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Appl Neuropsychol Adult ; 27(5): 450-467, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30806078


There is extensive literature linking motor activity to cognitive effects at various stages in life, promoting both development and the reduction of aging associated pathologies. It is unclear whether the benefits of this activity on the cognitive level are associated with brain functions that are necessary for their performance or recurrence of activity or type of activity itself. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the type of motor activity (fine, gross, and motor imagery) in two modes (novel and routine) can affect cognitive functions such as attention, executive functions, and praxis in college students. A 2 × 3 factorial design with repeated measures was used without a control group and pre- and post-training evaluation. Fifty-three young people (14 men and 39 women) participated, with mean age of 18.94 years (SD = 1.61 years) and were divided into six groups. Each of the groups performed relevant training 20 minutes per day for five days depending on the group. Measures were taken pre and post-training for attention tests, attention span, working memory, visual constructive skills, procedural memory, and motor skills. The results show a "learning effect" from the exposure to the tests in measurements after training. It was also found that between groups, there is a difference in some of the variables of procedural memory (number of errors) and working memory. More extensive training could better reflect the effects of the training, and longitudinal evaluation could show the rate of change of functions. The main clinical implication could be the evaluation of training programs for recovery and motor training in cerebral plasticity having effect on the cognitive aspects.

Atenção/fisiologia , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Imaginação/fisiologia , Atividade Motora/fisiologia , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Prática Psicológica , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Memória de Curto Prazo/fisiologia , Estudantes , Universidades , Adulto Jovem
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 1-22, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387203


Resumen Los pacientes diagnosticados con Enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) presentan alteraciones motoras concomitantes a otras alteraciones de tipo cognitivo, conductual o emocional. Una de las alternativas al tratamiento farmacológico es la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP). Existen reportes de alteraciones en el rendimiento de tareas cognitivas tras procedimiento de ECP, lo que podría sugerir que el procedimiento es responsable de estos cambios cognitivos. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar los resultados del rendimiento en pruebas cognitivas de pacientes con EP de dos grupos (con ECP y sin ECP). Se recolectaron los resultados de 47 pacientes (n = 16 ECP; n = 31 sin ECP) durante los años de 2011 hasta 2015. Dentro de las funciones y variables evaluadas se encuentran: categorización visual, flexibilidad cognitiva, solución de problemas, atención selectiva, velocidad de procesamiento, inhibición conductual y calidad de vida. En general, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en las funciones evaluadas. En el grupo de participantes con ECP, se encontró mayor cantidad de correlaciones entre las pruebas de semejanzas y las de dígitos inversos, listas de palabras, búsqueda de símbolos y las subpruebas del Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Así mismo, en los pacientes con ECP se presentó una percepción menor de calidad de vida asociada al tiempo de la enfermedad en comparación con el grupo sin ECP. En conclusión, estos resultados son congruentes con estudios similares de evaluación neuropsicológica y se discute el papel del tratamiento de estimulación en los pacientes, los cuales no siempre tienen un impacto positivo sobre la calidad de vida percibida.

Abstract Patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease show motor alterations together to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional disturbances. An alternative treatment to the exclusive pharmacological medication is the Deep Brain Stimulation procedure (DBS). Some studies have shown altered behavioral patterns after DBS device implantation, suggesting a relationship between a particular performance in cognitive tests derived from the DBS procedure. Our study aimed to compare the performance of cognitive tests in Parkinson's disease patients with and without DBS. Results were analyzed from 47 patients (n = 16 DBS; n = 31 without DBS) in a range since 2011 to 2015. Functions tested were visual categorization, cognitive flexibility, problem solutions, selective attention, cognitive processing speed, behavioral inhibition, and quality of life. In general, there are non-significative differences between groups in functions tested. However, correlations were found depending on the group (DBS or without DBS patients), with more positive correlations inside the DBS group between the similarity test and inversed digits, list of words, symbol search and the sub-test of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. In addition, the DBS group showed a low perception of the quality of life associated with the disorder´s time compared to the without DBS group. In conclusion, these results are congruent with similar studies of neuropsychological evaluation, and the role of treatment is discussed below the perception of the quality of life.

