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Lancet Reg Health Am ; 21: 100497, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37192953


Background: The pandemic of COVID-19 raised the urgent need for safe and efficacious vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of a new SARS-CoV-2 virus receptor-binding domain (RBD) vaccine. Methods: A phase 3, multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out at 18 clinical sites in three provinces of the south-eastern region of Cuba. Subjects (healthy or those with controlled chronic diseases) aged between 19 and 80 years, who gave written informed consent were eligible. Subjects were randomly assigned (1:1, in blocks) to two groups: placebo, and 50 µg RBD vaccine (Abdala). The product was administered intramuscularly, 0.5 mL in the deltoid region, in a three-dose immunization schedule at 0-14-28 days. The organoleptic characteristics and presentations of the vaccine and placebo were identical. All participants (subjects, clinical researchers, statisticians, laboratory technicians, and monitors) remained blinded during the study period. The main endpoint was to evaluate the efficacy of the Abdala vaccine in the prevention of symptomatic COVID-19. The trial is registered with the Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials, RPCEC00000359. Findings: Between March 22 to April 03, 2021, 48,290 subjects were included (24,144 and 24,146 in the placebo and Abdala groups, respectively) in the context of predominant D614G variant circulation. The evaluation of the main efficacy outcomes occurred during May-June 2021, starting at May 3rd, in the context of high circulation of mutant viruses, predominantly VOC Beta. The incidence of adverse reactions for individuals in the placebo and Abdala vaccine groups were 1227/24,144 (5.1%) and 1621/24,146 (6.7%), respectively. Adverse reactions were mostly mild, and from the injection site, which resolved in the first 24-48 h. No severe adverse events with demonstrated cause-effect relationship attributable to the vaccine were reported. Symptomatic COVID-19 disease was confirmed in 142 participants in the placebo group (78.44 incidence per 1000 person-years, 95% confidence interval [CI], 66.07-92.46) and in 11 participants in Abdala vaccine group (6.05 incidence per 1000 person years; 95% CI 3.02-10.82). The Abdala vaccine efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 was 92.28% (95% CI 85.74-95.82). Moderate/serious forms of COVID-19 occurred in 30 participants (28 in the placebo group and only 2 in the Abdala vaccine group) for a vaccine efficacy of 92.88% (95% CI 70.12-98.31). There were five critical patients (of which four died), all in the placebo group. Interpretation: The Abdala vaccine was safe, well tolerated, and highly effective, fulfilling the WHO target product profile for COVID-19 vaccines. Those results, along with its immunization schedule and the advantage of easy storage and handling conditions at 2-8 °C, make this vaccine an option for the use in immunization strategies as a key tool for the control of the pandemic. Funding: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana, Cuba.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558539


Fundamento la infección por SARS-CoV-2 es la enfermedad emergente más importante del presente siglo. En dicho contexto, el Grupo de las Industrias Biotecnológica y Farmacéutica Cubanas (BioCubaFarma) creó alternativas terapéuticas para combatir la COVID-19, entre ellas el uso de Jusvinza, la cual forma parte del protocolo utilizado en el país. Objetivo determinar la resolutividad terapéutica de Jusvinza en pacientes confirmados de COVID-19. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo, durante el periodo de enero a septiembre de 2021, en el Hospital Militar Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany, de Santiago de Cuba. El universo estuvo constituido por 166 confirmados de COVID-19, a quienes se administró Jusvinza. Se analizaron algunas variables clínicas (estado clínico, enfermedades no transmisibles asociadas, progresión clínica), epidemiológicas (edad, sexo) y farmacológicas (resolutividad, duración en días). Se utilizó una planilla de vaciamiento de datos, los cuales fueron tomados de las historias clínicas. Resultados la morbimortalidad por COVID-19 fue superior en el sexo masculino, asociado a comorbilidades y edad mayor de 60 años; el sexo femenino resultó el de mayor resolutividad al tratamiento con Jusvinza (71,7 %), la cual incrementó su porcentaje en ausencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles asociadas (81,4 %). Los pacientes de alto riesgo fueron los de más baja mortalidad (15,8 %). Conclusiones la resolutividad en pacientes confirmados de COVID-19 tratados con Jusvinza fue más elevada en casos de alto riesgo que en graves y críticos.

