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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(7): e2201076120, 2023 02 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36749728


Sea turtles represent an ancient lineage of marine vertebrates that evolved from terrestrial ancestors over 100 Mya. The genomic basis of the unique physiological and ecological traits enabling these species to thrive in diverse marine habitats remains largely unknown. Additionally, many populations have drastically declined due to anthropogenic activities over the past two centuries, and their recovery is a high global conservation priority. We generated and analyzed high-quality reference genomes for the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and green (Chelonia mydas) turtles, representing the two extant sea turtle families. These genomes are highly syntenic and homologous, but localized regions of noncollinearity were associated with higher copy numbers of immune, zinc-finger, and olfactory receptor (OR) genes in green turtles, with ORs related to waterborne odorants greatly expanded in green turtles. Our findings suggest that divergent evolution of these key gene families may underlie immunological and sensory adaptations assisting navigation, occupancy of neritic versus pelagic environments, and diet specialization. Reduced collinearity was especially prevalent in microchromosomes, with greater gene content, heterozygosity, and genetic distances between species, supporting their critical role in vertebrate evolutionary adaptation. Finally, diversity and demographic histories starkly contrasted between species, indicating that leatherback turtles have had a low yet stable effective population size, exhibit extremely low diversity compared with other reptiles, and harbor a higher genetic load compared with green turtles, reinforcing concern over their persistence under future climate scenarios. These genomes provide invaluable resources for advancing our understanding of evolution and conservation best practices in an imperiled vertebrate lineage.

Tartarugas , Animais , Ecossistema , Dinâmica Populacional
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14167, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551773


When invasive and endangered native taxa hybridize, the resulting admixture introduces novel conservation challenges. Across a large region of central California, a hybrid swarm consisting of admixed endangered California tiger salamanders (CTS) (Ambystoma californiense) and introduced barred tiger salamanders (BTS) (Ambystoma mavortium) has replaced native populations, threatening the genetic integrity of CTS and the vernal pool systems they inhabit. We employed a large-scale, genomically informed field experiment to test whether shortening breeding pond hydroperiod would favor native CTS genotypes. We constructed 14 large, seminatural ponds to evaluate the effect of hydroperiod duration on larval survival and mass at metamorphosis. We tracked changes in non-native allele frequencies with a 5237-gene exon capture array and employed a combination of custom Bayesian and generalized linear models to quantify the effect of pond duration on salamander fitness. Earlier work on this system showed hybrid superiority under many conditions and suggested that hybrids are favored in human-modified ponds with artificially long hydroperiods. Consistent with these earlier studies, we found overwhelming evidence for hybrid superiority. Very short hydroperiods substantially reduced the mass (1.1-1.5 fold) and survival probability (10-13 fold) of both native and hybrid larvae, confirming that hydroperiod likely exerts a strong selective pressure in the wild. We identified 86 genes, representing 1.8% of 4723 screened loci, that significantly responded to this hydroperiod-driven selection. In contrast to earlier work, under our more natural experimental conditions, native CTS survival and size at metamorphosis were always less than hybrids, suggesting that hydroperiod management alone will not shift selection to favor native larval genotypes. However, shortening pond hydroperiod may limit productivity of hybrid ponds, complementing other strategies to remove hybrids while maintaining vernal pool ecosystems. This study confirms and expands on previous work that highlights the importance of hydroperiod management to control invasive aquatic species.