Ter. psicol ; 38(2): 259-282, ago. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139733


Abstract: Background: Patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) show non-motor symptoms, such as cognitive impairment, disrupting executive functions, and mood alterations. Two processes currently researched in these areas are the Theory of Mind (ToM) and the decision-making in PD patients. The ToM is the ability to identify mental states (affective or cognitive) in others, and it is a necessary skill for successful communication in social situations. The decision-making process is researched in PD patients due to alterations in dopaminergic pathways involved in cortico-striatal circuits. These pathways have been linked to cognitive functions. Both processes could be altered in PD patients after the deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy. Objective: To compare the performance of PD patients (with and without DBS) and healthy controls (HC) in the Theory of Mind and decision-making tasks. Methods: We applied to three groups of patients (PD, n = 4; PD-DBS, n = 5 and HC, n = 5) the Yoni task to identify affective and cognitive features in ToM and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) in decision-making. Results: There were no differences across the PD groups in ToM both in the affective and cognitive features. Regarding the decision-making, we obtained results consistent with previous findings, with PD patients showing impairments in this process. Conclusions: Some results suggest that DBS therapy affected PD patients' performance in decision-making when compared to the healthy control group. Our results describe some non-motor changes due to DBS often seen in PD patients.

Resumen: Los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) muestran síntomas no motores, como deterioro cognitivo, alteración de las funciones ejecutivas y alteraciones del estado de ánimo. Dos procesos que se investigan actualmente en este tipo de pacientes son la Teoría de la Mente (ToM) y la toma de decisiones. La Teoría de la Mente es la capacidad de identificar los estados mentales (afectivos o cognitivos) en los demás, y es una habilidad necesaria para la comunicación exitosa en situaciones sociales. El proceso de toma de decisiones se investiga en los pacientes con EP debido a las alteraciones en las vías dopaminérgicas implicadas en los circuitos corticoestriatales, las cuales se han vinculado a las funciones cognitivas. Ambos procesos podrían estar alterados en los pacientes con EP después de la terapia de estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP). Con el objetivo de comparar el rendimiento de pacientes con EP (con y sin ECP) y controles sanos (HC) en teoría de la mente y tareas de toma de decisiones, aplicamos a tres grupos de pacientes (PD, n = 4; PD-DBS, n = 5 y HC, n = 5) la tarea de Yoni para identificar las características afectivas y cognitivas en TM y la Tarea de Juego de Iowa (IGT) en la toma de decisiones. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos de EP en TM tanto en las características afectivas como en las cognitivas. En cuanto a la toma de decisiones, obtuvimos resultados consistentes con los hallazgos anteriores, con pacientes con EP que mostraron impedimentos en este proceso. Algunos resultados sugieren que la terapia de ECP afectó el desempeño de los pacientes con EP en la toma de decisiones cuando se comparó con el grupo de control sano. Nuestros hallazgos describen algunos cambios no motores debidos a la ECP que se observan a menudo en los pacientes con EP.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Doença de Parkinson , Tomada de Decisões , Teoria da Mente , Disfunção Cognitiva
Univ. psychol ; 13(3): 1147-1160, jul.-set. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-745688


En este artículo se realiza una revisión de los principales programas de rehabilitación de las funciones ejecutivas ampliamente reconocidos en la literatura, así como una recopilación de aquellos estudios que han replicado dichos programas en pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido. Estos estudios son seleccionados a través de PubMed al incluir palabras clave tales como: funciones ejecutivas, daño cerebral, evaluación neuropsicológica e intervención. Luego, se analizan a partir de una organización y división de los componentes que trabajan: solución de problemas y memoria de trabajo, autorregulación, motivación e iniciativa y habilidades metacognitivas. Por último se describen aquellos programas que integran más de dos dominios. De la revisión se concluye que existe una gran cantidad de propuestas para la rehabilitación de estas funciones, y queda claro que la rehabilitación de las funciones ejecutivas ofrece efectos positivos sobre el funcionamiento y calidad de vida de la persona, en especial enfocando la intervención a aquellas áreas personales, familiares y ambientales relevantes para su funcionamiento. Sin embargo, aún se carece de suficientes estudios que demuestren la efectividad y eficiencia de dichos programas, lo cual se explica por el uso de muestras pequeñas o de caso único que no permiten la generalización de resultados, las características heterogéneas de los participantes y la baja generalización a la vida cotidiana.

This paper analyses the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for executive functions in adults with brain damage. We consider an effective treatment when the program shows results with a statistically significant difference in the neuropsychological assessment after intervention (p < 0.05). Moreover, others criteria were considered such as improvement on daily life scales, the transfer of strategies on daily life conditions and the persistence of these for at least six months. The articles were searched through PubMed and must include keys words as: executive functions, brain damage, neuo-psychological assessment and rehabilitation. Then, they were organised according to which were the aim of the treatment: problem-solving and working memory, self-regulation, motivation and initiative and metacognitive skills. Additionally, there is a section where integrative programs were analysed. We concluded that there are many training programs for executive functions with positive results on patients' daily activities when the intervention is focused in metacognitive skills. However, there are still not enough studies that show an accurate effectiveness due to the conceptual complexity of the executive functions, the variability of patients' symptoms and the limited transfer of the knowledge trained to everyday life.

Reabilitação , Neuropsicologia