injuries but was independent of cellular proliferation as determined in physiological growth of the kidney. To resolve whether scattered tubular cells are fixed progenitors, cells were irreversibly labeled before ischemia reperfusion injury (genetic cell fate mapping). During recovery, the frequency of labeled tubular cells remained constant, arguing against a fixed progenitor population. In contrast, when genetic labeling was induced during ischemic injury and subsequent recovery, the number of labeled cells increased significantly, indicating that scattered tubular cells arise from any surviving tubular cell. In summary, scattered tubular cells do not represent a fixed progenitor population but rather a phenotype that can be adopted by almost any proximal tubular cell upon injury. Understanding and modulating these phenotypic changes using the PEC-rtTA mouse may lead to more specific therapies in AKI.

Injúria Renal Aguda/fisiopatologia , Túbulos Renais/fisiologia , Regeneração , Injúria Renal Aguda/patologia , Animais , Proliferação de Células , Túbulos Renais/patologia , Camundongos , Camundongos Transgênicos , Células-Tronco/citologia , Transgenes
J Am Soc Nephrol ; 25(4): 693-705, 2014 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24408873


Previously, we showed that some podocytes in juvenile mice are recruited from cells lining Bowman's capsule, suggesting that parietal epithelial cells (PECs) are a progenitor cell population for podocytes. To investigate whether PECs also replenish podocytes in adult mice, PECs were genetically labeled in an irreversible fashion in 5-week-old mice. No significant increase in labeled podocytes was observed, even after 18 months. To accelerate a potential regenerative mechanism, progressive glomerular hypertrophy was induced by progressive partial nephrectomies. Again, no significant podocyte replenishment was observed. Rather, labeled PECs exclusively invaded segments of the tuft affected by glomerulosclerosis, consistent with our previous findings. We next reassessed PEC recruitment in juvenile mice using a different reporter mouse and confirmed significant recruitment of labeled PECs onto the glomerular tuft. Moreover, some labeled cells on Bowman's capsule expressed podocyte markers, and cells on Bowman's capsule were also directly labeled in juvenile podocyte-specific Pod-rtTA transgenic mice. In 6-week-old mice, however, cells on Bowman's capsule no longer expressed podocyte-specific markers. Similarly, in human kidneys, some cells on Bowman's capsule expressed the podocyte marker synaptopodin from 2 weeks to 2 years of age but not at 7 years of age. In summary, podocyte regeneration from PECs could not be detected in aging mice or models of glomerular hypertrophy. We propose that a small fraction of committed podocytes reside on Bowman's capsule close to the vascular stalk and are recruited onto the glomerular tuft during infancy to adolescence in mice and humans.

Células Epiteliais/fisiologia , Podócitos/citologia , Regeneração/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/patologia , Animais , Cápsula Glomerular/citologia , Glomerulosclerose Segmentar e Focal/patologia , Hipertrofia , Glomérulos Renais/patologia , Camundongos
J Am Soc Nephrol ; 25(1): 129-41, 2014 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24071005


Parietal podocytes are fully differentiated podocytes lining Bowman's capsule where normally only parietal epithelial cells (PECs) are found. Parietal podocytes form throughout life and are regularly observed in human biopsies, particularly in atubular glomeruli of diseased kidneys; however, the origin of parietal podocytes is unresolved. To assess the capacity of PECs to transdifferentiate into parietal podocytes, we developed and characterized a novel method for creating atubular glomeruli by electrocoagulation of the renal cortex in mice. Electrocoagulation produced multiple atubular glomeruli containing PECs as well as parietal podocytes that projected from the vascular pole and lined Bowman's capsule. Notably, induction of cell death was evident in some PECs. In contrast, Bowman's capsules of control animals and normal glomeruli of electrocoagulated kidneys rarely contained podocytes. PECs and podocytes were traced by inducible and irreversible genetic tagging using triple transgenic mice (PEC- or Pod-rtTA/LC1/R26R). Examination of serial cryosections indicated that visceral podocytes migrated onto Bowman's capsule via the vascular stalk; direct transdifferentiation from PECs to podocytes was not observed. Similar results were obtained in a unilateral ureter obstruction model and in human diseased kidney biopsies, in which overlap of PEC- or podocyte-specific antibody staining indicative of gradual differentiation did not occur. These results suggest that induction of atubular glomeruli leads to ablation of PECs and subsequent migration of visceral podocytes onto Bowman's capsule, rather than transdifferentiation from PECs to parietal podocytes.

