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Proc Meet Acoust ; 19: 075053, 2013 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24900165


Little is understood about the biomechanical changes leading to pelvic floor disorders such as stress urinary incontinence. In order to measure regional biomechanical properties of the pelvic floor muscles in vivo, a three dimensional (3D) strain tracking technique employing correlation of volumetric ultrasound images has been implemented. In this technique, local 3D displacements are determined as a function of applied stress and then converted to strain maps. To validate this approach, an in vitro model of the pubovisceral muscle, with a hemispherical indenter emulating the downward stress caused by intra-abdominal pressure, was constructed. Volumetric B-scan images were recorded as a function of indenter displacement while muscle strain was measured independently by a sonomicrometry system (Sonometrics). Local strains were computed by ultrasound image correlation and compared with sonomicrometry-measured strains to assess strain tracking accuracy. Image correlation by maximizing an exponential likelihood function was found more reliable than the Pearson correlation coefficient. Strain accuracy was dependent on sizes of the subvolumes used for image correlation, relative to characteristic speckle length scales of the images. Decorrelation of echo signals was mapped as a function of indenter displacement and local tissue orientation. Strain measurement accuracy was weakly related to local echo decorrelation.