Manejo de híbridos invasores mediante la manipulación del hidroperiodo de los estanques en el sistema de una salamandra en peligro de extinción Resumen La hibridación entre un taxón nativo en peligro y uno invasor introduce nuevos retos para la conservación. Una plaga híbrida de salamandras tigre de California (STC) (Ambystoma californiense), especie en peligro, y salamandras tigre barradas (STB) (Ambystoma mavortium) introducidas ha reemplazado a las poblaciones nativas en una región amplia del centro de California, lo que amenaza la integridad genética de las STC y el sistema de estanques vernales que habitan. Realizamos un experimento de campo a gran escala y con información genética para probar si la reducción del hidroperiodo reproductivo del estanque favorecería al genotipo de las STC nativas. Construimos 14 estanques seminaturales grandes para analizar el efecto de la duración del hidroperiodo sobre la supervivencia y masa larval durante la metamorfosis. Monitoreamos los cambios en la frecuencia de alelos no nativos con una matriz de captura de exones de 5,237 genes y utilizamos una combinación de modelos lineales generalizados y bayesianos a medida para cuantificar los efectos de la duración del estanque sobre la adaptabilidad de las salamandras. Los primeros trabajos en este sistema mostraron la superioridad híbrida bajo varias condiciones y sugirieron que los híbridos están favorecidos en los estanques con modificaciones antropogénicas e hidroperiodos de larga duración artificial. En coherencia con estos primeros resultados, encontramos evidencia abrumadora de la superioridad híbrida. Los hidroperiodos muy cortos redujeron sustancialmente la masa (1.1­1.5 más veces) y la probabilidad de supervivencia (10­13 más veces) de las larvas nativas e híbridas, lo que confirma que el hidroperiodo probablemente ejerce una fuerte presión selectiva en vida silvestre. Identificamos 86 genes, que representan el 1.8% de los 4,723 loci examinados, que respondieron significativamente a la selección basada en el hidroperiodo. Con las condiciones más naturales de nuestro experimento, y en contraste a nuestros primeros trabajos, la supervivencia y el tamaño de las STC nativas durante la metamorfosis siempre fueron menores a las de los híbridos, lo que sugiere que el manejo del hidroperiodo por sí solo no cambiará la selección a favor de los genotipos larvales nativos. Sin embargo, la reducción del hidroperiodo del estanque puede limitar la productividad de los estanques híbridos y complementar otras estrategias para extirpar a los híbridos mientras que mantiene el ecosistema del estanque vernal. Este estudio confirma y amplía los trabajos anteriores que resaltan la importancia del manejo del hidroperiodo para controlar las especies acuáticas invasoras.

Lagoas , Urodelos , Animais , Humanos , Urodelos/genética , Ecossistema , Teorema de Bayes , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ambystoma/genética , Larva/genética
J Hered ; 115(5): 507-515, 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616677


The California Pipevine, Aristolochia californica Torr., is the only endemic California species within the cosmopolitan birthwort family Aristolochiaceae. It occurs as an understory vine in riparian and chaparral areas and in forest edges and windrows. The geographic range of this plant species almost entirely overlaps with that of its major specialized herbivore, the California Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly Battus philenor hirsuta. While this species pair is a useful, ecologically well-understood system to study co-evolution, until recently, genomic resources for both have been lacking. Here, we report a new, chromosome-level assembly of A. californica as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). Following the sequencing and assembly strategy of the CCGP, we used Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin proximity sequencing technology to produce a de novo assembled genome. Our genome assembly, the first for any species in the genus, contains 531 scaffolds spanning 661 megabase (Mb) pairs, with a contig N50 of 6.53 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 42.2 Mb, and BUSCO complete score of 98%. In combination with the recently published B. philenor hirsuta reference genome assembly, the A. californica reference genome assembly will be a powerful tool for studying co-evolution in a rapidly changing California landscape.

Aristolochia , California , Aristolochia/genética , Animais , Genômica/métodos , Anotação de Sequência Molecular
J Hered ; 2024 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248324


