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Rev Biol Trop ; 61(4): 1597-617, 2013 Dec.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24432522


Fragmentation of natural habitats is a central concern of biodiversity conservation and is considered a significant factor contributing to species loss and populations decline. We studied this in Cotové Agricultural Center in the municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia (Colombia),where the conversion of natural forests to different land use systems, has limited the amount of available habitat. With the aim to describe the effect of habitat loss on bird presence in five land uses (fruiting trees, silvopastoral systems, secondary forest, pasture low density of trees and grass cutting) in this area, we studied bird diversity using two methods: fixed point counts and mist nets to analyze the influence of land use in the composition, richness and abundance of birds present were studied. A total of 6633 individuals of 101 species were observed of which 11 species were migratory. The insectivorous and frugivorous foraging guilds were better represented. The Shannon index indicated the highest values of alpha diversity for the silvopastoral system, and the fruit with the lowest. The grazing and silvopastoral land systems shared more species with low tree density. The importance of the environmental heterogeneity found is highlighted as a positive factor for bird species richness, mostly of low and middle habitat specificity, and preferably from edge habitats and open areas. In order to preserve natural regeneration and connectivity between different land use types, and to promote stability of bird species populations, some management actions should be implemented in the area.

Biodiversidade , Aves/classificação , Animais , Colômbia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Densidade Demográfica
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1094, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094797


RESUMEN La Estación Agraria Cotové está ubicada en Santa Fe de Antioquia, zona de bosque seco tropical, en la que se han desarrollado actividades agropecuarias por más de 40 años, transformado sus ecosistemas originales y modificando las condiciones ambientales. Por lo anterior, este estudio tiene por objetivo evaluar la composición y la estructura de las hormigas en cinco sitios, con diferentes usos del suelo de la Estación Agraria: frutales, sistema silvopastoril, bosque secundario, pastos de corte y pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. En cada uso del suelo, se ubicaron tres transectos de 100m cada uno, al interior, interior-borde y borde, tomando una muestra cada 20m, a una profundidad de 10cm. Se identificaron las hormigas presentes, a nivel de morfoespecies y se clasificaron por gremios tróficos y por grupos funcionales. Se recolectaron 5.239 individuos, agrupados en 253 colonias, pertenecientes a 23 géneros y 37 morfoespecies de las subfamilias Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae y Ecitoninae. La diversidad fue más alta en bosque secundario y frutales, mientras que la dominancia fue mayor en el sistema silvopastoril y en pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. Entre bosque secundario y frutales, se encontró el mayor valor de morfoespecies compartidas. Los gremios tróficos mejor representados fueron omnívoros y depredadores y, por grupo funcional, se presentó una mayor proporción de Especialistas de Clima Tropical y de Myrmicinae Generalistas.

ABSTRACT The Agrarian Station Cotové is located in Santa Fe de Antioquia, an area of tropical dry forest in which agricultural activities have been carried out for more than 40 years, which have transformed their original ecosystems and modified the environmental conditions. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the composition and structure of ants in five sites with different land uses: fruit trees, silvopasture, secondary forest, grass for cutting, and pastures with low density of trees. In each land use, three transects of 100m each were located, inside, inside-edge, and edge, taking a sample every 20m to a depth of 10cm. In each site, the ants were identified to morphospecies, and classified by trophic guilds and by functional groups. The diversity index for each land uses were determined. We collected 5239 ants, grouped in 253 colonies, belonging to 23 genera and 37 morphospecies of subfamilies Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae y Ecitoninae. Species diversity was highest in secondary forest and fruit trees, while the dominance was higher in silvopasture and pastures with low density of trees. Secondary forest and fruit trees showed the highest value of shared morphospecies. The omnivorous and predator's trophic guilds were the best represented, and regarding functional groups, we found a high proportion of tropical climate specialists and Myrmicinae generalists.

Ces med. vet. zootec ; 9(1): 15-25, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734962


Resumen Se hizo una evaluación posmortem de 41 individuos de T. callirostris, mantenidos en cautiverio durante el 2009 en el Centro de Atención de Fauna (CAV-CVS), a través de exámenes histopatológicos de los principales órganos y lesiones encontradas. Para esto se realizó un examen clínico externo de los individuos y se evaluó cada uno de los órganos macroscópicamente. Los órganos que presentaron anomalías fueron colectados para histopatología con la tinción Hematoxilina-Eosina. De los individuos evaluados, el principal hallazgo patológico externo correspondió a la enfermedad septicémica ulcerativa cutánea (SCUD), el cual se presentó en el 90% de los individuos. A la evaluación macroscópica de los órganos internos, se observaron anomalías en la cavidad celómica, hígado, bazo y pulmones. Se presentaron lesiones en el 71% de los hígados, 92% de los bazos, 41% de los riñones y 40% de los pulmones. Lo anterior demuestra el efecto negativo que tiene el cautiverio sobre los individuos silvestres de esta especie que han sido decomisados producto del tráfico ilegal.

