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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(15): 150601, 2022 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35499886


Motivated by the famous ink-drop experiment, where ink droplets are used to determine the chaoticity of a fluid, we propose an experimentally implementable method for measuring the scrambling capacity of quantum processes. Here, a system of interest interacts with a small quantum probe whose dynamical properties identify the chaoticity of the system. Specifically, we propose a fully quantum version of the out-of-time-order correlator-which we term the out-of-time-order tensor-whose correlations offer clear information theoretic meanings about the chaoticity of a process. We illustrate the utility of the out-of-time-order tensor as a signature of chaos using random unitary processes as well as in the quantum kicked rotor, where the chaoticity is tunable.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(3)2021 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33673663


We summarize the original formulation of the free energy principle and highlight some technical issues. We discuss how these issues affect related results involving generalised coordinates and, where appropriate, mention consequences for and reveal, up to now unacknowledged, differences from newer formulations of the free energy principle. In particular, we reveal that various definitions of the "Markov blanket" proposed in different works are not equivalent. We show that crucial steps in the free energy argument, which involve rewriting the equations of motion of systems with Markov blankets, are not generally correct without additional (previously unstated) assumptions. We prove by counterexamples that the original free energy lemma, when taken at face value, is wrong. We show further that this free energy lemma, when it does hold, implies the equality of variational density and ergodic conditional density. The interpretation in terms of Bayesian inference hinges on this point, and we hence conclude that it is not sufficiently justified. Additionally, we highlight that the variational densities presented in newer formulations of the free energy principle and lemma are parametrised by different variables than in older works, leading to a substantially different interpretation of the theory. Note that we only highlight some specific problems in the discussed publications. These problems do not rule out conclusively that the general ideas behind the free energy principle are worth pursuing.

J Chem Phys ; 153(13): 134701, 2020 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33032411


We present a novel, counter-intuitive method, based on dark-state protection, for significantly improving exciton transport efficiency through "wires" comprising a chain of molecular sites with an intrinsic energy gradient. Specifically, by introducing "barriers" to the energy landscape at regular intervals along the transport path, we find that undesirable radiative recombination processes are suppressed due to a clear separation of sub-radiant and super-radiant eigenstates in the system. This, in turn, can lead to an improvement in transmitted power by many orders of magnitude, even for very long chains. From there, we analyze the robustness of this phenomenon to changes in both system and environment properties to show that this effect can be beneficial over a range of different thermal and optical environment regimes. Finally, we show that the novel energy landscape presented here may provide a useful foundation for overcoming the short length scales over which exciton diffusion typically occurs in organic photo-voltaics and other nanoscale transport scenarios, thus leading to considerable potential improvements in the efficiency of such devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(24): 240602, 2019 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922869


In the path integral formulation of the evolution of an open quantum system coupled to a Gaussian, noninteracting environment, the dynamical contribution of the latter is encoded in an object called the influence functional. Here, we relate the influence functional to the process tensor-a more general representation of a quantum stochastic process-describing the evolution. Then, we use this connection to motivate a tensor network algorithm for the simulation of multitime correlations in open systems, building on recent work where the influence functional is represented in terms of time evolving matrix product operators. By exploiting the symmetries of the influence functional, we are able to use our algorithm to achieve orders-of-magnitude improvement in the efficiency of the resulting numerical simulation. Our improved algorithm is then applied to compute exact phonon emission spectra for the spin-boson model with strong coupling, demonstrating a significant divergence from spectra derived under commonly used assumptions of memorylessness.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(14): 140401, 2019 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050460


We formally extend the notion of Markov order to open quantum processes by accounting for the instruments used to probe the system of interest at different times. Our description recovers the classical property in the appropriate limit: when the stochastic process is classical and the instruments are noninvasive, i.e., restricted to orthogonal, projective measurements. We then prove that there do not exist non-Markovian quantum processes that have finite Markov order with respect to all possible instruments; the same process exhibits distinct memory effects when probed by different instruments. This naturally leads to a relaxed definition of quantum Markov order with respect to specified instrument sequences. The memory effects captured by different choices of instruments vary dramatically, providing a rich landscape for future exploration.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(4): 040401, 2019 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491272


In the classical domain, it is well known that divisibility does not imply that a stochastic process is Markovian. However, for quantum processes, divisibility is often considered to be synonymous with Markovianity. We show that completely positive divisible quantum processes can still involve non-Markovian temporal correlations, that we then fully classify using the recently developed process tensor formalism, which generalizes the theory of stochastic processes to the quantum domain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(6): 060409, 2018 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481279


Conventional quantum speed limits perform poorly for mixed quantum states: They are generally not tight and often significantly underestimate the fastest possible evolution speed. To remedy this, for unitary driving, we derive two quantum speed limits that outperform the traditional bounds for almost all quantum states. Moreover, our bounds are significantly simpler to compute as well as experimentally more accessible. Our bounds have a clear geometric interpretation; they arise from the evaluation of the angle between generalized Bloch vectors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(4): 040405, 2018 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29437441