Polyergus kidnapper ants are widely distributed, but relatively uncommon, throughout the Holarctic, spanning an elevational range from sea level to over 3000 m. These species are well known for their obligate social parasitism with various Formica ant species, which they kidnap in dramatic, highly coordinated raids. Kidnapped Formica larvae and pupae become integrated into the Polyergus colony where they develop into adults and perform nearly all of the necessary colony tasks for the benefit of their captors. In California, Polyergus mexicanus is the most widely distributed Polyergus, but recent evidence has identified substantial genetic polymorphism within this species, including genetically divergent lineages associated with the use of different Formica host species. Given its unique behavior and genetic diversity, Polyergus mexicanus plays a critical role in maintaining ecosystem balance by influencing the population dynamics and genetic diversity of its host ant species, Formica, highlighting its conservation value and importance in the context of biodiversity preservation. Here, we present a high-quality genome assembly of P. mexicanus from a sample collected in Plumas County, CA, USA, in the foothills of the central Sierra Nevada. This genome assembly consists of 364 scaffolds spanning 252.31 Mb, with contig N50 of 481,250 kb, scaffold N50 of 10.36 Mb, and BUSCO completeness of 95.4%. We also assembled the genome of the Wolbachia endosymbiont of P. mexicanus - a single, circular contig spanning 1.23 Mb. These genome sequences provide essential resources for future studies of conservation genetics, population genetics, speciation, and behavioral ecology in this charismatic social insect.

J Hered ; 115(1): 139-148, 2024 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37712349


The Yuma myotis bat (Myotis yumanensis) is a small vespertilionid bat and one of 52 species of new world Myotis bats in the subgenus Pizonyx. While M. yumanensis populations currently appear relatively stable, it is one of 12 bat species known or suspected to be susceptible to white-nose syndrome, the fungal disease causing declines in bat populations across North America. Only two of these 12 species have genome resources available, which limits the ability of resource managers to use genomic techniques to track the responses of bat populations to white-nose syndrome generally. Here we present the first de novo genome assembly for Yuma myotis, generated as a part of the California Conservation Genomics Project. The M. yumanensis genome was generated using a combination of PacBio HiFi long reads and Omni-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology. This high-quality genome is one of the most complete bat assemblies available, with a contig N50 of 28.03 Mb, scaffold N50 of 99.14 Mb, and BUSCO completeness score of 93.7%. The Yuma myotis genome provides a high-quality resource that will aid in comparative genomic and evolutionary studies, as well as inform conservation management related to white-nose syndrome.

Quirópteros , Animais , Quirópteros/genética , América do Norte , Genoma , Genômica , Evolução Biológica
J Hered ; 115(1): 120-129, 2024 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37751380


Carpenter ants in the genus Camponotus are large, conspicuous ants that are abundant and ecologically influential in many terrestrial ecosystems. The bicolored carpenter ant, Camponotus vicinus Mayr, is distributed across a wide range of elevations and latitudes in western North America, where it is a prominent scavenger and predator. Here, we present a high-quality genome assembly of C. vicinus from a sample collected in Sonoma County, California, near the type locality of the species. This genome assembly consists of 38 scaffolds spanning 302.74 Mb, with contig N50 of 15.9 Mb, scaffold N50 of 19.9 Mb, and BUSCO completeness of 99.2%. This genome sequence will be a valuable resource for exploring the evolutionary ecology of C. vicinus and carpenter ants generally. It also provides an important tool for clarifying cryptic diversity within the C. vicinus species complex, a genetically diverse set of populations, some of which are quite localized and of conservation interest.

Formigas , Ecossistema , Animais , Simbiose , Formigas/genética , Filogenia
J Hered ; 2024 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39275847


We describe a highly contiguous and complete diploid genome assembly for the Chryxus Arctic, Oeneis chryxus (E. Doubleday, [1849]), a butterfly species complex spanning much of northern and western North America. One subspecies, the Ivallda Arctic (O. c. ivallda), is endemic to California's Sierra Nevada and of particular biogeographic interest and conservation concern. Extreme alpine habitats occupied by this subspecies include the summit of Mt. Whitney, California, representing the highest elevation butterfly population in North America. The assembly presented here consists of two haplotypes, 738.92 and 770.85 Mb in length, with contig N50 values of 10.49 and 10.13 Mb, scaffold N50 values of 25.35 and 25.69 Mb, scaffold L50 values of 13 and 14, and BUSCO completeness scores of 96.5 and 98.3%, respectively. More than 97% of the assembly is organized into 29 scaffolds, which likely represent whole chromosomes. This assembly is the first major genomic resource for Oeneis, providing a foundational reference for future genomic studies on the taxonomy, evolutionary history, and conservation of the genus. As part of the California Conservation Genomics Project, we will use this assembly in conjunction with short-read resequencing to resolve patterns of evolutionary differentiation, adaptive genomic variation, and gene flow among remaining O. c. ivallda populations. These data can and will be used to inform the subspecies' conservation as warming climatic conditions continue to lead to the loss and fragmentation of alpine habitats. We also provide genome assemblies for the O. chryxus mitochondrion and a Wolbachia endosymbiont.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(7)2021 02 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33558231