Glomérulos Renais/citologia , Podócitos/citologia , Animais , Cápsula Glomerular/citologia , Linhagem da Célula , Movimento Celular , Transdiferenciação Celular , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Eletrocoagulação , Células Epiteliais/citologia , Feminino , Humanos , Glomérulos Renais/cirurgia , Masculino , Camundongos , Camundongos da Linhagem 129 , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Camundongos Transgênicos , Modelos Biológicos , Podócitos/metabolismo , Obstrução Ureteral/patologia
J Pathol ; 229(5): 645-59, 2013 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23124355


Regeneration of injured tubular cells occurs after acute tubular necrosis primarily from intrinsic renal cells. This may occur from a pre-existing intratubular stem/progenitor cell population or from any surviving proximal tubular cell. In this study, we characterize a CD24-, CD133-, and vimentin-positive subpopulation of cells scattered throughout the proximal tubule in normal human kidney. Compared to adjacent 'normal' proximal tubular cells, these CD24-positive cells contained less cytoplasm, fewer mitochondria, and no brush border. In addition, 49 marker proteins are described that are expressed within the proximal tubules in a similar scattered pattern. For eight of these markers, we confirmed co-localization with CD24. In human biopsies of patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN), the number of CD24-positive tubular cells was increased. In both normal human kidneys and the ATN biopsies, around 85% of proliferating cells were CD24-positive - indicating that this cell population participates in tubular regeneration. In healthy rat kidneys, the novel cell subpopulation was absent. However, upon unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), the novel cell population was detected in significant amounts in the injured kidney. In summary, in human renal biopsies, the CD24-positive cells represent tubular cells with a deviant phenotype, characterized by a distinct morphology and marker expression. After acute tubular injury, these cells become more numerous. In healthy rat kidneys, these cells are not detectable, whereas after UUO, they appeared de novo - arguing against the notion that these cells represent a pre-existing progenitor cell population. Our data indicate rather that these cells represent transiently dedifferentiated tubular cells involved in regeneration.

Proliferação de Células , Necrose Tubular Aguda/patologia , Túbulos Renais Proximais/ultraestrutura , Regeneração , Antígeno AC133 , Animais , Antígenos CD/metabolismo , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Biópsia , Antígeno CD24/metabolismo , Desdiferenciação Celular , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Imunofluorescência , Glicoproteínas/metabolismo , Humanos , Necrose Tubular Aguda/etiologia , Necrose Tubular Aguda/imunologia , Necrose Tubular Aguda/metabolismo , Túbulos Renais Proximais/imunologia , Túbulos Renais Proximais/metabolismo , Masculino , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Microscopia de Fluorescência , Microscopia Imunoeletrônica , Mitocôndrias/ultraestrutura , Peptídeos/metabolismo , Fenótipo , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Obstrução Ureteral/complicações , Obstrução Ureteral/patologia , Vimentina/metabolismo
Data Brief ; 51: 109623, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37822888


Crop phenology data offer crucial information for crop yield estimation, agricultural management, and assessment of agroecosystems. Such information becomes more important in the context of increasing year-to-year climatic variability. The dataset provides in-situ crop phenology data (first leaves emergence and harvest date) of major European crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, rapeseed) from seventeen field study sites in Bulgaria and two in France. Additional information such as the sowing date, area of each site, coordinates, method and equipment used for phenophase data estimation, and photos of the France sites are also provided. The georeferenced ground-truth dataset provides a solid base for a better understanding of crop growth and can be used to validate the retrieval of phenological stages from remote sensing data.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 14(22): 5867, 2022 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36644377


Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an appealing opportunity for all-weather day or night Earth surface monitoring. The European constellation Sentinel-1 (S1) consisting of S1-A and S1-B satellites offers a suitable revisit time and spatial resolution for the observation of croplands from space. The C-band radar backscatter is sensitive to vegetation structure changes and phenology as well as soil moisture and roughness. It also varies depending on the local incidence angle (LIA) of the SAR acquisition's geometry. The LIA backscatter dependency could therefore be exploited to improve the retrieval of the crop biophysical variables. The availability of S1 radar time-series data at distinct observation angles holds the feasibility to retrieve leaf area index (LAI) evolution considering spatiotemporal coverage of intensively cultivated areas. Accordingly, this research presents a workflow merging multi-date S1 smoothed data acquired at distinct LIA with a Gaussian processes regression (GPR) and a cross-validation (CV) strategy to estimate cropland LAI of irrigated winter wheat. The GPR-S1-LAI model was tested against in situ data of the 2020 winter wheat campaign in the irrigated valley of Colorador river, South of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. We achieved adequate validation results for LAI with R C V 2 = 0.67 and RMSE CV = 0.88 m2 m-2. The trained model was further applied to a series of S1 stacked images, generating temporal LAI maps that well reflect the crop growth cycle. The robustness of the retrieval workflow is supported by the associated uncertainties along with the obtained maps. We found that processing S1 smoothed imagery with distinct acquisition geometries permits accurate radar-based LAI modeling throughout large irrigated areas and in consequence can support agricultural management practices in cloudprone agri-environments.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 14(6): 1347, 2022 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36016907


Thanks to the emergence of cloud-computing platforms and the ability of machine learning methods to solve prediction problems efficiently, this work presents a workflow to automate spatiotemporal mapping of essential vegetation traits from Sentinel-3 (S3) imagery. The traits included leaf chlorophyll content (LCC), leaf area index (LAI), fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), and fractional vegetation cover (FVC), being fundamental for assessing photosynthetic activity on Earth. The workflow involved Gaussian process regression (GPR) algorithms trained on top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance simulations generated by the coupled canopy radiative transfer model (RTM) SCOPE and the atmospheric RTM 6SV. The retrieval models, named to S3-TOA-GPR-1.0, were directly implemented in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to enable the quantification of the traits from TOA data as acquired from the S3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) sensor.Following good to high theoretical validation results with normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) ranging from 5% (FAPAR) to 19% (LAI), a three fold evaluation approach over diverse sites and land cover types was pursued: (1) temporal comparison against LAI and FAPAR products obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for the time window 2016-2020, (2) spatial difference mapping with Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) estimates, and (3) direct validation using interpolated in situ data from the VALERI network. For all three approaches, promising results were achieved. Selected sites demonstrated coherent seasonal patterns compared to LAI and FAPAR MODIS products, with differences between spatially averaged temporal patterns of only 6.59%. In respect of the spatial mapping comparison, estimates provided by the S3-TOA-GPR-1.0 models indicated highest consistency with FVC and FAPAR CGLS products. Moreover, the direct validation of our S3-TOA-GPR-1.0 models against VALERI estimates indicated with regard to jurisdictional claims in good retrieval performance for LAI, FAPAR and FVC. We conclude that our retrieval workflow of spatiotemporal S3 TOA data processing into GEE opens the path towards global monitoring of fundamental vegetation traits, accessible to the whole research community.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 14(10): 2448, 2022 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36017157


In preparation for new-generation imaging spectrometer missions and the accompanying unprecedented inflow of hyperspectral data, optimized models are needed to generate vegetation traits routinely. Hybrid models, combining radiative transfer models with machine learning algorithms, are preferred, however, dealing with spectral collinearity imposes an additional challenge. In this study, we analyzed two spectral dimensionality reduction methods: principal component analysis (PCA) and band ranking (BR), embedded in a hybrid workflow for the retrieval of specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area index (LAI), canopy water content (CWC), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), the fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (FAPAR), and fractional vegetation cover (FVC). The SCOPE model was used to simulate training data sets, which were optimized with active learning. Gaussian process regression (GPR) algorithms were trained over the simulations to obtain trait-specific models. The inclusion of PCA and BR with 20 features led to the so-called GPR-20PCA and GPR-20BR models. The 20PCA models encompassed over 99.95% cumulative variance of the full spectral data, while the GPR-20BR models were based on the 20 most sensitive bands. Validation against in situ data obtained moderate to optimal results with normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) from 13.9% (CWC) to 22.3% (CCC) for GPR-20PCA models, and NRMSE from 19.6% (CWC) to 29.1% (SLA) for GPR-20BR models. Overall, the GPR-20PCA slightly outperformed the GPR-20BR models for all six variables. To demonstrate mapping capabilities, both models were tested on a PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) scene, spectrally resampled to Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (CHIME), over an agricultural test site (Jolanda di Savoia, Italy). The two strategies obtained plausible spatial patterns, and consistency between the two models was highest for FVC and LAI (R 2 = 0.91, R 2 = 0.86) and lowest for SLA mapping (R 2 = 0.53). From these findings, we recommend implementing GPR-20PCA models as the most efficient strategy for the retrieval of multiple crop traits from hyperspectral data streams. Hence, this workflow will support and facilitate the preparations of traits retrieval models from the next-generation operational CHIME.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 14(18): 4531, 2022 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36186714


Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers to monitor plant development along the crop's phenological cycle, which is particularly relevant for irrigated agricultural areas. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral instrument leverages the possibility to estimate leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), and vegetation water content (VWC) from space. Therefore, our study presents a hybrid retrieval workflow combining a physically-based strategy with a machine learning regression algorithm, i.e., Gaussian processes regression, and an active learning technique to estimate LAI, CCC and VWC of irrigated winter wheat. The established hybrid models of the three traits were validated against in-situ data of a wheat campaign in the Bonaerense valley, South of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, in the year 2020. We obtained good to highly accurate validation results with LAI: R2 = 0.92, RMSE = 0.43 m2 m-2, CCC: R2 = 0.80, RMSE = 0.27 g m-2 and VWC: R2 = 0.75, RMSE = 416 g m-2. The retrieval models were also applied to a series of S2 images, producing time series along the seasonal cycle, which reflected the effects of fertilizer and irrigation on crop growth. The associated uncertainties along with the obtained maps underlined the robustness of the hybrid retrieval workflow. We conclude that processing S2 imagery with optimised hybrid models allows accurate space-based crop traits mapping over large irrigated areas and thus can support agricultural management decisions.

IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Lett ; 18(12): 2038-2042, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36090008


Upcoming satellite imaging spectroscopy missions will deliver spatiotemporal explicit data streams to be exploited for mapping vegetation properties, such as nitrogen (N) content. Within retrieval workflows for real-time mapping over agricultural regions, such crop-specific information products need to be derived precisely and rapidly. To allow fast processing, intelligent sampling schemes for training databases should be incorporated to establish efficient machine learning (ML) models. In this study, we implemented active learning (AL) heuristics using kernel ridge regression (KRR) to minimize and optimize a training database for variational heteroscedastic Gaussian processes regression (VHGPR) to estimate aboveground N content. Several uncertainty and diversity criteria were applied on a lookup table (LUT) composed of aboveground N content and corresponding hyperspectral reflectance simulated by the PROSAIL-PRO model. The best-performing AL criteria were Euclidian distance-based diversity (EBD) resulting in a reduction of the LUT training data set by 81% (50 initial samples plus 141 samples selected from a pool of 1000 samples). This reduced LUT was used for training VHGPR, which is not only a competitive algorithm but also provides uncertainty estimates. Validation against in situ N reference data provided excellent results with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 1.84 g/m2 and a coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0.92. Mapping aboveground N content over an agricultural region yielded reliable estimates and meaningful associated uncertainties. These promising results encourage the transfer of such hybrid workflows into space and time within the frame of future operational N monitoring from satellite imaging spectroscopy data.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 13(2): 287, 2021 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081683


The current exponential increase of spatiotemporally explicit data streams from satellitebased Earth observation missions offers promising opportunities for global vegetation monitoring. Intelligent sampling through active learning (AL) heuristics provides a pathway for fast inference of essential vegetation variables by means of hybrid retrieval approaches, i.e., machine learning regression algorithms trained by radiative transfer model (RTM) simulations. In this study we summarize AL theory and perform a brief systematic literature survey about AL heuristics used in the context of Earth observation regression problems over terrestrial targets. Across all relevant studies it appeared that: (i) retrieval accuracy of AL-optimized training data sets outperformed models trained over large randomly sampled data sets, and (ii) Euclidean distance-based (EBD) diversity method tends to be the most efficient AL technique in terms of accuracy and computational demand. Additionally, a case study is presented based on experimental data employing both uncertainty and diversity AL criteria. Hereby, a a simulated training data base by the PROSAIL-PRO canopy RTM is used to demonstrate the benefit of AL techniques for the estimation of total leaf carotenoid content (Cxc ) and leaf water content (Cw ). Gaussian process regression (GPR) was incorporated to minimize and optimize the training data set with AL. Training the GPR algorithm on optimally AL-based sampled data sets led to improved variable retrievals compared to training on full data pools, which is further demonstrated on a mapping example. From these findings we can recommend the use of AL-based sub-sampling procedures to select the most informative samples out of large training data pools. This will not only optimize regression accuracy due to exclusion of redundant information, but also speed up processing time and reduce final model size of kernel-based machine learning regression algorithms, such as GPR. With this study we want to encourage further testing and implementation of AL sampling methods for hybrid retrieval workflows. AL can contribute to the solution of regression problems within the framework of operational vegetation monitoring using satellite imaging spectroscopy data, and may strongly facilitate data processing for cloud-computing platforms.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 13(8): 1589, 2021 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082340