A postmortem evaluation of 41 T. callirostris kept in captivity during the year 2009 was conducted at CAV-CVS Wildlife Care Center. The evaluation was performed in animals confiscated as a result of illegal trafficking. Histopathological examination of main organs and lesions was conducted in all animals. External clinical examination was also conducted and organs were macroscopically evaluated. Organs with anomalies were collected for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin-eosin stain. The most common external pathology found was Septicemic Cutaneous Ulcerative Disease (SCUD), present in 90% of the individuals. Abnormalities in the coelomic cavity, liver, spleen and lungs were observed while performing the macroscopic evaluation of internal organs. Lesions were present in 71% of livers, 92% of spleens, 41% of kidneys, and 40% of the lungs. This study shows the negative effects of captivity on wild individuals of this species.

Avaliou-se o estado sanitário post-mortem de 41 indivíduos de T.callirostris, mantidos em cativeiro durante o 2009 no centro de atenção de fauna Silvestre (CAV-CVS). A avaliação se fez a traves de analise histopatológica dos principais órgãos e lesões encontradas. Para isto, realizou-se uma avaliação clinica externa dos indivíduos e avaliaram-se cada um dos órgãos macroscopicamente. Os órgãos que apresentaram anomalias foram coletados para histopatologia com Hematoxilina-Eosina. Dos indivíduos avaliados, a principal descoberta no exame patológico externo correspondeu a doença septicêmica ulcerativa cutânea (SCUD), o qual apresentou-se no 90% dos indivíduos (37/41). Na avaliação macroscópica dos órgãos internos, observaram-se anomalias na cavidade celômica, fígado, baço e pulmões. Apresentaram-se lesões no 71% dos fígados, 92% dos baços, 41% dos rins e 40% dos pulmões. O anterior demonstra o efeito negativo que tem o cativeiro sob os indivíduos silvestres desta espécie que tem sido decomisados como produto do trafego ilegal.

Rev. biol. trop ; 61(4): 1597-1617, oct.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-703916


Fragmentation of natural habitats is a central concern of biodiversity conservation and is considered a significant factor contributing to species loss and populations decline. We studied this in Cotové Agricultural Center in the municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia (Colombia),where the conversion of natural forests to different land use systems, has limited the amount of available habitat. With the aim to describe the effect of habitat loss on bird presence in five land uses (fruiting trees, silvopastoral systems, secondary forest, pasture low density of trees and grass cutting) in this area, we studied bird diversity using two methods: fixed point counts and mist nets to analyze the influence of land use in the composition, richness and abundance of birds present were studied. A total of 6 633 individuals of 101 species were observed of which 11 species were migratory. The insectivorous and frugivorous foraging guilds were better represented. The Shannon index indicated the highest values of alpha diversity for the silvopastoral system, and the fruit with the lowest. The grazing and silvopastoral land systems shared more species with low tree density. The importance of the environmental heterogeneity found is highlighted as a positive factor for bird species richness, mostly of low and middle habitat specificity, and preferably from edge habitats and open areas. In order to preserve natural regeneration and connectivity between different land use types, and to promote stability of bird species populations, some management actions should be implemented in the area.

En el Centro Agropecuario Cotové, en el municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia (Colombia), se estudió la diversidad de aves utilizando las metodologías de puntos fijos de conteo y redes de niebla en cinco usos del suelo (Frutales, Sistema silvopastoril, Bosque secundario, Pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles y Pastos de corte), para analizar la influencia sobre la composición, riqueza y abundancia de la avifauna. Se registraron 6 633 individuos de 101 especies, de las cuales 11 especies son migratorias. En términos de abundancia, la mayoría de las especies fueron raras y pocas comunes. Los gremios alimenticios mejor representados fueron insectívoros y frugívoros. El índice de Shannon indica que el Sistema silvopastoril presenta los valores de diversidad alfa más altos y los frutales los más bajos. Los usos del suelo que compartieron más especies fueron sistema Silvopastoril y Pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. La heterogeneidad ambiental del centro actúa de forma diferente para las especies, beneficia en su mayoría aves de baja y media especificidad de hábitat, y con preferencia de hábitats de borde y áreas abiertas, por lo que se deben implementar acciones de manejo dirigidas a la conservación de áreas de regeneración natural y conectividad entre usos del suelo, para que las poblaciones de especies de aves presentes en la zona puedan ser mantenidas en el tiempo.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves/classificação , Colômbia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Densidade Demográfica