Living turtles are characterized by extraordinarily low species diversity given their age. The clade's extensive fossil record indicates that climate and biogeography may have played important roles in determining their diversity. We investigated this hypothesis by collecting a molecular dataset for 591 individual turtles that, together, represent 80% of all turtle species, including representatives of all families and 98% of genera, and used it to jointly estimate phylogeny and divergence times. We found that the turtle tree is characterized by relatively constant diversification (speciation minus extinction) punctuated by a single threefold increase. We also found that this shift is temporally and geographically associated with newly emerged continental margins that appeared during the Eocene-Oligocene transition about 30 million years before present. In apparent contrast, the fossil record from this time period contains evidence for a major, but regional, extinction event. These seemingly discordant findings appear to be driven by a common global process: global cooling and drying at the time of the Eocene-Oligocene transition. This climatic shift led to aridification that drove extinctions in important fossil-bearing areas, while simultaneously exposing new continental margin habitat that subsequently allowed for a burst of speciation associated with these newly exploitable ecological opportunities.

Clima , Ecossistema , Especiação Genética , Filogenia , Tartarugas/genética , Animais , Evolução Molecular , Tartarugas/classificação
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(17)2021 04 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33888580


The North American tiger salamander species complex, including its best-known species, the Mexican axolotl, has long been a source of biological fascination. The complex exhibits a wide range of variation in developmental life history strategies, including populations and individuals that undergo metamorphosis; those able to forego metamorphosis and retain a larval, aquatic lifestyle (i.e., paedomorphosis); and those that do both. The evolution of a paedomorphic life history state is thought to lead to increased population genetic differentiation and ultimately reproductive isolation and speciation, but the degree to which it has shaped population- and species-level divergence is poorly understood. Using a large multilocus dataset from hundreds of samples across North America, we identified genetic clusters across the geographic range of the tiger salamander complex. These clusters often contain a mixture of paedomorphic and metamorphic taxa, indicating that geographic isolation has played a larger role in lineage divergence than paedomorphosis in this system. This conclusion is bolstered by geography-informed analyses indicating no effect of life history strategy on population genetic differentiation and by model-based population genetic analyses demonstrating gene flow between adjacent metamorphic and paedomorphic populations. This fine-scale genetic perspective on life history variation establishes a framework for understanding how plasticity, local adaptation, and gene flow contribute to lineage divergence. Many members of the tiger salamander complex are endangered, and the Mexican axolotl is an important model system in regenerative and biomedical research. Our results chart a course for more informed use of these taxa in experimental, ecological, and conservation research.

Ambystoma/genética , Ambystoma/metabolismo , Ambystoma mexicanum/genética , Animais , Bases de Dados Genéticas , Fluxo Gênico , Genética Populacional/métodos , Geografia , Larva/genética , Metamorfose Biológica/genética , América do Norte , Filogenia
Mol Ecol ; 32(16): 4531-4545, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37340598


