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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(12): 123001, 2020 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33016721


We report experiments on laser-assisted electron recollisions that result from strong-field ionization of photoexcited I_{2} molecules in the regime of low-energy electron scattering (<25 eV impact energy). By comparing differential scattering cross sections extracted from the angle-resolved photoelectron spectra to differential scattering cross sections from quantum-scattering calculations, we demonstrate that the electron-scattering dynamics is dominated by a shape resonance. When the molecular bond stretches during the evolution of a vibrational wave packet this shape resonance shifts to lower energies, both in experiment and theory. We explain this behavior by the nature of the resonance wave function, which closely resembles an antibonding molecular orbital of I_{2}.

J Chem Phys ; 147(1): 013933, 2017 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28688450


Laser-induced adiabatic alignment and mixed-field orientation of 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene (C6H3F2I) molecules are probed by Coulomb explosion imaging following either near-infrared strong-field ionization or extreme-ultraviolet multi-photon inner-shell ionization using free-electron laser pulses. The resulting photoelectrons and fragment ions are captured by a double-sided velocity map imaging spectrometer and projected onto two position-sensitive detectors. The ion side of the spectrometer is equipped with a pixel imaging mass spectrometry camera, a time-stamping pixelated detector that can record the hit positions and arrival times of up to four ions per pixel per acquisition cycle. Thus, the time-of-flight trace and ion momentum distributions for all fragments can be recorded simultaneously. We show that we can obtain a high degree of one-and three-dimensional alignment and mixed-field orientation and compare the Coulomb explosion process induced at both wavelengths.

ACS Nano ; 16(9): 14479-14489, 2022 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36027581


Efficient operation of electronic nanodevices at ultrafast speeds requires understanding and control of the currents generated by femtosecond bursts of light. Ultrafast laser-induced currents in metallic nanojunctions can originate from photoassisted hot electron tunneling or lightwave-induced tunneling. Both processes can drive localized photocurrents inside a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) on femto- to attosecond time scales, enabling ultrafast STM with atomic spatial resolution. Femtosecond laser excitation of a metallic nanojunction, however, also leads to the formation of a transient thermalized electron distribution, but the tunneling of thermalized hot electrons on time scales faster than electron-lattice equilibration is not well understood. Here, we investigate ultrafast electronic heating and transient thermionic tunneling inside a metallic photoexcited tunnel junction and its role in the generation of ultrafast photocurrents in STM. Phase-resolved sampling of broadband terahertz (THz) pulses via the THz-field-induced modulation of ultrafast photocurrents allows us to probe the electronic temperature evolution inside the STM tip and to observe the competition between instantaneous and delayed tunneling due to nonthermal and thermal hot electron distributions in real time. Our results reveal the pronounced nonthermal character of photoinduced hot electron tunneling and provide a detailed microscopic understanding of hot electron dynamics inside a laser-excited tunnel junction.

Struct Dyn ; 5(1): 014301, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29430482


We explore time-resolved Coulomb explosion induced by intense, extreme ultraviolet (XUV) femtosecond pulses from a free-electron laser as a method to image photo-induced molecular dynamics in two molecules, iodomethane and 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene. At an excitation wavelength of 267 nm, the dominant reaction pathway in both molecules is neutral dissociation via cleavage of the carbon-iodine bond. This allows investigating the influence of the molecular environment on the absorption of an intense, femtosecond XUV pulse and the subsequent Coulomb explosion process. We find that the XUV probe pulse induces local inner-shell ionization of atomic iodine in dissociating iodomethane, in contrast to non-selective ionization of all photofragments in difluoroiodobenzene. The results reveal evidence of electron transfer from methyl and phenyl moieties to a multiply charged iodine ion. In addition, indications for ultrafast charge rearrangement on the phenyl radical are found, suggesting that time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging is sensitive to the localization of charge in extended molecules.