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Rev Bras Parasitol Vet ; 18(1): 34-8, 2009.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19500458


The cichlids, economically important fish species in the region, were collected along the Negro River (Cichla orinocensis, C. monoculus e C. temensis) and in the Marchantaria Island (C. monoculus) Amazon State and in three reservoirs localized in the Piauí State. In order to verify the occurrence of parasites, gills, nostrils and the intestine were removed and observed by stereomicroscope and the mouth by naked eyes. The observed parasites were isolated and conserved in 70% ethanol for posterior identification. From 96 specimens collected in Negro River, 51 specimens (52%) were parasitized. In the Marchantaria Island from 34 specimens collected, 16 (47%) showed the presence of parasites, and from 50 specimens collected in the reservoirs only 2 (4%) were parasitized. In fish collected in the Amazon State, the grill was parasitized by Ergailus coatiarus, Argulus amazonicus, Acusicola tucunarense and the mouth by Braga cichlae, whereas the species collected in the Piauí State did not show the presence of parasites in the grill, but the occurrence of Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus an intestinal nematode parasite.

Ciclídeos/parasitologia , Animais
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 18(1): 34-38, Mar. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-606762


Os ciclídeos, peixes economicamente importantes na região, foram coletados no médio rio Negro (Cichla orinocensis, C. monoculus e C. temensis) e na iIlha da Marchantaria (C. monoculus), no Amazonas e em três açudes do Piauí (C. kelberi). Para verificar a ocorrência de parasitas as brânquias, narinas e intestino foram removidos e observados em microscópio esteroscópio, a boca a olho nu. Os parasitas encontrados foram retirados e armazenados em álcool 70 por cento para posterior identificação. Dos 96 espécimes analisados provenientes do rio Negro 51 (52 por cento) estavam parasitadas; dos 34 da ilha da Marchantaria 16 (47 por cento) e dos 50 dos açudes do Piauí, apenas dois (4 por cento). Nos peixes coletados no Amazonas, as brânquias estavam parasitadas por Ergailus coatiarus, Argulus amazonicus, Acusicola tucunarense e a boca por Braga cichlae, enquanto que os peixes do Piauí não apresentaram parasitas branquiais, mas registrou-se a ocorrência do nematóide Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, parasita intestinal.

The cichlids, economically important fish specie in the region, were collected along the Negro River (Cichla orinocensis, C. monoculus e C. temensis) and in the Marchantaria Island (C. monoculus) Amazon State and in three reservoirs localized in the Piauí State. In order to verify the occurrence of parasites, gills, nostrils and the intestine were removed and observed by stereomicroscope and the mouth by naked eyes. The observed parasites were isolated and conserved in 70 percent ethanol for posterior identification. From 96 specimens collected in Negro River, 51 specimens (52 percent) were parasitized. In the Marchantaria Island from 34 specimens collected, 16 (47 percent) showed the presence of parasites, and from 50 specimens collected in the reservoirs only 2 (4 percent) were parasitized. In fishes collected in the Amazon State, the grill was parasitized by Ergailus coatiarus, Argulus amazonicus, Acusicola tucunarense and the mouth by Braga cichlae, whereas the species collected in the Piauí State did not show the presence of parasites in the grill, but the occurrence of Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus an intestinal nematode parasite.

Animais , Ciclídeos/parasitologia
Ciênc. rural ; 38(3): 628-634, maio-jun. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-480170


O valor nutricional e o potencial de uso agrícola de cultivares crioulas de feijão não têm sido suficientemente avaliados, sendo este o objetivo deste trabalho. O experimento foi conduzido nos anos agrícolas 2004/05 e 2005/06, em Santa Maria, RS, no delineamento experimental de látice triplo 6 x 6. Os tratamentos consistiram de 32 cultivares crioulas de feijão e quatro cultivares desenvolvidas pela pesquisa. Interação cultivar x ano foi observada em relação ao rendimento de grãos, à coloração do tegumento dos grãos e ao ciclo, evidenciando resposta diferenciada das cultivares crioulas aos anos de avaliação. Foi possível a identificação de cultivares crioulas com elevado potencial de rendimento de grãos, com coloração de tegumento de grãos adequada para os diferentes grupos comerciais, com precocidade e teor elevado de fibra alimentar. Nesse sentido, as cultivares crioulas - "21 INT-ps 1", "9 BR-ps 5", "9 BR-ps 15", "9 BR-ps 13", "9 BR-ps 7", "38 MO M-ps 11" e "36 BR MP-ps 14" - são promissoras para uso em programas de melhoramento genético devido ao elevado potencial de uso agrícola. A cultivar crioula "24 OP-ps 1" apresentou o maior teor de fibra alimentar e o seu potencial de uso como alimento funcional deve ser investigado.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutrition and the crop values of common bean land varieties. The experiments were conducted in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, in 2004/05 and 2005/06 cropping years, in a 6x6 triple lattice design. Treatments were composed of 32 common bean land varieties and four research-derived cultivars. Cultivar x environment interaction was detected for grain yield, seed coat color and cycle, what reveals a differential response of the land varieties to the different crop years. Land varieties were identified with high grain yield potential, commercially acceptable seed coat color from different commercial groups, early maturity and high dietary fiber content. '21 INT-ps 1', '9 BR-ps 5', '9 BR-ps 15', '9 BR-ps 13', '9 BR-ps 7', '38 MO M-ps 11' and '36 BR MP-ps 14' - are promising land varieties for use in breeding programs due to their high agricultural potential. Cultivar '24 OP-ps 1' presented high dietary fiber content and its potential as functional food needs further studies.