Wide-ranging species are seldom considered conservation priorities, yet they have the potential to harbour genetically deeply differentiated units across environments or ecological barriers, including some that warrant taxonomic recognition. Documenting such cryptic genetic diversity is especially important for wide-ranging species that are in decline, as they may comprise a set of even more endangered lineages or species with small distributions. However, studies of wide-ranging species, particularly when they cross political borders, are extremely challenging. One approach to overcoming these challenges is to conduct detailed local analyses in combination with less detailed, range-wide studies. We used this approach with the red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius), a threatened species likely to contain cryptic diversity given its vast range and the distinctive ecoregions that it inhabits. Previous single-gene molecular studies indicated the presence of at least five lineages, two of which occur in different ecoregions separated by the Andes within Colombia. We used a comprehensive genomic analysis to test the hypothesis of cryptic diversity within the single jurisdiction of Colombia. We used a combination of restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing and environmental niche modelling to provide three independent lines of evidence that support the presence of important cryptic diversity that may deserve taxonomic recognition: allopatric reproductive isolation, local adaptation and ecological divergence. We also provide a fine-scale genetic map with the distribution of conservation units in Colombia. As we complete ongoing range-wide analyses and make taxonomic adjustments, we recommend that the two lineages in Colombia be treated as separate units for conservation purposes.

Las especies con distribuciones amplias rara vez son consideradas prioridades de conservación, sin embargo, tienen el potencial de albergar unidades genéticamente diferenciadas que en algunos casos justifican reconocimiento taxonómico. Documentar dicha diversidad genética críptica es especialmente importante para las especies de rangos amplios que ya están en peligro de extinción, pues pueden comprender un conjunto de linajes o especies aún más amenazadas y con distribuciones más pequeñas. Sin embargo, los estudios de especies de rangos amplios, particularmente cuando cruzan fronteras políticas, son extremadamente desafiantes. Un enfoque para superar estos desafíos es realizar análisis locales detallados en combinación con estudios en todo el rango de distribución menos detallados. Nosotros usamos este enfoque con la tortuga de patas rojas (Chelonoidis carbonarius), una especie amenazada que probablemente contiene diversidad genética críptica dada su amplia distribución y las distintas ecorregiones en las que habita. Estudios moleculares previos de un solo gen indicaron la presencia de al menos cinco linajes, dos de los cuales ocurren en diferentes ecorregiones separadas por los Andes en Colombia. En este estudio utilizamos una combinación de secuenciación de ADN asociada a sitios de restricción (RADseq) y modelamiento de nicho ecológico para proporcionar tres líneas independientes de evidencia que respaldan la presencia de diversidad críptica importante que puede merecer reconocimiento taxonómico: aislamiento reproductivo alopátrico, adaptación local y divergencia ecológica. También proporcionamos un mapa genético a escala fina con la distribución de unidades de conservación en Colombia. Mientras completamos análisis genómicos en todo el rango de distribución y hacemos ajustes taxonómicos, recomendamos que los dos linajes en Colombia se traten como unidades independientes para fines de conservación.

Tartarugas , Animais , Filogenia , Tartarugas/genética , Variação Genética , Colômbia , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Ecol Appl ; 33(2): e2783, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36478484


Integral projection models (IPMs) can estimate the population dynamics of species for which both discrete life stages and continuous variables influence demographic rates. Stochastic IPMs for imperiled species, in turn, can facilitate population viability analyses (PVAs) to guide conservation decision-making. Biphasic amphibians are globally distributed, often highly imperiled, and ecologically well suited to the IPM approach. Herein, we present a stochastic size- and stage-structured IPM for a biphasic amphibian, the U.S. federally threatened California tiger salamander (CTS) (Ambystoma californiense). This Bayesian model reveals that CTS population dynamics show greatest elasticity to changes in juvenile and metamorph growth and that populations are likely to experience rapid growth at low density. We integrated this IPM with climatic drivers of CTS demography to develop a PVA and examined CTS extinction risk under the primary threats of habitat loss and climate change. The PVA indicated that long-term viability is possible with surprisingly high (20%-50%) terrestrial mortality but simultaneously identified likely minimum terrestrial buffer requirements of 600-1000 m while accounting for numerous parameter uncertainties through the Bayesian framework. These analyses underscore the value of stochastic and Bayesian IPMs for understanding both climate-dependent taxa and those with cryptic life histories (e.g., biphasic amphibians) in service of ecological discovery and biodiversity conservation. In addition to providing guidance for CTS recovery, the contributed IPM and PVA supply a framework for applying these tools to investigations of ecologically similar species.