We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a quantum process to be Markovian which coincides with the classical one in the relevant limit. Our condition unifies all previously known definitions for quantum Markov processes by accounting for all potentially detectable memory effects. We then derive a family of measures of non-Markovianity with clear operational interpretations, such as the size of the memory required to simulate a process or the experimental falsifiability of a Markovian hypothesis.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(15): 150601, 2017 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28452497


Can collective quantum effects make a difference in a meaningful thermodynamic operation? Focusing on energy storage and batteries, we demonstrate that quantum mechanics can lead to an enhancement in the amount of work deposited per unit time, i.e., the charging power, when N batteries are charged collectively. We first derive analytic upper bounds for the collective quantum advantage in charging power for two choices of constraints on the charging Hamiltonian. We then demonstrate that even in the absence of quantum entanglement this advantage can be extensive. For our main result, we provide an upper bound to the achievable quantum advantage when the interaction order is restricted; i.e., at most k batteries are interacting. This constitutes a fundamental limit on the advantage offered by quantum technologies over their classical counterparts.

J Chem Phys ; 142(2): 025102, 2015 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25591386


Motivated by a proposed olfactory mechanism based on a vibrationally activated molecular switch, we study electron transport within a donor-acceptor pair that is coupled to a vibrational mode and embedded in a surrounding environment. We derive a polaron master equation with which we study the dynamics of both the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom beyond previously employed semiclassical (Marcus-Jortner) rate analyses. We show (i) that in the absence of explicit dissipation of the vibrational mode, the semiclassical approach is generally unable to capture the dynamics predicted by our master equation due to both its assumption of one-way (exponential) electron transfer from donor to acceptor and its neglect of the spectral details of the environment; (ii) that by additionally allowing strong dissipation to act on the odorant vibrational mode, we can recover exponential electron transfer, though typically at a rate that differs from that given by the Marcus-Jortner expression; (iii) that the ability of the molecular switch to discriminate between the presence and absence of the odorant, and its sensitivity to the odorant vibrational frequency, is enhanced significantly in this strong dissipation regime, when compared to the case without mode dissipation; and (iv) that details of the environment absent from previous Marcus-Jortner analyses can also dramatically alter the sensitivity of the molecular switch, in particular, allowing its frequency resolution to be improved. Our results thus demonstrate the constructive role dissipation can play in facilitating sensitive and selective operation in molecular switch devices, as well as the inadequacy of semiclassical rate equations in analysing such behaviour over a wide range of parameters.

Receptores Odorantes/química , Vibração , Transporte de Elétrons , Cinética , Receptores Odorantes/metabolismo
Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014127, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974537


The photoluminescence intermittency (blinking) of quantum dots is interesting because it is an easily measured quantum process whose transition statistics cannot be explained by Fermi's golden rule. Commonly, the transition statistics are power-law distributed, implying that quantum dots possess at least trivial memories. By investigating the temporal correlations in the blinking data, we demonstrate with high statistical confidence that there is nontrivial memory between the on and off brightness duration data of blinking quantum dots. We define nontrivial memory to be statistical complexity greater than one. We show that this memory cannot be discovered using the transition distribution. We show by simulation that this memory does not arise from standard data manipulations. Finally, we conclude that at least three physical mechanisms can explain the measured nontrivial memory: (1) storage of state information in the chemical structure of a quantum dot; (2) the existence of more than two intensity levels in a quantum dot; and (3) the overlap in the intensity distributions of the quantum dot states, which arises from fundamental photon statistics.

Phys Rev E ; 102(3-1): 032144, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33075897


We characterize the conditions under which a multitime quantum process with a finite temporal resolution can be approximately described by an equilibrium one. By providing a generalization of the notion of equilibration on average, where a system remains closed to a fixed equilibrium for most times, to one which can be operationally assessed at multiple times, we place an upper-bound on a new observable distinguishability measure comparing a multitime process with a finite temporal resolution against a fixed equilibrium one. While the same conditions on single-time equilibration, such as a large occupation of energy levels in the initial state remain necessary, we obtain genuine multitime contributions depending on the temporal resolution of the process and the amount of disturbance of the observer's operations on it.

Phys Rev E ; 97(5-1): 052111, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29906945


In a generalized framework for the Landauer erasure protocol, we study bounds on the heat dissipated in typical nonequilibrium quantum processes. In contrast to thermodynamic processes, quantum fluctuations are not suppressed in the nonequilibrium regime and cannot be ignored, making such processes difficult to understand and treat. Here we derive an emergent fluctuation relation that virtually guarantees the average heat produced to be dissipated into the reservoir either when the system or reservoir is large (or both) or when the temperature is high. The implication of our result is that for nonequilibrium processes, heat fluctuations away from its average value are suppressed independently of the underlying dynamics exponentially quickly in the dimension of the larger subsystem and linearly in the inverse temperature. We achieve these results by generalizing a concentration of measure relation for subsystem states to the case where the global state is mixed.