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Nature ; 566(7742): 85-88, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30675066


The origin of the supermassive black holes that inhabit the centres of massive galaxies remains unclear1,2. Direct-collapse black holes-remnants of supermassive stars, with masses around 10,000 times that of the Sun-are ideal seed candidates3-6. However, their very existence and their formation environment in the early Universe are still under debate, and their supposed rarity makes modelling their formation difficult7,8. Models have shown that rapid collapse of pre-galactic gas (with a mass infall rate above some critical value) in metal-free haloes is a requirement for the formation of a protostellar core that will then form a supermassive star9,10. Here we report a radiation hydrodynamics simulation of early galaxy formation11,12 that produces metal-free haloes massive enough and with sufficiently high mass infall rates to form supermassive stars. We find that pre-galactic haloes and their associated gas clouds that are exposed to a Lyman-Werner intensity roughly three times the intensity of the background radiation and that undergo at least one period of rapid mass growth early in their evolution are ideal environments for the formation of supermassive stars. The rapid growth induces substantial dynamical heating13,14, amplifying the Lyman-Werner suppression that originates from a group of young galaxies 20 kiloparsecs away. Our results strongly indicate that the dynamics of structure formation, rather than a critical Lyman-Werner flux, is the main driver of the formation of massive black holes in the early Universe. We find that the seeds of massive black holes may be much more common than previously considered in overdense regions of the early Universe, with a co-moving number density up to 10-3 per cubic megaparsec.

Science ; 295(5552): 93-8, 2002 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11711636


We describe results from a fully self-consistent three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of the formation of one of the first stars in the Universe. In current models of structure formation, dark matter initially dominates, and pregalactic objects form because of gravitational instability from small initial density perturbations. As they assemble via hierarchical merging, primordial gas cools through ro-vibrational lines of hydrogen molecules and sinks to the center of the dark matter potential well. The high-redshift analog of a molecular cloud is formed. As the dense, central parts of the cold gas cloud become self-gravitating, a dense core of approximately 100 M (where M is the mass of the Sun) undergoes rapid contraction. At particle number densities greater than 10(9) per cubic centimeter, a 1 M protostellar core becomes fully molecular as a result of three-body H2 formation. Contrary to analytical expectations, this process does not lead to renewed fragmentation and only one star is formed. The calculation is stopped when optical depth effects become important, leaving the final mass of the fully formed star somewhat uncertain. At this stage the protostar is accreting material very rapidly (approximately 10(-2) M year-1). Radiative feedback from the star will not only halt its growth but also inhibit the formation of other stars in the same pregalactic object (at least until the first star ends its life, presumably as a supernova). We conclude that at most one massive (M 1 M) metal-free star forms per pregalactic halo, consistent with recent abundance measurements of metal-poor galactic halo stars.