Anfíbios , Ecossistema , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Dinâmica Populacional , Biodiversidade
J Hered ; 114(6): 690-697, 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37688363


Snakes in the family Colubridae include more than 2,000 currently recognized species, and comprise roughly 75% of the global snake species diversity on Earth. For such a spectacular radiation, colubrid snakes remain poorly understood ecologically and genetically. Two subfamilies, Colubrinae (788 species) and Dipsadinae (833 species), comprise the bulk of colubrid species richness. Dipsadines are a speciose and diverse group of snakes that largely inhabit Central and South America, with a handful of small-body-size genera that have invaded North America. Among them, the ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus, has an incredibly broad distribution with 14 subspecies. Given its continental distribution and high degree of variation in coloration, diet, feeding ecology, and behavior, the ring-necked snake is an excellent species for the study of genetic diversity and trait evolution. Within California, six subspecies form a continuously distributed "ring species" around the Central Valley, while a seventh, the regal ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus regalis is a disjunct outlier and Species of Special Concern in the state. Here, we report a new reference genome assembly for the San Diego ring-necked snake, D. p. similis, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project. This assembly comprises a total of 444 scaffolds spanning 1,783 Mb and has a contig N50 of 8.0 Mb, scaffold N50 of 83 Mb, and BUSCO completeness score of 94.5%. This reference genome will be a valuable resource for studies of the taxonomy, conservation, and evolution of the ring-necked snake across its broad, continental distribution.

Colubridae , Animais , Colubridae/genética , Genômica , Genoma , América do Norte , Filogenia
J Hered ; 114(4): 428-435, 2023 06 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37105531


The Virginia rail, Rallus limicola, is a member of the family Rallidae, which also includes many other species of secretive and poorly studied wetland birds. It is recognized as a single species throughout its broad distribution in North America where it is exploited as a game bird, often with generous harvest limits, despite a lack of systematic population surveys and evidence of declines in many areas due to wetland loss and degradation. To help advance understanding of the phylogeography, biology, and ecology of this elusive species, we report the first reference genome assembly for the Virginia rail, produced as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). We produced a de novo genome assembly using Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology with an estimated sequencing error rate of 0.191%. The assembly consists of 1,102 scaffolds spanning 1.39 Gb, with a contig N50 of 11.0 Mb, scaffold N50 of 25.3 Mb, largest contig of 45 Mb, and largest scaffold of 128.4 Mb. It has a high BUSCO completeness score of 96.9% and represents the first genome assembly available for the genus Rallus. This genome assembly will help resolve questions about the complex evolutionary history of rails and evaluate the potential of rails for adaptive evolution in the face of growing threats from climate change and habitat loss and fragmentation. It will also provide a valuable resource for rail conservation efforts by quantifying Virginia rail vagility, population connectivity, and effective population sizes.

Genoma , Genômica , Animais , Virginia , Cromossomos , Aves/genética
J Hered ; 114(4): 436-443, 2023 06 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37119047


The black rail, Laterallus jamaicensis, is one of the most secretive and poorly understood birds in the Americas. Two of its five subspecies breed in North America: the Eastern black rail (L. j. jamaicensis), found primarily in the southern and mid-Atlantic states, and the California black rail (L. j. coturniculus), inhabiting California and Arizona, are recognized across the highly disjunct distribution. Population declines, due primarily to wetland loss and degradation, have resulted in conservation status listings for both subspecies. To help advance understanding of the phylogeography, biology, and ecology of this elusive species, we report the first reference genome assembly for the black rail, produced as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). We produced a de novo genome assembly using Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology with an estimated sequencing error rate of 0.182%. The assembly consists of 964 scaffolds spanning 1.39 Gb, with a contig N50 of 7.4 Mb, scaffold N50 of 21.4 Mb, largest contig of 44.8 Mb, and largest scaffold of 101.2 Mb. The assembly has a high BUSCO completeness score of 96.8% and represents the first genome assembly available for the genus Laterallus. This genome assembly can help resolve questions about the complex evolutionary history of rails, assess black rail vagility and population connectivity, estimate effective population sizes, and evaluate the potential of rails for adaptive evolution in the face of growing threats from climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation, and disease.