In support of cropland monitoring, operational Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) data became available globally and can be explored for the retrieval of important crop traits. Based on a hybrid workflow, retrieval models for six essential biochemical and biophysical crop traits were developed for both S2 bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) L2A and S2 top-of-atmosphere (TOA) L1C data. A variational heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression (VHGPR) algorithm was trained with simulations generated by the combined leaf-canopy reflectance model PROSAILat the BOA scale and further combined with the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6SV) atmosphere model at the TOA scale. Established VHGPR models were then applied to S2 L1C and L2A reflectance data for mapping: leaf chlorophyll content (Cab ), leaf water content (Cw ), fractional vegetation coverage (FVC), leaf area index (LAI), and upscaled leaf biochemical compounds, i.e., LAI * Cab (laiCab) and LAI * Cw (laiCw). Estimated variables were validated using in situ reference data collected during the Munich-North-Isar field campaigns within growing seasons of maize and winter wheat in the years 2017 and 2018. For leaf biochemicals, retrieval from BOA reflectance slightly outperformed results from TOA reflectance, e.g., obtaining a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 6.5 µg/cm2 (BOA) vs. 8 µg/cm2 (TOA) in the case of Cab . For the majority of canopy-level variables, instead, estimation accuracy was higher when using TOA reflectance data, e.g., with an RMSE of 139 g/m2 (BOA) vs. 113 g/m2 (TOA) for laiCw. Derived maps were further compared against reference products obtained from the ESA Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) Biophysical Processor. Altogether, the consistency between L1C and L2A retrievals confirmed that crop traits can potentially be estimated directly from TOA reflectance data. Successful mapping of canopy-level crop traits including information about prediction confidence suggests that the models can be transferred over spatial and temporal scales and, therefore, can contribute to decision-making processes for cropland management.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 14(1): 146, 2021 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081813


Monitoring cropland phenology from optical satellite data remains a challenging task due to the influence of clouds and atmospheric artifacts. Therefore, measures need to be taken to overcome these challenges and gain better knowledge of crop dynamics. The arrival of cloud computing platforms such as Google Earth Engine (GEE) has enabled us to propose a Sentinel-2 (S2) phenology end-to-end processing chain. To achieve this, the following pipeline was implemented: (1) the building of hybrid Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) retrieval models of crop traits optimized with active learning, (2) implementation of these models on GEE (3) generation of spatiotemporally continuous maps and time series of these crop traits with the use of gap-filling through GPR fitting, and finally, (4) calculation of land surface phenology (LSP) metrics such as the start of season (SOS) or end of season (EOS). Overall, from good to high performance was achieved, in particular for the estimation of canopy-level traits such as leaf area index (LAI) and canopy chlorophyll content, with normalized root mean square errors (NRMSE) of 9% and 10%, respectively. By means of the GPR gap-filling time series of S2, entire tiles were reconstructed, and resulting maps were demonstrated over an agricultural area in Castile and Leon, Spain, where crop calendar data were available to assess the validity of LSP metrics derived from crop traits. In addition, phenology derived from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used as reference. NDVI not only proved to be a robust indicator for the calculation of LSP metrics, but also served to demonstrate the good phenology quality of the quantitative trait products. Thanks to the GEE framework, the proposed workflow can be realized anywhere in the world and for any time window, thus representing a shift in the satellite data processing paradigm. We anticipate that the produced LSP metrics can provide meaningful insights into crop seasonal patterns in a changing environment that demands adaptive agricultural production.