Foundation SARS-CoV-2 infection is the most important emerging disease of this century. In this context, the Cuban Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Group (BioCubaFarma) created therapeutic alternatives to combat COVID-19, including the use of Jusvinza, which is part of the protocol used in the country. Objective to determine the Jusvinza therapeutic resolution in confirmed COVID-19 patients. Methods a descriptive study carried out from January to September 2021, at the Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba. The universe consisted of 166 confirmed COVID-19 cases, to whom Jusvinza was administered. Some clinical variables (clinical status, associated non-communicable diseases, clinical progression), epidemiological (age, sex) and pharmacological (resolving, duration in days) were analyzed. A data extraction form was used, which was taken from the medical records. Results morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 was higher in males, related to comorbidities and age over 60 years; The female sex was the one with the greatest response to treatment with Jusvinza (71.7%), which increased its percentage in the absence of associated chronic non-communicable diseases (81.4%). High-risk patients had the lowest mortality (15.8%). Conclusions resolution in confirmed COVID-19 patients treated with Jusvinza was higher in high-risk cases than in severe and critical cases.

Medisur ; 21(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521231


La COVID-19 puede afectar a cualquier persona, sin distinción de edad, sexo o raza; pero numerosos estudios se han enfocado en caracterizar su heterogeneidad en términos demográficos, con una clara evidencia de alta mortalidad en hombres y adultos mayores. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar algunas consideraciones sobre la covid-19 y su repercusión en el adulto mayor. Para ello se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica teniendo en cuenta algunas consideraciones relevantes de la enfermedad, presentes en el adulto mayor, tales como su susceptibilidad ante la covid-19, elementos clínicos, complicaciones y tratamiento. Se pudo constatar, según publicaciones analizadas, que el adulto mayor es considerado el de mayor susceptibilidad ante la COVID-19, la morbimortalidad se incrementa con la edad y por la menor respuesta de defensa inmunológica ante la presencia de comorbilidades; la clínica es muy variable y atípica con la aparición de múltiples complicaciones extrapulmonares y la prevención es la conducta más efectiva. Los adultos mayores continúan considerándose una población vulnerable y se precisa de la prevención y un diagnóstico oportuno, para poder minimizar los daños a la salud.

COVID-19 can affect anyone regardless of age, sex or race; but numerous studies have focused on characterizing its heterogeneity in demographic terms, with clear evidence of high mortality in men and older adults. The objective of this work is to make some considerations about covid-19 and its impact on the elderly. A bibliographic search was carried out taking into account some relevant considerations of the disease, present in the elderly, such as their susceptibility to covid-19, clinical elements, complications and treatment. It was possible to verify, according to the analyzed publications, that the elderly is considered the most susceptible to COVID-19, morbidity and mortality increases with age and due to the lower immune defense response in the presence of comorbidities; the symptoms are highly variable and atypical with the appearance of multiple extrapulmonary complications and prevention, is the most effective course of action. Older adults continue to be considered a vulnerable population and prevention and timely diagnosis are required in order to minimize damage to health.

Arch. med ; 20(1): 181-187, 2020-01-18.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1053280


Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente José Martí (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, consultorios médicos de familia número 14 y 15) en el período enero y diciembre del 2016. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, en un universo constituido por los 201 adultos mayores diagnosticados con hipertensión arterial y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Para obtener los datos se revisaron las historias clínicas de salud familiar y las historias clínicas individuales de los pacientes, y se realizó encuesta a los mismos. Se utilizó el porcentaje como medida de resumen y los resultados se llevaron a tablas estadísticas. Resultados: tabulados los resultados se encontró que el 60,2% de los pacientes tienen hipertensión arterial grado I, el 22,4% están entre 60 y 64 años y el 65,2% son de sexo femenino. El 80,1% tienen antecedentes hereditarios de hipertensión arterial y el 56,2% manifiestan el estrés como factor de riesgo asociado. Los eventos agudos asociados a urgencia y/o emergencia hipertensiva fueron los más frecuentes con un 88,6%; y el 54,2% realiza tratamiento combinado.Conclusiones: los adultos mayores estudiados forman parte de la alta prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA) en el municipio Santiago de cuba, relacionándose a las estadísticas nacionales y donde la prevención es elemental..(AU)