Aves , Genoma , Animais , Aves/genética , Ecossistema , Genômica , Ecologia , Cromossomos
J Hered ; 114(6): 681-689, 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37493092


Rattlesnakes play important roles in their ecosystems by regulating prey populations, are involved in complex coevolutionary dynamics with their prey, and exhibit a variety of unusual adaptations, including maternal care, heat-sensing pit organs, hinged fangs, and medically-significant venoms. The western rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) is one of the widest ranging rattlesnake species, with a distribution from British Columbia, where it is listed as threatened, to Baja California and east across the Great Basin to western Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Here, we report a new reference genome assembly for one of six currently recognized subspecies, C. oreganus helleri, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). Consistent with the reference genomic sequencing strategy of the CCGP, we used Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology to produce a de novo assembled genome. The assembly comprises a total of 698 scaffolds spanning 1,564,812,557 base pairs, has a contig N50 of 64.7 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 110.8 Mb, and BUSCO complete score of 90.5%. This reference genome will be valuable for studies on the genomic basis of venom evolution and variation within Crotalus, in resolving the taxonomy of C. oreganus and its relatives, and for the conservation and management of rattlesnakes in general.

Crotalus , Ecossistema , Serpentes Peçonhentas , Animais , México , Crotalus/genética
J Hered ; 114(1): 52-59, 2023 03 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36321765


Pricklebacks (Family Stichaeidae) are generally cold-temperate fishes most commonly found in the north Pacific. As part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), we sequenced the genome of the Monkeyface Prickleback, Cebidichthys violaceus, to establish a genomic model for understanding phylogeographic patterns of marine organisms in California. These patterns, in turn, may inform the design of marine protected areas using dispersal models based on forthcoming population genomic data. The genome of C. violaceus is typical of many marine fishes at less than 1 Gb (genome size = 575.6 Mb), and our assembly is near-chromosome level (contig N50 = 1 Mb, scaffold N50 = 16.4 Mb, BUSCO completeness = 93.2%). Within the context of the CCGP, the genome will be used as a reference for future whole genome resequencing projects, enhancing our knowledge of the population structure of the species and more generally, the efficacy of marine protected areas as a primary conservation tool across California's marine ecosystems.

Ecossistema , Perciformes , Animais , Genoma , Perciformes/genética , Peixes/genética , Genômica , Cromossomos
J Hered ; 114(1): 60-67, 2023 03 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36107748


Sculpins (Family Cottidae) are generally cold-temperate intertidal reef fishes most commonly found in the North Pacific. As part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), we sequenced the genome of the Woolly Sculpin, Clinocottus analis, to establish a genomic model for understanding phylogeographic structure of inshore marine taxa along the California coast. These patterns, in turn, should further inform the design of marine protected areas using dispersal models based on genomic data. The small genome of C. analis is typical of marine fishes at less than 1 Gb (genome size = 538 Mb), and our assembly is near-chromosome level (contig N50 = 9.1 Mb, scaffold N50 = 21 Mb, BUSCO completeness = 97.9%). Within the context of the CCGP, the Woolly Sculpin genome will be used as a reference for future whole-genome resequencing projects aimed at enhancing our knowledge of the population structure of the species, and efficacy of marine protected areas across the state.

