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Meteorit Planet Sci ; 55(4): 771-780, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273799


Previous studies attributed the origin of metal veins penetrating graphite nodules in the Canyon Diablo IAB main group iron meteorite to condensation from vapor or melting of host metal. Abundances of 16 siderophile elements measured in kamacite within vein and host meteorite are most consistent with an origin by melting of the host metal followed by fractional crystallization of the liquid. The presence of the veins within graphite nodules may be explained by impact, as peak shock temperatures, and thus the most likely areas to undergo metal melting, are at metal-graphite interfaces. The origin of the veins is constrained by Re-Os chronometry to have occurred early (>4 Ga) in Solar System history.

Earth Planet Sci Lett ; 5402020 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273744


The origin of the IAB main group (MG) iron meteorites is explored through consideration of 182W isotopic compositions, thermal modeling of 26Al decay, and mass independent (nucleosynthetic) Mo isotopic compositions of planetesimals formed in the noncarbonaceous (NC) protosolar isotopic reservoir. A refined 182W model age for the meteorites Campo del Cielo, Canyon Diablo, and Nantan suggests that the IAB-MG parent body underwent some form of metal-silicate segregation as early as 5.3 ± 0.4 Myr after calcium-aluminum rich inclusion (CAI) formation or as late as 13.8 ± 1.4 Myr after CAI formation. If melting of the IAB-MG occurred prior to 7 Myr after CAI formation, it was likely driven by 26Al decay for a parent body radius >40 km. Otherwise, additional heat from impact is required for melting metal this late in Solar System history. If melting was partially or wholly the result of internal heating, a thermal model of 26Al decay heat production constrains the accretion age of the IAB-MG parent body to ~1.7 ± 0.4 Myr after CAI formation. If melting was, instead, dominantly caused by impact heating, thermal modeling suggests the parent body accreted more than 2 Myr after CAI formation. Comparison of Mo mass independent isotopic compositions of the IAB-MG to other NC bodies with constrained accretion ages suggests that the Mo isotopic composition of the NC reservoir changed with time, and that the IAB-MG parent body accreted between 2 to 3 Myr after CAI formation, thus requiring an origin by impact. The relationship between nucleosynthetic Mo isotopic compositions and accretion ages of planetesimals from the NC reservoir suggests that isotopic heterogeneity developed from either addition of s-process material to, or removal of coupled r-/p-process material from the NC reservoir.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 288: 36-50, 2020 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273746


The eight iron meteorites currently classified as belonging to the IIC group were characterized with respect to the compositions of 21 siderophile elements. Several of these meteorites were also characterized for mass independent isotopic compositions of Mo, Ru and W. Chemical and isotopic data for one, Wiley, indicate that it is not a IIC iron meteorite and should be reclassified as ungrouped. The remaining seven IIC iron meteorites exhibit broadly similar bulk chemical and isotopic characteristics, consistent with an origin from a common parent body. Variations in highly siderophile element (HSE) abundances among the members of the group can be well accounted for by a fractional crystallization model with all the meteorites crystallizing between ~10 and ~26% of the original melt, assuming initial S and P concentrations of 8 wt.% and 2 wt.%, respectively. Abundances of HSE estimated for the parental melt suggest a composition with chondritic relative abundances of HSE ~6 times higher than in bulk carbonaceous chondrites, consistent with the IIC irons sampling a parent body core comprising ~17% of the mass of the body. Radiogenic 182W abundances of two group IIC irons, corrected for a nucleosynthetic component, indicate a metal-silicate segregation age of 3.2 ± 0.5 Myr subsequent to the formation of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions (CAI). When this age is coupled with thermal modeling, and assumptions about the Hf/W of precursor materials, a parent body accretion age of 1.4 ± 0.5 Myr (post-CAI) is obtained. The IIC irons and Wiley have 100Ru mass independent "genetic" isotopic compositions that are identical to other irons with so-called carbonaceous chondrite (CC) type genetic affinities, but enrichments in 94,95,97Mo and 183W that indicate greater s-process deficits relative to most known CC iron meteorites. If the IIC irons and Wiley are of the CC type, this indicates variable s-process deficits within the CC reservoir, similar to the s-process variability within the NC reservoir observed for iron meteorites. Nucleosynthetic models indicate that Mo and 183W s-process variability should correlate with Ru isotopic variability, which is not observed. This may indicate the IIC irons and Wiley experienced selective thermal processing of nucleosynthetic carriers, or are genetically distinct from the CC and NC precursor materials.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 251: 217-228, 2019 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273745


The nucleosynthetic Mo, Ru, and W isotopic compositions of the South Byron Trio iron meteorite grouplet (SBT) are consistent with all three meteorites originating on a single parent body that formed in the carbonaceous chondrite (CC) isotopic domain within the Solar nebula. Consistent with a common origin, the highly siderophile element (HSE) concentrations of the SBT can be related to one another by moderate degrees of fractional crystallization of a parental melt with initially chondritic relative abundances of HSE, and with initial S and P contents of ~7 and ~1 wt. %, respectively. Tungsten-182 isotopic data for the SBT indicate the parent body underwent metal-silicate differentiation 2.1 ± 0.8 Myr after calcium aluminum rich inclusion formation, and thermal modeling suggests the parent body formed 1.1 ± 0.5 Myr after CAI formation. This accretion age is not resolved from the accretion ages of other CC and most noncarbonaceous (NC) type iron meteorite parent bodies. Comparison of the projected parental melt composition of the SBT to those projected for the IVA and IVB iron meteorite groups suggests that at least some portions of the CC nebular domain were more oxidized compared to the NC domain. In addition, comparison of the SBT parental melt S content to estimates for parent bodies of the IIAB, IIIAB, IVA, IID, and IVB "magmatic" iron meteorite groups suggests that CC type iron meteorite parental melts were characterized by a general depletion in S, in addition to depletions in some other moderately volatile elements. Based on chemical and O isotope similarities, prior studies have suggested the possibility of a common parent body for the SBT and the Milton pallasite. Molybdenum and Ru isotopic compositions of Milton also provide permissive evidence for this. The HSE concentrations in the Milton metal, however, cannot be related to the SBT by any known crystal-liquid fractionation or mixing path. Thus, Milton more likely formed on a different, chemically distinct, but genetically identical parent body present in the CC nebular domain.

Earth Planet Sci Lett ; 503: 29-36, 2018 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30846884


The origin of 180W excesses in iron meteorites has been a recently debated topic. Here, a suite of IIAB iron meteorites was studied in order to accurately determine the contribution from galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and from potential decay of 184Os to measured excesses in the minor isotope 180W. In addition to W isotopes, trace element concentrations (Re, Os, Ir, Pt, W) were determined on the same samples, as well as their cosmic ray exposure ages, using 36Cl-36Ar systematics. These data were used in combination with an improved model of GCR effects on W isotopes to correct effects resulting from neutron capture and spallation reactions. After these corrections, the residual 180W excesses correlate with Os/W ratios and indicate a clear contribution from 184Os decay. A newly derived decay constant is equivalent to a half-life for 184Os of (3.38 ± 2.13) × 1013 a. Furthermore, when the data are plotted on an Os-W isochron diagram, the intercept (ε 180Wi = 0.63 ± 0.35) reveals that the IIAB parent body was characterized by a small initial nucleosynthetic excess in 180W upon which radiogenic and GCR effects were superimposed. This is the first cogent evidence for p-process variability in W isotopes in early Solar System material.