Objective: to characterize the elderly patients with arterial hypertension, belonging to the Educational Polyclinic Jose Marti (Santiago de Cuba, Cuba , family doctor's office number 14 and 15), during the period understood between January and December of the 2016. Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed in a universe constituted by the 201 elderly patients diagnosed as hypertensive, which fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Family health medical records, individual patient medical records and surveys were used for data collection. the percentage was used as a summary measure and the results were taken to statical tables. Results: the tabulated results find 60.2% of patients have grade 1 arterial hypertension, 22.4% are between 60 and 64 years old and 65.2% are female. 80.1% have a hereditary history of arterial hypertension and 56.2% have stress as an associated risk factor. The acute events associated with urgency and/or hypertensive emergency were the most frequent with 88.6% and 54.2% performed combined treatment. Conclusions: the bigger affected adults are part of the high prevalence of arterial hypertension (HTA) en the Santiago de Cuba municipality, by relating to the national estadiscases and where the prevention is elementary.

Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso Fragilizado , Hipertensão
Medisan ; 23(1)ene.-feb. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990182


Se presenta el caso clínico de un lactante de 9 meses de edad, atendido en el cuerpo de guardia del Policlínico Docente José Martí de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar lesiones exantemáticas y eritematosas en la piel, con ampollas alrededor de la boca, así como en manos, piernas y ambos pies, además de fiebre. Se le diagnosticó la enfermedad de boca, mano y pie, teniendo en cuenta la clínica y el incremento de esta afección trasmitida por el virus de Coxsackie en el municipio, por lo cual fue ingresado en el hogar, con vigilancia y seguimiento por su médico y enfermera de la familia, quienes indicaron las medidas para el control higiénico sanitario y de sostén que deben conocerse y aplicarse en el medio familiar para disminuir el riesgo de la infección.

The case report of a 9 months of age infant assisted in the emergency room of José Martí Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba is presented, due to exanthematic and erythematous lesions in the skin, with bladders around the mouth, as well as in hands, legs and both feet, besides fever. The mouth, hand and foot disease was diagnosed, keeping in mind the clinic and the increment of this disorder transmitted by the Coxsackie virus in the municipality, reason why he was admitted at home, with medical supervision and followed by the family nurse and physician who indicated the measures for the health control that should be known and applied in the family to decrease the risk of infection.

Humanos , Masculino , Lactente , Infecções por Coxsackievirus , Doença de Mão, Pé e Boca , Eritema Infeccioso , Exantema
Medisan ; 21(4)abr. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841690


Se describe el caso clínico de un lactante de 3 meses de edad, perteneciente a la comunidad San Pablo, Estado de Portuguesa, en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, quien fue remitido al Hospital Universitario Jesús María Casal Ramos, por presentar, posterior al nacimiento, aumento de volumen en la región cervical izquierda. Los resultados de los exámenes imagenológicos e histopatológico corroboraron el diagnóstico de linfangioma. Se realizó el proceder quirúrgico y la evolución fue satisfactoria

The case report of a 3 months infant from the San Pablo community, Portuguesa State, in the Bolivian Republic of Venezuela is described. He was referred to Jesús María Casal Ramos University Hospital due to volume increase in the left cervical region after his birth. The results of the imagenologic and histopathologic exams confirmed the diagnosis of lymphangioma. The surgical procedure was carried out and the clinical course was satisfactory

Lactente , Linfangioma Cístico/cirurgia , Linfangioma Cístico/diagnóstico por imagem , Venezuela , Medula Cervical/patologia , Neoplasias
Medisan ; 21(1)ene. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1016253


Se describen las vivencias afectivas y los factores condicionantes de 2 adultos mayores sin relación de pareja, pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente José Martí Pérez de Santiago de Cuba. Ambos manifestaron vivencias afectivo- negativas, dado principalmente por la depresión, la soledad, la frustración y la infelicidad, asociado a sus características personológicas y agravado por pertenecer a una familia disfuncional. A tales efectos, se propuso una estrategia de intervención con enfoque individual, familiar y comunitario, a fin de contribuir al bienestar emocional de este grupo poblacional.

The emotional experiencies and conditioning factors of 2 elderly without couple relationship, belonging to José Martí Pérez Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba are described. Both manifested negative emotional experiencies, given mainly by depression, loneliness, frustration and unhappiness, associated to their personal characteristics and worsened by belonging to a dysfunctional family. To such effects, an intervention strategy with individual, family and community approach was suggested, in order to contribute to the emotional well-being of this population group

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Fatores Desencadeantes , Transtornos Psicóticos Afetivos , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos , Dor , Saúde do Idoso , Transtornos do Humor , Solidão