Perciformes , Animais , Perciformes/genética , Genômica , Peixes/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Tamanho do Genoma , Cromossomos
J Hered ; 114(4): 385-394, 2023 06 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37195415


Damselflies and dragonflies (Order: Odonata) play important roles in both aquatic and terrestrial food webs and can serve as sentinels of ecosystem health and predictors of population trends in other taxa. The habitat requirements and limited dispersal of lotic damselflies make them especially sensitive to habitat loss and fragmentation. As such, landscape genomic studies of these taxa can help focus conservation efforts on watersheds with high levels of genetic diversity, local adaptation, and even cryptic endemism. Here, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), we report the first reference genome for the American rubyspot damselfly, Hetaerina americana, a species associated with springs, streams and rivers throughout California. Following the CCGP assembly pipeline, we produced two de novo genome assemblies. The primary assembly includes 1,630,044,487 base pairs, with a contig N50 of 5.4 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 86.2 Mb, and a BUSCO completeness score of 97.6%. This is the seventh Odonata genome to be made publicly available and the first for the subfamily Hetaerininae. This reference genome fills an important phylogenetic gap in our understanding of Odonata genome evolution, and provides a genomic resource for a host of interesting ecological, evolutionary, and conservation questions for which the rubyspot damselfly genus Hetaerina is an important model system.

Odonatos , Animais , Odonatos/genética , Ecossistema , Filogenia , Genômica , Aclimatação
J Hered ; 114(4): 410-417, 2023 06 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37195437


Genome assemblies are increasingly being used to identify adaptive genetic variation that can help prioritize the population management of protected species. This approach may be particularly relevant to species like Blainville's horned lizard, Phrynosoma blainvillii, due to its specialized diet on noxious harvester ants, numerous adaptative traits for avoiding predation (e.g. cranial horns, dorsoventrally compressed body, cryptic coloration, and blood squirting from the orbital sinuses), and status as Species of Special Concern in California. Rangewide decline since the early 20th century, the basis of its conservation status, has been driven mainly by habitat conversion, over-collecting, and invasion of a non-native ant that displaces its native ant prey base. Here, we report on a scaffold-level genome assembly for P. blainvillii as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), produced using Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology. The de novo assembly has 78 scaffolds, a total length of ~2.21 Gb, a scaffold N50 length of ~352 Mb, and BUSCO score of 97.4%. This is the second species of Phrynosoma for which a reference genome has been assembled and represents a considerable improvement in terms of contiguity and completeness. Combined with the landscape genomics data being compiled by the CCGP, this assembly will help strategize efforts to maintain and/or restore local genetic diversity, where interventions like genetic rescue, translocation, and strategic land preservation may be the only means by which P. blainvillii and other low-vagility species can survive in the fragmented habitats of California.

Lagartos , Animais , Lagartos/genética , Genoma , Genômica , Cromossomos , América do Norte
J Hered ; 114(5): 521-528, 2023 08 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37335574


Spiny lizards (genus Sceloporus) have long served as important systems for studies of behavior, thermal physiology, dietary ecology, vector biology, speciation, and biogeography. The western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, is found across most of the major biogeographical regions in the western United States and northern Baja California, Mexico, inhabiting a wide range of habitats, from grassland to chaparral to open woodlands. As small ectotherms, Sceloporus lizards are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and S. occidentalis has also become an important system for studying the impacts of land use change and urbanization on small vertebrates. Here, we report a new reference genome assembly for S. occidentalis, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). Consistent with the reference genomics strategy of the CCGP, we used Pacific Biosciences HiFi long reads and Hi-C chromatin-proximity sequencing technology to produce a de novo assembled genome. The assembly comprises a total of 608 scaffolds spanning 2,856 Mb, has a contig N50 of 18.9 Mb, a scaffold N50 of 98.4 Mb, and BUSCO completeness score of 98.1% based on the tetrapod gene set. This reference genome will be valuable for understanding ecological and evolutionary dynamics in S. occidentalis, the species status of the California endemic island fence lizard (S. becki), and the spectacular radiation of Sceloporus lizards.

Genoma , Lagartos , Animais , México , Ecossistema , Genômica , Lagartos/genética